Exemple #1
// References : Cohen H., A course in computational algebraic number theory
// (1996), page 21.
bool crt(const Ptr<RCP<const Integer>> &R,
         const std::vector<RCP<const Integer>> &rem,
         const std::vector<RCP<const Integer>> &mod)
    if (mod.size() > rem.size())
        throw SymEngineException("Too few remainders");
    if (mod.size() == 0)
        throw SymEngineException("Moduli vector cannot be empty");

    integer_class m, r, g, s, t;
    m = mod[0]->as_integer_class();
    r = rem[0]->as_integer_class();

    for (unsigned i = 1; i < mod.size(); ++i) {
        mp_gcdext(g, s, t, m, mod[i]->as_integer_class());
        // g = s * m + t * mod[i]
        t = rem[i]->as_integer_class() - r;
        if (not mp_divisible_p(t, g))
            return false;
        r += m * s * (t / g); // r += m * (m**-1 mod[i]/g)* (rem[i] - r) / g
        m *= mod[i]->as_integer_class() / g;
        mp_fdiv_r(r, r, m);
    *R = integer(std::move(r));
    return true;
Exemple #2
void prime_factors(std::vector<RCP<const Integer>> &prime_list,
                   const Integer &n)
    integer_class sqrtN;
    integer_class _n = n.as_integer_class();
    if (_n == 0)
    if (_n < 0)
        _n *= -1;

    sqrtN = mp_sqrt(_n);
    auto limit = mp_get_ui(sqrtN);
    if (not mp_fits_ulong_p(sqrtN)
        or limit > std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max())
        throw SymEngineException("N too large to factor");
    Sieve::iterator pi(limit);
    unsigned p;

    while ((p = pi.next_prime()) <= limit) {
        while (_n % p == 0) {
            _n = _n / p;
        if (_n == 1)
    if (not(_n == 1))
Exemple #3
void prime_factor_multiplicities(map_integer_uint &primes_mul, const Integer &n)
    integer_class sqrtN;
    integer_class _n = n.as_integer_class();
    unsigned count;
    if (_n == 0)
    if (_n < 0)
        _n *= -1;

    sqrtN = mp_sqrt(_n);
    auto limit = mp_get_ui(sqrtN);
    if (not mp_fits_ulong_p(sqrtN)
        or limit > std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max())
        throw SymEngineException("N too large to factor");
    Sieve::iterator pi(limit);

    unsigned p;
    while ((p = pi.next_prime()) <= limit) {
        count = 0;
        while (_n % p == 0) { // when a prime factor is found, we divide
            ++count;          // _n by that prime as much as we can
            _n = _n / p;
        if (count > 0) {
            insert(primes_mul, integer(p), count);
            if (_n == 1)
    if (not(_n == 1))
        insert(primes_mul, integer(std::move(_n)), 1);
void jacobian(const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &x, DenseMatrix &result)
    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(A.col_ == 1);
    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(x.col_ == 1);
    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(A.row_ == result.nrows() and x.row_ == result.ncols());
    bool error = false;
#pragma omp parallel for
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < result.row_; i++) {
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < result.col_; j++) {
            if (is_a<Symbol>(*(x.m_[j]))) {
                const RCP<const Symbol> x_
                    = rcp_static_cast<const Symbol>(x.m_[j]);
                result.m_[i * result.col_ + j] = A.m_[i]->diff(x_);
            } else {
                error = true;
    if (error) {
        throw SymEngineException(
            "'x' must contain Symbols only. "
            "Use sjacobian for SymPy style differentiation");
Exemple #5
signed long int Integer::as_int() const
    // mp_get_si() returns "signed long int", so that's what we return from
    // "as_int()" and we leave it to the user to do any possible further integer
    // conversions.
    if (not(mp_fits_slong_p(this->i))) {
        throw SymEngineException("as_int: Integer larger than int");
    return mp_get_si(this->i);
Exemple #6
// Slower, but returns exact (possibly large) integers (as mpz)
void multinomial_coefficients_mpz(int m, int n, map_vec_mpz &r)
    vec_int t;
    int j, tj, start, k;
    integer_class v;
    if (m < 2)
        throw SymEngineException("multinomial_coefficients: m >= 2 must hold.");
    if (n < 0)
        throw SymEngineException("multinomial_coefficients: n >= 0 must hold.");
    t.assign(m, 0);
    t[0] = n;
    r[t] = 1;
    if (n == 0)
    j = 0;
    while (j < m - 1) {
        tj = t[j];
        if (j) {
            t[j] = 0;
            t[0] = tj;
        if (tj > 1) {
            t[j + 1] += 1;
            j = 0;
            start = 1;
            v = 0;
        } else {
            j += 1;
            start = j + 1;
            v = r[t];
            t[j] += 1;
        for (k = start; k < m; k++) {
            if (t[k]) {
                t[k] -= 1;
                v += r[t];
                t[k] += 1;
        t[0] -= 1;
        r[t] = (v * tj) / (n - t[0]);
Exemple #7
// Scale the rows of a CSR matrix *in place*
// A[i, :] *= X[i]
void csr_scale_rows(CSRMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &X)
    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(A.row_ == X.nrows() and X.ncols() == 1);

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < A.row_; i++) {
        if (eq(*(X.get(i, 0)), *zero))
            throw SymEngineException("Scaling factor can't be zero");
        for (unsigned jj = A.p_[i]; jj < A.p_[i + 1]; jj++)
            A.x_[jj] = mul(A.x_[jj], X.get(i, 0));
Exemple #8
int i_nth_root(const Ptr<RCP<const Integer>> &r, const Integer &a,
               unsigned long int n)
    if (n == 0)
        throw SymEngineException("i_nth_root: Can not find Zeroth root");

    int ret_val;
    integer_class t;

    ret_val = mp_root(t, a.as_integer_class(), n);
    *r = integer(std::move(t));

    return ret_val;
Exemple #9
// Factorization
int factor(const Ptr<RCP<const Integer>> &f, const Integer &n, double B1)
    int ret_val = 0;
    integer_class _n, _f;

    _n = n.as_integer_class();

    if (mp_perfect_power_p(_n)) {

        unsigned long int i = 1;
        integer_class m, rem;
        rem = 1; // Any non zero number
        m = 2;   // set `m` to 2**i, i = 1 at the begining

        // calculate log2n, this can be improved
        for (; m < _n; ++i)
            m = m * 2;

        // eventually `rem` = 0 zero as `n` is a perfect power. `f_t` will
        // be set to a factor of `n` when that happens
        while (i > 1 and rem != 0) {
            mp_rootrem(_f, rem, _n, i);

        ret_val = 1;
    } else {

        if (mp_probab_prime_p(_n, 25) > 0) { // most probably, n is a prime
            ret_val = 0;
            _f = _n;
        } else {

            for (int i = 0; i < 10 and not ret_val; ++i)
                ret_val = ecm_factor(get_mpz_t(_f), get_mpz_t(_n), B1, nullptr);
            if (not ret_val)
                throw SymEngineException(
                    "ECM failed to factor the given number");
    // B1 is discarded if gmp-ecm is not installed
    ret_val = _factor_trial_division_sieve(_f, _n);
    *f = integer(std::move(_f));

    return ret_val;
Exemple #10
// Scale the columns of a CSR matrix *in place*
// A[:, i] *= X[i]
void csr_scale_columns(CSRMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &X)
    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(A.col_ == X.nrows() and X.ncols() == 1);

    const unsigned nnz = A.p_[A.row_];
    unsigned i;

    for (i = 0; i < A.col_; i++) {
        if (eq(*(X.get(i, 0)), *zero))
            throw SymEngineException("Scaling factor can't be zero");

    for (i = 0; i < nnz; i++)
        A.x_[i] = mul(A.x_[i], X.get(A.j_[i], 0));
void LDL_solve(const DenseMatrix &A, const DenseMatrix &b, DenseMatrix &x)
    DenseMatrix L = DenseMatrix(A.nrows(), A.ncols());
    DenseMatrix D = DenseMatrix(A.nrows(), A.ncols());
    DenseMatrix x_ = DenseMatrix(b.nrows(), b.ncols());

    if (not is_symmetric_dense(A))
        throw SymEngineException("Matrix must be symmetric");

    LDL(A, L, D);
    forward_substitution(L, b, x);
    diagonal_solve(D, x, x_);
    transpose_dense(L, D);
    back_substitution(D, x_, x);
Exemple #12
RCP<const Number> Integer::pow_negint(const Integer &other) const
    RCP<const Number> tmp = powint(*other.neg());
    if (is_a<Integer>(*tmp)) {
        const integer_class &j = down_cast<const Integer &>(*tmp).i;
        // boost::multiprecision::cpp_rational lacks an (int, cpp_int)
        // constructor. must use cpp_rational(cpp_int,cpp_int)
        rational_class q(integer_class(mp_sign(j)), mp_abs(j));
        rational_class q(mp_sign(j), mp_abs(j));
        return Rational::from_mpq(std::move(q));
    } else {
        throw SymEngineException("powint returned non-integer");
// SymPy LUDecomposition_Simple algorithm, in
// sympy.matrices.matrices.Matrix.LUdecomposition_Simple with pivoting.
// P must be an initialized matrix and will be permuted.
void pivoted_LU(const DenseMatrix &A, DenseMatrix &LU, permutelist &pl)
    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(A.row_ == A.col_ and LU.row_ == LU.col_);
    SYMENGINE_ASSERT(A.row_ == LU.row_);

    unsigned n = A.row_;
    unsigned i, j, k;
    RCP<const Basic> scale;
    int pivot;

    LU.m_ = A.m_;

    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
            for (k = 0; k < i; k++)
                LU.m_[i * n + j] = sub(LU.m_[i * n + j],
                                       mul(LU.m_[i * n + k], LU.m_[k * n + j]));
        pivot = -1;
        for (i = j; i < n; i++) {
            for (k = 0; k < j; k++) {
                LU.m_[i * n + j] = sub(LU.m_[i * n + j],
                                       mul(LU.m_[i * n + k], LU.m_[k * n + j]));
            if (pivot == -1 and neq(*LU.m_[i * n + j], *zero))
                pivot = i;
        if (pivot == -1)
            throw SymEngineException("Matrix is rank deficient");
        if (pivot - j != 0) { // row must be swapped
            row_exchange_dense(LU, pivot, j);
            pl.push_back({pivot, j});
        scale = div(one, LU.m_[j * n + j]);

        for (i = j + 1; i < n; i++)
            LU.m_[i * n + j] = mul(LU.m_[i * n + j], scale);
Exemple #14
bool divides_upoly(const UIntPoly &a, const UIntPoly &b,
                   const Ptr<RCP<const UIntPoly>> &out)
    if (!(a.get_var()->__eq__(*b.get_var())))
        throw SymEngineException("Error: variables must agree.");

    auto a_poly = a.get_poly();
    auto b_poly = b.get_poly();
    if (a_poly.size() == 0)
        return false;

    map_uint_mpz res;
    UIntDict tmp;
    integer_class q, r;
    unsigned int a_deg, b_deg;

    while (b_poly.size() >= a_poly.size()) {
        a_deg = a_poly.degree();
        b_deg = b_poly.degree();

        mp_tdiv_qr(q, r, b_poly.get_lc(), a_poly.get_lc());
        if (r != 0)
            return false;

        res[b_deg - a_deg] = q;
        UIntDict tmp = UIntDict({{b_deg - a_deg, q}});
        b_poly -= (a_poly * tmp);

    if (b_poly.empty()) {
        *out = UIntPoly::from_dict(a.get_var(), std::move(res));
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
fqp_t URatPSeriesFlint::convert(const Basic &x)
    throw SymEngineException("SeriesFlint::convert not Implemented");