Card16E1::Card16E1(std::string& name, CBaseSlot* slot) : CBaseCard(name, slot), cpld(slot), chipE1(slot), chipE1Map(slot, 0x8000, mode_MAP) { // if(GeneralLogic::instance().ifColdStart()){ Chip_INIT_RESULT rst = chipE1.ChipInit(); if( rst == failed ) { throw SysError("!!!Card 16E1 E1Logic init error!!!"); } else if( rst == succeed ) { if( chipE1Map.ChipInit() == failed ) { throw SysError("!!!Card 16E1 RC7883 init error!!!"); } } else { std::cout << chipE1.itsName() << " have been running!" << std::endl; } // } if( !fetchConfig() ) { throw SysError("!!!Card 16E1 config data error!!!"); } ST_E1 info; info.slot = slot->GetSn(); for (int i = 0; i < E1_Port_Num; ++i) { info.E1 = i; uint32 uid = UID::makeUID(&info); PairRscSDHChannel* mapLink = getConnectedSDHChannel(uid); e1port_obj[i] = new PortE1(uid, mapLink, this, chipE1Map, &ConfigData.port[i]); } cardversionInfo = cpld.GetVerInfo(); AM = new E1Card16AlarmModule(this); AM->initModule(); }
/* * Allocates memory for a 2-dimensional array of chars and returns a pointer * thereto. Each line is formed from a set of char arrays, with an index * (i.e., the ScrnBuf type). The first pointer in the index is reserved for * per-line flags, and does not point to data. * * After the per-line flags, we have a series of pointers to char arrays: The * first one is the actual character array, the second one is the attributes, * the third is the foreground and background colors, and the fourth denotes * the character set. * * We store it all as pointers, because of alignment considerations, together * with the intention of being able to change the total number of pointers per * row according to whether the user wants color or not. */ ScrnBuf Allocate(int nrow, int ncol, Char ** addr) { ScrnBuf base; Char *tmp; int i, j, k; size_t entries = MAX_PTRS * nrow; size_t length = BUF_PTRS * nrow * ncol; if ((base = (ScrnBuf) calloc(entries, sizeof(char *))) == 0) SysError(ERROR_SCALLOC); if ((tmp = (Char *) calloc(length, sizeof(Char))) == 0) SysError(ERROR_SCALLOC2); *addr = tmp; for (i = k = 0; i < nrow; i++) { base[k] = 0; /* per-line flags */ k += BUF_HEAD; for (j = BUF_HEAD; j < MAX_PTRS; j++) { base[k++] = tmp; tmp += ncol; } } return (base); }
static void wi_start(unsigned count) { unsigned i; struct listen *curr; int e; for (curr = listen_head; curr; curr = curr->next) { wi_grow(count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { struct work_info *wi; wi = calloc(1, sizeof(*wi)); wi->active = true; wi->li = curr; e = pthread_create(&wi->thr, NULL, worker_loop, wi); if (e) { SysError(); free(wi); break; } e = pthread_detach(wi->thr); if (e) { SysError(); /* TODO: handle this error */ } wi = NULL; work[work_cur++] = wi; } } Info("thread count at %d\n", work_cur); }
QString F520xmlserializer::query(F520Status *f520, QString day, QString month, SysError &sysErr) { QXmlQuery query; QString res; QFile xml(f520->getXmlPath()); if ( ! xml.exists()) { xml.setFileName(f520->getXmlPath()); if ( ! xml.exists()) { sysErr = SysError(SysError::F520_CAN_NOT_OPEN_FILE, "F520 Rasource file not exist"); return ""; } } if (! | QIODevice::Text)) { sysErr = SysError(SysError::F520_RESOUCES_NOT_EXIST, "F520 can not open xml resource file"); return ""; } QString queryStr = CARICO + "/" + DAYS + "/" + DAY + "[@" + DAY_VALUE + "='" + day + "'][@" + MONTH_VALUE + "='" + month + "']"; qDebug() << "F520xmlserializer::query: " << queryStr; query.setFocus(&xml); query.setQuery(queryStr); if ( ! query.isValid()) { qDebug() << "F520xmlserializer::query query not valid"; sysErr = SysError(SysError::F520_QUERY_ERROR, "F520 Query is invalid: " + queryStr); return ""; } query.evaluateTo(&res); if (!(res.length() > 1)) { queryStr = CARICO + "/" + DAYS + "/" + DAY + "[@" + NAME + "='" + DEFAULT_DAY + "']"; qDebug() << "F520xmlserializer::query: " << queryStr; query.setQuery(queryStr); if (!query.isValid()) { qDebug() << "F520xmlserializer::query query not valid"; sysErr = SysError(SysError::F520_QUERY_ERROR, "F520 Query is invalid: " + queryStr); return ""; } query.evaluateTo(&res); } xml.close(); qDebug() << "F520xmlserializer::query " << res; QDomDocument watt; watt.setContent("" + res + ""); QDomNodeList entryNodes = watt.elementsByTagName(DAY); QString rtn; for (int i = 0; i < entryNodes.count(); i++) { QDomElement node =; rtn = node.attribute(WATT); break; } qDebug() << "F520xmlserializer::query " << rtn; return rtn; }
static void registerSegment( orl_sec_handle o_shnd ) //************************************************** { orl_sec_flags sec_flags; orl_sec_handle reloc_section; orl_sec_alignment alignment; char * content; int ctr; segment *seg; seg = NewSegment(); seg->name = ORLSecGetName( o_shnd ); seg->size = ORLSecGetSize( o_shnd ); seg->start = 0; seg->use_32 = 1; // only 32-bit object files use ORL seg->attr = ( 2 << 2 ); // (?) combine public alignment = ORLSecGetAlignment( o_shnd ); // FIXME: Need better alignment translation. switch( alignment ) { case 0: seg->attr |= ( 1 << 5 ); break; case 1: seg->attr |= ( 2 << 5 ); break; case 3: case 4: seg->attr |= ( 3 << 5 ); break; case 8: seg->attr |= ( 4 << 5 ); break; case 2: seg->attr |= ( 5 << 5 ); break; case 12: seg->attr |= ( 6 << 5 ); break; default: // fprintf( stderr, "NOTE! 'Strange' alignment (%d) found. Using byte alignment.\n", alignment ); seg->attr |= ( 1 << 5 ); break; } sec_flags = ORLSecGetFlags( o_shnd ); if( !( sec_flags & ORL_SEC_FLAG_EXEC ) ) { seg->data_seg = true; } if( seg->size > 0 && ORLSecGetContents( o_shnd, &content ) == ORL_OKAY ) { Segment = seg; // Putting contents into segment struct. for( ctr = 0; ctr < seg->size; ctr++ ) { PutSegByte( ctr, content[ctr] ); } } if( !HashTableInsert( SectionToSegmentTable, (hash_value)o_shnd, (hash_data)seg ) ) { SysError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEM, false ); } reloc_section = ORLSecGetRelocTable( o_shnd ); if( reloc_section ) { if( !addRelocSection( reloc_section ) ) { SysError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEM, false ); } } }
static int GlobalErrorHandler(int eType, const char* buffer) { static thread_local bool inError = false; trace("GlobalError: %s\n", buffer); if (inError) { static thread_local bool inRecursiveError = false; if (inRecursiveError) { return SysError("RECURSIVE RECURSIVE ERROR"); } inRecursiveError = true; return SysError(va("Recursive error: %s", buffer)); } inError = true; if (eType == ERR_NORMAL) { #if !defined(COMPILING_LAUNCH) && !defined(COMPILING_CONSOLE) && !defined(IS_FXSERVER) ICoreGameInit* gameInit = Instance<ICoreGameInit>::Get(); bool handled = false; if (gameInit && gameInit->TriggerError(buffer)) { handled = true; } if (gameInit && gameInit->GetGameLoaded()) { gameInit->KillNetwork(ToWide(buffer).c_str()); handled = true; } if (!handled) #endif { return SysError(buffer); } } else { return SysError(buffer); } inError = false; return 0; }
bool InitORL( void ) //****************** // Try and see if we will use ORL. Returns true if we'll use it. { orl_file_flags o_flags; orl_file_format o_format; orl_machine_type o_machine_type; ORLFileHnd = NULL; oFuncs.alloc = AllocMem; = FreeMem; = (void * (*) ( void *, int ))buffRead; = (long int (*) ( void *, long int, int ))buffSeek; ORLHnd = ORLInit( &oFuncs ); if( !ORLHnd ) { SysError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEM, false ); } initBuffer( &fileBuff, ObjFile ); o_format = ORLFileIdentify( ORLHnd, &fileBuff ); if( o_format != ORL_ELF && o_format != ORL_COFF ) { ORLFini( ORLHnd ); finiBuffer( &fileBuff ); ORLHnd = NULL; return( false ); // Will use ParseObjectOMF } ORLFileHnd = ORLFileInit( ORLHnd, &fileBuff, o_format ); if( !ORLFileHnd ) { ORLFini( ORLHnd ); finiBuffer( &fileBuff ); SysError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEM, false ); } o_machine_type = ORLFileGetMachineType( ORLFileHnd ); if( o_machine_type != ORL_MACHINE_TYPE_I386 ) { FiniORL(); Error( ERR_ORL_INV_MACHINE_TYPE, true ); exit( 1 ); } o_flags = ORLFileGetFlags( ORLFileHnd ); if( !(o_flags & ORL_FILE_FLAG_LITTLE_ENDIAN) ) { FiniORL(); Error( ERR_ORL_INV_BYTE_ORDER, true ); exit( 1 ); } UseORL = true; createHashTables(); return( true ); // Success: will use ORL }
void setInherit(void *handle, bool inherit) { if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) THROW("Invalid handle"); DWORD flags = inherit ? HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT : 0; if (!SetHandleInformation(handle, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, flags)) THROWS("Failed to clear pipe inherit flag: " << SysError()); }
void SetSoftRlimitErr(int resource, rlim_t limit, char* desc) { char* ldesc =""; char message[200]; RLimResult res; if(desc) { assert(strlen(desc)<=100); ldesc = desc; } res = SetSoftRlimit(resource, limit); switch(res) { case RLimFailed: sprintf(message, "Could not set limit %s", ldesc); TmpErrno = errno; SysError(message, SYS_ERROR); break; case RLimReduced: sprintf(message, "Had to reduce limit %s", ldesc); Warning(message); break; case RLimSuccess: /* Nothing to do */ break; default: assert(false && "Out of bounds return from SetSoftRlimit()"); break; } }
void GEN_xmlserializer::serialize(QString deviceID, QString currBUS, QString sourceFile, QDomDocument &xml, SysError &sysErr) { qDebug() << "SERIALIZE"; QDomElement device = xml.createElement(DEVICE); device.setAttribute(ID, deviceID); device.setAttribute(TYPE, BtGEN_dev::className()); xml.appendChild(device); QDomElement xmlAttributeDIR = xml.createElement(DEVATTRIBUTE); xmlAttributeDIR.setAttribute(NAME, SRCFILE); xmlAttributeDIR.setAttribute(VALUE, sourceFile); xmlAttributeDIR.setAttribute(TYPE, FL); xmlAttributeDIR.setAttribute(EXTFILE, XML_FILE); device.appendChild(xmlAttributeDIR); QDomElement xmlAttributeBus = xml.createElement(DEVATTRIBUTE); xmlAttributeBus.setAttribute(NAME, BUS); xmlAttributeBus.setAttribute(VALUE, currBUS); xmlAttributeBus.setAttribute(TYPE, COMBO); xmlAttributeBus.setAttribute(VALUES, PlantMgr::getInstance().getBuses()); device.appendChild(xmlAttributeBus); qDebug() << "SERIALIZE"; sysErr = SysError(); }
void CBrowseDlg::OnEndlabeleditDirs(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { TV_DISPINFO* pTVDispInfo = (TV_DISPINFO*)pNMHDR; if (pTVDispInfo->item.pszText != NULL && lstrlen(pTVDispInfo->item.pszText) > 0) { m_ctlDirs.SetItemText(pTVDispInfo->item.hItem, pTVDispInfo->item.pszText); CString strPath = GetFullPath(pTVDispInfo->item.hItem); if (CreateDirectory(strPath, NULL)) { m_ctlDirs.SelectItem(pTVDispInfo->item.hItem); *pResult = TRUE; } else { SysError(IDS_DIRECTORY_NOT_CREATED, GetLastError(), FALSE); m_ctlDirs.DeleteItem(pTVDispInfo->item.hItem); *pResult = FALSE; } } else { m_ctlDirs.DeleteItem(pTVDispInfo->item.hItem); *pResult = FALSE; } m_ctlDirs.ModifyStyle(TVS_EDITLABELS, 0); }
static struct module *mo_load(const char *name, const char *dll_path, const char *args) { struct module *mo; mo = mo_find(name); if (mo) { Error("module '%s' is already loaded\n", name); return NULL; } mo = calloc(1, sizeof(*mo)); if (!mo) { SysError(); return NULL; } if (dll_open(&mo->mh, dll_path, args)) goto error; mo->name = strdup(name); mo->next = module_head; module_head = mo; Info("MODULE:%s\n", name); return mo; error: free(mo); return NULL; }
static bool pcl_run_prover(char* command, char*success) { bool res=false; char line[180],*l; FILE* ppipe; if(OutputLevel>1) { fprintf(GlobalOut, "# Running %s\n", command); } ppipe=popen(command, "r"); if(!ppipe) { TmpErrno = errno; SysError("Cannot open pipe", SYS_ERROR); } while((l=fgets(line, 180, ppipe))) { if(strstr(line,success)) { res = true; } if(OutputLevel >= 3) { fprintf(GlobalOut, "#> %s", line); } } pclose(ppipe); return res; }
static void createHashTables( void ) //********************************** { SymbolToTargetTable = HashTableCreate( SYMBOL_TO_TARGET_TABLE_SIZE, HASH_NUMBER, numberCmp ); if( !SymbolToTargetTable ) { SysError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEM, false ); } SymbolToExportTable = HashTableCreate( SYMBOL_TO_EXPORT_TABLE_SIZE, HASH_NUMBER, numberCmp ); if( !SymbolToExportTable ) { SysError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEM, false ); } SectionToSegmentTable = HashTableCreate( SECTION_TO_SEGMENT_TABLE_SIZE, HASH_NUMBER, numberCmp ); if( !SectionToSegmentTable ) { SysError( ERR_OUT_OF_MEM, false ); } }
// Multicast data in a memory buffer, given the specific start sequence number void FMTPSender::DoMemoryTransfer(void* data, size_t dataLen, u_int32_t start_seq_num) { char buffer[FMTP_HLEN ]; FmtpHeader* header = (FmtpHeader*) buffer; // TODO: replace this with packing of `buffer` IN NETWORK FORM header->session_id = cur_session_id; header->seq_number = start_seq_num; header->flags = FMTP_DATA; size_t remained_size = dataLen; size_t offset = 0; while (remained_size > 0) { uint data_size = remained_size < FMTP_DATA_LEN ? remained_size : FMTP_DATA_LEN; // TODO: replace this with packing of `buffer` IN NETWORK FORM header->seq_number = offset + start_seq_num; header->data_len = data_size; //Get tokens from the rate controller rate_shaper.RetrieveTokens(22 + FMTP_HLEN + data_size); if (ptr_multicast_comm->SendData(buffer, FMTP_HLEN, data, dataLen) < 0) { SysError("FMTPSender::DoMemoryTransfer()::SendPacket() error"); } remained_size -= data_size; offset += data_size; // Update statistics send_stats.total_sent_packets++; send_stats.total_sent_bytes += data_size; send_stats.session_sent_packets++; send_stats.session_sent_bytes += data_size; } }
void utilCreateDir(folly::StringPiece path) { try { boost::filesystem::create_directories(path.str()); } catch (...) { throw SysError(errno, "failed to create directory \"", path, "\""); } }
uint8_t I2cDevice::readByte(int offset) { auto data = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(file_, offset); if (data < 0) { throw SysError(-data, "Error reading word data: ", i2cBus_); } return data; }
static void GlobalErrorHandler(int eType, const char* buffer) { static bool inError = false; trace("GlobalError: %s\n", buffer); if (inError) { static bool inRecursiveError = false; if (inRecursiveError) { SysError("RECURSIVE RECURSIVE ERROR"); } inRecursiveError = true; SysError(va("Recursive error: %s", buffer)); } inError = true; if (eType == ERR_NORMAL) { #if !defined(COMPILING_LAUNCH) && !defined(COMPILING_CONSOLE) // TODO: UI killer for pre-connected state ICoreGameInit* gameInit = Instance<ICoreGameInit>::Get(); if (gameInit && gameInit->GetGameLoaded()) { static wchar_t wbuffer[BUFFER_LENGTH]; mbstowcs(wbuffer, buffer, _countof(wbuffer)); gameInit->KillNetwork(wbuffer); } else #endif { SysError(buffer); } } else { SysError(buffer); } inError = false; }
int I2cDevice::readBlock(int offset, uint8_t fieldValue[]) { auto rc = i2c_smbus_read_i2c_block_data(file_, offset, I2C_BLOCK_SIZE, fieldValue); if (rc < 0) { throw SysError(-rc, "Error reading i2c bus block data i2c bus: ", i2cBus_); } return rc; }
MulticastComm::MulticastComm() { if ( (sock_fd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { SysError("Cannot create new socket."); } //int x=fcntl(sock_fd,F_GETFL,0); //if (fcntl(sock_fd,F_SETFL,x | O_NONBLOCK) < 0) // SysError("MulticastComm()::Cannot set socket to non-blocking mode."); }
CParseObj* CParseObjList::Get(int i) { if (i > Length() || i <= 0) { SysError("CParseObjList_Get"); return (*parseObjList)[1]; } return (*parseObjList)[i]; }
bool MountTable::ReadFromFile(const char* path) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ReadFromFile reads the mount points from the configuration file // and fills in the mount table ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { // Open the file // TODO: If there are errors, we will abort, although we really should close the file FILE *f = fopen(path, "r"); if (f == NULL) return SysError("Can't open source table %s\n", path); // Read it a line at a time. // Each line is of the form: mountpoint; password; STR data while (!feof(f)) { byte line[MaxSTR+MaxName+MaxPassword+25]; // TODO: get it out of stack if (ReadLine(f, line, sizeof(line)) != OK) return SysError("Trouble reading from source table file %s\n", path); // Get the mount point name. Parse token(line, strlen((char*)line)); char name[MaxName+1]; token.Next(";"); if (token == "") return Error("Empty mount point not valid\n"); token.GetToken(name, sizeof(name)); // Get the password char password[MaxPassword+1]; token.Next(";"); token.GetToken(password, sizeof(password)); // Get the Stream Record entry (STR) - all entries up to end of line. char str[MaxSTR+1]; token.Next("\r\n"); token.GetToken(str, sizeof(str)); // Create a new entry with the password and STR data MountPoint* mnt = CreateMount(name); if (mnt == NULL || mnt->SetPassword(password) != OK | mnt->SetSTR(str) != OK) return Error("Problem creating new mountpoint %s\n", name); } fclose(f); return OK; }
static void openFiles( void ) /*****************************/ { /* C.L. May 22, 91 */ char sp_buf[ _MAX_PATH2 ]; char *ext; size_t len; _splitpath2( objName, sp_buf, NULL, NULL, &rootName, &ext ); len = strlen( rootName ) + 1; rootName = memcpy( AllocMem( len ), rootName, len ); if( ext[ 0 ] == '\0' ) { /* search with '.obj' or '.o' extension first */ ObjFile = OpenBinRead( MakeFileName( objName, objExt ) ); if( ObjFile == NULL ) { /* try without extension */ ObjFile = OpenBinRead( objName ); } } else { /* extension specified */ ObjFile = OpenBinRead( objName ); } /**/ if( ObjFile == NULL ) { // ObjFile = OpenBinRead( MakeFileName( objName, objExt ) ); // if( ObjFile == NULL ) { SysError( ERR_NOT_OPEN_OBJ, true ); // } } if( lstReqd ) { if( lstName == NULL ) { Output = OpenTxtWrite( MakeFileName( rootName, "lst" ) ); } else { Output = OpenTxtWrite( lstName ); } if( Output == NULL ) { CloseBin( ObjFile ); SysError( ERR_NOT_OPEN_LIST, true ); } } }
void BcmWarmBootHelper::setCanWarmBoot() { auto wbFlag = warmBootFlag(); auto updateFd = creat(wbFlag.c_str(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); if (updateFd < 0) { throw SysError(errno, "Unable to create ", wbFlag); } close(updateFd); VLOG(1) << "Wrote can warm boot flag: " << wbFlag; }
I2cDevice::I2cDevice(int i2cBus, uint32_t address, bool slaveForce) { /* set the i2c bus name */ i2cBus_ = i2cBus; /* Open the i2c Bus file */ char filename[15]; snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/dev/i2c/%d", i2cBus_); file_ = open(filename, O_RDWR); if (file_ < 0 && errno == ENOENT) { snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "/dev/i2c-%d", i2cBus_); file_ = open(filename, O_RDWR); } if (file_ < 0) { throw SysError(errno, "Error opening i2c device: ", i2cBus_); } /* Set the slave address */ if (ioctl(file_, slaveForce ? I2C_SLAVE_FORCE : I2C_SLAVE, address) < 0) { close(file_); throw SysError(errno, "Error setting slave address: ", address); } }
static int se_add(struct domain *dom, const char *prefix, const char *module) { struct service *se; struct module *mo; assert(dom != NULL); mo = mo_find(module); if (!mo) { Error("module '%s' unknown for service %s:%s\n", module, dom->name, prefix); return -1; } se = se_find_exact(dom, prefix); if (se) { Error("service path '%s' for domain '%s' matches existing entry\n", prefix, dom->name); return -1; } se = calloc(1, sizeof(*se)); if (!se) { SysError(); return -1; } se->prefix = strdup(prefix); if (!se->prefix) { SysError(); free(se); return -1; } se->module = mo_find(module); /* TODO: check for failures */ se->next = dom->service_head; dom->service_head = se; Info("SERVICE:dom=\"%s\" path=\"%s\" module=\"%s\"\n", dom->name, prefix, module); return 0; }
void TempFileRemove(char* name) { bool res; if(unlink(name)!=0) { TmpErrno = errno; SysError("Could not remove temporary file", SYS_ERROR); } res = StrTreeDeleteEntry(&temp_file_store, name); assert(res); }
FILE* SecureFOpen(char* name, char* mode) { FILE* res; res = fopen(name, mode); if(!res) { TmpErrno = errno; SysError("Cannot open file %s",FILE_ERROR,name); } return res; }
/* create a hosting domain, if it does not already exist */ static struct domain *dom_create(const char *name) { struct domain *dom; assert(name != NULL); dom = dom_find(name); if (dom) return dom; dom = calloc(1, sizeof(*dom)); if (!dom) { SysError(); return NULL; } dom->name = strdup(name); if (!dom->name) { SysError(); free(dom); return NULL; } dom->service_head = NULL; return dom; }
static int ha_add(struct domain *dom, const char *alias) { struct host_alias *ha; ha = calloc(1, sizeof(*ha)); if (!ha) { SysError(); return -1; } ha->host = strdup(alias); if (!ha->host) { SysError(); free(ha); return -1; } ha->next = host_alias_head; ha->domain = dom; host_alias_head = ha; return 0; }