Exemple #1
dd_bool DD_Unix_Init(void)
    dd_bool failed = true;

    memset(&app, 0, sizeof(app));

    // We wish to use U.S. English formatting for time and numbers.
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US.UTF-8");



    // Determine our basedir and other global paths.

        Sys_MessageBox(MBT_ERROR, DOOMSDAY_NICENAME, "Error during early init.", 0);
#ifdef __CLIENT__
    else if(!initDGL())
        Sys_MessageBox(MBT_ERROR, DOOMSDAY_NICENAME, "Error initializing DGL.", 0);
        // Everything okay so far.
        failed = false;

    return !failed;
// Purpose: Handles there being an error setting up the video mode
// Output : Returns true on if the engine should restart, false if it should quit
InitReturnVal_t CEngineAPI::HandleSetModeError()
	// show an error, see if the user wants to restart
	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-safe" ) )
		Sys_MessageBox( "Failed to set video mode.\n\nThis game has a minimum requirement of DirectX 7.0 compatible hardware.\n", "Video mode error", false );
		return INIT_FAILED;
	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-autoconfig" ) )
		if ( Sys_MessageBox( "Failed to set video mode - falling back to safe mode settings.\n\nGame will now restart with the new video settings.", "Video - safe mode fallback", true ))
			CommandLine()->AppendParm( "-safe", NULL );
			return (InitReturnVal_t)INIT_RESTART;
		return INIT_FAILED;

	if ( Sys_MessageBox( "Failed to set video mode - resetting to defaults.\n\nGame will now restart with the new video settings.", "Video mode warning", true ) )
		CommandLine()->AppendParm( "-autoconfig", NULL );
		return (InitReturnVal_t)INIT_RESTART;

	return INIT_FAILED;
//	BugReporter_GetInterfaces
bool BugReporter_GetInterfaces()
	if ( !g_bug_pReporter1 )
		g_bug_pReporter1 = BugReporter_LoadDLL( BUG_REPORTER_DLLNAME_1, &g_bug_hBugReporter1 );
		if ( !g_bug_pReporter1 )
			Sys_MessageBox( BUG_ERRORTITLE, "PVCS intialization failed!\n" );

	if ( !g_bug_pReporter2 )
		g_bug_pReporter2 = BugReporter_LoadDLL( BUG_REPORTER_DLLNAME_2, &g_bug_hBugReporter2 );
		if ( !g_bug_pReporter2 )
			Sys_MessageBox( BUG_ERRORTITLE, "BugBait intialization failed!\n" );

	if ( g_bug_pReporter1 )
		// determine submitter name
		ConsoleWindowPrintf( BUG_COLOR, "Bug Reporter: PVCS Username: '******' Display As: '%s'\n", g_bug_pReporter1->GetUserName(), g_bug_pReporter1->GetUserName_Display() );
	if ( g_bug_pReporter2 )
		// determine submitter name
		ConsoleWindowPrintf( BUG_COLOR, "Bug Reporter: BugBait Username: '******' Display As: '%s'\n", g_bug_pReporter2->GetUserName(), g_bug_pReporter2->GetUserName_Display() );
	BugReporter_SelectReporter( NULL );

	// See if we can see the bug repository right now
	char fn[MAX_PATH];
	V_snprintf( fn, sizeof( fn ), "%s/%s", GetRepositoryURL(), REPOSITORY_VALIDATION_FILE );
	Sys_NormalizePath( fn, false );

	FILE *fp = fopen( fn, "rb" );
	if ( fp )
		ConsoleWindowPrintf( BUG_COLOR, "PVCS Repository '%s'\n", GetRepositoryURL() );
		fclose( fp );
		Sys_MessageBox( BUG_ERRORTITLE, "Unable to see '%s', check permissions and network connectivity.\n", fn );
		return false;

	// success
	return true;
//	BugReporter_LoadDLL
IBugReporter *BugReporter_LoadDLL( const char *pDLLName, HMODULE *phModule )
	HMODULE hModule;
	IBugReporter *pBugReporter;

	*phModule = NULL;

	hModule = LoadLibrary( pDLLName );
	if ( !hModule )
		Sys_MessageBox( BUG_ERRORTITLE, "Could not open '%s'\n", pDLLName );
		return NULL;

	FARPROC pCreateInterface = GetProcAddress( hModule, CREATEINTERFACE_PROCNAME );
	if ( !pCreateInterface )
		Sys_MessageBox( BUG_ERRORTITLE, "Missing '%s' interface for '%s'\n", CREATEINTERFACE_PROCNAME, pDLLName );
		return NULL;

	pBugReporter = (IBugReporter *)((CreateInterfaceFn)pCreateInterface)( INTERFACEVERSION_BUGREPORTER, NULL );
	if ( !pBugReporter )
		Sys_MessageBox( BUG_ERRORTITLE, "Missing interface '%s' for '%s'\n", INTERFACEVERSION_BUGREPORTER, pDLLName );
		return NULL;

	bool bSuccess = pBugReporter->Init( NULL );
	if ( !bSuccess )
		return NULL;

	*phModule = hModule;
	return pBugReporter;
//	ConfigDlg_Ping
BOOL ConfigDlg_Ping( HWND hwnd )
	char	xboxName[MAX_XBOXNAMELEN];
	BOOL	canConnect;
	char*	args[1];

	xboxName[0] = '\0';
	GetDlgItemText( hwnd, IDC_CONFIG_XBOXNAME, xboxName, MAX_XBOXNAMELEN ); 

	// ignore ping to current connection
	if ( !stricmp( g_xboxName, xboxName ) )
		if ( g_connectedToXBox )
			Sys_MessageBox( "Ping", "Already Connected To: '%s'", xboxName );
			return true;

	// terminate any current connection
	lc_disconnect( 0, NULL );

	// trial connect
	args[0]    = xboxName;
	canConnect = lc_connect( 1, args );

	if ( !canConnect )
		Sys_MessageBox( "Ping FAILURE", "Could Not Connect To: %s", xboxName );
		Sys_MessageBox( "Ping SUCCESS", "Connection Valid To: %s", g_xboxName );

	if ( canConnect )
		lc_disconnect( 0, NULL );

	return canConnect;
static int showCriticalMessage(const char* msg)
    Sys_MessageBox(MBT_WARNING, DOOMSDAY_NICENAME, msg, 0);
    return 0;

#if 0
#ifdef WIN32
#ifdef UNICODE
    wchar_t buf[256];
    char buf[256];
    int ret;
    Window *wnd = Window::main();
    DENG_ASSERT(wnd != 0);
    HWND hWnd = (HWND) wnd->nativeHandle();

        MessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP, TEXT("Sys_CriticalMessage: Main window not available."),
                   NULL, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);
        return false;

    GetWindowText(hWnd, buf, 255);
    ret = (MessageBox(hWnd, WIN_STRING(msg), buf, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) == IDYES);
    return ret;
    fprintf(stderr, "--- %s\n", msg);
    return 0;
//	ExcludePathsDlg_SaveChanges
void ExcludePathsDlg_SaveChanges( HWND hWnd )
	HWND hWndTree = GetDlgItem( hWnd, IDC_PATHS_TREE );
	ExcludePathsDlg_BuildExcludeList_r( hWndTree, TreeView_GetRoot( hWndTree ), 0, "" );

	char szPath[MAX_PATH];
	V_ComposeFileName( g_localPath, EXCLUDEPATHS_FILE, szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );

	if ( !g_ExcludePaths.Count() )
		// no exclude paths
		unlink( szPath );
		FILE *fp = fopen( szPath, "wt" );
		if ( !fp )
			Sys_MessageBox( "Error", "Could not open '%s' for writing\n", szPath );

		fprintf( fp, "// Auto-Generated by VXConsole - DO NOT MODIFY!\n" );
		for ( int i = 0; i < g_ExcludePaths.Count(); i++ )
			// strip expected root path
			const char *pPath = g_ExcludePaths[i].String();
			pPath += strlen( ROOT_NAME );
			if ( !pPath[0] )
				// special code for root
				fprintf( fp, "*\n" );
			fprintf( fp, "\"\\%s\"\n", pPath );
		fclose( fp );
//	NotImplementedYet
void NotImplementedYet()
	Sys_MessageBox( "Attention!", "Sorry, Not Implemented Yet." );
//	BugDlg_Submit
bool BugDlg_Submit( HWND hWnd )
	char	title[1024];
	char	miscInfo[1024];
	char	basename[MAX_PATH];
	char	filename[MAX_PATH];
	char	positionName[MAX_PATH];
	char	orientationName[MAX_PATH];
	char	buildName[MAX_PATH];
	char	mapName[MAX_PATH];
	bool	bSuccess = false;

	sprintf( positionName, "%f %f %f", g_bug_mapInfo.position[0], g_bug_mapInfo.position[1], g_bug_mapInfo.position[2] );
	SetDlgItemText( g_bug_hWnd, IDC_BUG_POSITION_LABEL, positionName );

	sprintf( orientationName, "%f %f %f", g_bug_mapInfo.angle[0], g_bug_mapInfo.angle[1], g_bug_mapInfo.angle[2] );
	SetDlgItemText( g_bug_hWnd, IDC_BUG_ORIENTATION_LABEL, orientationName );

	sprintf( buildName, "%d", g_bug_mapInfo.build );
	SetDlgItemText( g_bug_hWnd, IDC_BUG_BUILD_LABEL, buildName );

	V_FileBase( g_bug_mapInfo.mapPath, mapName, sizeof( mapName ) );
	char *pExtension = V_stristr( mapName, ".bsp" );
	if ( pExtension )
		*pExtension = '\0';
	pExtension = V_stristr( mapName, ".360" );
	if ( pExtension )
		*pExtension = '\0';

	V_snprintf( miscInfo, sizeof( miscInfo ), "skill %d", g_bug_mapInfo.skill );

	// Stuff bug data files up to server

	g_bug_pReporter->SetOwner( g_bug_pReporter->GetUserNameForDisplayName( g_bug_szOwner ) );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetSubmitter( NULL );

	if ( mapName[0] )
		V_snprintf( title, sizeof( title ), "%s: %s", mapName, g_bug_szTitle );
		V_snprintf( title, sizeof( title ), "%s", g_bug_szTitle );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetTitle( title );

	g_bug_pReporter->SetDescription( g_bug_szDescription );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetLevel( mapName );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetPosition( positionName );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetOrientation( orientationName );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetBuildNumber( buildName );

	g_bug_pReporter->SetSeverity( g_bug_szSeverity );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetPriority( g_bug_szPriority );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetArea( g_bug_szArea );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetMapNumber( g_bug_szMapNumber );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetReportType( g_bug_szReportType );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetMiscInfo( miscInfo );

	g_bug_pReporter->SetDriverInfo( "" );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetExeName( "" );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetGameDirectory( "" );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetRAM( 0 );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetCPU( 0 );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetProcessor( "" );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetDXVersion( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetOSVersion( "" );
	g_bug_pReporter->SetZipAttachmentName( "" );

	if ( g_bug_szScreenshot[0] )
		if ( g_bug_bCompressScreenshot )

		// strip the fully qualified path into filename only
		Sys_StripPath( g_bug_szScreenshot, basename, sizeof( basename ) );
		V_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s/BugId/%s", GetRepositoryURL(), basename );
		Sys_NormalizePath( filename, false );
		g_bug_pReporter->SetScreenShot( filename );

	if ( g_bug_szSavegame[0] )
		// strip the fully qualified path into filename only
		Sys_StripPath( g_bug_szSavegame, basename, sizeof( basename ) );
		V_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s/BugId/%s", GetRepositoryURL(), basename );
		Sys_NormalizePath( filename, false );
		g_bug_pReporter->SetSaveGame( filename );

	if ( g_bug_szBSPName[0] )
		// strip the fully qualified path into filename only
		Sys_StripPath( g_bug_szBSPName, basename, sizeof( basename ) );
		V_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s/BugId/%s", GetRepositoryURL(), basename );
		Sys_NormalizePath( filename, false );
		g_bug_pReporter->SetBSPName( filename );
	int bugID = -1;

	bSuccess = g_bug_pReporter->CommitBugReport( bugID );
	if ( bSuccess )
		if ( !BugDlg_UploadBugSubmission( bugID, g_bug_szSavegame, g_bug_szScreenshot, g_bug_szBSPName, NULL ) )
			Sys_MessageBox( BUG_ERRORTITLE, "Unable to upload files to bug repository!\n" );
			bSuccess = false;
		Sys_MessageBox( BUG_ERRORTITLE, "Unable to post bug report to database!\n" );

	if ( bSuccess )
		if ( g_Games[g_bug_GameType].bUsesSystem1 )
			ConsoleWindowPrintf( BUG_COLOR, "Bug Reporter: PVCS submission succeeded for bug! (%d)\n", bugID );
			ConsoleWindowPrintf( BUG_COLOR, "Bug Reporter: BugBait submission succeeded for bug!\n" );
		ConsoleWindowPrintf( XBX_CLR_RED, "Bug Reporter: Submission failed\n" );

	return bSuccess;