Exemple #1
static TSS2_RC tctiSendBytes( TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT *tctiContext, SOCKET sock, const unsigned char *data, int len )
    TSS2_RC ret = TSS2_RC_SUCCESS;

    TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "Send Bytes to socket #0x%x: \n", sock );
    TCTI_LOG_BUFFER( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, (UINT8 *)data, len );

    ret = sendBytes( sock, data, len);
    if (ret != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS)
        TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "In recvBytes, recv failed (socket: 0x%x) with error: %d\n", sock, WSAGetLastError() );
    return ret;
Exemple #2
static TSS2_RC tctiRecvBytes( TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT *tctiContext, SOCKET sock, unsigned char *data, int len )
    TSS2_RC result = 0;
    result = recvBytes( sock, data, len);
    if ( (INT32)result == SOCKET_ERROR) {
        TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "In recvBytes, recv failed (socket: 0x%x) with error: %d\n", sock, WSAGetLastError() );
        return TSS2_TCTI_RC_IO_ERROR;
    TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "Receive Bytes from socket #0x%x: \n", sock );
    TCTI_LOG_BUFFER( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, data, len );

    return TSS2_RC_SUCCESS;
Exemple #3
TSS2_RC SocketCancel(
    TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT *tctiContext
    TSS2_RC rval = TSS2_RC_SUCCESS;

    if( tctiContext == 0 )
        rval = TSS2_TCTI_RC_BAD_REFERENCE;
    else if( ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.commandSent != 1 )
        rval = TSS2_TCTI_RC_BAD_SEQUENCE;
        rval = (TSS2_RC)PlatformCommand( tctiContext, MS_SIM_CANCEL_ON );
#if 0
        if( rval == TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
            rval = (TSS2_RC)PlatformCommand( tctiContext, MS_SIM_CANCEL_OFF );
            if( ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext )->status.debugMsgLevel == TSS2_TCTI_DEBUG_MSG_ENABLED )
                TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "%s sent cancel ON command:\n", interfaceName );

    return rval;
Exemple #4
TSS2_RC PlatformCommand(
    TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT *tctiContext,     /* in */
    char cmd )
    int iResult = 0;            // used to return function results
    char sendbuf[] = { 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0 };
    char recvbuf[] = { 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0 };
    TSS2_RC rval = TSS2_RC_SUCCESS;

    sendbuf[3] = cmd;

    // Send the command
    iResult = send( TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->otherSock, sendbuf, 4, MSG_NOSIGNAL );
    if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
        TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "send failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() );
        rval = TSS2_TCTI_RC_IO_ERROR;
        TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "Send Bytes to socket #0x%x: \n", TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->otherSock );
        TCTI_LOG_BUFFER( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, (UINT8 *)sendbuf, 4 );
        // Read result
        iResult = recv( TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->otherSock, recvbuf, 4, 0);
        if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
            TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "In PlatformCommand, recv failed (socket: 0x%x) with error: %d\n",
                    TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->otherSock, WSAGetLastError() );
            rval = TSS2_TCTI_RC_IO_ERROR;
        else if( recvbuf[0] != 0 || recvbuf[1] != 0 || recvbuf[2] != 0 || recvbuf[3] != 0 )
            TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "PlatformCommand failed with error: %d\n", recvbuf[3] );
            rval = TSS2_TCTI_RC_IO_ERROR;
            TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "Receive bytes from socket #0x%x: \n", TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->otherSock );
            TCTI_LOG_BUFFER( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, (UINT8 *)recvbuf, 4 );
    return rval;
Exemple #5
TSS2_RC SocketReceiveTpmResponse(
    TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT *tctiContext,     /* in */
    size_t          *response_size,     /* out */
    unsigned char   *response_buffer,    /* in */
    int32_t         timeout
    UINT32 trash;
    TSS2_RC rval = TSS2_RC_SUCCESS;
    fd_set readFds;
    struct timeval tv, *tvPtr;
    int32_t timeoutMsecs = timeout % 1000;
    int iResult;
    unsigned char responseSizeDelta = 0;

    rval = CommonReceiveChecks( tctiContext, response_size, response_buffer );
    if( rval != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
        goto retSocketReceiveTpmResponse;
    if( timeout == TSS2_TCTI_TIMEOUT_BLOCK )
        tvPtr = 0;
        tv.tv_sec = timeout / 1000;
        tv.tv_usec = timeoutMsecs * 1000;
        tvPtr = &tv;

    FD_ZERO( &readFds );
    FD_SET( TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->tpmSock, &readFds );

    iResult = select( TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->tpmSock+1, &readFds, 0, 0, tvPtr );
    if( iResult == 0 )
        TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "select failed due to timeout, socket #: 0x%x\n", TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->tpmSock );
        rval = TSS2_TCTI_RC_TRY_AGAIN;
        goto retSocketReceiveTpmResponse;
    else if( iResult == SOCKET_ERROR )
        TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "select failed with socket error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError() );
        rval = TSS2_TCTI_RC_IO_ERROR;
        goto retSocketReceiveTpmResponse;
    else if ( iResult != 1 )
        TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "select failed, read the wrong # of bytes: %d\n", iResult );
        rval = TSS2_TCTI_RC_IO_ERROR;
        goto retSocketReceiveTpmResponse;

    if( ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.protocolResponseSizeReceived != 1 )
        // Receive the size of the response.
        rval = tctiRecvBytes( tctiContext, TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->tpmSock, (unsigned char *)& (((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->responseSize ), 4 );
        if( rval != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
            goto retSocketReceiveTpmResponse;

        ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->responseSize = CHANGE_ENDIAN_DWORD( ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->responseSize );
        ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.protocolResponseSizeReceived = 1;

    if( response_buffer == NULL )
        // In this case, just return the size
        *response_size = ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->responseSize;
        ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.protocolResponseSizeReceived = 1;
        goto retSocketReceiveTpmResponse;

    if( *response_size < ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->responseSize )
        *response_size = ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->responseSize;

        // If possible, receive tag from TPM.
        if( *response_size >= sizeof( TPM_ST ) && ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.tagReceived == 0 )
            if( TSS2_RC_SUCCESS != tctiRecvBytes( tctiContext, TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->tpmSock, (unsigned char *)&( ( (TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext )->tag ), 2 ) )
                goto retSocketReceiveTpmResponse;
                ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.tagReceived = 1;

        // If possible, receive response size from TPM
        if( *response_size >= ( sizeof( TPM_ST ) + sizeof( TPM_RC ) ) && ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.responseSizeReceived == 0 )
            if( TSS2_RC_SUCCESS != tctiRecvBytes( tctiContext, TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->tpmSock, (unsigned char *)&( ( (TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext )->responseSize ), 4 ) )
                goto retSocketReceiveTpmResponse;
                ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->responseSize = CHANGE_ENDIAN_DWORD( ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->responseSize );
                ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.responseSizeReceived = 1;
        if( ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext )->status.debugMsgLevel == TSS2_TCTI_DEBUG_MSG_ENABLED &&
                ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->responseSize > 0 )
#ifdef DEBUG
            TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "Response Received: " );
            TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "from socket #0x%x:\n", TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->tpmSock );
        if( ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.tagReceived == 1 )
            *(TPM_ST *)response_buffer = ( (TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext )->tag;
            responseSizeDelta += sizeof( TPM_ST );
            response_buffer += sizeof( TPM_ST );

        if( ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.responseSizeReceived == 1 )
            *(TPM_RC *)response_buffer = CHANGE_ENDIAN_DWORD( ( (TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext )->responseSize );
            responseSizeDelta += sizeof( TPM_RC );
            response_buffer += sizeof( TPM_RC );

        // Receive the TPM response.
        rval = tctiRecvBytes( tctiContext, TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->tpmSock, (unsigned char *)response_buffer, ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->responseSize - responseSizeDelta );
        if( rval != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
            goto retSocketReceiveTpmResponse;

#ifdef DEBUG
        if( ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext )->status.debugMsgLevel == TSS2_TCTI_DEBUG_MSG_ENABLED )
            DEBUG_PRINT_BUFFER( NO_PREFIX, response_buffer, ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->responseSize );

        // Receive the appended four bytes of 0's
        rval = tctiRecvBytes( tctiContext, TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->tpmSock, (unsigned char *)&trash, 4 );
        if( rval != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
            goto retSocketReceiveTpmResponse;

    if( ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->responseSize < *response_size )
        *response_size = ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->responseSize;
    ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.commandSent = 0;

    // Turn cancel off.
    if( rval == TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
        rval = (TSS2_RC)PlatformCommand( tctiContext, MS_SIM_CANCEL_OFF );
        // Ignore return value so earlier error code is preserved.
        PlatformCommand( tctiContext, MS_SIM_CANCEL_OFF );

    if( ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext )->status.debugMsgLevel == TSS2_TCTI_DEBUG_MSG_ENABLED )
//        TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX,  "%s sent cancel OFF command:\n", interfaceName );

    if( rval == TSS2_RC_SUCCESS && 
		response_buffer != NULL )
        ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->previousStage = TCTI_STAGE_RECEIVE_RESPONSE;
    return rval;
Exemple #6
TSS2_RC SocketSendTpmCommand(
    TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT *tctiContext,       /* in */
    size_t             command_size,      /* in */
    uint8_t           *command_buffer     /* in */
    UINT32 tpmSendCommand = MS_SIM_TPM_SEND_COMMAND;  // Value for "send command" to MS simulator.
    UINT32 cnt, cnt1;
    UINT8 locality;
    TSS2_RC rval = TSS2_RC_SUCCESS;
#ifdef DEBUG    
    UINT32 commandCode    ;
#ifdef SAPI_CLIENT    
    UINT8 debugMsgLevel, statusBits;

    rval = CommonSendChecks( tctiContext, command_buffer );
    if( rval != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
        goto returnFromSocketSendTpmCommand;

    if( ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext )->status.debugMsgLevel == TSS2_TCTI_DEBUG_MSG_ENABLED )
#ifdef DEBUG
        TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "\n" );
		commandCode = CHANGE_ENDIAN_DWORD( ( (TPM20_Header_In *)command_buffer )->commandCode );
        if( commandCode >= TPM_CC_NV_UndefineSpaceSpecial && commandCode <= TPM_CC_PolicyNvWritten )     
            TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "Cmd sent: %s\n", strTpmCommandCode( commandCode ) );
            TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "Cmd sent: 0x%4.4x\n", CHANGE_ENDIAN_DWORD(commandCode ) );
        TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "Command sent on socket #0x%x: %s\n", TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->tpmSock, strTpmCommandCode( commandCode ) );
    // Size TPM 1.2 and TPM 2.0 headers overlap exactly, we can use
    // either 1.2 or 2.0 header to get the size.
    cnt = CHANGE_ENDIAN_DWORD(((TPM20_Header_In *) command_buffer)->commandSize);

    tpmSendCommand = CHANGE_ENDIAN_DWORD(tpmSendCommand);
    rval = tctiSendBytes( tctiContext, TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->tpmSock, (unsigned char *)&tpmSendCommand, 4 );
    if( rval != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
        goto returnFromSocketSendTpmCommand;
    // Send the locality
    locality = (UINT8)( (TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.locality;
    rval = tctiSendBytes( tctiContext, TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->tpmSock, (unsigned char *)&locality, 1 );
    if( rval != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
        goto returnFromSocketSendTpmCommand;

#ifdef SAPI_CLIENT    
    // Send the debug level
    debugMsgLevel = (UINT8)( (TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.debugMsgLevel;
    rval = tctiSendBytes( tctiContext, TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->tpmSock, (unsigned char *)&debugMsgLevel, 1 );
    if( rval != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
        goto returnFromSocketSendTpmCommand;

    // Send status bits
    statusBits = (UINT8)( (TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.commandSent;
    statusBits |= ( (UINT8)( (TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.rmDebugPrefix ) << 1;
    rval = tctiSendBytes( tctiContext, TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->tpmSock, (unsigned char *)&statusBits, 1 );
    if( rval != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
        goto returnFromSocketSendTpmCommand;
#ifdef DEBUG
    if( ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext )->status.debugMsgLevel == TSS2_TCTI_DEBUG_MSG_ENABLED )
        TCTI_LOG( tctiContext, NO_PREFIX, "Locality = %d", ( (TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.locality );
    // Send number of bytes.
    cnt1 = cnt;
    cnt = CHANGE_ENDIAN_DWORD(cnt);
    rval = tctiSendBytes( tctiContext, TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->tpmSock, (unsigned char *)&cnt, 4 );
    if( rval != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
        goto returnFromSocketSendTpmCommand;
    // Send the TPM command buffer
    rval = tctiSendBytes( tctiContext, TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL->tpmSock, (unsigned char *)command_buffer, cnt1 );
    if( rval != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
        goto returnFromSocketSendTpmCommand;
#ifdef DEBUG
    if( ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext )->status.debugMsgLevel == TSS2_TCTI_DEBUG_MSG_ENABLED )
        DEBUG_PRINT_BUFFER( NO_PREFIX, command_buffer, cnt1 );
    ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.commandSent = 1;


    if( rval == TSS2_RC_SUCCESS )
        ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->previousStage = TCTI_STAGE_SEND_COMMAND;
        ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.tagReceived = 0;
        ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.responseSizeReceived = 0;
        ((TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT_INTEL *)tctiContext)->status.protocolResponseSizeReceived = 0;

    return rval;