Exemple #1
bool CAMPAIGN_DidPlayerBeatMap( void )
	// Preliminary check.
		// If the console player isn't on a team, he DEFINITELY lost.
		if ( players[consoleplayer].bOnTeam == false )
			return ( false );

		// If this is teamplay, compare the fragcount of the two teams.
			for ( ULONG i = 0; i < teams.Size( ); i++ )
				if ( TEAM_GetFragCount( players[consoleplayer].ulTeam ) < TEAM_GetFragCount( i ))
					return ( false );

		// If this is a teamgame or team possession, compare the team scores.
			for ( ULONG i = 0; i < teams.Size( ); i++ )
				if ( TEAM_GetScore( players[consoleplayer].ulTeam ) < TEAM_GetScore( i ))
					return ( false );

		// If this is teamlms, compare the team wins.
			for ( ULONG i = 0; i < teams.Size( ); i++ )
				if ( TEAM_GetWinCount( players[consoleplayer].ulTeam ) < TEAM_GetWinCount( i ))
					return ( false );

	// If it's a deathmatch, check the player's spread.
	else if ( deathmatch )
		if ( SCOREBOARD_CalcSpread( consoleplayer ) < 0 )
			return ( false );

	// Passed all checks!
	return ( true );
Exemple #2
static int GetScoreForTeam( int t )
		return TEAM_GetFragCount( t );
	else if ( GAMEMODE_GetFlags( GAMEMODE_GetCurrentMode() ) & GMF_PLAYERSEARNWINS )
		return TEAM_GetWinCount( t );

	return TEAM_GetScore( t );
void SERVER_MASTER_SendServerInfo( netadr_t Address, ULONG ulFlags, ULONG ulTime )
	UCVarValue	Val;
	char		szAddress[4][4];
	ULONG		ulIdx;
	ULONG		ulBits;

	// Let's just use the master server buffer! It gets cleared again when we need it anyway!
	NETWORK_ClearBuffer( &g_MasterServerBuffer );

	// First, check to see if we've been queried by this address recently.
	if ( g_lStoredQueryIPHead != g_lStoredQueryIPTail )
		ulIdx = g_lStoredQueryIPHead;
		while ( ulIdx != (ULONG)g_lStoredQueryIPTail )
			// Check to see if this IP exists in our stored query IP list. If it does, then
			// ignore it, since it queried us less than 10 seconds ago.
			if ( NETWORK_CompareAddress( Address, g_StoredQueryIPs[ulIdx].Address, true ))
				// Write our header.
				NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MasterServerBuffer, SERVER_LAUNCHER_IGNORING );

				// Send the time the launcher sent to us.
				NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MasterServerBuffer, ulTime );

				// Send the packet.
//				NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MasterServerBuffer, Address, true );
				NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MasterServerBuffer, Address );

				if ( sv_showlauncherqueries )
					Printf( "Ignored IP launcher challenge.\n" );

				// Nothing more to do here.

			ulIdx = ulIdx % MAX_STORED_QUERY_IPS;

	// Now, check to see if this IP has been banend from this server.
	itoa( Address.ip[0], szAddress[0], 10 );
	itoa( Address.ip[1], szAddress[1], 10 );
	itoa( Address.ip[2], szAddress[2], 10 );
	itoa( Address.ip[3], szAddress[3], 10 );
	if (( sv_enforcebans ) && ( SERVERBAN_IsIPBanned( szAddress[0], szAddress[1], szAddress[2], szAddress[3] )))
		// Write our header.
		NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MasterServerBuffer, SERVER_LAUNCHER_BANNED );

		// Send the time the launcher sent to us.
		NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MasterServerBuffer, ulTime );

		// Send the packet.
		NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MasterServerBuffer, Address );

		if ( sv_showlauncherqueries )
			Printf( "Denied BANNED IP launcher challenge.\n" );

		// Nothing more to do here.

	// This IP didn't exist in the list. and it wasn't banned.
	// So, add it, and keep it there for 10 seconds.
	g_StoredQueryIPs[g_lStoredQueryIPTail].Address = Address;
	g_StoredQueryIPs[g_lStoredQueryIPTail].lNextAllowedGametic = gametic + ( TICRATE * ( sv_queryignoretime ));

	g_lStoredQueryIPTail = g_lStoredQueryIPTail % MAX_STORED_QUERY_IPS;
	if ( g_lStoredQueryIPTail == g_lStoredQueryIPHead )
		Printf( "SERVER_MASTER_SendServerInfo: WARNING! g_lStoredQueryIPTail == g_lStoredQueryIPHead\n" );

	// Write our header.
	NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MasterServerBuffer, SERVER_LAUNCHER_CHALLENGE );

	// Send the time the launcher sent to us.
	NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MasterServerBuffer, ulTime );

	// Send our version.
	NETWORK_WriteString( &g_MasterServerBuffer, DOTVERSIONSTR );

	// Send the information about the data that will be sent.
	ulBits = ulFlags;

	// If the launcher desires to know the team damage, but we're not in a game mode where
	// team damage applies, then don't send back team damage information.
	if (( teamplay || teamgame || teamlms || teampossession || teamcoop || (( deathmatch == false ) && ( teamgame == false ))) == false )
		if ( ulBits & SQF_TEAMDAMAGE )
			ulBits &= ~SQF_TEAMDAMAGE;

	// If the launcher desires to know the team score, but we're not in a game mode where
	// teams have scores, then don't send back team score information.
	if (( teamplay || teamgame || teamlms || teampossession || teamcoop ) == false )
		if ( ulBits & SQF_TEAMSCORES )
			ulBits &= ~SQF_TEAMSCORES;

	// If the launcher wants to know player data, then we have to tell them how many players
	// are in the server.
	if ( ulBits & SQF_PLAYERDATA )

	NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MasterServerBuffer, ulBits );

	// Send the server name.
	if ( ulBits & SQF_NAME )
		Val = sv_hostname.GetGenericRep( CVAR_String );
		NETWORK_WriteString( &g_MasterServerBuffer, Val.String );

	// Send the website URL.
	if ( ulBits & SQF_URL )
		Val = sv_website.GetGenericRep( CVAR_String );
		NETWORK_WriteString( &g_MasterServerBuffer, Val.String );

	// Send the host's e-mail address.
	if ( ulBits & SQF_EMAIL )
		Val = sv_hostemail.GetGenericRep( CVAR_String );
		NETWORK_WriteString( &g_MasterServerBuffer, Val.String );

	if ( ulBits & SQF_MAPNAME )
		NETWORK_WriteString( &g_MasterServerBuffer, level.mapname );

	if ( ulBits & SQF_MAXCLIENTS )
		NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MasterServerBuffer, sv_maxclients );

	if ( ulBits & SQF_MAXPLAYERS )
		NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MasterServerBuffer, sv_maxplayers );

	// Send out the PWAD information.
	if ( ulBits & SQF_PWADS )
		ulNumPWADs = 0;
		for ( ulIdx = 0; Wads.GetWadName( ulIdx ) != NULL; ulIdx++ )
			// Skip the IWAD file index, skulltag.wad/pk3, and files that were automatically
			// loaded from subdirectories (such as skin files).
			if (( ulIdx == FWadCollection::IWAD_FILENUM ) ||
				( stricmp( Wads.GetWadName( ulIdx ), "scoredoomst.wad" ) == 0 ) ||
				( stricmp( Wads.GetWadName( ulIdx ), "scoredoomst.pk3" ) == 0 ) ||
				( Wads.GetLoadedAutomatically( ulIdx )))


		NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MasterServerBuffer, ulNumPWADs );
		for ( ulIdx = 0; Wads.GetWadName( ulIdx ) != NULL; ulIdx++ )
			// Skip the IWAD file index, skulltag.wad/pk3, and files that were automatically
			// loaded from subdirectories (such as skin files).
			if (( ulIdx == FWadCollection::IWAD_FILENUM ) ||
				( stricmp( Wads.GetWadName( ulIdx ), "scoredoomst.wad" ) == 0 ) ||
				( stricmp( Wads.GetWadName( ulIdx ), "scoredoomst.pk3" ) == 0 ) ||
				( Wads.GetLoadedAutomatically( ulIdx )))

			NETWORK_WriteString( &g_MasterServerBuffer, (char *)Wads.GetWadName( ulIdx ));

	if ( ulBits & SQF_GAMETYPE )
		NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MasterServerBuffer, GAME_GetGameType( ));
		NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MasterServerBuffer, instagib );
		NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MasterServerBuffer, buckshot );

	if ( ulBits & SQF_GAMENAME )
		NETWORK_WriteString( &g_MasterServerBuffer, SERVER_MASTER_GetGameName( ));

	if ( ulBits & SQF_IWAD )
		NETWORK_WriteString( &g_MasterServerBuffer, (char *)Wads.GetWadName( FWadCollection::IWAD_FILENUM ));

	if ( ulBits & SQF_FORCEPASSWORD )
		NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MasterServerBuffer, sv_forcepassword );

		NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MasterServerBuffer, sv_forcejoinpassword );

	if ( ulBits & SQF_GAMESKILL )
		NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MasterServerBuffer, gameskill );

	if ( ulBits & SQF_BOTSKILL )
		NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MasterServerBuffer, botskill );

	if ( ulBits & SQF_DMFLAGS )
		NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MasterServerBuffer, dmflags );
		NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MasterServerBuffer, dmflags2 );
		NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MasterServerBuffer, compatflags );

	if ( ulBits & SQF_LIMITS )
		NETWORK_WriteShort( &g_MasterServerBuffer, fraglimit );
		NETWORK_WriteShort( &g_MasterServerBuffer, (SHORT)timelimit );
		if ( timelimit )
			LONG	lTimeLeft;

			lTimeLeft = (LONG)( timelimit - ( level.totaltime / ( TICRATE * 60 ))); //ghk
			if ( lTimeLeft < 0 )
				lTimeLeft = 0;
			NETWORK_WriteShort( &g_MasterServerBuffer, lTimeLeft );
		NETWORK_WriteShort( &g_MasterServerBuffer, duellimit );
		NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MasterServerBuffer, pointlimit ); //ghk writelong
		NETWORK_WriteShort( &g_MasterServerBuffer, winlimit );

	// Send the team damage scale.
	if ( teamplay || teamgame || teamlms || teampossession || teamcoop || (( deathmatch == false ) && ( teamgame == false )))
		if ( ulBits & SQF_TEAMDAMAGE )
			NETWORK_WriteFloat( &g_MasterServerBuffer, teamdamage );

	// Send the team scores.
	if ( teamplay || teamgame || teamlms || teampossession || teamcoop )
		if ( ulBits & SQF_TEAMSCORES )
			for ( ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < NUM_TEAMS; ulIdx++ )
				if ( teamplay )
					NETWORK_WriteShort( &g_MasterServerBuffer, TEAM_GetFragCount( ulIdx ));
				else if ( teamlms )
					NETWORK_WriteShort( &g_MasterServerBuffer, TEAM_GetWinCount( ulIdx ));
					NETWORK_WriteShort( &g_MasterServerBuffer, TEAM_GetScore( ulIdx )); //ghk writelong?

	if ( ulBits & SQF_NUMPLAYERS )
		NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MasterServerBuffer, SERVER_CalcNumPlayers( ));

	if ( ulBits & SQF_PLAYERDATA )
		for ( ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < MAXPLAYERS; ulIdx++ )
			if ( playeringame[ulIdx] == false )

			NETWORK_WriteString( &g_MasterServerBuffer, players[ulIdx].userinfo.netname );
			if ( teamgame || possession || teampossession || cooperative || teamcoop )
				NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MasterServerBuffer, players[ulIdx].lPointCount );//ghk writelong
			else if ( deathmatch )
				NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MasterServerBuffer, players[ulIdx].fragcount ); //ghk writelong
				NETWORK_WriteLong( &g_MasterServerBuffer, players[ulIdx].killcount ); //ghk writelong

			NETWORK_WriteShort( &g_MasterServerBuffer, players[ulIdx].ulPing );
			NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MasterServerBuffer, PLAYER_IsTrueSpectator( &players[ulIdx] ));
			NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MasterServerBuffer, players[ulIdx].bIsBot );

			if ( teamplay || teamgame || teamlms || teampossession || teamcoop )
				if ( players[ulIdx].bOnTeam == false )
					NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MasterServerBuffer, 255 );
					NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MasterServerBuffer, players[ulIdx].ulTeam );

			NETWORK_WriteByte( &g_MasterServerBuffer, players[ulIdx].ulTime / ( TICRATE * 60 ));

//	NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MasterServerBuffer, Address, true );
	NETWORK_LaunchPacket( &g_MasterServerBuffer, Address );