Exemple #1
byte therm_ReadBit() 
 byte bit=0; 
 THERM_OUTPUT(); // set pin as output 
 THERM_LOW(); // pull pin low for 1uS 
 THERM_INPUT(); // release pin & wait 14 uS 
 if (THERM_READ()) bit=1; // read pin value 
 _delay_us(45); // wait rest of 60uS period 
 return bit; 
Exemple #2
byte therm_Reset() 
  byte i; 
  THERM_OUTPUT(); // set pin as output 
  THERM_LOW(); // pull pin low for 480uS 
  THERM_INPUT(); // set pin as input 
  _delay_us(60); // wait for 60uS 
  i = THERM_READ(); // get pin value 
  _delay_us(420); // wait for rest of 480uS period 
 return i; 
Exemple #3
// Read the 40 bit data stream from the DHT 22
// Store the results in private member data to be read by public member functions
int dht22_read(float *temperature, float *humidity) {
	// uint8_t bitmask = _bitmask;
	//volatile uint8_t *reg asm("r30") = _baseReg;
	uint8_t retryCount;
	uint8_t bitTimes[DHT22_DATA_BIT_COUNT];
	int currentHumidity;
	int currentTemperature;
	uint8_t checkSum, csPart1, csPart2, csPart3, csPart4;
	int i;

	currentHumidity = 0;
	currentTemperature = 0;
	checkSum = 0;
	//return currentTime;
	for(i = 0; i < DHT22_DATA_BIT_COUNT; i++) {
		bitTimes[i] = 0;

	// Pin needs to start HIGH, wait until it is HIGH with a timeout

	retryCount = 0;
	do {
		if (retryCount > 125)
			return DHT_BUS_HUNG;
	} while (!THERM_READ());

	// Send the activate pulse
	THERM_OUTPUT_MODE(); // Output Low
	_delay_us(1100); // 1.1 ms
	THERM_INPUT_MODE();	// Switch back to input so pin can float
	// Find the start of the ACK Pulse
	retryCount = 0;

	do {
		if (retryCount > 25) //(Spec is 20 to 40 us, 25*2 == 50 us)
	} while (!THERM_READ());

	// Find the end of the ACK Pulse
	retryCount = 0;
	do {
		if (retryCount > 50) //(Spec is 80 us, 50*2 == 100 us)
	} while (THERM_READ());

	// Read the 40 bit data stream
	for (i = 0; i < DHT22_DATA_BIT_COUNT; i++) {
		// Find the start of the sync pulse
		retryCount = 0;
		do {
			if (retryCount > 35) //(Spec is 50 us, 35*2 == 70 us)
			// Show activity on TX LED
			PORTD &= ~_BV(PD5);
		} while (!THERM_READ());

		// Measure the width of the data pulse
		retryCount = 0;
		do {
			if (retryCount > 50) //(Spec is 80 us, 50*2 == 100 us)
			// Show activity on TX LED
			PORTD &= ~_BV(PD5);
		} while (THERM_READ());
		bitTimes[i] = retryCount;

	// Now bitTimes have the number of retries (us *2)
	// that were needed to find the end of each data bit
	// Spec: 0 is 26 to 28 us
	// Spec: 1 is 70 us
	// bitTimes[x] <= 11 is a 0
	// bitTimes[x] >  11 is a 1
	// Note: the bits are offset by one from the data sheet, not sure why
	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
		if (bitTimes[i + 1] > 11)
			currentHumidity |= (1 << (15 - i));

	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
		if (bitTimes[i + 17] > 11)
			currentTemperature |= (1 << (15 - i));

	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
		if (bitTimes[i + 33] > 11)
			checkSum |= (1 << (7 - i));

	*humidity = ((float)(currentHumidity & 0x7FFF)) / 10.0;
	if(currentTemperature & 0x8000) {
		// Below zero, non standard way of encoding negative numbers!
		currentTemperature &= 0x7FFF;
		*temperature = ((float)currentTemperature / 10.0) * -1.0;
	} else {
		*temperature = (float)currentTemperature / 10.0;

	csPart1 = currentHumidity >> 8;
	csPart2 = currentHumidity & 0xFF;
	csPart3 = currentTemperature >> 8;
	csPart4 = currentTemperature & 0xFF;
	if (checkSum == ((csPart1 + csPart2 + csPart3 + csPart4) & 0xFF)) {
		//*humidity = 10;
		return DHT_ERROR_NONE;

	//*humidity = 20;