Datum check_primary_key(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TriggerData *trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context; Trigger *trigger; /* to get trigger name */ int nargs; /* # of args specified in CREATE TRIGGER */ char **args; /* arguments: column names and table name */ int nkeys; /* # of key columns (= nargs / 2) */ Datum *kvals; /* key values */ char *relname; /* referenced relation name */ Relation rel; /* triggered relation */ HeapTuple tuple = NULL; /* tuple to return */ TupleDesc tupdesc; /* tuple description */ EPlan *plan; /* prepared plan */ Oid *argtypes = NULL; /* key types to prepare execution plan */ bool isnull; /* to know is some column NULL or not */ char ident[2 * NAMEDATALEN]; /* to identify myself */ int ret; int i; #ifdef DEBUG_QUERY elog(DEBUG4, "check_primary_key: Enter Function"); #endif /* * Some checks first... */ /* Called by trigger manager ? */ if (!CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo)) /* internal error */ elog(ERROR, "check_primary_key: not fired by trigger manager"); /* Should be called for ROW trigger */ if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_ROW(trigdata->tg_event)) /* internal error */ elog(ERROR, "check_primary_key: must be fired for row"); /* If INSERTion then must check Tuple to being inserted */ if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(trigdata->tg_event)) tuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; /* Not should be called for DELETE */ else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(trigdata->tg_event)) /* internal error */ elog(ERROR, "check_primary_key: cannot process DELETE events"); /* If UPDATion the must check new Tuple, not old one */ else tuple = trigdata->tg_newtuple; trigger = trigdata->tg_trigger; nargs = trigger->tgnargs; args = trigger->tgargs; if (nargs % 2 != 1) /* odd number of arguments! */ /* internal error */ elog(ERROR, "check_primary_key: odd number of arguments should be specified"); nkeys = nargs / 2; relname = args[nkeys]; rel = trigdata->tg_relation; tupdesc = rel->rd_att; /* Connect to SPI manager */ if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0) /* internal error */ elog(ERROR, "check_primary_key: SPI_connect returned %d", ret); /* * We use SPI plan preparation feature, so allocate space to place key * values. */ kvals = (Datum *) palloc(nkeys * sizeof(Datum)); /* * Construct ident string as TriggerName $ TriggeredRelationId and try to * find prepared execution plan. */ snprintf(ident, sizeof(ident), "%s$%u", trigger->tgname, rel->rd_id); plan = find_plan(ident, &PPlans, &nPPlans); /* if there is no plan then allocate argtypes for preparation */ if (plan->nplans <= 0) argtypes = (Oid *) palloc(nkeys * sizeof(Oid)); /* For each column in key ... */ for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++) { /* get index of column in tuple */ int fnumber = SPI_fnumber(tupdesc, args[i]); /* Bad guys may give us un-existing column in CREATE TRIGGER */ if (fnumber < 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_COLUMN), errmsg("there is no attribute \"%s\" in relation \"%s\"", args[i], SPI_getrelname(rel)))); /* Well, get binary (in internal format) value of column */ kvals[i] = SPI_getbinval(tuple, tupdesc, fnumber, &isnull); /* * If it's NULL then nothing to do! DON'T FORGET call SPI_finish ()! * DON'T FORGET return tuple! Executor inserts tuple you're returning! * If you return NULL then nothing will be inserted! */ if (isnull) { SPI_finish(); return PointerGetDatum(tuple); } if (plan->nplans <= 0) /* Get typeId of column */ argtypes[i] = SPI_gettypeid(tupdesc, fnumber); } /* * If we have to prepare plan ... */ if (plan->nplans <= 0) { SPIPlanPtr pplan; char sql[8192]; /* * Construct query: SELECT 1 FROM _referenced_relation_ WHERE Pkey1 = * $1 [AND Pkey2 = $2 [...]] */ snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "select 1 from %s where ", relname); for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++) { snprintf(sql + strlen(sql), sizeof(sql) - strlen(sql), "%s = $%d %s", args[i + nkeys + 1], i + 1, (i < nkeys - 1) ? "and " : ""); } /* Prepare plan for query */ pplan = SPI_prepare(sql, nkeys, argtypes); if (pplan == NULL) /* internal error */ elog(ERROR, "check_primary_key: SPI_prepare returned %d", SPI_result); /* * Remember that SPI_prepare places plan in current memory context - * so, we have to save plan in Top memory context for latter use. */ pplan = SPI_saveplan(pplan); if (pplan == NULL) /* internal error */ elog(ERROR, "check_primary_key: SPI_saveplan returned %d", SPI_result); plan->splan = (SPIPlanPtr *) malloc(sizeof(SPIPlanPtr)); *(plan->splan) = pplan; plan->nplans = 1; } /* * Ok, execute prepared plan. */ ret = SPI_execp(*(plan->splan), kvals, NULL, 1); /* we have no NULLs - so we pass ^^^^ here */ if (ret < 0) /* internal error */ elog(ERROR, "check_primary_key: SPI_execp returned %d", ret); /* * If there are no tuples returned by SELECT then ... */ if (SPI_processed == 0) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_TRIGGERED_ACTION_EXCEPTION), errmsg("tuple references non-existent key"), errdetail("Trigger \"%s\" found tuple referencing non-existent key in \"%s\".", trigger->tgname, relname))); SPI_finish(); return PointerGetDatum(tuple); }
Datum lo_manage(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TriggerData *trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context; int attnum; /* attribute number to monitor */ char **args; /* Args containing attr name */ TupleDesc tupdesc; /* Tuple Descriptor */ HeapTuple rettuple; /* Tuple to be returned */ bool isdelete; /* are we deleting? */ HeapTuple newtuple; /* The new value for tuple */ HeapTuple trigtuple; /* The original value of tuple */ if (!CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo)) /* internal error */ elog(ERROR, "not fired by trigger manager"); /* * Fetch some values from trigdata */ newtuple = trigdata->tg_newtuple; trigtuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; tupdesc = trigdata->tg_relation->rd_att; args = trigdata->tg_trigger->tgargs; /* tuple to return to Executor */ if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event)) rettuple = newtuple; else rettuple = trigtuple; /* Are we deleting the row? */ isdelete = TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(trigdata->tg_event); /* Get the column we're interested in */ attnum = SPI_fnumber(tupdesc, args[0]); if (attnum <= 0) elog(ERROR, "column \"%s\" does not exist", args[0]); /* * Handle updates * * Here, if the value of the monitored attribute changes, then the large * object associated with the original value is unlinked. */ if (newtuple != NULL) { char *orig = SPI_getvalue(trigtuple, tupdesc, attnum); char *newv = SPI_getvalue(newtuple, tupdesc, attnum); if (orig != NULL && (newv == NULL || strcmp(orig, newv) != 0)) DirectFunctionCall1(lo_unlink, ObjectIdGetDatum(atooid(orig))); if (newv) pfree(newv); if (orig) pfree(orig); } /* * Handle deleting of rows * * Here, we unlink the large object associated with the managed attribute */ if (isdelete) { char *orig = SPI_getvalue(trigtuple, tupdesc, attnum); if (orig != NULL) { DirectFunctionCall1(lo_unlink, ObjectIdGetDatum(atooid(orig))); pfree(orig); } } return PointerGetDatum(rettuple); }
Datum qhsrvaccount_monitor(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TriggerData *trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context; TupleDesc tupdesc; HeapTuple rettuple; char opcode = 'X'; // U for update I for insert D for delete X for unknow /* make sure it's called as a trigger at all */ if (!CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo)) elog(ERROR, "qhsrvaccount_monitor: not called by trigger manager"); /* tuple to return to executor */ if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event)){ opcode = 'U'; rettuple = trigdata->tg_newtuple; }else{ if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(trigdata->tg_event)) { opcode = 'I'; }else if(TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(trigdata->tg_event)){ opcode = 'D'; } rettuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; } tupdesc = trigdata->tg_relation->rd_att; char notify[1024] = {0}; unsigned int notifylen = 0; unsigned int natts = trigdata->tg_relation->rd_att->natts; char* value ; unsigned int valuelen = 0; notify[0] = opcode; notify[1] = '^'; notifylen = 2; int i = 0; for(; i < natts; ++i){ value = SPI_getvalue(rettuple, tupdesc, i+1); if (value == NULL) { value = "$"; } valuelen = strlen(value); memcpy(notify+notifylen, value,valuelen); *(notify+notifylen+valuelen) = '^'; notifylen = notifylen+valuelen+1; } notify[--notifylen] = 0; elog(INFO, "%s", notify); int ret; char *tablename = " qhsrvaccount,"; int tablenamelen = strlen(tablename); if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0) elog(ERROR, "SPI connect return %d", ret); /* get number of rows in table */ char notifycmd[1024] = {0}; unsigned int notifycmdlen = sizeof("NOTIFY")-1; memcpy(notifycmd, "NOTIFY", notifycmdlen); notifycmd[notifycmdlen++] = ' '; memcpy(¬ifycmd[notifycmdlen], tablename, tablenamelen); notifycmdlen += tablenamelen; notifycmd[notifycmdlen++] = '\''; memcpy(¬ifycmd[notifycmdlen], notify, notifylen); notifycmdlen += notifylen; notifycmd[notifycmdlen++] = '\''; elog(INFO, "%s", notifycmd); ret = SPI_exec(notifycmd,0); if (ret < 0) elog(ERROR, " SPI_exec returned %d", ret); SPI_finish(); return PointerGetDatum(rettuple); }
/* * Internal handler function */ Datum handler_internal(Oid function_oid, FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, bool execute) { HeapTuple proctuple; Form_pg_proc pg_proc_entry; const char * sourcecode; const char * rest; char *tempfile; int i; int argc; char * arguments[FUNC_MAX_ARGS + 2]; char * ret; HeapTuple returntuple = NULL; Datum prosrcdatum; bool isnull; proctuple = SearchSysCache(PROCOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(function_oid), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(proctuple)) elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for function %u", function_oid); prosrcdatum = SysCacheGetAttr(PROCOID, proctuple, Anum_pg_proc_prosrc, &isnull); if (isnull) elog(ERROR, "null prosrc"); sourcecode = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(textout, prosrcdatum)); parse_shell_and_arguments(sourcecode, &argc, arguments, &rest); /* validation stops here */ if (!execute) { ReleaseSysCache(proctuple); PG_RETURN_VOID(); } tempfile = write_to_tempfile(rest); arguments[argc++] = tempfile; /* evaluate arguments */ pg_proc_entry = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(proctuple); if (CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo)) { TriggerData *trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context; Trigger *trigger = trigdata->tg_trigger; TupleDesc tupdesc = trigdata->tg_relation->rd_att; HeapTuple oldtuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; /* first the CREATE TRIGGER fixed arguments */ for (i = 0; i < trigger->tgnargs; i++) { arguments[argc++] = trigger->tgargs[i]; } if (TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_ROW(trigdata->tg_event)) for (i = 0; i < tupdesc->natts; i++) { char * s; bool isnull; Datum attr; attr = heap_getattr(oldtuple, i + 1, tupdesc, &isnull); if (isnull) s = ""; else s = type_to_cstring(attr, tupdesc->attrs[i]->atttypid); elog(DEBUG2, "arg %d is \"%s\" (type %u)", i, s, tupdesc->attrs[i]->atttypid); arguments[argc++] = s; } /* since we can't alter the tuple anyway, set up a return tuple right now */ if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(trigdata->tg_event)) returntuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(trigdata->tg_event)) returntuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event)) returntuple = trigdata->tg_newtuple; #ifdef TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_TRUNCATE else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_TRUNCATE(trigdata->tg_event)) returntuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; #endif else elog(ERROR, "unrecognized trigger action: not INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, or TRUNCATE"); } else if (CALLED_AS_EVENT_TRIGGER(fcinfo)) { /* nothing */ } else /* not trigger */ { for (i = 0; i < pg_proc_entry->pronargs; i++) { char * s; if (PG_ARGISNULL(i)) s = ""; else s = type_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_DATUM(i), pg_proc_entry->proargtypes.values[i]); elog(DEBUG2, "arg %d is \"%s\"", i, s); arguments[argc++] = s; } } /* terminate list */ arguments[argc] = NULL; ret = handler_internal2(tempfile, arguments, NameStr(pg_proc_entry->proname), CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo) ? (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context : NULL, CALLED_AS_EVENT_TRIGGER(fcinfo) ? (EventTriggerData *) fcinfo->context : NULL); ReleaseSysCache(proctuple); if (CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo)) { PG_RETURN_DATUM(PointerGetDatum(returntuple)); } else if (CALLED_AS_EVENT_TRIGGER(fcinfo)) { PG_RETURN_NULL(); } else { if (ret) PG_RETURN_DATUM(cstring_to_type(ret, pg_proc_entry->prorettype)); else PG_RETURN_NULL(); } }
static PyObject * PLy_trigger_build_args(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo, PLyProcedure *proc, HeapTuple *rv) { TriggerData *tdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context; PyObject *pltname, *pltevent, *pltwhen, *pltlevel, *pltrelid, *plttablename, *plttableschema; PyObject *pltargs, *pytnew, *pytold; PyObject *volatile pltdata = NULL; char *stroid; PG_TRY(); { pltdata = PyDict_New(); if (!pltdata) PLy_elog(ERROR, "could not create new dictionary while building trigger arguments"); pltname = PyString_FromString(tdata->tg_trigger->tgname); PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "name", pltname); Py_DECREF(pltname); stroid = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(oidout, ObjectIdGetDatum(tdata->tg_relation->rd_id))); pltrelid = PyString_FromString(stroid); PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "relid", pltrelid); Py_DECREF(pltrelid); pfree(stroid); stroid = SPI_getrelname(tdata->tg_relation); plttablename = PyString_FromString(stroid); PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "table_name", plttablename); Py_DECREF(plttablename); pfree(stroid); stroid = SPI_getnspname(tdata->tg_relation); plttableschema = PyString_FromString(stroid); PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "table_schema", plttableschema); Py_DECREF(plttableschema); pfree(stroid); if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BEFORE(tdata->tg_event)) pltwhen = PyString_FromString("BEFORE"); else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_AFTER(tdata->tg_event)) pltwhen = PyString_FromString("AFTER"); else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_INSTEAD(tdata->tg_event)) pltwhen = PyString_FromString("INSTEAD OF"); else { elog(ERROR, "unrecognized WHEN tg_event: %u", tdata->tg_event); pltwhen = NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */ } PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "when", pltwhen); Py_DECREF(pltwhen); if (TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_ROW(tdata->tg_event)) { pltlevel = PyString_FromString("ROW"); PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "level", pltlevel); Py_DECREF(pltlevel); if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(tdata->tg_event)) { pltevent = PyString_FromString("INSERT"); PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "old", Py_None); pytnew = PLyDict_FromTuple(&(proc->result), tdata->tg_trigtuple, tdata->tg_relation->rd_att); PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "new", pytnew); Py_DECREF(pytnew); *rv = tdata->tg_trigtuple; } else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(tdata->tg_event)) { pltevent = PyString_FromString("DELETE"); PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "new", Py_None); pytold = PLyDict_FromTuple(&(proc->result), tdata->tg_trigtuple, tdata->tg_relation->rd_att); PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "old", pytold); Py_DECREF(pytold); *rv = tdata->tg_trigtuple; } else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(tdata->tg_event)) { pltevent = PyString_FromString("UPDATE"); pytnew = PLyDict_FromTuple(&(proc->result), tdata->tg_newtuple, tdata->tg_relation->rd_att); PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "new", pytnew); Py_DECREF(pytnew); pytold = PLyDict_FromTuple(&(proc->result), tdata->tg_trigtuple, tdata->tg_relation->rd_att); PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "old", pytold); Py_DECREF(pytold); *rv = tdata->tg_newtuple; } else { elog(ERROR, "unrecognized OP tg_event: %u", tdata->tg_event); pltevent = NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */ } PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "event", pltevent); Py_DECREF(pltevent); } else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_STATEMENT(tdata->tg_event)) { pltlevel = PyString_FromString("STATEMENT"); PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "level", pltlevel); Py_DECREF(pltlevel); PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "old", Py_None); PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "new", Py_None); *rv = NULL; if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(tdata->tg_event)) pltevent = PyString_FromString("INSERT"); else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(tdata->tg_event)) pltevent = PyString_FromString("DELETE"); else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(tdata->tg_event)) pltevent = PyString_FromString("UPDATE"); else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_TRUNCATE(tdata->tg_event)) pltevent = PyString_FromString("TRUNCATE"); else { elog(ERROR, "unrecognized OP tg_event: %u", tdata->tg_event); pltevent = NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */ } PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "event", pltevent); Py_DECREF(pltevent); } else elog(ERROR, "unrecognized LEVEL tg_event: %u", tdata->tg_event); if (tdata->tg_trigger->tgnargs) { /* * all strings... */ int i; PyObject *pltarg; pltargs = PyList_New(tdata->tg_trigger->tgnargs); for (i = 0; i < tdata->tg_trigger->tgnargs; i++) { pltarg = PyString_FromString(tdata->tg_trigger->tgargs[i]); /* * stolen, don't Py_DECREF */ PyList_SetItem(pltargs, i, pltarg); } } else { Py_INCREF(Py_None); pltargs = Py_None; } PyDict_SetItemString(pltdata, "args", pltargs); Py_DECREF(pltargs); } PG_CATCH(); { Py_XDECREF(pltdata); PG_RE_THROW(); } PG_END_TRY(); return pltdata; }
/* * parse trigger arguments. */ void pgq_prepare_event(struct PgqTriggerEvent *ev, TriggerData *tg, bool newstyle) { memset(ev, 0, sizeof(*ev)); /* * Check trigger calling conventions */ if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_TRUNCATE(tg->tg_event)) { if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_STATEMENT(tg->tg_event)) elog(ERROR, "pgq tRuncate trigger must be fired FOR EACH STATEMENT"); } else if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_ROW(tg->tg_event)) { elog(ERROR, "pgq Ins/Upd/Del trigger must be fired FOR EACH ROW"); } if (tg->tg_trigger->tgnargs < 1) elog(ERROR, "pgq trigger must have destination queue as argument"); /* * check operation type */ if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(tg->tg_event)) ev->op_type = 'I'; else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(tg->tg_event)) ev->op_type = 'U'; else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(tg->tg_event)) ev->op_type = 'D'; else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_TRUNCATE(tg->tg_event)) ev->op_type = 'R'; else elog(ERROR, "unknown event for pgq trigger"); /* * load table info */ ev->tgdata = tg; ev->info = find_table_info(tg->tg_relation); ev->table_name = ev->info->table_name; ev->pkey_list = ev->info->pkey_list; ev->queue_name = tg->tg_trigger->tgargs[0]; /* * parse args, newstyle args are cached */ ev->tgargs = find_trigger_info(ev->info, tg->tg_trigger->tgoid, true); if (newstyle) { if (!ev->tgargs->finalized) parse_newstyle_args(ev, tg); if (ev->tgargs->pkey_list) ev->pkey_list = ev->tgargs->pkey_list; /* Check if we have pkey */ if (ev->op_type == 'U' || ev->op_type == 'D') { if (ev->pkey_list[0] == 0) elog(ERROR, "Update/Delete on table without pkey"); } } else { parse_oldstyle_args(ev, tg); } ev->tgargs->finalized = true; /* * Check if BEFORE/AFTER makes sense. */ if (ev->tgargs->skip) { if (TRIGGER_FIRED_AFTER(tg->tg_event)) elog(ERROR, "SKIP does not work in AFTER trigger."); } else { if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_AFTER(tg->tg_event)) /* dont care ??? */ ; } /* * init data */ ev->field[EV_TYPE] = pgq_init_varbuf(); ev->field[EV_DATA] = pgq_init_varbuf(); ev->field[EV_EXTRA1] = pgq_init_varbuf(); /* * Do the backup, if requested. */ if (ev->tgargs->backup) { ev->field[EV_EXTRA2] = pgq_init_varbuf(); pgq_urlenc_row(ev, tg->tg_trigtuple, ev->field[EV_EXTRA2]); } }
/* table_log() trigger function for logging table changes parameter: - log table name (optional) return: - trigger data (for Pg) */ Datum table_log(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TriggerData *trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context; int ret; char query[250 + NAMEDATALEN]; /* for getting table infos (250 chars (+ one times the length of all names) should be enough) */ int number_columns = 0; /* counts the number columns in the table */ int number_columns_log = 0; /* counts the number columns in the table */ char *orig_schema; char *log_schema; char *log_table; int use_session_user = 0; /* should we write the current (session) user to the log table? */ /* * Some checks first... */ #ifdef TABLE_LOG_DEBUG elog(NOTICE, "start table_log()"); #endif /* TABLE_LOG_DEBUG */ /* called by trigger manager? */ if (!CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo)) { elog(ERROR, "table_log: not fired by trigger manager"); } /* must only be called for ROW trigger */ if (TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_STATEMENT(trigdata->tg_event)) { elog(ERROR, "table_log: can't process STATEMENT events"); } /* must only be called AFTER */ if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BEFORE(trigdata->tg_event)) { elog(ERROR, "table_log: must be fired after event"); } /* now connect to SPI manager */ ret = SPI_connect(); if (ret != SPI_OK_CONNECT) { elog(ERROR, "table_log: SPI_connect returned %d", ret); } /* get schema name for the table, in case we need it later */ orig_schema = get_namespace_name(RelationGetNamespace(trigdata->tg_relation)); #ifdef TABLE_LOG_DEBUG elog(NOTICE, "prechecks done, now getting original table attributes"); #endif /* TABLE_LOG_DEBUG */ number_columns = count_columns(trigdata->tg_relation->rd_att); if (number_columns < 1) { elog(ERROR, "table_log: number of columns in table is < 1, can this happen?"); } #ifdef TABLE_LOG_DEBUG elog(NOTICE, "number columns in orig table: %i", number_columns); #endif /* TABLE_LOG_DEBUG */ if (trigdata->tg_trigger->tgnargs > 3) { elog(ERROR, "table_log: too many arguments to trigger"); } /* name of the log schema */ if (trigdata->tg_trigger->tgnargs > 2) { /* check if a log schema argument is given, if yes, use it */ log_schema = trigdata->tg_trigger->tgargs[2]; } else { /* if no, use orig_schema */ log_schema = orig_schema; } /* should we write the current user? */ if (trigdata->tg_trigger->tgnargs > 1) { /* check if a second argument is given */ /* if yes, use it, if it is true */ if (atoi(trigdata->tg_trigger->tgargs[1]) == 1) { use_session_user = 1; #ifdef TABLE_LOG_DEBUG elog(NOTICE, "will write session user to 'trigger_user'"); #endif /* TABLE_LOG_DEBUG */ } } /* name of the log table */ if (trigdata->tg_trigger->tgnargs > 0) { /* check if a logtable argument is given */ /* if yes, use it */ log_table = (char *) palloc((strlen(trigdata->tg_trigger->tgargs[0]) + 2) * sizeof(char)); sprintf(log_table, "%s", trigdata->tg_trigger->tgargs[0]); } else { /* if no, use 'table name' + '_log' */ log_table = (char *) palloc((strlen(do_quote_ident(SPI_getrelname(trigdata->tg_relation))) + 5) * sizeof(char)); sprintf(log_table, "%s_log", SPI_getrelname(trigdata->tg_relation)); } #ifdef TABLE_LOG_DEBUG elog(NOTICE, "log table: %s", log_table); #endif /* TABLE_LOG_DEBUG */ #ifdef TABLE_LOG_DEBUG elog(NOTICE, "now check, if log table exists"); #endif /* TABLE_LOG_DEBUG */ /* get the number columns in the table */ snprintf(query, 249, "%s.%s", do_quote_ident(log_schema), do_quote_ident(log_table)); number_columns_log = count_columns(RelationNameGetTupleDesc(query)); if (number_columns_log < 1) { elog(ERROR, "could not get number columns in relation %s", log_table); } #ifdef TABLE_LOG_DEBUG elog(NOTICE, "number columns in log table: %i", number_columns_log); #endif /* TABLE_LOG_DEBUG */ /* check if the logtable has 3 (or now 4) columns more than our table */ /* +1 if we should write the session user */ if (use_session_user == 0) { /* without session user */ if (number_columns_log != number_columns + 3 && number_columns_log != number_columns + 4) { elog(ERROR, "number colums in relation %s(%d) does not match columns in %s(%d)", SPI_getrelname(trigdata->tg_relation), number_columns, log_table, number_columns_log); } } else { /* with session user */ if (number_columns_log != number_columns + 3 + 1 && number_columns_log != number_columns + 4 + 1) { elog(ERROR, "number colums in relation %s does not match columns in %s", SPI_getrelname(trigdata->tg_relation), log_table); } } #ifdef TABLE_LOG_DEBUG elog(NOTICE, "log table OK"); #endif /* TABLE_LOG_DEBUG */ /* For each column in key ... */ #ifdef TABLE_LOG_DEBUG elog(NOTICE, "copy data ..."); #endif /* TABLE_LOG_DEBUG */ if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(trigdata->tg_event)) { /* trigger called from INSERT */ #ifdef TABLE_LOG_DEBUG elog(NOTICE, "mode: INSERT -> new"); #endif /* TABLE_LOG_DEBUG */ __table_log(trigdata, "INSERT", "new", trigdata->tg_trigtuple, number_columns, log_table, use_session_user, log_schema); } else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event)) { /* trigger called from UPDATE */ #ifdef TABLE_LOG_DEBUG elog(NOTICE, "mode: UPDATE -> old"); #endif /* TABLE_LOG_DEBUG */ __table_log(trigdata, "UPDATE", "old", trigdata->tg_trigtuple, number_columns, log_table, use_session_user, log_schema); #ifdef TABLE_LOG_DEBUG elog(NOTICE, "mode: UPDATE -> new"); #endif /* TABLE_LOG_DEBUG */ __table_log(trigdata, "UPDATE", "new", trigdata->tg_newtuple, number_columns, log_table, use_session_user, log_schema); } else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(trigdata->tg_event)) { /* trigger called from DELETE */ #ifdef TABLE_LOG_DEBUG elog(NOTICE, "mode: DELETE -> old"); #endif /* TABLE_LOG_DEBUG */ __table_log(trigdata, "DELETE", "old", trigdata->tg_trigtuple, number_columns, log_table, use_session_user, log_schema); } else { elog(ERROR, "trigger fired by unknown event"); } #ifdef TABLE_LOG_DEBUG elog(NOTICE, "cleanup, trigger done"); #endif /* TABLE_LOG_DEBUG */ /* clean up */ pfree(log_table); /* close SPI connection */ SPI_finish(); /* return trigger data */ return PointerGetDatum(trigdata->tg_trigtuple); }
Datum trig_configuration(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TriggerData *trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context; TupleDesc tupdesc; HeapTuple rettuple; char *when; bool checknull = false; bool isnull; int ret, i; /* make sure it's called as a trigger at all */ if (!CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo)) elog(ERROR, "trigf: not called by trigger manager"); /* tuple to return to executor */ if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event)) rettuple = trigdata->tg_newtuple; else rettuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; /* check for null values */ if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(trigdata->tg_event) && TRIGGER_FIRED_BEFORE(trigdata->tg_event)) checknull = true; if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BEFORE(trigdata->tg_event)) when = "before"; else when = "after "; tupdesc = trigdata->tg_relation->rd_att; /* connect to SPI manager */ if ((ret = SPI_connect()) < 0) elog(INFO, "trigf (fired %s): SPI_connect returned %d", when, ret); /* get number of rows in table */ /* ret = SPI_exec("SELECT count(*) FROM 'NOTIFY trig101'", 0); */ ret = SPI_exec("INSERT INTO configuration (param_id,parameter,val,location) VALUES (2,'player3_md5','',1)",1); elog(NOTICE,"Return code: %d",ret); if (ret < 0) elog(NOTICE, "trigf (fired %s): SPI_exec returned %d", when, ret); /* count(*) returns int8, so be careful to convert */ i = DatumGetInt64(SPI_getbinval(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, 1, &isnull)); elog (INFO, "trigf (fired %s): there are %d rows in FISH ", when, i); SPI_finish(); if (checknull) { SPI_getbinval(rettuple, tupdesc, 1, &isnull); if (isnull) rettuple = NULL; } return PointerGetDatum(rettuple); }
Datum _Slony_I_logTrigger(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TransactionId newXid = GetTopTransactionId(); Slony_I_ClusterStatus *cs; TriggerData *tg; Datum argv[4]; text *cmdtype = NULL; int rc; Name cluster_name; int32 tab_id; char *attkind; int attkind_idx; int cmddata_need; /* * Don't do any logging if the current session role isn't Origin. */ if (SessionReplicationRole != SESSION_REPLICATION_ROLE_ORIGIN) return PointerGetDatum(NULL); /* * Get the trigger call context */ if (!CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo)) elog(ERROR, "Slony-I: logTrigger() not called as trigger"); tg = (TriggerData *) (fcinfo->context); /* * Check all logTrigger() calling conventions */ if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_AFTER(tg->tg_event)) elog(ERROR, "Slony-I: logTrigger() must be fired AFTER"); if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_ROW(tg->tg_event)) elog(ERROR, "Slony-I: logTrigger() must be fired FOR EACH ROW"); if (tg->tg_trigger->tgnargs != 3) elog(ERROR, "Slony-I: logTrigger() must be defined with 3 args"); /* * Connect to the SPI manager */ if ((rc = SPI_connect()) < 0) elog(ERROR, "Slony-I: SPI_connect() failed in createEvent()"); /* * Get all the trigger arguments */ cluster_name = DatumGetName(DirectFunctionCall1(namein, CStringGetDatum(tg->tg_trigger->tgargs[0]))); tab_id = strtol(tg->tg_trigger->tgargs[1], NULL, 10); attkind = tg->tg_trigger->tgargs[2]; /* * Get or create the cluster status information and make sure it has the * SPI plans that we need here. */ cs = getClusterStatus(cluster_name, PLAN_INSERT_LOG); /* * Do the following only once per transaction. */ if (!TransactionIdEquals(cs->currentXid, newXid)) { int32 log_status; bool isnull; /* * Determine the currently active log table */ if (SPI_execp(cs->plan_get_logstatus, NULL, NULL, 0) < 0) elog(ERROR, "Slony-I: cannot determine log status"); if (SPI_processed != 1) elog(ERROR, "Slony-I: cannot determine log status"); log_status = DatumGetInt32(SPI_getbinval(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, 1, &isnull)); SPI_freetuptable(SPI_tuptable); switch (log_status) { case 0: case 2: cs->plan_active_log = cs->plan_insert_log_1; break; case 1: case 3: cs->plan_active_log = cs->plan_insert_log_2; break; default: elog(ERROR, "Slony-I: illegal log status %d", log_status); break; } cs->currentXid = newXid; } /* * Determine cmdtype and cmddata depending on the command type */ if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(tg->tg_event)) { HeapTuple new_row = tg->tg_trigtuple; TupleDesc tupdesc = tg->tg_relation->rd_att; char *col_ident; char *col_value; int len_ident; int len_value; int i; int need_comma = false; char *OldDateStyle; char *cp = VARDATA(cs->cmddata_buf); /* * INSERT * * cmdtype = 'I' cmddata = ("col" [, ...]) values ('value' [, ...]) */ cmdtype = cs->cmdtype_I; /* * Specify all the columns */ *cp++ = '('; for (i = 0; i < tg->tg_relation->rd_att->natts; i++) { /* * Skip dropped columns */ if (tupdesc->attrs[i]->attisdropped) continue; col_ident = (char *) slon_quote_identifier(SPI_fname(tupdesc, i + 1)); cmddata_need = (cp - (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf)) + 16 + (len_ident = strlen(col_ident)); if (cs->cmddata_size < cmddata_need) { int have = (cp - (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf)); while (cs->cmddata_size < cmddata_need) cs->cmddata_size *= 2; cs->cmddata_buf = realloc(cs->cmddata_buf, cs->cmddata_size); cp = (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf) + have; } if (need_comma) *cp++ = ','; else need_comma = true; memcpy(cp, col_ident, len_ident); cp += len_ident; } /* * Append the string ") values (" */ *cp++ = ')'; *cp++ = ' '; *cp++ = 'v'; *cp++ = 'a'; *cp++ = 'l'; *cp++ = 'u'; *cp++ = 'e'; *cp++ = 's'; *cp++ = ' '; *cp++ = '('; /* * Append the values */ need_comma = false; OldDateStyle = GetConfigOptionByName("DateStyle", NULL); if (!strstr(OldDateStyle, "ISO")) set_config_option("DateStyle", "ISO", PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION, true, true); for (i = 0; i < tg->tg_relation->rd_att->natts; i++) { /* * Skip dropped columns */ if (tupdesc->attrs[i]->attisdropped) continue; if ((col_value = SPI_getvalue(new_row, tupdesc, i + 1)) == NULL) { col_value = "NULL"; } else { col_value = slon_quote_literal(col_value); } cmddata_need = (cp - (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf)) + 16 + (len_value = strlen(col_value)); if (cs->cmddata_size < cmddata_need) { int have = (cp - (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf)); while (cs->cmddata_size < cmddata_need) cs->cmddata_size *= 2; cs->cmddata_buf = realloc(cs->cmddata_buf, cs->cmddata_size); cp = (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf) + have; } if (need_comma) *cp++ = ','; else need_comma = true; memcpy(cp, col_value, len_value); cp += len_value; } if (!strstr(OldDateStyle, "ISO")) set_config_option("DateStyle", OldDateStyle, PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION, true, true); /* * Terminate and done */ *cp++ = ')'; *cp = '\0'; SET_VARSIZE(cs->cmddata_buf, VARHDRSZ + (cp - VARDATA(cs->cmddata_buf))); } else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(tg->tg_event)) { HeapTuple old_row = tg->tg_trigtuple; HeapTuple new_row = tg->tg_newtuple; TupleDesc tupdesc = tg->tg_relation->rd_att; Datum old_value; Datum new_value; bool old_isnull; bool new_isnull; char *col_ident; char *col_value; int len_ident; int len_value; int i; int need_comma = false; int need_and = false; char *OldDateStyle; char *cp = VARDATA(cs->cmddata_buf); /* * UPDATE * * cmdtype = 'U' cmddata = "col_ident"='value' [, ...] where * "pk_ident" = 'value' [ and ...] */ cmdtype = cs->cmdtype_U; for (i = 0; i < tg->tg_relation->rd_att->natts; i++) { /* * Ignore dropped columns */ if (tupdesc->attrs[i]->attisdropped) continue; old_value = SPI_getbinval(old_row, tupdesc, i + 1, &old_isnull); new_value = SPI_getbinval(new_row, tupdesc, i + 1, &new_isnull); /* * If old and new value are NULL, the column is unchanged */ if (old_isnull && new_isnull) continue; /* * If both are NOT NULL, we need to compare the values and skip * setting the column if equal */ if (!old_isnull && !new_isnull) { Oid opr_oid; FmgrInfo *opr_finfo_p; /* * Lookup the equal operators function call info using the * typecache if available */ #ifdef HAVE_TYPCACHE TypeCacheEntry *type_cache; type_cache = lookup_type_cache( SPI_gettypeid(tupdesc, i + 1), TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR | TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR_FINFO); opr_oid = type_cache->eq_opr; if (opr_oid == ARRAY_EQ_OP) opr_oid = InvalidOid; else opr_finfo_p = &(type_cache->eq_opr_finfo); #else FmgrInfo opr_finfo; opr_oid = compatible_oper_funcid(makeList1(makeString("=")), SPI_gettypeid(tupdesc, i + 1), SPI_gettypeid(tupdesc, i + 1), true); if (OidIsValid(opr_oid)) { fmgr_info(opr_oid, &opr_finfo); opr_finfo_p = &opr_finfo; } #endif /* * If we have an equal operator, use that to do binary * comparision. Else get the string representation of both * attributes and do string comparision. */ if (OidIsValid(opr_oid)) { if (DatumGetBool(FunctionCall2(opr_finfo_p, old_value, new_value))) continue; } else { char *old_strval = SPI_getvalue(old_row, tupdesc, i + 1); char *new_strval = SPI_getvalue(new_row, tupdesc, i + 1); if (strcmp(old_strval, new_strval) == 0) continue; } } if (need_comma) *cp++ = ','; else need_comma = true; col_ident = (char *) slon_quote_identifier(SPI_fname(tupdesc, i + 1)); if (new_isnull) col_value = "NULL"; else { OldDateStyle = GetConfigOptionByName("DateStyle", NULL); if (!strstr(OldDateStyle, "ISO")) set_config_option("DateStyle", "ISO", PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION, true, true); col_value = slon_quote_literal(SPI_getvalue(new_row, tupdesc, i + 1)); if (!strstr(OldDateStyle, "ISO")) set_config_option("DateStyle", OldDateStyle, PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION, true, true); } cmddata_need = (cp - (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf)) + 16 + (len_ident = strlen(col_ident)) + (len_value = strlen(col_value)); if (cs->cmddata_size < cmddata_need) { int have = (cp - (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf)); while (cs->cmddata_size < cmddata_need) cs->cmddata_size *= 2; cs->cmddata_buf = realloc(cs->cmddata_buf, cs->cmddata_size); cp = (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf) + have; } memcpy(cp, col_ident, len_ident); cp += len_ident; *cp++ = '='; memcpy(cp, col_value, len_value); cp += len_value; } /* * It can happen that the only UPDATE an application does is to set a * column to the same value again. In that case, we'd end up here with * no columns in the SET clause yet. We add the first key column here * with it's old value to simulate the same for the replication * engine. */ if (!need_comma) { for (i = 0, attkind_idx = -1; i < tg->tg_relation->rd_att->natts; i++) { if (tupdesc->attrs[i]->attisdropped) continue; attkind_idx++; if (!attkind[attkind_idx]) elog(ERROR, "Slony-I: no key columns found in logTrigger() attkind parameter"); if (attkind[attkind_idx] == 'k') break; } col_ident = (char *) slon_quote_identifier(SPI_fname(tupdesc, i + 1)); col_value = slon_quote_literal(SPI_getvalue(old_row, tupdesc, i + 1)); cmddata_need = (cp - (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf)) + 16 + (len_ident = strlen(col_ident)) + (len_value = strlen(col_value)); if (cs->cmddata_size < cmddata_need) { int have = (cp - (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf)); while (cs->cmddata_size < cmddata_need) cs->cmddata_size *= 2; cs->cmddata_buf = realloc(cs->cmddata_buf, cs->cmddata_size); cp = (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf) + have; } memcpy(cp, col_ident, len_ident); cp += len_ident; *cp++ = '='; memcpy(cp, col_value, len_value); cp += len_value; } *cp++ = ' '; *cp++ = 'w'; *cp++ = 'h'; *cp++ = 'e'; *cp++ = 'r'; *cp++ = 'e'; *cp++ = ' '; for (i = 0, attkind_idx = -1; i < tg->tg_relation->rd_att->natts; i++) { /* * Ignore dropped columns */ if (tupdesc->attrs[i]->attisdropped) continue; attkind_idx++; if (!attkind[attkind_idx]) break; if (attkind[attkind_idx] != 'k') continue; col_ident = (char *) slon_quote_identifier(SPI_fname(tupdesc, i + 1)); col_value = slon_quote_literal(SPI_getvalue(old_row, tupdesc, i + 1)); if (col_value == NULL) elog(ERROR, "Slony-I: old key column %s.%s IS NULL on UPDATE", NameStr(tg->tg_relation->rd_rel->relname), col_ident); cmddata_need = (cp - (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf)) + 16 + (len_ident = strlen(col_ident)) + (len_value = strlen(col_value)); if (cs->cmddata_size < cmddata_need) { int have = (cp - (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf)); while (cs->cmddata_size < cmddata_need) cs->cmddata_size *= 2; cs->cmddata_buf = realloc(cs->cmddata_buf, cs->cmddata_size); cp = (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf) + have; } if (need_and) { *cp++ = ' '; *cp++ = 'a'; *cp++ = 'n'; *cp++ = 'd'; *cp++ = ' '; } else need_and = true; memcpy(cp, col_ident, len_ident); cp += len_ident; *cp++ = '='; memcpy(cp, col_value, len_value); cp += len_value; } *cp = '\0'; SET_VARSIZE(cs->cmddata_buf, VARHDRSZ + (cp - VARDATA(cs->cmddata_buf))); } else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(tg->tg_event)) { HeapTuple old_row = tg->tg_trigtuple; TupleDesc tupdesc = tg->tg_relation->rd_att; char *col_ident; char *col_value; int len_ident; int len_value; int i; int need_and = false; char *cp = VARDATA(cs->cmddata_buf); /* * DELETE * * cmdtype = 'D' cmddata = "pk_ident"='value' [and ...] */ cmdtype = cs->cmdtype_D; for (i = 0, attkind_idx = -1; i < tg->tg_relation->rd_att->natts; i++) { if (tupdesc->attrs[i]->attisdropped) continue; attkind_idx++; if (!attkind[attkind_idx]) break; if (attkind[attkind_idx] != 'k') continue; col_ident = (char *) slon_quote_identifier(SPI_fname(tupdesc, i + 1)); col_value = slon_quote_literal(SPI_getvalue(old_row, tupdesc, i + 1)); if (col_value == NULL) elog(ERROR, "Slony-I: old key column %s.%s IS NULL on DELETE", NameStr(tg->tg_relation->rd_rel->relname), col_ident); cmddata_need = (cp - (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf)) + 16 + (len_ident = strlen(col_ident)) + (len_value = strlen(col_value)); if (cs->cmddata_size < cmddata_need) { int have = (cp - (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf)); while (cs->cmddata_size < cmddata_need) cs->cmddata_size *= 2; cs->cmddata_buf = realloc(cs->cmddata_buf, cs->cmddata_size); cp = (char *) (cs->cmddata_buf) + have; } if (need_and) { *cp++ = ' '; *cp++ = 'a'; *cp++ = 'n'; *cp++ = 'd'; *cp++ = ' '; } else need_and = true; memcpy(cp, col_ident, len_ident); cp += len_ident; *cp++ = '='; memcpy(cp, col_value, len_value); cp += len_value; } *cp = '\0'; SET_VARSIZE(cs->cmddata_buf, VARHDRSZ + (cp - VARDATA(cs->cmddata_buf))); } else elog(ERROR, "Slony-I: logTrigger() fired for unhandled event"); /* * Construct the parameter array and insert the log row. */ argv[0] = Int32GetDatum(tab_id); argv[1] = PointerGetDatum(cmdtype); argv[2] = PointerGetDatum(cs->cmddata_buf); SPI_execp(cs->plan_active_log, argv, NULL, 0); SPI_finish(); return PointerGetDatum(NULL); }
/***************************************************************************** * The entry point for the trigger function. * The Trigger takes a single SQL 'text' argument indicating the name of the * table the trigger was applied to. If this name is incorrect so will the * mirroring. ****************************************************************************/ Datum recordchange(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TriggerData *trigdata; TupleDesc tupdesc; HeapTuple beforeTuple = NULL; HeapTuple afterTuple = NULL; HeapTuple retTuple = NULL; char *tblname; char op = 0; char *schemaname; char *fullyqualtblname; char *pkxpress = NULL; if (fcinfo->context != NULL) { if (SPI_connect() < 0) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_CONNECTION_FAILURE), errmsg("dbmirror:recordchange could not connect to SPI"))); return -1; } trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context; /* Extract the table name */ tblname = SPI_getrelname(trigdata->tg_relation); #ifndef NOSCHEMAS schemaname = get_namespace_name(RelationGetNamespace(trigdata->tg_relation)); fullyqualtblname = SPI_palloc(strlen(tblname) + strlen(schemaname) + 6); sprintf(fullyqualtblname, "\"%s\".\"%s\"", schemaname, tblname); #else fullyqualtblname = SPI_palloc(strlen(tblname) + 3); sprintf(fullyqualtblname, "\"%s\"", tblname); #endif tupdesc = trigdata->tg_relation->rd_att; if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event)) { retTuple = trigdata->tg_newtuple; beforeTuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; afterTuple = trigdata->tg_newtuple; op = 'u'; } else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(trigdata->tg_event)) { retTuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; afterTuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; op = 'i'; } else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(trigdata->tg_event)) { retTuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; beforeTuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; op = 'd'; } else { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_TRIGGERED_ACTION_EXCEPTION), errmsg("dbmirror:recordchange Unknown operation"))); } if (storePending(fullyqualtblname, beforeTuple, afterTuple, tupdesc, retTuple->t_tableOid, op)) { /* An error occoured. Skip the operation. */ ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_TRIGGERED_ACTION_EXCEPTION), errmsg("operation could not be mirrored"))); return PointerGetDatum(NULL); } debug_msg("dbmirror:recordchange returning on success"); SPI_pfree(fullyqualtblname); if (pkxpress != NULL) SPI_pfree(pkxpress); SPI_finish(); return PointerGetDatum(retTuple); } else { /* * Not being called as a trigger. */ return PointerGetDatum(NULL); } }
Datum triggered_change_notification(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { TriggerData *trigdata = (TriggerData *) fcinfo->context; Trigger *trigger; int nargs; HeapTuple trigtuple; Relation rel; TupleDesc tupdesc; char *channel; char operation; StringInfo payload = makeStringInfo(); bool foundPK; List *indexoidlist; ListCell *indexoidscan; /* make sure it's called as a trigger */ if (!CALLED_AS_TRIGGER(fcinfo)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_TRIGGER_PROTOCOL_VIOLATED), errmsg("triggered_change_notification: must be called as trigger"))); /* and that it's called after the change */ if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_AFTER(trigdata->tg_event)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_TRIGGER_PROTOCOL_VIOLATED), errmsg("triggered_change_notification: must be called after the change"))); /* and that it's called for each row */ if (!TRIGGER_FIRED_FOR_ROW(trigdata->tg_event)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_TRIGGER_PROTOCOL_VIOLATED), errmsg("triggered_change_notification: must be called for each row"))); if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_INSERT(trigdata->tg_event)) operation = 'I'; else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_UPDATE(trigdata->tg_event)) operation = 'U'; else if (TRIGGER_FIRED_BY_DELETE(trigdata->tg_event)) operation = 'D'; else { elog(ERROR, "triggered_change_notification: trigger fired by unrecognized operation"); operation = 'X'; /* silence compiler warning */ } trigger = trigdata->tg_trigger; nargs = trigger->tgnargs; if (nargs > 1) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_E_R_I_E_TRIGGER_PROTOCOL_VIOLATED), errmsg("triggered_change_notification: must not be called with more than one parameter"))); if (nargs == 0) channel = "tcn"; else channel = trigger->tgargs[0]; /* get tuple data */ trigtuple = trigdata->tg_trigtuple; rel = trigdata->tg_relation; tupdesc = rel->rd_att; foundPK = false; /* * Get the list of index OIDs for the table from the relcache, and look up * each one in the pg_index syscache until we find one marked primary key * (hopefully there isn't more than one such). */ indexoidlist = RelationGetIndexList(rel); foreach(indexoidscan, indexoidlist) { Oid indexoid = lfirst_oid(indexoidscan); HeapTuple indexTuple; Form_pg_index index; indexTuple = SearchSysCache1(INDEXRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(indexoid)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple)) /* should not happen */ elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for index %u", indexoid); index = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple); /* we're only interested if it is the primary key and valid */ if (index->indisprimary && IndexIsValid(index)) { int numatts = index->indnatts; if (numatts > 0) { int i; foundPK = true; strcpy_quoted(payload, RelationGetRelationName(rel), '"'); appendStringInfoCharMacro(payload, ','); appendStringInfoCharMacro(payload, operation); for (i = 0; i < numatts; i++) { int colno = index->indkey.values[i]; appendStringInfoCharMacro(payload, ','); strcpy_quoted(payload, NameStr((tupdesc->attrs[colno - 1])->attname), '"'); appendStringInfoCharMacro(payload, '='); strcpy_quoted(payload, SPI_getvalue(trigtuple, tupdesc, colno), '\''); } Async_Notify(channel, payload->data); } ReleaseSysCache(indexTuple); break; } ReleaseSysCache(indexTuple); }