Exemple #1
bool TRI_StartScopeAql (TRI_aql_context_t* const context, const TRI_aql_scope_e type) {
  TRI_aql_scope_t* scope;
  TRI_aql_node_t* node;


  scope = CreateScope(context, type);

  if (scope == NULL) {
    return false;
  LOG_TRACE("starting scope of type %s", TRI_TypeNameScopeAql(scope->_type));
  TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&context->_memory._scopes, (void*) scope);
  TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&context->_currentScopes, (void*) scope);

  node = TRI_CreateNodeScopeStartAql(context, scope);
  if (node == NULL) {
    return false;
  if (! TRI_AppendStatementListAql(context->_statements, node)) {
    return false;

  return true;
Exemple #2
static TRI_datafile_t* CreateCompactor (TRI_document_collection_t* document,
                                        TRI_voc_fid_t fid,
                                        TRI_voc_size_t maximalSize) {
  TRI_collection_t* collection;
  TRI_datafile_t* compactor;
  collection = &document->base.base;
  // reserve room for one additional entry
  if (TRI_ReserveVectorPointer(&collection->_compactors, 1) != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    // could not get memory, exit early
    return NULL;

  compactor = TRI_CreateCompactorPrimaryCollection(&document->base, fid, maximalSize);

  if (compactor != NULL) {
    int res = TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&collection->_compactors, compactor);

    // we have reserved space before, so we can be sure the push succeeds
    assert(res == TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR);
  // we still must wake up the other thread from time to time, otherwise we'll deadlock


  return compactor;
Exemple #3
static TRI_shape_t const* FindShapeShape (TRI_shaper_t* shaper, TRI_shape_t* shape) {
  TRI_shape_t const* l;
  array_shaper_t* s;
  int res;

  s = (array_shaper_t*) shaper;
  l = TRI_LookupByElementAssociativePointer(&s->_shapeDictionary, shape);

  if (l != NULL) {
    TRI_Free(shaper->_memoryZone, shape);
    return l;

  shape->_sid = s->_shapes._length + 1;

  TRI_InsertElementAssociativePointer(&s->_shapeDictionary, shape, false);

  if (s->base._memoryZone->_failed) {
    TRI_Free(shaper->_memoryZone, shape);
    return NULL;

  res = TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&s->_shapes, shape);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    TRI_RemoveElementAssociativePointer(&s->_shapeDictionary, shape);
    TRI_Free(shaper->_memoryZone, shape);
    return NULL;

  return shape;
TRI_aql_node_t* TRI_CreateNodeReturnEmptyAql (void) {
  TRI_aql_node_t* node;
  TRI_aql_node_t* list;

  node = (TRI_aql_node_t*) TRI_Allocate(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, sizeof(TRI_aql_node_t), false);

  if (node == NULL) {
    return NULL;
  node->_type = TRI_AQL_NODE_RETURN_EMPTY;

  list = (TRI_aql_node_t*) TRI_Allocate(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, sizeof(TRI_aql_node_t), false);
  if (list == NULL) {

    return NULL;

  list->_type = TRI_AQL_NODE_LIST;
  TRI_InitVectorPointer(&list->_members, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE);
  TRI_InitVectorPointer(&node->_members, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE);
  TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&node->_members, (void*) list);

  return node;
Exemple #5
TRI_vector_pointer_t TRI_LookupByKeyMultiPointer (TRI_memory_zone_t* zone,
                                                  TRI_multi_pointer_t* array,
                                                  void const* key) {
  TRI_vector_pointer_t result;
  uint64_t hash;
  uint64_t i;

  // initialises the result vector
  TRI_InitVectorPointer(&result, zone);

  // compute the hash
  hash = array->hashKey(array, key);
  i = hash % array->_nrAlloc;

  // update statistics

  // search the table
  while (array->_table[i] != NULL) {
    if (array->isEqualKeyElement(array, key, array->_table[i])) {
      TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&result, array->_table[i]);
    else {
    i = (i + 1) % array->_nrAlloc;

  // return whatever we found
  return result;
Exemple #6
char* TRI_RegisterStringAql (TRI_aql_context_t* const context,
                             const char* const value,
                             const size_t length,
                             const bool deescape) {
  char* copy;

  if (value == NULL) {

  if (deescape && length > 0) {
    size_t outLength;

    copy = TRI_UnescapeUtf8StringZ(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, value, length, &outLength);
  else {
    copy = TRI_DuplicateString2Z(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, value, length);

  if (copy == NULL) {

  if (TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&context->_memory._strings, copy) != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, copy);
static TRI_hash_index_element_multi_t* GetFromFreelist (TRI_hash_array_multi_t* array) {
  if (array->_freelist == nullptr) {
    size_t blockSize = GetBlockSize(array->_blocks._length);
    TRI_ASSERT(blockSize > 0);

    auto begin = static_cast<TRI_hash_index_element_multi_t*>(TRI_Allocate(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, blockSize * OverflowEntrySize(), true));

    if (begin == nullptr) {
      return nullptr;

    auto ptr = begin;
    auto end = begin + (blockSize - 1);

    while (ptr < end) {
      ptr->_next = (ptr + 1);

    array->_freelist = begin;
    TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&array->_blocks, begin);

    array->_nrOverflowAlloc += blockSize;

  auto next = array->_freelist;
  TRI_ASSERT(next != nullptr);
  array->_freelist = next->_next;
  return next;
Exemple #8
bool TRI_RegisterNodeContextAql (TRI_aql_context_t* const context,
                                 void* const node) {

  TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&context->_memory._nodes, node);

  return true;
Exemple #9
TRI_vector_pointer_t TRI_LookupByElementHashArrayMulti (TRI_hash_array_t* array,
                                                        TRI_hash_index_element_t* element) {
  TRI_vector_pointer_t result;
  uint64_t hash;
  uint64_t i;

  // ...........................................................................
  // initialise the vector which will hold the result if any
  // ...........................................................................

  TRI_InitVectorPointer(&result, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE);

  // ...........................................................................
  // compute the hash
  // ...........................................................................

  hash = HashElement(array, element);
  i = hash % array->_nrAlloc;

  // ...........................................................................
  // update statistics
  // ...........................................................................


  // ...........................................................................
  // search the table
  // ...........................................................................

  while (! IsEmptyElement(array, &array->_table[i])) {
    if (IsEqualElementElement(array, element, &array->_table[i])) {
      TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&result, &array->_table[i]);

    else {

    i = (i + 1) % array->_nrAlloc;

  // ...........................................................................
  // return whatever we found -- which could be an empty vector list if nothing
  // matches. Note that we allow multiple elements (compare with pointer impl).
  // ...........................................................................

  return result;
bool TRI_PushStackParseAql (TRI_aql_context_t* const context,
                            const void* const value) {

  if (value == NULL) {
    TRI_SetErrorContextAql(__FILE__, __LINE__, context, TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL); 

    return false;

  TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&context->_parser->_stack, (void*) value);

  return true;
TRI_vector_pointer_t TRI_LookupByKeyHashArrayMulti (TRI_hash_array_multi_t const* array,
                                                    TRI_index_search_value_t const* key) {
  TRI_ASSERT_EXPENSIVE(array->_nrUsed < array->_nrAlloc);

  // ...........................................................................
  // initialise the vector which will hold the result if any
  // ...........................................................................

  TRI_vector_pointer_t result;
  TRI_InitVectorPointer(&result, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE);

  uint64_t const n = array->_nrAlloc;
  uint64_t i, k;

  i = k = HashKey(array, key) % n;
  for (; i < n && array->_table[i]._document != nullptr && ! IsEqualKeyElement(array, key, &array->_table[i]); ++i);
  if (i == n) {
    for (i = 0; i < k && array->_table[i]._document != nullptr && ! IsEqualKeyElement(array, key, &array->_table[i]); ++i);


  if (array->_table[i]._document != nullptr) {
    // add the element itself
    TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&result, array->_table[i]._document);

    // add the overflow elements
    auto current = array->_table[i]._next;
    while (current != nullptr) {
      TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&result, current->_document);
      current = current->_next;

  return result;
static void RunWalk (TRI_aql_statement_walker_t* const walker) {
    size_t i, n;

    n = walker->_statements->_statements._length;

    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        TRI_aql_node_t* node;
        TRI_aql_node_type_e nodeType;

        node = (TRI_aql_node_t*) TRI_AtVectorPointer(&walker->_statements->_statements, i);

        if (!node) {

        nodeType = node->_type;

        // handle scopes
        if (nodeType == TRI_AQL_NODE_SCOPE_START) {
            TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&walker->_currentScopes, TRI_AQL_NODE_DATA(node));

        // preprocess node
        if (walker->preVisitStatement != NULL) {
            // this might change the node ptr
            VisitStatement(walker, i, walker->preVisitStatement);
            node = walker->_statements->_statements._buffer[i];

        // process node's members
        if (walker->visitMember != NULL) {
            VisitMembers(walker, node);

        // post process node
        if (walker->postVisitStatement != NULL) {
            VisitStatement(walker, i, walker->postVisitStatement);

        if (nodeType == TRI_AQL_NODE_SCOPE_END) {
            size_t len = walker->_currentScopes._length;

            assert(len > 0);
            TRI_RemoveVectorPointer(&walker->_currentScopes, len - 1);
Exemple #13
static TRI_shape_aid_t FindAttributeNameArrayShaper (TRI_shaper_t* shaper, char const* name) {
  array_shaper_t* s;
  void const* p;

  s = (array_shaper_t*) shaper;
  p = TRI_LookupByKeyAssociativePointer(&s->_attributeNames, name);

  if (p == NULL) {
    size_t n;
    attribute_2_id_t* a2i;
    void* f;
    int res;

    n = strlen(name) + 1;
    a2i = TRI_Allocate(shaper->_memoryZone, sizeof(attribute_2_id_t) + n, false);

    if (a2i == NULL) {
      return 0;

    a2i->_aid = 1 + s->_attributes._length;
    a2i->_size = n;
    memcpy(((char*) a2i) + sizeof(attribute_2_id_t), name, n);

    f = TRI_InsertKeyAssociativePointer(&s->_attributeNames, name, a2i, false);

    if (f == NULL) {
      TRI_Free(shaper->_memoryZone, a2i);
      return 0;

    res = TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&s->_attributes, a2i);

    if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
      TRI_RemoveKeyAssociativePointer(&s->_attributeNames, name);
      TRI_Free(shaper->_memoryZone, a2i);
      return 0;

    return a2i->_aid;
  else {
    attribute_2_id_t const* a2i = (attribute_2_id_t const*) p;

    return a2i->_aid;
Exemple #14
static TRI_vocbase_col_t* AddCollection (TRI_vocbase_t* vocbase,
                                         TRI_col_type_t type,
                                         char const* name,
                                         TRI_voc_cid_t cid,
                                         char const* path) {
  void const* found;
  TRI_vocbase_col_t* col;

  // create a new proxy
  col = TRI_Allocate(sizeof(TRI_vocbase_col_t));
  col->_vocbase = vocbase;
  col->_type = type;
  TRI_CopyString(col->_name, name, sizeof(col->_name));
  col->_path = (path == NULL ? NULL : TRI_DuplicateString(path));
  col->_collection = NULL;
  col->_newBorn = 0;
  col->_loaded = 0;
  col->_corrupted = 0;
  col->_cid = cid;

  // check name
  found = TRI_InsertKeyAssociativePointer(&vocbase->_collectionsByName, name, col, false);

  if (found != NULL) {
    LOG_ERROR("duplicate entry for name '%s'", name);
    return NULL;

  // check collection identifier
  if (cid != 0) {
    found = TRI_InsertKeyAssociativePointer(&vocbase->_collectionsById, &cid, col, false);

    if (found != NULL) {
      LOG_ERROR("duplicate entry for identifier '%s'", cid);
      return NULL;

  TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&vocbase->_collections, col);
  return col;
Exemple #15
TRI_vector_pointer_t TRI_LookupByElementMultiArray (TRI_memory_zone_t* zone,
                                                    TRI_multi_array_t* array,
                                                    void* element) {
  TRI_vector_pointer_t result;
  uint64_t hash;
  uint64_t i;

  // initialise the vector which will hold the result if any
  TRI_InitVectorPointer(&result, zone);

  // compute the hash
  hash = array->hashElement(array, element);
  i = hash % array->_nrAlloc;

  // update statistics

  // search the table
  while (! array->isEmptyElement(array, array->_table + i * array->_elementSize)) {
    if (array->isEqualElementElement(array, element, array->_table + i * array->_elementSize)) {
      TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&result, array->_table + i * array->_elementSize);
    else {

    i = (i + 1) % array->_nrAlloc;

  // ...........................................................................
  // return whatever we found -- which could be an empty vector list if nothing
  // matches. Note that we allow multiple elements (compare with pointer
  // impl). If an out-of-memory occurred than the zone will have a suitable
  // marker.
  // ...........................................................................

  return result;
Exemple #16
static TRI_doc_mptr_t* RequestSimpleHeaders (TRI_headers_t* h) {
  simple_headers_t* headers = (simple_headers_t*) h;
  char const* header;
  union { TRI_doc_mptr_t const* c; TRI_doc_mptr_t* h; } c;

  if (headers->_freelist == NULL) {
    char* begin;
    char* ptr;
    size_t blockSize;

    blockSize = GetBlockSize(headers->_blocks._length);

    begin = TRI_Allocate(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, blockSize * headers->_headerSize, false);

    // out of memory
    if (begin == NULL) {
      return NULL;

    ptr = begin + headers->_headerSize * (blockSize - 1);

    header = NULL;

    for (;  begin <= ptr;  ptr -= headers->_headerSize) {
      ClearSimpleHeaders((TRI_doc_mptr_t*) ptr, headers->_headerSize);
      ((TRI_doc_mptr_t*) ptr)->_data = header;
      header = ptr;

    headers->_freelist = (TRI_doc_mptr_t*) header;

    TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&headers->_blocks, begin);

  c.c = headers->_freelist;
  headers->_freelist = c.c->_data;

  c.h->_data = NULL;
  return c.h;
void TRI_CreateExternalProcess (const char* executable,
                                const char** arguments,
                                size_t n,
                                bool usePipes,
                                TRI_external_id_t* pid) {

  // create the external structure
  TRI_external_t* external = static_cast<TRI_external_t*>(TRI_Allocate(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, sizeof(TRI_external_t), true));

  external->_executable = TRI_DuplicateString(executable);
  external->_numberArguments = n + 1;

  external->_arguments = static_cast<char**>(TRI_Allocate(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, (n + 2) * sizeof(char*), true));
  external->_arguments[0] = TRI_DuplicateString(executable);

  for (size_t i = 0;  i < n;  ++i) {
    external->_arguments[i + 1] = TRI_DuplicateString(arguments[i]);

  external->_arguments[n + 1] = nullptr;
  external->_status = TRI_EXT_NOT_STARTED;

  StartExternalProcess(external, usePipes);
  if (external->_status != TRI_EXT_RUNNING) {
    pid->_pid = TRI_INVALID_PROCESS_ID;

  LOG_DEBUG("adding process %d to list", (int) external->_pid);
  TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&ExternalProcesses, external);
  // Note that the following deals with different types under windows,
  // however, this code here can be written in a platform-independent
  // way:
  pid->_pid = external->_pid;
  pid->_readPipe = external->_readPipe;
  pid->_writePipe = external->_writePipe;
bool TRI_AppendStatementListAql (TRI_aql_statement_list_t* const list,
                                 TRI_aql_node_t* const node) {
  TRI_aql_node_type_e type;
  int result;


  type = node->_type;

  if (type == TRI_AQL_NODE_SCOPE_START) {
  else if (type == TRI_AQL_NODE_SCOPE_END) {
    assert(list->_currentLevel > 0);

  result = TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&list->_statements, node);

  return result == TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR;
bool SetupCollections (TRI_aql_context_t* const context) {
  size_t i;
  size_t n;
  bool result = true;

  // each collection used is contained once in the assoc. array
  // so we do not have to care about duplicate names here
  n = context->_collectionNames._nrAlloc;
  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    char* name = context->_collectionNames._table[i];
    TRI_aql_collection_t* collection;

    if (! name) {

    collection = CreateCollectionContainer(name);
    if (! collection) {
      result = false;
      TRI_SetErrorContextAql(context, TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);

    TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&context->_collections, (void*) collection);

  if (result && n > 0) {

  // now collections contains the sorted list of collections

  return result;
static void OptimisePaths (const TRI_aql_node_t* const fcallNode,
                           TRI_aql_context_t* const context,
                           TRI_aql_field_access_t* fieldAccess) {
  TRI_aql_node_t* args;
  TRI_aql_node_t* vertexCollection;
  TRI_aql_node_t* edgeCollection;
  TRI_aql_node_t* direction;
  char* directionValue;
  char* name;
  size_t n;

  args = TRI_AQL_NODE_MEMBER(fcallNode, 0);

  if (args == NULL) {

  vertexCollection = TRI_AQL_NODE_MEMBER(args, 0);
  edgeCollection = TRI_AQL_NODE_MEMBER(args, 1);
  direction = TRI_AQL_NODE_MEMBER(args, 2);


  n = strlen(fieldAccess->_fullName);
  name = fieldAccess->_fullName + fieldAccess->_variableNameLength;

  directionValue = TRI_AQL_NODE_STRING(direction);
  // try to optimise the vertex collection access
  if (TRI_EqualString(directionValue, "outbound")) {
    CheckPathRestriction(fieldAccess, context, vertexCollection, ".source.", name, n);
  else if (TRI_EqualString(directionValue, "inbound")) {
    CheckPathRestriction(fieldAccess, context, vertexCollection, ".source.", name, n);
  else if (TRI_EqualString(directionValue, "any")) {
    // "any" cannot be optimised sanely becuase the conditions would be AND-combined
    // (but for "any", we'd need them OR-combined)

    // CheckPathRestriction(fieldAccess, context, vertexCollection, ".source.", name, n);
    // CheckPathRestriction(fieldAccess, context, vertexCollection, ".destination.", name, n);

  // check if we have a filter on LENGTH(edges)
  if (args->_members._length <= 4 &&
      TRI_EqualString(name, ".edges.LENGTH()")) {
    // length restriction, can only be applied if length parameters are not already set
    TRI_json_t* value;
    double minValue = 0.0;
    double maxValue = 0.0;
    bool useMin = false;
    bool useMax = false;

    if (fieldAccess->_type == TRI_AQL_ACCESS_EXACT) {
      value = fieldAccess->_value._value;

      if (value != NULL && value->_type == TRI_JSON_NUMBER) {
        // LENGTH(p.edges) == const
        minValue = maxValue = value->_value._number;
        useMin = useMax = true;
    else if (fieldAccess->_type == TRI_AQL_ACCESS_RANGE_SINGLE) {
      value = fieldAccess->_value._singleRange._value;

      if (value != NULL && value->_type == TRI_JSON_NUMBER) {
        // LENGTH(p.edges) operator const
        if (fieldAccess->_value._singleRange._type == TRI_AQL_RANGE_LOWER_INCLUDED) {
          minValue = value->_value._number;
          useMin = true;
        else if (fieldAccess->_value._singleRange._type == TRI_AQL_RANGE_UPPER_INCLUDED) {
          maxValue = value->_value._number;
          useMax = true;
        else if (fieldAccess->_value._singleRange._type == TRI_AQL_RANGE_LOWER_EXCLUDED) {
          if ((double) ((int) value->_value._number) == value->_value._number) {
            minValue = value->_value._number + 1.0;
            useMin = true;
        else if (fieldAccess->_value._singleRange._type == TRI_AQL_RANGE_UPPER_EXCLUDED) {
          if ((double) ((int) value->_value._number) == value->_value._number) {
            maxValue = value->_value._number - 1.0;
            useMax = true;
    else if (fieldAccess->_type == TRI_AQL_ACCESS_RANGE_DOUBLE) {
      // LENGTH(p.edges) > const && LENGTH(p.edges) < const
      value = fieldAccess->_value._between._lower._value;

      if (value != NULL && value->_type == TRI_JSON_NUMBER) {
        if (fieldAccess->_value._between._lower._type == TRI_AQL_RANGE_LOWER_INCLUDED) {
          minValue = value->_value._number;
          useMin = true;
        else if (fieldAccess->_value._between._lower._type == TRI_AQL_RANGE_LOWER_EXCLUDED) {
          if ((double) ((int) value->_value._number) == value->_value._number) {
            minValue = value->_value._number + 1.0;
            useMin = true;

      value = fieldAccess->_value._between._upper._value;

      if (value != NULL && value->_type == TRI_JSON_NUMBER) {
        if (fieldAccess->_value._between._upper._type == TRI_AQL_RANGE_UPPER_INCLUDED) {
          maxValue = value->_value._number;
          useMax = true;
        else if (fieldAccess->_value._between._upper._type == TRI_AQL_RANGE_UPPER_EXCLUDED) {
          if ((double) ((int) value->_value._number) == value->_value._number) {
            maxValue = value->_value._number - 1.0;
            useMax = true;

    if (useMin || useMax) {
      TRI_aql_node_t* argNode;

      // minLength and maxLength are parameters 5 & 6
      // add as many null value nodes as are missing
      while (args->_members._length < 4) {
        argNode = TRI_CreateNodeValueNullAql(context);
        if (argNode) {
          TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&args->_members, (void*) argNode);

      // add min and max values to the function call argument list
      argNode = TRI_CreateNodeValueIntAql(context, useMin ? (int64_t) minValue : (int64_t) 0);
      if (argNode) {
        // min value node
        TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&args->_members, (void*) argNode);

        argNode = TRI_CreateNodeValueIntAql(context, useMax ? (int64_t) maxValue : (int64_t) (1024 * 1024));
        if (argNode) {
          // max value node
          TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&args->_members, (void*) argNode);
Exemple #21
void TRI_RegisterNodeQuery (TRI_vector_pointer_t* memory, 
                            const TRI_query_node_t* const node) {
  TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(memory, (void*) node);
Exemple #22
void TRI_RegisterStringQuery (TRI_vector_pointer_t* memory, 
                              const char* const string) {
  TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(memory, (void*) string);
Exemple #23
static bool FindEdges (const TRI_edge_direction_e direction,
                       TRI_multi_pointer_t* idx,
                       TRI_vector_pointer_t* result,
                       TRI_edge_header_t* entry,
                       const int matchType) {
  TRI_vector_pointer_t found;
  TRI_edge_header_t* edge;

  entry->_flags = TRI_LookupFlagsEdge(direction);
  found = TRI_LookupByKeyMultiPointer(TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, idx, entry);

  if (found._length > 0) {
    size_t i;

    if (result->_capacity == 0) {
      int res;

      // if result vector is still empty and we have results, re-init the
      // result vector to a "good" size. this will save later reallocations
      res = TRI_InitVectorPointer2(result, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE, found._length);
      if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {

        return false;

    // add all results found
    for (i = 0;  i < found._length;  ++i) {
      edge = (TRI_edge_header_t*) found._buffer[i];

      // the following queries will use the following sequences of matchTypes:
      // inEdges(): 1, 2,  outEdges(): 1, 2,  edges(): 1, 3

      // if matchType is 1, we'll return all found edges without further filtering
      // if matchType is 2 (inEdges or outEdges query), the direction is reversed.
      // We'll exclude all self-reflexive edges now (we already got them in iteration 1),
      // and alsoexclude all unidirectional edges
      // if matchType is 3, the direction is also reversed. We'll exclude all
      // self-reflexive edges now (we already got them in iteration 1)

      if (matchType > 1) {
        // if the edge is self-reflexive, we have already found it in iteration 1
        // we must skip it here, otherwise we would produce duplicates
        if (IsReflexive(edge)) {

      TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(result, CONST_CAST(edge->_mptr));


  return true;
Exemple #24
static bool CheckCollection (TRI_collection_t* collection) {
  TRI_datafile_t* datafile;
  TRI_vector_pointer_t all;
  TRI_vector_pointer_t compactors;
  TRI_vector_pointer_t datafiles;
  TRI_vector_pointer_t journals;
  TRI_vector_pointer_t sealed;
  TRI_vector_string_t files;
  bool stop;
  regex_t re;
  size_t i;
  size_t n;

  stop = false;

  // check files within the directory
  files = TRI_FilesDirectory(collection->_directory);
  n = files._length;

  regcomp(&re, "^(journal|datafile|index|compactor)-([0-9][0-9]*)\\.(db|json)$", REG_EXTENDED);

  TRI_InitVectorPointer(&journals, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE);
  TRI_InitVectorPointer(&compactors, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE);
  TRI_InitVectorPointer(&datafiles, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE);
  TRI_InitVectorPointer(&sealed, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE);
  TRI_InitVectorPointer(&all, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE);

  for (i = 0;  i < n;  ++i) {
    char const* file = files._buffer[i];
    regmatch_t matches[4];

    if (regexec(&re, file, sizeof(matches) / sizeof(matches[0]), matches, 0) == 0) {
      char const* first = file + matches[1].rm_so;
      size_t firstLen = matches[1].rm_eo - matches[1].rm_so;

      char const* third = file + matches[3].rm_so;
      size_t thirdLen = matches[3].rm_eo - matches[3].rm_so;

      // .............................................................................
      // file is an index, just store the filename
      // .............................................................................

      if (TRI_EqualString2("index", first, firstLen) && TRI_EqualString2("json", third, thirdLen)) {
        char* filename;

        filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->_directory, file);
        TRI_PushBackVectorString(&collection->_indexFiles, filename);

      // .............................................................................
      // file is a journal or datafile, open the datafile
      // .............................................................................

      else if (TRI_EqualString2("db", third, thirdLen)) {
        char* filename;
        char* ptr;
        TRI_col_header_marker_t* cm;

        filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->_directory, file);
        datafile = TRI_OpenDatafile(filename);

        if (datafile == NULL) {
          collection->_lastError = TRI_errno();
          stop = true;

          LOG_ERROR("cannot open datafile '%s': %s", filename, TRI_last_error());


        TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&all, datafile);

        // check the document header
        ptr  = datafile->_data;
        ptr += TRI_DF_ALIGN_BLOCK(sizeof(TRI_df_header_marker_t));
        cm   = (TRI_col_header_marker_t*) ptr;

        if (cm->base._type != TRI_COL_MARKER_HEADER) {
          LOG_ERROR("collection header mismatch in file '%s', expected TRI_COL_MARKER_HEADER, found %lu",
                    (unsigned long) cm->base._type);

          TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);
          stop = true;

        if (cm->_cid != collection->_info._cid) {
          LOG_ERROR("collection identifier mismatch, expected %llu, found %llu",
                    (unsigned long long) collection->_info._cid,
                    (unsigned long long) cm->_cid);

          TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);
          stop = true;

        // file is a journal
        if (TRI_EqualString2("journal", first, firstLen)) {
          if (datafile->_isSealed) {
            LOG_WARNING("strange, journal '%s' is already sealed; must be a left over; will use it as datafile", filename);

            TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&sealed, datafile);
          else {
            TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&journals, datafile);

        // file is a compactor file
        else if (TRI_EqualString2("compactor", first, firstLen)) {
          if (datafile->_isSealed) {
            LOG_WARNING("strange, compactor journal '%s' is already sealed; must be a left over; will use it as datafile", filename);

            TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&sealed, datafile);
          else {
            TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&compactors, datafile);

        // file is a datafile
        else if (TRI_EqualString2("datafile", first, firstLen)) {
          if (! datafile->_isSealed) {
            LOG_ERROR("datafile '%s' is not sealed, this should never happen", filename);
            collection->_lastError = TRI_set_errno(TRI_ERROR_ARANGO_CORRUPTED_DATAFILE);
            stop = true;
          else {
            TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&datafiles, datafile);
        else {
          LOG_ERROR("unknown datafile '%s'", file);

        TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);
      else {
        LOG_ERROR("unknown datafile '%s'", file);



  // convert the sealed journals into datafiles
  if (! stop) {
    n = sealed._length;

    for (i = 0;  i < n;  ++i) {
      char* number;
      char* dname;
      char* filename;
      bool ok;

      datafile = sealed._buffer[i];

      number = TRI_StringUInt64(datafile->_fid);
      dname = TRI_Concatenate3String("datafile-", number, ".db");
      filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->_directory, dname);

      TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, dname);
      TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);

      ok = TRI_RenameDatafile(datafile, filename);

      if (ok) {
        TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&datafiles, datafile);
        LOG_DEBUG("renamed sealed journal to '%s'", filename);
      else {
        collection->_lastError = datafile->_lastError;
        stop = true;
        LOG_ERROR("cannot rename sealed log-file to %s, this should not happen: %s", filename, TRI_last_error());

      TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);


  // stop if necessary
  if (stop) {
    n = all._length;

    for (i = 0;  i < n;  ++i) {
      datafile = all._buffer[i];

      LOG_TRACE("closing datafile '%s'", datafile->_filename);



    return false;


  // add the datafiles and journals
  collection->_datafiles = datafiles;
  collection->_journals = journals;
  collection->_compactors = compactors;

  return true;
Exemple #25
static bool BytecodeShapeAccessor (TRI_shaper_t* shaper, TRI_shape_access_t* accessor) {
  TRI_shape_aid_t const* paids;
  TRI_shape_path_t const* path;
  TRI_shape_t const* shape;
  TRI_vector_pointer_t ops;
  size_t i;
  size_t j;
  int res;

  // find the shape
  shape = shaper->lookupShapeId(shaper, accessor->_sid);

  if (shape == nullptr) {
    LOG_ERROR("unknown shape id %llu", (unsigned long long) accessor->_sid);
    return false;

  // find the attribute path
  path = shaper->lookupAttributePathByPid(shaper, accessor->_pid);

  if (path == nullptr) {
    LOG_ERROR("unknown attribute path %llu", (unsigned long long) accessor->_pid);
    return false;

  paids = (TRI_shape_aid_t*) (((char const*) path) + sizeof(TRI_shape_path_t));

  // collect the bytecode

  // we need at least 2 entries in the vector to store an accessor
  TRI_InitVectorPointer2(&ops, shaper->_memoryZone, 2);

  // and follow it
  for (i = 0;  i < path->_aidLength;  ++i, ++paids) {
    printf("%lu: aid: %lu, sid: %lu, type %lu\n",
           (unsigned long) i,
           (unsigned long) *paids,
           (unsigned long) shape->_sid,
           (unsigned long) shape->_type);

    if (shape->_type == TRI_SHAPE_ARRAY) {
      TRI_array_shape_t* s;
      TRI_shape_aid_t const* aids;
      TRI_shape_sid_t const* sids;
      TRI_shape_sid_t sid;
      TRI_shape_size_t const* offsetsF;
      TRI_shape_size_t f;
      TRI_shape_size_t n;
      TRI_shape_size_t v;
      char const* qtr;

      s = (TRI_array_shape_t*) shape;
      f = s->_fixedEntries;
      v = s->_variableEntries;
      n = f + v;

      // find the aid within the shape
      qtr = (char const*) shape;
      qtr += sizeof(TRI_array_shape_t);

      sids = (TRI_shape_sid_t const*) qtr;
      qtr += n * sizeof(TRI_shape_sid_t);

      aids = (TRI_shape_aid_t const*) qtr;
      qtr += n * sizeof(TRI_shape_aid_t);

      offsetsF = (TRI_shape_size_t const*) qtr;

      // check for fixed size aid
      for (j = 0;  j < f;  ++j, ++sids, ++aids, ++offsetsF) {
        if (*paids == *aids) {
          sid = *sids;

          LOG_TRACE("found aid '%ld' as fixed entry with sid '%ld' and offset '%ld' - '%ld'",
                    (unsigned long) *paids,
                    (unsigned long) sid,
                    (unsigned long) offsetsF[0],
                    (unsigned long) offsetsF[1]);

          shape = shaper->lookupShapeId(shaper, sid);

          if (shape == nullptr) {
            LOG_ERROR("unknown shape id '%ld' for attribute id '%ld'",
                      (unsigned long) accessor->_sid,
                      (unsigned long) *paids);

            return false;

          res = TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&ops, (void*) TRI_SHAPE_AC_OFFSET_FIX);

          if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
            LOG_ERROR("out of memory");
            return false;

          res = TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&ops, (void*) (uintptr_t) (offsetsF[0])); // offset is always smaller than 4 GByte

          if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
            LOG_ERROR("out of memory");
            return false;

          res = TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&ops, (void*) (uintptr_t) (offsetsF[1])); // offset is always smaller than 4 GByte

          if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
            LOG_ERROR("out of memory");
            return false;


      if (j < f) {

      // check for variable size aid
      for (j = 0;  j < v;  ++j, ++sids, ++aids) {
        if (*paids == *aids) {
          sid = *sids;

          LOG_TRACE("found aid '%ld' as variable entry with sid '%ld'",
                    (unsigned long) *paids,
                    (unsigned long) sid);

          shape = shaper->lookupShapeId(shaper, sid);

          if (shape == nullptr) {
            LOG_ERROR("unknown shape id '%ld' for attribute id '%ld'",
                      (unsigned long) accessor->_sid,
                      (unsigned long) *paids);

            LOG_ERROR("out of memory");
            return false;

          res = TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&ops, (void*) TRI_SHAPE_AC_OFFSET_VAR);

          if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
            LOG_ERROR("out of memory");
            return false;

          res = TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&ops, (void*) j);

          if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
            LOG_ERROR("out of memory");
            return false;


      if (j < v) {

      LOG_TRACE("unknown attribute id '%ld'", (unsigned long) *paids);


      accessor->_resultSid = TRI_SHAPE_ILLEGAL;
      accessor->_code = nullptr;
      return true;
    else {

      accessor->_resultSid = TRI_SHAPE_ILLEGAL;
      accessor->_code = nullptr;

      return true;

  // travel attribute path to the end
  res = TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&ops, (void*) TRI_SHAPE_AC_DONE);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    LOG_ERROR("out of memory");
    return false;

  // remember resulting sid
  accessor->_resultSid = shape->_sid;

  // steal buffer from ops vector so we don't need to copy it
  accessor->_code = const_cast<void const**>(ops._buffer);

  // inform the vector that we took over ownership
  ops._buffer = nullptr;

  return true;
static TRI_datafile_t* CreateJournal (TRI_primary_collection_t* primary, 
                                      TRI_voc_size_t maximalSize) {
  TRI_col_header_marker_t cm;
  TRI_collection_t* collection;
  TRI_datafile_t* journal;
  TRI_df_marker_t* position;
  TRI_voc_fid_t fid;
  int res;

  collection = &primary->base;

  fid = (TRI_voc_fid_t) TRI_NewTickServer();

  if (collection->_info._isVolatile) {
    // in-memory collection
    journal = TRI_CreateDatafile(NULL, fid, maximalSize);
  else {
    char* jname;
    char* number;
    char* filename;

    // construct a suitable filename (which is temporary at the beginning)
    number   = TRI_StringUInt64(fid);
    jname    = TRI_Concatenate3String("temp-", number, ".db");
    filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->_directory, jname);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, jname);

    journal = TRI_CreateDatafile(filename, fid, maximalSize);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

  if (journal == NULL) {
    if (TRI_errno() == TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_MMAP) {
      collection->_lastError = TRI_set_errno(TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_MMAP);
      collection->_state = TRI_COL_STATE_READ;
    else {
      collection->_lastError = TRI_set_errno(TRI_ERROR_ARANGO_NO_JOURNAL);
      collection->_state = TRI_COL_STATE_WRITE_ERROR;

    return NULL;

  LOG_TRACE("created new journal '%s'", journal->getName(journal));

  // create a collection header, still in the temporary file
  res = TRI_ReserveElementDatafile(journal, sizeof(TRI_col_header_marker_t), &position, maximalSize);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    collection->_lastError = journal->_lastError;
    LOG_ERROR("cannot create document header in journal '%s': %s", journal->getName(journal), TRI_last_error());


    return NULL;

  TRI_InitMarker((char*) &cm, TRI_COL_MARKER_HEADER, sizeof(TRI_col_header_marker_t));
  cm.base._tick = (TRI_voc_tick_t) fid;
  cm._type = (TRI_col_type_t) collection->_info._type;
  cm._cid  = collection->_info._cid;

  res = TRI_WriteCrcElementDatafile(journal, position, &cm.base, sizeof(cm), true);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    collection->_lastError = journal->_lastError;
    LOG_ERROR("cannot create document header in journal '%s': %s", journal->getName(journal), TRI_last_error());


    return NULL;

  assert(fid == journal->_fid);

  // if a physical file, we can rename it from the temporary name to the correct name
  if (journal->isPhysical(journal)) {
    char* jname;
    char* number;
    char* filename;
    bool ok;

    // and use the correct name
    number = TRI_StringUInt64(journal->_fid);
    jname = TRI_Concatenate3String("journal-", number, ".db");

    filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->_directory, jname);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, jname);

    ok = TRI_RenameDatafile(journal, filename);

    if (! ok) {
      LOG_ERROR("failed to rename the journal to '%s': %s", filename, TRI_last_error());
      TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

      return NULL;
    else {
      LOG_TRACE("renamed journal from %s to '%s'", journal->getName(journal), filename);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

  TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&collection->_journals, journal);

  return journal;
TRI_aql_index_t* TRI_DetermineIndexAql (TRI_aql_context_t* const context,
                                        const TRI_vector_pointer_t* const availableIndexes,
                                        const char* const collectionName,
                                        const TRI_vector_pointer_t* candidates) {
  TRI_aql_index_t* picked = NULL;
  TRI_vector_pointer_t matches;
  size_t i, n;
  TRI_InitVectorPointer(&matches, TRI_UNKNOWN_MEM_ZONE);


  n = availableIndexes->_length;

  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    TRI_index_t* idx = (TRI_index_t*) availableIndexes->_buffer[i];
    size_t numIndexFields;
    bool lastTypeWasExact;
    size_t j;

    if (! CanUseIndex(idx)) {

    LogIndexString("checking", idx, collectionName);


    lastTypeWasExact = true;
    numIndexFields = idx->_fields._length;
    // now loop over all index fields, from left to right
    // index field order is important because skiplists can be used with leftmost prefixes as well,
    // but not with rightmost prefixes
    for (j = 0; j < numIndexFields; ++j) {
      char* indexedFieldName;
      char* fieldName;
      size_t k;

      indexedFieldName = idx->_fields._buffer[j];

      if (indexedFieldName == NULL) {

      // now loop over all candidates
      for (k = 0; k < candidates->_length; ++k) {
        TRI_aql_field_access_t* candidate = (TRI_aql_field_access_t*) TRI_AtVectorPointer(candidates, k);

        if (candidate->_type == TRI_AQL_ACCESS_IMPOSSIBLE ||
            candidate->_type == TRI_AQL_ACCESS_ALL) {
          // wrong index type, doesn't help us at all

        fieldName = candidate->_fullName + candidate->_variableNameLength + 1;

        if (idx->_type == TRI_IDX_TYPE_PRIMARY_INDEX) {
          // primary index key names must be treated differently. _id and _key are the same
          if (! TRI_EqualString("_id", fieldName) && ! TRI_EqualString(TRI_VOC_ATTRIBUTE_KEY, fieldName)) {
        else if (idx->_type == TRI_IDX_TYPE_EDGE_INDEX) {
          // edge index key names must be treated differently. _from and _to can be used independently
          if (! TRI_EqualString(TRI_VOC_ATTRIBUTE_FROM, fieldName) &&
              ! TRI_EqualString(TRI_VOC_ATTRIBUTE_TO, fieldName)) {
        else if (! TRI_EqualString(indexedFieldName, fieldName)) {
          // different attribute, doesn't help

        // attribute is used in index

        if (idx->_type == TRI_IDX_TYPE_PRIMARY_INDEX || idx->_type == TRI_IDX_TYPE_EDGE_INDEX) {
          if (! IsExactCandidate(candidate)) {
            // wrong access type for primary index

          TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&matches, candidate);

        else if (idx->_type == TRI_IDX_TYPE_HASH_INDEX) {
          if (! IsExactCandidate(candidate)) {
            // wrong access type for hash index

          if (candidate->_type == TRI_AQL_ACCESS_LIST && numIndexFields != 1) {
            // we found a list, but the index covers multiple attributes. that means we cannot use list access

          TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&matches, candidate);

        else if (idx->_type == TRI_IDX_TYPE_BITARRAY_INDEX) {
          if (! IsExactCandidate(candidate)) {
            // wrong access type for hash index

          if (candidate->_type == TRI_AQL_ACCESS_LIST) {
            // we found a list, but the index covers multiple attributes. that means we cannot use list access

          TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&matches, candidate);

        else if (idx->_type == TRI_IDX_TYPE_SKIPLIST_INDEX) {
          bool candidateIsExact;

          if (candidate->_type != TRI_AQL_ACCESS_EXACT &&
              candidate->_type != TRI_AQL_ACCESS_LIST &&
              candidate->_type != TRI_AQL_ACCESS_RANGE_SINGLE &&
              candidate->_type != TRI_AQL_ACCESS_RANGE_DOUBLE &&
              candidate->_type != TRI_AQL_ACCESS_REFERENCE) {
            // wrong access type for skiplists

          if (candidate->_type == TRI_AQL_ACCESS_LIST && numIndexFields != 1) {
            // we found a list, but the index covers multiple attributes. that means we cannot use list access

          candidateIsExact = IsExactCandidate(candidate);

          if ((candidateIsExact && ! lastTypeWasExact) ||
              (! candidateIsExact && ! lastTypeWasExact)) {
            // if we already had a range query, we cannot check for equality after that
            // if we already had a range query, we cannot check another range after that

          if (candidate->_type == TRI_AQL_ACCESS_RANGE_SINGLE) {
            // range type. check if the compare value is a list or an object
            TRI_json_t* value = candidate->_value._singleRange._value;

            if (TRI_IsListJson(value) || TRI_IsArrayJson(value)) {
              // list or object, we cannot use this for comparison in a skiplist
          else if (candidate->_type == TRI_AQL_ACCESS_RANGE_DOUBLE) {
            // range type. check if the compare value is a list or an object
            TRI_json_t* value = candidate->_value._between._lower._value;

            if (TRI_IsListJson(value) || TRI_IsArrayJson(value)) {
              // list or object, we cannot use this for comparison in a skiplist
            value = candidate->_value._between._upper._value;
            if (TRI_IsListJson(value) || TRI_IsArrayJson(value)) {
              // list or object, we cannot use this for comparison in a skiplist

          lastTypeWasExact = candidateIsExact;

          TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&matches, candidate);

      // finished iterating over all candidates

      if (matches._length != j + 1) {
        // we already have picked less candidate fields than we should

    if (matches._length < 1) {
      // nothing found

    // we now do or don't have an index candidate in the matches vector
    if (matches._length < numIndexFields && 
        TRI_NeedsFullCoverageIndex(idx->_type)) {
      // the matches vector does not fully cover the indexed fields, but the index requires it

    // if we can use the primary index, we'll use it
    picked = PickIndex(context, picked, idx, &matches);


  if (picked) {
    LogIndexString("using", picked->_idx, collectionName);

  return picked;
TRI_aql_node_t* TRI_JsonNodeAql (TRI_aql_context_t* const context,
                                 const TRI_json_t* const json) {
  TRI_aql_node_t* node = NULL;
  char* value;

  switch (json->_type) {

    case TRI_JSON_NULL:
      node = TRI_CreateNodeValueNullAql(context);

      node = TRI_CreateNodeValueBoolAql(context, json->_value._boolean);

      node = TRI_CreateNodeValueDoubleAql(context, json->_value._number);

      value = TRI_RegisterStringAql(context, json->_value._string.data, strlen(json->_value._string.data), true);
      node = TRI_CreateNodeValueStringAql(context, value);

    case TRI_JSON_LIST: {
      size_t i;
      size_t n;

      node = TRI_CreateNodeListAql(context);
      n = json->_value._objects._length;

      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        TRI_json_t* subJson;
        TRI_aql_node_t* member;

        subJson = (TRI_json_t*) TRI_AtVector(&json->_value._objects, i);

        member = TRI_JsonNodeAql(context, subJson);
        if (member) {
          TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&node->_members, (void*) member);
        else {
          TRI_SetErrorContextAql(context, TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);
          return NULL;
    case TRI_JSON_ARRAY: {
      size_t i;
      size_t n;

      node = TRI_CreateNodeArrayAql(context);
      n = json->_value._objects._length;

      for (i = 0; i < n; i += 2) {
        TRI_json_t* nameJson;
        TRI_json_t* valueJson;
        TRI_aql_node_t* member;
        TRI_aql_node_t* valueNode;
        char* name;

        // json_t containing the array element name
        nameJson = (TRI_json_t*) TRI_AtVector(&json->_value._objects, i);
        name = TRI_RegisterStringAql(context, nameJson->_value._string.data, strlen(nameJson->_value._string.data), false);
        if (! name) {
          TRI_SetErrorContextAql(context, TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);
          return NULL;

        // json_t containing the array element value
        valueJson = (TRI_json_t*) TRI_AtVector(&json->_value._objects, i + 1);

        valueNode = TRI_JsonNodeAql(context, valueJson);
        if (! valueNode) {
          TRI_SetErrorContextAql(context, TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);
          return NULL;

        member = TRI_CreateNodeArrayElementAql(context, name, valueNode);
        if (member) {
          TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&node->_members, (void*) member);
        else {
          TRI_SetErrorContextAql(context, TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);
          return NULL;

  if (! node) {
    TRI_SetErrorContextAql(context, TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL);

  return node;
static TRI_datafile_t* CreateJournal (TRI_primary_collection_t* primary, bool compactor) {
  TRI_col_header_marker_t cm;
  TRI_collection_t* collection;
  TRI_datafile_t* journal;
  TRI_df_marker_t* position;
  int res;
  char* filename;

  collection = &primary->base;

  if (collection->_info._isVolatile) {
    // in-memory collection
    filename = NULL;
  else {
    char* jname;
    char* number;

    // construct a suitable filename
    number = TRI_StringUInt64(TRI_NewTickVocBase());

    if (compactor) {
      jname = TRI_Concatenate3String("journal-", number, ".db");
    else {
      jname = TRI_Concatenate3String("compactor-", number, ".db");

    filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->_directory, jname);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, jname);

  // create journal file
  journal = TRI_CreateDatafile(filename, collection->_info._maximalSize);

  if (filename != NULL) {
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

  if (journal == NULL) {
    if (TRI_errno() == TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_MMAP) {
      collection->_lastError = TRI_set_errno(TRI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_MMAP);
      collection->_state = TRI_COL_STATE_READ;
    else {
      collection->_lastError = TRI_set_errno(TRI_ERROR_ARANGO_NO_JOURNAL);
      collection->_state = TRI_COL_STATE_WRITE_ERROR;

    return NULL;

  LOG_TRACE("created a new primary journal '%s'", journal->getName(journal));

  if (journal->isPhysical(journal)) {
    char* jname;
    char* number;
    bool ok;

    // and use the correct name
    number = TRI_StringUInt64(journal->_fid);

    if (compactor) {
      jname = TRI_Concatenate3String("compactor-", number, ".db");
    else {
      jname = TRI_Concatenate3String("journal-", number, ".db");

    filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->_directory, jname);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, jname);

    ok = TRI_RenameDatafile(journal, filename);

    if (! ok) {
      LOG_WARNING("failed to rename the journal to '%s': %s", filename, TRI_last_error());
    else {
      LOG_TRACE("renamed journal to '%s'", filename);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

  // create a collection header
  res = TRI_ReserveElementDatafile(journal, sizeof(TRI_col_header_marker_t), &position);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    collection->_lastError = journal->_lastError;
    LOG_ERROR("cannot create document header in journal '%s': %s", journal->getName(journal), TRI_last_error());


    return NULL;

  memset(&cm, 0, sizeof(cm));

  cm.base._size = sizeof(TRI_col_header_marker_t);
  cm.base._type = TRI_COL_MARKER_HEADER;
  cm.base._tick = TRI_NewTickVocBase();

  cm._cid = collection->_info._cid;

  TRI_FillCrcMarkerDatafile(journal, &cm.base, sizeof(cm), 0, 0, 0, 0);

  res = TRI_WriteElementDatafile(journal, position, &cm.base, sizeof(cm), 0, 0, 0, 0, true);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    collection->_lastError = journal->_lastError;
    LOG_ERROR("cannot create document header in journal '%s': %s", journal->getName(journal), TRI_last_error());


    return NULL;

  // that's it
  if (compactor) {
    TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&collection->_compactors, journal);
  else {
    TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&collection->_journals, journal);

  return journal;
static bool CloseJournalPrimaryCollection (TRI_primary_collection_t* primary,
                                           size_t position,
                                           bool compactor) {
  TRI_datafile_t* journal;
  TRI_collection_t* collection;
  TRI_vector_pointer_t* vector;
  int res;

  collection = &primary->base;

  // either use a journal or a compactor
  if (compactor) {
    vector = &collection->_compactors;
  else {
    vector = &collection->_journals;

  // no journal at this position
  if (vector->_length <= position) {
    return false;

  // seal and rename datafile
  journal = vector->_buffer[position];
  res = TRI_SealDatafile(journal);

  if (res != TRI_ERROR_NO_ERROR) {
    LOG_ERROR("failed to seal datafile '%s': %s", journal->getName(journal), TRI_last_error());

    TRI_RemoveVectorPointer(vector, position);
    TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&collection->_datafiles, journal);

    return false;

  if (journal->isPhysical(journal)) {
    // rename the file
    char* dname;
    char* filename;
    char* number;
    bool ok;

    number = TRI_StringUInt64(journal->_fid);
    dname = TRI_Concatenate3String("datafile-", number, ".db");
    filename = TRI_Concatenate2File(collection->_directory, dname);

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, dname);
    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, number);

    ok = TRI_RenameDatafile(journal, filename);

    if (! ok) {
      LOG_ERROR("failed to rename datafile '%s' to '%s': %s", journal->getName(journal), filename, TRI_last_error());

      TRI_RemoveVectorPointer(vector, position);
      TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&collection->_datafiles, journal);
      TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

      return false;

    TRI_FreeString(TRI_CORE_MEM_ZONE, filename);

    LOG_TRACE("closed journal '%s'", journal->getName(journal));

  TRI_RemoveVectorPointer(vector, position);
  TRI_PushBackVectorPointer(&collection->_datafiles, journal);

  return true;