static int
stats_origin(TSCont contp ATS_UNUSED, TSEvent event ATS_UNUSED, void *edata)
  TSCont icontp;
  stats_state *my_state;
  TSHttpTxn txnp = (TSHttpTxn) edata;
  TSMBuffer reqp;
  TSMLoc hdr_loc = NULL, url_loc = NULL;
  TSEvent reenable = TS_EVENT_HTTP_CONTINUE;

  TSDebug("istats", "in the read stuff");
  if (TSHttpTxnClientReqGet(txnp, &reqp, &hdr_loc) != TS_SUCCESS)
    goto cleanup;
  if (TSHttpHdrUrlGet(reqp, hdr_loc, &url_loc) != TS_SUCCESS)
    goto cleanup;
  int path_len = 0;
  const char* path = TSUrlPathGet(reqp,url_loc,&path_len);
  TSDebug("istats","Path: %.*s",path_len,path);
  if (! (path_len != 0 && path_len == url_path_len  && !memcmp(path,url_path,url_path_len)) ) {
    goto notforme;
  TSSkipRemappingSet(txnp,1); //not strictly necessary, but speed is everything these days

  /* This is us -- register our intercept */
  TSDebug("istats", "Intercepting request");

  icontp = TSContCreate(stats_dostuff, TSMutexCreate());
  my_state = (stats_state *) TSmalloc(sizeof(*my_state));
  memset(my_state, 0, sizeof(*my_state));
  TSContDataSet(icontp, my_state);
  TSHttpTxnIntercept(icontp, txnp);
  goto cleanup;


#if (TS_VERSION_NUMBER < 2001005)
  if(path) TSHandleStringRelease(reqp, url_loc, path);
  if(url_loc) TSHandleMLocRelease(reqp, hdr_loc, url_loc);
  if(hdr_loc) TSHandleMLocRelease(reqp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);

  TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, reenable);
  return 0;
static int astats_origin(TSCont cont, TSEvent event, void *edata) {
	TSCont icontp;
	stats_state *my_state;
	config_t* config;
	TSHttpTxn txnp = (TSHttpTxn) edata;
	TSMBuffer reqp;
	TSMLoc hdr_loc = NULL, url_loc = NULL;
	config = get_config(cont);

	TSDebug(PLUGIN_TAG, "in the read stuff");

	if (TSHttpTxnClientReqGet(txnp, &reqp, &hdr_loc) != TS_SUCCESS)
		goto cleanup;

	if (TSHttpHdrUrlGet(reqp, hdr_loc, &url_loc) != TS_SUCCESS)
		goto cleanup;

	int path_len = 0;
	const char* path = TSUrlPathGet(reqp,url_loc,&path_len);
	TSDebug(PLUGIN_TAG,"Path: %.*s",path_len,path);
	TSDebug(PLUGIN_TAG,"Path: %.*s",path_len,path);

	if (!(path_len == config->stats_path_len && !memcmp(path, config->stats_path, config->stats_path_len))) {
//		TSDebug(PLUGIN_TAG, "not right path: %.*s",path_len,path);
		goto notforme;

	const struct sockaddr *addr = TSHttpTxnClientAddrGet(txnp);
	if(!is_ip_allowed(config, addr)) {
		TSDebug(PLUGIN_TAG, "not right ip");
		goto notforme;
//	TSDebug(PLUGIN_TAG,"Path...: %.*s",path_len,path);

	int query_len;
	char *query = (char*)TSUrlHttpQueryGet(reqp,url_loc,&query_len);
	TSDebug(PLUGIN_TAG,"query: %.*s",query_len,query);

	TSSkipRemappingSet(txnp,1); //not strictly necessary, but speed is everything these days

	/* This is us -- register our intercept */
	TSDebug(PLUGIN_TAG, "Intercepting request");

	icontp = TSContCreate(stats_dostuff, TSMutexCreate());
	my_state = (stats_state *) TSmalloc(sizeof(*my_state));
	memset(my_state, 0, sizeof(*my_state));

	my_state->recordTypes = config->recordTypes;
	if (query_len) {
		my_state->query = nstrl(query, query_len);
		TSDebug(PLUGIN_TAG,"new query: %s", my_state->query);
		stats_fillState(my_state, my_state->query, query_len);

	TSContDataSet(icontp, my_state);
	TSHttpTxnIntercept(icontp, txnp);

	goto cleanup;


#if (TS_VERSION_NUMBER < 2001005)
	if (path)
		TSHandleStringRelease(reqp, url_loc, path);
	if (url_loc)
		TSHandleMLocRelease(reqp, hdr_loc, url_loc);
	if (hdr_loc)
		TSHandleMLocRelease(reqp, TS_NULL_MLOC, hdr_loc);

	TSHttpTxnReenable(txnp, reenable);

	return 0;