Exemple #1
int websFormHandler(webs_t wp, char_t *urlPrefix, char_t *webDir, int arg, 
	char_t *url, char_t *path, char_t *query)
	sym_t		*sp;
	char_t		formBuf[FNAMESIZE];
	char_t		*cp, *formName;
	int			(*fn)(void *sock, char_t *path, char_t *args);

	a_assert(url && *url);
	a_assert(path && *path == '/');


 *	Extract the form name
	gstrncpy(formBuf, path, TSZ(formBuf));
	if ((formName = gstrchr(&formBuf[1], '/')) == NULL) {
		websError(wp, 200, T("Missing form name"));
		return 1;
	if ((cp = gstrchr(formName, '/')) != NULL) {
		*cp = '\0';

 *	Lookup the C form function first and then try tcl (no javascript support 
 *	yet).
	sp = symLookup(formSymtab, formName);
	if (sp == NULL) {
		websError(wp, 200, T("Form %s is not defined"), formName);
	} else {
		fn = (int (*)(void *, char_t *, char_t *)) sp->content.value.integer;
		if (fn) {
 *			For good practice, forms must call websDone()
			(*fn)((void*) wp, formName, query);

 *			Remove the test to force websDone, since this prevents
 *			the server "push" from a form>
#if 0 /* push */
			if (websValid(wp)) {
				websError(wp, 200, T("Form didn't call websDone"));
#endif /* push */
	return 1;
Exemple #2
 *	Process a form request. Returns 1 always to indicate it handled the URL
int websCgiHandler(webs_t wp, char_t *urlPrefix, char_t *webDir, int arg, 
		char_t *url, char_t *path, char_t* query)
	cgiRec		*cgip;
	sym_t		*s;
	char_t		cgiBuf[FNAMESIZE], *stdIn, *stdOut, cwd[FNAMESIZE];
	char_t		*cp, *cgiName, *cgiPath, **argp, **envp, **ep;
	int			n, envpsize, argpsize, pHandle, cid;
	a_assert(url && *url);
	a_assert(path && *path == '/');
 *	Extract the form name and then build the full path name.  The form
 *	name will follow the first '/' in path.
	gstrncpy(cgiBuf, path, TSZ(cgiBuf));
	if ((cgiName = gstrchr(&cgiBuf[1], '/')) == NULL) {
		websError(wp, 200, T("Missing CGI name"));
		return 1;
	if ((cp = gstrchr(cgiName, '/')) != NULL) {
		*cp = '\0';
	fmtAlloc(&cgiPath, FNAMESIZE, T("%s/%s/%s"), websGetDefaultDir(),
		CGI_BIN, cgiName);
#ifndef VXWORKS
 *	See if the file exists and is executable.  If not error out.
 *	Don't do this step for VxWorks, since the module may already
 *	be part of the OS image, rather than in the file system.
		gstat_t		sbuf;
		if (gstat(cgiPath, &sbuf) != 0 || (sbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG) == 0) {
			websError(wp, 200, T("CGI process file does not exist"));
			bfree(B_L, cgiPath);
			return 1;
#if (defined (WIN) || defined (CE))
		if (gstrstr(cgiPath, T(".exe")) == NULL &&
			gstrstr(cgiPath, T(".bat")) == NULL) {
#elif (defined (NW))
			if (gstrstr(cgiPath, T(".nlm")) == NULL) {
		if (gaccess(cgiPath, X_OK) != 0) {
#endif /* WIN || CE */
			websError(wp, 200, T("CGI process file is not executable"));
			bfree(B_L, cgiPath);
			return 1;
#endif /* ! VXWORKS */

 *	Get the CWD for resetting after launching the child process CGI
	ggetcwd(cwd, FNAMESIZE);
 *	Retrieve the directory of the child process CGI
	if ((cp = gstrrchr(cgiPath, '/')) != NULL) {
		*cp = '\0';
		*cp = '/';

 *	Build command line arguments.  Only used if there is no non-encoded
 *	= character.  This is indicative of a ISINDEX query.  POST separators
 *	are & and others are +.  argp will point to a balloc'd array of 
 *	pointers.  Each pointer will point to substring within the
 *	query string.  This array of string pointers is how the spawn or 
 *	exec routines expect command line arguments to be passed.  Since 
 *	we don't know ahead of time how many individual items there are in
 *	the query string, the for loop includes logic to grow the array 
 *	size via brealloc.

	argpsize = 10;
	argp = balloc(B_L, argpsize * sizeof(char_t *));
	*argp = cgiPath;

	n = 1;
	if (gstrchr(query, '=') == NULL) {

		websDecodeUrl(query, query, gstrlen(query));
		for (cp = gstrtok(query, T(" ")); cp != NULL; ) {
			*(argp+n) = cp;

			if (n >= argpsize) {
				argpsize *= 2;
				argp = brealloc(B_L, argp, argpsize * sizeof(char_t *));

			cp = gstrtok(NULL, T(" "));

	*(argp+n) = NULL;

 *	Add all CGI variables to the environment strings to be passed
 *	to the spawned CGI process.  This includes a few we don't 
 *	already have in the symbol table, plus all those that are in
 *	the cgiVars symbol table.  envp will point to a balloc'd array of 
 *	pointers.  Each pointer will point to a balloc'd string containing
 *	the keyword value pair in the form keyword=value.  Since we don't
 *	know ahead of time how many environment strings there will be the
 *	for loop includes logic to grow the array size via brealloc.

	envpsize = WEBS_SYM_INIT;
	envp = balloc(B_L, envpsize * sizeof(char_t *));
	n = 0;
	fmtAlloc(envp+n, FNAMESIZE, T("%s=%s"),T("PATH_TRANSLATED"), cgiPath);
	fmtAlloc(envp+n, FNAMESIZE, T("%s=%s/%s"),T("SCRIPT_NAME"),
		CGI_BIN, cgiName);
	fmtAlloc(envp+n, FNAMESIZE, T("%s=%s"),T("REMOTE_USER"), wp->userName);
	fmtAlloc(envp+n, FNAMESIZE, T("%s=%s"),T("AUTH_TYPE"), wp->authType);

	for (s = symFirst(wp->cgiVars); s != NULL; s = symNext(wp->cgiVars)) {

		if (s->content.valid && s->content.type == string &&
			gstrcmp(s->name.value.string, T("REMOTE_HOST")) != 0 &&
			gstrcmp(s->name.value.string, T("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION")) != 0) {
			fmtAlloc(envp+n, FNAMESIZE, T("%s=%s"), s->name.value.string,

			if (n >= envpsize) {

				envpsize *= 2;
				envp = brealloc(B_L, envp, envpsize * sizeof(char_t *));

	if (wp->flags & WEBS_CGI_UPLOAD){
		// set filename into enviornment variables 
		fmtAlloc(envp+n, FNAMESIZE, T("%s=%s"), T("UPLOAD_FILENAME"), wp->cgiStdin);

	*(envp+n) = NULL;
 *	Create temporary file name(s) for the child's stdin and stdout.
 *	For POST data the stdin temp file (and name) should already exist.

	if (wp->cgiStdin == NULL) {
		wp->cgiStdin = websGetCgiCommName(wp);
	stdIn = wp->cgiStdin;
	stdOut = websGetCgiCommName(wp);

 *	Now launch the process.  If not successful, do the cleanup of resources.
 *	If successful, the cleanup will be done after the process completes.
	if ((pHandle = websLaunchCgiProc(cgiPath, argp, envp, stdIn, stdOut)) 
		== -1) {
		websError(wp, 200, T("failed to spawn CGI task"));
		for (ep = envp; *ep != NULL; ep++) {
			bfreeSafe(B_L, *ep);
		bfreeSafe(B_L, cgiPath);
		bfreeSafe(B_L, argp);
		bfreeSafe(B_L, envp);
		bfreeSafe(B_L, stdOut);
	} else {
 *		If the spawn was successful, put this wp on a queue to be
 *		checked for completion.
		cid = hAllocEntry((void***) &cgiList, &cgiMax, sizeof(cgiRec));
		cgip = cgiList[cid];
		cgip->handle = pHandle;
		cgip->stdIn = stdIn;
		cgip->stdOut = stdOut;
		cgip->cgiPath = cgiPath;
		cgip->argp = argp;
		cgip->envp = envp;
		cgip->wp = wp;
		cgip->fplacemark = 0;
 *	Restore the current working directory after spawning child CGI
	return 1;

 *	Any entry in the cgiList need to be checked to see if it has
void websCgiGatherOutput (cgiRec *cgip)
	gstat_t	sbuf;
	char_t	cgiBuf[FNAMESIZE];
	if ((gstat(cgip->stdOut, &sbuf) == 0) && 
		(sbuf.st_size > cgip->fplacemark)) {
		int fdout;
		fdout = gopen(cgip->stdOut, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0444 );
 *		Check to see if any data is available in the
 *		output file and send its contents to the socket.
		if (fdout >= 0) {
			webs_t	wp = cgip->wp;
			int		nRead;
 *			Write the HTTP header on our first pass
			if (cgip->fplacemark == 0) {
				websWrite(wp, T("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"));
			glseek(fdout, cgip->fplacemark, SEEK_SET);
			while ((nRead = gread(fdout, cgiBuf, FNAMESIZE)) > 0) {
				websWriteBlock(wp, cgiBuf, nRead);
				cgip->fplacemark += nRead;

 *	Any entry in the cgiList need to be checked to see if it has
 *	completed, and if so, process its output and clean up.
void websCgiCleanup()
	cgiRec	*cgip;
	webs_t	wp;
	char_t	**ep;
	int		cid, nTries;
	for (cid = 0; cid < cgiMax; cid++) {
		if ((cgip = cgiList[cid]) != NULL) {
			int exit_status;
			wp = cgip->wp;
			websCgiGatherOutput (cgip);
			if ( websCheckCgiProc(cgip->handle, &exit_status) == 0) {
 *				We get here if the CGI process has terminated.  Clean up.
				nTries = 0;
 *				Make sure we didn't miss something during a task switch.
 *				Maximum wait is 100 times 10 msecs (1 second).
				while ((cgip->fplacemark == 0) && (nTries < 100)) {
 *					There are some cases when we detect app exit 
 *					before the file is ready. 
					if (cgip->fplacemark == 0) {
#ifdef WIN
#endif /* WIN*/
				if (cgip->fplacemark == 0) {
					websError(wp, 200, T("CGI generated no output"));
				} else {
					websDone(wp, 200);
 *				Remove the temporary re-direction files
 *				Free all the memory buffers pointed to by cgip.
 *				The stdin file name (wp->cgiStdin) gets freed as
 *				part of websFree().
				cgiMax = hFree((void***) &cgiList, cid);
				for (ep = cgip->envp; ep != NULL && *ep != NULL; ep++) {
					bfreeSafe(B_L, *ep);
				bfreeSafe(B_L, cgip->cgiPath);
				bfreeSafe(B_L, cgip->argp);
				bfreeSafe(B_L, cgip->envp);
				bfreeSafe(B_L, cgip->stdOut);
				bfreeSafe(B_L, cgip);
#if 0 //DAVIDM - we do not want this, netflash does it for us
					if (WIFEXITED(exit_status) && WEXITSTATUS(exit_status) != 0)
					doSystem("sleep 3 && reboot &");
Exemple #3
static void bStatsAlloc(B_ARGS_DEC, void *ptr, int q, int size)
	int				memSize;
	bStatsFileType	*fp;
	bStatsBlkType	*bp;
	char_t			name[FNAMESIZE + 10];

	gsprintf(name, T("%s:%d"), B_ARGS);

	bStatsMemInUse += size;
	if (bStatsMemInUse > bStatsMemMax) {
		bStatsMemMax = bStatsMemInUse;
	memSize = (1 << (B_SHIFT + q)) + sizeof(bType);
	bStatsBallocInUse += memSize;
	if (bStatsBallocInUse > bStatsBallocMax) {
		bStatsBallocMax = bStatsBallocInUse;

 *	Track maximum stack usage. Assumes a stack growth down. Approximate as
 *	we only measure this on block allocation.
	if ((void*) &file < bStackMin) {
		bStackMin = (void*) &file;

 *	Find the file and adjust the stats for this file
	for (fp = bStatsFiles; fp < &bStatsFiles[bStatsFilesMax]; fp++) {
		if (fp->file[0] == file[0] && gstrcmp(fp->file, name) == 0) {
			fp->allocated += size;
			if (fp->largest < size) {
				fp->largest = size;
				fp->q = q;

 *	New entry: find the first free slot and create a new entry
	if (fp >= &bStatsFiles[bStatsFilesMax]) {
		for (fp = bStatsFiles; fp < &bStatsFiles[B_MAX_FILES]; fp++) {
			if (fp->file[0] == '\0') {
				gstrncpy(fp->file, name, TSZ(fp->file));
				fp->allocated += size;
				fp->largest = size;
				fp->q = q;
				if ((fp - bStatsFiles) >= bStatsFilesMax) {
					bStatsFilesMax = (fp - bStatsFiles) + 1;

 *	Update the per block stats. Allocate a new slot.
	for (bp = bStatsBlks; bp < &bStatsBlks[B_MAX_BLOCKS]; bp++) {
		if (bp->ptr == NULL) {
			bp->ptr = ptr;
			bp->who = fp;
			if ((bp - bStatsBlks) >= bStatsBlksMax) {
				bStatsBlksMax = (bp - bStatsBlks) + 1;
void websSetPassword(char_t *password)

	gstrncpy(websPassword, password, TSZ(websPassword));