static TT_Error LoadTrueTypeChar(Font *fnt, int idx, Boolean hint, Boolean quiet) { TT_Error error; int flags; flags = TTLOAD_SCALE_GLYPH; if (hint) flags |= TTLOAD_HINT_GLYPH; error = TT_Load_Glyph(instance, glyph, idx, flags); if (!error) error = TT_Get_Glyph_Big_Metrics(glyph, &metrics); if (!error) error = TT_Get_Glyph_Outline(glyph, &outline); if (!error) { if (fnt->efactor != 1.0 || fnt->slant != 0.0 ) TT_Transform_Outline(&outline, &matrix1); if (fnt->rotate) TT_Transform_Outline(&outline, &matrix2); } if (!error) error = TT_Get_Outline_BBox(&outline, &bbox); /* we need the non- grid-fitted bbox */ if (fnt->rotate) TT_Translate_Outline(&outline, metrics.vertBearingY - bbox.xMin, -fnt->y_offset * ppem * 64); if (!error) error = TT_Get_Outline_BBox(&outline, &bbox); if (!error) SetRasterArea(quiet); return error; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { int i, orig_ptsize, file; char filename[128 + 4]; char alt_filename[128 + 4]; char* execname; int option; int ptsize; int num_Faces = 0; int glyph_index = 0; int load_flags = TTLOAD_DEFAULT; int force_sbit = 0; TT_Engine engine; TT_Face face; TT_Instance instance; TT_Glyph glyph; TT_Raster_Map map; TT_Big_Glyph_Metrics metrics; TT_Face_Properties properties; TT_Instance_Metrics imetrics; TT_EBLC eblc; TT_SBit_Image* bitmap = NULL; TT_Error error; int res = 72; #ifdef HAVE_LIBINTL_H setlocale( LC_ALL, "" ); bindtextdomain( "freetype", LOCALEDIR ); textdomain( "freetype" ); #endif execname = ft_basename( argv[0] ); while ( 1 ) { option = ft_getopt( argc, argv, "c:r:i:B" ); if ( option == -1 ) break; switch ( option ) { case 'r': res = atoi( ft_optarg ); if ( res < 1 ) usage( execname ); break; case 'c': num_Faces = atoi( ft_optarg ); if ( num_Faces < 0 ) usage( execname ); break; case 'i': glyph_index = atoi( ft_optarg ); if ( glyph_index < 0 ) usage( execname ); break; case 'B': force_sbit = 1; break; default: usage( execname ); break; } } argc -= ft_optind; argv += ft_optind; if ( argc <= 1 ) usage( execname ); if ( sscanf( argv[0], "%d", &orig_ptsize ) != 1 ) orig_ptsize = 64; file = 1; ptsize = orig_ptsize; i = strlen( argv[file] ); while ( i > 0 && argv[file][i] != '\\' && argv[file][i] != '/' ) { if ( argv[file][i] == '.' ) i = 0; i--; } filename[128] = '\0'; alt_filename[128] = '\0'; strncpy( filename, argv[file], 128 ); strncpy( alt_filename, argv[file], 128 ); if ( i >= 0 ) { strncpy( filename + strlen( filename ), ".ttf", 4 ); strncpy( alt_filename + strlen( alt_filename ), ".ttc", 4 ); } /* Initialize engine */ error = TT_Init_FreeType( &engine ); if ( error ) { fprintf( stderr, gettext( "Error while initializing engine.\n" ) ); goto Failure; } error = TT_Init_SBit_Extension( engine ); if ( error ) { fprintf( stderr, gettext( "Error while initializing embedded bitmap extension.\n" ) ); goto Failure; } /* Load face */ error = TT_Open_Face( engine, filename, &face ); if ( error == TT_Err_Could_Not_Open_File ) { strcpy( filename, alt_filename ); error = TT_Open_Face( engine, alt_filename, &face ); } if ( error == TT_Err_Could_Not_Open_File ) Panic( gettext( "Could not find or open %s.\n" ), filename ); if ( error ) { fprintf( stderr, gettext( "Error while opening %s.\n" ), filename ); goto Failure; } TT_Get_Face_Properties( face, &properties ); printf( gettext( "There are %d fonts in this collection.\n" ), (int)(properties.num_Faces) ); if ( num_Faces >= properties.num_Faces ) Panic( gettext( "There is no collection with index %d in this font file.\n" ), num_Faces ); TT_Close_Face( face ); error = TT_Open_Collection( engine, filename, num_Faces, &face ); /* get face properties and eblc */ TT_Get_Face_Properties( face, &properties ); if ( force_sbit ) { error = TT_Get_Face_Bitmaps( face, &eblc ); if ( error == TT_Err_Table_Missing ) Panic( gettext( "There is no embedded bitmap data in the font.\n" ) ); if ( error ) { fprintf( stderr, gettext( "Error while retrieving embedded bitmaps table.\n" ) ); goto Failure; } } /* create glyph */ error = TT_New_Glyph( face, &glyph ); if ( error ) { fprintf( stderr, gettext( "Could not create glyph container.\n" ) ); goto Failure; } /* create instance */ error = TT_New_Instance( face, &instance ); if ( error ) { fprintf( stderr, gettext( "Could not create instance.\n" ) ); goto Failure; } error = TT_Set_Instance_Resolutions( instance, res, res ); if ( error ) { fprintf( stderr, gettext( "Could not set device resolutions.\n" ) ); goto Failure; } error = TT_Set_Instance_CharSize( instance, ptsize*64 ); if ( error ) { fprintf( stderr, gettext( "Could not reset instance.\n" ) ); goto Failure; } TT_Get_Instance_Metrics( instance, &imetrics ); printf( gettext( "Instance metrics: ppemX %d, ppemY %d\n" ), imetrics.x_ppem, imetrics.y_ppem ); if ( force_sbit ) { error = TT_New_SBit_Image( &bitmap ); if ( error ) { fprintf( stderr, gettext( "Could not allocate glyph bitmap container.\n" ) ); goto Failure; } error = TT_Load_Glyph_Bitmap( face, instance, glyph_index, bitmap ); if ( error ) { fprintf( stderr, gettext( "Can't load bitmap for glyph %d.\n" ), glyph_index ); goto Failure; } Show_Metrics( bitmap->metrics, "SBit's metrics" ); printf( "SBit glyph:\n" ); Show_Single_Glyph( &bitmap->map ); } else { TT_Load_Glyph( instance, glyph, glyph_index, load_flags ); TT_Get_Glyph_Big_Metrics( glyph, &metrics ); map.width = ( metrics.bbox.xMax - metrics.bbox.xMin ) / 64; map.rows = ( metrics.bbox.yMax - metrics.bbox.yMin ) / 64; map.cols = ( map.width + 7 ) / 8; map.size = map.cols * map.rows; map.bitmap = malloc( map.size ); map.flow = TT_Flow_Down; memset( map.bitmap, 0, map.size ); error = TT_Get_Glyph_Bitmap( glyph, &map, -metrics.bbox.xMin, -metrics.bbox.yMin ); Show_Metrics( metrics, gettext( "Outline's metrics" ) ); printf( gettext( "Outline glyph\n" ) ); Show_Single_Glyph( &map ); } free( map.bitmap ); if ( bitmap ) TT_Done_SBit_Image( bitmap ); TT_Done_Instance( instance ); TT_Done_Glyph( glyph ); TT_Done_FreeType( engine ); exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); /* for safety reasons */ return 0; /* never reached */ Failure: fprintf( stderr, " " ); fprintf( stderr, gettext( "FreeType error message: %s\n" ), TT_ErrToString18( error ) ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); return 0; /* never reached */ }
void readttf(Font *fnt, Boolean quiet, Boolean only_range) { TT_Error error; ttfinfo *ti, *Ti; long Num, index; unsigned int i, j; long k, max_k; unsigned short num_cmap; unsigned short cmap_plat, cmap_enc; int index_array[257]; static Boolean initialized = False; TT_UShort in_string[2]; TTO_GSUB_String in, out; TT_UShort script_index, language_index, feature_index; TT_UShort req_feature_index = 0xFFFF; /* * We allocate a placeholder boundary and the `.notdef' character. */ if (!only_range) { ti = newchar(fnt); ti->charcode = -1; ti->adobename = ".notdef"; ti = newchar(fnt); ti->charcode = -1; ti->adobename = "||"; /* boundary character name */ } /* * Initialize FreeType engine. */ if (!initialized) { if ((error = TT_Init_FreeType(&engine))) oops("Cannot initialize engine (error code = 0x%x).", error); if ((error = TT_Init_Kerning_Extension(engine))) oops("Cannot initialize kerning (error code = 0x%x).", error); if (fnt->PSnames) if ((error = TT_Init_Post_Extension(engine))) oops("Cannot initialize PS name support (error code = 0x%x).", error); if (fnt->rotate) if ((error = TT_Init_GSUB_Extension(engine))) oops("Cannot initialize GSUB support (error code = 0x%x).", error); /* * Load face. */ real_ttfname = TeX_search_ttf_file(&(fnt->ttfname)); if (!real_ttfname) oops("Cannot find `%s'.", fnt->ttfname); if ((error = TT_Open_Face(engine, real_ttfname, &face))) oops("Cannot open `%s'.", real_ttfname); /* * Get face properties and allocate preload arrays. */ TT_Get_Face_Properties(face, &properties); /* * Now we try to open the proper font in a collection. */ if (fnt->fontindex != 0) { if (properties.num_Faces == 1) { warning("This isn't a TrueType collection.\n" "Parameter `-f' is ignored."); fnt->fontindex = 0; fnt->fontindexparam = NULL; } else { TT_Close_Face(face); if ((error = TT_Open_Collection(engine, real_ttfname, fnt->fontindex, &face))) oops("Cannot open font %lu in TrueType Collection `%s'.", fnt->fontindex, real_ttfname); } } /* * Create instance. */ if ((error = TT_New_Instance(face, &instance))) oops("Cannot create instance for `%s' (error code = 0x%x).", real_ttfname, error); /* * We use a dummy glyph size of 10pt. */ if ((error = TT_Set_Instance_CharSize(instance, 10 * 64))) oops("Cannot set character size (error code = 0x%x).", error); matrix1.xx = (TT_Fixed)(floor(fnt->efactor * 1024) * (1L<<16)/1024); matrix1.xy = (TT_Fixed)(floor(fnt->slant * 1024) * (1L<<16)/1024); matrix1.yx = (TT_Fixed)0; matrix1.yy = (TT_Fixed)(1L<<16); if (fnt->rotate) { matrix2.xx = 0; matrix2.yx = 1L << 16; matrix2.xy = -matrix2.yx; matrix2.yy = matrix2.xx; } if ((error = TT_Set_Instance_Transform_Flags( instance, fnt->rotate ? 1 : 0, fnt->efactor != 1.0 ? 1 : 0))) oops("Cannot set transform flags (error code = 0x%x).", error); /* * Create glyph container. */ if ((error = TT_New_Glyph(face, &glyph))) oops("Cannot create glyph container (error code = 0x%x).", error); fnt->units_per_em = properties.header->Units_Per_EM; fnt->fixedpitch = properties.postscript->isFixedPitch; fnt->italicangle = properties.postscript->italicAngle / 65536.0; if (fnt->PSnames != Only) { num_cmap = properties.num_CharMaps; for (i = 0; i < num_cmap; i++) { if ((error = TT_Get_CharMap_ID(face, i, &cmap_plat, &cmap_enc))) oops("Cannot query cmap (error code = 0x%x).", error); if (cmap_plat == fnt->pid && cmap_enc == fnt->eid) break; } if (i == num_cmap) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: Invalid platform and/or encoding ID.\n", progname); if (num_cmap == 1) fprintf(stderr, " The only valid PID/EID pair is"); else fprintf(stderr, " Valid PID/EID pairs are:\n"); for (i = 0; i < num_cmap; i++) { TT_Get_CharMap_ID(face, i, &cmap_plat, &cmap_enc); fprintf(stderr, " (%i,%i)\n", cmap_plat, cmap_enc); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(1); } if ((error = TT_Get_CharMap(face, i, &char_map))) oops("Cannot load cmap (error code = 0x%x).", error); } if (fnt->PSnames) { if ((error = TT_Load_PS_Names(face, &post))) oops("Cannot load TrueType PS names (error code = 0x%x).", error); } else if (cmap_plat == Microsoft_platform && cmap_enc == Microsoft_Unicode_encoding) set_encoding_scheme(encUnicode, fnt); else if (cmap_plat == Macintosh_platform && cmap_enc == Macintosh_encoding) set_encoding_scheme(encMac, fnt); else set_encoding_scheme(encFontSpecific, fnt); if (fnt->rotate) { gsub = &gsub_; error = TT_Load_GSUB_Table(face, gsub, NULL); if (!error) has_gsub = True; else if (error != TT_Err_Table_Missing) warning("Cannot load GSUB table (error code = 0x%x).", error); else warning("No GSUB data available " "for vertical glyph presentation forms."); /* we check for the `vert' feature in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean */ error = TT_GSUB_Select_Script(gsub, SCRIPT_kana, &script_index); if (error) goto check_hani; error = TT_GSUB_Select_Feature(gsub, FEATURE_vert, script_index, 0xFFFF, &feature_index); if (error) { error = TT_GSUB_Select_Language(gsub, LANGUAGE_JAN, script_index, &language_index, &req_feature_index); if (error) goto check_hani; error = TT_GSUB_Select_Feature(gsub, FEATURE_vert, script_index, language_index, &feature_index); if (error) goto check_hani; else goto Done; } else goto Done; check_hani: error = TT_GSUB_Select_Script(gsub, SCRIPT_hani, &script_index); if (error) goto check_hang; error = TT_GSUB_Select_Feature(gsub, FEATURE_vert, script_index, 0xFFFF, &feature_index); if (error) { error = TT_GSUB_Select_Language(gsub, LANGUAGE_CHN, script_index, &language_index, &req_feature_index); if (error) goto check_hang; error = TT_GSUB_Select_Feature(gsub, FEATURE_vert, script_index, language_index, &feature_index); if (error) goto check_hang; else goto Done; } else goto Done; check_hang: error = TT_GSUB_Select_Script(gsub, SCRIPT_hang, &script_index); if (error) goto Done; error = TT_GSUB_Select_Feature(gsub, FEATURE_vert, script_index, 0xFFFF, &feature_index); if (error) { error = TT_GSUB_Select_Language(gsub, LANGUAGE_KOR, script_index, &language_index, &req_feature_index); if (error) goto Done; error = TT_GSUB_Select_Feature(gsub, FEATURE_vert, script_index, language_index, &feature_index); } Done: if (error) { warning("There is no data for vertical typesetting in GSUB table."); has_gsub = False; } if (req_feature_index != 0xFFFF) TT_GSUB_Add_Feature(gsub, req_feature_index, ALL_GLYPHS); TT_GSUB_Add_Feature(gsub, feature_index, ALL_GLYPHS); in.length = 1; in.pos = 0; in.string = in_string; = NULL; out.pos = 0; out.allocated = 0; out.string = NULL; = NULL; } initialized = True; } if (!quiet) { if (only_range) printf("\n\n%s:\n", fnt->fullname); printf("\n"); printf("Glyph Code Glyph Name "); printf("Width llx lly urx ury\n"); printf("---------------------------------------"); printf("---------------------------------\n"); } /* * We load only glyphs with a valid cmap entry. Nevertheless, for * the default mapping, we use the first 256 glyphs addressed by * ascending code points, followed by glyphs not in the cmap. * * If we compute a range, we take the character codes given in * the fnt->sf_code array. * * If the -N flag is set, no cmap is used at all. Instead, the * first 256 glyphs (with a valid PS name) are used for the default * mapping. */ if (!only_range) for (i = 0; i < 257; i++) index_array[i] = 0; else for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) fnt->inencptrs[i] = 0; j = 0; if (fnt->PSnames == Only) max_k = properties.num_Glyphs - 1; else max_k = only_range ? 0xFF : 0x16FFFF; for (k = 0; k <= max_k; k++) { char *an; if (fnt->PSnames != Only) { if (only_range) { index = fnt->sf_code[k]; if (index < 0) continue; j = k; } else index = k; Num = TT_Char_Index(char_map, index); /* now we try to get a vertical glyph form */ if (has_gsub) { in_string[0] = Num; error = TT_GSUB_Apply_String(gsub, &in, &out); if (error && error != TTO_Err_Not_Covered) warning("Cannot get the vertical glyph form for glyph index %d.", Num); else Num = out.string[0]; } if (Num < 0) oops("Failure on cmap mapping from %s.", fnt->ttfname); if (Num == 0) continue; if (!only_range) if (Num <= 256) index_array[Num] = 1; } else { Num = k; index = 0; } error = TT_Load_Glyph(instance, glyph, Num, 0); if (!error) error = TT_Get_Glyph_Big_Metrics(glyph, &metrics); if (!error) error = TT_Get_Glyph_Outline(glyph, &outline); if (!error) { if (fnt->efactor != 1.0 || fnt->slant != 0.0 ) TT_Transform_Outline(&outline, &matrix1); if (fnt->rotate) TT_Transform_Outline(&outline, &matrix2); } if (!error) error = TT_Get_Outline_BBox(&outline, &bbox); /* we need the non- grid-fitted bbox */ if (!error) { if (fnt->PSnames) (void)TT_Get_PS_Name(face, Num, &an); else an = code_to_adobename(index); /* ignore characters not usable for typesetting with TeX */ if (strcmp(an, ".notdef") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(an, ".null") == 0) continue; if (strcmp(an, "nonmarkingreturn") == 0) continue; ti = newchar(fnt); ti->charcode = index; ti->glyphindex = Num; ti->adobename = an; ti->llx = bbox.xMin * 1000 / fnt->units_per_em; ti->lly = bbox.yMin * 1000 / fnt->units_per_em; ti->urx = bbox.xMax * 1000 / fnt->units_per_em; ti->ury = bbox.yMax * 1000 / fnt->units_per_em; /* * We must now shift the rotated character both horizontally * and vertically. The vertical amount is 25% by default. */ if (fnt->rotate) { ti->llx += (metrics.vertBearingY - bbox.xMin) * 1000 / fnt->units_per_em; ti->lly -= 1000 * fnt->y_offset; ti->urx += (metrics.vertBearingY - bbox.xMin) * 1000 / fnt->units_per_em; ti->ury -= 1000 * fnt->y_offset; } /* * We need to avoid negative heights or depths. They break accents * in math mode, among other things. */ if (ti->lly > 0) ti->lly = 0; if (ti->ury < 0) ti->ury = 0; if (fnt->rotate) ti->width = metrics.vertAdvance * 1000 / fnt->units_per_em; else ti->width = transform(metrics.horiAdvance * 1000 / fnt->units_per_em, 0, fnt->efactor, fnt->slant); if (!quiet) printf("%5ld %05lx %-25s %5d % 5d,% 5d -- % 5d,% 5d\n", Num, index, ti->adobename, ti->width, ti->llx, ti->lly, ti->urx, ti->ury); if (j < 256) { fnt->inencptrs[j] = ti; ti->incode = j; } j++; } } /* * Now we load glyphs without a cmap entry, provided some slots are * still free -- we skip this if we have to compute a range or use * PS names. */ if (!only_range && !fnt->PSnames) { for (i = 1; i <= properties.num_Glyphs; i++) { char *an; if (index_array[i] == 0) { error = TT_Load_Glyph(instance, glyph, i, 0); if (!error) error = TT_Get_Glyph_Big_Metrics(glyph, &metrics); if (!error) error = TT_Get_Glyph_Outline(glyph, &outline); if (!error) error = TT_Get_Outline_BBox(&outline, &bbox); if (!error) { an = code_to_adobename(i | 0x1000000); ti = newchar(fnt); ti->charcode = i | 0x1000000; ti->glyphindex = i; ti->adobename = an; ti->llx = bbox.xMin * 1000 / fnt->units_per_em; ti->lly = bbox.yMin * 1000 / fnt->units_per_em; ti->urx = bbox.xMax * 1000 / fnt->units_per_em; ti->ury = bbox.yMax * 1000 / fnt->units_per_em; if (ti->lly > 0) ti->lly = 0; if (ti->ury < 0) ti->ury = 0; ti->width = transform(metrics.horiAdvance*1000 / fnt->units_per_em, 0, fnt->efactor, fnt->slant); if (!quiet) printf("%5d %-25s %5d % 5d,% 5d -- % 5d,% 5d\n", i, ti->adobename, ti->width, ti->llx, ti->lly, ti->urx, ti->ury); if (j < 256) { fnt->inencptrs[j] = ti; ti->incode = j; } else break; j++; } } } } /* Finally, we construct a `Germandbls' glyph if necessary */ if (!only_range) { if (NULL == findadobe("Germandbls", fnt->charlist) && NULL != (Ti = findadobe("S", fnt->charlist))) { pcc *np, *nq; ti = newchar(fnt); ti->charcode = properties.num_Glyphs | 0x1000000; ti->glyphindex = properties.num_Glyphs; ti->adobename = "Germandbls"; ti->width = Ti->width << 1; ti->llx = Ti->llx; ti->lly = Ti->lly; ti->urx = Ti->width + Ti->urx; ti->ury = Ti->ury; ti->kerns = Ti->kerns; np = newpcc(); np->partname = "S"; nq = newpcc(); nq->partname = "S"; nq->xoffset = Ti->width; np->next = nq; ti->pccs = np; ti->constructed = True; if (!quiet) printf("* %-25s %5d % 5d,% 5d -- % 5d,% 5d\n", ti->adobename, ti->width, ti->llx, ti->lly, ti->urx, ti->ury); } } /* kerning between subfonts isn't available */ if (!only_range) readttf_kern(fnt); }