Exemple #1
//	Originally, 'endTransmission' was an f(void) function.
//	It has been modified to take one parameter indicating
//	whether or not a STOP should be performed on the bus.
//	Calling endTransmission(false) allows a sketch to
//	perform a repeated start.
//	WARNING: Nothing in the library keeps track of whether
//	the bus tenure has been properly ended with a STOP. It
//	is very possible to leave the bus in a hung state if
//	no call to endTransmission(true) is made. Some I2C
//	devices will behave oddly if they do not see a STOP.
uint8_t TwoWire::endTransmission(uint8_t sendStop) {
	uint8_t error = 0;
	// transmit buffer (blocking)
	TWI_StartWrite(twi, txAddress, 0, 0, txBuffer[0]);
	if (!TWI_WaitByteSent(twi, XMIT_TIMEOUT))
		error = 2;	// error, got NACK on address transmit
	if (error == 0) {
		uint16_t sent = 1;
		while (sent < txBufferLength) {
			TWI_WriteByte(twi, txBuffer[sent++]);
			if (!TWI_WaitByteSent(twi, XMIT_TIMEOUT))
				error = 3;	// error, got NACK during data transmmit
	if (error == 0) {
		if (!TWI_WaitTransferComplete(twi, XMIT_TIMEOUT))
			error = 4;	// error, finishing up

	txBufferLength = 0;		// empty buffer
	status = MASTER_IDLE;
	return error;
Exemple #2
uint8_t TwoWire::requestFrom(uint8_t address, uint8_t quantity, uint32_t iaddress, uint8_t isize, uint8_t sendStop) {
	if (quantity > BUFFER_LENGTH)
		quantity = BUFFER_LENGTH;

	// perform blocking read into buffer
	int readed = 0;
	TWI_StartRead(twi, address, iaddress, isize);
	do {
		// Stop condition must be set during the reception of last byte
		if (readed + 1 == quantity)
			TWI_SendSTOPCondition( twi);

		if (TWI_WaitByteReceived(twi, RECV_TIMEOUT))
			rxBuffer[readed++] = TWI_ReadByte(twi);
	} while (readed < quantity);
	TWI_WaitTransferComplete(twi, RECV_TIMEOUT);

	// set rx buffer iterator vars
	rxBufferIndex = 0;
	rxBufferLength = readed;

	return readed;
Exemple #3
uint8_t TwoWire::requestFrom(uint8_t address, uint8_t quantity) {
	if (quantity > BUFFER_LENGTH)
		quantity = BUFFER_LENGTH;

	// perform blocking read into buffer
	int readed = 0;
	TWI_StartRead(twi, address, 0, 0);
	do {
		// Stop condition must be set during the reception of last byte
		if (readed + 1 == quantity)
			TWI_SendSTOPCondition( twi);

		TWI_WaitByteReceived(twi, RECV_TIMEOUT);
		rxBuffer[readed++] = twi_read_byte(twi);
	} while (readed < quantity);
	TWI_WaitTransferComplete(twi, RECV_TIMEOUT);

	// set rx buffer iterator vars
	rxBufferIndex = 0;
	rxBufferLength = readed;

	return readed;
Exemple #4
//	Originally, 'endTransmission' was an f(void) function.
//	It has been modified to take one parameter indicating
//	whether or not a STOP should be performed on the bus.
//	Calling endTransmission(false) allows a sketch to
//	perform a repeated start.
//	WARNING: Nothing in the library keeps track of whether
//	the bus tenure has been properly ended with a STOP. It
//	is very possible to leave the bus in a hung state if
//	no call to endTransmission(true) is made. Some I2C
//	devices will behave oddly if they do not see a STOP.
uint8_t TwoWire::endTransmission(uint8_t sendStop) {
	// transmit buffer (blocking)
	TWI_StartWrite(twi, txAddress, 0, 0, txBuffer[0]);
	TWI_WaitByteSent(twi, XMIT_TIMEOUT);
	int sent = 1;
	while (sent < txBufferLength) {
		twi_write_byte(twi, txBuffer[sent++]);
		TWI_WaitByteSent(twi, XMIT_TIMEOUT);
	TWI_Stop( twi);
	TWI_WaitTransferComplete(twi, XMIT_TIMEOUT);

	// empty buffer
	txBufferLength = 0;

	status = MASTER_IDLE;
	return sent;