// ask the MLTE object how many pixels equal view rect width
TextViewGetWidth( WindowRef window, OSType key )
    Rect viewRect = { 0,0,0,0 };
    TXNGetViewRect( WindowGetTXNObj( window, key ), &viewRect );
    return viewRect.right-viewRect.left;
// ask the MLTE object how many pixels equal view rect height
TextViewGetHeight( WindowRef window, OSType key )
    Rect viewRect = { 0,0,0,0 };
    TXNGetViewRect( WindowGetTXNObj( window, key ), &viewRect );
    return viewRect.bottom-viewRect.top;
TextViewInvalidate( WindowRef window, OSType key )
    OSStatus status = eventNotHandledErr;
    Rect viewRect;
    require_action( window != NULL, BadWindow, status = eventNotHandledErr );
    TXNGetViewRect( WindowGetTXNObj( window, key ), &viewRect );
    status = InvalWindowRect( window, &viewRect );
    return status;   
// static
pascal OSStatus IGraphicsCarbon::TextEntryHandler(EventHandlerCallRef pHandlerCall, EventRef pEvent, void* pGraphicsCarbon)
  IGraphicsCarbon* _this = (IGraphicsCarbon*) pGraphicsCarbon;
  UInt32 eventClass = GetEventClass(pEvent);
  UInt32 eventKind = GetEventKind(pEvent);

  switch (eventClass)
    case kEventClassKeyboard:
      switch (eventKind)
        case kEventRawKeyDown:
        case kEventRawKeyRepeat:
          // Get the keys and modifiers
          char c;
          UInt32 k;
          UInt32 modifiers;
          GetEventParameter(pEvent, kEventParamKeyMacCharCodes, typeChar,   NULL, sizeof(char),   NULL, &c);
          GetEventParameter(pEvent, kEventParamKeyCode,         typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &k);
          GetEventParameter(pEvent, kEventParamKeyModifiers,    typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &modifiers);

          // paste
          if (c == 118 && modifiers == 256)
            if (TXNIsScrapPastable())

              return eventNotHandledErr;

          // trap enter keys
          if (c == 3 || c == 13)
            return noErr;

          // trap escape key
          if (c == 27)
            return noErr;

          // pass arrow keys
          if (k == 125 || k == 126 || k == 123 || k == 124)
            return eventNotHandledErr;

          // pass delete keys
          if (c == 8 || c == 127)
            return eventNotHandledErr;

          if (_this->mEdParam)
            switch ( _this->mEdParam->Type() )
              case IParam::kTypeEnum:
              case IParam::kTypeInt:
              case IParam::kTypeBool:
                if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') break;
                else if (c == '-') break;
                else if (c == '+') break;
                else return noErr;
              case IParam::kTypeDouble:
                if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') break;
                else if (c == '.') break;
                else if (c == '-') break;
                else if (c == '+') break;
                else return noErr;

          // Get the text
          CharsHandle textHandle;
          long textLength = 0;
          TXNGetDataEncoded(_this->mTextEntryView, kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset, &textHandle, kTXNTextData);

          // Check that we have some worthwhile data
          if (textHandle != NULL && GetHandleSize(textHandle) > 0)
            textLength = GetHandleSize(textHandle);

          if(textLength >= _this->mEdControl->GetTextEntryLength())
            return noErr;
            EventRecord eventRecord;

            if (ConvertEventRefToEventRecord(pEvent, &eventRecord))
              TXNKeyDown(_this->mTextEntryView, &eventRecord);
              return noErr;
    case kEventClassMouse:
      switch (eventKind)
        case kEventMouseDown:
        case kEventMouseUp:
          // Get the window handle
          WindowRef window;
          GetEventParameter(pEvent, kEventParamWindowRef, typeWindowRef, NULL, sizeof(WindowRef), NULL, &window);

          // Determine the point
          HIPoint p;
          GetEventParameter(pEvent, kEventParamMouseLocation, typeHIPoint, NULL, sizeof(HIPoint), NULL, &p);
          Point point = { (short)p.y, (short)p.x };
          QDGlobalToLocalPoint(GetWindowPort (window), &point);

          // Get the viewable area
          Rect rect;
          TXNGetViewRect (_this->mTextEntryView, &rect);

          //swell collision
          #undef PtInRect
          #define MacPtInRect PtInRect
          // Handle the click as necessary
          if (PtInRect(point, &rect))
            #define PtInRect(r,p) SWELL_PtInRect(r,p)
            EventRecord eventRecord;
            if (eventKind == kEventMouseDown && ConvertEventRefToEventRecord(pEvent, &eventRecord))
              TXNClick(_this->mTextEntryView, &eventRecord);
            return noErr;
            CallNextEventHandler(pHandlerCall, pEvent);
            return noErr;
        case kEventMouseMoved:
          TXNAdjustCursor(_this->mTextEntryView, NULL);
          return noErr;
        case kEventMouseWheelMoved:
          return noErr;
    case kEventClassWindow:
      WindowRef window;
      GetEventParameter (pEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeWindowRef, NULL, sizeof(WindowRef), NULL, &window);
      switch (eventKind)
        case kEventWindowFocusRelinquish:
        case kEventWindowClosed:
        case kEventWindowDeactivated:
          CallNextEventHandler(pHandlerCall, pEvent);
          return noErr;

  return eventNotHandledErr;