Exemple #1
STDMETHODIMP CTXTRecord::ContainsKey(BSTR key, VARIANT_BOOL* retval)
	std::string keyUTF8;
	int			ret	= 0;
	HRESULT		err	= S_OK;

	if ( m_byteArray.size() > 0 )
		BOOL ok;

		ok = BSTRToUTF8( key, keyUTF8 );
		require_action( ok, exit, err = S_FALSE );

		ret = TXTRecordContainsKey( ( uint16_t ) m_byteArray.size(), &m_byteArray[ 0 ], keyUTF8.c_str() );

	*retval = ( ret ) ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE;


	return err;
Exemple #2
CPrinterSetupWizardSheet::ParseTextRecord( Service * service, Queue * q, uint16_t inTXTSize, const char * inTXT )
	check( service );
	check( q );

	// <rdar://problem/3946587> Use TXTRecord APIs declared in dns_sd.h
	bool			qtotalDefined	= false;
	const void	*	val;
	char			buf[256];
	uint8_t			len;
	OSStatus		err				= kNoErr;

	// <rdar://problem/3987680> Default to queue "lp"

	q->name = L"lp";

	// <rdar://problem/4003710> Default pdl key to be "application/postscript"

	q->pdl = L"application/postscript";

	if ( ( val = TXTRecordGetValuePtr( inTXTSize, inTXT, "rp", &len ) ) != NULL )
		// Stringize val ( doesn't have trailing '\0' yet )

		memcpy( buf, val, len );
		buf[len] = '\0';

		err = UTF8StringToStringObject( buf, q->name );
		require_noerr( err, exit );
	if ( ( val = TXTRecordGetValuePtr( inTXTSize, inTXT, "pdl", &len ) ) != NULL )
		// Stringize val ( doesn't have trailing '\0' yet )

		memcpy( buf, val, len );
		buf[len] = '\0';

		err = UTF8StringToStringObject( buf, q->pdl );
		require_noerr( err, exit );
	if ( ( ( val = TXTRecordGetValuePtr( inTXTSize, inTXT, "usb_mfg", &len ) ) != NULL ) ||
	     ( ( val = TXTRecordGetValuePtr( inTXTSize, inTXT, "usb_manufacturer", &len ) ) != NULL ) )
		// Stringize val ( doesn't have trailing '\0' yet )

		memcpy( buf, val, len );
		buf[len] = '\0';

		err = UTF8StringToStringObject( buf, q->usb_MFG );
		require_noerr( err, exit );
	if ( ( ( val = TXTRecordGetValuePtr( inTXTSize, inTXT, "usb_mdl", &len ) ) != NULL ) ||
	     ( ( val = TXTRecordGetValuePtr( inTXTSize, inTXT, "usb_model", &len ) ) != NULL ) )
		// Stringize val ( doesn't have trailing '\0' yet )

		memcpy( buf, val, len );
		buf[len] = '\0';

		err = UTF8StringToStringObject( buf, q->usb_MDL );
		require_noerr( err, exit );

	if ( ( val = TXTRecordGetValuePtr( inTXTSize, inTXT, "ty", &len ) ) != NULL )
		// Stringize val ( doesn't have trailing '\0' yet )

		memcpy( buf, val, len );
		buf[len] = '\0';

		err = UTF8StringToStringObject( buf, q->description );
		require_noerr( err, exit );
	if ( ( val = TXTRecordGetValuePtr( inTXTSize, inTXT, "product", &len ) ) != NULL )
		// Stringize val ( doesn't have trailing '\0' yet )

		memcpy( buf, val, len );
		buf[len] = '\0';

		err = UTF8StringToStringObject( buf, q->product );
		require_noerr( err, exit );

	if ( ( val = TXTRecordGetValuePtr( inTXTSize, inTXT, "note", &len ) ) != NULL )
		// Stringize val ( doesn't have trailing '\0' yet )

		memcpy( buf, val, len );
		buf[len] = '\0';

		err = UTF8StringToStringObject( buf, q->location );
		require_noerr( err, exit );

	if ( ( val = TXTRecordGetValuePtr( inTXTSize, inTXT, "qtotal", &len ) ) != NULL )
		// Stringize val ( doesn't have trailing '\0' yet )

		memcpy( buf, val, len );
		buf[len] = '\0';

		service->qtotal = (unsigned short) atoi( buf );
		qtotalDefined = true;

	if ( ( val = TXTRecordGetValuePtr( inTXTSize, inTXT, "priority", &len ) ) != NULL )
		// Stringize val ( doesn't have trailing '\0' yet )

		memcpy( buf, val, len );
		buf[len] = '\0';

		q->priority = atoi( buf );

	// <rdar://problem/4124524> Was this printer discovered via OS X Printer Sharing?

	if ( TXTRecordContainsKey( inTXTSize, inTXT, "printer-state" ) || TXTRecordContainsKey( inTXTSize, inTXT, "printer-type" ) )
		service->printer->isSharedFromOSX = true;


	// The following code is to fix a problem with older HP 
	// printers that don't include "qtotal" in their text
	// record.  We'll check to see if the q->name is "TEXT"
	// and if so, we're going to modify it to be "lp" so
	// that we don't use the wrong queue

	if ( !err && !qtotalDefined && ( q->name == L"TEXT" ) )
		q->name = "lp";

	return err;
Exemple #3
int main(AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED int argc, AVAHI_GCC_UNUSED char *argv[]) {
    const char *r;
    TXTRecordRef ref;
    uint8_t l;
    const void *p;
    char k[256];

    TXTRecordCreate(&ref, 0, NULL);

    hexdump(TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref), TXTRecordGetLength(&ref));

    TXTRecordSetValue(&ref, "foo", 7, "lennart");
    hexdump(TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref), TXTRecordGetLength(&ref));

    TXTRecordSetValue(&ref, "waldo", 5, "rocks");
    hexdump(TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref), TXTRecordGetLength(&ref));

    TXTRecordSetValue(&ref, "quux", 9, "the_house");
    hexdump(TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref), TXTRecordGetLength(&ref));

    TXTRecordSetValue(&ref, "yeah", 0, NULL);
    hexdump(TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref), TXTRecordGetLength(&ref));

    TXTRecordSetValue(&ref, "waldo", 6, "rocked");
    hexdump(TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref), TXTRecordGetLength(&ref));

    TXTRecordRemoveValue(&ref, "foo");
    hexdump(TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref), TXTRecordGetLength(&ref));

    TXTRecordRemoveValue(&ref, "waldo");
    hexdump(TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref), TXTRecordGetLength(&ref));

    TXTRecordSetValue(&ref, "kawumm", 6, "bloerb");
    hexdump(TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref), TXTRecordGetLength(&ref));

    TXTRecordSetValue(&ref, "one", 1, "1");
    hexdump(TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref), TXTRecordGetLength(&ref));

    TXTRecordSetValue(&ref, "two", 1, "2");
    hexdump(TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref), TXTRecordGetLength(&ref));

    TXTRecordSetValue(&ref, "three", 1, "3");
    hexdump(TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref), TXTRecordGetLength(&ref));

    assert(TXTRecordContainsKey(TXTRecordGetLength(&ref), TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref), "two"));
    assert(!TXTRecordContainsKey(TXTRecordGetLength(&ref), TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref), "four"));

    r = TXTRecordGetValuePtr(TXTRecordGetLength(&ref), TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref), "kawumm", &l);

    hexdump(r, l);

    assert(TXTRecordGetCount(TXTRecordGetLength(&ref), TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref)) == 6);

    TXTRecordGetItemAtIndex(TXTRecordGetLength(&ref), TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref), 2, sizeof(k), k, &l, &p);

    fprintf(stderr, "key=<%s>\n", k);

    hexdump(p, l);

    assert(TXTRecordGetItemAtIndex(TXTRecordGetLength(&ref), TXTRecordGetBytesPtr(&ref), 20, sizeof(k), k, &l, &p) == kDNSServiceErr_Invalid);
