Exemple #1
void cMenuFileBrowserBase::ReTagItems()
    for (int i = 0; i < Count(); i++)
        cMenuBrowserItem *item = GetItem(i);
        if(taggedEntries_.find(item->GetId()) != taggedEntries_.end())
Exemple #2
void cMenuFileBrowserBase::TagAllFlaggedFiles(bool onlyXinePlayable)
  for (int i = 0; i < Count(); i++)
      cMenuBrowserItem *item = GetItem(i);
      if(item->IsFile() && IsFlagged(item) &&
      (!onlyXinePlayable || static_cast<cMenuFileItem *>(item)->IsXinePlayable()))
	  RemoveFlag(item, false);
	  TagItem(item, false);
Exemple #3
void cMenuFileBrowserBase::TagAllFiles(bool onlyXinePlayable)
    cMenuBrowserItem* item;
    for (int i= 0; i < Count(); i++)
        item = GetItem(i);
        if(item->IsFile() && !IsMarked(item) &&
	(!onlyXinePlayable || static_cast<cMenuFileItem *>(item)->IsXinePlayable()))
Exemple #4
void cMenuFileBrowserBase::TagUntagCurrentItem()
    cMenuBrowserItem *item = GetCurrentItem();
    if (item && (item->IsFile() || item->IsDir()))
            //select line
            //deselect line
bool CEditCategoryBuilder::Build(CWholePage* pPage)
	CCategory	Category(m_InputContext); // holds the hierarchy information from the given nodeid
	CEditCategory EditCategory(m_InputContext); //holds the information
	CUser*		pViewer = NULL;
	bool		bSuccess = true;

	if(!InitPage(pPage, "EDITCATEGORY",true))
		return false;

	// get the viewing user
	pViewer = m_InputContext.GetCurrentUser();

		bool bActionProcessed = false;

		//Where in the hierarchy we will display from
		int iDestinationNodeID = 0;
		//found out if there is a nodeid
		int iNodeID =0;
		if (m_InputContext.ParamExists("nodeid"))
			iNodeID = m_InputContext.GetParamInt("nodeid");
		//find out if there is an action
		CTDVString sAction;
		bool bActionExists = false;
			bActionExists = m_InputContext.GetParamString("action",sAction);
		//TagItemId can be provided as follows...
		//1. activenode parameter - depreciated.
		//2. tagitemid parameter if in tag mode.
		int iTagItemId = 0;
			//ActiveNode parameter actually refers to the Id of the item to tag.
			iTagItemId = m_InputContext.GetParamInt("activenode");
		else if ( m_InputContext.ParamExists("tagmode") )
			iTagItemId = m_InputContext.GetParamInt("tagitemid");
		//if there is no activeNode and no action then we are doing simple navigation
		if ( !iTagItemId  && !bActionExists && (iNodeID >=0))
			bSuccess = bSuccess && EditCategory.Initialise(m_InputContext.GetSiteID());
		else if (bActionExists && bSuccess)
			//there is something to do so let EditCategory deal with it and find out where it wants to display the hierarchy from 
			bSuccess = bSuccess && EditCategory.Initialise(m_InputContext.GetSiteID());
			bSuccess = ProcessAction(sAction,iTagItemId,iNodeID,iDestinationNodeID,&EditCategory,pPage,bActionProcessed);
			bSuccess = false;

			bSuccess = bSuccess && Category.InitialiseViaNodeID(iDestinationNodeID, m_InputContext.GetSiteID());
			int h2g2ID = Category.Geth2g2ID();
			bSuccess = bSuccess && EditCategory.AddInside("EDITCATEGORY",&Category);

			if (h2g2ID > 0)
				CGuideEntry GuideEntry(m_InputContext);
				GuideEntry.Initialise(h2g2ID, m_InputContext.GetSiteID(), pViewer, true, true, true, true);
				EditCategory.AddInside("HIERARCHYDETAILS", &GuideEntry);

			// Check to see if we're in tagmode or category mode
				// Check to see if we're in tag mode.
				if (m_InputContext.ParamExists("tagmode"))
					// Get the TagitemID and the TagType from the url
					int iTagItemID = m_InputContext.GetParamInt("tagitemid");
					CTDVString sTagItemType;
					int iTagMode = m_InputContext.GetParamInt("tagmode");
					int iSiteID = m_InputContext.GetSiteID();
					CUser* pCurrentUser = m_InputContext.GetCurrentUser();

					// Now put it into the XML
					CTDVString sTagInfo;
					sTagInfo << "<TAGINFO MODE='" << iTagMode << "'";
					// Check to see if we've been given the TagItemID
					if (iTagItemID == 0)
						// No, just do the default thing by putting the tagmose into the xml
						sTagInfo << "></TAGINFO>";
						bSuccess = bSuccess && EditCategory.AddInside("HIERARCHYDETAILS",sTagInfo);
						// We have! it to the XML and then get the tagitem details as well!
						sTagInfo << " TAGITEMID='" << iTagItemID << "' TAGITEMTYPE='" << sTagItemType << "'></TAGINFO>";
						bSuccess = bSuccess && EditCategory.AddInside("HIERARCHYDETAILS",sTagInfo);

						// Now get the tag items details
						CTagItem TagItem(m_InputContext);
						bool bOk = false;
						if (sTagItemType.CompareText("USER"))
							bOk = TagItem.InitialiseFromUserId(iTagItemID,iSiteID,pCurrentUser);
						else if (sTagItemType.CompareText("THREAD"))
							bOk = TagItem.InitialiseFromThreadId(iTagItemID,iSiteID,pCurrentUser);
							bOk = TagItem.InitialiseItem(iTagItemID,m_InputContext.GetParamInt("tagitemtype"),iSiteID,pCurrentUser);

						if (!bOk)
							// Get the error from the object
							bSuccess = bSuccess && EditCategory.AddInside("HIERARCHYDETAILS/TAGINFO",TagItem.GetLastErrorAsXMLString());

						//Get taginfo
						CTDVString sDetailsXML;
						bSuccess = bSuccess && EditCategory.AddInside("HIERARCHYDETAILS/TAGINFO",sDetailsXML);

						// Get all the nodes that the item is currently tagged to.
						if (bOk && TagItem.GetAllNodesTaggedForItem())
							// Put the results into the XML
							bSuccess = bSuccess && EditCategory.AddInside("HIERARCHYDETAILS/TAGINFO",&TagItem);
							// Get the error from the object
							bSuccess = bSuccess && EditCategory.AddInside("HIERARCHYDETAILS/TAGINFO",TagItem.GetLastErrorAsXMLString());

						// Get all the nodes that the user has ever tagged to.
						if (bOk && TagItem.GetNodesUserHasTaggedTo())
							// Put the results into the XML
							bSuccess = bSuccess && EditCategory.AddInside("HIERARCHYDETAILS/TAGINFO",&TagItem);
							// Get the error from the object
							bSuccess = bSuccess && EditCategory.AddInside("HIERARCHYDETAILS/TAGINFO",TagItem.GetLastErrorAsXMLString());
				// Check to see if we're adding category nodes to cat lists
				if (m_InputContext.ParamExists("catlistid"))
					CTDVString sCatList, sGUID;
					sCatList << "<CATEGORYLIST MODE='1' GUID='" << sGUID << "'/>";
					bSuccess = bSuccess && EditCategory.AddInside("HIERARCHYDETAILS",sCatList);
		//add the editcategory to the wholepage
		if (bSuccess)
			bSuccess = bSuccess && pPage->AddInside("H2G2",&EditCategory);

		{//add search functionality 								
		// Get the TagitemID and the TagType from the url
		int iTagItemID = m_InputContext.GetParamInt("tagitemid");
		CTDVString sTagItemType;
		int iTagMode = m_InputContext.GetParamInt("tagmode");
		int iSiteID = m_InputContext.GetSiteID();
		int iActiveNode = m_InputContext.GetParamInt("activenode");
		CUser* pCurrentUser = m_InputContext.GetCurrentUser();

		CTDVString sActiveNode(iActiveNode), sNodeID(iNodeID), sTagMode(iTagMode), sTagItemID(iTagItemID);
		bSuccess = bSuccess && pPage->AddInside("H2G2","<SEARCH></SEARCH>");
		bSuccess = bSuccess && pPage->AddInside("H2G2/SEARCH", "<ACTION>" + sAction + "</ACTION>");
		bSuccess = bSuccess && pPage->AddInside("H2G2/SEARCH", "<NODEID>" + sNodeID + "</NODEID>");
		bSuccess = bSuccess && pPage->AddInside("H2G2/SEARCH", "<ACTIVENODE>" + sActiveNode + "</ACTIVENODE>");
		bSuccess = bSuccess && pPage->AddInside("H2G2/SEARCH", "<TAGITEMID>" + sTagItemID + "</TAGITEMID>");
		bSuccess = bSuccess && pPage->AddInside("H2G2/SEARCH", "<TAGMODE>" + sTagMode + "</TAGMODE>");
		bSuccess = bSuccess && pPage->AddInside("H2G2/SEARCH", "<TAGITEMTYPE>" + sTagItemType + "</TAGITEMTYPE>");

		if ( m_InputContext.ParamExists("searchstring")  )
			CTDVString sSearchString = "";
			CTDVString sSearchType   = "";
			bool bGotSearchString = m_InputContext.GetParamString("searchstring", sSearchString);

			//search type is always assumed to be hierarchial
			if ( bGotSearchString)
				bool bSearchItemsFound = false;
				//detect postcode searches
				if ( m_InputContext.GetAllowPostCodesInSearch() > 0  )
					//detect if string is a postcode
					CPostCodeParser oPostCodeParser ;		
					if (oPostCodeParser.IsPostCode(sSearchString))
						CTDVString sActualPostCode ="";
						CTDVString sActualPostCodeXML = "";
						int iNode=0;
						CNotice oNotice(m_InputContext);

						int nRes =  oNotice.GetDetailsForPostCodeArea(sSearchString, iSiteID, iNode, sActualPostCode, sActualPostCodeXML);
						if (nRes == CNotice::PR_REQUESTOK)
							if (iNode)
								CTDVString sCategoryName;						
								CCategory oCategory(m_InputContext);		
								if ( oCategory.GetHierarchyName(iNode, sCategoryName) == false)
									SetDNALastError("CEditCategoryBuilder::Build", "CatgeoryNotFound", "Could not be found Category's Name");
									bSuccess = bSuccess && pPage->AddInside("H2G2",GetLastErrorAsXMLString());
									return false;

								bSuccess = bSuccess && pPage->AddInside("H2G2/SEARCH","<SEARCHRESULTS TYPE=\"HIERARCHY\"></SEARCHRESULTS>");
								bSuccess = bSuccess && pPage->AddInside("H2G2/SEARCH/SEARCHRESULTS", "<ISPOSTCODE>1</FROMPOSTCODE>");
								bSuccess = bSuccess && pPage->AddInside("H2G2/SEARCH/SEARCHRESULTS", "<SEARCHTERM>" + sActualPostCode + "</SEARCHTERM>");

								CTDVString sSite(m_InputContext.GetSiteID( ));
								CTDVString sCatgeory(iNode);
								CTDVString sXML =  "";
								sXML += "<HIERARCHYRESULT>";
								sXML += "<NODEID>" + sCatgeory + "</NODEID>"; 
								sXML += "<DISPLAYNAME>" + sCategoryName + "</DISPLAYNAME>"; 
								sXML += "<SITEID>" + sSite + "</SITEID>"; 
								sXML += "</HIERARCHYRESULT>";
								bSuccess = bSuccess && pPage->AddInside("SEARCH/SEARCHRESULTS", sXML);

								bSearchItemsFound = true;
						else if ( nRes == CNotice::PR_POSTCODENOTFOUND)
							SetDNALastError("CEditCategoryBuilder::Build", "PostcodeNotFound", sSearchString + " could not be found");
							bSuccess = bSuccess && pPage->AddInside("H2G2",GetLastErrorAsXMLString());
							//return true;
						else if (nRes == CNotice::PR_REQUESTTIMEOUT)
							SetDNALastError("CEditCategoryBuilder::Build", "RequestTimedOut", "Request timed out");
							bSuccess = bSuccess && pPage->AddInside("H2G2",GetLastErrorAsXMLString());
							//return true;
					else if ( oPostCodeParser.IsCloseMatch(sSearchString) )
						SetDNALastError("CEditCategoryBuilder::Build", "PostCodeError", sSearchString + " looks like a post code, but it is invalid");
						bSuccess = bSuccess && pPage->AddInside("H2G2",GetLastErrorAsXMLString());
						//return true;
				if ( bSearchItemsFound == false)
					int iSkip = m_InputContext.GetParamInt("skip");
					int iShow = m_InputContext.GetParamInt("show");
					if (iShow == 0)
						// default case... show 20 search results at a time
						iShow = 20;

					CSearch Search(m_InputContext);
					//Add Search results to page.
					bSuccess = bSuccess && pPage->AddInside("H2G2/SEARCH", &Search);
	return bSuccess;