bool TeImportRaster (TeLayer* layer, TeRaster* rasterIn, unsigned int bWidth, unsigned int bHeight,TeRasterParams::TeRasterCompressionMode compress, const string& objectId, double dummy, bool useDummy, TeRasterParams::TeRasterTilingType indext) { if (!layer || !rasterIn) return false; string objId; if (objectId.empty()) objId = "O1"; else objId = objectId; // check if there is a raster geometry to be modified string tableGeo; TeRepresentation* repp = 0; repp = layer->getRepresentation(TeRASTER); if (!repp || !layer->raster(objId)) // layer doesn´t have any { // or the desired raster geometry // a new one should be created TeProjection* projIn = rasterIn->projection(); TeProjection* projOut = layer->projection(); TeRasterParams parOut = rasterIn->params(); // parameters of the raster being created // start with the same parameters as input raster parOut.setCompressionMode(compress); // overwrites some parameters parOut.nTilesInMemory_ = 0; // according to the specified in the interface parOut.blockHeight_ = bHeight; parOut.blockWidth_ = bWidth; parOut.setDummy(dummy); parOut.useDummy_ = useDummy; parOut.tiling_type_ = indext; TeBox newBox = rasterIn->params().boundingBox(); // if input raster has some rotation associated it has to be corrected // during the importing if (parOut.dxI_ != 0. || parOut.dyJ_ != 0.) { parOut.boundingBoxResolution(newBox.x1_,newBox.y1_,newBox.x2_,newBox.y2_,parOut.resx_,parOut.resy_); parOut.dxI_= 0.0; parOut.dyJ_= 0.0; parOut.dxJ_ = 0.0; parOut.dyI_ = 0.0; } bool diffProj = false; parOut.projection(projOut); if (projIn && projOut && !(*projIn == *projOut)) { diffProj = true; TeBox boxIn = rasterIn->params().boundingBox(); newBox = TeRemapBox (boxIn,projIn,projOut); parOut.resx_ = newBox.width()/parOut.ncols_; // recalculates resolutions parOut.resy_ = newBox.height()/parOut.nlines_; // for the new projection parOut.boundingBoxResolution(newBox.x1_,newBox.y1_,newBox.x2_,newBox.y2_,parOut.resx_,parOut.resy_); newBox =; } if (indext == TeRasterParams::TeExpansible) // if mosaicable adjust box parOut.resizeToTiling(newBox,bWidth,bHeight); // to be cut in blocks of bWidth X bHeight (in projection units) parOut.decoderIdentifier_ = "DB"; // parameters of the decoder parOut.fileName_ = "RasterLayer" + Te2String(layer->id()) + "_R_" + objId; if (parOut.photometric_[0] == TeRasterParams::TePallete) parOut.lutName_ = parOut.fileName_ + "_LUT"; if (!layer->addRasterGeometry(parOut,objId)) // creates the empty raster geometry return false; // create a decoder to raster in a TerraLib database parOut.mode_ = 'w'; TeDecoderDatabase *dbDecoder = new TeDecoderDatabase(parOut); dbDecoder->setDB(layer->database()); // optimization: we don't need to go through remap routines. // just cut the input raster and save the tiles bool res=false; TeRasterParams parF; if (indext == TeRasterParams::TeNoExpansible && !diffProj) { int ntiles = (parOut.nlines_/parOut.blockHeight_)*(parOut.ncols_/parOut.blockWidth_); if(TeProgress::instance()) TeProgress::instance()->setTotalSteps(ntiles); int count = 0; clock_t ti, tf; int x=0, y=0, b, nb=parOut.nBands(),lx, ly; double val= parOut.dummy_[0]; TeMemoryPage page(parOut.blockHeight_*parOut.blockWidth_,val,parOut.dataType_[0]); string index; ti = clock(); while (y<parOut.nlines_) // for each row of tiles { page.ulLin_ = y; x=0; while (x<parOut.ncols_) // for each tile in a row { page.clear(); page.ulCol_= x; for (b=0; b<nb; ++b) // for each band; { for (ly=0; ly<parOut.blockHeight_; ++ly) { for (lx=0; lx<parOut.blockWidth_; ++lx) // write the tile { if (rasterIn->getElement(x+lx,y+ly,val,b)) { page.setVal(x+lx,y+ly,parOut.blockWidth_,val); if (val<parOut.vmin_[b]) parOut.vmin_[b] = val; if (val>parOut.vmax_[b]) parOut.vmax_[b] = val; } } } index = dbDecoder->codifyId(x,y,b,1,0); if (!dbDecoder->putRasterBlock(index,page.data_,page.pageSize())) res=false; page.clear(); } x+= parOut.blockWidth_; ++count; if(TeProgress::instance()) { tf = clock(); if (int((tf-ti)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) > 3) { if (TeProgress::instance()->wasCancelled()) break; TeProgress::instance()->setProgress(count); ti = tf; } } } y+= parOut.blockHeight_; } if (TeProgress::instance()) TeProgress::instance()->reset(); // atualizes the representation box in memory TeRepresentation* repp = layer->getRepresentation(TeRASTER); updateBox(repp->box_,; repp->nCols_ = parOut.ncols_; repp->nLins_ = parOut.nlines_; repp->resX_ = parOut.resx_; repp->resY_ = parOut.resy_; layer->updateLayerBox(parOut.boundingBox()); layer->database()->updateRasterRepresentation(layer->id(),dbDecoder->params(),objId); // atualizes representation in the database for (b=0; b<nb; ++b) { dbDecoder->params().vmax_[b]=parOut.vmax_[b]; dbDecoder->params().vmin_[b]=parOut.vmin_[b]; } layer->database()->updateRasterRepresentation(layer->id(),dbDecoder->params(),objId); dbDecoder->clear(); res=true; } else { TeRaster* rasterOut = new TeRaster(); rasterOut->setDecoder(dbDecoder); rasterOut->init(); TeRasterRemap remap(rasterIn, rasterOut); if (remap.apply(true)) { TeRepresentation* repp = layer->getRepresentation(TeRASTER); updateBox(repp->box_,rasterOut->params().box()); repp->nCols_ = rasterOut->params().ncols_; repp->nLins_ = rasterOut->params().nlines_; repp->resX_ = rasterOut->params().resx_; repp->resY_ = rasterOut->params().resy_; // atualizes representation in the database layer->database()->updateRasterRepresentation(layer->id(),rasterOut->params(),objId); layer->updateLayerBox(rasterOut->params().boundingBox()); rasterOut->clear(); res = true; } } if (res) { // create spatial index in the block box string tableR = layer->database()->getRasterTable(layer->id(),objId); layer->database()->insertMetadata(tableR,layer->database()->getSpatialIdxColumn(TeRASTER), 0.000005,0.000005,layer->box()); layer->database()->createSpatialIndex(tableR,layer->database()->getSpatialIdxColumn(TeRASTER), (TeSpatialIndexType)TeRTREE); } delete dbDecoder; return res; } else { // layer contains already a raster representation associated to the // object id: calls mosaic operation return TeMosaicRaster(rasterIn,layer,objId); } }
// This function mosaics an input raster to one previsously existing in a TerraLib layer bool TeMosaicRaster(TeRaster* rasterIn, TeLayer* layer, const string& objectId) { // layer must exist and input raster should be read to be read if (!layer || !rasterIn || rasterIn->params().status_ != TeRasterParams::TeReadyToRead) return false; TeRaster* rasterOut; if (!objectId.empty()) // if object id informed try to get raster associated to it rasterOut = layer->raster(objectId,'w'); else // else try to get first one found rasterOut = layer->raster(); if (!rasterOut) // no raster asked or no raster at all return false; // can not do mosaic if (rasterOut->params().tiling_type_==TeRasterParams::TeNoExpansible) return false; // can mosaic if is not possible // allows mosaic of same photometric types only if (rasterOut->params().photometric_[0] != rasterIn->params().photometric_[0]) return false; // increases output box to: input raster box + output raster box TeBox boxIn = rasterIn->params().boundingBox(); // if necessary remap input box to output projection if (!(*(rasterIn->projection()) == *(rasterOut->projection()))) boxIn = TeRemapBox(boxIn,rasterIn->projection(),rasterOut->projection()); // sum stored and input boxes TeBox newBoxa = rasterOut->params().boundingBox(); updateBox(newBoxa,boxIn); // adjust it to expansible values TeBox newBox = adjustToCut(newBoxa, rasterOut->params().blockWidth_*rasterOut->params().resx_, rasterOut->params().blockHeight_*rasterOut->params().resy_); // update box in parameters of the raster and it's decoder rasterOut->params().boundingBoxResolution(newBox.x1_,newBox.y1_,newBox.x2_,newBox.y2_, rasterOut->params().resx_, rasterOut->params().resy_); rasterOut->decoder()->params().boundingBoxResolution(newBox.x1_,newBox.y1_,newBox.x2_,newBox.y2_, rasterOut->params().resx_, rasterOut->params().resy_); rasterOut->params().nTilesInMemory_ = 0; // creates a remapping from input raster to output raster TeRasterRemap remap(rasterIn, rasterOut); if (remap.apply(true)) // o.k. { TeRasterParams rp = rasterOut->params(); // atualizes the representation box in memory TeRepresentation* repp = layer->getRepresentation(TeRASTER); TeBox boxNew =; updateBox(repp->box_,; repp->nCols_ = rp.ncols_; repp->nLins_ = rp.nlines_; repp->resX_ = rp.resx_; repp->resY_ = rp.resy_; // atualizes representation in the database layer->database()->updateRasterRepresentation(layer->id(),rp,objectId); layer->updateLayerBox(rp.boundingBox()); rasterOut->clear(); return true; } return false; }
void VoronoiWindow::okPushButton_clicked() { std::string layerName = layerNameLineEdit->text().utf8(); if(layerName.empty()) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Information"), tr("Please, define a name to result Layer.")); voronoiTabWidget->setCurrentPage(0); layerNameLineEdit->setFocus(); return; } std::string layerLinesName; if(generateLinesCheckBox->isChecked()) { layerLinesName = layerLinesLineEdit->text().ascii(); if(layerLinesName.empty()) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Information"), tr("Please, define a name to Layer of Lines.")); voronoiTabWidget->setCurrentPage(1); layerLinesLineEdit->setFocus(); return; } } if(!isLayerNameValid(layerName)) { voronoiTabWidget->setCurrentPage(0); layerNameLineEdit->setFocus(); return; } if(!isLayerNameValid(layerLinesName)) { voronoiTabWidget->setCurrentPage(1); layerLinesLineEdit->setFocus(); return; } if(layerName == layerLinesName) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Information"), tr("Please, define names differents to Layer result and Layer of Lines.")); return; } TeDatabase* db = plugin_params_->getCurrentDatabasePtr(); TeTheme* theme = getTheme(themeComboBox->currentText().latin1()); if(theme == 0) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Error getting the input Theme.")); return; } TePrecision::instance().setPrecision(TeGetPrecision(theme->layer()->projection())); TeTheme *themeDelimiter = getTheme(boxComboBox->currentText().latin1()); if(themeDelimiter == 0) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Error getting the delimiter Layer.")); return; } // Verifies is the box chosen is valid TeBox b = themeDelimiter->layer()->box(); TeProjection* projFrom = themeDelimiter->layer()->projection(); TeProjection* projTo = theme->layer()->projection(); if(!((*projFrom) == (*projTo))) // need remap? b = TeRemapBox(b, projFrom, projTo); TeBox& inputBox = theme->layer()->box(); if(!TeIntersects(b, inputBox)) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Information"), tr("The box chosen do not intercepts the input Theme. Please, try another.")); voronoiTabWidget->setCurrentPage(1); boxComboBox->setFocus(); return; } //preparing to read the layer bool loadAllAttributes=false; if (diagramType==MWVoronoi) loadAllAttributes = true; bool loadGeometries = true; TeQuerierParams querierParams(loadGeometries, loadAllAttributes); querierParams.setParams(theme->layer()); TeQuerier querier(querierParams); querier.loadInstances(); //finding weight's attribute TeAttributeList attrList = querier.getAttrList(); int weightAttrN=0; if (diagramType==MWVoronoi) { for (std::vector<TeAttribute>::iterator i=attrList.begin(); i!=attrList.end();++i) { if (weightComboBox->currentText()==i->rep_.name_) { break; } weightAttrN++; } } int n=querier.numElemInstances(); if(n==0) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Error getting the points of input Theme.")); return; } TeWaitCursor wait; // Converts x,y to a float array in order to pass to VoronoiDiagramGenerator class float* x = new float[n]; float* y = new float[n]; //pointers for weighted voronoi float* w; int numPoints; w= new float[n]; numPoints = 0; TeSTInstance sti; string peso; //TePoint pointBefore(0,0); while(querier.fetchInstance(sti)) { // for each point // Stores on float array if(sti.hasPoints()) { TePointSet pointSet; //reading geometry sti.getGeometry(pointSet); x[numPoints] = pointSet[0].location().x(); y[numPoints] = pointSet[0].location().y(); //reading weight if (diagramType==MWVoronoi) { stringstream ss; sti.getPropertyValue(peso,weightAttrN); ss<<peso; ss>>w[numPoints]; } numPoints++; }