static VOID LineInputEdit(PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console, UINT NumToDelete, UINT NumToInsert, PWCHAR Insertion) { PTEXTMODE_SCREEN_BUFFER ActiveBuffer; UINT Pos = Console->LinePos; UINT NewSize = Console->LineSize - NumToDelete + NumToInsert; UINT i; if (GetType(Console->ActiveBuffer) != TEXTMODE_BUFFER) return; ActiveBuffer = (PTEXTMODE_SCREEN_BUFFER)Console->ActiveBuffer; /* Make sure there's always enough room for ending \r\n */ if (NewSize + 2 > Console->LineMaxSize) return; memmove(&Console->LineBuffer[Pos + NumToInsert], &Console->LineBuffer[Pos + NumToDelete], (Console->LineSize - (Pos + NumToDelete)) * sizeof(WCHAR)); memcpy(&Console->LineBuffer[Pos], Insertion, NumToInsert * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (GetConsoleInputBufferMode(Console) & ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT) { for (i = Pos; i < NewSize; i++) { TermWriteStream(Console, ActiveBuffer, &Console->LineBuffer[i], 1, TRUE); } for (; i < Console->LineSize; i++) { TermWriteStream(Console, ActiveBuffer, L" ", 1, TRUE); } Console->LinePos = i; } Console->LineSize = NewSize; LineInputSetPos(Console, Pos + NumToInsert); }
NTSTATUS NTAPI ConDrvWriteConsole(IN PCONSOLE Console, IN PTEXTMODE_SCREEN_BUFFER ScreenBuffer, IN BOOLEAN Unicode, IN PVOID StringBuffer, IN ULONG NumCharsToWrite, OUT PULONG NumCharsWritten OPTIONAL) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PWCHAR Buffer = NULL; ULONG Written = 0; ULONG Length; if (Console == NULL || ScreenBuffer == NULL /* || StringBuffer == NULL */) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* Validity checks */ ASSERT(Console == ScreenBuffer->Header.Console); ASSERT((StringBuffer != NULL) || (StringBuffer == NULL && NumCharsToWrite == 0)); /* Stop here if the console is paused */ if (Console->UnpauseEvent != NULL) return STATUS_PENDING; /* Convert the string to UNICODE */ if (Unicode) { Buffer = StringBuffer; } else { Length = MultiByteToWideChar(Console->OutputCodePage, 0, (PCHAR)StringBuffer, NumCharsToWrite, NULL, 0); Buffer = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, Length * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (Buffer) { MultiByteToWideChar(Console->OutputCodePage, 0, (PCHAR)StringBuffer, NumCharsToWrite, (PWCHAR)Buffer, Length); } else { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } } /* Send it */ if (Buffer) { if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = TermWriteStream(Console, ScreenBuffer, Buffer, NumCharsToWrite, TRUE); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Written = NumCharsToWrite; } } if (!Unicode) RtlFreeHeap(RtlGetProcessHeap(), 0, Buffer); } if (NumCharsWritten) *NumCharsWritten = Written; return Status; }
VOID LineInputKeyDown(PCONSRV_CONSOLE Console, PUNICODE_STRING ExeName, KEY_EVENT_RECORD *KeyEvent) { UINT Pos = Console->LinePos; UNICODE_STRING Entry; /* * First, deal with control keys... */ switch (KeyEvent->wVirtualKeyCode) { case VK_ESCAPE: { /* Clear entire line */ LineInputSetPos(Console, 0); LineInputEdit(Console, Console->LineSize, 0, NULL); // TESTS!! if (Popup) { DestroyPopupWindow(Popup); Popup = NULL; } return; } case VK_HOME: { /* Move to start of line. With CTRL, erase everything left of cursor */ LineInputSetPos(Console, 0); if (KeyEvent->dwControlKeyState & (LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED)) LineInputEdit(Console, Pos, 0, NULL); return; } case VK_END: { /* Move to end of line. With CTRL, erase everything right of cursor */ if (KeyEvent->dwControlKeyState & (LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED)) LineInputEdit(Console, Console->LineSize - Pos, 0, NULL); else LineInputSetPos(Console, Console->LineSize); return; } case VK_LEFT: { /* Move left. With CTRL, move to beginning of previous word */ if (KeyEvent->dwControlKeyState & (LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED)) { while (Pos > 0 && Console->LineBuffer[Pos - 1] == L' ') Pos--; while (Pos > 0 && Console->LineBuffer[Pos - 1] != L' ') Pos--; } else { Pos -= (Pos > 0); } LineInputSetPos(Console, Pos); return; } case VK_RIGHT: case VK_F1: { /* Move right. With CTRL, move to beginning of next word */ if (KeyEvent->dwControlKeyState & (LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED)) { while (Pos < Console->LineSize && Console->LineBuffer[Pos] != L' ') Pos++; while (Pos < Console->LineSize && Console->LineBuffer[Pos] == L' ') Pos++; LineInputSetPos(Console, Pos); } else { /* Recall one character (but don't overwrite current line) */ HistoryGetCurrentEntry(Console, ExeName, &Entry); if (Pos < Console->LineSize) LineInputSetPos(Console, Pos + 1); else if (Pos * sizeof(WCHAR) < Entry.Length) LineInputEdit(Console, 0, 1, &Entry.Buffer[Pos]); } return; } case VK_INSERT: { /* Toggle between insert and overstrike */ Console->LineInsertToggle = !Console->LineInsertToggle; TermSetCursorInfo(Console, Console->ActiveBuffer); return; } case VK_DELETE: { /* Remove character to right of cursor */ if (Pos != Console->LineSize) LineInputEdit(Console, 1, 0, NULL); return; } case VK_PRIOR: { /* Recall first history entry */ LineInputRecallHistory(Console, ExeName, -((WORD)-1)); return; } case VK_NEXT: { /* Recall last history entry */ LineInputRecallHistory(Console, ExeName, +((WORD)-1)); return; } case VK_UP: case VK_F5: { /* * Recall previous history entry. On first time, actually recall the * current (usually last) entry; on subsequent times go back. */ LineInputRecallHistory(Console, ExeName, Console->LineUpPressed ? -1 : 0); Console->LineUpPressed = TRUE; return; } case VK_DOWN: { /* Recall next history entry */ LineInputRecallHistory(Console, ExeName, +1); return; } case VK_F3: { /* Recall remainder of current history entry */ HistoryGetCurrentEntry(Console, ExeName, &Entry); if (Pos * sizeof(WCHAR) < Entry.Length) { UINT InsertSize = (Entry.Length / sizeof(WCHAR) - Pos); UINT DeleteSize = min(Console->LineSize - Pos, InsertSize); LineInputEdit(Console, DeleteSize, InsertSize, &Entry.Buffer[Pos]); } return; } case VK_F6: { /* Insert a ^Z character */ KeyEvent->uChar.UnicodeChar = 26; break; } case VK_F7: { if (KeyEvent->dwControlKeyState & (LEFT_ALT_PRESSED | RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED)) HistoryDeleteCurrentBuffer(Console, ExeName); else { if (Popup) DestroyPopupWindow(Popup); Popup = HistoryDisplayCurrentHistory(Console, ExeName); } return; } case VK_F8: { UNICODE_STRING EntryFound; Entry.Length = Console->LinePos * sizeof(WCHAR); // == Pos * sizeof(WCHAR) Entry.Buffer = Console->LineBuffer; if (HistoryFindEntryByPrefix(Console, ExeName, &Entry, &EntryFound)) { LineInputEdit(Console, Console->LineSize - Pos, EntryFound.Length / sizeof(WCHAR) - Pos, &EntryFound.Buffer[Pos]); /* Cursor stays where it was */ LineInputSetPos(Console, Pos); } return; } #if 0 { PHISTORY_BUFFER Hist; INT HistPos; /* Search for history entries starting with input. */ Hist = HistoryCurrentBuffer(Console, ExeName); if (!Hist || Hist->NumEntries == 0) return; /* * Like Up/F5, on first time start from current (usually last) entry, * but on subsequent times start at previous entry. */ if (Console->LineUpPressed) Hist->Position = (Hist->Position ? Hist->Position : Hist->NumEntries) - 1; Console->LineUpPressed = TRUE; Entry.Length = Console->LinePos * sizeof(WCHAR); // == Pos * sizeof(WCHAR) Entry.Buffer = Console->LineBuffer; /* * Keep going backwards, even wrapping around to the end, * until we get back to starting point. */ HistPos = Hist->Position; do { if (RtlPrefixUnicodeString(&Entry, &Hist->Entries[HistPos], FALSE)) { Hist->Position = HistPos; LineInputEdit(Console, Console->LineSize - Pos, Hist->Entries[HistPos].Length / sizeof(WCHAR) - Pos, &Hist->Entries[HistPos].Buffer[Pos]); /* Cursor stays where it was */ LineInputSetPos(Console, Pos); return; } if (--HistPos < 0) HistPos += Hist->NumEntries; } while (HistPos != Hist->Position); return; } #endif return; } /* * OK, we deal with normal keys, we can continue... */ if (KeyEvent->uChar.UnicodeChar == L'\b' && GetConsoleInputBufferMode(Console) & ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT) { /* backspace handling - if processed input enabled then we handle it here * otherwise we treat it like a normal char. */ if (Pos > 0) { LineInputSetPos(Console, Pos - 1); LineInputEdit(Console, 1, 0, NULL); } } else if (KeyEvent->uChar.UnicodeChar == L'\r') { Entry.Length = Entry.MaximumLength = Console->LineSize * sizeof(WCHAR); Entry.Buffer = Console->LineBuffer; HistoryAddEntry(Console, ExeName, &Entry); /* TODO: Expand aliases */ DPRINT1("TODO: Expand aliases\n"); LineInputSetPos(Console, Console->LineSize); Console->LineBuffer[Console->LineSize++] = L'\r'; if (GetConsoleInputBufferMode(Console) & ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT) { if (GetType(Console->ActiveBuffer) == TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { TermWriteStream(Console, (PTEXTMODE_SCREEN_BUFFER)(Console->ActiveBuffer), L"\r", 1, TRUE); } } /* * Add \n if processed input. There should usually be room for it, * but an exception to the rule exists: the buffer could have been * pre-filled with LineMaxSize - 1 characters. */ if (GetConsoleInputBufferMode(Console) & ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT && Console->LineSize < Console->LineMaxSize) { Console->LineBuffer[Console->LineSize++] = L'\n'; if (GetConsoleInputBufferMode(Console) & ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT) { if (GetType(Console->ActiveBuffer) == TEXTMODE_BUFFER) { TermWriteStream(Console, (PTEXTMODE_SCREEN_BUFFER)(Console->ActiveBuffer), L"\n", 1, TRUE); } } } Console->LineComplete = TRUE; Console->LinePos = 0; } else if (KeyEvent->uChar.UnicodeChar != L'\0') { if (KeyEvent->uChar.UnicodeChar < 0x20 && Console->LineWakeupMask & (1 << KeyEvent->uChar.UnicodeChar)) { /* Control key client wants to handle itself (e.g. for tab completion) */ Console->LineBuffer[Console->LineSize++] = L' '; Console->LineBuffer[Console->LinePos] = KeyEvent->uChar.UnicodeChar; Console->LineComplete = TRUE; Console->LinePos = 0; } else { /* Normal character */ BOOL Overstrike = !Console->LineInsertToggle && (Console->LinePos != Console->LineSize); DPRINT("Overstrike = %s\n", Overstrike ? "true" : "false"); LineInputEdit(Console, (Overstrike ? 1 : 0), 1, &KeyEvent->uChar.UnicodeChar); } } }