bool FCircularQueueTest::RunTest( const FString& Parameters )
	const uint32 QueueSize = 8;

	// empty queue
		TCircularQueue<int32> Queue(QueueSize);

		TestTrue(TEXT("Newly created queues must be empty"), Queue.IsEmpty());
		TestFalse(TEXT("Newly created queues must not be full"), Queue.IsFull());

	// partially filled
		TCircularQueue<int32> Queue(QueueSize);
		int32 Value;
		TestTrue(TEXT("Adding to an empty queue must succeed"), Queue.Enqueue(666));
		TestFalse(TEXT("Partially filled queues must not be empty"), Queue.IsEmpty());
		TestFalse(TEXT("Partially filled queues must not be full"), Queue.IsFull());
		TestTrue(TEXT("Peeking at a partially filled queue must succeed"), Queue.Peek(Value));

	// full queue
		TCircularQueue<int32> Queue(QueueSize);

		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < QueueSize - 1; ++Index)
			TestTrue(TEXT("Adding to non-full queue must succeed"), Queue.Enqueue(Index));

		TestFalse(TEXT("Full queues must not be empty"), Queue.IsEmpty());
		TestTrue(TEXT("Full queues must be full"), Queue.IsFull());
		TestFalse(TEXT("Adding to full queue must fail"), Queue.Enqueue(666));

		int32 Value;

		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < QueueSize - 1; ++Index)
			TestTrue(TEXT("Peeking at a none-empty queue must succeed"), Queue.Peek(Value));
			TestEqual(TEXT("The peeked at value must be correct"), Value, Index);
			TestTrue(TEXT("Removing from a non-empty queue must succeed"), Queue.Dequeue(Value));
			TestEqual(TEXT("The removed value must be correct"), Value, Index);

		TestTrue(TEXT("A queue that had all items removed must be empty"), Queue.IsEmpty());
		TestFalse(TEXT("A queue that had all items removed must not be full"), Queue.IsFull());

	return true;
bool FViewportShowflagsToggleOffTest::RunTest(const FString& Parameters)
	// SETUP //	
	// Get the index for the flag and convert it back to an int.
	int32 FlagIndex = FCString::Atoi(*Parameters);
	int32 ViewportClientNumber = 0;
	bool OrigianlShowFlagState = FViewportTestHelper::GetPerspectiveOriginalFlagstate(FlagIndex, ViewportClientNumber);
	FLevelEditorViewportClient* ViewportClient = GEditor->LevelViewportClients[ViewportClientNumber];

	// TEST //
	// Set the show flag to be disabled.
	ViewportClient->EngineShowFlags.SetSingleFlag(FlagIndex, false);

	// VERIFY //
	bool NewFlagState = ViewportClient->EngineShowFlags.GetSingleFlag(FlagIndex);
	TestFalse(TEXT("The showflag state was not set to true."), NewFlagState);

	// This sets the view port back to it's default show flag value.
	ViewportClient->EngineShowFlags.SetSingleFlag(FlagIndex, OrigianlShowFlagState);

	return true;
 * Perform LineTraceSingleByChannel tests. Does a ray trace from a given point to a given shape mesh and verifies blocking is correct.
 * Data for tests is in the [/Script/UnrealEd.CollisionAutomationTestConfigData] section of BaseEditor.ini
 * @param Parameters - Unused for this test
 * @return	TRUE if the test was successful, FALSE otherwise
bool FLineTraceSingleByChannel::RunTest(const FString& Parameters)
	// Create map
	UWorld* World = FAutomationEditorCommonUtils::CreateNewMap();
	TestNotNull(TEXT("Failed to create world for Physics.Collision.Ray Test. Tests aborted."), World);
	CollisionAutomationTests::TestBase = this;

	static FName TraceIdent = FName(TEXT("TestTrace"));

	FVector StartPos;
	FVector EndPos;
	ECollisionChannel Channel = ECC_WorldStatic;

	UCollisionAutomationTestConfigData* Data = UCollisionAutomationTestConfigData::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject<UCollisionAutomationTestConfigData>();

	for (int32 iTest = 0; iTest < Data->LineTraceSingleByChannelTests.Num(); iTest++)
		FCollisionTestEntry OneElement = Data->LineTraceSingleByChannelTests[iTest];

		AStaticMeshActor* TestRayMeshActor = CollisionAutomationTests::CreateShapeMeshActor(*OneElement.RootShapeAsset, OneElement.HitResult.TraceEnd);
		if (TestRayMeshActor != nullptr)
			// Create the Actor to check against			
			TestRayMeshActor->GetStaticMeshComponent()->BodyInstance.bSimulatePhysics = true;

			// Setup trace start/end
			StartPos = OneElement.HitResult.TraceStart;			
			EndPos = TestRayMeshActor->GetActorLocation();
			// Do the trace
			FHitResult OutHit;
			bool WasBlocked = World->LineTraceSingleByChannel(OutHit,StartPos,EndPos,Channel);
			bool BlockedBySpecified = false;
			if (WasBlocked == true)
				if (OutHit.GetActor() == TestRayMeshActor)
					BlockedBySpecified = true;
					// This generates a snippet you can copy/paste into the ini file for test validation
					//UE_LOG(CollisionAutomationTestLog, Log, TEXT("%d:HitResult=(%s)"), iTest + 1, *(CollisionAutomationTests::HitToString(OutHit)));

					CollisionAutomationTests::CheckVector(OutHit.ImpactNormal, OneElement.HitResult.ImpactNormal, TEXT("LineTraceSingleByChannel"), TEXT("ImpactNormal"), iTest);
					CollisionAutomationTests::CheckVector(OutHit.Normal, OneElement.HitResult.Normal, TEXT("LineTraceSingleByChannel"), TEXT("Normal"), iTest);
					CollisionAutomationTests::CheckVector(OutHit.ImpactPoint, OneElement.HitResult.ImpactPoint, TEXT("LineTraceSingleByChannel"), TEXT("ImpactPoint"), iTest);
					CollisionAutomationTests::CheckFloat(OutHit.Time, OneElement.HitResult.Time, TEXT("LineTraceSingleByChannel"), TEXT("Time"), iTest);									
			TestTrue(FString::Printf(TEXT("Test %d:LineTraceSingleByChannel to %s failed. Should return blocking hit"), iTest + 1, *TestRayMeshActor->GetName()), BlockedBySpecified);

			// Change the collision profile and ensure we dont get a blocking hit
			UShapeComponent* CollisionComponent = Cast<UShapeComponent>(TestRayMeshActor->GetRootComponent());			
			if (CollisionComponent != nullptr)
			WasBlocked = World->LineTraceSingleByChannel(OutHit, StartPos, EndPos, Channel);
			TestFalse(FString::Printf(TEXT("Test %d:LineTraceSingleByChannel to %s failed. Should not return blocking hit"), iTest + 1, *TestRayMeshActor->GetName()), WasBlocked);			
		// Remove the actor

	return true;
bool FRangeBoundTest::RunTest( const FString& Parameters )
	// ensure template instantiation works
	FDateRange DateRange;
	FDoubleRange DoubleRange;
	FFloatRange FloatRange;
	FInt8Range Int8Range;
	FInt16Range Int16Range;
	FInt32Range Int32Range;
	FInt64Range Int64Range;

	// bound types must be correct after construction
	FFloatRangeBound b1_1 = FFloatRangeBound::Exclusive(2.0f);
	FFloatRangeBound b1_2 = FFloatRangeBound::Inclusive(2.0f);
	FFloatRangeBound b1_3 = FFloatRangeBound::Open();
	FFloatRangeBound b1_4 = 2;

	TestTrue(TEXT("Exclusive bound constructor must create exclusive bound"), b1_1.IsExclusive());
	TestTrue(TEXT("Exclusive bound constructor must create closed bound"), b1_1.IsClosed());
	TestFalse(TEXT("Exclusive bound constructor must not create inclusive bound"), b1_1.IsInclusive());
	TestFalse(TEXT("Exclusive bound constructor must not create open bound"), b1_1.IsOpen());
	TestEqual(TEXT("Exclusive bound constructor must create the correct value"), b1_1.GetValue(), 2.0f);

	TestTrue(TEXT("Inclusive bound constructor must create exclusive bound"), b1_2.IsInclusive());
	TestTrue(TEXT("Inclusive bound constructor must create closed bound"), b1_2.IsClosed());
	TestFalse(TEXT("Inclusive bound constructor must not create exclusive bound"), b1_2.IsExclusive());
	TestFalse(TEXT("Inclusive bound constructor must not create open bound"), b1_2.IsOpen());
	TestEqual(TEXT("Inclusive bound constructor must create the correct value"), b1_2.GetValue(), 2.0f);

	TestTrue(TEXT("Open bound constructor must create open bound"), b1_3.IsOpen());
	TestFalse(TEXT("Open bound constructor must not create closed bound"), b1_3.IsClosed());
	TestFalse(TEXT("Open bound constructor must not create exclusive bound"), b1_3.IsExclusive());
	TestFalse(TEXT("Open bound constructor must not create inclusive bound"), b1_3.IsInclusive());

	TestTrue(TEXT("Implicit constructor must create an inclusive bound"), b1_4.IsInclusive());
	TestEqual(TEXT("Implicit constructor must create the correct value"), b1_4, b1_2);

	// comparisons must be correct
	FFloatRangeBound b2_1 = FFloatRangeBound::Exclusive(2.0f);
	FFloatRangeBound b2_2 = FFloatRangeBound::Exclusive(2.0f);
	FFloatRangeBound b2_3 = FFloatRangeBound::Inclusive(2.0f);
	FFloatRangeBound b2_4 = FFloatRangeBound::Inclusive(2.0f);
	FFloatRangeBound b2_5 = FFloatRangeBound::Open();
	FFloatRangeBound b2_6 = FFloatRangeBound::Open();

	TestTrue(TEXT("Equal exclusive bounds must be equal"), b2_1 == b2_2);
	TestTrue(TEXT("Equal inclusive bounds must be equal"), b2_3 == b2_4);
	TestTrue(TEXT("Open bounds must be equal"), b2_5 == b2_6);

	TestFalse(TEXT("Equal exclusive bounds must not be unequal"), b2_1 != b2_2);
	TestFalse(TEXT("Equal inclusive bounds must not be unequal"), b2_3 != b2_4);
	TestFalse(TEXT("Open bounds must not be unequal"), b2_5 != b2_6);

	FFloatRangeBound b2_7 = FFloatRangeBound::Exclusive(3.0f);
	FFloatRangeBound b2_8 = FFloatRangeBound::Inclusive(3.0f);

	TestTrue(TEXT("Unequal exclusive bounds must be unequal"), b2_1 != b2_7);
	TestTrue(TEXT("Unequal inclusive bounds must be unequal"), b2_2 != b2_8);

	TestFalse(TEXT("Unequal exclusive bounds must not be equal"), b2_1 == b2_7);
	TestFalse(TEXT("Unequal inclusive bounds must not be equal"), b2_2 == b2_8);

	// min-max comparisons between bounds must be correct
	FFloatRangeBound b3_1 = FFloatRangeBound::Exclusive(2.0f);
	FFloatRangeBound b3_2 = FFloatRangeBound::Inclusive(2.0f);
	FFloatRangeBound b3_3 = FFloatRangeBound::Open();

	TestEqual(TEXT("'[2' must be less than '(2' <1>"), FFloatRangeBound::MinLower(b3_2, b3_1), b3_2);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'[2' must be less than '(2' <2>"), FFloatRangeBound::MinLower(b3_1, b3_2), b3_2);
	TestEqual(TEXT("Open lower bound must be less than '(2' <1>"), FFloatRangeBound::MinLower(b3_3, b3_1), b3_3);
	TestEqual(TEXT("Open lower bound must be less than '(2' <2>"), FFloatRangeBound::MinLower(b3_1, b3_3), b3_3);
	TestEqual(TEXT("Open lower bound must be less than '[2' <1>"), FFloatRangeBound::MinLower(b3_3, b3_2), b3_3);
	TestEqual(TEXT("Open lower bound must be less than '[2' <2>"), FFloatRangeBound::MinLower(b3_2, b3_3), b3_3);

	TestEqual(TEXT("'(2' must be greater than '[2' <1>"), FFloatRangeBound::MaxLower(b3_2, b3_1), b3_1);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'(2' must be greater than '[2' <2>"), FFloatRangeBound::MaxLower(b3_1, b3_2), b3_1);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'(2' must be greater than open lower bound <1>"), FFloatRangeBound::MaxLower(b3_3, b3_1), b3_1);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'(2' must be greater than open lower bound <2>"), FFloatRangeBound::MaxLower(b3_1, b3_3), b3_1);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'[2' must be greater than open lower bound <1>"), FFloatRangeBound::MaxLower(b3_3, b3_2), b3_2);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'[2' must be greater than open lower bound <2>"), FFloatRangeBound::MaxLower(b3_2, b3_3), b3_2);

	TestEqual(TEXT("'2)' must be less than '2]' <1>"), FFloatRangeBound::MinUpper(b3_2, b3_1), b3_1);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'2)' must be less than '2]' <2>"), FFloatRangeBound::MinUpper(b3_1, b3_2), b3_1);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'2)' must be less than open upper bound <1>"), FFloatRangeBound::MinUpper(b3_3, b3_1), b3_1);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'2)' must be less than open upper bound <2>"), FFloatRangeBound::MinUpper(b3_1, b3_3), b3_1);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'2]' must be less than open upper bound <1>"), FFloatRangeBound::MinUpper(b3_3, b3_2), b3_2);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'2]' must be less than open upper bound"), FFloatRangeBound::MinUpper(b3_2, b3_3), b3_2);

	TestEqual(TEXT("'2]' must be greater than '2)' <1>"), FFloatRangeBound::MaxUpper(b3_2, b3_1), b3_2);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'2]' must be greater than '2)' <2>"), FFloatRangeBound::MaxUpper(b3_1, b3_2), b3_2);
	TestEqual(TEXT("Open upper bound must be greater than '2)' <1>"), FFloatRangeBound::MaxUpper(b3_3, b3_1), b3_3);
	TestEqual(TEXT("Open upper bound must be greater than '2)' <2>"), FFloatRangeBound::MaxUpper(b3_1, b3_3), b3_3);
	TestEqual(TEXT("Open upper bound must be greater than '2]' <1>"), FFloatRangeBound::MaxUpper(b3_3, b3_2), b3_3);
	TestEqual(TEXT("Open upper bound must be greater than '2]' <2>"), FFloatRangeBound::MaxUpper(b3_2, b3_3), b3_3);

	FFloatRangeBound b4_1 = FFloatRangeBound::Exclusive(3);
	FFloatRangeBound b4_2 = FFloatRangeBound::Inclusive(3);

	TestEqual(TEXT("'(2' must be less than '[3' <1>"), FFloatRangeBound::MinLower(b3_1, b4_2), b3_1);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'(2' must be less than '[3' <2>"), FFloatRangeBound::MinLower(b4_2, b3_1), b3_1);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'[2' must be less than '[3' <1>"), FFloatRangeBound::MinLower(b3_2, b4_2), b3_2);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'[2' must be less than '[3' <2>"), FFloatRangeBound::MinLower(b4_2, b3_2), b3_2);

	TestEqual(TEXT("'[3' must be greater than '(2' <1>"), FFloatRangeBound::MaxLower(b3_1, b4_2), b4_2);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'[3' must be greater than '(2' <2>"), FFloatRangeBound::MaxLower(b4_2, b3_1), b4_2);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'[3' must be greater than '[2' <1>"), FFloatRangeBound::MaxLower(b3_2, b4_2), b4_2);
	TestEqual(TEXT("'[3' must be greater than '[2' <2>"), FFloatRangeBound::MaxLower(b4_2, b3_2), b4_2);

	return true;
bool FGuidTest::RunTest( const FString& Parameters )
	FGuid g = FGuid(305419896, 2271560481, 305419896, 2271560481);

	// string conversions
	TestEqual(TEXT("String conversion (Default) must return EGuidFormats::Digits string"), g.ToString(), g.ToString(EGuidFormats::Digits));
	TestEqual<FString>(TEXT("String conversion (EGuidFormats::Digits)"), g.ToString(EGuidFormats::Digits), TEXT("12345678876543211234567887654321"));
	TestEqual<FString>(TEXT("String conversion (EGuidFormats::DigitsWithHyphens)"), g.ToString(EGuidFormats::DigitsWithHyphens), TEXT("12345678-8765-4321-1234-567887654321"));
	TestEqual<FString>(TEXT("String conversion (EGuidFormats::DigitsWithHyphensInBraces)"), g.ToString(EGuidFormats::DigitsWithHyphensInBraces), TEXT("{12345678-8765-4321-1234-567887654321}"));
	TestEqual<FString>(TEXT("String conversion (EGuidFormats::DigitsWithHyphensInParentheses)"), g.ToString(EGuidFormats::DigitsWithHyphensInParentheses), TEXT("(12345678-8765-4321-1234-567887654321)"));
	TestEqual<FString>(TEXT("String conversion (EGuidFormats::HexValuesInBraces)"), g.ToString(EGuidFormats::HexValuesInBraces), TEXT("{0x12345678,0x8765,0x4321,{0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0x87,0x65,0x43,0x21}}"));
	TestEqual<FString>(TEXT("String conversion (EGuidFormats::UniqueObjectGuid)"), g.ToString(EGuidFormats::UniqueObjectGuid), TEXT("12345678-87654321-12345678-87654321"));

	// parsing valid strings (exact)
	FGuid g2_1;

	TestTrue(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (EGuidFormats::Digits)"), FGuid::ParseExact(TEXT("12345678876543211234567887654321"), EGuidFormats::Digits, g2_1));
	TestEqual(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (EGuidFormats::Digits)"), g2_1, g);

	TestTrue(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (EGuidFormats::DigitsWithHyphens)"), FGuid::ParseExact(TEXT("12345678-8765-4321-1234-567887654321"), EGuidFormats::DigitsWithHyphens, g2_1));
	TestEqual(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (EGuidFormats::DigitsWithHyphens)"), g2_1, g);

	TestTrue(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (EGuidFormats::DigitsWithHyphensInBraces)"), FGuid::ParseExact(TEXT("{12345678-8765-4321-1234-567887654321}"), EGuidFormats::DigitsWithHyphensInBraces, g2_1));
	TestEqual(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (EGuidFormats::DigitsWithHyphensInBraces)"), g2_1, g);

	TestTrue(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (EGuidFormats::DigitsWithHyphensInParentheses)"), FGuid::ParseExact(TEXT("(12345678-8765-4321-1234-567887654321)"), EGuidFormats::DigitsWithHyphensInParentheses, g2_1));
	TestEqual(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (EGuidFormats::DigitsWithHyphensInParentheses)"), g2_1, g);

	TestTrue(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (EGuidFormats::HexValuesInBraces)"), FGuid::ParseExact(TEXT("{0x12345678,0x8765,0x4321,{0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0x87,0x65,0x43,0x21}}"), EGuidFormats::HexValuesInBraces, g2_1));
	TestEqual(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (EGuidFormats::HexValuesInBraces)"), g2_1, g);

	TestTrue(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (EGuidFormats::UniqueObjectGuid)"), FGuid::ParseExact(TEXT("12345678-87654321-12345678-87654321"), EGuidFormats::UniqueObjectGuid, g2_1));
	TestEqual(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (EGuidFormats::UniqueObjectGuid)"), g2_1, g);

	// parsing invalid strings (exact)

	// parsing valid strings (automatic)
	FGuid g3_1;

	TestTrue(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (12345678876543211234567887654321)"), FGuid::Parse(TEXT("12345678876543211234567887654321"), g3_1));
	TestEqual(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (12345678876543211234567887654321)"), g3_1, g);

	TestTrue(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (12345678-8765-4321-1234-567887654321)"), FGuid::Parse(TEXT("12345678-8765-4321-1234-567887654321"), g3_1));
	TestEqual(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (12345678-8765-4321-1234-567887654321)"), g3_1, g);

	TestTrue(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed ({12345678-8765-4321-1234-567887654321})"), FGuid::Parse(TEXT("{12345678-8765-4321-1234-567887654321}"), g3_1));
	TestEqual(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed ({12345678-8765-4321-1234-567887654321})"), g3_1, g);

	TestTrue(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed ((12345678-8765-4321-1234-567887654321))"), FGuid::Parse(TEXT("(12345678-8765-4321-1234-567887654321)"), g3_1));
	TestEqual(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed ((12345678-8765-4321-1234-567887654321))"), g3_1, g);

	TestTrue(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed ({0x12345678,0x8765,0x4321,{0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0x87,0x65,0x43,0x21}})"), FGuid::Parse(TEXT("{0x12345678,0x8765,0x4321,{0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0x87,0x65,0x43,0x21}}"), g3_1));
	TestEqual(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed ({0x12345678,0x8765,0x4321,{0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0x87,0x65,0x43,0x21}})"), g3_1, g);

	TestTrue(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (12345678-87654321-12345678-87654321)"), FGuid::Parse(TEXT("12345678-87654321-12345678-87654321"), g3_1));
	TestEqual(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed (12345678-87654321-12345678-87654321)"), g3_1, g);

	//parsing invalid strings (automatic)

	// GUID validation
	FGuid g4_1 = FGuid::NewGuid();

	TestTrue(TEXT("New GUIDs must be valid"), g4_1.IsValid());

	TestFalse(TEXT("Invalidated GUIDs must be invalid"), g4_1.IsValid());

	return true;
Exemple #6
bool FManifestTest::RunTest( const FString& Parameters )
	// Key metadata
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > KeyMetadataA = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > KeyMetadataB = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );

	// Info metadata
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > InfoMetadataA = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > InfoMetadataB = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );

	// Source metadata
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > SourceMetadataA = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > SourceMetadataB = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );

	// Setup KeyMetadataA
	KeyMetadataA->SetStringField( TEXT("Gender"			),	TEXT("Masculine")	);
	KeyMetadataA->SetStringField( TEXT("Plurality"		),	TEXT("Singular")	);
	KeyMetadataA->SetStringField( TEXT("TargetGender"	),	TEXT("Masculine")	);
	KeyMetadataA->SetStringField( TEXT("TargetPlurality"),	TEXT("Singular")	);

	// Setup KeyMetadataB
	KeyMetadataB->SetStringField( TEXT("Gender"			),	TEXT("Masculine")	);
	KeyMetadataB->SetStringField( TEXT("Plurality"		),	TEXT("Singular")	);
	KeyMetadataB->SetStringField( TEXT("TargetGender"	),	TEXT("Feminine")	);
	KeyMetadataB->SetStringField( TEXT("TargetPlurality"),	TEXT("Singular")	);

	// Setup source metadata
	SourceMetadataA->SetBoolField( TEXT("*IsMature"), false );
	SourceMetadataB->SetBoolField( TEXT("*IsMature"), true );

	// Set InfoMetadataA
	InfoMetadataA->SetStringField( TEXT("VoiceActorDirection"), TEXT("Go big or go home!") );

	// Test FInternationalizationManifest
		FContext ContextA;
		ContextA.Key			= TEXT("KeyA");
		ContextA.SourceLocation = TEXT("SourceLocationA");
		ContextA.InfoMetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject(*InfoMetadataA) );
		ContextA.KeyMetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject(*KeyMetadataA) );

		FContext ContextB;
		ContextB.Key			= TEXT("KeyB");
		ContextB.SourceLocation = TEXT("SourceLocationB");
		ContextB.InfoMetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject(*InfoMetadataB) );
		ContextB.KeyMetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject(*KeyMetadataB) );

		FLocItem Source( TEXT("TestText") );
		Source.MetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject(*SourceMetadataA) );

		FString TestNamespace = TEXT("TestNamespace");

		// Adding entries with exactly matching Source and matching Context
			FInternationalizationManifest TestManifest;

			TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, Source, ContextA );
			bool bResult = TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, Source, ContextA );

			// Adding a duplicate entry reports success but our entry count is not increased after the first entry is added
			TestTrue( TEXT("AddSource result == true"), bResult);
			TestEqual( TEXT("ManifestCount == 1"), CountManifestEntries(TestManifest), 1 );

		// Adding entries with exactly matching Source but different Contexts
			FInternationalizationManifest TestManifest;

			TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, Source, ContextA );
			TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, Source, ContextB );

			TestEqual( TEXT("ManifestCount == 2"), CountManifestEntries(TestManifest), 2 );

			// Test find by context
			TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry1 = TestManifest.FindEntryByContext( TestNamespace, ContextA );
			if( !FoundEntry1.IsValid() )
				AddError(TEXT("FManifestEntry could not find entry using FindEntryByContext."));
				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry->Source == Source"), FoundEntry1->Source == Source );
				TestEqual( TEXT("FoundEntry->Context.Num() == 2"), FoundEntry1->Contexts.Num(), 2);

			TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry2 = TestManifest.FindEntryByContext( TestNamespace, ContextB );
			if( !FoundEntry2.IsValid() )
				AddError(TEXT("FManifestEntry could not find entry using FindEntryByContext."));
				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry->Source == Source"), FoundEntry2->Source == Source );
				TestEqual( TEXT("FoundEntry->Context.Num() == 2"), FoundEntry2->Contexts.Num(), 2);

			// Test find by source
			TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry3 = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, Source );
			if( !FoundEntry3.IsValid() )
				AddError(TEXT("FManifestEntry could not find entry using FindEntryBySource."));
				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry->Source == Source"), FoundEntry3->Source == Source );
				TestEqual( TEXT("FoundEntry->Context.Num() == 2"), FoundEntry3->Contexts.Num(), 2);

			TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry1 == FoundEntry2 == FoundEntry3"), (FoundEntry1 == FoundEntry2) && (FoundEntry1 == FoundEntry3) );


		// Adding entries with Source that is NOT an exact match and matching context
			// Source mismatched by Source Text.
				FInternationalizationManifest TestManifest;

				FLocItem ConflictingSourceA( TEXT("Conflicting TestTextA") );
				FLocItem ConflictingSourceB( TEXT("Conflicting TestTextB") );

				TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceA, ContextA );
				bool bResult = TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceB, ContextA );

				// Adding the second entry reports failure and entry count is not increased
				TestFalse( TEXT("AddSource result == false"), bResult);
				TestEqual( TEXT("ManifestCount == 1"), CountManifestEntries(TestManifest), 1 );	

			// Source mismatched by standard metadata type (not * prefixed) 
				FInternationalizationManifest ManifestTypeConflict;

				FLocItem ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeA = Source;
				FLocItem ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeB = Source;

				// Set metadata with the same name but different type
				ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeA.MetadataObj->SetBoolField( TEXT("ConflictingType"), true );
				ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeB.MetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("ConflictingType"), TEXT("true") );

				ManifestTypeConflict.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeA, ContextA );
				bool bResult = ManifestTypeConflict.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeB, ContextA );

				TestFalse( TEXT("AddSource result == false"), bResult);
				TestEqual( TEXT("ManifestCount == 1"), CountManifestEntries(ManifestTypeConflict), 1 );

				// Should not find a match when searching with the second Source we tried to add
				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry = ManifestTypeConflict.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeB );
				TestInvalid( TEXT("FoundEntry is not valid"), FoundEntry);


			// Source mismatched by standard metadata value (not * prefixed)
				FInternationalizationManifest TestManifest;

				FLocItem ConflictingSourceMetadataValueA = Source;
				FLocItem ConflictingSourceMetadataValueB = Source;

				// Set metadata with the same name and type but different value
				ConflictingSourceMetadataValueA.MetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("ConflictingValue"), TEXT("A") );
				ConflictingSourceMetadataValueB.MetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("ConflictingValue"), TEXT("B") );

				TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataValueA, ContextA );
				bool bResult = TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataValueB, ContextA );

				TestFalse( TEXT("AddSource result == false"), bResult);
				TestEqual( TEXT("ManifestCount == 1"), CountManifestEntries(TestManifest), 1 );

				// Should not find a match when searching with the second Source we tried to add
				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataValueB );
				TestInvalid( TEXT("FoundEntry is not valid"), FoundEntry);


			// Source mismatched by * prefixed metadata type
				FInternationalizationManifest TestManifest;

				FLocItem ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeA = Source;
				FLocItem ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeB = Source;

				// Set metadata with the same name but different type
				ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeA.MetadataObj->SetBoolField( TEXT("*ConflictingType"), true );
				ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeB.MetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("*ConflictingType"), TEXT("true") );

				TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeA, ContextA );

				// Though the Source items are considered to be a match(they are equal) in this case, the manifest reports this as a conflict
				//  and should not add an entry.  The reason is that AddSource does an 'exact' match check on the metadata object
				bool bResult = TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeB, ContextA );

				TestFalse( TEXT("AddSource result == false"), bResult);
				TestEqual( TEXT("ManifestCount == 1"), CountManifestEntries(TestManifest), 1 );

				// We should be able to find the entry using either Source FLocItem
				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry1 = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeA );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry1 is valid"), FoundEntry1);

				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry2 = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeB );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry2 is valid"), FoundEntry2);


			// Source mismatched by * prefixed metadata value
				FInternationalizationManifest TestManifest;

				FLocItem ConflictingSourceMetadataValueA = Source;
				FLocItem ConflictingSourceMetadataValueB = Source;

				// Set metadata with the same name and type but different value
				ConflictingSourceMetadataValueA.MetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("*ConflictingValue"), TEXT("A") );
				ConflictingSourceMetadataValueB.MetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("*ConflictingValue"), TEXT("B") );

				TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataValueA, ContextA );

				// Thought the Source items are considered to be a match(they are equal) in this case, the manifest reports this as a conflict
				//  and should not add an entry.  The reason is that AddSource does an 'exact' match check on the metadata object
				bool bResult = TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataValueB, ContextA );

				TestFalse( TEXT("AddSource result == false"), bResult);
				TestEqual( TEXT("ManifestCount == 1"), CountManifestEntries(TestManifest), 1 );

				// We should be able to find the entry using either Source FLocItem
				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry1 = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataValueA );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry1 is valid"), FoundEntry1);

				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry2 = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataValueB );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry2 is valid"), FoundEntry2);



		// Adding entries with Source that is NOT an exact match and different context
			// Source mismatched by Source Text.
				FInternationalizationManifest TestManifest;

				FLocItem ConflictingSourceA( TEXT("Conflicting TestTextA") );
				FLocItem ConflictingSourceB( TEXT("Conflicting TestTextB") );

				TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceA, ContextA );
				bool bResult = TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceB, ContextB );

				TestTrue( TEXT("AddSource result == true"), bResult);
				TestEqual( TEXT("ManifestCount == 2"), CountManifestEntries(TestManifest), 2 );

				// We should be able to find two unique entries by source
				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry1 = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceA );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry1 is valid"), FoundEntry1);

				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry2 = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceB );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry2 is valid"), FoundEntry2);

				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry1 != FoundEntry2"), FoundEntry1 != FoundEntry2 );

				// We should be able to find two unique entries by context
				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry3 = TestManifest.FindEntryByContext( TestNamespace, ContextA );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry3 is valid"), FoundEntry3);

				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry4 = TestManifest.FindEntryByContext( TestNamespace, ContextB );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry3 is valid"), FoundEntry4);

				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry3 != FoundEntry4"), FoundEntry3 != FoundEntry4 );

				// Found entry looked up by source A should match entry looked up by context A
				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry1 == FoundEntry3"), FoundEntry1 == FoundEntry3 );

				// Found entry looked up by source B should match entry looked up by context B
				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry2 == FoundEntry4"), FoundEntry2 == FoundEntry4 );


			// Source mismatched by standard metadata type (not * prefixed)
				FInternationalizationManifest TestManifest;

				FLocItem ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeA = Source;
				FLocItem ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeB = Source;

				// Set metadata with the same name but different type
				ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeA.MetadataObj->SetBoolField( TEXT("ConflictingType"), true );
				ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeB.MetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("ConflictingType"), TEXT("true") );

				TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeA, ContextA );
				bool bResult = TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeB, ContextB );

				TestTrue( TEXT("AddSource result == true"), bResult);
				TestEqual( TEXT("ManifestCount == 2"), CountManifestEntries(TestManifest), 2 );

				// We should be able to find two unique entries by source
				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry1 = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeA );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry1 is valid"), FoundEntry1);

				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry2 = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeB );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry2 is valid"), FoundEntry2);

				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry1 != FoundEntry2"), FoundEntry1 != FoundEntry2 );

				// We should be able to find two unique entries by context
				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry3 = TestManifest.FindEntryByContext( TestNamespace, ContextA );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry3 is valid"), FoundEntry3);

				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry4 = TestManifest.FindEntryByContext( TestNamespace, ContextB );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry3 is valid"), FoundEntry4);

				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry3 != FoundEntry4"), FoundEntry3 != FoundEntry4 );

				// Found entry looked up by source A should match entry looked up by context A
				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry1 == FoundEntry3"), FoundEntry1 == FoundEntry3 );

				// Found entry looked up by source B should match entry looked up by context B
				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry2 == FoundEntry4"), FoundEntry2 == FoundEntry4 );


			// Source mismatched by standard metadata value (not * prefixed)
				FInternationalizationManifest TestManifest;

				FLocItem ConflictingSourceMetadataValueA = Source;
				FLocItem ConflictingSourceMetadataValueB = Source;

				// Set metadata with the same name and type but different value
				ConflictingSourceMetadataValueA.MetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("ConflictingValue"), TEXT("A") );
				ConflictingSourceMetadataValueB.MetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("ConflictingValue"), TEXT("B") );

				TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataValueA, ContextA );
				bool bResult = TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataValueB, ContextB );

				TestTrue( TEXT("AddSource result == true"), bResult);
				TestEqual( TEXT("ManifestCount == 2"), CountManifestEntries(TestManifest), 2 );

				// We should be able to find two unique entries by source
				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry1 = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataValueA );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry1 is valid"), FoundEntry1);

				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry2 = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataValueB );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry2 is valid"), FoundEntry2);

				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry1 != FoundEntry2"), FoundEntry1 != FoundEntry2 );

				// We should be able to find two unique entries by context
				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry3 = TestManifest.FindEntryByContext( TestNamespace, ContextA );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry3 is valid"), FoundEntry3);

				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry4 = TestManifest.FindEntryByContext( TestNamespace, ContextB );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry3 is valid"), FoundEntry4);

				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry3 != FoundEntry4"), FoundEntry3 != FoundEntry4 );

				// Found entry looked up by source A should match entry looked up by context A
				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry1 == FoundEntry3"), FoundEntry1 == FoundEntry3 );

				// Found entry looked up by source B should match entry looked up by context B
				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry2 == FoundEntry4"), FoundEntry2 == FoundEntry4 );


			// Source mismatched by * prefixed metadata type
				FInternationalizationManifest TestManifest;

				FLocItem ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeA = Source;
				FLocItem ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeB = Source;

				// Set metadata with the same name but different type
				ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeA.MetadataObj->SetBoolField( TEXT("*ConflictingType"), true );
				ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeB.MetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("*ConflictingType"), TEXT("true") );

				TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeA, ContextA );

				// Though the Source items are considered to be a match(they are equal) in this case, the manifest reports this as a conflict
				//  and should not add an entry.  The reason is that AddSource does an 'exact' match check on the metadata object
				bool bResult = TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeB, ContextB );

				TestFalse( TEXT("AddSource result == false"), bResult);
				TestEqual( TEXT("ManifestCount == 1"), CountManifestEntries(TestManifest), 1 );

				// We should be able to find the entry using either Source FLocItem
				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry1 = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeA );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry1 is valid"), FoundEntry1);

				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry2 = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataTypeB );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry2 is valid"), FoundEntry2);

			// Source mismatched by * prefixed metadata value
				FInternationalizationManifest TestManifest;

				FLocItem ConflictingSourceMetadataValueA = Source;
				FLocItem ConflictingSourceMetadataValueB = Source;

				// Set metadata with the same name and type but different value
				ConflictingSourceMetadataValueA.MetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("*ConflictingValue"), TEXT("A") );
				ConflictingSourceMetadataValueB.MetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("*ConflictingValue"), TEXT("B") );

				TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataValueA, ContextA );

				// Thought the Source items are considered to be a match(they are equal) in this case, the manifest reports this as a conflict
				//  and should not add an entry.  The reason is that AddSource does an 'exact' match check on the metadata object
				bool bResult = TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataValueB, ContextB );

				TestFalse( TEXT("AddSource result == false"), bResult);
				TestEqual( TEXT("ManifestCount == 1"), CountManifestEntries(TestManifest), 1 );

				// We should be able to find the entry using either Source FLocItem
				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry1 = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataValueA );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry1 is valid"), FoundEntry1);

				TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry2 = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, ConflictingSourceMetadataValueB );
				TestValid( TEXT("FoundEntry2 is valid"), FoundEntry2);



		// Adding an entry that only differs in the optional flag 
			FInternationalizationManifest TestManifest;

			// Reports success and our entry count does not change.  bIsOptional is not a key and is not used during lookup.  When
			//  we AddSource, we find an existing matching entry so AddSource returns true but no new entry is added.  The original
			//  entry's bIsOptional value is not updated.
			FContext ContextConflictingOptionalFlag = ContextA;
			ContextConflictingOptionalFlag.bIsOptional = !ContextA.bIsOptional;

			TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, Source, ContextA );
			bool bResult = TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, Source, ContextConflictingOptionalFlag);

			TestTrue( TEXT("AddSource result == true"), bResult);
			TestEqual( TEXT("ManifestCount == 1"), CountManifestEntries(TestManifest), 1 );

			// We should be able to look up the existing entry using the ContextConflictingOptionalFlag context but the entries bIsOptional flag will match ContextA
			TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry = TestManifest.FindEntryByContext( TestNamespace, ContextConflictingOptionalFlag );
			if( !FoundEntry.IsValid() )
				AddError(TEXT("FManifestEntry could not find entry using FindEntryByContext."));
				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry->bIsOptional == ContextA->bIsOptional"), FoundEntry->Contexts[0].bIsOptional == ContextA.bIsOptional );

		// Add an entry with null key metadata to see if we can retrieve it with non-null but empty key metadata
			FInternationalizationManifest TestManifest;

			FContext ContextC;
			ContextC.Key			= TEXT("KeyC");
			ContextC.SourceLocation = TEXT("SourceLocationC");
			ContextC.InfoMetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject(*InfoMetadataB) );
			ContextC.KeyMetadataObj = NULL;

			Source.MetadataObj = NULL;
			TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, Source, ContextC );

			//  Now give our context and source valid but empty metadata
			ContextC.KeyMetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject() );
			Source.MetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject() );

			// Ensure we find the entry we added by source
			TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry;
			FoundEntry = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, Source );
			if( !FoundEntry.IsValid() )
				AddError(TEXT("FManifestEntry could not find entry using FindEntryBySource."));
				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry->Source == Source"), FoundEntry->Source == Source );

			// Ensure we find the entry we added by context
			FoundEntry = TestManifest.FindEntryByContext( TestNamespace, ContextC );
			if( !FoundEntry.IsValid() )
				AddError(TEXT("FManifestEntry could not find entry using FindEntryByContext."));
				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry->Source == Source"), FoundEntry->Source == Source );

		// Add an entry with non-null but empty key metadata and see if we can retrieve null metadata
			FInternationalizationManifest TestManifest;

			FContext ContextC;
			ContextC.Key			= TEXT("KeyC");
			ContextC.SourceLocation = TEXT("SourceLocationC");
			ContextC.InfoMetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject(*InfoMetadataB) );
			ContextC.KeyMetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject());

			Source.MetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject());
			TestManifest.AddSource( TestNamespace, Source, ContextC );

			//  Now give our context and source Null metadata
			ContextC.KeyMetadataObj = NULL;
			Source.MetadataObj = NULL;

			// Ensure we find the entry we added by source
			TSharedPtr< FManifestEntry > FoundEntry;
			FoundEntry = TestManifest.FindEntryBySource( TestNamespace, Source );
			if( !FoundEntry.IsValid() )
				AddError(TEXT("FManifestEntry could not find entry using FindEntryBySource."));
				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry->Source == Source"), FoundEntry->Source == Source );

			// Ensure we find the entry we added by context
			FoundEntry = TestManifest.FindEntryByContext( TestNamespace, ContextC );
			if( !FoundEntry.IsValid() )
				AddError(TEXT("FManifestEntry could not find entry using FindEntryByContext."));
				TestTrue( TEXT("FoundEntry->Source == Source"), FoundEntry->Source == Source );

	return true;
Exemple #7
bool FLocItemTest::RunTest( const FString& Parameters )
	// Key metadata
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > KeyMetadataA = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > KeyMetadataB = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );

	// Info metadata
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > InfoMetadataA = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > InfoMetadataB = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );

	// Source metadata
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > SourceMetadataA = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > SourceMetadataB = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );

	// Setup KeyMetadataA
	KeyMetadataA->SetStringField( TEXT("Gender"			),	TEXT("Masculine")	);
	KeyMetadataA->SetStringField( TEXT("Plurality"		),	TEXT("Singular")	);
	KeyMetadataA->SetStringField( TEXT("TargetGender"	),	TEXT("Masculine")	);
	KeyMetadataA->SetStringField( TEXT("TargetPlurality"),	TEXT("Singular")	);

	// Setup KeyMetadataB
	KeyMetadataB->SetStringField( TEXT("Gender"			),	TEXT("Masculine")	);
	KeyMetadataB->SetStringField( TEXT("Plurality"		),	TEXT("Singular")	);
	KeyMetadataB->SetStringField( TEXT("TargetGender"	),	TEXT("Feminine")	);
	KeyMetadataB->SetStringField( TEXT("TargetPlurality"),	TEXT("Singular")	);

	// Setup source metadata
	SourceMetadataA->SetBoolField( TEXT("*IsMature"), false );
	SourceMetadataB->SetBoolField( TEXT("*IsMature"), true );

	// Set InfoMetadataA
	InfoMetadataA->SetStringField( TEXT("VoiceActorDirection"), TEXT("Go big or go home!") );

	// Test FLocItem
		FLocItem LocItemA( TEXT("TextA") );
		LocItemA.MetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject(*SourceMetadataA) );

		FLocItem LocItemB( TEXT("TextB") );
		LocItemB.MetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject(*SourceMetadataB) );

		// Test copy ctor
			FLocItem LocItemAClone = LocItemA;

			if( LocItemAClone.MetadataObj == LocItemA.MetadataObj )
				AddError(TEXT("FLocItem MetadataObj and its Clone are not unique objects."));

			TestEqual( TEXT("LocItemAClone.Text == LocItemA.Text"), LocItemAClone.Text, LocItemA.Text );
			TestTrue( TEXT("LocItemAClone.MetadataObj == LocItemA.MetadataObj"), *(LocItemAClone.MetadataObj) == *(LocItemA.MetadataObj) );

			TestEqual( TEXT("LocItemAClone == LocItemA"), LocItemAClone, LocItemA );
			TestFalse( TEXT("LocItemAClone < LocItemA"), LocItemAClone < LocItemA );


		// Test assignment operator
			FLocItem LocItemAClone( TEXT("New") );

			LocItemAClone = LocItemA;

			if( LocItemAClone.MetadataObj == LocItemA.MetadataObj )
				AddError(TEXT("FLocItem MetadataObj and its Clone are not unique objects."));

			TestEqual( TEXT("LocItemAClone.Text == LocItemA.Text"), LocItemAClone.Text, LocItemA.Text );
			TestTrue( TEXT("LocItemAClone.MetadataObj == LocItemA.MetadataObj"), *(LocItemAClone.MetadataObj) == *(LocItemA.MetadataObj) );

			TestEqual( TEXT("LocItemAClone == LocItemA"), LocItemAClone, LocItemA );
			TestFalse( TEXT("LocItemAClone < LocItemA"), LocItemAClone < LocItemA );
			TestFalse( TEXT("LocItemA < LocItemAClone"), LocItemA < LocItemAClone );

		// Test comparison operator
			// Text and MetadataObj members should both be taken into account when comparing.  Note, Metadata supports a special * name prefix that causes the type 
			//   and value of the metadata to be ignored when performing comparisons
			FLocItem LocItemAClone = LocItemA;
			TestEqual( TEXT("LocItemAClone == LocItemA"), LocItemAClone, LocItemA );

			// Metadata with * prefix does not impact comparison but both FLocItems need a metadata where the name matches( type and value can be different )
			FLocItem LocItemAClone2 = LocItemA;
			LocItemAClone.MetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("*NewNonCompare"), TEXT("NewNonCompareValue") );
			TestNotEqual( TEXT("LocItemAClone != LocItemAClone2"), LocItemAClone, LocItemAClone2 );

			LocItemAClone2.MetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("*NewNonCompare"), TEXT("NewNonCompareValue2") );
			TestEqual( TEXT("LocItemAClone == LocItemAClone2"), LocItemAClone, LocItemAClone2 );

			// Changing the text in any way will cause comparison to fail
			LocItemAClone = LocItemA;
			LocItemAClone.Text = LocItemAClone.Text + TEXT("New");
			TestNotEqual( TEXT("LocItemAClone != LocItemA"), LocItemAClone, LocItemA );

			// LocItem with valid but empty KeyMetadataObject should be equivalent to LocItem with null KeyMetadataObject
			FLocItem LocItemEmptyA(TEXT("TestText"));
			FLocItem LocItemEmptyB(TEXT("TestText"));
			LocItemEmptyB.MetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );
			TestEqual( TEXT("LocItemEmptyA == LocItemEmptyB"), LocItemEmptyA, LocItemEmptyB );

		// Testing less than operator
			TestTrue( TEXT("LocItemA < LocItemB"), LocItemA < LocItemB );
			TestFalse( TEXT("LocItemB < LocItemA"), LocItemB < LocItemA );

			FLocItem LocItemAClone = LocItemA;

			// Differences in Text
			TestFalse( TEXT("LocItemA < LocItemAClone"), LocItemA < LocItemAClone );
			LocItemAClone.Text = LocItemAClone.Text + TEXT("A");
			TestFalse( TEXT("LocItemAClone < LocItemA"), LocItemAClone < LocItemA );
			//currently failing TestTrue( TEXT("LocItemA < LocItemAClone"), LocItemA < LocItemAClone );

			// Adding new key metadata entry
			LocItemAClone = LocItemA;
			LocItemAClone.MetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("ANewKey"), TEXT("ANewValue") );
			//currently failing TestTrue( TEXT("LocItemA < LocItemAClone"), LocItemA < LocItemAClone );
			TestFalse( TEXT("LocItemAClone < LocItemA"), LocItemAClone < LocItemA );

			// Removing a key metadata entry
			LocItemAClone = LocItemA;
			LocItemAClone.MetadataObj->RemoveField( TEXT("*IsMature") );
			TestTrue( TEXT("LocItemAClone < LocItemA"), LocItemAClone < LocItemA );
			TestFalse( TEXT("LocItemA < LocItemAClone"), LocItemA < LocItemAClone );

			// Changing a key metadata entry value
			LocItemAClone = LocItemA;
			LocItemAClone.MetadataObj->SetBoolField( TEXT("*IsMature"),true );
			//currently failing TestTrue( TEXT("LocItemA < LocItemAClone"), LocItemA < LocItemAClone );
			TestFalse( TEXT("LocItemAClone < LocItemA"), LocItemAClone < LocItemA );

			// Test null and non-null but empty Metadata
			FLocItem LocItemEmptyA( TEXT("SameText") );
			FLocItem LocItemEmptyB( TEXT("SameText") );
			TestFalse( TEXT("LocItemEmptyA < LocItemEmptyB"), LocItemEmptyA < LocItemEmptyB );
			LocItemEmptyB.MetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );
			TestFalse( TEXT("LocItemEmptyA < LocItemEmptyB"), LocItemEmptyA < LocItemEmptyB );
			TestFalse( TEXT("LocItemEmptyB < LocItemEmptyA"), LocItemEmptyB < LocItemEmptyA );
			LocItemEmptyB.MetadataObj->SetStringField(TEXT("AMetadataKey"), TEXT("AMetadataValue"));
			TestTrue( TEXT("LocItemEmptyA < LocItemEmptyB"), LocItemEmptyA < LocItemEmptyB );
	return true;
Exemple #8
bool FLocContextTest::RunTest( const FString& Parameters )
	// Key metadata
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > KeyMetadataA = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > KeyMetadataB = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );

	// Info metadata
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > InfoMetadataA = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > InfoMetadataB = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );

	// Source metadata
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > SourceMetadataA = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );
	TSharedPtr< FLocMetadataObject > SourceMetadataB = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );

	// Setup KeyMetadataA
	KeyMetadataA->SetStringField( TEXT("Gender"			),	TEXT("Masculine")	);
	KeyMetadataA->SetStringField( TEXT("Plurality"		),	TEXT("Singular")	);
	KeyMetadataA->SetStringField( TEXT("TargetGender"	),	TEXT("Masculine")	);
	KeyMetadataA->SetStringField( TEXT("TargetPlurality"),	TEXT("Singular")	);

	// Setup KeyMetadataB
	KeyMetadataB->SetStringField( TEXT("Gender"			),	TEXT("Masculine")	);
	KeyMetadataB->SetStringField( TEXT("Plurality"		),	TEXT("Singular")	);
	KeyMetadataB->SetStringField( TEXT("TargetGender"	),	TEXT("Feminine")	);
	KeyMetadataB->SetStringField( TEXT("TargetPlurality"),	TEXT("Singular")	);

	// Setup source metadata
	SourceMetadataA->SetBoolField( TEXT("*IsMature"), false );
	SourceMetadataB->SetBoolField( TEXT("*IsMature"), true );

	// Set InfoMetadataA
	InfoMetadataA->SetStringField( TEXT("VoiceActorDirection"), TEXT("Go big or go home!") );

	// Test FContext
		FContext ContextA;
		ContextA.Key			= TEXT("KeyA");
		ContextA.SourceLocation = TEXT("SourceLocationA");
		ContextA.InfoMetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject(*InfoMetadataA) );
		ContextA.KeyMetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject(*KeyMetadataA) );

		FContext ContextB;
		ContextB.Key			= TEXT("KeyB");
		ContextB.SourceLocation = TEXT("SourceLocationB");
		ContextB.InfoMetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject(*InfoMetadataB) );
		ContextB.KeyMetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject(*KeyMetadataB) );

		// Test copy ctor
			FContext ContextAClone = ContextA;

			if( ContextAClone.InfoMetadataObj == ContextA.InfoMetadataObj )
				AddError(TEXT("FContext InfoMetadataObj and its Clone are not unique objects."));

			if( ContextAClone.KeyMetadataObj == ContextA.KeyMetadataObj )
				AddError(TEXT("FContext KeyMetadataObj and its Clone are not unique objects."));

			TestEqual( TEXT("ContextAClone.Key == ContextA.Key"), ContextAClone.Key, ContextA.Key );
			TestEqual( TEXT("ContextAClone.SourceLocation == ContextA.SourceLocation"), ContextAClone.SourceLocation, ContextA.SourceLocation );
			TestEqual( TEXT("ContextAClone.bIsOptional == ContextA.bIsOptional"), ContextAClone.bIsOptional, ContextA.bIsOptional );
			TestTrue( TEXT("ContextAClone.InfoMetadataObj == ContextA.InfoMetadataObj"), *(ContextAClone.InfoMetadataObj) == *(ContextA.InfoMetadataObj) );
			TestTrue( TEXT("ContextAClone.KeyMetadataObj == ContextA.KeyMetadataObj"), *(ContextAClone.KeyMetadataObj) == *(ContextA.KeyMetadataObj) );

			TestEqual( TEXT("ContextAClone == ContextA"), ContextAClone, ContextA );
			TestFalse( TEXT("ContextAClone < ContextA"), ContextAClone < ContextA );


		// Test assignment operator
			FContext ContextAClone;
			ContextAClone = ContextA;

			if( ContextAClone.InfoMetadataObj == ContextA.InfoMetadataObj )
				AddError(TEXT("FContext InfoMetadataObj and its Clone are not unique objects."));

			if( ContextAClone.KeyMetadataObj == ContextA.KeyMetadataObj )
				AddError(TEXT("FContext KeyMetadataObj and its Clone are not unique objects."));

			TestEqual( TEXT("ContextAClone.Key == ContextA.Key"), ContextAClone.Key, ContextA.Key );
			TestEqual( TEXT("ContextAClone.SourceLocation == ContextA.SourceLocation"), ContextAClone.SourceLocation, ContextA.SourceLocation );
			TestEqual( TEXT("ContextAClone.bIsOptional == ContextA.bIsOptional"), ContextAClone.bIsOptional, ContextA.bIsOptional );
			TestTrue( TEXT("ContextAClone.InfoMetadataObj == ContextA.InfoMetadataObj"), *(ContextAClone.InfoMetadataObj) == *(ContextA.InfoMetadataObj) );
			TestTrue( TEXT("ContextAClone.KeyMetadataObj == ContextA.KeyMetadataObj"), *(ContextAClone.KeyMetadataObj) == *(ContextA.KeyMetadataObj) );

			TestEqual( TEXT("ContextAClone == ContextA"), ContextAClone, ContextA );
			TestFalse( TEXT("ContextAClone < ContextA"), ContextAClone < ContextA );

		// Test comparison operator
			// Key and KeyMetadataObj members should be the only items that are taken into account when comparing
			FContext ContextAClone = ContextA;
			TestEqual( TEXT("ContextAClone == ContextA"), ContextAClone, ContextA );

			// Arbitrarily change all the non-important members
			ContextAClone.SourceLocation = ContextA.SourceLocation + TEXT("New");
			ContextAClone.bIsOptional = !ContextA.bIsOptional;
			ContextAClone.InfoMetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject( *InfoMetadataB ) );
			TestEqual( TEXT("ContextAClone == ContextA"), ContextAClone, ContextA );

			// Changing the key in any way will cause comparison to fail
			ContextAClone.Key = ContextAClone.Key + TEXT("New");
			TestNotEqual( TEXT("ContextAClone != ContextA"), ContextAClone, ContextA );

			// Reset and test KeyMetadataObj change to one of the value entries
			ContextAClone = ContextA;
			ContextAClone.KeyMetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("TargetPlurality"), TEXT("Plural") );
			TestNotEqual( TEXT("ContextAClone != ContextA"), ContextAClone, ContextA );

			// Reset and test addition of entry to KeyMetadataObj
			ContextAClone = ContextA;
			ContextAClone.KeyMetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("NewField"), TEXT("NewFieldValue") );
			TestNotEqual( TEXT("ContextAClone != ContextA"), ContextAClone, ContextA );

			// Reset and test removal of entry from KeyMetadataObj
			ContextAClone = ContextA;
			ContextAClone.KeyMetadataObj->RemoveField( TEXT("TargetPlurality") );
			TestNotEqual( TEXT("ContextAClone != ContextA"), ContextAClone, ContextA );

			// Context with valid but empty KeyMetadataObject should be equivalent to Context with null KeyMetadataObject
			FContext ContextEmptyA;
			FContext ContextEmptyB;
			ContextEmptyB.KeyMetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );
			TestEqual( TEXT("ContextEmptyA == ContextEmptyB"), ContextEmptyA, ContextEmptyB );

		// Testing less than operator
			TestTrue( TEXT("ContextA < ContextB"), ContextA < ContextB );

			FContext ContextAClone = ContextA;

			// Differences in Key
			TestFalse( TEXT("ContextA < ContextAClone"), ContextA < ContextAClone );
			ContextAClone.Key = ContextAClone.Key + TEXT("A");
			//currently failing TestTrue( TEXT("ContextA < ContextAClone"), ContextA < ContextAClone );

			// Adding new key metadata entry that will appear before other entries
			ContextAClone = ContextA;
			ContextAClone.KeyMetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("ANewKey"), TEXT("ANewValue") );
			TestTrue( TEXT("ContextAClone < ContextA"), ContextAClone < ContextA );

			// Adding new key metadata entry that will appear after other entries
			ContextAClone = ContextA;
			ContextAClone.KeyMetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("ZNewKey"), TEXT("ZNewValue") );
			//currently failing TestTrue( TEXT("ContextA < ContextAClone"), ContextA < ContextAClone );

			// Removing a key metadata entry
			ContextAClone = ContextA;
			ContextAClone.KeyMetadataObj->RemoveField( TEXT("TargetPlurality") ) ;
			TestTrue( TEXT("ContextAClone < ContextA"), ContextAClone < ContextA );

			// Changing a key metadata entry value
			ContextAClone = ContextA;
			ContextAClone.KeyMetadataObj->SetStringField( TEXT("TargetPlurality"), TEXT("A") ) ;
			TestTrue( TEXT("ContextAClone < ContextA"), ContextAClone < ContextA );

			FContext ContextEmptyA;
			FContext ContextEmptyB;
			TestFalse( TEXT("ContextEmptyA < ContextEmptyB"), ContextEmptyA < ContextEmptyB );
			ContextEmptyB.KeyMetadataObj = MakeShareable( new FLocMetadataObject );
			TestFalse( TEXT("ContextEmptyA < ContextEmptyB"), ContextEmptyA < ContextEmptyB );
			TestFalse( TEXT("ContextEmptyB < ContextEmptyA"), ContextEmptyB < ContextEmptyA );
			ContextEmptyB.KeyMetadataObj->SetStringField(TEXT("AMetadataKey"), TEXT("AMetadataValue"));
			TestTrue( TEXT("ContextEmptyA < ContextEmptyB"), ContextEmptyA < ContextEmptyB );
	return true;
bool FIPv4AddressTest::RunTest( const FString& Parameters )
	// component access must be correct
	FIPv4Address a1_1 = FIPv4Address(1, 2, 3, 4);

	TestEqual<uint8>(TEXT("Byte 0 of must be 4"), a1_1.GetByte(0), 4);
	TestEqual<uint8>(TEXT("Byte 1 of must be 3"), a1_1.GetByte(1), 3);
	TestEqual<uint8>(TEXT("Byte 2 of must be 2"), a1_1.GetByte(2), 2);
	TestEqual<uint8>(TEXT("Byte 3 of must be 1"), a1_1.GetByte(3), 1);

	// link local addresses must be recognized
	FIPv4Address a2_1 = FIPv4Address(169, 254, 0, 1);
	FIPv4Address a2_2 = FIPv4Address(168, 254, 0, 1);
	FIPv4Address a2_3 = FIPv4Address(169, 253, 0, 1);

	TestTrue(TEXT(" must be a link local address"), a2_1.IsLinkLocal());
	TestFalse(TEXT(" must not be a link local address"), a2_2.IsLinkLocal());
	TestFalse(TEXT(" must not be a link local address"), a2_3.IsLinkLocal());

	// loopback addresses must be recognized
	FIPv4Address a3_1 = FIPv4Address(127, 0, 0, 1);
	FIPv4Address a3_2 = FIPv4Address(128, 0, 0, 1);

	TestTrue(TEXT(" must be a loopback address"), a3_1.IsLoopbackAddress());
	TestFalse(TEXT(" must not be a loopback address"), a3_2.IsLoopbackAddress());

	// multicast addresses must be recognized
	FIPv4Address a4_1 = FIPv4Address(223, 255, 255, 255);
	FIPv4Address a4_2 = FIPv4Address(224, 0, 0, 0);
	FIPv4Address a4_3 = FIPv4Address(239, 255, 255, 255);
	FIPv4Address a4_4 = FIPv4Address(240, 0, 0, 0);

	TestFalse(TEXT(" must not be a multicast address"), a4_1.IsMulticastAddress());
	TestTrue(TEXT(" must be a multicast address"), a4_2.IsMulticastAddress());
	TestTrue(TEXT(" must be a multicast address"), a4_3.IsMulticastAddress());
	TestFalse(TEXT(" must not be a multicast address"), a4_4.IsMulticastAddress());

	// string conversion
	FIPv4Address a5_1 = FIPv4Address(1, 2, 3, 4);

	TestEqual<FString>(TEXT("String conversion ("), a5_1.ToText().ToString(), TEXT(""));

	// parsing valid strings must succeed
	FIPv4Address a6_1 = FIPv4Address(1, 2, 3, 4);
	FIPv4Address a6_2;

	TestTrue(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must succeed ("), FIPv4Address::Parse(TEXT(""), a6_2));
	TestEqual(TEXT("Parsing valid strings must result in correct value ("), a6_2, a6_1);

	// parsing invalid strings must fail
	FIPv4Address a7_1;

	TestFalse(TEXT("Parsing invalid strings must fail (1.2.3)"), FIPv4Address::Parse(TEXT("1.2.3"), a6_2));

	// site local addresses must be recognized
	FIPv4Address a8_1 = FIPv4Address(10, 0, 0, 1);
	FIPv4Address a8_2 = FIPv4Address(172, 16, 0, 1);
	FIPv4Address a8_3 = FIPv4Address(192, 168, 0, 1);

	TestTrue(TEXT(" must be a site local address"), a8_1.IsSiteLocalAddress());
	TestTrue(TEXT(" must be a site local address"), a8_2.IsSiteLocalAddress());
	TestTrue(TEXT(" must be a site local address"), a8_3.IsSiteLocalAddress());

	FIPv4Address a8_4 = FIPv4Address(11, 0, 0, 1);
	FIPv4Address a8_5 = FIPv4Address(173, 16, 0, 1);
	FIPv4Address a8_6 = FIPv4Address(172, 17, 0, 1);
	FIPv4Address a8_7 = FIPv4Address(193, 168, 0, 1);
	FIPv4Address a8_8 = FIPv4Address(192, 169, 0, 1);

	TestFalse(TEXT(" must not be a site local address"), a8_4.IsSiteLocalAddress());
	TestFalse(TEXT(" must not be a site local address"), a8_5.IsSiteLocalAddress());
	TestFalse(TEXT(" must not be a site local address"), a8_6.IsSiteLocalAddress());
	TestFalse(TEXT(" must not be a site local address"), a8_7.IsSiteLocalAddress());
	TestFalse(TEXT(" must not be a site local address"), a8_8.IsSiteLocalAddress());

	return true;
bool FTripleBufferTest::RunTest(const FString& Parameters)
	// uninitialized buffer
		TTripleBuffer<int32> Buffer(NoInit);

		TestFalse(TEXT("Uninitialized triple buffer must not be dirty"), Buffer.IsDirty());

	// initialized buffer
		TTripleBuffer<int32> Buffer(1);

		TestFalse(TEXT("Initialized triple buffer must not be dirty"), Buffer.IsDirty());
		TestEqual(TEXT("Initialized triple buffer must have correct read buffer value"), Buffer.Read(), 1);


		TestEqual(TEXT("Initialized triple buffer must have correct temp buffer value"), Buffer.Read(), 1);


		TestTrue(TEXT("Write buffer swap must set dirty flag"), Buffer.IsDirty());


		TestFalse(TEXT("Read buffer swap must clear dirty flag"), Buffer.IsDirty());
		TestEqual(TEXT("Initialized triple buffer must have correct temp buffer value"), Buffer.Read(), 1);

	// pre-set buffer
		int32 Array[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
		TTripleBuffer<int32> Buffer(Array);

		int32 Read = Buffer.Read();
		TestEqual(TEXT("Pre-set triple buffer must have correct Read buffer value"), Read, 3);


		int32 Temp = Buffer.Read();
		TestEqual(TEXT("Pre-set triple buffer must have correct Temp buffer value"), Temp, 1);


		int32 Write = Buffer.Read();
		TestEqual(TEXT("Pre-set triple buffer must have correct Write buffer value"), Write, 2);

	// operations
		TTripleBuffer<int32> Buffer;

		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < 6; ++Index)
			int32& Write = Buffer.GetWriteBuffer(); Write = Index; Buffer.SwapWriteBuffers();
			TestEqual(*FString::Printf(TEXT("Triple buffer must read correct value (%i)"), Index), Buffer.Read(), Index);

		FRandomStream Rand;
		int32 LastRead = -1;

		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < 100; ++Index)
			int32 Writes = Rand.GetUnsignedInt() % 4;

			while (Writes > 0)
				int32& Write = Buffer.GetWriteBuffer(); Write = Index; Buffer.SwapWriteBuffers();
			int32 Reads = Rand.GetUnsignedInt() % 4;

			while (Reads > 0)
				if (!Buffer.IsDirty())

				int32 Read = Buffer.Read();
				TestTrue(TEXT("Triple buffer must read in increasing order"), Read > LastRead);
				LastRead = Read;

	return true;
bool FAnalyticStartUpSimTest::RunTest(const FString& Parameters)
	if (FEngineAnalytics::IsAvailable())
		//Setup a temp AccountID.
		FGuid TempAccountID(FGuid::NewGuid());
		FString OldEpicAccountID = FPlatformMisc::GetEpicAccountId();
		FString NewEpicAccountID = TempAccountID.ToString().ToLower();

		//Setup the 'Event Attributes'
		TArray<FAnalyticsEventAttribute> EventAttributes;
		EventAttributes.Add(FAnalyticsEventAttribute(TEXT("MachineID"),		FPlatformMisc::GetMachineId().ToString(EGuidFormats::Digits).ToLower()));
		EventAttributes.Add(FAnalyticsEventAttribute(TEXT("AccountID"),		FPlatformMisc::GetEpicAccountId()));
		EventAttributes.Add(FAnalyticsEventAttribute(TEXT("OSID"),			FPlatformMisc::GetOperatingSystemId()));
		EventAttributes.Add(FAnalyticsEventAttribute(TEXT("GameName"),		FApp::GetGameName()));
		EventAttributes.Add(FAnalyticsEventAttribute(TEXT("CommandLine"),	FCommandLine::Get()));
		//Record the event with the 'Engine.AutomationTest.Analytics.ProgramStartedEvent' title
		FEngineAnalytics::GetProvider().RecordEvent(TEXT("Engine.AutomationTest.Analytics.ProgramStartedEvent"), EventAttributes);

		//Get the event strings used
		FString MachineIDTest	=	FPlatformMisc::GetMachineId().ToString(EGuidFormats::Digits).ToLower();
		FString AccountIDTest	=	FPlatformMisc::GetEpicAccountId();
		FString OSID			=	FPlatformMisc::GetOperatingSystemId();
		FString GameNameTest	=	FApp::GetGameName();
		FString CommandLineArgs	=	FCommandLine::Get();

		//Test the strings to verify they have data.
		TestFalse(TEXT("'MachineID' is not expected to be empty!"), MachineIDTest.IsEmpty());
		TestFalse(TEXT("'AccountID' is not expected to be empty!"), AccountIDTest.IsEmpty());
		TestFalse(TEXT("'OperatingSystemID' is not expected to be empty!"), OSID.IsEmpty());
		TestFalse(TEXT("'GameName' is expected."), GameNameTest.IsEmpty());

		//Verify record event is holding the actual data.  This only triggers if the command line argument of 'AnalyticsDisableCaching' was used.
		if (CommandLineArgs.Contains(TEXT("AnalyticsDisableCaching")))
			FString FullMachineIDTestEventName = FString::Printf(TEXT("MachineID\":\"%s"), *MachineIDTest);
			FString FullAccountIDTestEventName = FString::Printf(TEXT("AccountID\":\"%s"), *AccountIDTest);
			FString FullOSIDTestEventName = FString::Printf(TEXT("OSID\":\"%s"), *OSID);

			for (int32 i = 0; i < ExecutionInfo.LogItems.Num(); i++)
				if (ExecutionInfo.LogItems[i].Contains(TEXT("Engine.AutomationTest.Analytics.ProgramStartedEvent")))
					TestTrue(TEXT("Recorded event name is expected to be in the sent event."), ExecutionInfo.LogItems[i].Contains(TEXT("Engine.AutomationTest.Analytics.ProgramStartedEvent")));
					TestTrue(TEXT("'MachineID' is expected to be in the sent event."), ExecutionInfo.LogItems[i].Contains(*FullMachineIDTestEventName));
					TestTrue(TEXT("'AccountID' is expected to be in the sent event."), ExecutionInfo.LogItems[i].Contains(*FullAccountIDTestEventName));
					TestTrue(TEXT("'OperatingSystemID' is expected to be in the sent event."), ExecutionInfo.LogItems[i].Contains(*FullOSIDTestEventName));
					TestTrue(TEXT("'GameName' is expected to be in the sent event."), ExecutionInfo.LogItems[i].Contains(*GameNameTest));
					TestTrue(TEXT("'CommandLine arguments' are expected to be in the sent event."), ExecutionInfo.LogItems[i].Contains(TEXT("AnalyticsDisableCaching")));

		//Set the AccountID to it's original state.
		return true;

	ExecutionInfo.LogItems.Add(TEXT("SKIPPED 'FAnalyticStartUpSimTest' test.  EngineAnalytics are not currently available."));
	return true;	