Exemple #1
bool TTPAttack::run( const TTPTuple& d )
  Word original_z = d.z;

  // Convert the tuples
  vector<ThLeftNormalForm> theTuple( d.WL.size()+d.WR.size() );
  for ( int i=0;i<d.WL.size();i++) {
    theTuple[i] = ThLeftNormalForm( BraidGroup( N )  , d.WL[i] );
    theTuple[i].setPower( theTuple[i].getPower() % 2 );
  for ( int i=0;i<d.WR.size();i++) {
    theTuple[i+d.WL.size()] = ThLeftNormalForm( BraidGroup( N )  , d.WR[i] );
    theTuple[i+d.WL.size()].setPower( theTuple[i+d.WL.size()].getPower() % 2 );

  // execute attack
  // run LBA to restore delta values
  reduceDeltaLBA( theTuple );
  // Test LBA
  bool DelatLBA_succ = true;
  for ( int i=0;i<d.WL.size();i++) {
    if ( shortenBraid(N,theTuple[i].getWord()*-d.WL[i]).length() > 0)
    	DelatLBA_succ = false;
//		cout << "F";
//    else
//	cout << "S";

  for ( int i=0;i<d.WR.size();i++) {
    if ( shortenBraid(N,theTuple[i+d.WL.size()].getWord()*-d.WR[i]).length() > 0)
    	DelatLBA_succ = false;
//	cout << "F";
//    else
//	cout << "S";    
  if ( !DelatLBA_succ  )
    cout << "WARN!!! Delta LBA FAILED!"  << endl;    
  //  return oneOfSSSReps( d.WL.size(), d.WR.size(), theTuple );
  //  TTPTuple red_T;
  //return simpleLBA(d.WL.size(), d.WR.size(), theTuple, original_z );

  return LBA(d.WL.size(), d.WR.size(), theTuple, original_z );

pair< ThLeftNormalForm , ThLeftNormalForm > ThLeftNormalForm::cycle( ) const
  if( theDecomposition.empty( ) )
    return pair< ThLeftNormalForm , ThLeftNormalForm >( *this , ThLeftNormalForm( theRank ) );

  ThLeftNormalForm result = *this;
  Permutation first = *(theDecomposition.begin( ));
  if( theOmegaPower%2!=0 )
    first = first.flip( );
  result.theDecomposition.push_back( first );
  result.theDecomposition.pop_front( );
  result.adjust( );
  return pair< ThLeftNormalForm , ThLeftNormalForm >( result , ThLeftNormalForm(first) );
pair< ThLeftNormalForm , ThLeftNormalForm > ThLeftNormalForm::decycle( ) const
  if( theDecomposition.empty( ) )
    return pair< ThLeftNormalForm , ThLeftNormalForm >( *this , ThLeftNormalForm( theRank ) );
  ThLeftNormalForm result = *this;
  Permutation last = *(--theDecomposition.end( ));
  if( theOmegaPower%2==0 )
    result.theDecomposition.push_front( last );
    result.theDecomposition.push_front( last.flip( ) );
  result.theDecomposition.pop_back( );
  result.adjust( );
  return pair< ThLeftNormalForm , ThLeftNormalForm >( result , -ThLeftNormalForm(last) );
pair< bool , ThLeftNormalForm > ThLeftNormalForm::areConjugate( const ThLeftNormalForm& rep ) const
  NF pr1 = *this;
  reverse( pr1 );
  ThRightNormalForm rightNF1 = pr1;

  NF pr2 = rep;
  reverse( pr2 );
  ThRightNormalForm rightNF2 = pr2;
  pair< bool , ThRightNormalForm > res = rightNF1.areConjugate( rightNF2 );
  NF conj = res.second;
  reverse( conj );
  return pair< bool , ThLeftNormalForm >( res.first , -ThLeftNormalForm(conj) );
pair< bool , ThLeftNormalForm > 
ThLeftNormalForm::ussConstructionIteration( map< ThLeftNormalForm , pair< ThLeftNormalForm , int > >& uss_new1 , 
					    map< ThLeftNormalForm , pair< ThLeftNormalForm , int > >& uss_checked1 , 
					    const map< ThLeftNormalForm , pair< ThLeftNormalForm , int > >& uss_new2 , 
					    const map< ThLeftNormalForm , pair< ThLeftNormalForm , int > >& uss_checked2 ) const
  const Permutation omega = Permutation::getHalfTwistPermutation( theRank );
  const pair< ThLeftNormalForm , pair< ThLeftNormalForm , int > > pr = *uss_new1.begin( );
  uss_checked1[pr.first] = pr.second;
  uss_new1.erase( uss_new1.begin( ) );
  // 1. compute the set of simple summit conjugators 
  set< pair< Permutation , bool > > conj = pr.first.getSimpleUltraConjugators( pr.second.second );
  for( set< pair< Permutation , bool > > ::iterator it=conj.begin( ) ; it!=conj.end( ) ; ++it ) {
    // Conjugate the current element
    ThLeftNormalForm conj( (*it).first );
    ThLeftNormalForm res = -conj * pr.first * conj;
    // Check if the element is new
    if( uss_new1.find( res )!=uss_new1.end( ) ||
      uss_checked1.find( res )!=uss_checked1.end( ) )
    // Compute new conjugator
    ThLeftNormalForm new_conjugator = pr.second.first * conj;
    pair< bool , ThLeftNormalForm > traj_add_result = 
      ussAddTrajectory( res , new_conjugator , uss_new1 , uss_checked1 , uss_new2 , uss_checked2 );
    if( traj_add_result.first )
      return traj_add_result;
  return pair<bool,ThLeftNormalForm>( false , ThLeftNormalForm( theRank ) );
pair< bool , ThLeftNormalForm > ThLeftNormalForm::areConjugate_uss( const ThLeftNormalForm& rep , int time_sec_bound ) const
  if( theRank!=rep.theRank )
    return pair< bool , ThLeftNormalForm >( false , ThLeftNormalForm( theRank ) );
  int init_time = time(0);
  // 1. find representative of SSS1
  triple< ThLeftNormalForm , ThLeftNormalForm , int > tr1 =     findUSSRepresentative( );
  triple< ThLeftNormalForm , ThLeftNormalForm , int > tr2 = rep.findUSSRepresentative( );
  // Infimum and supremum of nf1 and nf2 must be the same
  if( tr1.first.theOmegaPower           !=tr2.first.theOmegaPower || 
      tr1.first.theDecomposition.size( )!=tr2.first.theDecomposition.size( ) )
    return pair< bool , ThLeftNormalForm >( false , ThLeftNormalForm( theRank ) );
  // If nf1==nf2 then we are lucky and can stop
  if( tr1.first==tr2.first )
    return pair< bool , ThLeftNormalForm >( true , tr2.second * -tr1.second );
  // 3. construct ultra summit sets
  map< ThLeftNormalForm , pair< ThLeftNormalForm , int > > uss_new1;
  map< ThLeftNormalForm , pair< ThLeftNormalForm , int > > uss_checked1;
  map< ThLeftNormalForm , pair< ThLeftNormalForm , int > > uss_new2;
  map< ThLeftNormalForm , pair< ThLeftNormalForm , int > > uss_checked2;
  ussAddTrajectory( tr1.first , tr1.second , uss_new1 , uss_checked1 , uss_new2 , uss_checked2 );
  pair< bool , ThLeftNormalForm > traj_add_result = 
    ussAddTrajectory( tr2.first , tr2.second , uss_new2 , uss_checked2 , uss_new1 , uss_checked1 );
  if( traj_add_result.first )
    return pair< bool , ThLeftNormalForm >( true , -traj_add_result.second );

  // uss_new1[tr1.first] = pair< ThLeftNormalForm , int >( tr1.second , tr1.third );
  // uss_new2[tr2.first] = pair< ThLeftNormalForm , int >( tr2.second , tr2.third );

  for( int i=0 ; i<1000000 && uss_new1.size( ) && uss_new2.size( ) ; ++i ) {

    // Check if we have time to proceed
    int cur_time = time(0);
    if( cur_time-init_time>time_sec_bound )
      return pair< bool , ThLeftNormalForm >( false , ThLeftNormalForm( theRank ) );
    pair< bool , ThLeftNormalForm > pr = ussConstructionIteration( uss_new1 , uss_checked1 , uss_new2 , uss_checked2 );
    if( pr.first ) {
      // cout << "Size: " << uss_new1.size()+uss_checked1.size() << "  -  " << uss_new2.size()+uss_checked2.size() << endl;
      return pair< bool , ThLeftNormalForm >( true , pr.second );

    // Check if we have time to proceed
    cur_time = time(0);
    if( cur_time-init_time>time_sec_bound )
      return pair< bool , ThLeftNormalForm >( false , ThLeftNormalForm( theRank ) );

    pr = ussConstructionIteration( uss_new2 , uss_checked2 , uss_new1 , uss_checked1 );
    if( pr.first ) {
      // cout << "Size: " << uss_new1.size()+uss_checked1.size() << "  -  " << uss_new2.size()+uss_checked2.size() << endl;
      return pair< bool , ThLeftNormalForm >( true , pr.second.inverse( ) );
  return pair< bool , ThLeftNormalForm >( false , ThLeftNormalForm( theRank ) );