/* ** Main function. The application starts here. */ int main(void) { unsigned char rxByte; unsigned int value = (unsigned int)E_FAIL; #ifdef __TMS470__ /* Relocate the required section to internal RAM */ memcpy((void *)(&relocstart), (const void *)(&iram_start), (unsigned int)(&iram_size)); #elif defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) #pragma section = "CodeRelocOverlay" #pragma section = "DataRelocOverlay" #pragma section = "DataOverlayBlk" #pragma section = "CodeOverlayBlk" char* srcAddr = (__section_begin("CodeRelocOverlay")); char* endAddr = (__section_end("DataRelocOverlay")); memcpy((void *)(__section_begin("CodeRelocOverlay")), (const void *)(__section_begin("CodeOverlayBlk")), endAddr - srcAddr); #else memcpy((void *)&(relocstart), (const void *)&(iram_start), (unsigned int)(((&(relocend)) - (&(relocstart))) * (sizeof(unsigned int)))); #endif MMUConfigAndEnable(); /* Enable Instruction Cache */ CacheEnable(CACHE_ALL); PeripheralsSetUp(); /* Initialize the ARM Interrupt Controller */ IntAINTCInit(); /* Register the ISRs */ Timer2IntRegister(); Timer4IntRegister(); EnetIntRegister(); RtcIntRegister(); CM3IntRegister(); HSMMCSDIntRegister(); IntRegister(127, dummyIsr); IntMasterIRQEnable(); pageIndex = 0; prevAction = 0; /* Enable system interrupts */ IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_RTCINT); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_RTCINT, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_3PGSWTXINT0); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_3PGSWTXINT0, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_3PGSWRXINT0); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_3PGSWRXINT0, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_TINT2); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_TINT2, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_TINT4); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_TINT4, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_MMCSD0INT); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_MMCSD0INT, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_EDMACOMPINT); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_EDMACOMPINT, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_M3_TXEV, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ ); IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_M3_TXEV); IntSystemEnable(127); IntPrioritySet(127, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_UART0INT); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_UART0INT, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntRegister(SYS_INT_UART0INT, uartIsr); /* GPIO interrupts */ IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_GPIOINT0A); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_GPIOINT0A, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntRegister(SYS_INT_GPIOINT0A, gpioIsr); IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_GPIOINT0B); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_GPIOINT0B, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntRegister(SYS_INT_GPIOINT0B, gpioIsr); BoardInfoInit(); deviceVersion = DeviceVersionGet(); CM3EventsClear(); CM3LoadAndRun(); waitForM3Txevent(); /* Initialize console for communication with the Host Machine */ ConsoleUtilsInit(); /* ** Select the console type based on compile time check ** Note: This example is not fully complaint to semihosting. It is ** recommended to use Uart console interface only. */ ConsoleUtilsSetType(CONSOLE_UART); /* Print Board and SoC information on console */ ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n\r Board Name : %s", BoardNameGet()); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n\r Board Version : %s", BoardVersionGet()); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n\r SoC Version : %d", deviceVersion); /* On CM3 init firmware version is loaded onto the IPC Message Reg */ ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n CM3 Firmware Version: %d", readCM3FWVersion()); I2CIntRegister(I2C_0); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_I2C0INT, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_I2C0INT); I2CInit(I2C_0); IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_TINT1_1MS); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_TINT1_1MS, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntRegister(SYS_INT_TINT1_1MS,clearTimerInt); configVddOpVoltage(); RtcInit(); HSMMCSDContolInit(); DelayTimerSetup(); initializeTimer1(); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\r\n After intializing timer"); Timer2Config(); Timer4Config(); LedIfConfig(); MailBoxInit(); Timer2IntEnable(); Timer4IntEnable(); RtcSecIntEnable(); Timer4Start(); while(FALSE == tmr4Flag); tmr4Flag = FALSE; Timer4Stop(); ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n\r Configuring for maximum OPP"); mpuOpp = ConfigMaximumOPP(); mpuFreq = FrequencyGet(mpuOpp); mpuVdd1 = VddVoltageGet(mpuOpp); PrintConfigDVFS(); /* Create menu page */ pageIndex = MENU_IDX_MAIN; ActionEnetInit(); /* ** Loop for ever. Necessary actions shall be taken ** after detecting the click. */ while(1) { /* ** Check for any any activity on Uart Console and process it. */ if (true == UARTCharsAvail(SOC_UART_0_REGS)) { /* Receiving bytes from the host machine through serial console. */ rxByte = UARTGetc(); /* ** Checking if the entered character is a carriage return. ** Pressing the 'Enter' key on the keyboard executes a ** carriage return on the serial console. */ if('\r' == rxByte) { ConsoleUtilsPrintf("\n"); UartAction(value); value = (unsigned int)E_FAIL; rxByte = 0; } /* ** Checking if the character entered is one among the decimal ** number set 0,1,2,3,....9 */ if(('0' <= rxByte) && (rxByte <= '9')) { ConsoleUtilsPrintf("%c", rxByte); if((unsigned int)E_FAIL == value) { value = 0; } value = value*10 + (rxByte - 0x30); } } /* ** Check if click is detected */ if(clickIdx != 0) { /* ** Take the Action for click */ ClickAction(); clickIdx = 0; } /* ** Check if the Timer Expired */ if(TRUE == tmrFlag) { /* Toggle the LED state */ LedToggle(); tmrFlag = FALSE; } /* ** Check if RTC Time is set */ if(TRUE == rtcSetFlag) { if(TRUE == rtcSecUpdate) { rtcSecUpdate = FALSE; RtcTimeCalDisplay(); ConsoleUtilsPrintf(" --- Selected: "); } } if(TRUE == tmr4Flag) { tmr4Flag = FALSE; /* Make sure that interrupts are disabled and no lwIP functions are executed while calling an lwIP exported API */ IntMasterIRQDisable(); etharp_tmr(); IntMasterIRQEnable(); } } }
/* ** Main function. The application starts here. */ int main(void) { unsigned int index; unsigned int j; int result = 0; /* ** Sets up Section page tables. This is only first level ** page table, each page is of size 1MB */ for(index = 0; index < (4*1024); index++) { /* Set the cacheable memory attributes */ if((index >= 0x800 && index < 0x880) || (index == 0x403)) { pageTable[index] = (index << 20) | CACHEABLE_TLB_ATTR; } /* Set the non-cacheable memory attributes */ else { pageTable[index] = (index << 20) | NORM_TLB_ATTR; } } /* Invalidate the TLB, pipeline */ CP15TlbInvalidate(); CP15BranchPredictorInvalidate(); CP15BranchPredictionEnable(); CP15DomainAccessClientSet(); /* Set TTB0 value. We use only TTB0 here (N = 0) */ CP15Ttb0Set(((unsigned int )pageTable) | RGN_L2_WBWA); /* Enables MMU */ CP15MMUEnable(); /* Flush and enable Instruction Cache */ CP15ICacheFlush(); CP15ICacheEnable(); PeripheralsSetUp(); /* Initialize the ARM Interrupt Controller */ IntAINTCInit(); /* Register the ISRs */ Timer2IntRegister(); Timer4IntRegister(); EnetIntRegister(); RtcIntRegister(); HSMMCSDIntRegister(); IntRegister(127, dummyIsr); IntMasterIRQEnable(); /* Enable system interrupts */ IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_RTCINT); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_RTCINT, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_3PGSWTXINT0); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_3PGSWTXINT0, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_3PGSWRXINT0); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_3PGSWRXINT0, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_TINT2); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_TINT2, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_TINT4); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_TINT4, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_MMCSD0INT); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_MMCSD0INT, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntSystemEnable(SYS_INT_EDMACOMPINT); IntPrioritySet(SYS_INT_EDMACOMPINT, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); IntSystemEnable(127); IntPrioritySet(127, 0, AINTC_HOSTINT_ROUTE_IRQ); RtcInit(); UARTStdioInit(); HSMMCSDContolInit(); DelayTimerSetup(); Timer2Config(); Timer4Config(); LedIfConfig(); Timer2IntEnable(); Timer4IntEnable(); RtcSecIntEnable(); InitI2C(); Timer4Start(); // Read config from files HSMMCSDCardAccessSetup(); configRead(); LedOn( USER_LED_1 ); for( j = 0; j < 1000000; ++j ); LedOff( USER_LED_1 ); LedOn( USER_LED_2 ); for( j = 0; j < 1000000; ++j ); LedOff( USER_LED_2 ); LedOn( USER_LED_3 ); for( j = 0; j < 1000000; ++j ); LedOff( USER_LED_3 ); LedOn( USER_LED_4 ); for( j = 0; j < 1000000; ++j ); LedOff( USER_LED_4 ); // TEMP //i2cTest(); /* ** Loop for ever. Necessary actions shall be taken ** after detecting the click. */ while( 1 ) { EnetStatusCheckNUpdate(); if( runCommand ) { // Command blink LedOn( USER_LED_1 ); if( runData[ runIndex + 1 ] == 'D' ) { if( runData[ runIndex + 2 ] == 'S' ) { UARTPuts( "** DAC SET\n\r", -1 ); if( runData[ runIndex + 3 ] == 'A' ) { i2cDAC_Set( 0, runData[ runIndex + 4 ], runData[ runIndex + 5 ] ); } if( runData[ runIndex + 6 ] == 'B' ) { i2cDAC_Set( 1, runData[ runIndex + 7 ], runData[ runIndex + 8 ] ); } if( runData[ runIndex + 9 ] == 'C' ) { i2cDAC_Set( 2, runData[ runIndex + 10 ], runData[ runIndex + 11 ] ); } if( runData[ runIndex + 12 ] == 'D' ) { i2cDAC_Set( 3, runData[ runIndex + 13 ], runData[ runIndex + 14 ] ); } } else if( runData[ runIndex + 2 ] == 'G' ) { UARTPuts( "** DAC GET\n\r", -1 ); uartData[ 0 ] = 15; uartData[ 1 ] = 'D'; uartData[ 2 ] = 'G'; uartData[ 3 ] = 'A'; i2cDAC_Get( 0, &uartData[ 4 ] ); uartData[ 6 ] = 'B'; i2cDAC_Get( 1, &uartData[ 7 ] ); uartData[ 9 ] = 'C'; i2cDAC_Get( 2, &uartData[ 10 ] ); uartData[ 12 ] = 'D'; i2cDAC_Get( 3, &uartData[ 13 ] ); net_ext_send( uartData, 15 ); } } else if( runData[ runIndex + 1 ] == 'G' ) { if( runData[ runIndex + 2 ] == 'S' ) { if( runData[ runIndex + 3 ] == 0 ) // Off { UARTPuts( "** GPIO OFF\n\r", -1 ); i2cGPIO_Off( 0, 1 << runData[ runIndex + 4 ] ); } else if( runData[ runIndex + 3 ] == 1 ) // On { UARTPuts( "** GPIO ON\n\r", -1 ); i2cGPIO_On( 0, 1 << runData[ runIndex + 4 ] ); } } else if( runData[ runIndex + 2 ] == 'G' ) { UARTPuts( "** GPIO GET\n\r", -1 ); uartData[ 0 ] = 5; uartData[ 1 ] = 'G'; uartData[ 2 ] = 'G'; i2cGPIO_Get( &uartData[ 3 ] ); net_ext_send( uartData, 5 ); } } else if( runData[ runIndex + 1 ] == 'U' ) { UARTPuts( "** UART\n\r", -1 ); i2cUART_Send( &(runData[ runIndex + 2 ]), 6 ); } runCommand -= runData[ runIndex + 0 ]; if( runCommand > 0 ) { runIndex += runData[ runIndex + 0 ]; } else { runIndex = 0; } LedOff( USER_LED_1 ); } result = i2cUART_Recv( &( uartData[ 2 ] ), 30 ); if( result > 0 ) { UARTPuts( "** UART Recv: ", -1 ); for( index = 0; index < result; ++index ) { UARTPutHexNum( uartData[ index + 2 ] ); UARTPutc( ' ' ); } UARTPutc( '\n' ); UARTPutc( '\r' ); // Return the stage position info to the GUI if( uartData[ 3 ] == 0x0A || uartData[ 3 ] == 0x3C ) { uartData[ 0 ] = result + 2; uartData[ 1 ] = 'U'; net_ext_send( uartData, result + 2 ); } } } }