Exemple #1
// # undef identifier newline
bool Preprocessor::parseUndefDirective(Item *group)
    const TokenSection tokenSection = readLine();
    const QVector<int> cleanedLine = cleanTokenRange(tokenSection);

    if(cleanedLine.count() < 3)
        return false;

    UndefDirective *undefDirective = createNode<UndefDirective>(m_memoryPool, group);
    undefDirective->setIdentifier(TokenList(m_tokenContainer, QVector<int>() << cleanedLine.at(2)));
    return true;
Exemple #2
//parses an "ifdef-like" directive, like #ifdef and #ifndef :)
//# ifdef identifier newline group[opt]
bool Preprocessor::parseIfdefLikeDirective(IfdefLikeDirective *node)
    const TokenSection tokenSection = readLine();
    const QVector<int> cleanedLine = cleanTokenRange(tokenSection);

    if(cleanedLine.count() < 3)
        return false;

    node->setIdentifier(TokenList(m_tokenContainer, QVector<int>() << cleanedLine.at(2)));

    return true;
    Creates a tokenList containing one token
TokenList ExpressionBuilder::createTokenList(int tokenIndex) const
    return TokenList(m_tokenList.tokenContainer(tokenIndex),
        QVector<int>() << m_tokenList.containerIndex(tokenIndex));
Exemple #4
   # define identifier                               replacement-list new-line
   # define identifier lparen identifier-list[opt] ) replacement-list new-line
   # define identifier lparen ... )                  replacement-list new-line
   # define identifier lparen identifier-list, ... ) replacement-list new-line
bool Preprocessor::parseDefineDirective(Item *group)
    const TokenSection line = readLine();
    const QVector<int> cleanedLine = cleanTokenRange(line);
    if(cleanedLine.count() < 3)
        return false;

    // get identifier
    const int identifier = cleanedLine.at(2); //skip "#" and "define"
    DefineDirective *defineDirective = 0;
    int replacementListStart;

    // check if this is a macro function
    if (cleanedLine.count() >= 4
        && m_tokenContainer.text(cleanedLine.at(3)) == "("
        && !isWhiteSpace(cleanedLine.at(3) - 1)) {
        MacroFunctionDefinition *macro;
        macro = createNode<MacroFunctionDefinition>(m_memoryPool, group);

        int tokenIndex = 4; //point to first argument or ')'
        QVector<int> macroParameterList;
        while(tokenIndex < cleanedLine.count()) {
            QByteArray currentText = m_tokenContainer.text(cleanedLine.at(tokenIndex));
            if(currentText == ")")
            if(currentText == ",")
            macroParameterList.append(cleanedLine.at(tokenIndex - 1));
        macro->setParameters(TokenList(m_tokenContainer, macroParameterList));
        defineDirective = macro;
        replacementListStart = tokenIndex;
    } else {
        MacroDefinition *macro;
        macro = createNode<MacroDefinition>(m_memoryPool, group);
        defineDirective = macro;
        replacementListStart = 3;

    // This is a bit hackish.. we want the replacement list with whitepspace
    // tokens, but cleanedLine() has already removed those. And we can't use
    // the original line, because that may contain escaped newline tokens.
    // So we remove the esacped newlines and search for the token number
    // given by cleanedLine.at(replacementListStart)
    QVector<int> replacementList;
    const QVector<int> noEscNewline = cleanEscapedNewLines(line);
    if (replacementListStart < cleanedLine.count()) {
        const int cleanedLineReplacementListStart = cleanedLine.at(replacementListStart);
        const int rListStart = noEscNewline.indexOf(cleanedLineReplacementListStart);
        if (rListStart != -1) {
            const int skipNewLineToken = 1;
            for (int i = rListStart; i < noEscNewline.count() - skipNewLineToken; ++i) {
                const int tokenContainerIndex = noEscNewline.at(i);
                const Type type = m_tokenTypeList.at(tokenContainerIndex);
                // Don't append comment tokens.
                if (type != Token_line_comment && type != Token_multiline_comment) {


    defineDirective->setIdentifier(TokenList(m_tokenContainer, QVector<int>() << identifier));
    defineDirective->setReplacementList(TokenList(m_tokenContainer, replacementList));
    return true;
Exemple #5
std::string serialize(TokenList tokenList)
    return tokenList.empty()?
                "" :
                (tokenList.front().text() + serialize(TokenList(tokenList.begin()+1,tokenList.end())));
TokenList BracketMatcher::ReadCombination()
    // TODO: split into smaller functions

    enum EMode
        , eOperator
        , eFirstOperand

    TokenList ret;
    unsigned int bracket_level = 0;
    EMode mode = eOther;

    while( true )
        Token token = lexer_.NextToken();

        // If the stream ended before a combo was closed, return an empty
        // list - the user pressed Ctrl-D and doesn't want any output.
        if( token.IsEndOfStream() )
            return TokenList();

        token.AddToColumn( newline_processor_.GetIndent() );

        // If we have got to the first operand of a combination
        // store the indent level so that we can indent correctly
        // in the repl when the user presses return.
        switch( mode )
            case eOperator:
                mode = eFirstOperand;
            case eFirstOperand:
                newline_processor_.PushIndent( bracket_level, token.Column() );
                mode = eOther;

        ret.AddToken( token );

        // If we've finished this combination, return now
        if( token.Name() == ")" && bracket_level == 1 )

        // Otherwise, adjust our bracket level if there is a ( or )
        if( token.Name() == "(" )
            mode = eOperator; // The next token will be the operator
        else if( token.Name() == ")" )
            newline_processor_.PopIndent( bracket_level );
            mode = eOther;

        // If we got a bare symbol (no brackets) we exit here
        // (except that we skip straight past quotes)
        if( bracket_level == 0 && token.Name() != "'" )

        // If the lexer's token ended with newline, it couldn't call
        // newline (because we hadn't processed the token yet).  We
        // have now processed it, so we can call NewLine now.
        if( print_continuation_ && lexer_.EndedWithNewLine() )

    // When the combination (or bare symbol) is finished, we don't
    // need to track indentation any more, so reset the newline processor,
    // and we don't care about any newlines before the next token, so
    // we skip whitespace in the lexer.

    return ret;