void REdgeOutlineSettings::Validate() const { RObject::Validate(); TpsAssertIsObject(REdgeOutlineSettings, this); TpsAssert(0 <= m_nEdgeOutlineWidth && m_nEdgeOutlineWidth <= 7, "Outline edge width not in range 0 - 7"); TpsAssert(0 <= m_rcEdgeOutlineColor && m_rcEdgeOutlineColor <= 0x00ffffff, "Outline edge color in range 0 - 0x00ffffff"); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RDeactivateComponentAction::Validate( ) // // Description: Validates the object // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RDeactivateComponentAction::Validate( ) const { RUndoableAction::Validate(); TpsAssertIsObject( RDeactivateComponentAction, this ); TpsAssertValid( m_pParentView ); TpsAssertValid( m_pComponentView ); }
void RSoftGlowSettings::Validate() const { RObject::Validate(); TpsAssertIsObject( RSoftGlowSettings, this ); TpsAssert( 0.0 <= m_fGlowOpacity && m_fGlowOpacity <= 1.0, "Soft glow opacity not in range 0 - 1" ); TpsAssert( 0.0 <= m_fGlowEdgeSoftness && m_fGlowEdgeSoftness <= 1.0, "Soft glow edge softness not in range 0 - 1" ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RDragSelectionTracker::Validate( ) // // Description: Validate the Object. // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RRotateSelectionTracker::Validate( ) const { RMouseTracker::Validate( ); TpsAssertIsObject( RRotateSelectionTracker, this ); TpsAssertValid( m_pView ); TpsAssertValid( m_pSelection ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RSingleSelection::Validate( ) // // Description: Validates the object // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RSingleSelection::Validate( ) const { RSelection::Validate( ); TpsAssertIsObject( RSingleSelection, this ); TpsAssert( m_pSelectedObject, "NULL selected object." ); TpsAssertValid( m_pSelectedObject ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RStandaloneDocument::CancelMultiUndo( ) // // Description: Cancel a MultiUndo chain of actions // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RStandaloneDocument::CancelMultiUndo( ) { TpsAssertIsObject( RMultiUndoManager, m_pUndoManager ); RMultiUndoManager* pMultiManager = (RMultiUndoManager*)m_pUndoManager; // First, restore the Previous undo manager m_pUndoManager = pMultiManager->GetPreviousUndoManager( ); delete pMultiManager; }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: REditComponentAttributesAction::Validate( ) // // Description: Validates the object // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void REditComponentAttributesAction::Validate( ) const { RAction::Validate( ); TpsAssertIsObject( REditComponentAttributesAction, this ); TpsAssertValid( m_pCurrentSelection ); TpsAssertValid( m_pComponentDocument ); TpsAssertValid( &m_OldComponentAttributes ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RNewComponentAction::Validate( ) // // Description: Validates the object // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None /// // **************************************************************************** // void RNewComponentAction::Validate( ) const { RAction::Validate( ); TpsAssertIsObject( RNewComponentAction, this ); if( m_pComponentDocument ) TpsAssertValid( m_pComponentDocument ); TpsAssertValid( m_pParentDocument ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RGraphicInterfaceImp::SetData( ) // // Description: Set this data into the object. // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RGraphicInterfaceImp::SetData( RComponentDataHolder* pHolder ) { if ( pHolder != NULL ) { TpsAssertIsObject( RGraphicHolderImp, pHolder ); RGraphicHolderImp* pGraphicHolder = static_cast<RGraphicHolderImp*>( pHolder ); m_pGraphic = pGraphicHolder->GetGraphic( ); m_pGraphicDocument->SetGraphic( m_pGraphic ); m_pGraphic->SetMonochromeColor( pGraphicHolder->GetColor( ) ); } else { m_pGraphic = NULL; } }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RGraphicInterfaceImp::EditData( ) // // Description: Edit the object // // Returns: nothing // // Exceptions: kMemory, kUnknownException // // **************************************************************************** // void RGraphicInterfaceImp::EditData( ) { // If there is a grapyhic, copy it to allow editing. // This is necessary since EditGraphicAction WILL destroy the old graphic.... m_pGraphic = static_cast<RPsd3SingleGraphic*>( m_pGraphicDocument->GetGraphic( ) ); if ( m_pGraphic ) { TpsAssertIsObject( RPsd3SingleGraphic, m_pGraphicDocument->GetGraphic( ) ); RPsd3SingleGraphic* pTmpGraphic = new RPsd3SingleGraphic( *m_pGraphic ); m_pGraphicDocument->SetGraphic( pTmpGraphic ); } REditGraphicAction action( m_pGraphicDocument ); action.Do( ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RGraphicInterfaceImp::GetData( ) // // Description: Return the data from the object that this interface references. // // Returns: new RGraphicHolder (containing the data) // // Exceptions: kMemory, kUnknownException // // **************************************************************************** // RComponentDataHolder* RGraphicInterfaceImp::GetData( BOOLEAN fRemove ) { RGraphic* pGraphic = m_pGraphicDocument->GetGraphic( ); if ( pGraphic ) { TpsAssertIsObject( RPsd3SingleGraphic, pGraphic ); RPsd3SingleGraphic* pPsd3SingleGraphic = static_cast<RPsd3SingleGraphic*>( pGraphic ); if (fRemove) { ClearData() ; } return new RGraphicHolderImp( pGraphic, fRemove ); } return NULL; }
ASSERTNAME #include "GraphicInterfaceImp.h" #include "GraphicDocument.h" #include "GraphicView.h" #include "Psd3SingleGraphic.h" #include "Psd3TimepieceGraphic.h" #include "EditGraphicAction.h" #include "PropertyAttribImp.h" #include "ChangeColorAction.h" #include "ChunkyStorage.h" #include "Stream.h" #include "MemoryMappedBuffer.h" #include "DataInterface.h" // **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RGraphicHolderImp::RGraphicHolderImp( ) // // Description: Constructor. // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // RGraphicHolderImp::RGraphicHolderImp( RGraphic* pGraphic, BOOLEAN fOwnData ) { TpsAssertIsObject( RPsd3SingleGraphic, pGraphic ); RPsd3SingleGraphic* pPsd3SingleGraphic = static_cast<RPsd3SingleGraphic*>( pGraphic ); m_Color = pGraphic->GetMonochromeColor( ); if (fOwnData) { m_pGraphic = pPsd3SingleGraphic ; } else { m_pGraphic = new RPsd3SingleGraphic( *pPsd3SingleGraphic ); } }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RStandaloneDocument::EndMultiUndo( ) // // Description: End a MultiUndo chain of actions // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RStandaloneDocument::EndMultiUndo( uWORD uwUndoStringId, uWORD uwRedoStringId ) { TpsAssertIsObject( RMultiUndoManager, m_pUndoManager ); RMultiUndoManager* pMultiManager = (RMultiUndoManager*)m_pUndoManager; // First, restore the Previous undo manager m_pUndoManager = pMultiManager->GetPreviousUndoManager( ); // Create a multi-undo action iff the pMultiManager has undo actions // If an error occurs somewhere, we may have a multi undo with no actions // in which case, we don't want to do anything... if (pMultiManager->CountUndoableActions() > 0) { // Create the MultiUndo action and restore the undo manager to the previous manager RMultiUndoableAction* pAction = new RMultiUndoableAction( pMultiManager, uwUndoStringId, uwRedoStringId ); // Now Send the action to the document SendAction( pAction ); } else delete pMultiManager; }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RBreakGroupAction::RBreakGroupAction( ) // // Description: Constructor // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // RBreakGroupAction::RBreakGroupAction( RCompositeSelection* pCurrentSelection ) : RUndoableAction( m_ActionId, STRING_UNDO_BREAKGROUP, STRING_REDO_BREAKGROUP ), m_pCurrentSelection( pCurrentSelection ), m_OldSelection( *pCurrentSelection ) { // Validate parameters TpsAssertValid( pCurrentSelection ); TpsAssert( m_pCurrentSelection->Count( ) == 1, "Break Group action only operates on one object." ); TpsAssertIsObject( RComponentDocument, ( *m_pCurrentSelection->Start( ) )->GetRDocument( ) ); m_pGroupDocument = static_cast<RComponentDocument*>( ( *m_pCurrentSelection->Start( ) )->GetRDocument( ) ); TpsAssert( m_pGroupDocument->GetComponentType( ) == kGroupComponent, "Not a group." ); // Get the parent document m_pParentDocument = pCurrentSelection->GetView( )->GetRDocument( ); // Get the bounding rect of the group YSelectionBoundingRect boundingRect; pCurrentSelection->GetSelectionBoundingRect( boundingRect ); m_GroupBoundingRect = boundingRect.m_TransformedBoundingRect; }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RHLSpellCheckInterface::RHLSpellCheckInterface() // // Description: Replace the current word with the given replacement // // Returns: TRUE if sucessful // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** BOOLEAN RHLSpellCheckInterface::ReplaceWord( const RMBCString& original, const RMBCString& replacement ) { RMBCString newText; RMBCStringIterator iterator = m_Text.Start( ); RMBCStringIterator iteratorEnd = m_Text.End( ); // Empty the new string ( just to be paranoid ); newText.Empty( ); // Copy the text before the word int nLength = 0; while ( nLength++ < m_nWordStart ) { newText += (*iterator); ++iterator; } // add the replacement word newText += replacement; // skip over the original word iterator += original.GetStringLength( ); // add the remaining string while ( iterator != iteratorEnd ) { newText += (*iterator); ++iterator; } m_pDocument->SetHeadlineText( newText ); m_Text = newText; m_nWordEnd = m_nWordStart + replacement.GetStringLength(); // Invalidate the render cache TpsAssertIsObject( RComponentView, m_pDocument->GetActiveView( ) ); RComponentView* pView = static_cast< RComponentView* >( m_pDocument->GetActiveView( ) ); pView->InvalidateRenderCache( ); return TRUE; }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RPathInterfaceImp::CreateInterface( ) // // Description: Constructor function. // // Returns: new RInterface // // Exceptions: kMemory // // **************************************************************************** // RInterface* RPathObjectPropertiesImp::CreateInterface( const RComponentView* pView ) { TpsAssertIsObject( RPathView, pView ); return new RPathObjectPropertiesImp( static_cast<const RPathView*>( pView ) ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RCutSelectionAction::Validate( ) // // Description: Validates the object // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RCutSelectionAction::Validate( ) const { RDeleteSelectionAction::Validate( ); TpsAssertIsObject( RCutSelectionAction, this ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RCopySelectionAction::Validate( ) // // Description: Validates the object // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RCopySelectionAction::Validate( ) const { RAction::Validate( ); TpsAssertIsObject( RCopySelectionAction, this ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RImageApplication::Validate( ) // // Description: Validate the object // // Returns: Nothing. // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RImageApplication::Validate() const { RComponentApplication::Validate(); TpsAssertIsObject(RImageApplication, this); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RGroupDocument::Validate( ) // // Description: Validate the object // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RGroupDocument::Validate( ) const { RComponentDocument::Validate( ); TpsAssertIsObject( RGroupDocument, this ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RChunkBackstore::Validate( ) // // Description: Validates the object // // Returns: nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RChunkBackstore::Validate( ) const { RObject::Validate( ); TpsAssertIsObject( RChunkBackstore, this ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RMergeEntry::Validate( ) // // Description: Validates the object // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RMergeEntry::Validate( ) const { RObject::Validate( ); TpsAssertIsObject( RMergeEntry, this ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RPathView::Validate( ) // // Description: Validate the object. // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RPathView::Validate( ) const { RComponentView::Validate( ); TpsAssertIsObject( RPathView, this ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RScript::Validate( ) // // Description: Validates the object // // Returns: nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RScript::Validate( ) const { RObject::Validate( ); TpsAssertIsObject( RScript, this ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RStandaloneDocument::Validate( ) // // Description: Validate the Document // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RStandaloneDocument::Validate( ) const { RDocument::Validate(); TpsAssertIsObject( RUndoManager, m_pUndoManager ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RImageInterfaceImp::CreateInterface( ) // // Description: Constructor function. // // Returns: new RInterface // // Exceptions: kMemory // // **************************************************************************** // RInterface* RImageInterfaceImp::CreateInterface(const RComponentView* pView) { TpsAssertIsObject(RImageView, pView); return new RImageInterfaceImp(static_cast<const RImageView*>(pView)); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RViewDrawingSurface::Validate( ) // // Description: Validates the object // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RViewDrawingSurface::Validate( ) const { BaseDrawingSurface::Validate( ); TpsAssertIsObject( RViewDrawingSurface, this ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RFont::Validate( ) // // Description: Validates the object // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RFont::Validate( ) const { RObject::Validate( ); TpsAssertIsObject( RFont, this ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RHexColorGrid::Validate( ) // // Description: Validates the object // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RHexColorGrid::Validate( ) const { RObject::Validate( ); TpsAssertIsObject( RHexColorGrid, this ); }
// **************************************************************************** // // Function Name: RBreakGroupAction::Validate( ) // // Description: Validates the object // // Returns: Nothing // // Exceptions: None // // **************************************************************************** // void RBreakGroupAction::Validate( ) const { RAction::Validate( ); TpsAssertIsObject( RBreakGroupAction, this ); }