Exemple #1
TracePixel traceRay(RayPixel ray, Octree& tree){
	vector<int> leaves;
	float sum = 0;
	for (int k = 0; k < leaves.size(); k++) {
		sum += tree.nodes[leaves[k]].val;
	return TracePixel(ray.x, ray.y, sum);
Exemple #2
bool RayTracer::RunRayTrace()
	for(int y=0; y<FRAME_HEIGHT; y++)
		for(int x=0; x<FRAME_WIDTH; x++)
			Ray ray;
			computeRayDir(x, y, &ray);
			frame[y][x] = TracePixel(&ray, NULL, 0);

#ifdef _WIN32
		MessageBoxA( NULL, "Mesh Init Failure", "Error", MB_OK );
		cerr << "Mesh Init Failure" << endl;
		return false;

	return true;
Exemple #3
RayTracer::Pixel RayTracer::TracePixel(Ray* ray, ModelClass* reflectedObject, int depth)
	Pixel finalColor = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
	ModelClass* intersectObject = NULL;
	Vector3 normal, viewDirection, hitPoint;

	if(depth == MAX_RAY_BOUNCE)
		//You hit the max amount of reflections
		finalColor.r = 0.0f;
		finalColor.g = 0.0f;
		finalColor.b = 0.0f;
		return finalColor;

	intersectObject = mThreeDGraphics->computeIntersection(*ray, mCamera, reflectedObject, &hitPoint, &normal, &viewDirection);

	if(intersectObject == NULL)
		//Didnt intersect anything
		finalColor.r = 0.0f;
		finalColor.g = 0.0f;
		finalColor.b = 0.0f;
		if(depth == 1)
			int i = 0;

		//Compute illum
		Ray shadowRay;
		bool inShadow = false;
		shadowRay.origin = hitPoint;
		shadowRay.direction = *mLight->getPosition() - hitPoint;
		inShadow = mThreeDGraphics->computeShadowIntersection(shadowRay, mCamera, intersectObject);
			//Do lighting calc
			float diffuseCoefficient;
			Vector3 intersectObjectColor, lightDir, reflection;
			Vector4 specularColor, finalLightColor, outputColor;

			intersectObjectColor = intersectObject->getColor();

			//Init the specular color
			specularColor = Vector4();
			//Minimum brightness that the pixel must be set to
			outputColor = *(mLight->getAmbientLight());

			//Invert the light direction
			lightDir = (*mLight->getDirection())*-1;

			//Calc the amount of light on this pixel
			diffuseCoefficient = normal.dot(lightDir);
			diffuseCoefficient = clamp(diffuseCoefficient);

			if(diffuseCoefficient > 0.0f)
				//Find the final diffuse light color if the object isnt pointing away from the light source
				outputColor += (*mLight->getDiffuseColor() * diffuseCoefficient);

				//Calculate the reflection vector vased on the light intensity, normal vector and light direction
				reflection = normal*(2*diffuseCoefficient);
				reflection = reflection - lightDir;

				//Determine the amount of specular light based on the reflection vector, viewing direction and specular power
				float specularCoefficient = reflection.dot(viewDirection);
				specularCoefficient = clamp(specularCoefficient);
				specularCoefficient = pow(specularCoefficient, mLight->getSpecularPower());
				specularColor = *(mLight->getSpecularColor())*specularCoefficient;
			//Find the final color by multing the lightColor with the texture color
			outputColor = outputColor*vec4(intersectObjectColor);

			//Add the specular component to the final color
			outputColor = outputColor + specularColor;

			Pixel reflectionColor = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
			if(depth < MAX_RAY_BOUNCE)
				//Compute reflection
				Ray reflectionRay;
				float c1 = -1*normal.dot(ray->direction);
				reflectionRay.direction = ray->direction + ((normal*2)*c1);
				reflectionRay.origin = hitPoint;
				reflectionColor = TracePixel(&reflectionRay, intersectObject, depth+1);

			outputColor = outputColor + Vector4(reflectionColor.r/mLight->getSpecularPower(), reflectionColor.g/mLight->getSpecularPower(), reflectionColor.b/mLight->getSpecularPower(), 1.0f);

			//Convert to pixel format
			finalColor.r = outputColor.x;
			finalColor.g = outputColor.y;
			finalColor.b = outputColor.z;
			//In shadow
			finalColor.r = 0.0f;
			finalColor.g = 0.0f;
			finalColor.b = 0.0f;

	return finalColor;