Exemple #1
 * Interrogate the parent of a transaction in the subtrans log.
SubTransGetParent(TransactionId xid)
	int			pageno = TransactionIdToPage(xid);
	int			entryno = TransactionIdToEntry(xid);
	int			slotno;
	TransactionId *ptr;
	TransactionId parent;

	/* Can't ask about stuff that might not be around anymore */
	Assert(TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xid, TransactionXmin));

	/* Bootstrap and frozen XIDs have no parent */
	if (!TransactionIdIsNormal(xid))
		return InvalidTransactionId;

	/* lock is acquired by SimpleLruReadPage_ReadOnly */

	slotno = SimpleLruReadPage_ReadOnly(SubTransCtl, pageno, xid);
	ptr = (TransactionId *) SubTransCtl->shared->page_buffer[slotno];
	ptr += entryno;

	parent = *ptr;


	return parent;
Exemple #2
 * SubTransGetTopmostTransaction
 * Returns the topmost transaction of the given transaction id.
 * Because we cannot look back further than TransactionXmin, it is possible
 * that this function will lie and return an intermediate subtransaction ID
 * instead of the true topmost parent ID.  This is OK, because in practice
 * we only care about detecting whether the topmost parent is still running
 * or is part of a current snapshot's list of still-running transactions.
 * Therefore, any XID before TransactionXmin is as good as any other.
SubTransGetTopmostTransaction(TransactionId xid)
	TransactionId parentXid = xid,
				previousXid = xid;

	/* Can't ask about stuff that might not be around anymore */
	Assert(TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xid, TransactionXmin));

	while (TransactionIdIsValid(parentXid))
		previousXid = parentXid;
		if (TransactionIdPrecedes(parentXid, TransactionXmin))
		parentXid = SubTransGetParent(parentXid);

		 * By convention the parent xid gets allocated first, so should always
		 * precede the child xid. Anything else points to a corrupted data
		 * structure that could lead to an infinite loop, so exit.
		if (!TransactionIdPrecedes(parentXid, previousXid))
			elog(ERROR, "pg_subtrans contains invalid entry: xid %u points to parent xid %u",
				 previousXid, parentXid);


	return previousXid;
 * Get new XID. For global transaction is it previsly set by dtm_begin_transaction or dtm_join_transaction.
 * Local transactions are using range of local Xids obtains from DTM.
static TransactionId DtmGetNextXid()
	TransactionId xid;
	LWLockAcquire(dtm->xidLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
	if (TransactionIdIsValid(DtmNextXid))
		XTM_INFO("Use global XID %d\n", DtmNextXid);
		xid = DtmNextXid;

		if (TransactionIdPrecedesOrEquals(ShmemVariableCache->nextXid, xid))
			/* Advance ShmemVariableCache->nextXid formward until new Xid */
			while (TransactionIdPrecedes(ShmemVariableCache->nextXid, xid))
				XTM_INFO("Extend CLOG for global transaction to %d\n", ShmemVariableCache->nextXid);
			dtm->nReservedXids = 0;
		if (dtm->nReservedXids == 0)
            XTM_INFO("%d: reserve new XID range\n", getpid());
			dtm->nReservedXids = ArbiterReserve(ShmemVariableCache->nextXid, DtmLocalXidReserve, &dtm->nextXid);
			Assert(dtm->nReservedXids > 0);
			Assert(TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(dtm->nextXid, ShmemVariableCache->nextXid));

			/* Advance ShmemVariableCache->nextXid formward until new Xid */
			while (TransactionIdPrecedes(ShmemVariableCache->nextXid, dtm->nextXid))
				XTM_INFO("Extend CLOG for local transaction to %d\n", ShmemVariableCache->nextXid);
		Assert(ShmemVariableCache->nextXid == dtm->nextXid);
		xid = dtm->nextXid++;
		dtm->nReservedXids -= 1;
		XTM_INFO("Obtain new local XID %d\n", xid);
	return xid;
Exemple #4
static void
SubTransGetData(TransactionId xid, SubTransData* subData)

	int			pageno = TransactionIdToPage(xid);
	int			entryno = TransactionIdToEntry(xid);
	int			slotno;
	SubTransData *ptr;

	/* Can't ask about stuff that might not be around anymore */
	Assert(TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xid, TransactionXmin));

	/* Bootstrap and frozen XIDs have no parent and itself as topMostParent */
	if (!TransactionIdIsNormal(xid))
		subData->parent = InvalidTransactionId;
		subData->topMostParent = xid;


	/* lock is acquired by SimpleLruReadPage_ReadOnly */

	slotno = SimpleLruReadPage_ReadOnly(SubTransCtl, pageno, xid, NULL);
	ptr = (SubTransData *) SubTransCtl->shared->page_buffer[slotno];
	ptr += entryno;

	subData->parent = ptr->parent;
	subData->topMostParent = ptr->topMostParent;
	if ( subData->topMostParent == InvalidTransactionId )
		/* Here means parent is Main XID, hence set parent itself as topMostParent */
		subData->topMostParent = xid;



Exemple #5
 * SubTransGetTopmostTransaction
 * Returns the topmost transaction of the given transaction id.
 * Because we cannot look back further than TransactionXmin, it is possible
 * that this function will lie and return an intermediate subtransaction ID
 * instead of the true topmost parent ID.  This is OK, because in practice
 * we only care about detecting whether the topmost parent is still running
 * or is part of a current snapshot's list of still-running transactions.
 * Therefore, any XID before TransactionXmin is as good as any other.
SubTransGetTopmostTransaction(TransactionId xid)
	TransactionId parentXid = xid,
				previousXid = xid;

	/* Can't ask about stuff that might not be around anymore */
	Assert(TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xid, TransactionXmin));

	while (TransactionIdIsValid(parentXid))
		previousXid = parentXid;
		if (TransactionIdPrecedes(parentXid, TransactionXmin))
		parentXid = SubTransGetParent(parentXid);


	return previousXid;
Exemple #6
 * See the comments for HeapTupleSatisfiesMVCC for the semantics this function
 * obeys.
 * Only usable on tuples from catalog tables!
 * We don't need to support HEAP_MOVED_(IN|OFF) for now because we only support
 * reading catalog pages which couldn't have been created in an older version.
 * We don't set any hint bits in here as it seems unlikely to be beneficial as
 * those should already be set by normal access and it seems to be too
 * dangerous to do so as the semantics of doing so during timetravel are more
 * complicated than when dealing "only" with the present.
HeapTupleSatisfiesHistoricMVCC(HeapTuple htup, Snapshot snapshot,
							   Buffer buffer)
	HeapTupleHeader tuple = htup->t_data;
	TransactionId xmin = HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple);
	TransactionId xmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(tuple);

	Assert(htup->t_tableOid != InvalidOid);

	/* inserting transaction aborted */
	if (HeapTupleHeaderXminInvalid(tuple))
		return false;
	/* check if it's one of our txids, toplevel is also in there */
	else if (TransactionIdInArray(xmin, snapshot->subxip, snapshot->subxcnt))
		bool		resolved;
		CommandId	cmin = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawCommandId(tuple);
		CommandId	cmax = InvalidCommandId;

		 * another transaction might have (tried to) delete this tuple or
		 * cmin/cmax was stored in a combocid. So we need to lookup the actual
		 * values externally.
		resolved = ResolveCminCmaxDuringDecoding(HistoricSnapshotGetTupleCids(), snapshot,
												 htup, buffer,
												 &cmin, &cmax);

		if (!resolved)
			elog(ERROR, "could not resolve cmin/cmax of catalog tuple");

		Assert(cmin != InvalidCommandId);

		if (cmin >= snapshot->curcid)
			return false;		/* inserted after scan started */
		/* fall through */
	/* committed before our xmin horizon. Do a normal visibility check. */
	else if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xmin, snapshot->xmin))
		Assert(!(HeapTupleHeaderXminCommitted(tuple) &&

		/* check for hint bit first, consult clog afterwards */
		if (!HeapTupleHeaderXminCommitted(tuple) &&
			return false;
		/* fall through */
	/* beyond our xmax horizon, i.e. invisible */
	else if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xmin, snapshot->xmax))
		return false;
	/* check if it's a committed transaction in [xmin, xmax) */
	else if (TransactionIdInArray(xmin, snapshot->xip, snapshot->xcnt))
		/* fall through */

	 * none of the above, i.e. between [xmin, xmax) but hasn't committed. I.e.
	 * invisible.
		return false;

	/* at this point we know xmin is visible, go on to check xmax */

	/* xid invalid or aborted */
	if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID)
		return true;
	/* locked tuples are always visible */
	else if (HEAP_XMAX_IS_LOCKED_ONLY(tuple->t_infomask))
		return true;

	 * We can see multis here if we're looking at user tables or if somebody
	 * SELECT ... FOR SHARE/UPDATE a system table.
	else if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI)
		xmax = HeapTupleGetUpdateXid(tuple);

	/* check if it's one of our txids, toplevel is also in there */
	if (TransactionIdInArray(xmax, snapshot->subxip, snapshot->subxcnt))
		bool		resolved;
		CommandId	cmin;
		CommandId	cmax = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawCommandId(tuple);

		/* Lookup actual cmin/cmax values */
		resolved = ResolveCminCmaxDuringDecoding(HistoricSnapshotGetTupleCids(), snapshot,
												 htup, buffer,
												 &cmin, &cmax);

		if (!resolved)
			elog(ERROR, "could not resolve combocid to cmax");

		Assert(cmax != InvalidCommandId);

		if (cmax >= snapshot->curcid)
			return true;		/* deleted after scan started */
			return false;		/* deleted before scan started */
	/* below xmin horizon, normal transaction state is valid */
	else if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xmax, snapshot->xmin))
		Assert(!(tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_COMMITTED &&

		/* check hint bit first */
		if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_COMMITTED)
			return false;

		/* check clog */
		return !TransactionIdDidCommit(xmax);
	/* above xmax horizon, we cannot possibly see the deleting transaction */
	else if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xmax, snapshot->xmax))
		return true;
	/* xmax is between [xmin, xmax), check known committed array */
	else if (TransactionIdInArray(xmax, snapshot->xip, snapshot->xcnt))
		return false;
	/* xmax is between [xmin, xmax), but known not to have committed yet */
		return true;
Exemple #7
 * XidInMVCCSnapshot
 *		Is the given XID still-in-progress according to the snapshot?
 * Note: GetSnapshotData never stores either top xid or subxids of our own
 * backend into a snapshot, so these xids will not be reported as "running"
 * by this function.  This is OK for current uses, because we actually only
 * apply this for known-committed XIDs.
static bool
XidInMVCCSnapshot(TransactionId xid, Snapshot snapshot)
	uint32		i;

	 * Make a quick range check to eliminate most XIDs without looking at the
	 * xip arrays.  Note that this is OK even if we convert a subxact XID to
	 * its parent below, because a subxact with XID < xmin has surely also got
	 * a parent with XID < xmin, while one with XID >= xmax must belong to a
	 * parent that was not yet committed at the time of this snapshot.

	/* Any xid < xmin is not in-progress */
	if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, snapshot->xmin))
		return false;
	/* Any xid >= xmax is in-progress */
	if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xid, snapshot->xmax))
		return true;

	 * Snapshot information is stored slightly differently in snapshots taken
	 * during recovery.
	if (!snapshot->takenDuringRecovery)
		 * If the snapshot contains full subxact data, the fastest way to
		 * check things is just to compare the given XID against both subxact
		 * XIDs and top-level XIDs.  If the snapshot overflowed, we have to
		 * use pg_subtrans to convert a subxact XID to its parent XID, but
		 * then we need only look at top-level XIDs not subxacts.
		if (!snapshot->suboverflowed)
			/* full data, so search subxip */
			int32		j;

			for (j = 0; j < snapshot->subxcnt; j++)
				if (TransactionIdEquals(xid, snapshot->subxip[j]))
					return true;

			/* not there, fall through to search xip[] */
			/* overflowed, so convert xid to top-level */
			xid = SubTransGetTopmostTransaction(xid);

			 * If xid was indeed a subxact, we might now have an xid < xmin,
			 * so recheck to avoid an array scan.  No point in rechecking
			 * xmax.
			if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, snapshot->xmin))
				return false;

		for (i = 0; i < snapshot->xcnt; i++)
			if (TransactionIdEquals(xid, snapshot->xip[i]))
				return true;
		int32		j;

		 * In recovery we store all xids in the subxact array because it is by
		 * far the bigger array, and we mostly don't know which xids are
		 * top-level and which are subxacts. The xip array is empty.
		 * We start by searching subtrans, if we overflowed.
		if (snapshot->suboverflowed)
			/* overflowed, so convert xid to top-level */
			xid = SubTransGetTopmostTransaction(xid);

			 * If xid was indeed a subxact, we might now have an xid < xmin,
			 * so recheck to avoid an array scan.  No point in rechecking
			 * xmax.
			if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, snapshot->xmin))
				return false;

		 * We now have either a top-level xid higher than xmin or an
		 * indeterminate xid. We don't know whether it's top level or subxact
		 * but it doesn't matter. If it's present, the xid is visible.
		for (j = 0; j < snapshot->subxcnt; j++)
			if (TransactionIdEquals(xid, snapshot->subxip[j]))
				return true;

	return false;
Exemple #8
 * PrescanPreparedTransactions
 * Scan the pg_twophase directory and determine the range of valid XIDs
 * present.  This is run during database startup, after we have completed
 * reading WAL.  ShmemVariableCache->nextXid has been set to one more than
 * the highest XID for which evidence exists in WAL.
 * We throw away any prepared xacts with main XID beyond nextXid --- if any
 * are present, it suggests that the DBA has done a PITR recovery to an
 * earlier point in time without cleaning out pg_twophase.	We dare not
 * try to recover such prepared xacts since they likely depend on database
 * state that doesn't exist now.
 * However, we will advance nextXid beyond any subxact XIDs belonging to
 * valid prepared xacts.  We need to do this since subxact commit doesn't
 * write a WAL entry, and so there might be no evidence in WAL of those
 * subxact XIDs.
 * Our other responsibility is to determine and return the oldest valid XID
 * among the prepared xacts (if none, return ShmemVariableCache->nextXid).
 * This is needed to synchronize pg_subtrans startup properly.
	TransactionId origNextXid = ShmemVariableCache->nextXid;
	TransactionId result = origNextXid;
	DIR		   *cldir;
	struct dirent *clde;

	cldir = AllocateDir(TWOPHASE_DIR);
	while ((clde = ReadDir(cldir, TWOPHASE_DIR)) != NULL)
		if (strlen(clde->d_name) == 8 &&
			strspn(clde->d_name, "0123456789ABCDEF") == 8)
			TransactionId xid;
			char	   *buf;
			TwoPhaseFileHeader *hdr;
			TransactionId *subxids;
			int			i;

			xid = (TransactionId) strtoul(clde->d_name, NULL, 16);

			/* Reject XID if too new */
			if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xid, origNextXid))
						(errmsg("removing future two-phase state file \"%s\"",
				RemoveTwoPhaseFile(xid, true);

			 * Note: we can't check if already processed because clog
			 * subsystem isn't up yet.

			/* Read and validate file */
			buf = ReadTwoPhaseFile(xid);
			if (buf == NULL)
					  (errmsg("removing corrupt two-phase state file \"%s\"",
				RemoveTwoPhaseFile(xid, true);

			/* Deconstruct header */
			hdr = (TwoPhaseFileHeader *) buf;
			if (!TransactionIdEquals(hdr->xid, xid))
					  (errmsg("removing corrupt two-phase state file \"%s\"",
				RemoveTwoPhaseFile(xid, true);

			 * OK, we think this file is valid.  Incorporate xid into the
			 * running-minimum result.
			if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, result))
				result = xid;

			 * Examine subtransaction XIDs ... they should all follow main
			 * XID, and they may force us to advance nextXid.
			subxids = (TransactionId *)
				(buf + MAXALIGN(sizeof(TwoPhaseFileHeader)));
			for (i = 0; i < hdr->nsubxacts; i++)
				TransactionId subxid = subxids[i];

				Assert(TransactionIdFollows(subxid, xid));
				if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(subxid,
					ShmemVariableCache->nextXid = subxid;


	return result;
 * XidInMVCCSnapshot
 *		Is the given XID still-in-progress according to the snapshot?
 * Note: GetSnapshotData never stores either top xid or subxids of our own
 * backend into a snapshot, so these xids will not be reported as "running"
 * by this function.  This is OK for current uses, because we actually only
 * apply this for known-committed XIDs.
static bool
XidInMVCCSnapshot(TransactionId xid, Snapshot snapshot)
	uint32		i;

	 * Make a quick range check to eliminate most XIDs without looking at the
	 * xip arrays.	Note that this is OK even if we convert a subxact XID to
	 * its parent below, because a subxact with XID < xmin has surely also got
	 * a parent with XID < xmin, while one with XID >= xmax must belong to a
	 * parent that was not yet committed at the time of this snapshot.

	/* Any xid < xmin is not in-progress */
	if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, snapshot->xmin))
		return false;
	/* Any xid >= xmax is in-progress */
	if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xid, snapshot->xmax))
		return true;

	 * If the snapshot contains full subxact data, the fastest way to check
	 * things is just to compare the given XID against both subxact XIDs and
	 * top-level XIDs.	If the snapshot overflowed, we have to use pg_subtrans
	 * to convert a subxact XID to its parent XID, but then we need only look
	 * at top-level XIDs not subxacts.
	if (snapshot->subxcnt >= 0)
		/* full data, so search subxip */
		int32		j;

		for (j = 0; j < snapshot->subxcnt; j++)
			if (TransactionIdEquals(xid, snapshot->subxip[j]))
				return true;

		/* not there, fall through to search xip[] */
		/* overflowed, so convert xid to top-level */
		xid = SubTransGetTopmostTransaction(xid);

		 * If xid was indeed a subxact, we might now have an xid < xmin, so
		 * recheck to avoid an array scan.	No point in rechecking xmax.
		if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, snapshot->xmin))
			return false;

	for (i = 0; i < snapshot->xcnt; i++)
		if (TransactionIdEquals(xid, snapshot->xip[i]))
			return true;

	return false;
 * Vacuum a regular (non-root) leaf page
 * We must delete tuples that are targeted for deletion by the VACUUM,
 * but not move any tuples that are referenced by outside links; we assume
 * those are the ones that are heads of chains.
 * If we find a REDIRECT that was made by a concurrently-running transaction,
 * we must add its target TID to pendingList.  (We don't try to visit the
 * target immediately, first because we don't want VACUUM locking more than
 * one buffer at a time, and second because the duplicate-filtering logic
 * in spgAddPendingTID is useful to ensure we can't get caught in an infinite
 * loop in the face of continuous concurrent insertions.)
 * If forPending is true, we are examining the page as a consequence of
 * chasing a redirect link, not as part of the normal sequential scan.
 * We still vacuum the page normally, but we don't increment the stats
 * about live tuples; else we'd double-count those tuples, since the page
 * has been or will be visited in the sequential scan as well.
static void
vacuumLeafPage(spgBulkDeleteState *bds, Relation index, Buffer buffer,
			   bool forPending)
	Page		page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
	spgxlogVacuumLeaf xlrec;
	XLogRecData rdata[8];
	OffsetNumber toDead[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage];
	OffsetNumber toPlaceholder[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage];
	OffsetNumber moveSrc[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage];
	OffsetNumber moveDest[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage];
	OffsetNumber chainSrc[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage];
	OffsetNumber chainDest[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage];
	OffsetNumber predecessor[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage + 1];
	bool		deletable[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage + 1];
	int			nDeletable;
	OffsetNumber i,
				max = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);

	memset(predecessor, 0, sizeof(predecessor));
	memset(deletable, 0, sizeof(deletable));
	nDeletable = 0;

	/* Scan page, identify tuples to delete, accumulate stats */
	for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= max; i++)
		SpGistLeafTuple lt;

		lt = (SpGistLeafTuple) PageGetItem(page,
										   PageGetItemId(page, i));
		if (lt->tupstate == SPGIST_LIVE)

			if (bds->callback(&lt->heapPtr, bds->callback_state))
				bds->stats->tuples_removed += 1;
				deletable[i] = true;
				if (!forPending)
					bds->stats->num_index_tuples += 1;

			/* Form predecessor map, too */
			if (lt->nextOffset != InvalidOffsetNumber)
				/* paranoia about corrupted chain links */
				if (lt->nextOffset < FirstOffsetNumber ||
					lt->nextOffset > max ||
					predecessor[lt->nextOffset] != InvalidOffsetNumber)
					elog(ERROR, "inconsistent tuple chain links in page %u of index \"%s\"",
				predecessor[lt->nextOffset] = i;
		else if (lt->tupstate == SPGIST_REDIRECT)
			SpGistDeadTuple dt = (SpGistDeadTuple) lt;

			Assert(dt->nextOffset == InvalidOffsetNumber);

			 * Add target TID to pending list if the redirection could have
			 * happened since VACUUM started.
			 * Note: we could make a tighter test by seeing if the xid is
			 * "running" according to the active snapshot; but tqual.c doesn't
			 * currently export a suitable API, and it's not entirely clear
			 * that a tighter test is worth the cycles anyway.
			if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(dt->xid, bds->myXmin))
				spgAddPendingTID(bds, &dt->pointer);
			Assert(lt->nextOffset == InvalidOffsetNumber);

	if (nDeletable == 0)
		return;					/* nothing more to do */

	 * Figure out exactly what we have to do.  We do this separately from
	 * actually modifying the page, mainly so that we have a representation
	 * that can be dumped into WAL and then the replay code can do exactly
	 * the same thing.  The output of this step consists of six arrays
	 * describing four kinds of operations, to be performed in this order:
	 * toDead[]: tuple numbers to be replaced with DEAD tuples
	 * toPlaceholder[]: tuple numbers to be replaced with PLACEHOLDER tuples
	 * moveSrc[]: tuple numbers that need to be relocated to another offset
	 * (replacing the tuple there) and then replaced with PLACEHOLDER tuples
	 * moveDest[]: new locations for moveSrc tuples
	 * chainSrc[]: tuple numbers whose chain links (nextOffset) need updates
	 * chainDest[]: new values of nextOffset for chainSrc members
	 * It's easiest to figure out what we have to do by processing tuple
	 * chains, so we iterate over all the tuples (not just the deletable
	 * ones!) to identify chain heads, then chase down each chain and make
	 * work item entries for deletable tuples within the chain.
	xlrec.nDead = xlrec.nPlaceholder = xlrec.nMove = xlrec.nChain = 0;

	for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= max; i++)
		SpGistLeafTuple head;
		bool		interveningDeletable;
		OffsetNumber prevLive;
		OffsetNumber j;

		head = (SpGistLeafTuple) PageGetItem(page,
											 PageGetItemId(page, i));
		if (head->tupstate != SPGIST_LIVE)
			continue;			/* can't be a chain member */
		if (predecessor[i] != 0)
			continue;			/* not a chain head */

		/* initialize ... */
		interveningDeletable = false;
		prevLive = deletable[i] ? InvalidOffsetNumber : i;

		/* scan down the chain ... */
		j = head->nextOffset;
		while (j != InvalidOffsetNumber)
			SpGistLeafTuple lt;

			lt = (SpGistLeafTuple) PageGetItem(page,
											   PageGetItemId(page, j));
			if (lt->tupstate != SPGIST_LIVE)
				/* all tuples in chain should be live */
				elog(ERROR, "unexpected SPGiST tuple state: %d",

			if (deletable[j])
				/* This tuple should be replaced by a placeholder */
				toPlaceholder[xlrec.nPlaceholder] = j;
				/* previous live tuple's chain link will need an update */
				interveningDeletable = true;
			else if (prevLive == InvalidOffsetNumber)
				 * This is the first live tuple in the chain.  It has to move
				 * to the head position.
				moveSrc[xlrec.nMove] = j;
				moveDest[xlrec.nMove] = i;
				/* Chain updates will be applied after the move */
				prevLive = i;
				interveningDeletable = false;
				 * Second or later live tuple.  Arrange to re-chain it to the
				 * previous live one, if there was a gap.
				if (interveningDeletable)
					chainSrc[xlrec.nChain] = prevLive;
					chainDest[xlrec.nChain] = j;
				prevLive = j;
				interveningDeletable = false;

			j = lt->nextOffset;

		if (prevLive == InvalidOffsetNumber)
			/* The chain is entirely removable, so we need a DEAD tuple */
			toDead[xlrec.nDead] = i;
		else if (interveningDeletable)
			/* One or more deletions at end of chain, so close it off */
			chainSrc[xlrec.nChain] = prevLive;
			chainDest[xlrec.nChain] = InvalidOffsetNumber;

	/* sanity check ... */
	if (nDeletable != xlrec.nDead + xlrec.nPlaceholder + xlrec.nMove)
		elog(ERROR, "inconsistent counts of deletable tuples");

	/* Prepare WAL record */
	xlrec.node = index->rd_node;
	xlrec.blkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer);
	STORE_STATE(&bds->spgstate, xlrec.stateSrc);

	ACCEPT_RDATA_DATA(&xlrec, SizeOfSpgxlogVacuumLeaf, 0);
	ACCEPT_RDATA_DATA(toDead, sizeof(OffsetNumber) * xlrec.nDead, 1);
	ACCEPT_RDATA_DATA(toPlaceholder, sizeof(OffsetNumber) * xlrec.nPlaceholder, 2);
	ACCEPT_RDATA_DATA(moveSrc, sizeof(OffsetNumber) * xlrec.nMove, 3);
	ACCEPT_RDATA_DATA(moveDest, sizeof(OffsetNumber) * xlrec.nMove, 4);
	ACCEPT_RDATA_DATA(chainSrc, sizeof(OffsetNumber) * xlrec.nChain, 5);
	ACCEPT_RDATA_DATA(chainDest, sizeof(OffsetNumber) * xlrec.nChain, 6);

	/* Do the updates */

	spgPageIndexMultiDelete(&bds->spgstate, page,
							toDead, xlrec.nDead,
							InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidOffsetNumber);

	spgPageIndexMultiDelete(&bds->spgstate, page,
							toPlaceholder, xlrec.nPlaceholder,
							InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidOffsetNumber);

	 * We implement the move step by swapping the item pointers of the source
	 * and target tuples, then replacing the newly-source tuples with
	 * placeholders.  This is perhaps unduly friendly with the page data
	 * representation, but it's fast and doesn't risk page overflow when a
	 * tuple to be relocated is large.
	for (i = 0; i < xlrec.nMove; i++)
		ItemId		idSrc = PageGetItemId(page, moveSrc[i]);
		ItemId		idDest = PageGetItemId(page, moveDest[i]);
		ItemIdData	tmp;

		tmp = *idSrc;
		*idSrc = *idDest;
		*idDest = tmp;

	spgPageIndexMultiDelete(&bds->spgstate, page,
							moveSrc, xlrec.nMove,
							InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidOffsetNumber);

	for (i = 0; i < xlrec.nChain; i++)
		SpGistLeafTuple lt;

		lt = (SpGistLeafTuple) PageGetItem(page,
										   PageGetItemId(page, chainSrc[i]));
		Assert(lt->tupstate == SPGIST_LIVE);
		lt->nextOffset = chainDest[i];


	if (RelationNeedsWAL(index))
		XLogRecPtr	recptr;

		recptr = XLogInsert(RM_SPGIST_ID, XLOG_SPGIST_VACUUM_LEAF, rdata);

		PageSetLSN(page, recptr);

Exemple #11
 * GetSnapshotData -- returns information about running transactions.
 * The returned snapshot includes xmin (lowest still-running xact ID),
 * xmax (next xact ID to be assigned), and a list of running xact IDs
 * in the range xmin <= xid < xmax.  It is used as follows:
 *		All xact IDs < xmin are considered finished.
 *		All xact IDs >= xmax are considered still running.
 *		For an xact ID xmin <= xid < xmax, consult list to see whether
 *		it is considered running or not.
 * This ensures that the set of transactions seen as "running" by the
 * current xact will not change after it takes the snapshot.
 * We also compute the current global xmin (oldest xmin across all running
 * transactions) and save it in RecentGlobalXmin.  This is the same
 * computation done by GetOldestXmin(TRUE).  The xmin value is also stored
 * into RecentXmin.
GetSnapshotData(Snapshot snapshot, bool serializable)
	SISeg	   *segP = shmInvalBuffer;
	ProcState  *stateP = segP->procState;
	TransactionId xmin;
	TransactionId xmax;
	TransactionId globalxmin;
	int			index;
	int			count = 0;

	Assert(snapshot != NULL);

	 * Allocating space for MaxBackends xids is usually overkill;
	 * lastBackend would be sufficient.  But it seems better to do the
	 * malloc while not holding the lock, so we can't look at lastBackend.
	 * This does open a possibility for avoiding repeated malloc/free:
	 * since MaxBackends does not change at runtime, we can simply reuse
	 * the previous xip array if any.  (This relies on the fact that all
	 * calls pass static SnapshotData structs.)
	if (snapshot->xip == NULL)
		 * First call for this snapshot
		snapshot->xip = (TransactionId *)
			malloc(MaxBackends * sizeof(TransactionId));
		if (snapshot->xip == NULL)
					 errmsg("out of memory")));

	globalxmin = xmin = GetCurrentTransactionId();

	 * If we are going to set MyProc->xmin then we'd better get exclusive
	 * lock; if not, this is a read-only operation so it can be shared.
	LWLockAcquire(SInvalLock, serializable ? LW_EXCLUSIVE : LW_SHARED);

	 * Unfortunately, we have to call ReadNewTransactionId() after acquiring
	 * SInvalLock above.  It's not good because ReadNewTransactionId() does
	 * LWLockAcquire(XidGenLock), but *necessary*.	We need to be sure that
	 * no transactions exit the set of currently-running transactions
	 * between the time we fetch xmax and the time we finish building our
	 * snapshot.  Otherwise we could have a situation like this:
	 *		1. Tx Old is running (in Read Committed mode).
	 *		2. Tx S reads new transaction ID into xmax, then
	 *		   is swapped out before acquiring SInvalLock.
	 *		3. Tx New gets new transaction ID (>= S' xmax),
	 *		   makes changes and commits.
	 *		4. Tx Old changes some row R changed by Tx New and commits.
	 *		5. Tx S finishes getting its snapshot data.  It sees Tx Old as
	 *		   done, but sees Tx New as still running (since New >= xmax).
	 * Now S will see R changed by both Tx Old and Tx New, *but* does not
	 * see other changes made by Tx New.  If S is supposed to be in
	 * Serializable mode, this is wrong.
	 * By locking SInvalLock before we read xmax, we ensure that TX Old
	 * cannot exit the set of running transactions seen by Tx S.  Therefore
	 * both Old and New will be seen as still running => no inconsistency.

	xmax = ReadNewTransactionId();

	for (index = 0; index < segP->lastBackend; index++)
		SHMEM_OFFSET pOffset = stateP[index].procStruct;

		if (pOffset != INVALID_OFFSET)
			PGPROC	   *proc = (PGPROC *) MAKE_PTR(pOffset);

			/* Fetch xid just once - see GetNewTransactionId */
			TransactionId xid = proc->xid;

			 * Ignore my own proc (dealt with my xid above), procs not
			 * running a transaction, and xacts started since we read the
			 * next transaction ID.  There's no need to store XIDs above
			 * what we got from ReadNewTransactionId, since we'll treat
			 * them as running anyway.	We also assume that such xacts
			 * can't compute an xmin older than ours, so they needn't be
			 * considered in computing globalxmin.
			if (proc == MyProc ||
				!TransactionIdIsNormal(xid) ||
				TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xid, xmax))

			if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, xmin))
				xmin = xid;
			snapshot->xip[count] = xid;

			/* Update globalxmin to be the smallest valid xmin */
			xid = proc->xmin;
			if (TransactionIdIsNormal(xid))
				if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, globalxmin))
					globalxmin = xid;

	if (serializable)
		MyProc->xmin = xmin;


	/* Serializable snapshot must be computed before any other... */

	 * Update globalxmin to include actual process xids.  This is a
	 * slightly different way of computing it than GetOldestXmin uses, but
	 * should give the same result.
	if (TransactionIdPrecedes(xmin, globalxmin))
		globalxmin = xmin;

	/* Update globals for use by VACUUM */
	RecentGlobalXmin = globalxmin;
	RecentXmin = xmin;

	snapshot->xmin = xmin;
	snapshot->xmax = xmax;
	snapshot->xcnt = count;

	snapshot->curcid = GetCurrentCommandId();

	return snapshot;
Exemple #12
 * HeapTupleSatisfiesSnapshot
 *		True iff heap tuple is valid for the given snapshot.
 *	Here, we consider the effects of:
 *		all transactions committed as of the time of the given snapshot
 *		previous commands of this transaction
 *	Does _not_ include:
 *		transactions shown as in-progress by the snapshot
 *		transactions started after the snapshot was taken
 *		changes made by the current command
 * This is the same as HeapTupleSatisfiesNow, except that transactions that
 * were in progress or as yet unstarted when the snapshot was taken will
 * be treated as uncommitted, even if they have committed by now.
 * (Notice, however, that the tuple status hint bits will be updated on the
 * basis of the true state of the transaction, even if we then pretend we
 * can't see it.)
HeapTupleSatisfiesSnapshot(HeapTupleHeader tuple, Snapshot snapshot)
	if (!(tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED))
		if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMIN_INVALID)
			return false;

		if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_MOVED_OFF)
			TransactionId xvac = HeapTupleHeaderGetXvac(tuple);

			if (TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(xvac))
				return false;
			if (!TransactionIdIsInProgress(xvac))
				if (TransactionIdDidCommit(xvac))
					tuple->t_infomask |= HEAP_XMIN_INVALID;
					return false;
				tuple->t_infomask |= HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED;
		else if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_MOVED_IN)
			TransactionId xvac = HeapTupleHeaderGetXvac(tuple);

			if (!TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(xvac))
				if (TransactionIdIsInProgress(xvac))
					return false;
				if (TransactionIdDidCommit(xvac))
					tuple->t_infomask |= HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED;
					tuple->t_infomask |= HEAP_XMIN_INVALID;
					return false;
		else if (TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple)))
			if (HeapTupleHeaderGetCmin(tuple) >= snapshot->curcid)
				return false;	/* inserted after scan started */

			if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID)	/* xid invalid */
				return true;


			if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_MARKED_FOR_UPDATE)
				return true;

			if (HeapTupleHeaderGetCmax(tuple) >= snapshot->curcid)
				return true;	/* deleted after scan started */
				return false;	/* deleted before scan started */
		else if (TransactionIdIsInProgress(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple)))
			return false;
		else if (TransactionIdDidCommit(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple)))
			tuple->t_infomask |= HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED;
			/* it must have aborted or crashed */
			tuple->t_infomask |= HEAP_XMIN_INVALID;
			return false;

	 * By here, the inserting transaction has committed - have to check
	 * when...
	if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple),
		uint32		i;

		if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple),
			return false;

		for (i = 0; i < snapshot->xcnt; i++)
			if (TransactionIdEquals(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tuple),
				return false;

	if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_INVALID)	/* xid invalid or aborted */
		return true;

	if (tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_MARKED_FOR_UPDATE)
		return true;

	if (!(tuple->t_infomask & HEAP_XMAX_COMMITTED))
		if (TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmax(tuple)))
			if (HeapTupleHeaderGetCmax(tuple) >= snapshot->curcid)
				return true;	/* deleted after scan started */
				return false;	/* deleted before scan started */

		if (TransactionIdIsInProgress(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmax(tuple)))
			return true;

		if (!TransactionIdDidCommit(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmax(tuple)))
			/* it must have aborted or crashed */
			tuple->t_infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_INVALID;
			return true;

		/* xmax transaction committed */
		tuple->t_infomask |= HEAP_XMAX_COMMITTED;

	 * OK, the deleting transaction committed too ... but when?
	if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmax(tuple), snapshot->xmin))
		uint32		i;

		if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmax(tuple),
			return true;
		for (i = 0; i < snapshot->xcnt; i++)
			if (TransactionIdEquals(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmax(tuple), snapshot->xip[i]))
				return true;

	return false;
 * We have to cut&paste copde of GetNewTransactionId from varsup because we change way of advancing ShmemVariableCache->nextXid
DtmGetNewTransactionId(bool isSubXact)
	TransactionId xid;

	XTM_INFO("%d: GetNewTransactionId\n", getpid());
	 * Workers synchronize transaction state at the beginning of each parallel
	 * operation, so we can't account for new XIDs after that point.
	if (IsInParallelMode())
		elog(ERROR, "cannot assign TransactionIds during a parallel operation");

	 * During bootstrap initialization, we return the special bootstrap
	 * transaction id.
	if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
		MyPgXact->xid = BootstrapTransactionId;
		return BootstrapTransactionId;

	/* safety check, we should never get this far in a HS slave */
	if (RecoveryInProgress())
		elog(ERROR, "cannot assign TransactionIds during recovery");

	LWLockAcquire(XidGenLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
	xid = DtmGetNextXid();

	 * Check to see if it's safe to assign another XID.  This protects against
	 * catastrophic data loss due to XID wraparound.  The basic rules are:
	 * If we're past xidVacLimit, start trying to force autovacuum cycles.
	 * If we're past xidWarnLimit, start issuing warnings.
	 * If we're past xidStopLimit, refuse to execute transactions, unless
	 * we are running in single-user mode (which gives an escape hatch
	 * to the DBA who somehow got past the earlier defenses).
	 * Note that this coding also appears in GetNewMultiXactId.
	if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xid, ShmemVariableCache->xidVacLimit))
		 * For safety's sake, we release XidGenLock while sending signals,
		 * warnings, etc.  This is not so much because we care about
		 * preserving concurrency in this situation, as to avoid any
		 * possibility of deadlock while doing get_database_name(). First,
		 * copy all the shared values we'll need in this path.
		TransactionId xidWarnLimit = ShmemVariableCache->xidWarnLimit;
		TransactionId xidStopLimit = ShmemVariableCache->xidStopLimit;
		TransactionId xidWrapLimit = ShmemVariableCache->xidWrapLimit;
		Oid			oldest_datoid = ShmemVariableCache->oldestXidDB;


		 * To avoid swamping the postmaster with signals, we issue the autovac
		 * request only once per 64K transaction starts.  This still gives
		 * plenty of chances before we get into real trouble.
		if (IsUnderPostmaster && (xid % 65536) == 0)

		if (IsUnderPostmaster && TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xid, xidStopLimit))
			char *oldest_datname = get_database_name(oldest_datoid);

			/* complain even if that DB has disappeared */
			if (oldest_datname)
					errmsg("database is not accepting commands to avoid wraparound data loss in database \"%s\"",
					errhint("Stop the postmaster and vacuum that database in single-user mode.\n"
						"You might also need to commit or roll back old prepared transactions.")));
					errmsg("database is not accepting commands to avoid wraparound data loss in database with OID %u",
					errhint("Stop the postmaster and vacuum that database in single-user mode.\n"
						"You might also need to commit or roll back old prepared transactions.")));
		if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xid, xidWarnLimit))
			char *oldest_datname = get_database_name(oldest_datoid);

			/* complain even if that DB has disappeared */
			if (oldest_datname)
					(errmsg("database \"%s\" must be vacuumed within %u transactions",
						xidWrapLimit - xid),
					errhint("To avoid a database shutdown, execute a database-wide VACUUM in that database.\n"
						"You might also need to commit or roll back old prepared transactions.")));
					(errmsg("database with OID %u must be vacuumed within %u transactions",
						xidWrapLimit - xid),
					errhint("To avoid a database shutdown, execute a database-wide VACUUM in that database.\n"
						"You might also need to commit or roll back old prepared transactions.")));

		/* Re-acquire lock and start over */
		LWLockAcquire(XidGenLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
		xid = DtmGetNextXid();

	 * If we are allocating the first XID of a new page of the commit log,
	 * zero out that commit-log page before returning. We must do this while
	 * holding XidGenLock, else another xact could acquire and commit a later
	 * XID before we zero the page.  Fortunately, a page of the commit log
	 * holds 32K or more transactions, so we don't have to do this very often.
	 * Extend pg_subtrans and pg_commit_ts too.
	if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(xid, ShmemVariableCache->nextXid))
	 * Now advance the nextXid counter.  This must not happen until after we
	 * have successfully completed ExtendCLOG() --- if that routine fails, we
	 * want the next incoming transaction to try it again.  We cannot assign
	 * more XIDs until there is CLOG space for them.
	if (xid == ShmemVariableCache->nextXid)
		Assert(TransactionIdPrecedes(xid, ShmemVariableCache->nextXid));

	 * We must store the new XID into the shared ProcArray before releasing
	 * XidGenLock.  This ensures that every active XID older than
	 * latestCompletedXid is present in the ProcArray, which is essential for
	 * correct OldestXmin tracking; see src/backend/access/transam/README.
	 * XXX by storing xid into MyPgXact without acquiring ProcArrayLock, we
	 * are relying on fetch/store of an xid to be atomic, else other backends
	 * might see a partially-set xid here.  But holding both locks at once
	 * would be a nasty concurrency hit.  So for now, assume atomicity.
	 * Note that readers of PGXACT xid fields should be careful to fetch the
	 * value only once, rather than assume they can read a value multiple
	 * times and get the same answer each time.
	 * The same comments apply to the subxact xid count and overflow fields.
	 * A solution to the atomic-store problem would be to give each PGXACT its
	 * own spinlock used only for fetching/storing that PGXACT's xid and
	 * related fields.
	 * If there's no room to fit a subtransaction XID into PGPROC, set the
	 * cache-overflowed flag instead.  This forces readers to look in
	 * pg_subtrans to map subtransaction XIDs up to top-level XIDs. There is a
	 * race-condition window, in that the new XID will not appear as running
	 * until its parent link has been placed into pg_subtrans. However, that
	 * will happen before anyone could possibly have a reason to inquire about
	 * the status of the XID, so it seems OK.  (Snapshots taken during this
	 * window *will* include the parent XID, so they will deliver the correct
	 * answer later on when someone does have a reason to inquire.)
		 * Use volatile pointer to prevent code rearrangement; other backends
		 * could be examining my subxids info concurrently, and we don't want
		 * them to see an invalid intermediate state, such as incrementing
		 * nxids before filling the array entry.  Note we are assuming that
		 * TransactionId and int fetch/store are atomic.
		volatile PGPROC *myproc = MyProc;
		volatile PGXACT *mypgxact = MyPgXact;

		if (!isSubXact)
			mypgxact->xid = xid;
			int nxids = mypgxact->nxids;

				myproc->subxids.xids[nxids] = xid;
				mypgxact->nxids = nxids + 1;
				mypgxact->overflowed = true;


	return xid;