void Transformation(const Real O[restrict], const Real scale[restrict], const Real angle[restrict],
        const Real offset[restrict], Polyhedron *poly)
    const RealVec Sin = {sin(angle[X]), sin(angle[Y]), sin(angle[Z])};
    const RealVec Cos = {cos(angle[X]), cos(angle[Y]), cos(angle[Z])};
    const Real rotate[DIMS][DIMS] = { /* point rotation matrix */
        {Cos[Y]*Cos[Z], -Cos[X]*Sin[Z]+Sin[X]*Sin[Y]*Cos[Z], Sin[X]*Sin[Z]+Cos[X]*Sin[Y]*Cos[Z]},
        {Cos[Y]*Sin[Z], Cos[X]*Cos[Z]+Sin[X]*Sin[Y]*Sin[Z], -Sin[X]*Cos[Z]+Cos[X]*Sin[Y]*Sin[Z]},
        {-Sin[Y], Sin[X]*Cos[Y], Cos[X]*Cos[Y]}};
    const Real invrot[DIMS][DIMS] = { /* inverse rotation matrix */
        {rotate[0][0], rotate[1][0], rotate[2][0]},
        {rotate[0][1], rotate[1][1], rotate[2][1]},
        {rotate[0][2], rotate[1][2], rotate[2][2]}};
    const Real num = 1.0 / sqrt(2.0);
    const Real axe[6][DIMS] = { /* direction vector of axis xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, zx */
        {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, 
        {num, num, 0.0}, {0.0, num, num}, {num, 0.0, num}};
    RealVec axis = {0.0}; /* direction vector of axis in rotated frame */
    Real I[6] = {0.0}; /* inertia tensor after rotation */
    /* transforming vertex and build the new bounding box */
    for (int s = 0; s < DIMS; ++s) {
        poly->box[s][MIN] = FLT_MAX;
        poly->box[s][MAX] = FLT_MIN;
    TransformVertex(O, scale, rotate, offset, poly->box, poly->vertN, poly->v);
    /* transforming normal assuming pure rotation and translation */
    TransformNormal(rotate, poly->faceN, poly->Nf);
    TransformNormal(rotate, poly->edgeN, poly->Ne);
    TransformNormal(rotate, poly->vertN, poly->Nv);
    /* transform inertial tensor */
    for (int n = 0; n < 6; ++n) {
        axis[X] = Dot(invrot[X], axe[n]);
        axis[Y] = Dot(invrot[Y], axe[n]);
        axis[Z] = Dot(invrot[Z], axe[n]);
        I[n] = TransformInertia(axis, poly->I);
    poly->I[X][X] = I[0];  poly->I[X][Y] = -I[3]; poly->I[X][Z] = -I[5];
    poly->I[Y][X] = -I[3]; poly->I[Y][Y] = I[1];  poly->I[Y][Z] = -I[4];
    poly->I[Z][X] = -I[5]; poly->I[Z][Y] = -I[4]; poly->I[Z][Z] = I[2];
    /* centroid should be transformed at last */
    Real Oc[1][DIMS] = {{poly->O[X], poly->O[Y], poly->O[Z]}};
    TransformVertex(O, scale, rotate, offset, poly->box, 1, Oc);
    poly->O[X] = Oc[0][X];
    poly->O[Y] = Oc[0][Y];
    poly->O[Z] = Oc[0][Z];
// Recalculate vertex positions for the color space triangles and then update the vertex buffer.
// The scene's command list must be in the recording state when this method is called.
void D3D12HDR::UpdateVertexBuffer()
    const XMFLOAT2 primaries709[] =
        { 0.64f, 0.33f },
        { 0.30f, 0.60f },
        { 0.15f, 0.06f },
        { 0.3127f, 0.3290f }
    const XMFLOAT2 primaries2020[] =
        { 0.708f, 0.292f },
        { 0.170f, 0.797f },
        { 0.131f, 0.046f },
        { 0.3127f, 0.3290f }
    const XMFLOAT2 offset1 = { 0.2f, 0.0f };
    const XMFLOAT2 offset2 = { 0.2f, -1.0f };
    const XMFLOAT3 triangle709[] =
        TransformVertex(primaries709[0], offset1),    // R
        TransformVertex(primaries709[1], offset1),    // G
        TransformVertex(primaries709[2], offset1),    // B
        TransformVertex(primaries709[3], offset1)    // White
    const XMFLOAT3 triangle2020[] =
        TransformVertex(primaries2020[0], offset2),    // R
        TransformVertex(primaries2020[1], offset2),    // G
        TransformVertex(primaries2020[2], offset2),    // B
        TransformVertex(primaries2020[3], offset2)    // White

    TrianglesVertex triangleVertices[] =
        // Upper triangles.  Rec 709 primaries.

        { triangle709[2], primaries709[2] },
        { triangle709[1], primaries709[1] },
        { triangle709[3], primaries709[3] },

        { triangle709[1], primaries709[1] },
        { triangle709[0], primaries709[0] },
        { triangle709[3], primaries709[3] },

        { triangle709[0], primaries709[0] },
        { triangle709[2], primaries709[2] },
        { triangle709[3], primaries709[3] },

        // Lower triangles. Rec 2020 primaries.

        { triangle2020[2], primaries2020[2] },
        { triangle2020[1], primaries2020[1] },
        { triangle2020[3], primaries2020[3] },

        { triangle2020[1], primaries2020[1] },
        { triangle2020[0], primaries2020[0] },
        { triangle2020[3], primaries2020[3] },

        { triangle2020[0], primaries2020[0] },
        { triangle2020[2], primaries2020[2] },
        { triangle2020[3], primaries2020[3] },

    // Copy data to the intermediate upload heap and then schedule a copy
    // from the upload heap to the vertex buffer.
    UINT8* mappedUploadHeap = nullptr;
    ThrowIfFailed(m_vertexBufferUpload->Map(0, &CD3DX12_RANGE(0, 0), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&mappedUploadHeap)));

    mappedUploadHeap += m_gradientVertexBufferView.SizeInBytes;
    memcpy(mappedUploadHeap, triangleVertices, sizeof(triangleVertices));

    m_commandList->ResourceBarrier(1, &CD3DX12_RESOURCE_BARRIER::Transition(m_vertexBuffer.Get(), D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_VERTEX_AND_CONSTANT_BUFFER, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_COPY_DEST));
    m_commandList->CopyBufferRegion(m_vertexBuffer.Get(), 0, m_vertexBufferUpload.Get(), 0, m_vertexBuffer->GetDesc().Width);
    m_commandList->ResourceBarrier(1, &CD3DX12_RESOURCE_BARRIER::Transition(m_vertexBuffer.Get(), D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_COPY_DEST, D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_VERTEX_AND_CONSTANT_BUFFER));
Exemple #3
void TransformVertices(TIterator vrtsBegin, TIterator vrtsEnd,
					   matrix33& m, TAAPos& aaPos)
	for(TIterator iter = vrtsBegin; iter != vrtsEnd; ++iter)
		TransformVertex(*iter, m, aaPos);