static void AccTrap( bool want_return ) { if( want_return ) { PutBuffPacket( RWBuff, TrapAccess( 1, &In[0], 1, &Out[0] ) ); } else { TrapAccess( 1, &In[0], 0, NULL ); } }
unsigned OnAnotherThreadAccess( unsigned in_num, in_mx_entry_p in_mx, unsigned out_num, mx_entry_p out_mx ) { unsigned result; if( !ToldWinHandle || IsTrapFilePumpingMessageQueue() ) { return( TrapAccess( in_num, in_mx, out_num, out_mx ) ); } else { DosSemClear( &PumpMessageSem ); result = TrapAccess( in_num, in_mx, out_num, out_mx ); WinPostMsg( GUIGetSysHandle( WndGui( WndMain ) ), WM_QUIT, 0, 0 ); DosSemWait( &PumpMessageDoneSem, SEM_INDEFINITE_WAIT ); DosSemSet( &PumpMessageDoneSem ); return( result ); } }
static unsigned DoRead( sys_handle hdl, void *ptr, unsigned len ) { mx_entry in[1]; mx_entry out[2]; file_read_req acc; file_read_ret ret; unsigned got; SUPP_FILE_SERVICE( acc, REQ_FILE_READ ); acc.handle = hdl; acc.len = len; in[0].ptr = &acc; in[0].len = sizeof( acc ); out[0].ptr = &ret; out[0].len = sizeof( ret ); out[1].ptr = ptr; out[1].len = len; CONV_LE_32( acc.handle ); CONV_LE_16( acc.len ); got = TrapAccess( 1, &in, 2, &out ); CONV_LE_32( ret.err ); if( ret.err != 0 ) { StashErrCode( ret.err, OP_REMOTE ); return( ERR_RETURN ); } else { return( got - sizeof( ret ) ); } }
static unsigned DoAWrite( unsigned req, sys_handle hdl, void *ptr, unsigned len ) { mx_entry in[2]; mx_entry out[1]; union { file_write_req file; file_write_console_req con; } acc; file_write_ret ret; SUPP_FILE_SERVICE( acc.file, req ); if( req == REQ_FILE_WRITE_CONSOLE ) { in[0].len = sizeof( acc.con ); } else { acc.file.handle = hdl; CONV_LE_32( acc.file.handle ); in[0].len = sizeof( acc.file ); } in[0].ptr = &acc; in[1].ptr = ptr; in[1].len = len; out[0].ptr = &ret; out[0].len = sizeof( ret ); TrapAccess( 2, &in, 1, &out ); CONV_LE_32( ret.err ); CONV_LE_16( ret.len ); if( ret.err != 0 ) { StashErrCode( ret.err, OP_REMOTE ); return( ERR_RETURN ); } else { return( ret.len ); } }
void RemoteUpdateRunThread( thread_state *thd ) { in_mx_entry in[1]; mx_entry out[2]; run_thread_get_runtime_req acc; run_thread_get_runtime_ret ret; if( SuppRunThreadId == 0 ) return; acc.supp.core_req = REQ_PERFORM_SUPPLEMENTARY_SERVICE; = SuppRunThreadId; acc.req = REQ_RUN_THREAD_GET_RUNTIME; acc.thread = thd->tid; in[0].ptr = &acc; in[0].len = sizeof( acc ); out[0].ptr = &ret; out[0].len = sizeof( ret ); out[1].ptr = thd->extra; out[1].len = MAX_THD_EXTRA_SIZE; TrapAccess( 1, in, 2, out ); thd->state = ret.state; thd->cs = ret.cs; thd->eip = ret.eip; }
bool RemoteGetEnvironmentVariable( char *name, char *res, int res_len ) { in_mx_entry in[2]; mx_entry out[2]; env_get_var_req acc; env_get_var_ret ret; if( SuppEnvId == 0 ) return( false ); SUPP_ENV_SERVICE( acc, REQ_ENV_GET_VAR ); acc.res_len = res_len; in[0].ptr = &acc; in[0].len = sizeof( acc ); in[1].ptr = name; in[1].len = strlen( name ) + 1; out[0].ptr = &ret; out[0].len = sizeof( ret ); out[1].ptr = res; out[1].len = res_len; TrapAccess( 2, in, 2, out ); if( ret.err != 0 ) { StashErrCode( ret.err, OP_REMOTE ); return( false ); } else { return( true ); } }
bool RemoteSetEnvironmentVariable( char *name, char *value ) { in_mx_entry in[3]; mx_entry out[1]; env_set_var_req acc; env_set_var_ret ret; if( SuppEnvId == 0 ) return( false ); SUPP_ENV_SERVICE( acc, REQ_ENV_SET_VAR ); in[0].ptr = &acc; in[0].len = sizeof( acc ); in[1].ptr = name; in[1].len = strlen( name ) + 1; in[2].ptr = value; in[2].len = strlen( value ) + 1; out[0].ptr = &ret; out[0].len = sizeof( ret ); TrapAccess( 3, in, 1, out ); if( ret.err != 0 ) { StashErrCode( ret.err, OP_REMOTE ); return( false ); } else { return( true ); } }
bool RemoteSetFileDate( const char *name, long date ) { in_mx_entry in[2]; mx_entry out[1]; file_info_set_date_req acc; file_info_set_date_ret ret; if( SuppFileInfoId == 0 ) return( false ); SUPP_FILE_INFO_SERVICE( acc, REQ_FILE_INFO_SET_DATE ); = date; in[0].ptr = &acc; in[0].len = sizeof( acc ); in[1].ptr = name; in[1].len = (trap_elen)( strlen( name ) + 1 ); out[0].ptr = &ret; out[0].len = sizeof( ret ); TrapAccess( 2, in, 1, out ); if( ret.err != 0 ) { StashErrCode( ret.err, OP_REMOTE ); return( false ); } else { return( true ); } }
static bool AccConnect( void ) { connect_req *acc; char *data; connect_ret *ret; trap_elen max; trap_elen len; acc = GetInPtr( 0 ); ret = GetOutPtr( 0 ); data = GetOutPtr( sizeof( *ret ) ); if( acc->ver.major != TrapVersion.major || acc->ver.minor > TrapVersion.minor ) { strcpy( data, TRP_ERR_WRONG_SERVER_VERSION ); PutBuffPacket( RWBuff, sizeof( *acc ) + sizeof( TRP_ERR_WRONG_SERVER_VERSION ) ); } else { len = TrapAccess( 1, &In[0], 1, &Out[0] ); max = MaxPacketSize(); if( max > sizeof( RWBuff ) ) max = sizeof( RWBuff ); if( ret->max_msg_size > max ) ret->max_msg_size = max; CONV_LE_16( ret->max_msg_size ); PutBuffPacket( RWBuff, len ); } if( data[0] != '\0' ) { ServError( data ); return( FALSE ); } return( TRUE ); }
bool RemoteGetRunThreadInfo( int row, unsigned char *infotype, int *width, char *header, int maxsize ) { in_mx_entry in[1]; mx_entry out[2]; run_thread_info_req acc; run_thread_info_ret ret; if( SuppRunThreadId == 0 ) return( FALSE ); acc.supp.core_req = REQ_PERFORM_SUPPLEMENTARY_SERVICE; = SuppRunThreadId; acc.req = REQ_RUN_THREAD_INFO; acc.col = row; = 0; in[0].ptr = &acc; in[0].len = sizeof( acc ); out[0].ptr = &ret; out[0].len = sizeof( ret ); out[1].ptr = header; out[1].len = maxsize; TrapAccess( 1, in, 2, out ); if( ) { *infotype =; *width = ret.width; return( TRUE ); } else { return( FALSE ); } }
unsigned TrapSimpAccess( trap_elen in_len, in_data_p in_data, trap_elen out_len, out_data_p out_data ) { in_mx_entry in[1]; mx_entry out[1]; unsigned result; in[0].ptr = in_data; in[0].len = in_len; if( out_len != 0 ) { out[0].ptr = out_data; out[0].len = out_len; result = TrapAccess( 1, in, 1, out ); } else { result = TrapAccess( 1, in, 0, NULL ); } return( result ); }
unsigned TrapSimpAccess( unsigned in_len, void *in_data, unsigned out_len, void *out_data ) { mx_entry in[1]; mx_entry out[1]; unsigned result; in[0].ptr = in_data; in[0].len = in_len; if( out_len != 0 ) { out[0].ptr = out_data; out[0].len = out_len; result = TrapAccess( 1, in, 1, out ); } else { result = TrapAccess( 1, in, 0, NULL ); } return( result ); }
//NYI: The 'bool executable' should be changed to allow different file types unsigned RemoteStringToFullName( bool executable, char *name, char *res, unsigned res_len ) { mx_entry in[2]; mx_entry out[2]; file_string_to_fullpath_req acc; file_string_to_fullpath_ret ret; handle h; if( SuppFileId == 0 ) { h = LclStringToFullName( name, strlen( name ), res ); if( h == NIL_HANDLE ) return( 0 ); FileClose( h ); return( strlen( res ) ); } #ifdef __NT__ // check whether short filename is necessary switch( SysConfig.os ) { case OS_AUTOCAD: case OS_DOS: case OS_RATIONAL: case OS_PHARLAP: case OS_WINDOWS: // convert long file name to short "DOS" compatible form { char short_filename[MAX_PATH + 1] = ""; GetShortPathNameA( name, short_filename, MAX_PATH ); if( strlen( short_filename ) != 0 ) { strcpy( name, short_filename ); } } break; } #endif SUPP_FILE_SERVICE( acc, REQ_FILE_STRING_TO_FULLPATH ); acc.file_type = ( executable ? TF_TYPE_EXE : TF_TYPE_PRS ); in[0].ptr = &acc; in[0].len = sizeof( acc ); in[1].ptr = name; in[1].len = strlen( name ) + 1; out[0].ptr = &ret; out[0].len = sizeof( ret ); out[1].ptr = res; out[1].len = res_len; TrapAccess( 2, &in, 2, &out ); CONV_LE_32( ret.err ); if( ret.err != 0 ) { *res = NULLCHAR; return( 0 ); } else { return( strlen( res ) ); } }
sys_handle RemoteOpen( char *name, open_access mode ) { mx_entry in[2]; mx_entry out[1]; file_open_req acc; file_open_ret ret; int locfile; if( SuppFileId == 0 ) return( NIL_SYS_HANDLE ); SUPP_FILE_SERVICE( acc, REQ_FILE_OPEN ); acc.mode = 0; if( mode & OP_READ ) acc.mode |= TF_READ; if( mode & OP_WRITE ) acc.mode |= TF_WRITE; if( mode & OP_CREATE ) { acc.mode |= TF_CREATE; if( mode & OP_EXEC ) acc.mode |= TF_EXEC; } in[0].ptr = &acc; in[0].len = sizeof( acc ); in[1].ptr = name; in[1].len = strlen( name ) + 1; out[0].ptr = &ret; out[0].len = sizeof( ret ); TrapAccess( 2, &in, 1, &out ); CONV_LE_32( ret.err ); CONV_LE_32( ret.handle ); if( ret.err != 0 ) { StashErrCode( ret.err, OP_REMOTE ); return( NIL_SYS_HANDLE ); } else { /* See if the file is available locally. If so, open it here as * well as on the remote machine. */ // TODO: check if remote file is the same! #ifdef LOGGING fprintf( logf, "Trying to open local copy of remote file (remote handle %d)\n", ret.handle ); fprintf( logf, "%s\n", name ); #endif if( (locfile = open(name, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0 )) != -1 ) { if(AddCachedHandle( locfile, ret.handle ) != 0 ) close( locfile ); #ifdef LOGGING fprintf(logf, "Success\n", name); #endif } return( ret.handle ); } }
trap_shandle GetSuppId( char *name ) { mx_entry in[2]; mx_entry out[1]; get_supplementary_service_req acc; get_supplementary_service_ret ret; acc.req = REQ_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY_SERVICE; in[0].ptr = &acc; in[0].len = sizeof( acc ); in[1].ptr = name; in[1].len = strlen( name ) + 1; out[0].ptr = &ret; out[0].len = sizeof( ret ); TrapAccess( 2, in, 1, out ); if( ret.err != 0 ) return( 0 ); return( ); }
unsigned RemoteErase( char *name ) { mx_entry in[2]; mx_entry out[1]; file_erase_req acc; file_erase_ret ret; if( SuppFileId == 0 ) return( 0 ); SUPP_FILE_SERVICE( acc, REQ_FILE_ERASE ); in[0].ptr = &acc; in[0].len = sizeof( acc ); in[1].ptr = name; in[1].len = strlen( name ) + 1; out[0].ptr = &ret; out[0].len = sizeof( ret ); TrapAccess( 2, &in, 1, &out ); CONV_LE_32( ret.err ); return( StashErrCode( ret.err, OP_REMOTE ) ); }
long RemoteFork( char *cmd, unsigned len ) { mx_entry in[2]; mx_entry out[1]; file_run_cmd_req acc; file_run_cmd_ret ret; if( SuppFileId == 0 ) return( 0 ); SUPP_FILE_SERVICE( acc, REQ_FILE_RUN_CMD ); acc.chk_size = CheckSize; in[0].ptr = &acc; in[0].len = sizeof( acc ); in[1].ptr = cmd; in[1].len = len; out[0].ptr = &ret; out[0].len = sizeof( ret ); TrapAccess( 2, &in, 1, &out ); CONV_LE_32( ret.err ); return( StashErrCode( ret.err, OP_REMOTE ) ); }
long RemoteGetFileDate( char *name ) { mx_entry in[2]; mx_entry out[1]; file_info_get_date_req acc; file_info_get_date_ret ret; if( SuppFileInfoId == 0 ) return( -1 ); SUPP_FILE_INFO_SERVICE( acc, REQ_FILE_INFO_GET_DATE ); in[0].ptr = &acc; in[0].len = sizeof( acc ); in[1].ptr = name; in[1].len = strlen( name ) + 1; out[0].ptr = &ret; out[0].len = sizeof( ret ); TrapAccess( 2, in, 1, out ); if( ret.err != 0 ) { StashErrCode( ret.err, OP_REMOTE ); return( -1 ); } else { return( ); } }
unsigned OnAnotherThreadAccess( unsigned in_num, in_mx_entry_p in_mx, unsigned out_num, mx_entry_p out_mx ) { return( TrapAccess( in_num, in_mx, out_num, out_mx ) ); }
void InitTrap( char *trap_file ) { mx_entry in[1]; mx_entry out[2]; connect_req in_mx; connect_ret out_mx; char *error; trap_version ver; char buff[ TXT_LEN ]; #ifdef ENABLE_TRAP_LOGGING if( TrpDebugFile ) OpenTrapTraceFile( TrpDebugFile, TrpDebugFileFlush ); #endif /* Don't use TxtBuff except for error -- it may have a Finger message in it */ #if !defined( BUILD_RFX ) TrapSetFailCallBack( TrapFailed ); #endif InitTrapError = FALSE; RestoreHandlers(); ver.remote = FALSE; #if !defined( BUILD_RFX ) if( stricmp( trap_file, "dumb" ) == 0 ) { error = LoadDumbTrap( &ver ); } else { #endif error = LoadTrap( trap_file, buff, &ver ); #if !defined( BUILD_RFX ) } #endif GrabHandlers(); if( error != NULL ) { strcpy( buff, error ); InitTrapError = TRUE; StartupErr( buff ); } in_mx.req = REQ_CONNECT; in_mx.ver.major = TRAP_MAJOR_VERSION; in_mx.ver.minor = TRAP_MINOR_VERSION; in_mx.ver.remote = FALSE; in[0].ptr = &in_mx; in[0].len = sizeof( in_mx ); out[0].ptr = &out_mx; out[0].len = sizeof( out_mx ); buff[0] = '\0'; out[1].ptr = buff; out[1].len = MAX_ERR_MSG_SIZE; TrapAccess( 1, in, 2, out ); MaxPacketLen = out_mx.max_msg_size; if( buff[0] != '\0' ) { KillTrap(); InitTrapError = TRUE; StartupErr( buff ); } #if !defined( BUILD_RFX ) if( !InitTrapError ) { InitSuppServices(); } #endif if( ver.remote ) { _SwitchOn( SW_REMOTE_LINK ); } else { _SwitchOff( SW_REMOTE_LINK ); } }
unsigned OnAnotherThreadAccess( trap_elen in_num, in_mx_entry_p in_mx, trap_elen out_num, mx_entry_p out_mx ) { return( TrapAccess( in_num, in_mx, out_num, out_mx ) ); }