Exemple #1
	// When a PICC is exposed to an unmodulated operating field
	// it shall be able to accept a quest within 5 ms.
	// PCDs should periodically present an unmodulated field of at least
	// 5,1 ms duration. (ISO14443-3)

	iso14443bAnticollision(0xB0, 0x04); // 16 slots (0xB0, then 0x04 for 16 slots or 0x00 for 1 slot)


void low_setRF_Protocol_Off()
	printf("Turning off RF\n");
Exemple #3
void hydranfc_scan_vicinity(t_hydra_console *con)
	static uint8_t data_buf[VICINITY_UID_MAX];
	uint8_t fifo_size;
	int i;

	/* End Test delay */
	irq_count = 0;

	/* Test ISO15693 read UID */

	/* Write Modulator and SYS_CLK Control Register (0x09) (13.56Mhz SYS_CLK and default Clock 13.56Mhz)) */
	data_buf[0] = MODULATOR_CONTROL;
	data_buf[1] = 0x31;
	Trf797xWriteSingle(data_buf, 2);

	/* Configure Mode ISO Control Register (0x01) to 0x02 (ISO15693 high bit rate, one subcarrier, 1 out of 4) */
	data_buf[0] = ISO_CONTROL;
	data_buf[1] = 0x02;
	Trf797xWriteSingle(data_buf, 2);

	/* Configure Test Settings 1 to BIT6/0x40 => MOD Pin becomes receiver subcarrier output (Digital Output for RX/TX) */
	data_buf[0] = TEST_SETTINGS_1;
	data_buf[1] = BIT6;
	Trf797xWriteSingle(data_buf, 2);

	data_buf[0] = TEST_SETTINGS_1;
	Trf797xReadSingle(data_buf, 1);
	if (data_buf[0] != 0x40)
		cprintf(con, "Error Test Settings Register(0x1A) read=0x%02lX (shall be 0x40)\r\n", (uint32_t)data_buf[0]);

	/* Turn RF ON (Chip Status Control Register (0x00)) */


	/* Send Inventory(3B) and receive data + UID */
	data_buf[0] = 0x26; /* Request Flags */
	data_buf[1] = 0x01; /* Inventory Command */
	data_buf[2] = 0x00; /* Mask */

	fifo_size = Trf797x_transceive_bytes(data_buf, 3, data_buf, VICINITY_UID_MAX,
					     10, /* 10ms TX/RX Timeout (shall be less than 10ms (6ms) in High Speed) */
					     1); /* CRC enabled */
	if (fifo_size > 0) {
		/* fifo_size should be 10. */
		cprintf(con, "UID:");
		for (i = 0; i < fifo_size; i++)
			cprintf(con, " 0x%02lX", (uint32_t)data_buf[i]);
		cprintf(con, "\r\n");

		/* Read RSSI levels and oscillator status(0x0F/0x4F) */
		data_buf[0] = RSSI_LEVELS;
		Trf797xReadSingle(data_buf, 1);
		if (data_buf[0] < 0x40) {
			cprintf(con, "RSSI error: 0x%02lX (should be > 0x40)\r\n", (uint32_t)data_buf[0]);

	/* Turn RF OFF (Chip Status Control Register (0x00)) */

	cprintf(con, "irq_count: 0x%02ld\r\n", (uint32_t)irq_count);
	irq_count = 0;
Exemple #4
void hydranfc_scan_mifare(t_hydra_console *con)
	uint8_t data_buf[MIFARE_DATA_MAX];

	uint8_t atqa_buf[MIFARE_ATQA_MAX];
	uint8_t uid_buf[MIFARE_UID_MAX];
	uint8_t sak1_buf[MIFARE_SAK_MAX];
	uint8_t sak2_buf[MIFARE_SAK_MAX];
	uint8_t CL1_buf[MIFARE_CL1_MAX];
	uint8_t CL2_buf[MIFARE_CL2_MAX];
	uint8_t halt_buf[MIFARE_HALT_MAX];

	uint8_t atqa_buf_size = 0;
	uint8_t uid_buf_size = 0;
	uint8_t sak1_buf_size = 0;
	uint8_t sak2_buf_size = 0;
	uint8_t CL1_buf_size = 0;
	uint8_t CL2_buf_size = 0;
	uint8_t halt_buf_size = 0;

	uint8_t bcc, i;

	/* End Test delay */
	irq_count = 0;

	/* Test ISO14443-A/Mifare read UID */

	 * Write Modulator and SYS_CLK Control Register (0x09) (13.56Mhz SYS_CLK
	 * and default Clock 13.56Mhz))
	data_buf[0] = MODULATOR_CONTROL;
	data_buf[1] = 0x31;
	Trf797xWriteSingle(data_buf, 2);

	 * Configure Mode ISO Control Register (0x01) to 0x88 (ISO14443A RX bit
	 * rate, 106 kbps) and no RX CRC (CRC is not present in the response))
	data_buf[0] = ISO_CONTROL;
	data_buf[1] = 0x88;
	Trf797xWriteSingle(data_buf, 2);

	data_buf[0] = ISO_CONTROL;
	Trf797xReadSingle(data_buf, 1);
	if (data_buf[0] != 0x88)
		cprintf(con, "Error ISO Control Register read=0x%02lX (should be 0x88)\r\n",

	/* Configure Test Settings 1 to BIT6/0x40 => MOD Pin becomes receiver subcarrier output (Digital Output for RX/TX) */
	    data_buf[0] = TEST_SETTINGS_1;
	    data_buf[1] = BIT6;
	    Trf797xWriteSingle(data_buf, 2);

	    data_buf[0] = TEST_SETTINGS_1;
	    Trf797xReadSingle(data_buf, 1);
	    if (data_buf[0] != 0x40)
	      cprintf(con, "Error Test Settings Register(0x1A) read=0x%02lX (shall be 0x40)\r\n", (uint32_t)data_buf[0]);

	/* Turn RF ON (Chip Status Control Register (0x00)) */

	/* Send REQA (7 bits) and receive ATQA (2 bytes) */
	data_buf[0] = 0x26; /* REQA (7bits) */
	atqa_buf_size = Trf797x_transceive_bits(data_buf[0], 7, atqa_buf, MIFARE_ATQA_MAX,
						10, /* 10ms TX/RX Timeout */
						0); /* TX CRC disabled */
	/* Re-send REQA */
	if (atqa_buf_size == 0) {
		/* Send REQA (7 bits) and receive ATQA (2 bytes) */
		data_buf[0] = 0x26; /* REQA (7 bits) */
		atqa_buf_size = Trf797x_transceive_bits(data_buf[0], 7, atqa_buf, MIFARE_ATQA_MAX,
							10, /* 10ms TX/RX Timeout */
							0); /* TX CRC disabled */
	if (atqa_buf_size > 0) {
		/* Send AntiColl Cascade Level1 (2 bytes) and receive CT+3 UID bytes+BCC (5 bytes) [tag 7 bytes UID]  or UID+BCC (5 bytes) [tag 4 bytes UID] */
		data_buf[0] = 0x93;
		data_buf[1] = 0x20;

		CL1_buf_size = Trf797x_transceive_bytes(data_buf, 2, CL1_buf, MIFARE_CL1_MAX,
							10, /* 10ms TX/RX Timeout */
							0); /* TX CRC disabled */

		/*Check tag 7 bytes UID*/
		if (CL1_buf[0] == 0x88) {
			uid_buf_size = 7;
			for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
				uid_buf[i] = CL1_buf[1 + i];

			/* Send AntiColl Cascade Level1 (2 bytes)+CT+3 UID bytes+BCC (5 bytes) and receive SAK1 (1 byte) */
			data_buf[0] = 0x93;
			data_buf[1] = 0x70;

			for (i = 0; i < CL1_buf_size; i++) {
				data_buf[2 + i] = CL1_buf[i];

			sak1_buf_size = Trf797x_transceive_bytes(data_buf, (2 + CL1_buf_size), sak1_buf, MIFARE_SAK_MAX,

					20, /* 10ms TX/RX Timeout */
					1); /* TX CRC disabled */

			if (sak1_buf_size > 0) {

				/* Send AntiColl Cascade Level2 (2 bytes) and receive 4 UID bytes+BCC (5 bytes)*/
				data_buf[0] = 0x95;
				data_buf[1] = 0x20;

				CL2_buf_size = Trf797x_transceive_bytes(data_buf, 2, CL2_buf, MIFARE_CL2_MAX,
									10, /* 10ms TX/RX Timeout */
									0); /* TX CRC disabled */

				if (CL2_buf_size > 0) {
					for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
						uid_buf[i + 3] = CL2_buf[i];

					data_buf[0] = RSSI_LEVELS;
					Trf797xReadSingle(data_buf, 1);
					if (data_buf[0] < 0x40)
						cprintf(con, "RSSI error: 0x%02lX (should be > 0x40)\r\n", (uint32_t)data_buf[0]);

					 * Select RX with CRC_A
					 * Configure Mode ISO Control Register (0x01) to 0x08
					 * (ISO14443A RX bit rate, 106 kbps) and RX CRC (CRC
					 * is present in the response)
					data_buf[0] = ISO_CONTROL;
					data_buf[1] = 0x08;
					Trf797xWriteSingle(data_buf, 2);

					/* Send AntiColl Cascade Level2 (2 bytes)+4 UID bytes(4 bytes) and receive SAK2 (1 byte) */
					data_buf[0] = 0x95;
					data_buf[1] = 0x70;

					for (i = 0; i < CL2_buf_size; i++) {
						data_buf[2 + i] = CL2_buf[i];

					sak2_buf_size = Trf797x_transceive_bytes(data_buf, (2 + CL2_buf_size), sak2_buf, MIFARE_SAK_MAX,
							20, /* 10ms TX/RX Timeout */
							1); /* TX CRC disabled */

					if (sak2_buf_size > 0) {
						/* Send Halt(2Bytes+CRC) */
						data_buf[0] = 0x50;
						data_buf[1] = 0x00;
						halt_buf_size = Trf797x_transceive_bytes(data_buf, 2, halt_buf, MIFARE_HALT_MAX,
								5, /* 5ms TX/RX Timeout => shall not receive answer */
								1); /* TX CRC enabled */

		/*tag 4 bytes UID*/
		else {
			uid_buf_size = Trf797x_transceive_bytes(data_buf, 2, uid_buf, MIFARE_UID_MAX,
								10, /* 10ms TX/RX Timeout */
								0); /* TX CRC disabled */
			if (uid_buf_size > 0) {
				data_buf[0] = RSSI_LEVELS;
				Trf797xReadSingle(data_buf, 1);
				if (data_buf[0] < 0x40)
					cprintf(con, "RSSI error: 0x%02lX (should be > 0x40)\r\n", (uint32_t)data_buf[0]);

				* Select RX with CRC_A
				* Configure Mode ISO Control Register (0x01) to 0x08
				* (ISO14443A RX bit rate, 106 kbps) and RX CRC (CRC
				* is present in the response)

				data_buf[0] = ISO_CONTROL;
				data_buf[1] = 0x08;
				Trf797xWriteSingle(data_buf, 2);

				/* Finish Select (6 bytes) and receive SAK1 (1 byte) */
				data_buf[0] = 0x93;
				data_buf[1] = 0x70;
				for (i = 0; i < uid_buf_size; i++) {
					data_buf[2 + i] = uid_buf[i];
				sak1_buf_size = Trf797x_transceive_bytes(data_buf, (2 + uid_buf_size),  sak1_buf, MIFARE_SAK_MAX,
						20, /* 20ms TX/RX Timeout */
						1); /* TX CRC enabled */
				if (sak1_buf_size > 0) {
					/* Send Halt(2Bytes+CRC) */
					data_buf[0] = 0x50;
					data_buf[1] = 0x00;
					halt_buf_size = Trf797x_transceive_bytes(data_buf, 2, halt_buf, MIFARE_HALT_MAX,
							5, /* 5ms TX/RX Timeout => shall not receive answer */
							1); /* TX CRC enabled */

	/* Turn RF OFF (Chip Status Control Register (0x00)) */

	if(atqa_buf_size > 0) {
		cprintf(con, "ATQA: ");
		for (i = 0; i < atqa_buf_size; i++)
			cprintf(con, " %02X", (uint32_t)atqa_buf[i]);
		cprintf(con, "\r\n");

	if(sak1_buf_size > 0) {
		cprintf(con, "SAK1: ");
		if (sak1_buf_size > 1)
			sak1_buf_size = 1;
		for (i = 0; i < sak1_buf_size; i++)
			cprintf(con, " %02lX", (uint32_t)sak1_buf[i]);
		cprintf(con, "\r\n");

	if(sak2_buf_size > 0) {
		cprintf(con, "SAK2: ");
		for (i = 0; i < sak2_buf_size; i++)
			cprintf(con, " %02lX", (uint32_t)sak2_buf[i]);
		cprintf(con, "\r\n");

	if(uid_buf_size > 0) {
		if(uid_buf_size == 7) {
			cprintf(con, "UID: ");
			for (i = 0; i < uid_buf_size ; i++) {
				cprintf(con, " %02lX", (uint32_t)uid_buf[i]);
			cprintf(con, "\r\n");
		} else {
			cprintf(con, "UID: ");
			bcc = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < uid_buf_size - 1; i++) {
				cprintf(con, " %02lX", (uint32_t)uid_buf[i]);
				bcc ^= uid_buf[i];
			cprintf(con, " (BCC %02lX %s)\r\n", (uint32_t)uid_buf[i],
				bcc == uid_buf[i] ? "ok" : "NOT OK");

	if (halt_buf_size > 0) {
		cprintf(con, "HALT: ");
		for (i = 0; i < halt_buf_size; i++)
			cprintf(con, " %02lX", (uint32_t)data_buf[i]);
		cprintf(con, "\r\n");
	cprintf(con, "irq_count: 0x%02ld\r\n", (uint32_t)irq_count);
	irq_count = 0;