// 三角形化
void CFBXLoader::TriangulateRecursive(FbxNode* pNode)
	FbxNodeAttribute* lNodeAttribute = pNode->GetNodeAttribute();

    if (lNodeAttribute)
        if (lNodeAttribute->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh ||
            lNodeAttribute->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbs ||
            lNodeAttribute->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbsSurface ||
            lNodeAttribute->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::ePatch)
			FbxGeometryConverter lConverter(pNode->GetFbxManager());
			// これでどんな形状も三角形化
#if 0
            lConverter.TriangulateInPlace(pNode);	// 古い手法
#endif // 0
			lConverter.Triangulate( mScene, true );

	const int lChildCount = pNode->GetChildCount();
    for (int lChildIndex = 0; lChildIndex < lChildCount; ++lChildIndex)
		// 子ノードを探索
HRESULT CFBXLoader::LoadFBX(const char* filename, const eAXIS_SYSTEM axis)
		return E_FAIL;


	InitializeSdkObjects( mSdkManager, mScene );
		return E_FAIL;

	// インポータ作成
    int lFileFormat = -1;
    mImporter = FbxImporter::Create(mSdkManager,"");

	if (!mSdkManager->GetIOPluginRegistry()->DetectReaderFileFormat(filename, lFileFormat) )
        // Unrecognizable file format. Try to fall back to FbxImporter::eFBX_BINARY
        lFileFormat = mSdkManager->GetIOPluginRegistry()->FindReaderIDByDescription( "FBX binary (*.fbx)" );;

     // Initialize the importer by providing a filename.
    if(!mImporter || mImporter->Initialize(filename, lFileFormat) == false)
		return E_FAIL;
	if( !mImporter || mImporter->Import(mScene) == false )
		return E_FAIL;

	FbxAxisSystem OurAxisSystem = FbxAxisSystem::DirectX;

		OurAxisSystem = FbxAxisSystem::OpenGL;
	// DirectX系
    FbxAxisSystem SceneAxisSystem = mScene->GetGlobalSettings().GetAxisSystem();
	if(SceneAxisSystem != OurAxisSystem)

    // 単位系の統一
	// 不要でもいいかも
    FbxSystemUnit SceneSystemUnit = mScene->GetGlobalSettings().GetSystemUnit();
    if( SceneSystemUnit.GetScaleFactor() != 1.0 )
        // センチメーター単位にコンバートする
        FbxSystemUnit::cm.ConvertScene( mScene );

	// 三角形化(三角形以外のデータでもコレで安心)


	return hr;
Exemple #3
    // Triangulate all NURBS, patch and mesh under this node recursively.
    void TriangulateRecursive(FbxNode* pNode)
      FbxNodeAttribute* lNodeAttribute = pNode->GetNodeAttribute();

      if (lNodeAttribute)
        FbxNodeAttribute::EType eAttrType = lNodeAttribute->GetAttributeType();
        if (eAttrType == FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh ||
          eAttrType == FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbs ||
          eAttrType == FbxNodeAttribute::eNurbsSurface ||
          eAttrType == FbxNodeAttribute::ePatch)
          FbxGeometryConverter lConverter(pNode->GetFbxManager());

      const int lChildCount = pNode->GetChildCount();
      for (int lChildIndex = 0; lChildIndex < lChildCount; ++lChildIndex)
Exemple #4
bool SceneContext::LoadFile()
    bool lResult = false;
    // Make sure that the scene is ready to load.
    if (mStatus == MUST_BE_LOADED)
        if (mImporter->Import(mScene) == true)
            // Set the scene status flag to refresh 
            // the scene in the first timer callback.
            mStatus = MUST_BE_REFRESHED;

            // Convert Axis System to what is used in this example, if needed
            FbxAxisSystem SceneAxisSystem = mScene->GetGlobalSettings().GetAxisSystem();
            //FbxAxisSystem OurAxisSystem(FbxAxisSystem::eYAxis, FbxAxisSystem::eParityOdd, FbxAxisSystem::eRightHanded);
            FbxAxisSystem OurAxisSystem(FbxAxisSystem::eOpenGL);
            //m_matGlobal.SetRow(1, float4(0,0,-1,0));
            //m_matGlobal.SetRow(2, float4(0,1,0,0));
            if( SceneAxisSystem != OurAxisSystem )

            // Convert Unit System to what is used in this example, if needed
            FbxSystemUnit SceneSystemUnit = mScene->GetGlobalSettings().GetSystemUnit();
            if( SceneSystemUnit.GetScaleFactor() != 1.0 )
                //The unit in this example is centimeter.
                FbxSystemUnit::cm.ConvertScene( mScene);

            // Get the list of all the animation stack.


            // Get the list of all the cameras in the scene.
            FillCameraArray(mScene, mCameraArray);

            // Convert mesh, NURBS and patch into triangle mesh

            // Bake the scene for one frame
            //LoadCacheRecursive(this, mScene, mCurrentAnimLayer, mFileName, mSupportVBO);

            // Convert any .PC2 point cache data into the .MC format for 
            // vertex cache deformer playback.
            PreparePointCacheData(mScene, mCache_Start, mCache_Stop);

            // Get the list of pose in the scene
            FillPoseArray(mScene, mPoseArray);

            // Initialize the window message.
            mWindowMessage = "File ";
            mWindowMessage += WS2AS(m_FileName);
            mWindowMessage += "\nClick on the right mouse button to enter menu.";
            mWindowMessage += "\nEsc to exit.";

            // Initialize the frame period.
            mFrameTime.SetTime(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, mScene->GetGlobalSettings().GetTimeMode());

            // Print the keyboard shortcuts.
            //FBXSDK_printf("Play/Pause Animation: Space Bar.\n");
            //FBXSDK_printf("Camera Rotate: Left Mouse Button.\n");
            //FBXSDK_printf("Camera Pan: Left Mouse Button + Middle Mouse Button.\n");
            //FBXSDK_printf("Camera Zoom: Middle Mouse Button.\n");

            lResult = true;
            // Import failed, set the scene status flag accordingly.
            mStatus = UNLOADED;

            mWindowMessage = "Unable to import file ";
            mWindowMessage += WS2AS(m_FileName);
            mWindowMessage += "\nError reported: ";
            mWindowMessage += mImporter->GetLastErrorString();

        // Destroy the importer to release the file.
        mImporter = NULL;

    // Bake the scene for one frame
    LoadCacheRecursive(this, mScene, mCurrentAnimLayer, m_FileName, m_bSupportVBO);
    return lResult;