Exemple #1
int Pack(void *inbuf, int incount, Datatype type, 
              void *outbuf, int outsize, int *position, Comm * comm)
  int i, j;
  MPI_Aint extent;
  //check that buffer is large enough
  Type_extent(type, &extent);
  for (i = 0; i < incount; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < type->count; j++)
      if ((*position) + Simpletype_length(type->pairs[j].type) > outsize)
        printf("MPI_Pack: data exceeds buffer size\n");
      memcpy(((char*) outbuf)+(*position), inbuf+type->pairs[j].disp + (extent*i),
      *position += Simpletype_length(type->pairs[j].type);
Exemple #2
int Unpack(void * inbuf, int insize, int * position, void *outbuf,
                int outcount, Datatype type, Comm* comm)
  int i, j;
  MPI_Aint extent;

  Type_extent(type, &extent);

  for (i = 0; i < outcount; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < type->count; j++)
      if ((*position) + Simpletype_length(type->pairs[j].type) > insize)
        printf("MPI_Unpack: Data exceeds buffer size\n");
      memcpy(outbuf+type->pairs[j].disp + (extent*i), ((char*) inbuf)+(*position) ,
      *position += Simpletype_length(type->pairs[j].type);
Exemple #3
int Type_struct(int count, int * blocklens, MPI_Aint * displacements, 
                Datatype *oldtypes_ptr,     Datatype *newtype)
  int i, j, k;
  Datatype temp, temp2;
  int newcount;
  char override_lower = 0, //whether to override
       override_upper = 0;
  MPI_Aint  new_lb = LONG_MAX,
            new_ub = LONG_MIN,
       clb, cub;            //calculated lb and ub
  int simpletype_count = 0; //total additional blocks for malloc
  MPI_Aint tmp_offset;      //for contiguous blocks of type
  MPI_Aint extent;

  // find the total number of elements in the typemap we need to add.
  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
    //check for MPI_UB or MPI_LB.  These types are special
    // cases and will be skipped over
    temp2 = oldtypes_ptr[i];
    if (temp2->pairs[0].type == SIMPLE_LOWER)
      //found MPI_LB.  This is a candidate for the actual lb
      if (new_lb > displacements[i])
        new_lb = displacements[i];
      override_lower = 1;
    else if (temp2->pairs[0].type == SIMPLE_UPPER)
      //same as above, but ub
      if (new_ub < displacements[i])
	new_ub = displacements[i];
      override_upper = 1;
      //this is not MPI_LB or MPI_UB
      //However it may still have overriding bounds
      //Test for these and add its size to the typemap.

      if (temp2->o_lb)
        // this type's lb has been overridden.
        // ONLY an overriding lb can be the actual lb now.
        override_lower = 1;
      if (temp2->o_ub)
        //same as above, but ub
        override_upper = 1;

      simpletype_count += blocklens[i] * oldtypes_ptr[i]->count;
  temp = malloc(sizeof(Typestruct) + 
               ((simpletype_count-1) * sizeof(typepair)));
  temp->count = simpletype_count;
  i = 0;         //old type's index
  newcount = 0;  //new type's index

  while (i < count)
    tmp_offset = 0;

    temp2 = oldtypes_ptr[i];

    //test for previous MPI_LB or MPI_UB in one of the comprising types.
    //If found, skip over.
    if (!((temp2->pairs[0].type == SIMPLE_LOWER) ||
          (temp2->pairs[0].type == SIMPLE_UPPER)))
      for (j = 0; j < blocklens[i]; j++)
        //Copy the old type's typemap and merge into the new type
        //by a "flattening" process
        Type_extent((Datatype) oldtypes_ptr[i], &extent);
        tmp_offset = j * extent;
        if (temp2->o_lb && temp2->lb+displacements[i]+tmp_offset < new_lb)
          new_lb = temp2->lb+displacements[i]+tmp_offset;
        if (temp2->o_ub && temp2->ub+displacements[i]+tmp_offset > new_ub)
          new_ub = temp2->ub+displacements[i]+tmp_offset;

        for (k = 0;  k < oldtypes_ptr[i]->count; k++)
          Copy_type( (typepair*) oldtypes_ptr[i]->pairs+k,
                     (typepair*) (temp->pairs+newcount));

          ((typepair*) temp->pairs+(newcount))->disp += 
                       displacements[i] + tmp_offset;
  //type is NOT committed
  temp->committed = 0;

  //assign upper and lower bounds here
  if (override_lower)
    //use lowest previous overridden lower bound
    temp->o_lb = 1;
    temp->lb = new_lb;
    //use calculation
    temp->lb = calc_lb(temp);

  if (override_upper)
    temp->o_ub = 1;
    temp->ub = new_ub;
    temp->ub = calc_ub(temp);

  *newtype = temp;

  return MPI_SUCCESS;