Exemple #1
/* loops through 2D array in order of 3x3 submaps */
void UArray2_map_3x3_box(UArray2_T uarray2, 
                         void apply(int col, int row, UArray2_T a, void *elem,
                                    void *cl), 
                         void *cl)
        int c, r;
        for (r = 0; r < UArray2_height(uarray2); r++) {
                for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
                        apply(c, r, uarray2, UArray2_at(uarray2, c, r), cl);
        for (r = 0; r < UArray2_height(uarray2); r++) {
                for (c = 3; c < 6; c++) {
                        apply(c, r, uarray2, UArray2_at(uarray2, c, r), cl);
        for (r = 0; r < UArray2_height(uarray2); r++) {
                for (c = 6; c < 9; c++) {
                        apply(c, r, uarray2, UArray2_at(uarray2, c, r), cl);
Exemple #2
/* returns a void pointer to whatever is stored in location (i,j) in the
 * abstract 2D array
void *UArray2b_at(T array2b, int i, int j)
        int x1, y1, x2, y2;
        UArray2_T *inner;
        x1 = i / array2b->blocksize;
        y1 = j / array2b->blocksize;
        x2 = i % array2b->blocksize;
        y2 = j % array2b->blocksize;
        inner = UArray2_at(array2b->shell, x1, y1);/* pointer to the block */
        return UArray2_at(*inner, x2, y2);
check_and_print(int i, int j, UArray2_T a, void *p1, void *p2) 
        number *entry_p = p1; //number is a long - look at typedef

        *((bool *)p2) &= UArray2_at(a, i, j) == entry_p;

        if ( (i == (DIM1 -1) ) && (j == (DIM2 - 1) ) ) {
                /* we got the corner */
                *((bool *)p2) &= (*entry_p == MARKER);
        int elem = *(int *)UArray2_at(a, i, j);
        printf("%d, ", elem);
        printf("ar[%d,%d]\n", i, j);
extern void *UArray2b_at(T array2b, int col, int row)
        assert(col >= 0 && row >= 0);

        int block_col = (col / array2b->blocksize);
        int block_row = (row / array2b->blocksize);
        int sub_col = (col % array2b->blocksize);
        int sub_row = (row % array2b->blocksize);

        UArray2_T array =  *(UArray2_T *)UArray2_at(array2b->blockarray,
                             block_col, block_row);

        return UArray2_at(array, sub_col, sub_row);
Exemple #5
void* UArray2b_at(T array2b, int i, int j) {
  int blocksize = array2b->blocksize;
  UArray_T *temp = UArray2_at(array2b->blocks, i/blocksize, j/blocksize);
  UArray_T block = *temp;
  return UArray_at(block, blocksize * (i % blocksize) + (j % blocksize));
main(int argc, char *argv[])

        UArray2_T test_array;
        bool OK = true;

        test_array = UArray2_new(DIM1, DIM2, ELEMENT_SIZE);
        //These functions check that the dimension has been set correctly
        OK &= (UArray2_width(test_array) == DIM1);
        OK &= (UArray2_height(test_array) == DIM2);
        OK &= (UArray2_size(test_array) == ELEMENT_SIZE);

        /* Note: we are only setting a value on the corner of the array */
        *((number *)UArray2_at(test_array, DIM1-1, DIM2-1)) = MARKER;

        printf("Trying column major\n");
        UArray2_map_col_major(test_array, check_and_print, &OK);

        printf("Trying row major\n");
        UArray2_map_row_major(test_array, check_and_print, &OK);
        printf(" width = %d\n", UArray2_width(test_array));
        printf("height %d\n", UArray2_height(test_array));

        printf("The array is %sOK!\n", (OK ? "" : "NOT "));

//how to make sure we don't look through uncompleteed block
void map_block(T array2b, UArray2_T uarray2, int c, int r, void apply(int col, int row, T array2b, void *elem, void *cl), void *cl) 
        int width, height;
        int blocked_width = array2b->blocksize * 
        int blocked_height = array2b->blocksize * 

        if((c * array2b->blocksize == blocked_width) &&
                (array2b->width != blocked_width)) {
                        width = array2b->width % array2b->blocksize;;
        } else {
                width = array2b->blocksize; 
        if((r * array2b->blocksize == blocked_height) &&
                (array2b->height != blocked_height)) {
                height = array2b->height % array2b->blocksize;
        } else {
                height = array2b->blocksize;
        for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
                for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
                        int big_col = col + array2b->blocksize * c;
                        int big_row = row + array2b->blocksize * r;
                        apply(big_col, big_row, array2b, 
                              UArray2_at(uarray2, col, row), cl);
/* apply function for the mapping through the UArray2 of pixels that have 
   viedeo color values. The closure is a UArray2 with pixels that have RGB  
   values */
void rgb_vc (int col, int row, UArray2_T uarray2, void *member, void *cl)
        (void) uarray2;
        VideoColor_pixel ypbpr_pixel = member;
        Pnm_ppm pnm_image = cl;

        Pnm_rgb rgb_pixel = UArray2_at(pnm_image->pixels, col, row);
        unsigned denominator = pnm_image->denominator;

        float red = (float)rgb_pixel->red / (float)denominator ;
        float green = (float)rgb_pixel->green / (float)denominator ;
        float blue = (float)rgb_pixel->blue / (float)denominator ;
        ypbpr_pixel->y = (0.299 * red
                       + 0.587 * green
                       + 0.114 * blue);
        ypbpr_pixel->pb = (- 0.168736 * red
                        - 0.331264 * green
                        + 0.5 * blue);

        ypbpr_pixel->pr = (0.5 * red
                        - 0.418688 * green
                        - 0.081312 * blue);
Exemple #9
/* puts each pixel from reader into the 2D array in order */
UArray2_T pixels_to_array(Pnmrdr_T reader, Pnmrdr_mapdata data, FILE *fp)
        unsigned pixel, area, i;
        int row = 0;
        int col = 0;
        unsigned *index;                

        UArray2_T uarray2;

        uarray2 = UArray2_new(data.width, data.height, sizeof(unsigned));
        area = data.width * data.height;
        /* puts each pixel in 2D array */
        for (i = 0; i < area; i++) {               
                pixel = Pnmrdr_get(reader);
                index = (unsigned *)UArray2_at(uarray2, col, row); 
                *index = pixel;
                /* at end of row, reset column to 0 */
                if ((unsigned)col >= data.width) {
                        col = 0;
                        /* moves down 1 row */
        if (fp != NULL) {
        return uarray2;
Exemple #10
/* New blocked 2d array: blocksize = square root of # of cells in block */
extern T UArray2b_new (int width, int height, int size, int blocksize)
        assert(width > 0 && height > 0);
        assert(size > 0 && blocksize > 0);
        T uarray2b = malloc(sizeof(*uarray2b));
        /* Set given values */
        uarray2b->width = width;
        uarray2b->height = height;
        uarray2b->size = size;
        uarray2b->blocksize = blocksize;
        /* Ceil up WidInBlocks to include partically filled blocks */
        uarray2b->WidInBlocks = ceil((double) width/blocksize);
        uarray2b->HgtInBlocks = ceil((double) height/blocksize);
        /* Create outer UArray2 */
        uarray2b->grid = UArray2_new(uarray2b->WidInBlocks, 
                                     size * blocksize * blocksize);
        /* Loop through outer UArray2, at each cell, create inner UArray2 
         * to store elements of a block */
        for (int i = 0; i < uarray2b->WidInBlocks; i++) 
                for (int j = 0; j < uarray2b->HgtInBlocks; j++) 
                        UArray2_T *temp = UArray2_at(uarray2b->grid, i, j);
                        *temp = UArray2_new(blocksize, blocksize, size); 
        return uarray2b;
Exemple #11
/* Return a pointer to the cell in column i, row j; 
 * Index out of range is a checked run-time error */
extern void *UArray2b_at(T array2b, int col, int row)
        assert(col >= 0 && col < array2b->width);
        assert(row >= 0 && row < array2b->height);
        /* Coordinates in the outer UArray2 */
        int blockcol = col / array2b->blocksize;
        int blockrow = row / array2b->blocksize;
        /* Coordinates in the inner UArray2 */
        int colInBlock = col % array2b->blocksize;
        int rowInBlock = row % array2b->blocksize;
        /* Find inner UArray2 */
        UArray2_T *temp = UArray2_at(array2b->grid, blockcol, blockrow);  
        return UArray2_at(*temp, colInBlock, rowInBlock);
Exemple #12
void make_sub_arrays(T array2b, int big_width, int big_height)
        UArray2_T *location ;
        for (int row = 0; row < big_height; row++) {
                for (int col = 0; col < big_width; col ++) {
                        UArray2_T uarray2 = UArray2_new(array2b->blocksize, 
                        location = UArray2_at(array2b->blockarray, col, row); 
                        *location = uarray2;
Exemple #13
void UArray2_map_col_major(T array2, void apply(void* elem, void* cl, 
                int row, int col, T array), void* cl)
    int j, i;
    for(j = 0; j < array2->width; j++)
        for(i = 0; i < array2->height; i++)
            apply((UArray2_at(array2, i, j)), cl, i, j, array2);
Exemple #14
/*                             box_check()
 * Function is passed the upper right hand corner of one of the 3x3 subsections
 * of the sudoku puzzle and loops through each element of the section using the
 * frequency array to determine if there are any repeated elements. Calls a
 * helper function to perform the actual duplicate check.
void box_check(UArray2_T array, int col, int row, UArray2_T freq_arr)
    UArray2_map_row_major(freq_arr, reset_to_zero, NULL);

    for (int i = row; i < (row + 3); i++) {
        for (int j = col; j < (col + 3); j++) {
            int *curr_num = UArray2_at(array, j, i);
            assert(sizeof(*curr_num) == UArray2_size(array));
            check_for_duplicate(array, freq_arr, (void *)curr_num);
Exemple #15
| UArray2_map_row_major
|       Purpose:   maps the given function onto every element of the given 
|                  UArray2 in row major order
|       Arguments: a pointer to the 2D array, a pointer to a void apply 
|                  function, the closure as a void *
|       Returns:   -
|       Fail cases:
|               - the pointer to the 2D array is null
|               - the pointer to the apply function is null
void UArray2_map_row_major(UArray2_T uarray2, void apply(int i, int j, 
                           UArray2_T uarray2, void *value, void *cl), 
                           void *cl) {
        assert(uarray2 != NULL);
        assert(apply != NULL);
        int i;
        int j;
        for (j = 0; j < UArray2_height(uarray2); j++) {
                for (i = 0; i < UArray2_width(uarray2); i++) { 
                        apply(i, j, uarray2, UArray2_at(uarray2, i, j), cl);
Exemple #16
void UArray2b_free(T *array2b) {
  assert(array2b && *array2b);
  T a2b = *array2b;
  int bwidth = UArray2_width(a2b->blocks);
  int bheight = UArray2_height(a2b->blocks);
  for (int i=0; i<bwidth; i++) {
    for (int j=0; j<bheight; j++) {
  *array2b = NULL;
Exemple #17
| UArray2_map_col_major
|       Purpose:   maps the given function onto every element of the given 
|                  UArray2 in col major order
|       Arguments: a pointer to the 2D array, a pointer to a void apply 
|                  function, the closure as a void *
|       Returns:   -
|       Fail cases:
|               - the pointer to the 2D array is null
|               - the pointer to the apply function is null
void UArray2_map_col_major(UArray2_T uarray2, void apply(int i, int j, 
                           UArray2_T uarray2, void *value, void *cl), 
                           void *cl) {
        assert(uarray2 != NULL);
        assert(apply != NULL);
        int index;
        int i;
        int j;
        for (index = 0; index < UArray_length(uarray2->uarray); index ++) {
                i = get_i(index, UArray2_height(uarray2));
                j = get_j(index, UArray2_height(uarray2));
                apply(i, j, uarray2, UArray2_at(uarray2, i, j), cl);
Exemple #18
check_and_print(int i, int j, UArray2_T a, void *p1, void *p2) 
        number *entry_p = p1;

        *((bool *)p2) &= UArray2_at(a, i, j) == entry_p;

        if ( (i == (DIM1 -1) ) && (j == (DIM2 - 1) ) ) {
                /* we got the corner */
                *((bool *)p2) &= (*entry_p == MARKER);

        printf("ar[%d,%d]\n", i, j);
Exemple #19
/* Free array2b */
extern void UArray2b_free (T *array2b)
        assert(array2b && *array2b);
        /* Loop through outer UArray2 to free every inner UArray2 */
        for (int i = 0; i < (*array2b)->WidInBlocks; i++) 
                for (int j = 0; j < (*array2b)->HgtInBlocks; j++) 
                        UArray2_free(UArray2_at((*array2b)->grid, i, j));
        /* Free outer UArray2 and the whole structure */
Exemple #20
/*                               check_for_duplicate()
 * Function takes the 2-Dimensional array containing the solution being checked,
 * the 9x1 frequency array and a pointer to the current element in the solution
 * puzzle being checked. Looks at index (current element - 1) of the frequency
 * array to determine if the current element has already been seen in the
 * current portion of the puzzle. Calls exit(1) if a duplicate is found.
void check_for_duplicate(UArray2_T sol_arr, UArray2_T freq_arr, void *element)
    int curr_num = *(int *)element;
    int *already_seen = NULL;

    already_seen = (int *)(UArray2_at(freq_arr, (curr_num - 1), 0));
    assert(sizeof(*already_seen) == UArray2_size(sol_arr));

    if (*already_seen == 0) {
        *already_seen = 1;
    else {
/* apply function for the mapping through the UArray2 of pixels that have 
   RGB color values. The closure is a UArray2 with pixels that have video Color  
   values */
void vc_rgb(int col, int row, UArray2_T uarray2, void *member, void *cl)
        (void) uarray2;
        Pnm_rgb rgb_pixel = member;
        VideoColor_image vc_image = cl;

        VideoColor_pixel vc_pixel = UArray2_at(vc_image->pixels, col, row);

        float red = 1.0 * vc_pixel->y 
                        + 0.0 * vc_pixel->pb 
                        + 1.402 * vc_pixel->pr;
        float green = 1.0 * vc_pixel->y 
                        - 0.344136 * vc_pixel->pb 
                        - 0.714136 * vc_pixel->pr; 
        float blue = 1.0 * vc_pixel->y
                        + 1.772 * vc_pixel->pb
                        + 0.0 * vc_pixel->pr;

        if (red < 0) {
            red = 0;
        } else if (red > 1){
            red = 1;

        if (green < 0) {
            green = 0;
        } else if (green > 1){
            green = 1;

        if (blue < 0) {
            blue = 0;
        } else if (blue > 1){
            blue = 1;

        unsigned red2   =  (red * DENOMINATOR);
        unsigned green2 =  (green * DENOMINATOR);
        unsigned blue2  =  (blue  * DENOMINATOR);

        rgb_pixel->red = red2;
        rgb_pixel->green = green2;
        rgb_pixel->blue = blue2;
/* reads compressed image, wirtes PPM decompressed image */
extern void decompress40(FILE *input)
    unsigned height, width;

    int read 
    = fscanf(input, "COMP40 Compressed image format 2\n%u %u", &width, &height);

    assert(read == 2);
    int c = getc(input);
    assert(c == '\n');

    Word_image w_image = Word_image_new( width/2,  height/2);
    uint64_t temp = 0;
    uint64_t *temp2 = NULL;
    unsigned col, row;

    for (row = 0; row < (height/2); row++){
        for (col = 0; col < (width/2); col++){
            temp = Bitpack_newu(temp, 8, 0, getc(input));
            temp = Bitpack_newu(temp, 8, 8, getc(input));
            temp = Bitpack_newu(temp, 8, 16, getc(input));
            temp = Bitpack_newu(temp, 8, 24, getc(input));
            temp2 = UArray2_at(w_image->words, col, row);
            *temp2 = temp;

    WordFields_image wf_image2 = wordImage_to_wordFields (w_image);

    VideoColor_image vc_image_result = wordFields_to_videoColor (wf_image2);
    Pnm_ppm result = videoColor_to_pnm(vc_image_result);

    Pnm_ppmwrite(stdout, result);


Exemple #23
extern void UArray2b_map(T array2b, void apply(int col, int row, T array2b,
                         void *elem, void *cl), void *cl)

        int block_width = ceil((float)array2b->width /
        int block_height = ceil((float)array2b->height /
        int col, row;

        for(row = 0; row < block_height; row++) {
                for (col = 0; col < block_width; col++) {
                                *(UArray2_T *)UArray2_at(array2b->blockarray,
                                  col, row), col, row, apply, cl); 
Exemple #24
void UArray2b_map(T array2b, void apply(), void* cl) {
  int blocksize = array2b->blocksize;
  int max       = blocksize * blocksize;
  int bheight   = UArray2_height(array2b->blocks);
  int bwidth    = UArray2_width(array2b->blocks);
  for(int blockj = 0; blockj < bheight; blockj++) {
    for(int blocki = 0; blocki < bwidth; blocki++) {
      UArray_T *temp = UArray2_at(array2b->blocks, blocki, blockj);
      for(int n = 0; n < max; n++) {
        /*    n             == blocksize * (i % blocksize) + (j % blocksize)
              n / blocksize == i % blocksize
              n % blocksize == j % blocksize
        int i = blocki*blocksize + n%blocksize;
        int j = blockj*blocksize + n/blocksize;

        if(i < array2b->width && j < array2b->height)
          apply(i, j, array2b, UArray_at(*temp, n), cl);
Exemple #25
//create using a 2d array containing a T array of UArray2_T
T UArray2b_new(int width, int height, int size, int blocksize) {
  T blockArray = malloc(sizeof(*blockArray));
  blockArray->height = height;
  blockArray->width = width;
  blockArray->blocksize = blocksize;
  int bwidth = width/blocksize;
  if (width%blocksize != 0)
  int bheight = height/blocksize;
  if (height%blocksize != 0)
  blockArray->blocks = UArray2_new(bwidth, bheight, sizeof(UArray_T));

  for (int i=0; i<bwidth; i++) {
    for (int j=0; j<bheight; j++) {
      UArray_T *pblock = UArray2_at(blockArray->blocks, i, j);
      *pblock = UArray_new(blocksize*blocksize, size);
  return blockArray;