int Grab::incrSendAmount() { redisContext *c; c=redisConnPool::getInstance()->getConnection(); if(c==NULL){ UB_LOG_FATAL( "get redis connection failed, [%s:%d]", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return -5; } redisReply *reply; UB_LOG_DEBUG( "HINCRBY GRAB:%d send_amount 1", _id ); reply = (redisReply*)redisCommand( c, "HINCRBY GRAB:%d send_amount 1", _id ); redisConnPool::getInstance()->releaseConnection(c); if(reply!=NULL){ if(reply->type!=REDIS_REPLY_ERROR){ _info.send_amount=reply->integer; }else{ UB_LOG_FATAL( "REDIS ERROR[%s]", reply->str ); if(reply != NULL) { freeReplyObject(reply); } return -5; } freeReplyObject(reply); }else{ UB_LOG_FATAL( "get a NULL redis connection, [%s:%d]", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return -5; } return 0; }
int Grab::setSendAmount(const uint32_t amount) { redisContext *c; c=redisConnPool::getInstance()->getConnection(); if(c==NULL){ UB_LOG_FATAL( "get redis connection failed, [%s:%d]", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return -5; } redisReply *reply; UB_LOG_DEBUG( "HSET GRAB:%d send_amount %d", _id, amount ); reply = (redisReply*)redisCommand( c, "HSET GRAB:%d send_amount %d", _id, amount ); redisConnPool::getInstance()->releaseConnection(c); if(reply!=NULL){ if(reply->type==REDIS_REPLY_ERROR){ UB_LOG_FATAL( "REDIS ERROR[%s]", reply->str ); if(reply != NULL) { freeReplyObject(reply); } return -5; } freeReplyObject(reply); }else{ UB_LOG_FATAL( "get a NULL redis connection, [%s:%d]", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return -5; } return 0; }
int Grab::getGrabInfo(grab_t* grab_info) { UB_LOG_TRACE("Grab::getGrabInfo start"); string query_sql("SELECT `id`, `name`, `c_id`, `info`, `start_time`, `end_time`, `amount`, `probability` " "FROM `MCP`.`mcp_content_grab` " "WHERE `enable` = 1 AND `id` = " ); query_sql.append(toString(_id)); //DuokooMysql mysql; DuokooMysql mysql("grab_mysql"); int count=mysql.query(query_sql); if(count<0){ UB_LOG_FATAL( "sql[%s], [%s:%d]", query_sql.c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return -5; }else if(count==0){ UB_LOG_FATAL( "Grab id[%d] has no record, [%s:%d]", _id, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return -5; } _info.clear();,0).c_str());,1); _info.c_id=mysql.getResult(0,2);,3); _info.start_time=mysql.getResult(0,4); _info.end_time=mysql.getResult(0,5); _info.amount=atoi(mysql.getResult(0,6).c_str()); _info.probability=atof(mysql.getResult(0,7).c_str()); _info.send_amount=this->getSendAmount(); UB_LOG_NOTICE("name:[%s]",; if(grab_info!=NULL){ *grab_info = _info; } UB_LOG_TRACE("Grab::getGrabInfo end"); return 0; }
/** * * @brief 处理srch命令的函数 * * @param[in] cmd_no 命令号,一个函数可能处理多条命令,可以用命令号来区分 * @param[in] req_head 请求数据的nshead_t* * @param[in] req_buf 请求数据的buffer,本buffer不包含nshead_t * @param[out] res_head 应答数据的nshead_t* * @param[out] res_buf 应答数据的buffer,本buffer不包含nshead_t * @return * 0 : 成功 * -1 : 失败,socket将直接关闭,不给client返回错误信息 **/ STATIC int srch_process(int cmd_no, nshead_t * req_head, ub_buff_t * req_buf, nshead_t * res_head, ub_buff_t * res_buf) { /** *在打NOTICE日志时,请使用 ub_log_pushnotice 加入日志信息 *如果返回值不为0,将导致socket被直接关闭而不给客户返回任何信息 **/ srch_thread_data_t *p_thread_data; if(NULL == req_head || NULL == req_buf || NULL == res_head || NULL == res_buf) { UB_LOG_FATAL("parameter error in srch process."); return -1; } srch_reset_res(req_head, res_head, res_buf); char* req = req_buf->buf; char* res = res_buf->buf; res_head->body_len = 0; int response_buffer_size = ub_server_get_write_size() - sizeof (nshead_t); p_thread_data = (srch_thread_data_t* )ub_server_get_user_data(); if(NULL == p_thread_data) { UB_LOG_FATAL("thead_data null"); return -1; } int post_count = 0; int max_post_count = p_thread_data->max_post_count; u_int64_t* pids = p_thread_data->post_ids; delpost_record_t* records = p_thread_data->records; if (!unpack_data(req, req_head->body_len, post_count, pids, max_post_count)) { UB_LOG_WARNING("unpack mcpack error"); return -1; } int ret = query(post_count, pids, records, g_conf.mask_path, g_conf.index_file, g_conf.mask_file); if (ret < 0) { UB_LOG_WARNING("query[ret=%d] error", ret); return -1; } ret = pack_data(res, response_buffer_size, post_count, records); if (ret < 0) { UB_LOG_WARNING("pack mcpack error"); return -1; } res_head->body_len = ret; return 0; }
int Grab::userGrabPre(const string& user_id, string& num) { int res=this->getGrabInfo(); if(res!=0){ UB_LOG_FATAL( "getGrabInfo failed, [%s:%d]", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return -5; } time_t t; t=time(0); if(t>stringToTimestamp(_info.start_time)){ UB_LOG_NOTICE( "_id[%d] has started, can not pre order [%s]", _id, _info.start_time.c_str() ); return -1; } if(t>stringToTimestamp(_info.end_time)){ UB_LOG_NOTICE( "_id[%d] has already end[%s]", _id, _info.end_time.c_str() ); return -2; } if(_info.send_amount>=_info.amount){ UB_LOG_NOTICE( "_id[%d] has already send end. amount[%d],send_amount[%d]", _id, _info.amount, _info.send_amount ); return -3; } res=this->getUserGrab(user_id, num); if(res<0){ UB_LOG_FATAL("getUserGrab failed, [%s:%d]", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return -5; }else if(res>0){ UB_LOG_NOTICE( "user[%s] has already get a num[%s] in grab[%d]", user_id.c_str(), num.c_str(), _id ); return -6; } //long random_num=getRandomNum(100); //if(random_num<_info.probability){ res=this->getGrabNum(user_id, num, 2); if(res==-5){ UB_LOG_FATAL("getGrabNum failed, user_id[%s], [%s:%d]", user_id.c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); num.clear(); return -5; }else if(res==-3){ UB_LOG_FATAL("getGrabNum has already send over, id[%d], user_id[%s], [%s:%d]", _id, user_id.c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); /* res = this->setSendAmount(_info.amount);*/ //if(res!=0){ //UB_LOG_FATAL( "setSendAmount failed, id[%d], [%s:%d]", _id, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); //} /*num.clear();*/ return -5; }else{ res= this->incrSendAmount(); if(res!=0){ UB_LOG_FATAL( "incrSendAmount failed, id[%d], [%s:%d]", _id, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } } //}else{ // return -4; //} return 0; }
int McpServlet::get_grab_list_by_type(const idl::mcp_get_grab_list_by_type_params& in, idl::mcp_get_grab_list_by_type_response& out) { UB_LOG_TRACE( "get_grab_list_by_type start" ); string type_id(in.type_id()); uint32_t page(; uint32_t page_size(in.page_size()); vector<grab_t> grab_list; int count=0; ContentType type(type_id); type.set_page_info(page, page_size); int res=type.getGrabList(count, grab_list); if(res!=0){ UB_LOG_FATAL( "getGrabList failed, [%s:%d]", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); count = res; goto end; } end: out.m_result_params()->set_result(count); vector<grab_t>::const_iterator iter=grab_list.begin(); for(int i=0; iter!=grab_list.end(); ++i, ++iter){ setGrabInfoResult(out.m_result_params()->mutable_grab_list(i), *iter); } UB_LOG_TRACE( "get_grab_list_by_type end" ); return 0; }
/*word segment,scw_out memory init*/ int segment_memory_init(scw_out_t **pout) { if(*pout){ UB_LOG_FATAL("word segment memory pout init again"); scw_destroy_out(*pout); } u_int scw_out_flag; scw_out_flag = SCW_OUT_WPCOMP | SCW_OUT_PROP; if((*pout=scw_create_out(10000, scw_out_flag))==NULL) { UB_LOG_FATAL("error: initializing the output buffer error"); return -1; } return 0; }
int McpServlet::user_grab_num(const idl::mcp_user_grab_num_params& in, idl::mcp_user_grab_num_response& out) { UB_LOG_TRACE( "user_grab_num start" ); string user_id(in.user_id()); string push_channelid(in.push_channelid()); string push_userid(in.push_userid()); uint32_t grab_id(in.grab_id()); Grab grab(grab_id); string num; int res=grab.userGrab(user_id, num); if(res!=0){ UB_LOG_FATAL( "userGrab failed, [%s:%d]", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } /*2013.05.23 zhengxie 发送成功结果给消息系统 beg */ grab_t grab_info; grab.getGrabInfo(&grab_info); string grab_name =; grab_info.clear(); if( (res == 0) && IS_VALUED_STRING(grab_name.c_str()) && IS_VALUED_STRING(num.c_str()) ) { NoticeRPC::instance().notice_grab( user_id.c_str(), grab_name.c_str(), num.c_str(), push_channelid.c_str(), push_userid.c_str() ); } /*2013.05.23 zhengxie 发送成功结果给消息系统 end */ out.m_result_params()->set_result(res); out.m_result_params()->set_num(num.c_str()); UB_LOG_TRACE( "user_grab_num end" ); return 0; }
int segment_words(const char * content,enum wtype type,int len,bool stepword,vector<funit>& features) { if(!content || len <= 0){ UB_LOG_WARNING("segment words,parameter error"); return -1; } /*get word segment result buffer*/ thread_data * tsd = (thread_data *)pthread_getspecific(key); if(!tsd){ UB_LOG_FATAL("thread special data is null"); exit(0); } scw_out_t *pout = tsd->pout; /*word segment*/ if(scw_segment_words(pwdict,pout,content,len,LANGTYPE_SIMP_CHINESE,NULL) == -1){ UB_LOG_WARNING("scw segment words failed"); return -1; } /*get result to vectore features*/ int i,count; token_t tokens[1024]; funit tmp; /*word type,we just need SCW_OUT_WPCOMP*/ u_int tsco[5] = {SCW_OUT_WPCOMP,SCW_OUT_BASIC,SCW_OUT_SUBPH, SCW_OUT_HUMANNAME,SCW_OUT_BOOKNAME}; /*just SCW_OUT_WPCOMP mode,so j < 1*/ for(int j = 0;j < 1;j ++) { count = scw_get_token_1(pout,tsco[j],tokens,1024); for(i = 0;i < count;i ++) { /*filter space and special punc*/ trim_string(tokens[i].buffer); if(strlen(tokens[i].buffer) <= 1) continue; tmp.feature = tokens[i].buffer; tmp.weight = 1; features.push_back(tmp); } } /*get weight*/ feature_weight(features,type); /*output result for debug*/ for(i = 0;i < (int)features.size();i++) { tmp =; UB_LOG_DEBUG("word[%s] weight[%f]",tmp.feature.c_str(),tmp.weight); } return 0; }
/* * word segment init,dict and memory **/ int segment_init(const char * scwconfile,const char * wordictpath) { pgconf = scw_load_conf(scwconfile); if(pgconf == NULL){ UB_LOG_FATAL("scw conf load failed"); return -1; } UB_LOG_DEBUG("scw load conf success"); if((pwdict=scw_load_worddict(wordictpath))==NULL) { UB_LOG_FATAL("error: loading wordict failed: %s",wordictpath); return -1; } return 0; }
/** * @brief 主处理函数 * * @return int * @retval **/ int op_query() { int opret = 0; nshead_t *req_head; nshead_t *res_head; ub_buff_t req_buf; ub_buff_t res_buf; in_addr_t req_ip; req_head = (nshead_t *) ub_server_get_read_buf(); res_head = (nshead_t *) ub_server_get_write_buf(); if(NULL == req_head || NULL == res_head) { UB_LOG_FATAL("get req_head[%ld] || res_head[%ld] failed.", (long)req_head, (long)res_head); return -1; } req_buf.buf = (char *)(req_head + 1); req_buf.size = ub_server_get_read_size() - sizeof(nshead_t); res_buf.buf = (char *)(res_head + 1); res_buf.size = ub_server_get_write_size() - sizeof(nshead_t); //设置一些log需要的字段 char ip_str[20]; ip_str[0] = 0; req_ip = ub_server_get_ip(); inet_ntop(AF_INET, &req_ip, ip_str, sizeof(ip_str)); ub_log_setbasic(UB_LOG_REQIP, "%s", ip_str); ub_log_setbasic(UB_LOG_LOGID, "%u", req_head->log_id); ub_log_setbasic(UB_LOG_REQSVR, "%s", req_head->provider); ub_log_setbasic(UB_LOG_SVRNAME, "%s", g_cfg.svr_query.svr_name); ub_log_pushnotice("req_dlen", "%d", req_head->body_len); *res_head = *req_head; strncpy(res_head->provider, req_head->provider, sizeof(res_head->provider)); res_head->body_len = 0; res_head->reserved = 0; //处理查询 struct timeval total_s,total_e; gettimeofday(&total_s, NULL); opret = process_query(req_head, &req_buf, res_head, &res_buf); if(opret != 0){ UB_LOG_WARNING("[function:op_update]>>>process_query failed! errno:%d", opret); return -1; } gettimeofday(&total_e, NULL); ub_log_setbasic(UB_LOG_PROCTIME, "%luus", TIME_US_DIFF(total_s, total_e)); return opret; }
int Grab::getSendAmount() { redisContext *c; uint32_t send_amount(0); c=redisConnPool::getInstance()->getConnection(); if(c==NULL){ UB_LOG_FATAL( "get redis connection failed, [%s:%d]", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return -5; } redisReply *reply; UB_LOG_DEBUG( "HGET GRAB:%d send_amount ", _id ); reply = (redisReply*)redisCommand( c, "HGET GRAB:%d send_amount ", _id ); redisConnPool::getInstance()->releaseConnection(c); if(reply!=NULL){ if(reply->type!=REDIS_REPLY_ERROR){ if(reply->type!=REDIS_REPLY_NIL){ UB_LOG_NOTICE( "send amount:[%s]", reply->str ); send_amount=atoi(reply->str); }else{ send_amount=0; } }else{ UB_LOG_FATAL( "REDIS ERROR[%s]", reply->str ); if(reply != NULL) { freeReplyObject(reply); } return -5; } freeReplyObject(reply); }else{ UB_LOG_FATAL( "get a NULL redis connection, [%s:%d]", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return -5; } return send_amount; }
int Grab::getUserGrab(const string& user_id, string& num) { int res(0); string query_sql; //DuokooMysql mysql; DuokooMysql mysql("grab_mysql"); query_sql="SELECT num FROM `MCP`.`mcp_content_user_grab` WHERE `user_id` = " + user_id + " AND `grab_id` = " + toString(_id); res=mysql.query(query_sql); if(res<0){ UB_LOG_FATAL( "query sql[%s] failed, [%s], [%s:%d]", query_sql.c_str(), mysql.getErrDes().c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); }else if(res>0){ UB_LOG_NOTICE( "user[%s] has already get a num[%s] in grab[%d]", user_id.c_str(), num.c_str(), _id ); num = mysql.getResult(0,0); } return res; }
int McpServlet::get_grab_info_by_id(const idl::mcp_get_grab_info_by_id_params& in, idl::mcp_get_grab_info_by_id_response& out) { UB_LOG_TRACE( "get_grab_info_by_id start" ); uint32_t id(; grab_t grab_info; int res(0); Grab grab(id); res = grab.getGrabInfo(&grab_info); if(res!=0){ UB_LOG_FATAL( "getGrabInfo faield, [%s:%d]", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); goto end; } end: out.m_result_params()->set_result(res); setGrabInfoResult(out.m_result_params()->mutable_info(), grab_info); UB_LOG_TRACE( "get_grab_info_by_id end" ); return 0; }
int McpServlet::get_user_grab_num(const idl::mcp_get_user_grab_num_params & in, idl::mcp_get_user_grab_num_response & out) { UB_LOG_TRACE( "get_user_grab_num start" ); string user_id(in.user_id()); uint32_t grab_id(in.grab_id()); Grab grab(grab_id); string num; int32_t occupy; int res=grab.getUserGrabEx(user_id, num, occupy); if(res<0){ UB_LOG_FATAL( "getUserGrab failed, [%s:%d]", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); }else if(res>1){ res = 0; } out.m_result_params()->set_result(res); out.m_result_params()->set_num(num.c_str()); out.m_result_params()->set_occupy(occupy); UB_LOG_TRACE( "get_user_grab_num end" ); return 0; }
int McpServlet::get_grab_info_by_c_id(const idl::mcp_get_grab_info_by_c_id_params& in, idl::mcp_get_grab_info_by_c_id_response& out) { UB_LOG_TRACE( "get_grab_info_by_c_id start" ); string c_id(in.c_id()); vector<grab_t> grab_list; int count=0; ContentInfo c_info(c_id); int res=c_info.getGrabList(count, grab_list); if(res!=0){ UB_LOG_FATAL( "getGrabList failed, [%s:%d]", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); count = res; goto end; } end: out.m_result_params()->set_result(count); vector<grab_t>::const_iterator iter=grab_list.begin(); for(int i=0; iter!=grab_list.end(); ++i, ++iter){ setGrabInfoResult(out.m_result_params()->mutable_grab_list(i), *iter); } UB_LOG_TRACE( "get_grab_info_by_c_id start" ); return 0; }
/** * * @brief srch的命令处理回调函数 * * @return * 0 : 成功 * -1 : 失败,socket将直接关闭,不给client返回错误信息 **/ int srch_cmdproc_callback() { nshead_t *req_head; nshead_t *res_head; ub_buff_t req_buf; ub_buff_t res_buf; int cmd_no = -1; int ret = 0; //获取请求和回复buffer req_head = (nshead_t *) ub_server_get_read_buf(); res_head = (nshead_t *) ub_server_get_write_buf(); if(NULL == req_head || NULL == res_head) { UB_LOG_FATAL("srch process callback get buffer error."); return -1; } //获取请求和回复实际数据 req_buf.buf = (char *) (req_head + 1); req_buf.size = ub_server_get_read_size() - sizeof (nshead_t); res_buf.buf = (char *) (res_head + 1); res_buf.size = ub_server_get_write_size() - sizeof (nshead_t); //取得命令号 cmd_no = ((srch_req_t *) (req_buf.buf))->cmd_no; //ub_server中设置了: UB_LOG_REQIP, UB_LOGID, UB_LOG_PROCTIME, UB_LOG_ERRNO ub_log_setbasic(UB_LOG_REQSVR, "%s", req_head->provider); ub_log_setbasic(UB_LOG_SVRNAME, "%s", g_conf.srch.svr_name); ub_log_setbasic(UB_LOG_CMDNO, "%d", cmd_no); //ret = ub_process_cmdmap(srch_CMD_MAP, cmd_no, req_head, &req_buf, res_head, &res_buf); ret = srch_process(cmd_no, req_head, &req_buf, res_head, &res_buf); return ret; }
// 这里extern出来,是为了在后面debug,分析是否buf不够引起问题 // extern bsl::xnofreepool * debug_pool = NULL; // 有可能在多进程中,同时使用该buf创建对象,关于_buf _pool _rp在多进程间使用全部要加锁 CamelSuperStrategy::CamelSuperStrategy(char * buf, int bufSize) { //UB_LOG_DEBUG("new CamelSuperStrategy, bufSize:%d ConnectStatus:%u HealthyStatus:%u pthread_mutex_t:%u", // bufSize, sizeof(ConnectStatus), sizeof(HealthyStatus), sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); if (NULL == buf && bufSize <= 0) { UB_LOG_FATAL("CamelSuperStrategy get buf fail buf[%p],bufSize[%d]", buf, bufSize); } _buf = buf; _bufSize = bufSize; _pool.create(_buf, _bufSize); _rp = new bsl::ResourcePool(_pool); ChainFilter* filter = new ChainFilter(); filter->addFilter(new PrepareFilter()); filter->addFilter(new BalanceFilter()); filter->addFilter(new ConnectFilter()); filter->addFilter(new HealthyFilter()); filter->addFilter(new CrossRoomFilter()); filter->addFilter(new SelectFilter()); _chain_filter = filter; _isDebug = false; //UB_LOG_DEBUG("CamelSuperStrategy(): pool[%p],buf_size[%lu],buf_left[%lu],buf_free[%lu]", _pool._buffer, _pool._bufcap, _pool._bufleft, _pool._free); }
int Grab::getGrabNum(const string& user_id, string& num, int32_t is_pre) { extern string IP; int res; string query_sql; //DuokooMysql mysql; DuokooMysql mysql("grab_mysql"); if(!mysql.startTransaction()){ return -5; } //get num from mysql //comment by zhengxie 2013.10.22 /*query_sql="SELECT num FROM `MCP`.`mcp_content_grab_num` WHERE `is_occupy` = 0 AND `grab_id` = " + toString(_id) + " limit 0, 1";*/ //UB_LOG_DEBUG("query_sql:[%s]", query_sql.c_str()); //res=mysql.query(query_sql); //if(res<0){ //UB_LOG_FATAL( "query sql[%s] failed, [%s], [%s:%d]", query_sql.c_str(), mysql.getErrDes().c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); //mysql.rollback(); //return -5; //}else if(res==0){ //UB_LOG_FATAL( "query sql[%s] have no record, [%s:%d]", query_sql.c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); //mysql.rollback(); //return -3; //} /*num=mysql.getResult(0,0);*/ /* 2013.10.22 add by zhengxie get num from mysql => get num from redis start */ redisContext *c; uint32_t send_amount(0); c=redisConnPool::getInstance()->getConnection(); if(c==NULL) { UB_LOG_FATAL( "get redis connection failed, [%s:%d]", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return -5; } redisReply *reply; /* 2013.12.03 add by zhengxie add lock */ string thread_id = DuokooTools::toString(CommonInterface::get_thread_id()); string random = DuokooTools::toString(getRandomNum(10000000)); string key = "grab_and_user_id:" + DuokooTools::toString(_id) + "," + user_id; string value = IP + "," + thread_id + "," + random; redisCommand(c, "SETNX %s %s", key.c_str(), value.c_str()); LOGD( "[zx]get_value key:%s ", key.c_str() ); reply = (redisReply*)redisCommand( c, "GET %s", key.c_str() ); redisConnPool::getInstance()->releaseConnection(c); if(reply!=NULL) { if(reply->type!=REDIS_REPLY_ERROR) { if(reply->type!=REDIS_REPLY_NIL) { string temp_value = reply->str; freeReplyObject(reply); reply = NULL; if(strcmp(temp_value.c_str(), value.c_str())) { LOGA( "[zx] shit, bad user[%s] ", user_id.c_str() ); return -3;//同一个用户重复抢号 } } else { freeReplyObject(reply); reply = NULL; return -3; } } } else { LOGA( "[zx] key not set[%s] ", key.c_str() ); return -5; } /* 2013.12.03 add by zhengxie add lock */ c=redisConnPool::getInstance()->getConnection(); if(c==NULL) { UB_LOG_FATAL( "get redis connection failed, [%s:%d]", __FILE__, __LINE__ ); return -5; } redisCommand(c, "EXPIRE %s %ld", key.c_str(), 10*24*60*60); //LOGD( "[zx]SPOP grab_id:%d ", _id ); reply = (redisReply*)redisCommand( c, "SPOP grab_id:%d", _id ); redisConnPool::getInstance()->releaseConnection(c); if(reply!=NULL) { if(reply->type!=REDIS_REPLY_ERROR) { if(reply->type!=REDIS_REPLY_NIL) { LOGA( "grab_id:[%d], user_id:[%s], grab_num:[%s]", _id, user_id.c_str(), reply->str ); num=reply->str; freeReplyObject(reply); reply = NULL; } else { LOGD( "[zx] has no grab_nums grab_id[%d] ", _id ); freeReplyObject(reply); reply = NULL; return -3; } } } else { LOGD( "[zx] not exist grab_id[%d] ", _id ); return -5; } /* 2013.10.22 add by zhengxie get num from mysql => get num from redis end */ //update num query_sql="UPDATE `MCP`.`mcp_content_grab_num` SET `is_occupy` = "+ toString(is_pre) +" WHERE num = '" + num + "' "; UB_LOG_DEBUG("query_sql:[%s]", query_sql.c_str()); res=mysql.query(query_sql); if(res<0){ UB_LOG_FATAL( "query sql[%s] failed, [%s], [%s:%d]", query_sql.c_str(), mysql.getErrDes().c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); mysql.rollback(); return -5; } //insert user_num query_sql="INSERT INTO `MCP`.`mcp_content_user_grab`( `id`, `grab_id`, `user_id`, `grab_time`, `use_time`, `num` )" "VALUES( NULL, '"+toString(_id)+"', '"+user_id+"', '"+NOW()+"', '0', '"+num+"' ) "; UB_LOG_DEBUG("query_sql:[%s]", query_sql.c_str()); res=mysql.query(query_sql); if(res<0){ UB_LOG_FATAL( "query sql[%s] failed, [%s], [%s:%d]", query_sql.c_str(), mysql.getErrDes().c_str(), __FILE__, __LINE__ ); mysql.rollback(); return -5; } return mysql.commit()?0:-5; }