Exemple #1
 * ufo_op_set:
 * @arg: A #UfoBuffer
 * @value: Value to fill @arg with
 * @resources: #UfoResources object
 * @command_queue: A valid cl_command_queue
 * Fill a buffer with a value using OpenCL.
 * Returns: (transfer full): Event of the set operation
ufo_op_set (UfoBuffer *arg,
            gfloat value,
            UfoResources *resources,
            gpointer command_queue)
    UfoRequisition requisition;
    cl_kernel kernel;
    cl_mem d_arg;
    cl_event event;
    GError *error = NULL;
    static GMutex mutex;

    ufo_buffer_get_requisition (arg, &requisition);
    d_arg = ufo_buffer_get_device_image (arg, command_queue);
    kernel = ufo_resources_get_cached_kernel (resources, OPS_FILENAME, "operation_set", &error);

    if (error) {
        g_error ("%s\n", error->message);
        return NULL;

    g_mutex_lock (&mutex);
    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clSetKernelArg (kernel, 0, sizeof(void *), (void *) &d_arg));
    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clSetKernelArg (kernel, 1, sizeof(gfloat), (void *) &value));
    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (command_queue, kernel,
                                                       requisition.n_dims, NULL, requisition.dims,
                                                       NULL, 0, NULL, &event));
    g_mutex_unlock (&mutex);

    return event;
Exemple #2
static gchar *
get_device_build_options (UfoResourcesPrivate *priv,
                          guint device_index,
                          const gchar *additional)
    GString *opts;
    gsize size;
    gchar *name;

    g_assert (device_index < priv->n_devices);

    opts = g_string_new (priv->build_opts->str);

    if (additional != NULL)
        g_string_append (opts, additional);

    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clGetDeviceInfo (priv->devices[device_index],
                                                CL_DEVICE_NAME, 0, NULL, &size));
    name = g_malloc0 (size);

    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clGetDeviceInfo (priv->devices[device_index],
                                                CL_DEVICE_NAME, size, name, NULL));

    g_string_append_printf (opts, " -DDEVICE=%s", escape_device_name (name));
    g_free (name);

    g_list_foreach (priv->include_paths, (GFunc) append_include_path, opts);

    return g_string_free (opts, FALSE);
Exemple #3
 * ufo_op_gradient_descent:
 * @arg: A #UfoBuffer
 * @out: A #UfoBuffer
 * @resources: #UfoResources object
 * @command_queue: A valid cl_command_queue
 * Returns: (transfer full): Event of the POSC operation
ufo_op_gradient_descent (UfoBuffer *arg,
                         UfoBuffer *out,
                         UfoResources *resources,
                         gpointer command_queue)
    UfoRequisition arg_requisition;
    cl_event event;
    GError *error = NULL;
    static GMutex mutex;

    ufo_buffer_get_requisition (arg, &arg_requisition);
    ufo_buffer_resize (out, &arg_requisition);

    cl_mem d_arg = ufo_buffer_get_device_image (arg, command_queue);
    cl_mem d_out = ufo_buffer_get_device_image (out, command_queue);

    cl_kernel kernel = ufo_resources_get_cached_kernel (resources, OPS_FILENAME, "descent_grad", &error);

    if (error) {
        g_error ("%s\n", error->message);

    g_mutex_lock (&mutex);
    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(void *), (void *) &d_arg));
    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof(void *), (void *) &d_out));

    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (command_queue, kernel,
                                                       arg_requisition.n_dims, NULL, arg_requisition.dims,
                                                       NULL, 0, NULL, &event));
    g_mutex_unlock (&mutex);

    return event;
Exemple #4
static void
ufo_resources_finalize (GObject *object)
    UfoResourcesPrivate *priv;

    priv = UFO_RESOURCES_GET_PRIVATE (object);

    g_clear_error (&priv->construct_error);
    g_hash_table_destroy (priv->kernel_cache);

    list_free_full (&priv->kernel_paths, (GFunc) g_free);
    list_free_full (&priv->include_paths, (GFunc) g_free);
    list_free_full (&priv->kernels, (GFunc) release_kernel);
    list_free_full (&priv->programs, (GFunc) release_program);

    for (guint i = 0; i < priv->n_devices; i++)
        UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clReleaseCommandQueue (priv->command_queues[i]));

    if (priv->context)
        UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clReleaseContext (priv->context));

    g_string_free (priv->build_opts, TRUE);

    g_free (priv->devices);
    g_free (priv->command_queues);

    priv->kernels = NULL;
    priv->devices = NULL;

    G_OBJECT_CLASS (ufo_resources_parent_class)->finalize (object);
    g_debug ("UfoResources: finalized");
Exemple #5
 * ufo_gpu_node_get_info:
 * @node: A #UfoGpuNodeInfo
 * @info: Information to be queried
 * Return information about the associated OpenCL device.
 * Returns: (transfer full): Information about @info.
GValue *
ufo_gpu_node_get_info (UfoGpuNode *node,
                       UfoGpuNodeInfo info)
    UfoGpuNodePrivate *priv;
    GValue *value;
    cl_ulong ulong_value;

    priv = UFO_GPU_NODE_GET_PRIVATE (node);
    value = g_new0 (GValue, 1);
    memset (value, 0, sizeof (GValue));

    g_value_init (value, G_TYPE_ULONG);

    switch (info) {
            UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clGetDeviceInfo (priv->device, CL_DEVICE_GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof (cl_ulong), &ulong_value, NULL));

            UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clGetDeviceInfo (priv->device, CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof (cl_ulong), &ulong_value, NULL));

    g_value_set_ulong (value, ulong_value);
    return value;
Exemple #6
 * ufo_op_mul_rows:
 * @arg1: A #UfoBuffer
 * @arg2: A #UfoBuffer
 * @offset: Offset
 * @n: n ?
 * @out: A #UfoBuffer
 * @resources: #UfoResources object
 * @command_queue: A valid cl_command_queue
 * @out = @arg1 - @modifier * @arg2
 * Returns: (transfer full): Event of the add operation
ufo_op_mul_rows (UfoBuffer *arg1,
                 UfoBuffer *arg2,
                 UfoBuffer *out,
                 guint offset,
                 guint n,
                 UfoResources *resources,
                 gpointer command_queue)
    cl_event event;
    UfoRequisition arg1_requisition, arg2_requisition, out_requisition;
    GError *error = NULL;
    static GMutex mutex;

    ufo_buffer_get_requisition (arg1, &arg1_requisition);
    ufo_buffer_get_requisition (arg2, &arg2_requisition);
    ufo_buffer_get_requisition (out, &out_requisition);

    if (arg1_requisition.dims[0] != arg2_requisition.dims[0] ||
        arg1_requisition.dims[0] != out_requisition.dims[0]) {
        g_error ("Number of columns is different.");
        return NULL;

    if (arg1_requisition.dims[1] < offset + n ||
        arg2_requisition.dims[1] < offset + n ||
        out_requisition.dims[1] < offset + n) {
        g_error ("Rows are not enough.");
        return NULL;

    cl_mem d_arg1 = ufo_buffer_get_device_image (arg1, command_queue);
    cl_mem d_arg2 = ufo_buffer_get_device_image (arg2, command_queue);
    cl_mem d_out  = ufo_buffer_get_device_image (out, command_queue);
    cl_kernel kernel = ufo_resources_get_cached_kernel (resources, OPS_FILENAME, "op_mulRows", &error);

    if (error != NULL) {
        g_error ("Error: %s\n", error->message);
        return NULL;

    g_mutex_lock (&mutex);
    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clSetKernelArg (kernel, 0, sizeof(void *), (void *) &d_arg1));
    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clSetKernelArg (kernel, 1, sizeof(void *), (void *) &d_arg2));
    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clSetKernelArg (kernel, 2, sizeof(void *), (void *) &d_out));
    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clSetKernelArg (kernel, 3, sizeof(unsigned int), (void *) &offset));

    UfoRequisition operation_requisition = out_requisition;
    operation_requisition.dims[1] = n;

    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (command_queue, kernel,
                                                       operation_requisition.n_dims, NULL, operation_requisition.dims,
                                                       NULL, 0, NULL, &event));
    g_mutex_unlock (&mutex);

    return event;
Exemple #7
static cl_event
operation2 (const gchar *kernel_name,
            UfoBuffer *arg1,
            UfoBuffer *arg2,
            gfloat modifier,
            UfoBuffer *out,
            UfoResources *resources,
            gpointer command_queue)
    UfoRequisition arg1_requisition, arg2_requisition, out_requisition;
    cl_event event;
    GError *error = NULL;
    static GMutex mutex;

    ufo_buffer_get_requisition (arg1, &arg1_requisition);
    ufo_buffer_get_requisition (arg2, &arg2_requisition);
    ufo_buffer_get_requisition (out, &out_requisition);

    if ((arg1_requisition.dims[0] != arg2_requisition.dims[0] &&
         arg1_requisition.dims[0] != out_requisition.dims[0]) ||
        (arg1_requisition.dims[1] != arg2_requisition.dims[1] &&
         arg1_requisition.dims[1] != out_requisition.dims[1])) {
        g_error ("Incorrect volume size.");
        return NULL;

    cl_mem d_arg1 = ufo_buffer_get_device_image (arg1, command_queue);
    cl_mem d_arg2 = ufo_buffer_get_device_image (arg2, command_queue);
    cl_mem d_out = ufo_buffer_get_device_image (out, command_queue);
    cl_kernel kernel = ufo_resources_get_cached_kernel (resources, OPS_FILENAME, kernel_name, &error);

    if (error) {
        g_error ("%s\n", error->message);
        return NULL;

    g_mutex_lock (&mutex);
    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(void *), (void *) &d_arg1));
    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof(void *), (void *) &d_arg2));
    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clSetKernelArg(kernel, 2, sizeof(gfloat), (void *) &modifier));
    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clSetKernelArg(kernel, 3, sizeof(void *), (void *) &d_out));

    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (command_queue, kernel,
                                                       arg1_requisition.n_dims, NULL, arg1_requisition.dims,
                                                       NULL, 0, NULL, &event));
    g_mutex_unlock (&mutex);

    return event;
Exemple #8
static gboolean
ufo_null_task_process (UfoTask *task,
                       UfoBuffer **inputs,
                       UfoBuffer *output,
                       UfoRequisition *requisition)
    UfoNullTaskPrivate *priv;

    priv = UFO_NULL_TASK_GET_PRIVATE (task);

    if (priv->force_download) {
        gfloat *host_array;

        host_array = ufo_buffer_get_host_array (inputs[0], NULL);
        host_array[0] = 0.0;

    if (priv->finish) {
        UfoGpuNode *gpu;

        gpu = UFO_GPU_NODE (ufo_task_node_get_proc_node (UFO_TASK_NODE (task)));
        UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clFinish (ufo_gpu_node_get_cmd_queue (gpu)));

    return TRUE;
Exemple #9
static gboolean
platform_vendor_has_prefix (cl_platform_id platform,
                            const gchar *prefix)
    gboolean has_prefix;
    gchar *str;
    gsize size;

    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clGetPlatformInfo (platform, CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR, 0, NULL, &size));
    str = g_malloc0 (size);

    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clGetPlatformInfo (platform, CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR, size, str, NULL));
    has_prefix = g_str_has_prefix (str, prefix);

    g_free (str);
    return has_prefix;
Exemple #10
static void
ufo_gpu_node_finalize (GObject *object)
    UfoGpuNodePrivate *priv;

    priv = UFO_GPU_NODE_GET_PRIVATE (object);

    if (priv->cmd_queue != NULL) {
        g_debug ("Release cmd_queue=%p", (gpointer) priv->cmd_queue);
        UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clReleaseCommandQueue (priv->cmd_queue));
        priv->cmd_queue = NULL;

        UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clReleaseContext (priv->context));

    G_OBJECT_CLASS (ufo_gpu_node_parent_class)->finalize (object);
Exemple #11
UfoNode *
ufo_gpu_node_new (gpointer context, gpointer device)
    UfoGpuNode *node;
    cl_int errcode;
    cl_command_queue_properties queue_properties;

    g_return_val_if_fail (context != NULL && device != NULL, NULL);

    queue_properties = CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE;

    node = UFO_GPU_NODE (g_object_new (UFO_TYPE_GPU_NODE, NULL));
    node->priv->context = context;
    node->priv->device = device;
    node->priv->cmd_queue = clCreateCommandQueue (context, device, queue_properties, &errcode);

    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clRetainContext (context));

    return UFO_NODE (node);
Exemple #12
static cl_kernel
create_kernel (UfoResourcesPrivate *priv,
               cl_program program,
               const gchar *kernel_name,
               GError **error)
    cl_kernel kernel;
    gchar *name;
    cl_int errcode = CL_SUCCESS;

    if (kernel_name == NULL) {
        gchar *source;
        gsize size;

        UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clGetProgramInfo (program, CL_PROGRAM_SOURCE, 0, NULL, &size));
        source = g_malloc0 (size);
        UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clGetProgramInfo (program, CL_PROGRAM_SOURCE, size, source, NULL));
        name = get_first_kernel_name (source);
        g_free (source);
    else {
        name = g_strdup (kernel_name);

    kernel = clCreateKernel (program, name, &errcode);
    g_free (name);

    if (kernel == NULL || errcode != CL_SUCCESS) {
        g_set_error (error,
                     "Failed to create kernel `%s`: %s", kernel_name, ufo_resources_clerr (errcode));
        return NULL;

    priv->kernels = g_list_append (priv->kernels, kernel);
    return kernel;
static void
ufo_fftmult_task_setup (UfoTask *task,
                       UfoResources *resources,
                       GError **error)
    UfoFftmultTaskPrivate *priv;

    priv->resources = resources;

    priv->k_fftmult = ufo_resources_get_kernel (resources, "fftmult.cl", "mult", error);

    if (priv->k_fftmult != NULL)
        UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clRetainKernel (priv->k_fftmult));
Exemple #14
static gboolean
platform_has_gpus (cl_platform_id platform)
    cl_uint n_devices = 0;
    cl_int err;

    err = clGetDeviceIDs (platform,
                          0, NULL, &n_devices);

    if (err != CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND)

    return n_devices > 0;
Exemple #15
static cl_platform_id
get_preferably_gpu_based_platform (void)
    cl_platform_id *platforms;
    cl_uint n_platforms;
    cl_platform_id candidate = 0;

    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clGetPlatformIDs (0, NULL, &n_platforms));
    platforms = g_malloc0 (n_platforms * sizeof (cl_platform_id));
    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clGetPlatformIDs (n_platforms, platforms, NULL));

    if (n_platforms > 0)
        candidate = platforms[0];

    for (guint i = 0; i < n_platforms; i++) {
        if (platform_has_gpus (platforms[i])) {
            candidate = platforms[i];

    g_free (platforms);
    return candidate;
Exemple #16
ufo_fft_update (UfoFft *fft, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, UfoFftParameter *param)
    gboolean changed;
    cl_int error;

    error = CL_SUCCESS;
    changed = param->size[0] != fft->seen.size[0] || param->size[1] != fft->seen.size[1];

    if (changed)
        memcpy (&fft->seen, param, sizeof (UfoFftParameter));

#ifdef HAVE_AMD
    if (fft->amd_plan == 0 || changed) {
        /* we use param->dimension to index into this array! */
        clfftDim dimension[4] = { 0, CLFFT_1D, CLFFT_2D, CLFFT_3D };

        if (fft->amd_plan != 0) {
            clfftDestroyPlan (&fft->amd_plan);
            fft->amd_plan = 0;

        UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clfftCreateDefaultPlan (&fft->amd_plan, context, dimension[param->dimensions], param->size));
        UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clfftSetPlanBatchSize (fft->amd_plan, param->batch));
        UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clfftSetPlanPrecision (fft->amd_plan, CLFFT_SINGLE));
        UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clfftSetResultLocation (fft->amd_plan, param->zeropad ? CLFFT_INPLACE : CLFFT_OUTOFPLACE));
        UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clfftBakePlan (fft->amd_plan, 1, &queue, NULL, NULL));
    if (fft->apple_plan == NULL || changed) {
        clFFT_Dim3 size;

        /* we use param->dimension to index into this array! */
        clFFT_Dimension dimension[4] = { 0, clFFT_1D, clFFT_2D, clFFT_3D };

        size.x = param->size[0];
        size.y = param->size[1];
        size.z = param->size[2];

        if (fft->apple_plan != NULL) {
            clFFT_DestroyPlan (fft->apple_plan);
            fft->apple_plan = NULL;

        fft->apple_plan = clFFT_CreatePlan (context, size, dimension[param->dimensions], clFFT_InterleavedComplexFormat, &error);

    return error;
Exemple #17
UfoFft *
ufo_fft_new (void)
    UfoFft *fft;

    fft = g_malloc0 (sizeof (UfoFft));

#ifdef HAVE_AMD
    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clfftSetup (&fft->amd_setup));

    g_mutex_lock (&amd_mutex);
    ffts_created = g_list_append (ffts_created, fft);
    g_mutex_unlock (&amd_mutex);
    g_debug ("INFO Create new plan using AMD FFT");
    g_debug ("INFO Create new plan using Apple FFT");

    return fft;
Exemple #18
static void
handle_get_num_devices (UfoDaemon *daemon)
    UfoDaemonPrivate *priv = UFO_DAEMON_GET_PRIVATE (daemon);
    cl_context context;

    UfoMessage *msg = ufo_message_new (UFO_MESSAGE_ACK, sizeof (guint16));
    cl_uint *num_devices = g_malloc (sizeof (cl_uint));
    context = ufo_scheduler_get_context (priv->scheduler);

    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clGetContextInfo (context,
                               sizeof (cl_uint),

    *(guint16 *) msg->data = (guint16) *num_devices;

    ufo_messenger_send_blocking (priv->msger, msg, 0);
    ufo_message_free (msg);
Exemple #19
static void
handle_build_error (cl_program program,
                    cl_device_id device,
                    cl_int errcode,
                    GError **error)
    const gsize LOG_SIZE = 4096;
    gchar *log;

    g_set_error (error,
                 "Failed to build OpenCL program: %s", ufo_resources_clerr (errcode));

    log = g_malloc0 (LOG_SIZE * sizeof (char));

    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clGetProgramBuildInfo (program, device, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG,
                                                      LOG_SIZE, log, NULL));
    g_print ("\n=== Build log ===%s\n\n", log);
    g_free (log);
Exemple #20
static void
release_program (cl_program program)
    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clReleaseProgram (program));
Exemple #21
static void
release_kernel (cl_kernel kernel)
    UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clReleaseKernel (kernel));