Exemple #1
static void
run_remote_task (TaskLocalData *tld)
    UfoRemoteNode *remote;
    guint n_remote_gpus;
    gboolean *alive;
    gboolean active = TRUE;

    g_assert (tld->n_inputs == 1);

    remote = UFO_REMOTE_NODE (ufo_task_node_get_proc_node (UFO_TASK_NODE (tld->task)));
    n_remote_gpus = ufo_remote_node_get_num_gpus (remote);
    alive = g_new0 (gboolean, n_remote_gpus);

     * We launch a new thread for each incoming input data set because then we
     * can send as many items as we have remote GPUs available without waiting
     * for processing to stop.
    while (active) {
        for (guint i = 0; i < n_remote_gpus; i++) {
            UfoBuffer *input;

            if (get_inputs (tld, &input)) {
                ufo_remote_node_send_inputs (remote, &input);
                release_inputs (tld, &input);
                alive[i] = TRUE;
            else {
                alive[i] = FALSE;

        for (guint i = 0; i < n_remote_gpus; i++) {
            UfoGroup *group;
            UfoBuffer *output;
            UfoRequisition requisition;

            if (!alive[i])

            ufo_remote_node_get_requisition (remote, &requisition);
            group = ufo_task_node_get_out_group (UFO_TASK_NODE (tld->task));
            output = ufo_group_pop_output_buffer (group, &requisition);
            ufo_remote_node_get_result (remote, output);
            ufo_group_push_output_buffer (group, output);

        active = any (alive, n_remote_gpus);

    g_free (alive);
    ufo_group_finish (ufo_task_node_get_out_group (UFO_TASK_NODE (tld->task)));
Exemple #2
ufo_task_setup (UfoTask *task,
                UfoResources *resources,
                GError **error)
    GError *tmp_error = NULL;

    ufo_task_node_setup (UFO_TASK_NODE (task));
    UFO_TASK_GET_IFACE (task)->setup (task, resources, &tmp_error);

    if (tmp_error != NULL) {
        g_propagate_prefixed_error (error, tmp_error,
                                    "%s: ", ufo_task_node_get_plugin_name (UFO_TASK_NODE (task)));
Exemple #3
static gboolean
ufo_null_task_process (UfoTask *task,
                       UfoBuffer **inputs,
                       UfoBuffer *output,
                       UfoRequisition *requisition)
    UfoNullTaskPrivate *priv;

    priv = UFO_NULL_TASK_GET_PRIVATE (task);

    if (priv->force_download) {
        gfloat *host_array;

        host_array = ufo_buffer_get_host_array (inputs[0], NULL);
        host_array[0] = 0.0;

    if (priv->finish) {
        UfoGpuNode *gpu;

        gpu = UFO_GPU_NODE (ufo_task_node_get_proc_node (UFO_TASK_NODE (task)));
        UFO_RESOURCES_CHECK_CLERR (clFinish (ufo_gpu_node_get_cmd_queue (gpu)));

    return TRUE;
Exemple #4
static UfoNode *
ufo_task_node_copy (UfoNode *node,
                    GError **error)
    UfoTaskNode *orig;
    UfoTaskNode *copy;

    copy = UFO_TASK_NODE (UFO_NODE_CLASS (ufo_task_node_parent_class)->copy (node, error));
    orig = UFO_TASK_NODE (node);

    copy->priv->pattern = orig->priv->pattern;

    for (guint i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        copy->priv->n_expected[i] = orig->priv->n_expected[i];

    ufo_task_node_set_plugin_name (copy, orig->priv->plugin);

    return UFO_NODE (copy);
Exemple #5
ufo_task_process (UfoTask *task,
                  UfoBuffer **inputs,
                  UfoBuffer *output,
                  UfoRequisition *requisition)
    gboolean result;
    result = UFO_TASK_GET_IFACE (task)->process (task, inputs, output, requisition);
    ufo_signal_emit (task, signals[PROCESSED], 0);
    ufo_task_node_increase_processed (UFO_TASK_NODE (task));

    return result;
static gboolean
expand_group_graph (UfoResources *resources, UfoGraph *graph, GError **error)
    GList *nodes;
    GList *it;
    GList *gpu_nodes;
    guint n_gpus;
    gboolean success = TRUE;

    gpu_nodes = ufo_resources_get_gpu_nodes (resources);
    n_gpus = g_list_length (gpu_nodes);

    nodes = ufo_graph_get_nodes (graph);

    g_list_for (nodes, it) {
        TaskGroup *group;
        UfoTaskNode *node;

        group = ufo_node_get_label (UFO_NODE (it->data));
        node = UFO_TASK_NODE (group->tasks->data);

        if (ufo_task_uses_gpu (UFO_TASK (node))) {
            ufo_task_node_set_proc_node (node, g_list_first (gpu_nodes)->data);

            for (guint i = 1; i < n_gpus; i++) {
                UfoTaskNode *copy;

                copy = UFO_TASK_NODE (ufo_node_copy (UFO_NODE (node), error));

                if (copy == NULL) {
                    success = FALSE;
                    goto cleanup;

                ufo_task_node_set_proc_node (copy, g_list_nth_data (gpu_nodes, i));
                group->tasks = g_list_append (group->tasks, copy);
Exemple #7
static void
release_inputs (TaskLocalData *tld,
                UfoBuffer **inputs)
    UfoTaskNode *node = UFO_TASK_NODE (tld->task);

    for (guint i = 0; i < tld->n_inputs; i++) {
        UfoGroup *group;

        group = ufo_task_node_get_current_in_group (node, i);
        ufo_group_push_input_buffer (group, tld->task, inputs[i]);
        ufo_task_node_switch_in_group (node, i);
Exemple #8
static gboolean
get_inputs (TaskLocalData *tld,
            UfoBuffer **inputs)
    UfoRequisition req;
    UfoTaskNode *node = UFO_TASK_NODE (tld->task);
    guint n_finished = 0;

    for (guint i = 0; i < tld->n_inputs; i++) {
        UfoGroup *group;

        if (!tld->finished[i]) {
            UfoBuffer *input;

            group = ufo_task_node_get_current_in_group (node, i);
            input = ufo_group_pop_input_buffer (group, tld->task);

            if (tld->strict && input != UFO_END_OF_STREAM) {
                ufo_buffer_get_requisition (input, &req);

                if (req.n_dims != tld->dims[i]) {
                    g_warning ("%s: buffer from input %i provides %i dimensions but expect %i dimensions",
                               G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (tld->task), i, req.n_dims, tld->dims[i]);
                    return FALSE;

            if (input == UFO_END_OF_STREAM) {
                tld->finished[i] = TRUE;
                inputs[i] = input;

    return (tld->n_inputs == 0) || (n_finished < tld->n_inputs);
Exemple #9
static gpointer
run_task (TaskLocalData *tld)
    UfoBuffer *inputs[tld->n_inputs];
    UfoBuffer *output;
    UfoTaskNode *node;
    UfoTaskMode mode;
    UfoProfiler *profiler;
    UfoRequisition requisition;
    gboolean active;

    node = UFO_TASK_NODE (tld->task);
    active = TRUE;
    output = NULL;
    profiler = g_object_ref (ufo_task_node_get_profiler (node));

    if (UFO_IS_REMOTE_TASK (tld->task)) {
        run_remote_task (tld);
        return NULL;

    /* mode without CPU/GPU flag */
    mode = tld->mode & UFO_TASK_MODE_TYPE_MASK;

    while (active) {
        UfoGroup *group;
        gboolean produces;

        group = ufo_task_node_get_out_group (node);

        /* Get input buffers */
        active = get_inputs (tld, inputs);

        if (!active) {
            ufo_group_finish (group);

        /* Get output buffers */
        ufo_task_get_requisition (tld->task, inputs, &requisition);
        produces = requisition.n_dims > 0;

        if (produces) {
            output = ufo_group_pop_output_buffer (group, &requisition);
            g_assert (output != NULL);

        if (output != NULL)
            ufo_buffer_discard_location (output);

        switch (mode) {
            case UFO_TASK_MODE_PROCESSOR:
                ufo_profiler_trace_event (profiler, UFO_TRACE_EVENT_PROCESS | UFO_TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN);
                active = ufo_task_process (tld->task, inputs, output, &requisition);
                ufo_profiler_trace_event (profiler, UFO_TRACE_EVENT_PROCESS | UFO_TRACE_EVENT_END);
                ufo_task_node_increase_processed (UFO_TASK_NODE (tld->task));

            case UFO_TASK_MODE_REDUCTOR:
                do {
                    ufo_profiler_trace_event (profiler, UFO_TRACE_EVENT_PROCESS | UFO_TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN);
                    ufo_task_process (tld->task, inputs, output, &requisition);
                    ufo_profiler_trace_event (profiler, UFO_TRACE_EVENT_PROCESS | UFO_TRACE_EVENT_END);
                    ufo_task_node_increase_processed (UFO_TASK_NODE (tld->task));

                    release_inputs (tld, inputs);
                    active = get_inputs (tld, inputs);
                } while (active);

            case UFO_TASK_MODE_GENERATOR:
                ufo_profiler_trace_event (profiler, UFO_TRACE_EVENT_GENERATE | UFO_TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN);
                active = ufo_task_generate (tld->task, output, &requisition);
                ufo_profiler_trace_event (profiler, UFO_TRACE_EVENT_GENERATE | UFO_TRACE_EVENT_END);

                g_warning ("Invalid task mode: %i\n", mode);

        if (active && produces && (mode != UFO_TASK_MODE_REDUCTOR))
            ufo_group_push_output_buffer (group, output);

        /* Release buffers for further consumption */
        if (active)
            release_inputs (tld, inputs);

        if (mode == UFO_TASK_MODE_REDUCTOR) {
            do {
                ufo_profiler_trace_event (profiler, UFO_TRACE_EVENT_GENERATE | UFO_TRACE_EVENT_BEGIN);
                active = ufo_task_generate (tld->task, output, &requisition);
                ufo_profiler_trace_event (profiler, UFO_TRACE_EVENT_GENERATE | UFO_TRACE_EVENT_END);

                if (active) {
                    ufo_group_push_output_buffer (group, output);
                    output = ufo_group_pop_output_buffer (group, &requisition);
            } while (active);

        if (!active)
            ufo_group_finish (group);

    g_object_unref (profiler);
    return NULL;