Exemple #1
void UIMenuDisplayHelp(char *helpFile) {
    if (helpFile == (char *) NULL) UIMessage((char *) "Sorry, No Help! You are on your own!");
    else {
        char cmndString[2048];
        if (getenv("GHAAS_BROWSER") == NULL) {
            UIMessage((char *) "You Don't have Web Browser Configured!");
        sprintf(cmndString, getenv("GHAAS_BROWSER"), helpFile);
Exemple #2
char *UISelectObject (Widget widget,DBObjectLIST<DBObject> *objList,DBInt (*condFunc) (const DBObject *))

	int i = 0;
	XmString *strings;
	DBObject *obj;

	if (objList->ItemNum () < 1) { UIMessage ((char *) "Empty List"); return (NULL); }
	if ((strings = (XmString *) calloc	(objList->ItemNum (),sizeof (XmString))) == NULL)
		{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgSysError, "Memory Allocation Error in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); return (NULL); }

	if (condFunc == (UISelectCondFunc) NULL) condFunc = _UISelectObjectAll;
	for (obj = objList->First ();obj != NULL;obj = objList->Next ())
		if (((obj->Flags () & DBObjectFlagIdle) != DBObjectFlagIdle) && (*condFunc) (obj))
			strings [i++] = XmStringCreateSimple (obj->Name ());

	_UISelection = NULL;
	XtVaSetValues (widget,XmNlistItems, strings,XmNlistItemCount, i,NULL);
	XtManageChild (widget);

	while (UILoop ());
	XtUnmanageChild (widget);

	for (;i > 0;--i) XmStringFree (strings [i - 1]);
	free (strings);
	return (_UISelection);
Exemple #3
/* return movie information */
void MovieInfo(void)
    Message  message;
    extern Movie movie;

    if( !movie ){
    sprintf(message, "Movie: dir=%d run=%d delay=%d cache=%d",
            movie->dir, movie->run, movie->delay, movie->cache);
Exemple #4
/* print info about axis */
void AxisInfo(Axis axis)
    Message  message;

    if( !axis ){
            "Axis: label%d=%s n%d=%d o%d=%g d%d=%g z%d=%g prec=%d scale=%d",
            axis->dir ,axis->label ,axis->dir ,axis->size ,axis->dir,
            axis->first ,axis->dir ,axis->delta ,axis->dir ,axis->zoom,
            axis->prec ,axis->scale);
Exemple #5
/* write color table contents to a file */
void ColorTableDump(void)
    extern ColorTable ctable;
    string   filename;
    FILE    *fd;
    int      i;

    (void)sprintf(filename, "color.table.%d.txt", ctable->size);
    fd = fopen(filename, "w");
    for( i = 0; i < ctable->size; i++ ){
        (void)fprintf(fd, "%3d : %5d %5d %5d : %5d %5d %5d\n", i,
                ctable->red0[i], ctable->green0[i], ctable->blue0[i],
                ctable->red[i], ctable->green[i], ctable->blue[i]);
    UIMessage("color table dumped to file");
Exemple #6
void ColorInfo(void)
    Message  message;
    extern ColorTable ctable;

    if( !ctable ){

            "Color: base=%d size=%d color=%s overlay=%s mark=%s back=%s contrast=%d contrast0=%d gpow=%g",
            ctable->base, ctable->size, ct_names[ctable->color],
            over_names[ctable->overlay], mark_names[ctable->mark],
            background_names[ctable->background], ctable->contrast,
            ctable->contrast0, ctable->gpow);
Exemple #7
static void _RGISARCInfoImportFileSelectCBK (Widget widget,Widget coverText,XmAnyCallbackStruct *callData)

	static Widget fileSelect = NULL;
	char *infoFile;

	if (fileSelect == NULL)
		fileSelect = UIFileSelectionCreate ((char *) "ARC/Info Coverage",NULL,(char *) "*",XmFILE_DIRECTORY);

	if ((infoFile = UIFileSelection (fileSelect,true)) != NULL)
		if (_RGISARCTempTable  != (DBObjTable *) NULL) delete _RGISARCTempTable;
		_RGISARCTempTable = new DBObjTable ((char *) "ARCImp Temporary Table");
		if (DBInfoGetFields (_RGISARCTempTable,DBInfoFileName (infoFile,_RGISARCDataType)) == DBFault)
			{ UIMessage ((char *) "Missing Attribute Table"); delete _RGISARCTempTable; _RGISARCTempTable = ( DBObjTable *) NULL; return; }
		XmTextFieldSetString (coverText,infoFile);
		XmTextFieldSetString (coverText,(char *) "");
		if (_RGISARCTempTable != NULL) { delete _RGISARCTempTable; _RGISARCTempTable = NULL; }
Exemple #8
static void _RGISToolsImportASCIITableCBK (Widget widget,RGISWorkspace *workspace,XmAnyCallbackStruct *callData)

	static Widget fileSelect = (Widget) NULL;
	DBObjData *data = new DBObjData ("",DBTypeTable);

	widget = widget; callData = callData;
	if (fileSelect == NULL) fileSelect = UIFileSelectionCreate ((char *) "ASCII Import",NULL,(char *) "*.*",XmFILE_REGULAR);

	if (UIDataHeaderForm (data))
		char *fileName;

		if ((fileName = UIFileSelection (fileSelect,true)) == NULL) { delete data; return; }

		if (DBImportASCIITable (data->Table (DBrNItems),fileName) == DBFault)
			{ UIMessage ((char *) "Import failed!"); delete data; return; }

		if (UITableRedefineFields (data->Table (DBrNItems)) != true)	{ delete data;  return; }

		workspace->CurrentData  (data);
	else delete data;
Exemple #9
static void _UINoMatchSelectionCallback (Widget widget,void *data,XmSelectionBoxCallbackStruct *callData)
  { UIMessage ((char *) "Must Select!"); }
Exemple #10
void _RGISUserFuncionNetwork (DBObjData *data,UI2DView *view,XEvent *event)

	DBInt sX, sY, redraw = false;
	DBNetworkIF *netIF;
	DBCoordinate coord;
	DBObjRecord *cellRec, *basinRec;
	void _RGISUserFuncionQuery (DBObjData *,UI2DView *,XEvent *);

	if ((data->Flags () & DBDataFlagUserModeFlags) == DBDataFlagUserModeQuery)
		{ _RGISUserFuncionQuery (data,view,event);	return; }

	if (event->type != ButtonPress) return;
	if (DBTypeNetwork != data->Type ())
		{ CMmsgPrint (CMmsgAppError, "Invalid data Type in: %s %d",__FILE__,__LINE__); }

	sX = event->xbutton.x;
	sY = event->xbutton.y;
	view->Window2Map  (sX,sY, &coord.X, &coord.Y);

	netIF = new DBNetworkIF (data);
	switch (data->Flags () & DBDataFlagUserModeFlags)
		case DBDataFlagUserModeSelect:
			DBInt basinID, cellID;
			DBRegion extent;
			UITable *tableView;

			if ((cellRec = netIF->Cell (coord)) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
				{ UIMessage ((char *) "Cell Does not Exists!"); return; }
			for (basinID = 0;basinID < netIF->BasinNum ();++basinID)
				basinRec = netIF->Basin (basinID);
				if ((basinRec->Flags () & DBObjectFlagSelected) == DBObjectFlagSelected)
					data->SelectObject (basinRec,DBClear);
					extent.Expand (data->Extent (basinRec));
			for (cellID = 0;cellID < netIF->CellNum ();++cellID)
				cellRec = netIF->Cell (cellID);
				if ((cellRec->Flags () & DBObjectFlagSelected) == DBObjectFlagSelected)
					extent.Expand (netIF->Center (cellRec) + (netIF->CellSize () / 2.0));
					extent.Expand (netIF->Center (cellRec) - (netIF->CellSize () / 2.0));
					cellRec->Flags (DBObjectFlagSelected,DBClear);
			if ((tableView = (UITable *) data->Display (UITableName (data,data->Table (DBrNItems)))) != (UITable *) NULL)
				tableView->Draw ();
			if ((tableView = (UITable *) data->Display (UITableName (data,data->Table (DBrNCells)))) != (UITable *) NULL)
				tableView->Draw ();
			UI2DViewRedrawAll (extent);
			cellRec = netIF->Cell (coord);
			switch (data->Flags () & DBDataFlagSelectMode)
				case DBDataFlagSelectMode:	netIF->DownStreamSearch	(cellRec, DBNetworkSelect);	break;
				default:							netIF->UpStreamSearch	(cellRec, DBNetworkSelect);	break;
			extent.Initialize ();
			for (cellID = 0;cellID < netIF->CellNum ();++cellID)
				cellRec = netIF->Cell (cellID);
				if ((cellRec->Flags () & DBObjectFlagSelected) == DBObjectFlagSelected)
					extent.Expand (netIF->Center (cellRec) + (netIF->CellSize () / 2.0));
					extent.Expand (netIF->Center (cellRec) - (netIF->CellSize () / 2.0));
			UI2DViewRedrawAll (extent);
			if ((tableView = (UITable *) data->Display (UITableName (data,data->Table (DBrNCells)))) != (UITable *) NULL)
				tableView->Draw ();
			} break;
		case DBDataFlagUserModeAdd:
			if (netIF->CellAdd (coord) == (DBObjRecord *) NULL) UIMessage ((char *) "Cell Creation Error");
			else redraw = true;
		case DBDataFlagUserModeDelete:
			if (netIF->CellDelete (coord) == DBFault) UIMessage ((char *) "Cell Does not Exists!");
			else redraw = true;
		case DBDataFlagUserModeRotate:
			DBObjRecord *cellRec = netIF->Cell (coord);

			if (cellRec != (DBObjRecord *) NULL)
				switch (netIF->CellDirection (cellRec))
					case DBNull:     netIF->CellDirection (cellRec,DBNetDirN); break;
					case DBNetDirNW: netIF->CellDirection (cellRec,DBNull);    break;
					default:         netIF->CellRotate    (cellRec,DBForward); break;
				redraw = true;
			} break;
		default: printf ("Unknown Mode %lX",data->Flags () & DBDataFlagUserModeFlags); break;
	if (redraw)
		DBPosition pos;

		if (netIF->Coord2Pos (coord,pos) == DBSuccess)
			DBRegion extent;
			DBCoordinate delta (netIF->CellWidth () * 1.25, netIF->CellHeight () * 1.25);

			netIF->Pos2Coord (pos,coord); coord = coord + delta; extent.Expand (coord);
			netIF->Pos2Coord (pos,coord); coord = coord - delta; extent.Expand (coord);
			UI2DViewRedrawAll (extent);
	delete netIF;
Exemple #11
static void _UIFileSelectionNoMatchCBK(Widget widget, void *dummy, XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct *callData) {
    UIMessage((char *) "Must Select!");
Exemple #12
static void _UINotImplementedCBK(Widget widget, char *text, XmAnyCallbackStruct *callData) {
    UIMessage((char *) "This menu option is not implemented");
Exemple #13
void RGISEditGridDateLayersCBK (Widget widget, RGISWorkspace *workspace,XmAnyCallbackStruct *callData)

	static char yearText [DBStringLength];
	static DBInt timeStep = DBTimeStepYear;
	static DBInt proc;
	DBDataset *dataset = UIDataset ();
	DBObjData *dbData = dataset->Data ();
	static Widget dShell = (Widget) NULL;
	static Widget yearTextF;
	static Widget menu, button;

	if (dShell == (Widget) NULL)
		Widget mainForm;
		XmString string;

		dShell = UIDialogForm ((char *) "Date Layers",false);
		mainForm = UIDialogFormGetMainForm (dShell);

		menu = XmCreatePulldownMenu (mainForm,(char *) "RGISEditGridDateLayersTimeStepMenu",NULL,0);
		string = XmStringCreate ((char *) "Year",UICharSetNormal);
		button = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("RGISEditGridDateLayersTimeStepButton",xmPushButtonWidgetClass,menu,
												XmNlabelString,				string,
												XmNuserData,					&timeStep,
		XmStringFree (string);
		XtAddCallback (button,XmNactivateCallback,(XtCallbackProc) _RGISEditGridLayersYearButtonCBK,(XtPointer) DBTimeStepYear);
		string = XmStringCreate ((char *) "Month",UICharSetNormal);
		button = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("RGISEditGridDateLayersTimeStepButton",xmPushButtonWidgetClass,menu,
												XmNlabelString,				string,
												XmNuserData,					&timeStep,
		XmStringFree (string);
		XtAddCallback (button,XmNactivateCallback,(XtCallbackProc) _RGISEditGridLayersYearButtonCBK,(XtPointer) DBTimeStepMonth);
		string = XmStringCreate ((char *) "Day",UICharSetNormal);
		button = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("RGISEditGridDateLayersTimeStepButton",xmPushButtonWidgetClass,menu,
												XmNlabelString,				string,
												XmNuserData,					&timeStep,
		XmStringFree (string);
		XtAddCallback (button,XmNactivateCallback,(XtCallbackProc) _RGISEditGridLayersYearButtonCBK,(XtPointer) DBTimeStepDay);
		string = XmStringCreate ((char *) "Hour",UICharSetNormal);
		button = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("RGISEditGridDateLayersTimeStepButton",xmPushButtonWidgetClass,menu,
												XmNlabelString,				string,
												XmNuserData,					&timeStep,
		XmStringFree (string);
		XtAddCallback (button,XmNactivateCallback,(XtCallbackProc) _RGISEditGridLayersYearButtonCBK,(XtPointer) DBTimeStepHour);
		string = XmStringCreate ((char *) "Minute",UICharSetNormal);
		button = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("RGISEditGridDateLayersTimeStepButton",xmPushButtonWidgetClass,menu,
												XmNlabelString,				string,
												XmNuserData,					&timeStep,
		XmStringFree (string);
		XtAddCallback (button,XmNactivateCallback,(XtCallbackProc) _RGISEditGridLayersYearButtonCBK,(XtPointer) DBTimeStepMinute);
		string = XmStringCreate ((char *) "Time Step:",UICharSetBold);
		menu = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("RGISEditGridDateLayersTimeStepMenu",xmRowColumnWidgetClass,mainForm,
												XmNtopAttachment,				XmATTACH_FORM,
												XmNtopOffset,					10,
												XmNrightAttachment,			XmATTACH_FORM,
												XmNrightOffset,				10,
												XmNbottomAttachment,			XmATTACH_FORM,
												XmNbottomOffset,				10,
												XmNrowColumnType,				XmMENU_OPTION,
												XmNlabelString,				string,
												XmNsubMenuId,					menu,
		XmStringFree (string);

		yearTextF = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("RGISEditGridDateLayersYearTextF",xmTextFieldWidgetClass,mainForm,
								XmNtopAttachment,			XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET,
								XmNtopWidget,				menu,
								XmNrightAttachment,		XmATTACH_WIDGET,
								XmNrightWidget,			menu,
								XmNrightOffset,			10,
								XmNbottomAttachment,		XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET,
								XmNbottomWidget,			menu,
								XmNmaxLength,				4,
								XmNcolumns,					4,
		XtAddCallback (yearTextF,XmNvalueChangedCallback,(XtCallbackProc) _RGISEditGridLayersYearTextCBK,yearText);
		string = XmStringCreate ((char *) "Begin Year",UICharSetBold);
		XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("RGISEditGridDateLayersYearLabel",xmLabelWidgetClass,mainForm,
								XmNtopAttachment,			XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET,
								XmNtopWidget,				menu,
								XmNleftAttachment,		XmATTACH_FORM,
								XmNleftOffset,				10,
								XmNrightAttachment,		XmATTACH_WIDGET,
								XmNrightWidget,			yearTextF,
								XmNrightOffset,			10,
								XmNbottomAttachment,	  XmATTACH_OPPOSITE_WIDGET,
								XmNbottomWidget,			menu,
								XmNlabelString,			string,
		XmStringFree (string);
		XtSetSensitive (UIDialogFormGetOkButton (dShell),true);
		XtAddCallback (UIDialogFormGetOkButton (dShell),XmNactivateCallback,(XtCallbackProc) UIAuxSetBooleanTrueCBK,&proc);

	proc = false;
	UIDialogFormPopup (dShell);
	while (UILoop ())
		{ }
	UIDialogFormPopdown (dShell);
	if (proc)
		DBInt layerID, year;
		DBDate stepDate;
		DBGridIF *gridIF = new DBGridIF (dbData);
		DBObjRecord *layerRec;
		DBDate date;

		switch (timeStep)
			case DBTimeStepYear:		stepDate.Set (1);				break;
			case DBTimeStepMonth:	stepDate.Set (0,1);			break;
			case DBTimeStepDay:		stepDate.Set (0,0,1);		break;
			case DBTimeStepHour:		stepDate.Set (0,0,0,1);		break;
			case DBTimeStepMinute:	stepDate.Set (0,0,0,0,1);	break;
		if (sscanf (yearText,"%d",&year) != 1)
			year = DBDefaultMissingIntVal;
			if (((stepDate.Year () > 0)	&& (gridIF->LayerNum () > 1)) ||
				 ((stepDate.Month () > 0)	&& (gridIF->LayerNum () > 12)) ||
				 ((stepDate.Day () > 0)		&& (gridIF->LayerNum () > 365)) ||
				 ((stepDate.Hour () > 0)	&& (gridIF->LayerNum () > 365 * 24)) ||
				 ((stepDate.Minute () > 0) && (gridIF->LayerNum () > 365 * 24 * 60)))
				 UIMessage ((char *) "Too Many Layers in Dataset");
		UIPauseDialogOpen ((char *) "Labeling Layers");
		date.Set (year);
		if (stepDate.Month () > 0)		date.Set (year,0);
		if (stepDate.Day () > 0) 		date.Set (year,0,0);
		if (stepDate.Hour () > 0) 		date.Set (year,0,0,0);
		if (stepDate.Minute () > 0) 	date.Set (year,0,0,0,0);

		for (layerID = 0;layerID < gridIF->LayerNum ();++layerID)
			layerRec = gridIF->Layer (layerID);
			if (UIPause (layerRec->RowID () * 100 / gridIF->LayerNum ()))  goto Stop;
			gridIF->RenameLayer (layerRec,date.Get ());
			date = date + stepDate;
		UIPauseDialogClose ();
		delete gridIF;