BoundingBox OSMMapParamFactory::getWorldBoxForParam(int x, int y, int zoomIndex) { int gz = m_impl->grid.getGridSize(); BoundingBox b(UPoint(x * gz, y * gz + gz), UPoint(x * gz + gz, y * gz)); // cout << "b initial: " << b << endl; GridBox res = {b, zoomIndex}; invInvertGridBoxYAxis(res); // cout << "b after invaxis: " << b << endl; invOffsetGridBox(, res.zoomIndex); // cout << "b after offset: " << b << endl; BoundingBox worldBox = m_impl->converter.gridToWorld(res); // cout << "b after projection: " << worldBox << endl; return worldBox; }
void OSMMapFactoryTest::testWorldToGridWhole() { vector<MapParam> res; /** * Start by finding the request strings for bounding boxes on the * highest zoom level. Should always result in a single result. */ m_impl->factory.getParamsFromWorldBox(res, mercatorWhole, MAX_SCALE); rtAssert(res.size() == 1); rtAssert(find(res.begin(), res.end(), "0/0/0.png") != res.end()); res.clear(); m_impl->factory.getParamsFromWorldBox(res, mercatorUpperRight, MAX_SCALE); // for(unsigned int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) { // cout << "MapParam[" << i << "] = " << res[i].getString() << endl; // } rtAssert(res.size() == 1); rtAssert(find(res.begin(), res.end(), "0/0/0.png") != res.end()); res.clear(); m_impl->factory.getParamsFromWorldBox(res, mercatorWhole, MAX_SCALE_MINUS_ONE); rtAssert(res.size() == 4); rtAssert(find(res.begin(), res.end(), "1/0/0.png") != res.end()); rtAssert(find(res.begin(), res.end(), "1/0/1.png") != res.end()); rtAssert(find(res.begin(), res.end(), "1/1/0.png") != res.end()); rtAssert(find(res.begin(), res.end(), "1/1/1.png") != res.end()); res.clear(); m_impl->factory.getParamsFromWorldBox(res, mercatorUpperRight, MAX_SCALE_MINUS_ONE); // for(unsigned int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) { // cout << "MapParam[" << i << "] = " << res[i].getString() << endl; // } rtAssert(res.size() == 1); rtAssert(find(res.begin(), res.end(), "1/1/0.png") != res.end()); /** * Test offsetting by one pixel */ GridBox gbMO = {BoundingBox(UPoint(127, 256), UPoint(256, 128)), 0}; res.clear(); m_impl->factory.getParamsFromGridBox(res, gbMO); // A box offset by one pixels should result in two tiles being requested. rtAssert(res.size() == 2); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RightAligner::add_border_segment(LUnits y0, LUnits y1, LUnits x) { if (m_border.size() == 0) { m_border.push_back( UPoint(x, y0) ); m_border.push_back( UPoint(LOMSE_MAX_X, y1) ); } else { //find first point with y >= y0 LUnits xNext = LOMSE_MAX_X; std::list<UPoint>::iterator it; for (it = m_border.begin(); it != m_border.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).y == y0) { //replace xNext = (*it).x; (*it).x = x; ++it; break; } else if ((*it).y > y0 || (*it).y == LOMSE_MAX_Y) { //insert before m_border.insert(it, UPoint(x, y0)); //'it' still points to greater point break; } xNext = (*it).x; } //insert second point //remove intermediate points while((*it).y < y1 && (*it).y != LOMSE_MAX_Y) { xNext = (*it).x; m_border.erase(it++); } if ((*it).y == y1) { //no need to do anything. point is still valid! } else if ((*it).y > y1 || (*it).y == LOMSE_MAX_Y) { //insert before UPoint p2(xNext, y1); m_border.insert(it, p2); } } }
void GraphicButton::draw(Image& dest, SPoint off) { if (!m_visible) return; if (m_pressed) { m_surfPressed->blitTo(dest, UPoint(off.x + x, off.y + y)); } else { m_surfNormal->blitTo(dest, UPoint(off.x + x, off.y + y)); }; }
UPoint Settings::ToggleResolution() { UPoint resolution; if(m_resolution.x < 800) resolution = UPoint(800, 600); else if(m_resolution.x < 1024) resolution = UPoint(1024, 768); else resolution = UPoint(640, 480); SetResolution(resolution); return m_resolution; }
void GameMan::TakeMapScreenshot(std::string filename) { int w = m_map->w; int h = m_map->h; Image img(UPoint(w * 16, h * 16)); for (int i = 0 ; i < w; i++) for (int j = 0 ; j < h; j++) m_map->getCell(UPoint(i, j))->draw(img, SPoint(16*i, 16*j)); img.saveBMP(filename); }
void SkirmishGameState::resize() { GameMenuState::resize(); m_mapWidget->setPosition(UPoint(0, m_topFrame->getSize().y)); UPoint resolution = set->GetResolution(); UPoint mapSize(resolution.x - m_sideBarFrame->getSize().x, resolution.y - m_mapWidget->getPosition().y); mapSize.x -= mapSize.x % BLOCKSIZE; mapSize.y -= mapSize.y % BLOCKSIZE; mapSize += BLOCKSIZE; m_mapWidget->setSize(mapSize); char mission[] = "SCENARIO:SCEN%c%.3d.INI"; char house; if(m_house == HOUSE_HARKONNEN) house = 'H'; else if(m_house == HOUSE_ATREIDES) house = 'A'; else if(m_house == HOUSE_ORDOS) house = 'O'; else if(m_house == HOUSE_FREMEN) house = 'F'; else if(m_house == HOUSE_MERCENARY) house = 'M'; else house = 0; sprintf(mission, mission, house, m_level); GameMan::Instance()->LoadScenario(mission); //TODO: adjust to make it relative to current resolution rather than 320x200 m_mapWidget->setMapPosition(GameMan::Instance()->getTacticalPos()); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CheckboxCtrl::on_draw(Drawer* pDrawer, RenderOptions& UNUSED(opt)) { select_font(); Color color = (m_fEnabled ? m_currentColor : Color(192, 192, 192)); pDrawer->set_text_color(color); URect pos = determine_text_position_and_size(); pDrawer->begin_path(); pDrawer->fill( Color(0,0,0,0) ); pDrawer->stroke(color); pDrawer->stroke_width( pos.height * 0.075f ); pDrawer->rect(UPoint(m_pos.x, m_pos.y +100.0f), USize(400.0f, 400.0f), 50.0f); pDrawer->end_path(); pDrawer->draw_text(pos.x + 600.0f, pos.y, m_label); if (m_status) { // pDrawer->draw_text(pos.x + 50.0f, pos.y, "X"); pDrawer->begin_path(); pDrawer->fill(color); pDrawer->add_path(*this); pDrawer->end_path(); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MetronomeMarkEngraver::create_symbol_shape(int noteType, int dots) { int iGlyph = select_glyph(noteType); Tenths yOffset = m_libraryScope.get_glyphs_table()->glyph_offset(iGlyph); LUnits y = m_uPos.y + m_pMeter->tenths_to_logical(yOffset, m_iInstr, m_iStaff); ShapeId idx = 0; GmoShape* pShape = LOMSE_NEW GmoShapeMetronomeGlyph(m_pCreatorImo, idx, iGlyph, UPoint(m_uPos.x, y), m_color, m_libraryScope, m_fontSize); m_pMainShape->add(pShape); m_uPos.x += pShape->get_width(); if (dots > 0) { LUnits space = m_pMeter->tenths_to_logical(2.0, m_iInstr, m_iStaff); for (; dots > 0; dots--) { m_uPos.x += space; pShape = LOMSE_NEW GmoShapeMetronomeGlyph(m_pCreatorImo, idx, k_glyph_metronome_augmentation_dot, m_uPos, m_color, m_libraryScope, m_fontSize); m_pMainShape->add(pShape); m_uPos.x += pShape->get_width(); } } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPoint ClefEngraver::get_drag_offset() { //return center of clef URect bounds = m_pClefShape->get_bounds(); return UPoint(bounds.get_width() / 2.0, bounds.get_height() / 2.0 ); }
void Application::InitVideo() { Settings* set = Settings::Instance(); UPoint resolution = set->GetResolution(); int videoFlags = SDL_HWPALETTE | SDL_RESIZABLE; if (set->GetDoubleBuffered()) videoFlags |= SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF; if (set->GetFullScreen()) videoFlags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN; SDL_Surface *surface = SDL_SetVideoMode(resolution.x, resolution.y, 8, videoFlags); if(!surface) { LOG(LV_ERROR, "Application", "Couldn't set video mode: %s", SDL_GetError()); Die(); } else surface->flags |= SDL_PREALLOC; *m_screen = surface; // reset the palette if we've got one if (m_currentPalette) SetPalette(); SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); m_rootWidget->setSize(resolution); m_rootWidget->setPosition(UPoint(0, 0)); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TopLevelCaretPositioner::layout_caret(Caret* pCaret, DocCursor* pCursor) { m_pCursor = pCursor; m_state = m_pCursor->get_state(); ImoId id = m_state.get_parent_level_id(); GmoBox* pBox = m_pGModel->get_box_for_imo(id); URect pos; if (pBox) pos = pBox->get_bounds(); else { //at end of document pBox = get_box_for_last_element(); if (pBox) { pos.set_top_left( UPoint(pBox->get_left(), pBox->get_bottom()) ); pos.set_height(1000.0f); pos.set_width(1000.0f); } else { //empty document pos = URect(0.0f, 0.0f, 1000.0f, 1000.0f); } } pCaret->set_type(Caret::k_top_level); pCaret->set_top_level_box(pos); pCaret->set_position( pos.get_top_left() ); pCaret->set_size( USize(pos.get_width(), pos.get_height()) ); }
static unsigned int DGetMinError(unsigned int yAxisNumber, Feature *yFeature){ /* Calculate angle of each point to the xAxis and sort them */ UPoints angles(n); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++){ angles[i] = UPoint((x[yAxisNumber][i] == 0 && curFeature[i] == 0) ? 0 : y[i] , atan2(x[yAxisNumber][i], curFeature[i])); } sort(angles.begin(), angles.end(), Compare); /* for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++){ cout << (angles[i].pattern > 0 ? 1 : angles[i].pattern < 0 ? 0 : 3); } cout << endl; */ /* Look for the optimal threshold */ int leftDiff = 0; unsigned int optThreshold = 0; int maxCorr = 0; double nextValue = angles[0].value; for (unsigned i = 0; i < n - 1; i++){ leftDiff += angles[i].pattern; if (angles[i + 1].value == nextValue){ continue; } nextValue = angles[i].value; int corr = max(numMore - leftDiff, numLess + leftDiff); //int corr = abs(leftDiff) + abs(difference - leftDiff); if (corr > maxCorr){ maxCorr = corr; optThreshold = i; } // cout << i << " " << corr << "; "; } // cout << endl; /* Determine the angle of the separating direction */ yFeature->angle = (angles[optThreshold].value + angles[optThreshold + 1].value) / 2. - PI2; yFeature->error = n - maxCorr; yFeature->number = yAxisNumber; return yFeature->error; }
void Application::BlitCursor() { Rect src(0,0,16,16); UPoint dest(m_cursorX, m_cursorY); //src.w = surface->w / NUM_CURSORS; //src.h = surface->h; //src.x = src.w * m_cursorFrame; //src.y = 0; //reposition image so pointing on right spot switch (m_cursorFrame) { case CURSOR_NORMAL: src.setPosition(UPoint(0,0)); break; case CURSOR_UP: src.setPosition(UPoint(16,0)); break; case CURSOR_RIGHT: src.setPosition(UPoint(32,0)); break; case CURSOR_DOWN: src.setPosition(UPoint(48,0)); break; case CURSOR_LEFT: src.setPosition(UPoint(64,0)); break; case CURSOR_TARGET: src.setPosition(UPoint(80,0)); break; case CURSOR_SELECTION: src.setPosition(UPoint(96,0)); break; case NUM_CURSORS: break; } m_screen->blitFrom(*m_cursor, src, dest); }
void SkirmishMenuState::drawSpecifics() { DataCache::Instance()->getGameData("BigPlanet")->getImage(); ImagePtr houseChoice = DataCache::Instance()->getGameData("UI_HouseChoiceBackground")->getImage()->getCopy(); houseChoice->drawBorders1(); Rect area(20, 53, 300, 53+95); houseChoice->greyOut(area); m_middleFrame->changeBackground(houseChoice); m_selectionBox->setPosition(area.getPosition() - 1); m_selectionBox->setSize(area.getSize()); m_middleFrame->addChild(m_selectionBox); ImagePtr atreides = DataCache::Instance()->getGameData("UI_HeraldColoredAtreides")->getImage(); ImagePtr transparent(new Image(atreides->getSize())); transparent->setColorKey(); GraphicButton *atreidesButton = new GraphicButton(transparent, atreides); atreidesButton->setPosition(UPoint(0, 0)); atreidesButton->onClick.connect( boost::bind(&SkirmishMenuState::setHouse, this, HOUSE_ATREIDES)); m_selectionBox->addChild(atreidesButton); ImagePtr ordos = DataCache::Instance()->getGameData("UI_HeraldColoredOrdos")->getImage(); transparent->setColorKey(); GraphicButton *ordosButton = new GraphicButton(transparent, ordos); ordosButton->setPosition(UPoint(96, 0)); ordosButton->onClick.connect( boost::bind(&SkirmishMenuState::setHouse, this, HOUSE_ORDOS)); m_selectionBox->addChild(ordosButton); ImagePtr harkonnen = DataCache::Instance()->getGameData("UI_HeraldColoredHarkonnen")->getImage(); transparent->setColorKey(); GraphicButton *harkonnenButton = new GraphicButton(transparent, harkonnen); harkonnenButton->setPosition(UPoint(194, 0)); harkonnenButton->onClick.connect( boost::bind(&SkirmishMenuState::setHouse, this, HOUSE_HARKONNEN)); m_selectionBox->addChild(harkonnenButton); m_missionLabel->redraw(); }
void OSMMapFactoryTest::testGridToWorldWhole() { MapParam p = m_impl->factory.getParamFromString("2/1/0.png"); rtAssert(p.getZoomIndex() == 2); rtAssert(p.getString() == "2/1/0.png"); p = m_impl->factory.getParamFromString("0/0/0.png"); rtAssert(p.getWorldBox().topLeft.getX() == MIN_INT32 + 1); rtAssert(p.getWorldBox().topLeft.getY() == MAX_INT32); rtAssert(p.getWorldBox().bottomRight.getX() == MAX_INT32); rtAssert(p.getWorldBox().bottomRight.getY() == MIN_INT32 + 1); MapParam p1 = m_impl->factory.getParamFromString("1/0/0.png"); MapParam p2 = m_impl->factory.getParamFromString("1/1/0.png"); MapParam p3 = m_impl->factory.getParamFromString("1/1/1.png"); MapParam p4 = m_impl->factory.getParamFromString("1/0/1.png"); BoundingBox w1 = p1.getWorldBox(); BoundingBox w2 = p2.getWorldBox(); BoundingBox w3 = p3.getWorldBox(); BoundingBox w4 = p4.getWorldBox(); rtAssert(w1.bottomRight == UPoint(0, 0)); rtAssert(w2.topLeft.getX() == 0); rtAssert(w2.bottomRight.getY() == 0); rtAssert(w3.topLeft == UPoint(0, 0)); rtAssert(w4.topLeft.getY() == 0); rtAssert(w4.bottomRight.getX() == 0); rtAssert(p1.getZoomIndex() == 1); rtAssert(p2.getZoomIndex() == 1); rtAssert(p3.getZoomIndex() == 1); rtAssert(p4.getZoomIndex() == 1); rtAssert(w1.topLeft.getY() == w2.topLeft.getY()); rtAssert(w3.bottomRight.getY() == w4.bottomRight.getY()); }
UPoint OSMMapParamFactory::getTranslationOffsets(int zoomIndex) { BoundingBox wholeBox = m_impl->grid.getCompleteImageGridBox(zoomIndex); // We increment by one since we want the complete width and not the // distance between two pixels int extentX = (1 + wholeBox.bottomRight.getX()) - wholeBox.topLeft.getX(); int extentY = (1 + wholeBox.topLeft.getY()) - wholeBox.bottomRight.getY(); int translateX = extentX / 2; int translateY = extentY / 2; return UPoint(translateX, translateY); }
void OSMMapFactoryTest::testGridToWorldSteps() { BoundingBox w = m_impl->factory.getWorldBoxForParam(0, 0, 0); rtAssert(w.topLeft.getX() == MIN_INT32 + 1); rtAssert(w.topLeft.getY() == MAX_INT32); rtAssert(w.bottomRight.getX() == MAX_INT32); rtAssert(w.bottomRight.getY() == MIN_INT32 + 1); BoundingBox w1 = m_impl->factory.getWorldBoxForParam(0, 0, 1); BoundingBox w2 = m_impl->factory.getWorldBoxForParam(1, 0, 1); BoundingBox w3 = m_impl->factory.getWorldBoxForParam(1, 1, 1); BoundingBox w4 = m_impl->factory.getWorldBoxForParam(0, 1, 1); rtAssert(w1.bottomRight == UPoint(0, 0)); rtAssert(w2.topLeft.getX() == 0); rtAssert(w2.bottomRight.getY() == 0); rtAssert(w3.topLeft == UPoint(0, 0)); rtAssert(w4.topLeft.getY() == 0); rtAssert(w4.bottomRight.getX() == 0); rtAssert(w1.topLeft.getY() == w2.topLeft.getY()); rtAssert(w3.bottomRight.getY() == w4.bottomRight.getY()); }
void Application::HandleEvents() { SDL_Event event; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: fprintf(stderr,"QUIT!\n"); m_running = false; break; case SDL_VIDEORESIZE: Settings::Instance()->SetResolution(UPoint(event.resize.w, event.resize.h)); break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: m_cursorX = event.motion.x; m_cursorY = event.motion.y; m_rootWidget->handleMotion(SPoint(event.motion.x, event.motion.y)); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: gpaloff++; m_rootWidget->handleButtonDown( event.button.button, SPoint(event.button.x, event.button.y)); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: m_rootWidget->handleButtonUp( event.button.button, SPoint(event.button.x, event.button.y)); break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F11) Settings::Instance()->ToggleFullscreen(); m_rootWidget->handleKeyDown(&(event.key.keysym)); break; case SDL_KEYUP: m_rootWidget->handleKeyUp(&(event.key.keysym)); break; } } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TableRowLayouter::layout_in_box() { LOMSE_LOG_DEBUG(Logger::k_layout, string("")); set_cursor_and_available_space(); LUnits yPos = m_pageCursor.y; //loop to layout the cells in this rows group range vector<LUnits> cellHeights; cellHeights.assign(m_cellLayouters.size(), 0.0f); int iRow = m_iFirstRow; for (int i=0; i < m_numRows; ++i, ++iRow) { LUnits xPos = m_pItemMainBox->get_content_left(); for (int iCol=0; iCol < m_numColumns; ++iCol) { int iCell = iRow * m_numColumns + iCol; if (m_cellLayouters[iCell] != nullptr) { LUnits height = layout_cell(m_cellLayouters[iCell], m_pItemMainBox, UPoint(xPos, m_pageCursor.y)); cellHeights[iCell] = height; } xPos += m_columnsWidth[iCol]; } } //set height and final position of cells TableCellSizer sizer(m_cellLayouters, cellHeights, m_iFirstRow, m_numRows, m_numColumns); sizer.assign_height_and_reposition_cells(); yPos += sizer.get_total_height(); //update cursor and available space LUnits height = yPos - m_pageCursor.y; m_pageCursor.y = yPos; m_availableHeight -= height; set_layout_is_finished(true); }
void SkirmishMenuState::resize() { MainMenuBaseState::resize(); UPoint resolution = set->GetResolution(); m_missionLabel->setPosition(SPoint(8,8)); m_missionCounter->setPosition(m_missionLabel->getPosition() + SPoint(m_missionLabel->getSize().x + 5, 0)); m_butPlus->setPosition(m_missionCounter->getPosition() + SPoint(m_missionCounter->getSize().x + 5, -2)); m_butMinus->setPosition(m_missionCounter->getPosition() + SPoint(m_missionCounter->getSize().x + 5, 8)); ImagePtr tmp(new Image(m_missionLabel->getSize() + m_missionLabel->getPosition() + SPoint(m_missionCounter->getSize().x + m_butPlus->getSize().x + 20, 5))); tmp->setColorKey(); tmp->drawBorders1(); m_missionFrame->changeBackground(tmp); SPoint midPos = m_menuFrame->getPosition() + SPoint(m_menuFrame->getSize().x, m_menuBottomFrame->getPosition().y); SPoint pos = midPos + (UPoint(resolution.x - midPos.x,m_menuBottomFrame->getSize().y)/2) - (m_missionFrame->getSize()/2); m_missionFrame->setPosition(pos); }
StructureClass::StructureClass(const PlayerClass& newOwner, const std::string& structureName, uint32_t attribute) : ObjectClass(newOwner, structureName, attribute | OBJECT_STRUCTURE) { m_justPlacedTimer = 0; try { m_firstAnimFrame = python::extract<int>(m_pyObject.attr("firstAnimFrame")); m_lastAnimFrame = python::extract<int>(m_pyObject.attr("lastAnimFrame")); m_powerRequirement = python::extract<int>(m_pyObject.attr("powerRequirement")); } catch(python::error_already_set const &) { LOG(LV_FATAL, m_objectType, "Error loading object: %s", getObjectName().c_str()); PyErr_Print(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } m_selectionBox.reset(new Image(UPoint(w,h))); m_selectionBox->setColorKey(); Rect rect(0, 0, w, h); m_selectionBox->drawRect(rect, COLOUR_WHITE); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ScoreCaretPositioner::caret_at_end_of_staff(Caret* pCaret) { //cursor is at end of a staff or end of score. Score is not empty. //No current staffobj but a previous one must exist. //Place cursor 0.8 lines (8 tenths) at the right of last staffobj //get info for prev object SpElementCursorState spState = m_pScoreCursor->get_state(); m_pScoreCursor->move_prev(); ImoId id = m_pScoreCursor->id(); int staff = m_pScoreCursor->staff(); m_pScoreCursor->restore_state(spState); URect bounds = get_bounds_for_imo(id, staff); bounds.x += tenths_to_logical(8); set_caret_y_pos_and_height(&bounds, id, staff); pCaret->set_type(Caret::k_line); pCaret->set_position( UPoint(bounds.right(), ); pCaret->set_size( USize(bounds.get_width(), bounds.get_height()) ); set_caret_timecode(pCaret); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GmoShape* ClefEngraver::create_shape(ImoClef* pCreatorImo, UPoint uPos, int clefType, int symbolSize, Color color) { m_nClefType = clefType; m_symbolSize = symbolSize; m_iGlyph = find_glyph(clefType); // get the shift to the staff on which the clef must be drawn LUnits y = uPos.y + m_pMeter->tenths_to_logical(get_glyph_offset(), m_iInstr, m_iStaff); //Add minimum space before clef change LUnits x = uPos.x; if (symbolSize == k_size_cue) x += m_pMeter->tenths_to_logical(20.0f, m_iInstr, m_iStaff); double fontSize = determine_font_size(); //create the shape object ShapeId idx = 0; m_pClefShape = LOMSE_NEW GmoShapeClef(pCreatorImo, idx, m_iGlyph, UPoint(x, y), color, m_libraryScope, fontSize); return m_pClefShape; }
bool GameMan::LoadScenario(std::string scenarioName) { eastwood::IniFile *myInifile = new eastwood::IniFile(ResMan::Instance()->getFile(scenarioName)); int tacticalPos = myInifile->getIntValue("BASIC", "TacticalPos", 0); m_tacticalPos = SPoint(tacticalPos % 64, tacticalPos / 64); int SeedNum = myInifile->getIntValue("MAP", "Seed", -1); if (SeedNum == -1) { LOG(LV_ERROR, "GameMan", "Cannot find Seednum in %s!", scenarioName.c_str()); delete m_map; return false; } std::string FieldString = myInifile->getStringValue("MAP", "Field"); std::string BloomString = myInifile->getStringValue("MAP", "Bloom"); m_map = MapGenerator::Instance()->createOldMap(FieldString, SeedNum, BloomString); // now set up all the players AddPlayer(HOUSE_ATREIDES, false, 1); AddPlayer(HOUSE_ORDOS, false, 2); AddPlayer(HOUSE_HARKONNEN, false, 2); AddPlayer(HOUSE_SARDAUKAR, false, 2); AddPlayer(HOUSE_FREMEN, false, 2); AddPlayer(HOUSE_MERCENARY, false, 2); eastwood::IniFile::KeyListHandle myListHandle; myListHandle = myInifile->KeyList_Open("UNITS"); while (!myInifile->KeyList_EOF(myListHandle)) { std::string tmpkey = myInifile->KeyList_GetNextKey(&myListHandle); std::string tmp = myInifile->getStringValue("UNITS", tmpkey); std::string HouseStr, UnitStr; int health, pos; sScanf(tmp, "%S,%S,%d,%d", &HouseStr, &UnitStr, &health, &pos); int house; if ((HouseStr == "Atreides") || (HouseStr == "ATREIDES")) house = HOUSE_ATREIDES; else if ((HouseStr == "Ordos") || (HouseStr == "ORDOS")) house = HOUSE_ORDOS; else if ((HouseStr == "Harkonnen") || (HouseStr == "HARKONNEN")) house = HOUSE_HARKONNEN; else if ((HouseStr == "Fremen") || (HouseStr == "FREMEN")) house = HOUSE_FREMEN; else if ((HouseStr == "Sardaukar") || (HouseStr == "SARDAUKAR")) house = HOUSE_SARDAUKAR; else if ((HouseStr == "Mercenary") || (HouseStr == "MERCENARY")) house = HOUSE_MERCENARY; else { LOG(LV_WARNING, "GameMan", "LoadScenario: Invalid house string: %s", HouseStr.c_str()); house = HOUSE_ATREIDES; } if (pos <= 0) { LOG(LV_WARNING, "GameMan", "LoadScenario: Invalid position string: %d", pos); pos = 0; } ObjectPtr newUnit = m_players[house].placeUnit(UnitStr, UPoint(pos % 64, pos / 64)); if (!newUnit) LOG(LV_WARNING, "GameMan", "LoadScenario: This file is not a valid unit entry: %d. (invalid unit position)", pos); } myInifile->KeyList_Close(&myListHandle); myListHandle = myInifile->KeyList_Open("STRUCTURES"); while (!myInifile->KeyList_EOF(myListHandle)) { std::string tmpkey = myInifile->KeyList_GetNextKey(&myListHandle); std::string tmp = myInifile->getStringValue("STRUCTURES", tmpkey); if (tmpkey.find("GEN") == 0) { // Gen Object/Structure std::string PosStr = tmpkey.substr(3, tmpkey.size() - 3); int pos = atoi(PosStr.c_str()); std::string HouseStr, BuildingStr; sScanf(tmp, "%S,%S", &HouseStr, &BuildingStr); int house; if ((HouseStr == "Atreides") || (HouseStr == "ATREIDES")) house = HOUSE_ATREIDES; else if ((HouseStr == "Ordos") || (HouseStr == "ORDOS")) house = HOUSE_ORDOS; else if ((HouseStr == "Harkonnen") || (HouseStr == "HARKONNEN")) house = HOUSE_HARKONNEN; else if ((HouseStr == "Fremen") || (HouseStr == "FREMEN")) house = HOUSE_FREMEN; else if ((HouseStr == "Sardaukar") || (HouseStr == "SARDAUKAR")) house = HOUSE_SARDAUKAR; else if ((HouseStr == "Mercenary") || (HouseStr == "MERCENARY")) house = HOUSE_MERCENARY; else { LOG(LV_WARNING, "GameMan", "LoadScenario: Invalid house string: %s", HouseStr.c_str()); house = HOUSE_ATREIDES; } /* //FIXME: Fix this here and in addPlayer if(m_players->size() > house) { LOG(LV_ERROR, "MapGenerator","player[%d]== NULL",(int) house); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } */ //Using INVALID_POS instead of NONE to avoid warnings. //FIXME: Maybe we should rename INVALID_POS to INVALID or sth if (BuildingStr == "Concrete") m_players[house].placeStructure(INVALID_POS, INVALID_POS, "Slab1", UPoint(pos % 64, pos / 64)); else if (BuildingStr == "Wall") m_players[house].placeStructure(INVALID_POS, INVALID_POS, "Wall", UPoint(pos % 64, pos / 64)); else LOG(LV_WARNING, "GameMan", "LoadScenario: Invalid building string: %s", BuildingStr.c_str()); } else { // other structure std::string HouseStr, BuildingStr; int health, pos; sScanf(tmp, "%S,%S,%d,%d", &HouseStr, &BuildingStr, &health, &pos); int house; if ((HouseStr == "Atreides") || (HouseStr == "ATREIDES")) house = HOUSE_ATREIDES; else if ((HouseStr == "Ordos") || (HouseStr == "ORDOS")) house = HOUSE_ORDOS; else if ((HouseStr == "Harkonnen") || (HouseStr == "HARKONNEN")) house = HOUSE_HARKONNEN; else if ((HouseStr == "Fremen") || (HouseStr == "FREMEN")) house = HOUSE_FREMEN; else if ((HouseStr == "Sardaukar") || (HouseStr == "SARDAUKAR")) house = HOUSE_SARDAUKAR; else if ((HouseStr == "Mercenary") || (HouseStr == "MERCENARY")) house = HOUSE_MERCENARY; else { LOG(LV_WARNING, "GameMan", "LoadScenario: Invalid house string: %s", HouseStr.c_str()); house = HOUSE_ATREIDES; } //Using INVALID_POS instead of NONE to avoid warnings. //FIXME: Maybe we should rename INVALID_POS to INVALID or sth ObjectPtr newStructure = m_players[house].placeStructure(INVALID_POS, INVALID_POS, BuildingStr, UPoint(pos % 64, pos / 64)); if (newStructure == NULL) LOG(LV_WARNING, "GameMan", "LoadScenario: Invalid position: %d", pos); } } myInifile->KeyList_Close(&myListHandle); return true; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPoint BarlineEngraver::get_drag_offset() { //return left side, vertical center URect bounds = m_pBarlineShape->get_bounds(); return UPoint(0.0, bounds.get_height() / 2.0); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ScorePlayerCtrl::on_draw(Drawer* pDrawer, RenderOptions& UNUSED(opt)) { Color color = (m_fEnabled ? m_currentColor : Color(192, 192, 192)); Color white(255, 255, 255); Color black(0, 0, 0); Color dark(83, 80, 72); Color clear = white; LUnits x = m_pos.x; LUnits y = m_pos.y; LUnits width = m_width; //m_fFullView ? 4000.0f : m_width; //draw box gradient and border //dark.a = 45; Color light(dark); light = light.gradient(white, 0.2); pDrawer->begin_path(); pDrawer->fill(dark); pDrawer->stroke(black); pDrawer->stroke_width(15.0); pDrawer->gradient_color(white, 0.0, 0.1); pDrawer->gradient_color(white, dark, 0.1, 0.7); pDrawer->gradient_color(dark, light, 0.7, 1.0); pDrawer->fill_linear_gradient(m_pos.x, m_pos.y, m_pos.x, m_pos.y + m_height); pDrawer->rect(UPoint(x, y), USize(width, m_height), 100.0f); pDrawer->end_path(); switch (m_playButtonState) { case k_play: // //triangle (play) // pDrawer->begin_path(); // pDrawer->fill(clear); // pDrawer->stroke(color); // pDrawer->move_to(x + 360.0f, y + 130.0f); // pDrawer->line_to(x + 640.0f, y + 300.0f); // pDrawer->line_to(x + 360.0f, y + 470.0f); // pDrawer->close_subpath(); // pDrawer->end_path(); // break; //triangle (play) if (!m_fFullView) { //mouse out pDrawer->begin_path(); pDrawer->fill(clear); pDrawer->stroke(color); pDrawer->move_to(x + 360.0f, y + 130.0f); pDrawer->line_to(x + 640.0f, y + 300.0f); pDrawer->line_to(x + 360.0f, y + 470.0f); pDrawer->close_subpath(); pDrawer->end_path(); } else { //mouse in pDrawer->begin_path(); Color blurred(255, 255, 220); // = color; Color none(255, 255, 255, 0); blurred.a = 150; pDrawer->fill(blurred); pDrawer->stroke(none); pDrawer->move_to(x + 360.0f - 50.0f, y + 130.0f - 80.0f); pDrawer->line_to(x + 640.0f + 100.0f, y + 300.0f); pDrawer->line_to(x + 360.0f - 50.0f, y + 470.0f + 80.0f); pDrawer->close_subpath(); pDrawer->end_path(); pDrawer->begin_path(); blurred.a = 220; pDrawer->fill(blurred); pDrawer->stroke(none); pDrawer->move_to(x + 360.0f - 25.0f, y + 130.0f - 40.0f); pDrawer->line_to(x + 640.0f + 50.0f, y + 300.0f); pDrawer->line_to(x + 360.0f - 25.0f, y + 470.0f + 40.0f); pDrawer->close_subpath(); pDrawer->end_path(); // pDrawer->begin_path(); // pDrawer->fill(color); // pDrawer->stroke(color); // pDrawer->move_to(x + 360.0f, y + 130.0f); // pDrawer->line_to(x + 640.0f, y + 300.0f); // pDrawer->line_to(x + 360.0f, y + 470.0f); // pDrawer->close_subpath(); // pDrawer->end_path(); // see Color red(255,0,0); Color yellow(255,255,0); red = red.gradient(red, 0.2); pDrawer->begin_path(); pDrawer->fill(red); pDrawer->stroke(red); pDrawer->stroke_width(10.0); pDrawer->gradient_color(red, 0.0, 0.1); pDrawer->gradient_color(red, yellow, 0.1, 0.90); pDrawer->gradient_color(yellow, white, 0.90, 1.0); pDrawer->fill_linear_gradient(x, y+130.0f, x, y+470.0f); pDrawer->move_to(x + 360.0f, y + 130.0f); pDrawer->line_to(x + 640.0f, y + 300.0f); pDrawer->line_to(x + 360.0f, y + 470.0f); pDrawer->close_subpath(); pDrawer->end_path(); } break; // //draw glowing line // glow effect is just drawing a blured layer in light color, under main layer. // in this test, instaed of blurring the original shape, just do a secon drawing more // light // set_alpha(0.2) // set_line_width(5) // draw_line // set_alpha(0.07) // set_line_width(15) // draw_line case k_stop: //square (stop) pDrawer->begin_path(); pDrawer->fill(clear); pDrawer->stroke(color); pDrawer->rect(UPoint(x+370.0f, y+170.0f), USize(260.0f, 260.0f), 0.0f); pDrawer->end_path(); break; case k_pause: //two bars (pause) pDrawer->begin_path(); pDrawer->fill(clear); pDrawer->stroke(color); pDrawer->rect(UPoint(x+150.0f, y+150.0f), USize(120.0f, 300.0f), 0.0f); pDrawer->rect(UPoint(x+330.0f, y+150.0f), USize(120.0f, 300.0f), 0.0f); pDrawer->end_path(); break; default: ; } }
void BoringButton::redraw() { m_surfNormal.reset(new Image(UPoint(w,h))); m_surfPressed.reset(new Image(UPoint(w,h))); m_surface = m_surfNormal; if (m_menuButton) { m_surfNormal->fillRect(115); m_surfPressed->fillRect(116); /* * Button normal */ // top lines m_surfNormal->drawHLine(UPoint(0, 0), w-1, 229, false); m_surfNormal->drawHLine(UPoint(0, 1), w-3, 108, false); // left lines m_surfNormal->drawVLine(UPoint(0, 0), h-1, 229, false); m_surfNormal->drawVLine(UPoint(1, 1), h-2, 108, false); // bottom lines m_surfNormal->drawHLine(UPoint(1, h-2), w-2, 226, false); m_surfNormal->drawHLine(UPoint(0, h-1), w-1, 229, false); // right lines m_surfNormal->drawVLine(UPoint(w-1, 0), h-1, 229, false); m_surfNormal->drawVLine(UPoint(w-2, 1), h-2, 226, false); // final pixels to make it look really duneish m_surfNormal->putPixel(UPoint(1, h-2), 115); m_surfNormal->putPixel(UPoint(w-2, 1), 115); m_surfNormal->putPixel(UPoint(w-2, h-2), 227); /* * Button pressed */ // top lines m_surfPressed->drawHLine(UPoint(0, 0), w-1, 229, false); m_surfPressed->drawHLine(UPoint(0, 1), w-3, 226, false); // left lines m_surfPressed->drawVLine(UPoint(0, 0), h-1, 229, false); m_surfPressed->drawVLine(UPoint(1, 1), h-2, 226, false); // bottom lines m_surfPressed->drawHLine(UPoint(1, h-2), w-2, 226, false); m_surfPressed->drawHLine(UPoint(0, h-1), w-1, 229, false); // right lines m_surfPressed->drawVLine(UPoint(w-1, 0), h-1, 229, false); m_surfPressed->drawVLine(UPoint(w-2, 1), h-2, 226, false); // final pixels to make it look really duneish m_surfPressed->putPixel(UPoint(1, h-2), 227); m_surfPressed->putPixel(UPoint(w-2, 1), 227); m_surfPressed->putPixel(UPoint(w-2, h-2), 227); } else { // Rect rect(0,0, w, h); m_surfNormal->fillRect(133); m_surfPressed->fillRect(134); //FIXME: This causes a crash when calling destructor /*m_surfNormal->drawRect(rect, 0, false); m_surfPressed->drawRect(rect, 0, false);*/ m_surfNormal->drawHLine(UPoint(1, 1), w-2, 132, false); m_surfNormal->drawVLine(UPoint(1, 2), h-2, 132, false); } eastwood::FntFile* font = FontManager::Instance()->getFont("INTRO:INTRO.FNT"); uint16_t fontColour; m_menuButton ? fontColour = 49 : fontColour = 105; uint16_t textw, texth; font->extents(m_caption.c_str(), textw, texth); m_surfNormal->renderText(m_caption.c_str(), font, (w / 2) - (textw / 2), ((h / 2) - (texth / 2)), fontColour); m_surfPressed->renderText(m_caption.c_str(), font, (w / 2) - (textw / 2), ((h / 2) - (texth / 2)), fontColour); }