Exemple #1
* Function Name  : usb_class_video_control_pre_deinit
* Returned Value : None
* Comments       :
*     This function is called by common class to initialize the class driver. It
*     is called in response to a select interface call by application
usb_status usb_class_video_control_pre_deinit
        /* [IN]  the class driver handle */
        class_handle      handle
    usb_video_control_struct_t*      video_control_ptr = (usb_video_control_struct_t*)handle;
    usb_status                   status = USB_OK;

    if (video_control_ptr == NULL)
#ifdef _DEBUG    
        USB_PRINTF("usb_class_video_control_pre_deinit fail\n");
        return USBERR_ERROR;

    if (video_control_ptr->control_interrupt_in_pipe != NULL)
        status = usb_host_cancel(video_control_ptr->host_handle, video_control_ptr->control_interrupt_in_pipe, NULL);
        if (status != USB_OK)
#ifdef _DEBUG
            USB_PRINTF("error in usb_class_video_control_pre_deinit to close pipe\n");

    //USB_PRINTF("Video class driver pre_deinit\n");
    return USB_OK;
} /* Endbody */
 *  Function Name  : usb_device_process_resume
 *  Returned Value : USB_OK or error code
 *  Comments       :
 *        Process Resume event
usb_status usb_device_assert_resume
    /* [IN] the USB_USB_dev_initialize state structure */
    usb_device_handle         handle
    usb_dev_state_struct_t* usb_dev_ptr;
    usb_status error = USB_OK;

    if (handle == NULL)
#if _DEBUG
        USB_PRINTF("usb_device_assert_resume: handle is NULL\n");
        return USBERR_ERROR;
    usb_dev_ptr = (usb_dev_state_struct_t*)handle;

    if ((usb_dev_ptr->usb_dev_interface)->dev_assert_resume != NULL)
        error= (usb_dev_ptr->usb_dev_interface)->dev_assert_resume(usb_dev_ptr->controller_handle);
#if _DEBUG
        USB_PRINTF("usb_device_assert_resume: dev_assert_resume is NULL\n");
        error = USBERR_ERROR;

    return error;
Exemple #3
* Function Name  : usb_class_hub_deinit
* Returned Value : None
* Comments       :
*     This function is called by common class to deinitialize the class driver. It
*     is called in response to a select interface call by application
usb_status usb_class_hub_deinit
        /* [IN]  the class driver handle */
        class_handle      handle
    usb_hub_class_struct_t*      hub_class = (usb_hub_class_struct_t*)handle;
    usb_status                    status = USB_OK;
    if (hub_class == NULL)
        USB_PRINTF("usb_class_hid_deinit fail\n");
        return USBERR_ERROR;
    if (hub_class->interrupt_pipe != NULL)
        status = usb_host_close_pipe(hub_class->host_handle, hub_class->interrupt_pipe);
        if (status != USB_OK)
            USB_PRINTF("error in usb_class_hid_deinit to close pipe\n");
    //USB_PRINTF("HID class driver de-initialized\n");
    return USB_OK;
} /* Endbody */
Exemple #4
* Function Name  : usb_class_hid_pre_deinit
* Returned Value : None
* Comments       :
*     This function is called by common class to initialize the class driver. It
*     is called in response to a select interface call by application
usb_status usb_class_hub_pre_deinit
        /* [IN]  the class driver handle */
        class_handle      handle
    usb_hub_class_struct_t*      hub_class = (usb_hub_class_struct_t*)handle;
    usb_status                    status = USB_OK;
    if (hub_class == NULL)
        USB_PRINTF("_usb_host_cancel_call_interface fail\n");
        return USBERR_ERROR;
    if (hub_class->interrupt_pipe != NULL)
        status = usb_host_cancel(hub_class->host_handle, hub_class->interrupt_pipe, NULL);
        if (status != USB_OK)
            USB_PRINTF("error in _usb_host_cancel_call_interface to close pipe\n");
    //USB_PRINTF("HID class driver pre_deinit\n");
    return USB_OK;
} /* Endbody */
Exemple #5
void time_init(void)
    extern const hwtimer_devif_t kSystickDevif;
    extern const hwtimer_devif_t kPitDevif;
    #define HWTIMER_LL_DEVIF    kPitDevif      // Use hardware timer PIT
    #define HWTIMER_LL_SRCCLK   kBusClock     // Source Clock for PIT
    #define HWTIMER_LL_ID       1
    #define HWTIMER_PERIOD      1000      // 1 ms interval

    if (kHwtimerSuccess != HWTIMER_SYS_Init(&hwtimer, &HWTIMER_LL_DEVIF, HWTIMER_LL_ID, 5, NULL))
        USB_PRINTF("\r\nError: hwtimer initialization.\r\n");
    if (kHwtimerSuccess != HWTIMER_SYS_SetPeriod(&hwtimer, HWTIMER_LL_SRCCLK, HWTIMER_PERIOD))
        USB_PRINTF("\r\nError: hwtimer set period.\r\n");
    if (kHwtimerSuccess != HWTIMER_SYS_RegisterCallback(&hwtimer, hwtimer_callback, NULL))
        USB_PRINTF("\r\nError: hwtimer callback registration.\r\n");
    if (kHwtimerSuccess != HWTIMER_SYS_Start(&hwtimer))
        USB_PRINTF("\r\nError: hwtimer start.\r\n");
usb_status usb_class_audio_send_data
/* [IN] audio control class interface pointer  */
audio_command_t* audio_ptr,

/* [IN] buffer pointer */
uint8_t * buffer,

/* [IN] data length */
uint32_t buf_size
{ /* Body */

    audio_stream_struct_t* audio_class;
    usb_status status = USBERR_ERROR;
    //uint16_t request_value;
    tr_struct_t* tr_ptr;
    //usb_audio_command_t* p_endpoint_command;

    if ((audio_ptr == NULL) || (audio_ptr->class_stream_handle == NULL))
        USB_PRINTF("input parameter error\n");
        return USBERR_ERROR;

    audio_class = (audio_stream_struct_t*)audio_ptr->class_stream_handle;
    if ((audio_class == NULL) || (buffer == NULL))
        USB_PRINTF("get audio class parameter error\n");
        return USBERR_ERROR;

    audio_class->send_callback = audio_ptr->callback_fn;
    audio_class->send_param = audio_ptr->callback_param;

    if (audio_class->dev_handle == NULL)
        USB_PRINTF("get audio class dev handle error\n");
        return USBERR_ERROR;
    if (usb_host_get_tr(audio_class->host_handle, usb_class_audio_send_callback, audio_class, &tr_ptr) != USB_OK)
        USB_PRINTF("error to get tr\n");
        return USBERR_ERROR;

    tr_ptr->tx_buffer = buffer;
    tr_ptr->tx_length = buf_size;
    status = usb_host_send_data(audio_class->host_handle, audio_class->iso_out_pipe, tr_ptr);
    if (status != USB_OK)
        USB_PRINTF("\nError in _usb_host_send_data: %x", (unsigned int)status);
        usb_host_release_tr(audio_class->host_handle, tr_ptr);
        return USBERR_ERROR;

    return USB_OK;

} /* Endbody */
Exemple #7
* Function Name  : usb_class_video_control_recv_data
* Returned Value : USB_OK if command has been passed on USB.
* Comments       :
*     This function is used to recv interrupt data
usb_status usb_class_video_control_recv_data
    /* [IN] Class Interface structure pointer */
    video_command_t*         com_ptr,
    /* [IN] The buffer address */
    uint8_t *               buffer,
    /* [IN] The buffer address */
    uint16_t                length
    usb_video_control_struct_t*  video_control_ptr;
    tr_struct_t*             tr_ptr;
    usb_status                status;

    if ((com_ptr == NULL) || (com_ptr->class_control_handle == NULL))
        return USBERR_ERROR;

    video_control_ptr = (usb_video_control_struct_t*)com_ptr->class_control_handle;
    if ((video_control_ptr == NULL) || (buffer == NULL))
#ifdef _DEBUG
        USB_PRINTF("input parameter error\n");
        return USBERR_ERROR;

    video_control_ptr->recv_callback = com_ptr->callback_fn;
    video_control_ptr->recv_param = com_ptr->callback_param;

    if (video_control_ptr->dev_handle == NULL)
        return USBERR_ERROR;

    if (usb_host_get_tr(video_control_ptr->host_handle, usb_class_video_control_recv_callback, video_control_ptr, &tr_ptr) != USB_OK)
#ifdef _DEBUG
        USB_PRINTF("error to get tr\n");
        return USBERR_ERROR;
    tr_ptr->rx_buffer = buffer;
    tr_ptr->rx_length = length;
    status = usb_host_recv_data(video_control_ptr->host_handle, video_control_ptr->control_interrupt_in_pipe, tr_ptr);
    if (status != USB_OK)
#ifdef _DEBUG
        USB_PRINTF("\nError in usb_class_video_recv_data: %x", status);
        usb_host_release_tr(video_control_ptr->host_handle, tr_ptr);
        return USBERR_ERROR;
    return USB_OK;
 * Function Name  : usb_device_get_status
 * Returned Value : USB_OK or error code
 * Comments       :
 *     Provides API to access the USB internal state.
usb_status usb_device_get_status
    /* [IN] Handle to the USB device */
    usb_device_handle   handle,
    /* [IN] What to get the error of */
    uint8_t              component,
    /* [OUT] The requested error */
    uint16_t*            error
{   /* Body */
    usb_dev_state_struct_t* usb_dev_ptr;

    usb_dev_ptr = (usb_dev_state_struct_t*)handle;

    if (component & USB_STATUS_ENDPOINT)
        if ((usb_dev_ptr->usb_dev_interface)->dev_get_endpoint_status != NULL)
#if _DEBUG
            USB_PRINTF("usb_device_get_status: DEV_GET_ENDPOINT_STATUS is NULL\n");
            return USBERR_ERROR;
        if ((usb_dev_ptr->usb_dev_interface)->dev_get_device_status != NULL)
#if _DEBUG
            USB_PRINTF("usb_device_get_status: DEV_GET_DEVICE_STATUS is NULL\n");
            return USBERR_ERROR;

    return USB_OK;
Exemple #9
 *    @name       Virtual_Com_App
 *    @brief      
 *    @param      None
 *    @return     None
void Virtual_Com_App(void)
    /* User Code */
    if ((0 != g_recv_size) && (0xFFFFFFFF != g_recv_size))
        int32_t i;

        /* Copy Buffer to Send Buff */
        for (i = 0; i < g_recv_size; i++)
            //USB_PRINTF("Copied: %c\n", g_curr_recv_buf[i]);
            g_curr_send_buf[g_send_size++] = g_curr_recv_buf[i];
        g_recv_size = 0;

    if (g_send_size)
        uint8_t error;
        uint32_t size = g_send_size;
        g_send_size = 0;

        error = USB_Class_CDC_Send_Data(g_app_handle, DIC_BULK_IN_ENDPOINT,
            g_curr_send_buf, size);

        if (error != USB_OK)
            /* Failure to send Data Handling code here */
    if( (waitfordatareceive))
        if(comopen == 1)
            comopen = 0;
        USB_PRINTF("Enter lowpower\r\n");
        usb_hal_khci_disable_interrupts((uint32_t)USB0, INTR_TOKDNE);
        POWER_SYS_SetMode(kDemoVlps, kPowerManagerPolicyAgreement);
        waitfordatareceive = 0;
        USB_PRINTF("Exit  lowpower\r\n");
 *  Function Name  : usb_device_init_endpoint
 *  Returned Value : USB_OK or error code
 *  Comments       :
 *     Initializes the endpoint and the data structures associated with the
 *  endpoint
usb_status usb_device_init_endpoint
    /* [IN] the USB_USB_dev_initialize state structure */
    usb_device_handle         handle,
    /* [IN] the endpoint structure, include members such as endpoint number,
     * endpoint type, endpoint direction and the max packet size
    usb_ep_struct_t*          ep_ptr,
    /* [IN] After all data is transfered, should we terminate the transfer
     * with a zero length packet if the last packet size == MAX_PACKET_SIZE?
    uint8_t                    flag
    usb_status error = 0;
    usb_dev_state_struct_t* usb_dev_ptr;
    struct xd_struct xd;
    if (handle == NULL)
#if _DEBUG
        USB_PRINTF("_usb_device_shutdowna: handle is NULL\n");
        return USBERR_ERROR;

    usb_dev_ptr = (usb_dev_state_struct_t*)handle;

    /* Initialize the transfer descriptor */
    xd.ep_num = ep_ptr->ep_num;
    xd.bdirection = ep_ptr->direction;
    xd.wmaxpacketsize = (uint16_t)(ep_ptr->size & 0x0000FFFF);
    xd.ep_type = ep_ptr->type;
    xd.dont_zero_terminate = flag;
    xd.wtotallength = 0;
    xd.wsofar = 0;

    if ((usb_dev_ptr->usb_dev_interface)->dev_init_endoint != NULL)
        error=(usb_dev_ptr->usb_dev_interface)->dev_init_endoint(usb_dev_ptr->controller_handle, &xd);
#if _DEBUG
        USB_PRINTF("usb_device_init_endpoint: DEV_INIT_ENDPOINT is NULL\n");
        return USBERR_ERROR;

    return error;
} /* EndBody */
 *  Function Name  : usb_device_set_address
 *  Returned Value : USB_OK or error code
 *  Comments       :
 *        Sets the device address as assigned by the host during enumeration
usb_status usb_device_set_address
    /* [IN] the USB_USB_dev_initialize state structure */
    usb_device_handle         handle,
    /* [IN] the USB address to be set in the hardware */
    uint8_t                     address
    usb_dev_state_struct_t* usb_dev_ptr;
    usb_status error;

    usb_dev_ptr = (usb_dev_state_struct_t*)handle;

    if ((usb_dev_ptr->usb_dev_interface)->dev_set_address != NULL)
        error = (usb_dev_ptr->usb_dev_interface)->dev_set_address(usb_dev_ptr->controller_handle, address);
        return error;
#if _DEBUG
        USB_PRINTF("usb_device_set_address: DEV_SET_ADDRESS is NULL\n");
        return USBERR_ERROR;

 *  Function Name  : _usb_device_shutdown
 *  Returned Value : USB_OK or error code
 *  Comments       :
 *        Shutdown an initialized USB device
static usb_status _usb_device_shutdown
    /* [IN] the USB_USB_dev_initialize state structure */
    usb_device_handle         handle
    usb_status error;
    usb_dev_state_struct_t* usb_dev_ptr;

    usb_dev_ptr = (usb_dev_state_struct_t*)handle;

    if (usb_dev_ptr->task_id != (uint32_t)OS_TASK_ERROR)
    if (NULL != usb_dev_ptr->usb_dev_service_que)
    if (usb_dev_ptr->usb_dev_interface->dev_shutdown != NULL)
        error = (usb_dev_ptr->usb_dev_interface)->dev_shutdown(usb_dev_ptr->controller_handle);
        return error;
#if _DEBUG
        USB_PRINTF("_usb_device_shutdown: DEV_SHUTDOWN is NULL\n");
        return USBERR_ERROR;
} /* EndBody */
 *  Function Name  : usb_device_register_desc_request_notify
 *  Returned Value : USB_OK or error code
 *  Comments       :
usb_status usb_device_register_desc_request_notify
    /* [IN] the USB_USB_dev_initialize state structure */
    usb_device_handle              handle,
    usb_desc_request_notify_struct_t*  desc_request_notify_callback,
    void*                           desc_request_notify_param
    usb_dev_state_struct_t* usb_dev_ptr;
    usb_status error = USB_OK;

    if (handle == NULL)
#if _DEBUG
        return USBERR_ERROR;
    usb_dev_ptr = (usb_dev_state_struct_t*)handle;

    usb_dev_ptr->usb_framework.desc_notify_callback = desc_request_notify_callback;
    usb_dev_ptr->usb_framework.desc_notify_param = desc_request_notify_param;

    return error;
Exemple #14
* Function Name  : usb_class_video_cntrl_callback
* Returned Value : USB_OK if command has been passed on USB.
* Comments       :
*     This is the callback used when HID information is sent or received
static void usb_class_video_cntrl_callback
    /* [IN] Unused */
    void*     tr_ptr,
    /* [IN] Pointer to the class interface instance */
    void*     param,
    /* [IN] Data buffer */
    uint8_t *   buffer,
    /* [IN] Length of buffer */
    uint32_t     len,
    /* [IN] Error code (if any) */
    usb_status  status
{ /* Body */
    usb_video_control_struct_t*      video_control = (usb_video_control_struct_t*)param;

    if (usb_host_release_tr(video_control->host_handle, tr_ptr) != USB_OK)
#ifdef _DEBUG
        USB_PRINTF("_usb_host_release_tr failed\n");
    video_control->in_setup = FALSE; 
    if (video_control->ctrl_callback)
        video_control->ctrl_callback(NULL, video_control->ctrl_param, buffer, len, status);
} /* Endbody */
static void usb_class_audio_send_callback
/* [IN] Unused */
void* tr_ptr,
/* [IN] Pointer to the class interface instance */
void* param,
/* [IN] Data buffer */
uint8_t * buffer,
/* [IN] Length of buffer */
uint32_t len,
/* [IN] Error code (if any) */
usb_status status
{ /* Body */
    audio_stream_struct_t* audio_class = (audio_stream_struct_t*)param;
    usb_status usbstatus;

    usbstatus = usb_host_release_tr(audio_class->host_handle, (tr_struct_t*)tr_ptr);
    if (usbstatus != USB_OK)
        USB_PRINTF("_usb_host_release_tr failed:%x\n",(unsigned int)usbstatus);

    if (audio_class->send_callback)
        audio_class->send_callback(NULL, audio_class->send_param, buffer, len, status);

} /* Endbody */
 * Function Name  : usb_device_set_status
 * Returned Value : USB_OK or error code
 * Comments       :
 *     Provides API to set internal state
usb_status usb_device_set_status
    /* [IN] Handle to the usb device */
    usb_device_handle handle,
    /* [IN] What to set the error of */
    uint8_t component,
    /* [IN] What to set the error to */
    uint16_t setting
    usb_dev_state_struct_t* usb_dev_ptr;
    uint8_t error = USB_OK;

    usb_dev_ptr = (usb_dev_state_struct_t*)handle;
    if ((usb_dev_ptr->usb_dev_interface)->dev_set_device_status != NULL)
#if _DEBUG
        USB_PRINTF("usb_device_set_status: dev_set_device_status is NULL\n");
        return USBERR_ERROR;

    return error;
} /* EndBody */
Exemple #17
int usb_init(void)
	int result;
	void *ctrl;
	int i, start_index = 0;
        struct usb_device *dev;



        /* first make all devices unknown */
        for (i = 0; i < USB_MAX_DEVICE; i++) {
                memset(&usb_dev[i], 0, sizeof(struct usb_device));
                usb_dev[i].devnum = -1;

        /* init low_level USB */
        for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_USB_MAX_CONTROLLER_COUNT; i++) {
                /* init low_level USB */
                printf("USB%d:   ", i);
                if (usb_lowlevel_init(i, USB_INIT_HOST, &ctrl)) {
                        puts("lowlevel init failed\n");
                 * lowlevel init is OK, now scan the bus for devices
                 * i.e. search HUBs and configure them
                start_index = dev_index;
                printf("scanning bus %d for devices... ", i);
                dev = usb_alloc_new_device(ctrl);
                 * device 0 is always present
                 * (root hub, so let it analyze)
                if (dev)

                if (start_index == dev_index)
                        puts("No USB Device found\n");
                        printf("%d USB Device(s) found\n",
                                dev_index - start_index);

		running = 1;

        USB_PRINTF("scan end\n");
        if (!running) {
                puts("USB error: all controllers failed lowlevel init\n");
                return -1;

	return 0;
static void usb_class_audio_control_recv_callback
/* [IN] Unused */
void* tr_ptr,
/* [IN] void*  to the class interface instance */
void* param,
/* [IN] Data buffer */
uint8_t * buffer,
/* [IN] Length of buffer */
uint32_t len,
/* [IN] Error code (if any) */
usb_status status
{ /* Body */
    audio_control_struct_t* audio_class = (audio_control_struct_t*)param;

    if (usb_host_release_tr(audio_class->host_handle, (tr_struct_t*)tr_ptr) != USB_OK)
        USB_PRINTF("_usb_host_release_tr failed\n");

    if (audio_class->interrupt_callback)
        audio_class->interrupt_callback(NULL, audio_class->interrupt_callback_param, buffer, len, status);

} /* Endbody */
 * submits a control message and waits for comletion (at least timeout * 1ms)
 * If timeout is 0, we don't wait for completion (used as example to set and
 * clear keyboards LEDs). For data transfers, (storage transfers) we don't
 * allow control messages with 0 timeout, by previousely resetting the flag
 * asynch_allowed (usb_disable_asynch(1)).
 * returns the transfered length if OK or -1 if error. The transfered length
 * and the current status are stored in the dev->act_len and dev->status.
int usb_control_msg(struct usb_device *dev, unsigned int pipe,
			unsigned char request, unsigned char requesttype,
			unsigned short value, unsigned short index,
			void *data, unsigned short size, int timeout)
	if((timeout==0)&&(!asynch_allowed)) /* request for a asynch control pipe is not allowed */
		return -1;

	/* set setup command */
	setup_packet.requesttype = requesttype;
	setup_packet.request = request;
	setup_packet.value = swap_16(value);
	setup_packet.index = swap_16(index);
	setup_packet.length = swap_16(size);
	USB_PRINTF("usb_control_msg: request: 0x%X, requesttype: 0x%X\nvalue 0x%X index 0x%X length 0x%X\n",
	dev->status=USB_ST_NOT_PROC; /*not yet processed */

	if(timeout==0) {
		return (int)size;
	while(timeout--) {
		if(!((volatile unsigned long)dev->status & USB_ST_NOT_PROC))
		return dev->act_len;
	else {
		return -1;
Exemple #20
 * Function Name  : kbd_hid_get_buffer
 * Returned Value : none
 * Comments       :
 *     used to get the buffer to store the data transferred from device.
uint32_t kbd_hid_get_buffer(void)
    uint8_t ep_no;
    usb_device_ep_struct_t *lpEp;
    /* first get the max packet size from interface info */
    usb_device_interface_struct_t* lpHostIntf = (usb_device_interface_struct_t*) kbd_hid_get_interface();
    for (ep_no = 0; ep_no < lpHostIntf->ep_count; ep_no++)
        lpEp = &lpHostIntf->ep[ep_no];
        if (((lpEp->lpEndpointDesc->bEndpointAddress & IN_ENDPOINT) != 0) && ((lpEp->lpEndpointDesc->bmAttributes & IRRPT_ENDPOINT) != 0))
            kbd_size = (USB_SHORT_UNALIGNED_LE_TO_HOST(lpEp->lpEndpointDesc->wMaxPacketSize) & PACKET_SIZE_MASK);

    if ((kbd_size != 0) && (kbd_buffer == NULL))
        kbd_buffer = (uint8_t*) OS_Mem_alloc_uncached_zero(kbd_size);
        if (kbd_buffer == NULL)
            USB_PRINTF("allocate memory failed in hid_get_buffer\r\n");
            return (uint32_t)(-1);
    return 0;
Exemple #21
* Function Name  : usb_class_hub_cntrl_callback
* Returned Value : USB_OK if command has been passed on USB.
* Comments       :
*     This is the callback used when hub information is sent or received
void usb_class_hub_int_callback
      /* [IN] Unused */
      void*     tr_ptr,
      /* [IN] Pointer to the class interface instance */
      void*     param,
      /* [IN] Data buffer */
      uint8_t *   buffer,
      /* [IN] Length of buffer */
      uint32_t     len,
      /* [IN] Error code (if any) */
      usb_status  status
    usb_hub_class_struct_t*      hub_class = (usb_hub_class_struct_t*)param;

    //USB_PRINTF("hub int\n");
    if (usb_host_release_tr(hub_class->host_handle, tr_ptr) != USB_OK)
        USB_PRINTF("_usb_host_release_tr failed\n");
    hub_class->in_interrupt = FALSE;
    if (hub_class->interrupt_callback)
        hub_class->interrupt_callback(NULL, hub_class->interrupt_param, buffer, len, status);
 *    @name        USB_App_Callback
 *    @brief       This function handles the callback  
 *    @param       handle : handle to Identify the controller
 *    @param       event_type : value of the event
 *    @param       val : gives the configuration value 
 *    @return      None
void USB_App_Callback(uint8_t event_type, void* val,void* arg) 
    uint16_t interface_setting;
    uint8_t interface_alternate;
    uint8_t interface_num;

    if ((event_type == USB_DEV_EVENT_BUS_RESET) || (event_type == USB_DEV_EVENT_CONFIG_CHANGED))
        if (USB_OK == USB_Class_Video_Get_Speed(virtual_camera.video_handle, &virtual_camera.app_speed))
            USB_Desc_Set_Speed(virtual_camera.video_handle, virtual_camera.app_speed);
    else if (event_type == USB_DEV_EVENT_ENUM_COMPLETE) 
        USB_PRINTF("Virtual camera is working ... \r\n");
    else if (event_type == USB_DEV_EVENT_ERROR)
        /* add user code for error handling */
    else if (event_type == USB_DEV_EVENT_INTERFACE_CHANGED)
        interface_setting = *((uint16_t*)val);
        interface_alternate = (uint8_t)(interface_setting&0x00FF);
        interface_num = (uint8_t)((interface_setting>>8)&0x00FF);
        if (VIDEO_STREAM_IF_INDEX == interface_num)
            if (0 != interface_alternate)
                virtual_camera.start_send = TRUE;
                if (((uint8_t)TRUE == virtual_camera.attached) && ((uint8_t)TRUE == virtual_camera.start_send))
                    if ((uint8_t)FALSE == virtual_camera.is_sending)
                        virtual_camera.is_sending = (uint8_t)TRUE;
                        virtual_camera.frame_sent = 0;
                        virtual_camera.frame_progress = 0;
                virtual_camera.transmit_type = 0;
                virtual_camera.start_send = (uint8_t)FALSE;
                if ((uint8_t)TRUE == virtual_camera.is_sending)
                    virtual_camera.is_sending = (uint8_t)FALSE;
Exemple #23
void video_camera_control_task(void)
    usb_status              status = USB_OK;

    // Wait for insertion or removal event
    OS_Event_wait(g_video_camera.video_camera_control_event, USB_EVENT_CTRL, FALSE, 0);
    if (OS_Event_check_bit(g_video_camera.video_camera_control_event, USB_EVENT_CTRL))
        OS_Event_clear(g_video_camera.video_camera_control_event, USB_EVENT_CTRL);
    switch ( g_video_camera.control_state)

        USB_PRINTF("Video device attached\r\n");
        g_video_camera.control_state = USB_DEVICE_SET_INTERFACE_STARTED;
        status = usb_host_open_dev_interface(g_video_camera.host_handle, g_video_camera.dev_handle, g_video_camera.control_intf_handle, (class_handle*)&g_video_camera.video_control_handle);
        if (status != USB_OK)
            USB_PRINTF("\r\nError in _usb_hostdev_open_interface: %x\r\n", status);
        g_video_camera.video_command_ptr->class_control_handle = g_video_camera.video_control_handle;

        status = usb_host_close_dev_interface(g_video_camera.host_handle, g_video_camera.dev_handle, g_video_camera.control_intf_handle, g_video_camera.video_control_handle);
        if (status != USB_OK)
            USB_PRINTF("error in _usb_hostdev_close_interface %x\n", status);
        g_video_camera.control_intf_handle = NULL;
        g_video_camera.video_control_handle = NULL;
        USB_PRINTF("Going to idle state\r\n");
        g_video_camera.control_state = USB_DEVICE_IDLE;
Exemple #24
usb_status usb_host_hid_unsupported_device_event
    /* [IN] pointer to device instance */
    usb_device_instance_handle dev_handle,

    /* [IN] pointer to interface descriptor */
    usb_interface_descriptor_handle intf_handle,

    /* [IN] code number for event causing callback */
    uint32_t event_code
    usb_device_interface_struct_t* pDeviceIntf;
    interface_descriptor_t* intf_ptr;
    if (USB_ATTACH_INTF_NOT_SUPPORT == event_code)
        pDeviceIntf = (usb_device_interface_struct_t*) intf_handle;
        intf_ptr = pDeviceIntf->lpinterfaceDesc;
        USB_PRINTF("----- Unsupported Interface of attached Device -----\r\n");
        USB_PRINTF("  Interface Number = %d", intf_ptr->bInterfaceNumber);
        USB_PRINTF("  Alternate Setting = %d", intf_ptr->bAlternateSetting);
        USB_PRINTF("  Class = %d", intf_ptr->bInterfaceClass);
        USB_PRINTF("  SubClass = %d", intf_ptr->bInterfaceSubClass);
        USB_PRINTF("  Protocol = %d\r\n", intf_ptr->bInterfaceProtocol);
    else if (USB_ATTACH_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORT == event_code)
        USB_PRINTF("----- Unsupported Device attached -----\r\n");
    return USB_OK;
 *  Function Name  : usb_device_cancel_transfer
 *  Returned Value : USB_OK or error code
 *  Comments       :
 *        returns the status of the transaction on the specified endpoint.
usb_status usb_device_cancel_transfer
    /* [IN] the USB_USB_dev_initialize state structure */
    usb_device_handle         handle,
    /* [IN] the Endpoint number */
    uint8_t                     ep_num,
    /* [IN] direction */
    uint8_t                     direction
    uint8_t error = USB_OK;
    usb_dev_state_struct_t* usb_dev_ptr;
    if (handle == NULL)
#if _DEBUG
        USB_PRINTF("_usb_device_shutdowna: handle is NULL\n");
        return USBERR_ERROR;

    usb_dev_ptr = (usb_dev_state_struct_t*)handle;

    /* Cancel transfer on the specified endpoint for the specified
     ** direction
    if ((usb_dev_ptr->usb_dev_interface)->dev_cancel_transfer != NULL)
        error = (usb_dev_ptr->usb_dev_interface)->dev_cancel_transfer(usb_dev_ptr->controller_handle,
                ep_num, direction);
#if _DEBUG
        USB_PRINTF("usb_device_cancel_transfer: dev_cancel_transfer is NULL\n");
        return USBERR_ERROR;


    return error;
Exemple #26
 * Function Name  : usb_host_hid_keyboard_ctrl_callback
 * Returned Value : None
 * Comments       :
 *     Called when a control pipe command is completed. 
void usb_host_hid_keyboard_ctrl_callback
    /* [IN] no used */
    void* unused,

    /* [IN] user-defined parameter */
    void* user_parm,

    /* [IN] buffer address */
    uint8_t * buffer,

    /* [IN] length of data transferred */
    uint32_t buflen,

    /* [IN] status, hopefully USB_OK or USB_DONE */
    usb_status status
    if (status == USBERR_ENDPOINT_STALLED)
        USB_PRINTF("\r\nHID control Request failed DEV_STATE 0x%x status 0x%x!\r\n", kbd_hid_device.DEV_STATE, status);
    else if (status)
        USB_PRINTF("\r\nHID control Request failed DEV_STATE 0x%x status 0x%x!\r\n", kbd_hid_device.DEV_STATE, status);

    if (kbd_hid_device.DEV_STATE == USB_DEVICE_SETTING_PROTOCOL)
        kbd_hid_device.state_change |= USB_STATE_CHANGE_INUSE;
        OS_Event_set(kbd_usb_event, USB_EVENT_STATE_CHANGE);
        USB_PRINTF("setting protocol done\r\n");
    else if (kbd_hid_device.DEV_STATE == USB_DEVICE_GET_REPORT_DESCRIPTOR)
        kbd_hid_device.state_change |= USB_STATE_CHANGE_DESCRIPTOR_DONE;
        OS_Event_set(kbd_usb_event, USB_EVENT_STATE_CHANGE);
        USB_PRINTF("get report descriptor done\r\n");

    /* notify application that status has changed */
    OS_Event_set(kbd_usb_event, USB_EVENT_CTRL);
Exemple #27
 * @name  USB_PHDC_Requests
 * @brief The function provides flexibility to add class and vendor specific
 *        requests 
 * @param handle           
 * @param setup_packet:     setup packet received
 * @param data:             data to be send back
 * @param size:             size to be returned                   
 * @return status       
 *         USB_OK           : When Successfully
 *         Others           : Errors
 * The function provides flexibility to add class and vendor specific requests
usb_status USB_PHDC_Requests
usb_setup_struct_t *setup_packet,/* [IN] setup packet received */
uint8_t **data, /* [OUT] data to be send back */
uint32_t *size, /* [OUT] size to be returned */
void* arg
    usb_status error = USBERR_INVALID_REQ_TYPE;
    phdc_device_struct_t *devicePtr = (phdc_device_struct_t*)arg;

    if (devicePtr == NULL)
#if _DEBUG
        USB_PRINTF("USB_PHDC_Requests:phdc_object_ptr is NULL\n");
        return error;
    if ((setup_packet->request_type & USB_DEV_REQ_STD_REQUEST_TYPE_TYPE_POS) ==
    { /*class request so handle it here */
        *size = 0;
        error = USB_OK;

        switch (setup_packet->request)
            case SET_FEATURE_REQUEST:
            case CLEAR_FEATURE_REQUEST:
                /* set/clear meta data feature */
                devicePtr->phdc_metadata = (bool)((setup_packet->request & USB_SET_REQUEST_MASK) >> 1);
                /* inform the application that feature has changed */
                if (devicePtr->phdc_application_callback.callback != NULL)
            case GET_STATUS_REQUEST:
                /*implement get status request to get which endpoint has data*/
                *data = (uint8_t *)(&devicePtr->phdc_ep_has_data);
                *size = setup_packet->length;
Exemple #28
 * @brief
 *   Print USB device strings.
 * @param[in] buf
 *   Place holder for device strings, no check on buffer size.
static void PrintDeviceStrings(uint8_t *buf)
  /* Get and print device string descriptors. */

  if (device.devDesc.iManufacturer)
    USBH_GetStringB(&device, buf, 255, device.devDesc.iManufacturer,
    USBH_PrintString("\n\niManufacturer = \"",
                     (USB_StringDescriptor_TypeDef*) buf, "\"");
    USB_PRINTF("\n\niManufacturer = <NONE>");

  if (device.devDesc.iProduct)
    USBH_GetStringB(&device, buf, 255, device.devDesc.iProduct,
    USBH_PrintString("\niProduct      = \"",
                     (USB_StringDescriptor_TypeDef*) buf, "\"");
    USB_PRINTF("\niProduct      = <NONE>");

  if (device.devDesc.iSerialNumber)
    USBH_GetStringB(&device, buf, 255, device.devDesc.iSerialNumber,
    USBH_PrintString("\niSerialNumber = \"",
                     (USB_StringDescriptor_TypeDef*) buf, "\"\n");
    USB_PRINTF("\niSerialNumber = <NONE>\n");
Exemple #29
void time_init(void)

    if (kHwtimerSuccess != HWTIMER_SYS_Init(&hwtimer, &HWTIMER_LL_DEVIF, HWTIMER_LL_ID, NULL))
        USB_PRINTF("\r\nError: hwtimer initialization.\r\n");
    if (kHwtimerSuccess != HWTIMER_SYS_SetPeriod(&hwtimer, HWTIMER_PERIOD))
        USB_PRINTF("\r\nError: hwtimer set period.\r\n");
    if (kHwtimerSuccess != HWTIMER_SYS_RegisterCallback(&hwtimer, hwtimer_callback, NULL))
        USB_PRINTF("\r\nError: hwtimer callback registration.\r\n");
    if (kHwtimerSuccess != HWTIMER_SYS_Start(&hwtimer))
        USB_PRINTF("\r\nError: hwtimer start.\r\n");

Exemple #30
void usb_init(void)
    usb_status           status = USB_OK;
    status = usb_host_init(CONTROLLER_ID, &g_video_camera.host_handle);
    if (status != USB_OK) 
        USB_PRINTF("\r\nUSB Host Initialization failed! STATUS: 0x%x", status);
     ** since we are going to act as the host driver, register the driver
     ** information for wanted class/subclass/protocols
    status = usb_host_register_driver_info(g_video_camera.host_handle, (void *)DriverInfoTable);
    if (status != USB_OK) 
        USB_PRINTF("\r\nUSB Initialization driver info failed! STATUS: 0x%x", status);

    status = usb_host_register_unsupported_device_notify(g_video_camera.host_handle, usb_host_video_unsupported_device_event);
    if (status != USB_OK) 
        USB_PRINTF("\r\nUSB Initialization driver info failed! STATUS: 0x%x", status);
    g_video_camera.video_camera_control_event = OS_Event_create(0);/* manually clear */
    if (g_video_camera.video_camera_control_event == NULL)
        USB_PRINTF("\r\nOS_Event_create failed!\r\n");
    g_video_camera.video_camera_stream_event = OS_Event_create(0);/* manually clear */
    if (g_video_camera.video_camera_stream_event == NULL)
        USB_PRINTF("\r\nOS_Event_create failed!\r\n");
    g_video_camera.video_command_ptr = (video_command_t*)OS_Mem_alloc_zero(sizeof(video_command_t));
    if (g_video_camera.video_command_ptr == NULL)
        USB_PRINTF("\r\nOS_Mem_alloc_zero failed!\r\n");
    g_video_camera.stream_interface_alternate = 0;

    USB_PRINTF("Video camera starting...\r\n");