// Purpose: Finds an entity given a procedural name.
// Input  : szName - The procedural name to search for, should start with '!'.
//			pSearchingEntity - 
//			pActivator - The activator entity if this was called from an input
//				or Use handler.
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityProcedural( const char *szName, CBaseEntity *pSearchingEntity, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller )
	// Check for the name escape character.
	if ( szName[0] == '!' )
		const char *pName = szName + 1;

		// It is a procedural name, look for the ones we understand.
		if ( FStrEq( pName, "player" ) )
			return (CBaseEntity *)UTIL_PlayerByIndex( 1 );
		else if ( FStrEq( pName, "pvsplayer" ) )
			if ( pSearchingEntity )
				return CBaseEntity::Instance( UTIL_FindClientInPVS( pSearchingEntity->edict() ) );
			else if ( pActivator )
				// FIXME: error condition?
				return CBaseEntity::Instance( UTIL_FindClientInPVS( pActivator->edict() ) );
				// FIXME: error condition?
				return (CBaseEntity *)UTIL_PlayerByIndex( 1 );

		else if ( FStrEq( pName, "activator" ) )
			return pActivator;
		else if ( FStrEq( pName, "caller" ) )
			return pCaller;
		else if ( FStrEq( pName, "picker" ) )
			return FindPickerEntity( UTIL_PlayerByIndex(1) );
		else if ( FStrEq( pName, "self" ) )
			return pSearchingEntity;
			Warning( "Invalid entity search name %s\n", szName );

	return NULL;
bool CAI_ScriptConditions::ActorInPlayersPVS( CBaseEntity *pActor, bool bNot )
	if ( pActor == NULL )
		return true;

	bool bInPVS = !!UTIL_FindClientInPVS( pActor->edict());

	if ( bInPVS )
		if( bNot )
			return false;
			return true;
		if( bNot )
			return true;
			return false;
Exemple #3
bool ShouldRemoveThisRagdoll( CBaseAnimating *pRagdoll )
	if ( g_RagdollLVManager.IsLowViolence() )
		return true;


	/* we no longer ignore enemies just because they are on fire -- a ragdoll in front of me
	   is always a higher priority for retention than a flaming zombie behind me. At the 
	   time I put this in, the ragdolls do clean up their own effects if culled via SUB_Remove().
	   If you're encountering trouble with ragdolls leaving effects behind, try renabling the code below.
	//Just ignore it until we're done burning/dissolving.
	if ( pRagdoll->GetEffectEntity() )
		return false;

	Vector vMins, vMaxs;
	Vector origin = pRagdoll->m_pRagdoll->GetRagdollOrigin();
	pRagdoll->m_pRagdoll->GetRagdollBounds( vMins, vMaxs );

	if( engine->IsBoxInViewCluster( vMins + origin, vMaxs + origin) == false )
		if ( g_debug_ragdoll_removal.GetBool() )
			debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay( origin, vMins, vMaxs, QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ), 0, 255, 0, 16, 5 );
			debugoverlay->AddLineOverlay( origin, origin + Vector( 0, 0, 64 ), 0, 255, 0, true, 5 );

		return true;
	else if( engine->CullBox( vMins + origin, vMaxs + origin ) == true )
		if ( g_debug_ragdoll_removal.GetBool() )
			debugoverlay->AddBoxOverlay( origin, vMins, vMaxs, QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ), 0, 0, 255, 16, 5 );
			debugoverlay->AddLineOverlay( origin, origin + Vector( 0, 0, 64 ), 0, 0, 255, true, 5 );

		return true;

	//CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer();

	if( !UTIL_FindClientInPVS( pRagdoll->edict() ) )
		if ( g_debug_ragdoll_removal.GetBool() )
			 NDebugOverlay::Line( pRagdoll->GetAbsOrigin(), pRagdoll->GetAbsOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, 64 ), 0, 255, 0, true, 5 );

		return true;


	return false;
Exemple #4
bool CTalkMonster::FOkToSpeak() const
	// if in the grip of a barnacle, don't speak
	if ( m_MonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_PRONE || m_IdealMonsterState == MONSTERSTATE_PRONE )
		return false;

	// if not alive, certainly don't speak
	if ( GetDeadFlag() != DEAD_NO )
		return false;

	// if someone else is talking, don't speak
	if (gpGlobals->time <= CTalkMonster::g_talkWaitTime)
		return false;

	if ( GetSpawnFlags().Any( SF_MONSTER_GAG ) )
		return false;

	// if player is not in pvs, don't speak
	if( !IsAlive() || !UTIL_FindClientInPVS( this ) )
		return false;

	// don't talk if you're in combat
	if (m_hEnemy != NULL && FVisible( m_hEnemy ))
		return false;

	return true;
void CNPC_GroundTurret::GatherConditions()
	if( !IsEnabled() )

	if( !IsOpen() && !UTIL_FindClientInPVS( edict() ) )

	// Throw away old enemies so the turret can retire
	AIEnemiesIter_t iter;

	for( AI_EnemyInfo_t *pEMemory = GetEnemies()->GetFirst(&iter); pEMemory != NULL; pEMemory = GetEnemies()->GetNext(&iter) )
		if( pEMemory->timeLastSeen < gpGlobals->curtime - GROUNDTURRET_RETIRE_TIME )
			pEMemory->hEnemy = NULL;


	if( GetEnemy() && HasCondition(COND_SEE_ENEMY) )
		m_flTimeLastSawEnemy = gpGlobals->curtime;
		if( gpGlobals->curtime - m_flTimeLastSawEnemy >= GROUNDTURRET_RETIRE_TIME )
			m_OnAreaClear.FireOutput(this, this);
			m_flTimeLastSawEnemy = FLT_MAX;

	if( HasCondition( COND_SEE_ENEMY ) )
		m_bSeeEnemy = true;
		m_bSeeEnemy = false;

	if( GetEnemy() && m_bSeeEnemy && IsEnabled() )
		if( m_flTimeNextShoot < gpGlobals->curtime )
void CNPC_GroundTurret::PrescheduleThink()
	if( UTIL_FindClientInPVS(edict()) )
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.03f );
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );
void CAI_AllyManager::CountAllies( int *pTotal, int *pMedics )
	(*pTotal) = (*pMedics) = 0;

	if ( !AI_IsSinglePlayer() )
		// @TODO (toml 10-22-04): no MP support right now

	const Vector &	vPlayerPos = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer()->GetAbsOrigin();
	CAI_BaseNPC **	ppAIs 	= g_AI_Manager.AccessAIs();
	int 			nAIs 	= g_AI_Manager.NumAIs();

	for ( int i = 0; i < nAIs; i++ )
		if ( ppAIs[i]->IsAlive() && ppAIs[i]->IsPlayerAlly() )
			// Vital allies do not count.
			if( ppAIs[i]->Classify() == CLASS_PLAYER_ALLY_VITAL )

			// They only count if I can use them.
			if( ppAIs[i]->HasSpawnFlags(SF_CITIZEN_NOT_COMMANDABLE) )
			// They only count if I can use them.
			if( ppAIs[i]->IRelationType( UTIL_GetLocalPlayer() ) != D_LI )

			// Skip distant NPCs
			if ( !ppAIs[i]->IsInPlayerSquad() && 
				!UTIL_FindClientInPVS( ppAIs[i]->edict() ) && 
				( ( ppAIs[i]->GetAbsOrigin() - vPlayerPos ).LengthSqr() > 150*12 ||
				  fabsf( ppAIs[i]->GetAbsOrigin().z - vPlayerPos.z ) > 192 ) )

			if( FClassnameIs( ppAIs[i], "npc_citizen" ) ) 
				CNPC_Citizen *pCitizen = assert_cast<CNPC_Citizen *>(ppAIs[i]);
				if ( !pCitizen->CanJoinPlayerSquad() )

				if ( pCitizen->WasInPlayerSquad() && !pCitizen->IsInPlayerSquad() )

				if ( ppAIs[i]->HasSpawnFlags( SF_CITIZEN_MEDIC ) )

void CGib::SpawnHeadGib( CBaseEntity *pVictim )
	CGib *pGib = CREATE_ENTITY( CGib, "gib" );

	//City17: Germany Violence Fix.
	/*if ( g_Language.GetInt() == LANGUAGE_GERMAN )
		pGib->Spawn( "models/germangibs.mdl" );// throw one head
		pGib->m_nBody = 0;
		pGib->Spawn( "models/gibs/hgibs.mdl" );// throw one head
		pGib->m_nBody = 0;

	if ( pVictim )
		Vector vecNewVelocity = pGib->GetAbsVelocity();

		pGib->SetLocalOrigin( pVictim->EyePosition() );
		edict_t *pentPlayer = UTIL_FindClientInPVS( pGib->edict() );
		if ( random->RandomInt ( 0, 100 ) <= 5 && pentPlayer )
			// 5% chance head will be thrown at player's face.
			CBasePlayer *player = (CBasePlayer *)CBaseEntity::Instance( pentPlayer );
			if ( player )
				vecNewVelocity = ( player->EyePosition() ) - pGib->GetAbsOrigin();
				vecNewVelocity *= 300;
				vecNewVelocity.z += 100;
			vecNewVelocity = Vector (random->RandomFloat(-100,100), random->RandomFloat(-100,100), random->RandomFloat(200,300));

		QAngle vecNewAngularVelocity = pGib->GetLocalAngularVelocity();
		vecNewAngularVelocity.x = random->RandomFloat ( 100, 200 );
		vecNewAngularVelocity.y = random->RandomFloat ( 100, 300 );
		pGib->SetLocalAngularVelocity( vecNewAngularVelocity );

		// copy owner's blood color
		pGib->SetBloodColor( pVictim->BloodColor() );
		pGib->AdjustVelocityBasedOnHealth( pVictim->m_iHealth, vecNewVelocity );
		pGib->SetAbsVelocity( vecNewVelocity );
void CNPC_GroundTurret::Scan()
	if( m_bSeeEnemy )
		// Using a bool for this check because the condition gets wiped out by changing schedules.

	if( IsOpeningOrClosing() )
		// Moving.

	if( !IsOpen() )
		// Closed

	if( !UTIL_FindClientInPVS(edict()) )

	if( gpGlobals->curtime >= m_flTimeNextPing )
		EmitSound( "NPC_FloorTurret.Ping" );
		m_flTimeNextPing = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f;

	QAngle	scanAngle;
	Vector	forward;
	Vector	vecEye = GetAbsOrigin() + m_vecLightOffset;

	// Draw the outer extents
	scanAngle = GetAbsAngles();
	scanAngle.y += (GROUNDTURRET_VIEWCONE / 2.0f);
	AngleVectors( scanAngle, &forward, NULL, NULL );
	ProjectBeam( vecEye, forward, 1, 30, 0.1 );

	scanAngle = GetAbsAngles();
	scanAngle.y -= (GROUNDTURRET_VIEWCONE / 2.0f);
	AngleVectors( scanAngle, &forward, NULL, NULL );
	ProjectBeam( vecEye, forward, 1, 30, 0.1 );

	// Draw a sweeping beam
	scanAngle = GetAbsAngles();
	scanAngle.y += (GROUNDTURRET_VIEWCONE / 2.0f) * sin( gpGlobals->curtime * 3.0f );
	AngleVectors( scanAngle, &forward, NULL, NULL );
	ProjectBeam( vecEye, forward, 1, 30, 0.3 );
// Purpose: 
void CItem_DynamicResupply::CheckPVSThink( void )
	edict_t *pentPlayer = UTIL_FindClientInPVS( edict() );
	if ( pentPlayer )
		CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)CBaseEntity::Instance( pentPlayer );
		if ( pPlayer )
			SpawnDynamicItem( pPlayer );

	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + DYNAMIC_ITEM_THINK );
// Purpose :
// Input   :
// Output  :
bool CAI_PlayerAlly::IsOkToCombatSpeak( void )
	// if not alive, certainly don't speak
	if ( !IsAlive() )
		return false;

	// if someone else is talking, don't speak
	if ( !GetExpresser()->SemaphoreIsAvailable() )
		return false;

	if ( m_spawnflags & SF_NPC_GAG )
		return false;

	// Don't speak if playing a script.
	if ( m_NPCState == NPC_STATE_SCRIPT )
		return false;

	// if player is not in pvs, don't speak
	if ( !UTIL_FindClientInPVS(edict()) )
		return false;

	return true;
void CFuncTank::TrackTarget( void )
	trace_t tr;
	bool updateTime = FALSE, lineOfSight;
	QAngle angles;
	Vector barrelEnd;
	CBaseEntity *pTarget = NULL;


	// Get a position to aim for
	if (m_pController)
		// Tanks attempt to mirror the player's angles
		angles = m_pController->EyeAngles();
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.05 );
		if ( IsActive() )
			SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );

		// -----------------------------------
		//  Get world target position
		// -----------------------------------
		barrelEnd = WorldBarrelPosition();
		Vector worldTargetPosition;
		if (m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_AIM_AT_POS)
			worldTargetPosition = m_vTargetPosition;
			CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)m_hTarget;
			if ( !pEntity || ( pEntity->GetFlags() & FL_NOTARGET ) )
				if ( m_targetEntityName != NULL_STRING )	// New HL2 behavior
					m_hTarget = FindTarget( m_targetEntityName, NULL );
				else	// HL1 style
					m_hTarget = ToBasePlayer( GetContainingEntity( UTIL_FindClientInPVS( edict() ) ) );

				if ( m_hTarget != NULL )
					SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );	// Think again immediately
					if ( IsActive() )
						SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 2 );	// Wait 2 secs

					if ( m_fireLast !=0 )
						m_OnLoseTarget.FireOutput(this, this);
						m_fireLast = 0;

			pTarget = pEntity;

			// Calculate angle needed to aim at target
			worldTargetPosition = pEntity->EyePosition();

		float range = (worldTargetPosition - barrelEnd).Length();
		if ( !InRange( range ) )
			m_fireLast = 0;

		UTIL_TraceLine( barrelEnd, worldTargetPosition, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

		if (m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_AIM_AT_POS)
			updateTime		= TRUE;
			m_sightOrigin	= m_vTargetPosition;
			lineOfSight = FALSE;
			// No line of sight, don't track
			if ( tr.fraction == 1.0 || tr.m_pEnt == pTarget )
				lineOfSight = TRUE;

				CBaseEntity *pInstance = pTarget;
				if ( InRange( range ) && pInstance && pInstance->IsAlive() )
					updateTime = TRUE;

					// Sight position is BodyTarget with no noise (so gun doesn't bob up and down)
					m_sightOrigin = pInstance->BodyTarget( GetLocalOrigin(), false );

		// Convert targetPosition to parent
		angles = AimBarrelAt( m_parentMatrix.WorldToLocal( m_sightOrigin ) );

	// Force the angles to be relative to the center position
	float offsetY = UTIL_AngleDistance( angles.y, m_yawCenter );
	float offsetX = UTIL_AngleDistance( angles.x, m_pitchCenter );
	angles.y = m_yawCenter + offsetY;
	angles.x = m_pitchCenter + offsetX;

	// Limit against range in y

	// MDB - don't check pitch! If two func_tanks are meant to align,
	// and one can pitch and the other cannot, this can lead to them getting 
	// different values for angles.y. Nothing is lost by not updating yaw
	// because the target is not in pitch range.

	bool bOutsideYawRange = ( fabs( offsetY ) > m_yawRange + m_yawTolerance );
	bool bOutsidePitchRange = ( fabs( offsetX ) > m_pitchRange + m_pitchTolerance );

	Vector vecToTarget = m_sightOrigin - GetLocalOrigin();

	// if target is outside yaw range
	if ( bOutsideYawRange )
		if ( angles.y > m_yawCenter + m_yawRange )
			angles.y = m_yawCenter + m_yawRange;
		else if ( angles.y < (m_yawCenter - m_yawRange) )
			angles.y = (m_yawCenter - m_yawRange);

	if ( bOutsidePitchRange || bOutsideYawRange || ( vecToTarget.Length() < ( barrelEnd - GetAbsOrigin() ).Length() ) )
		// Don't update if you saw the player, but out of range
		updateTime = false;

	if ( updateTime )
		m_lastSightTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
		m_persist2burst = 0;

	// Move toward target at rate or less
	float distY = UTIL_AngleDistance( angles.y, GetLocalAngles().y );

	QAngle vecAngVel = GetLocalAngularVelocity();
	vecAngVel.y = distY * 10;
	vecAngVel.y = clamp( vecAngVel.y, -m_yawRate, m_yawRate );

	// Limit against range in x
	angles.x = clamp( angles.x, m_pitchCenter - m_pitchRange, m_pitchCenter + m_pitchRange );

	// Move toward target at rate or less
	float distX = UTIL_AngleDistance( angles.x, GetLocalAngles().x );
	vecAngVel.x = distX  * 10;
	vecAngVel.x = clamp( vecAngVel.x, -m_pitchRate, m_pitchRate );
	SetLocalAngularVelocity( vecAngVel );

	SetMoveDoneTime( 0.1 );
	if ( m_pController )

	if ( CanFire() && ( (fabs(distX) < m_pitchTolerance && fabs(distY) < m_yawTolerance) || (m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_LINEOFSIGHT) ) )
		bool fire = FALSE;
		Vector forward;
		AngleVectors( GetLocalAngles(), &forward );
		forward = m_parentMatrix.ApplyRotation( forward );

		if ( m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_LINEOFSIGHT )
			float length = (m_maxRange > 0) ? m_maxRange : MAX_TRACE_LENGTH;
			UTIL_TraceLine( barrelEnd, barrelEnd + forward * length, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

			if ( tr.m_pEnt == pTarget )
				fire = TRUE;
			fire = TRUE;

		if ( fire )
			if (m_fireLast == 0)
				m_OnAquireTarget.FireOutput(this, this);
			FiringSequence( barrelEnd, forward, this );
			if (m_fireLast !=0)
				m_OnLoseTarget.FireOutput(this, this);
			m_fireLast = 0;
		if (m_fireLast !=0)
			m_OnLoseTarget.FireOutput(this, this);
		m_fireLast = 0;
Exemple #13
void CEnvSound::Think( void )
	// get pointer to client if visible; UTIL_FindClientInPVS will
	// cycle through visible clients on consecutive calls.

	CBaseEntity* pentPlayer = UTIL_FindClientInPVS( this );
	CBasePlayer *pPlayer = NULL;

	if( FNullEnt( pentPlayer ) )
		goto env_sound_Think_slow; // no player in pvs of sound entity, slow it down

	pPlayer = static_cast<CBasePlayer*>( pentPlayer );
	float flRange;

	// check to see if this is the sound entity that is 
	// currently affecting this player

	if( !FNullEnt( pPlayer->m_SndLast ) && ( pPlayer->m_SndLast == this ) ) {

		// this is the entity currently affecting player, check
		// for validity

		if( pPlayer->m_flSndRoomtype != 0 && pPlayer->m_flSndRange != 0 ) {

			// we're looking at a valid sound entity affecting
			// player, make sure it's still valid, update range

			if( FEnvSoundInRange( this, pPlayer, &flRange ) ) {
				pPlayer->m_flSndRange = flRange;
				goto env_sound_Think_fast;
			else {

				// current sound entity affecting player is no longer valid,
				// flag this state by clearing room_type and range.
				// NOTE: we do not actually change the player's room_type
				// NOTE: until we have a new valid room_type to change it to.

				pPlayer->m_flSndRange = 0;
				pPlayer->m_flSndRoomtype = 0;
				goto env_sound_Think_slow;
		else {
			// entity is affecting player but is out of range,
			// wait passively for another entity to usurp it...
			goto env_sound_Think_slow;

	// if we got this far, we're looking at an entity that is contending
	// for current player sound. the closest entity to player wins.

	if( FEnvSoundInRange( this, pPlayer, &flRange ) )
		if( flRange < pPlayer->m_flSndRange || pPlayer->m_flSndRange == 0 )
			// new entity is closer to player, so it wins.
			pPlayer->m_SndLast = this;
			pPlayer->m_flSndRoomtype = m_flRoomtype;
			pPlayer->m_flSndRange = flRange;

			// send room_type command to player's server.
			// this should be a rare event - once per change of room_type
			// only!

			//CLIENT_COMMAND(pentPlayer, "room_type %f", m_flRoomtype);

			MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, SVC_ROOMTYPE, NULL, pentPlayer );		// use the magic #1 for "one client"
			WRITE_SHORT( ( short ) m_flRoomtype );					// sequence number

			// crank up nextthink rate for new active sound entity
			// by falling through to think_fast...
		// player is not closer to the contending sound entity,
		// just fall through to think_fast. this effectively
		// cranks up the think_rate of entities near the player.

	// player is in pvs of sound entity, but either not visible or
	// not in range. do nothing, fall through to think_fast...

	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->time + 0.25 );

	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->time + 0.75 );
// Purpose: Whether or not we're in the PVS
inline bool CAntlionGrub::InPVS( void )
	return ( UTIL_FindClientInPVS( edict() ) != NULL ) || (UTIL_ClientPVSIsExpanded() && UTIL_FindClientInVisibilityPVS( edict() ));
void CBounceBomb::SearchThink()
	if( !UTIL_FindClientInPVS(edict()) )
		// Sleep!
		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5 );

	if(	(CAI_BaseNPC::m_nDebugBits & bits_debugDisableAI) )
		if( IsAwake() )

		SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5 );

	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1 );

	if( m_pConstraint && gpGlobals->curtime - m_flTimeGrabbed >= 1.0f )
		m_OnPulledUp.FireOutput( this, this );

	float flNearestNPCDist = FindNearestNPC();

		if( !IsAwake() )
			Wake( true );
 		if( IsAwake() )
			Wake( false );


	if( flNearestNPCDist <= BOUNCEBOMB_DETONATE_RADIUS && !IsFriend( m_hNearestNPC ) )
		if( m_bBounce )
			// Don't pop up in the air, just explode if the NPC gets closer than explode radius.
			SetThink( &CBounceBomb::ExplodeThink );
			SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + m_flExplosionDelay );
Exemple #16
// Count of all the weapons in the world of my type and
// see if we have a surplus. If there is a surplus, try
// to find suitable candidates for removal.
// Right now we just remove the first weapons we find that
// are behind the player, or are out of the player's PVS. 
// Later, we may want to score the results so that we
// removed the farthest gun that's not in the player's 
// viewcone, etc.
// Some notes and thoughts:
// This code is designed NOT to remove weapons that are 
// hand-placed by level designers. It should only clean
// up weapons dropped by dead NPCs, which is useful in
// situations where enemies are spawned in for a sustained
// period of time.
// Right now we PREFER to remove weapons that are not in the
// player's PVS, but this could be opposite of what we 
// really want. We may only want to conduct the cleanup on
// weapons that are IN the player's PVS.
void CGameWeaponManager::Think()
	int i;

	// Don't have to think all that often. 
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 2.0 );

	const char *pszWeaponName = STRING( m_iszWeaponName );

	CUtlVector<CBaseEntity *> candidates( 0, 64 );

	if ( m_bExpectingWeapon )
		CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon = NULL;
		// Firstly, count the total number of weapons of this type in the world.
		// Also count how many of those can potentially be removed.
		pWeapon = assert_cast<CBaseCombatWeapon *>(gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pWeapon, pszWeaponName ));

		while( pWeapon )
			if( !pWeapon->IsEffectActive( EF_NODRAW ) && pWeapon->IsRemoveable() )
				candidates.AddToTail( pWeapon );

			pWeapon = assert_cast<CBaseCombatWeapon *>(gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pWeapon, pszWeaponName ));
		for ( i = 0; i < m_ManagedNonWeapons.Count(); i++)
			CBaseEntity *pEntity = m_ManagedNonWeapons[i];
			if ( pEntity )
				Assert( pEntity->m_iClassname == m_iszWeaponName );
				if ( !pEntity->IsEffectActive( EF_NODRAW ) )
					candidates.AddToTail( pEntity );
				m_ManagedNonWeapons.FastRemove( i-- );

	// Calculate the surplus.
	int surplus = candidates.Count() - m_iMaxPieces;

	// Based on what the player can see, try to clean up the world by removing weapons that
	// the player cannot see right at the moment.
	CBaseEntity *pCandidate;
	for ( i = 0; i < candidates.Count() && surplus > 0; i++ )
		bool fRemovedOne = false;

		pCandidate = candidates[i];
		Assert( !pCandidate->IsEffectActive( EF_NODRAW ) );

//		if ( gpGlobals->maxClients == 1 )
			CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_GetNearestVisiblePlayer(pCandidate);
			// Nodraw serves as a flag that this weapon is already being removed since
			// all we're really doing inside this loop is marking them for removal by
			// the entity system. We don't want to count the same weapon as removed
			// more than once.
			if( !UTIL_FindClientInPVS( pCandidate->edict() ) )
				fRemovedOne = true;
			else if( !pPlayer->FInViewCone( pCandidate ) )
				fRemovedOne = true;
			else if ( UTIL_DistApprox( pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(), pCandidate->GetAbsOrigin() ) > (30*12) )
				fRemovedOne = true;
//		else
//		{
//			fRemovedOne = true;
//		}

		if( fRemovedOne )
			pCandidate->AddEffects( EF_NODRAW );
			UTIL_Remove( pCandidate );

			DevMsg( 2, "Surplus %s removed\n", pszWeaponName);
Exemple #17
void CLeech::SwimThink( void )
	TraceResult		tr;
	float			flLeftSide;
	float			flRightSide;
	float			targetSpeed;
	float			targetYaw = 0;
	CBaseEntity		*pTarget;

	if ( !UTIL_FindClientInPVS( this ) )
		pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_FLOAT(1,1.5);
		pev->velocity = g_vecZero;
		pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1;

	targetSpeed = LEECH_SWIM_SPEED;

	if ( m_waterTime < gpGlobals->time )

	if ( m_stateTime < gpGlobals->time )

	ClearConditions( bits_COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK1 );
	switch( m_MonsterState )
		pTarget = m_hEnemy;
		if ( !pTarget )
			// Chase the enemy's eyes
			m_height = pTarget->GetAbsOrigin().z + pTarget->pev->view_ofs.z - 5;
			// Clip to viable water area
			if ( m_height < m_bottom )
				m_height = m_bottom;
			else if ( m_height > m_top )
				m_height = m_top;
			Vector location = pTarget->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin();
			location.z += (pTarget->pev->view_ofs.z);
			if ( location.Length() < 40 )
				SetConditions( bits_COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK1 );
			// Turn towards target ent
			targetYaw = UTIL_VecToYaw( location );

			targetYaw = UTIL_AngleDiff( targetYaw, UTIL_AngleMod( pev->angles.y ) );

			if ( targetYaw < (-LEECH_TURN_RATE*0.75) )
				targetYaw = (-LEECH_TURN_RATE*0.75);
			else if ( targetYaw > (LEECH_TURN_RATE*0.75) )
				targetYaw = (LEECH_TURN_RATE*0.75);
				targetSpeed *= 2;


		if ( m_zTime < gpGlobals->time )
			float newHeight = RANDOM_FLOAT( m_bottom, m_top );
			m_height = 0.5 * m_height + 0.5 * newHeight;
			m_zTime = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_FLOAT( 1, 4 );
		if ( RANDOM_LONG( 0, 100 ) < 10 )
			targetYaw = RANDOM_LONG( -30, 30 );
		pTarget = NULL;
		// oldorigin test
		if ( (GetAbsOrigin() - GetOldOrigin() ).Length() < 1 )
			// If leech didn't move, there must be something blocking it, so try to turn
			m_sideTime = 0;


	m_obstacle = ObstacleDistance( pTarget );
	SetOldOrigin( GetAbsOrigin() );
	if ( m_obstacle < 0.1 )
		m_obstacle = 0.1;

	// is the way ahead clear?
	if ( m_obstacle == 1.0 )
		// if the leech is turning, stop the trend.
		if ( m_flTurning != 0 )
			m_flTurning = 0;

		m_fPathBlocked = false;
		pev->speed = UTIL_Approach( targetSpeed, pev->speed, LEECH_SWIM_ACCEL * LEECH_FRAMETIME );
		pev->velocity = gpGlobals->v_forward * pev->speed;

		m_obstacle = 1.0 / m_obstacle;
		// IF we get this far in the function, the leader's path is blocked!
		m_fPathBlocked = true;

		if ( m_flTurning == 0 )// something in the way and leech is not already turning to avoid
			Vector vecTest;
			// measure clearance on left and right to pick the best dir to turn
			vecTest = GetAbsOrigin() + (gpGlobals->v_right * LEECH_SIZEX) + (gpGlobals->v_forward * LEECH_CHECK_DIST);
			UTIL_TraceLine(GetAbsOrigin(), vecTest, missile, edict(), &tr);
			flRightSide = tr.flFraction;

			vecTest = GetAbsOrigin() + (gpGlobals->v_right * -LEECH_SIZEX) + (gpGlobals->v_forward * LEECH_CHECK_DIST);
			UTIL_TraceLine(GetAbsOrigin(), vecTest, missile, edict(), &tr);
			flLeftSide = tr.flFraction;

			// turn left, right or random depending on clearance ratio
			float delta = (flRightSide - flLeftSide);
			if ( delta > 0.1 || (delta > -0.1 && RANDOM_LONG(0,100)<50) )
				m_flTurning = -LEECH_TURN_RATE;
				m_flTurning = LEECH_TURN_RATE;
		pev->speed = UTIL_Approach( -(LEECH_SWIM_SPEED*0.5), pev->speed, LEECH_SWIM_DECEL * LEECH_FRAMETIME * m_obstacle );
		pev->velocity = gpGlobals->v_forward * pev->speed;
	pev->ideal_yaw = m_flTurning + targetYaw;