Exemple #1
	* Perform a uniform shuffle of a vector.
	* @tparam	random_t	Type of the random number generator
	* @tparam	Vector  	Type of the vector. Must implement size() and operator[].
	* 						For example: std::vector of std::deque
	* @param [in,out]	gen	the rng
	* @param [in,out]	vec	the vector
	* @return	An uint32.
	template<class Vector, class random_t> inline void randomShuffle(Vector & vec, random_t & gen)
		const size_t l = vec.size();
		if (l < 2) return;
		for (size_t i = l - 1; i > 0; --i)
			size_t j = (size_t)(Unif(gen)*(i + 1));
			typename std::remove_reference<decltype(vec[0])>::type temp(vec[i]);
			vec[i] = vec[j];
			vec[j] = temp;
Exemple #2
 * Perform the walk until the range increases by nb
 void makeWalk(int64 nb,bool displayProgress = true)
     ProgressBar<uint64> * PB = nullptr;
     if (displayProgress) { PB = new ProgressBar<uint64>(nb, "Simulating..."); }
     nb += N;
     auto startN = N;
     int64 lastb = 0;
     char v = G(pos);		         // current site
     while (N < nb)
         if (isFull(v)) 
             { // the four edge around the site are set, do simple rw
             if (lastb < 100) 
                 { // boundary not a long time ago, just one step
                 SRW_Z2_1step(pos, gen);
                 int64 d;
                     iBox2 fullR;
                     G.findFullBoxCentered(pos, fullR);  // find a full box
                     fullR.min[0]--; fullR.max[0]++; fullR.min[1]--; fullR.max[1]++;
                     d = SRW_Z2_MoveInRect(pos, fullR, 8, gen); // move in the rectangle 
                 while (d > 0);
             v = G(pos);
             { // not all egdes are set, do ERRW
             lastb = 0; // reset the last visit to boundary
             const double up    = ((v & maskup) ? delta : 1.0);
             const double right = ((v & maskright) ? delta : 1.0);
             const double down  = ((v & maskdown) ? delta : 1.0);
             const double left  = ((v & maskleft) ? delta : 1.0);
             const double a = Unif(gen)*(up + right + down + left);
             if (a < up + right) 
                 if (a < up)
                     if ((v & maskup) == 0) { G.set(pos, v | maskup); pos.Y()++; v = G(pos); if (isEmpty(v)) { N++; if (PB != nullptr) { PB->update(N - startN); } } v |= maskdown; G.set(pos, v); }
                     else { pos.Y()++; v = G(pos); }
                     if ((v & maskright) == 0) { G.set(pos, v | maskright); pos.X()++; v = G(pos); if (isEmpty(v)) { N++; if (PB != nullptr) { PB->update(N - startN); } } v |= maskleft; G.set(pos, v); }
                     else { pos.X()++; v = G(pos); }
                 if (a < up + right + down)
                     if ((v & maskdown) == 0) { G.set(pos, v | maskdown); pos.Y()--; v = G(pos); if (isEmpty(v)) { N++; if (PB != nullptr) { PB->update(N - startN); } }  v |= maskup; G.set(pos, v); }
                     else { pos.Y()--;  v = G(pos); }
                     if ((v & maskleft) == 0) { G.set(pos, v | maskleft); pos.X()--; v = G(pos); if (isEmpty(v)) { N++; if (PB != nullptr) { PB->update(N - startN); } }  v |= maskright; G.set(pos, v); }
                     else { pos.X()--;  v = G(pos); }
     delete PB;