void InitBitboards()
  int i, j, from, to;
  U64 x, y;

  // Bit scan
  for (i = 1; i < 65536; ++i)
    int x = 0x8000;
    for (j = 0; j < 16; ++j)
      if (i & x)
        MSB_16[i] = static_cast<U8>(j);
      x >>= 1;

  x = ((U64) 1) << 63;
  for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
    BB_SINGLE[i] = x;
    x >>= 1;

  for (from = 0; from < 64; from++)
    for (to = 0; to < 64; ++to)
      BB_BETWEEN[from][to] = 0;

#define TRACE_DIR(dir, Shift, delta) \
   x = Shift(BB_SINGLE[from]);       \
   y = 0;                            \
   to = from + (delta);              \
   while (x)                         \
   {                                 \
      BB_BETWEEN[from][to] = y;      \
      y |= x;                        \
      x = Shift(x);                  \
      to += (delta);                 \
   }                                 \
   BB_DIR[from][dir] = y;
    TRACE_DIR (DIR_R,  Right,     1)
    TRACE_DIR (DIR_UR, UpRight,  -7)
    TRACE_DIR (DIR_U,  Up,       -8)
    TRACE_DIR (DIR_UL, UpLeft,   -9)
    TRACE_DIR (DIR_L,  Left,     -1)
    TRACE_DIR (DIR_DL, DownLeft,  7)
    TRACE_DIR (DIR_D,  Down,      8)
    TRACE_DIR (DIR_DR, DownRight, 9)

    x = BB_SINGLE[from];
    y = 0;
    y |= Right(UpRight(x));
    y |= Up(UpRight(x));
    y |= Up(UpLeft(x));
    y |= Left(UpLeft(x));
    y |= Left(DownLeft(x));
    y |= Down(DownLeft(x));
    y |= Down(DownRight(x));
    y |= Right(DownRight(x));
    BB_KNIGHT_ATTACKS[from] = y;

    x = BB_SINGLE[from];
    y = 0;
    y |= UpRight(x);
    y |= Up(x);
    y |= UpLeft(x);
    y |= Left(x);
    y |= DownLeft(x);
    y |= Down(x);
    y |= DownRight(x);
    y |= Right(x);
    BB_KING_ATTACKS[from] = y;

    x = BB_SINGLE[from];
    y = 0;
    y |= UpRight(x);
    y |= UpLeft(x);
    BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[from][WHITE] = y;

    x = BB_SINGLE[from];
    y = 0;
    y |= DownRight(x);
    y |= DownLeft(x);
    BB_PAWN_ATTACKS[from][BLACK] = y;

      BB_DIR[from][DIR_UR] |
      BB_DIR[from][DIR_UL] |
      BB_DIR[from][DIR_DL] |

    BB_ROOK_ATTACKS[from] =
      BB_DIR[from][DIR_R] |
      BB_DIR[from][DIR_U] |
      BB_DIR[from][DIR_L] |


  // pawn squares

  for (int f = 0; f < 64; f++)
    x = BB_DIR[f][DIR_U] | BB_SINGLE[f];
    for (j = 0; j < Row(f); j++)
      x |= Right(x);
      x |= Left(x);


    x = BB_DIR[f][DIR_D] | BB_SINGLE[f];
    for (j = 0; j < 7 - Row(f); j++)
      x |= Right(x);
      x |= Left(x);


#ifdef MAGIC

  int offset;

  offset = 0;
  for (int f = 0; f < 64; ++f)
    B_OFFSET[f] = offset;
    offset += (1 << B_BITS[f]);
  B_DATA = new U64[offset];

  for (int f = 0; f < 64; ++f)
    U64 mask = B_MASK[f];
    int bits = B_BITS[f];

    for (int n = 0; n < (1 << bits); ++n)
      U64 occ = EnumBits(mask, n);
      U64 att = BishopAttacksTrace(f, occ);
      int index = B_OFFSET[f];
      index += int((occ * B_MULT[f]) >> (64 - bits));

      B_DATA[index] = att;

  offset = 0;
  for (int f = 0; f < 64; ++f)
    R_OFFSET[f] = offset;
    offset += (1 << R_BITS[f]);
  R_DATA = new U64[offset];

  for (int f = 0; f < 64; ++f)
    U64 mask = R_MASK[f];
    int bits = R_BITS[f];

    for (int n = 0; n < (1 << bits); ++n)
      U64 occ = EnumBits(mask, n);
      U64 att = RookAttacksTrace(f, occ);
      int index = R_OFFSET[f];
      index += int((occ * R_MULT[f]) >> (64 - bits));

      R_DATA[index] = att;


Exemple #2
void Bitboard::InitBitboards()
	int i, j, from, to;
	U64 x, y;

	// Bit scan
	for (i = 1; i < 65536; ++i)
		int x = 0x8000;
		for (j = 0; j < 16; ++j)
			if (i & x)
				m_msb16[i] = static_cast<U8>(j);
			x >>= 1;

	x = ((U64) 1) << 63;
	for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
		m_single[i] = x;
		x >>= 1;

	for (from = 0; from < 64; from++)
		for (to = 0; to < 64; ++to)
			m_between[from][to] = 0;

#define TRACE_DIR(dir, Shift, delta) \
    x = Shift(m_single[from]);       \
    y = 0;                           \
    to = from + (delta);             \
    while (x)                        \
    {                                \
        m_between[from][to] = y;     \
        y |= x;                      \
        x = Shift(x);                \
        to += (delta);               \
    }                                \
    m_dir[from][dir] = y;

		TRACE_DIR (DIR_R,  Right,     1)
			TRACE_DIR (DIR_UR, UpRight,  -7)
			TRACE_DIR (DIR_U,  Up,       -8)
			TRACE_DIR (DIR_UL, UpLeft,   -9)
			TRACE_DIR (DIR_L,  Left,     -1)
			TRACE_DIR (DIR_DL, DownLeft,  7)
			TRACE_DIR (DIR_D,  Down,      8)
			TRACE_DIR (DIR_DR, DownRight, 9)

			x = m_single[from];
		y = 0;
		y |= Right(UpRight(x));
		y |= Up(UpRight(x));
		y |= Up(UpLeft(x));
		y |= Left(UpLeft(x));
		y |= Left(DownLeft(x));
		y |= Down(DownLeft(x));
		y |= Down(DownRight(x));
		y |= Right(DownRight(x));
		m_knightAttacks[from] = y;

		x = m_single[from];
		y = 0;
		y |= UpRight(x);
		y |= Up(x);
		y |= UpLeft(x);
		y |= Left(x);
		y |= DownLeft(x);
		y |= Down(x);
		y |= DownRight(x);
		y |= Right(x);
		m_kingAttacks[from] = y;

		x = m_single[from];
		y = 0;
		y |= UpRight(x);
		y |= UpLeft(x);
		m_pawnAttacks[from][WHITE] = y;

		x = m_single[from];
		y = 0;
		y |= DownRight(x);
		y |= DownLeft(x);
		m_pawnAttacks[from][BLACK] = y;

		m_bishopAttacks[from] = m_dir[from][DIR_UR] | m_dir[from][DIR_UL] | m_dir[from][DIR_DL] | m_dir[from][DIR_DR];
		m_rookAttacks[from] = m_dir[from][DIR_R] | m_dir[from][DIR_U] | m_dir[from][DIR_L] | m_dir[from][DIR_D];
		m_queenAttacks[from] = m_rookAttacks[from] | m_bishopAttacks[from];

	// pawn squares
	for (int f = 0; f < 64; f++)
		x = m_dir[f][DIR_U] | m_single[f];
		for (j = 0; j < Row(f); j++)
			x |= Right(x);
			x |= Left(x);
		m_pawnSquare[f][WHITE] = x;

		x = m_dir[f][DIR_D] | m_single[f];
		for (j = 0; j < 7 - Row(f); j++)
			x |= Right(x);
			x |= Left(x);
		m_pawnSquare[f][BLACK] = x;

#ifdef MAGIC

	int offset = 0;
	for (int f = 0; f < 64; ++f)
		m_bOffset[f] = offset;
		offset += (1 << m_bBits[f]);
	m_bData = new U64[offset];

	for (int f = 0; f < 64; ++f)
		U64 mask = m_bMask[f];
		int bits = m_bBits[f];
		for (int n = 0; n < (1 << bits); ++n)
			U64 occ = EnumBits(mask, n);
			U64 att = BishopAttacksTrace(f, occ);
			int index = m_bOffset[f];
			index += int((occ * m_bMult[f]) >> (64 - bits));
			m_bData[index] = att;

	offset = 0;
	for (int f = 0; f < 64; ++f)
		m_rOffset[f] = offset;
		offset += (1 << m_rBits[f]);
	m_rData = new U64[offset];

	for (int f = 0; f < 64; ++f)
		U64 mask = m_rMask[f];
		int bits = m_rBits[f];
		for (int n = 0; n < (1 << bits); ++n)
			U64 occ = EnumBits(mask, n);
			U64 att = RookAttacksTrace(f, occ);
			int index = m_rOffset[f];
			index += int((occ * m_rMult[f]) >> (64 - bits));
			m_rData[index] = att;
Exemple #3
// TViewBitmapDialog
// -----------------
//  Load the DOOM palette and add the sprite names in list box
void TViewBitmapDialog::SetupWindow ()
	::CenterWindow (this);

	// Setup control window size
	TRect cRect = pSizeStatic->GetClientRect ();
	BitmapControlW = cRect.right;
	BitmapControlH = cRect.bottom;
	TPoint UpLeft(cRect.left, cRect.top);

	pSizeStatic->ClientToScreen (UpLeft);
	ScreenToClient (UpLeft);
	BitmapControlX = UpLeft.x;
	BitmapControlY = UpLeft.y;

	// Create zoom slider with same size as the its frame
	TRect wRect;
	TPoint TopLeft;

	pZoomFrame->GetWindowRect (wRect);
	TopLeft = TPoint (wRect.left, wRect.top);
	ScreenToClient (TopLeft);
	pZoomSlider = new TVSlider (this, IDC_ZOOM_SLIDER,
								TopLeft.x+1, TopLeft.y+1,
								wRect.Width()-2, wRect.Height()-2);
	// Hide the slider frame
	pZoomFrame->ShowWindow (SW_HIDE);
	// Create the slider
	pZoomSlider->SetRange (1, 16);
	pZoomSlider->SetRuler (3, FALSE);
	pZoomSlider->SetPosition (1);

	// Create Gamma Level slider with same size as the its frame
	pGammaFrame->GetWindowRect (wRect);
	TopLeft = TPoint (wRect.left, wRect.top);
	ScreenToClient (TopLeft);
	pGammaSlider = new TVSlider (this, IDC_GAMMA_SLIDER,
								TopLeft.x+1, TopLeft.y+1,
								wRect.Width()-2, wRect.Height()-2);
	// Hide the slider frame
	pGammaFrame->ShowWindow (SW_HIDE);
	// Create the slider
	pGammaSlider->SetRange (0, 120);
	pGammaSlider->SetRuler (10, TRUE);
	pGammaSlider->SetPosition (0);

	// Creates bitmap control (virtual function of derived classes)
	InitBitmapControl ();
	CHECK (pBitmapControl != NULL);

	// Create the control window
	pSizeStatic->ShowWindow (SW_HIDE);

	// Draw and set position of zoom and gamma slider
	char zoomtext[5];
	sprintf (zoomtext, "%u", pBitmapControl->GetZoomFactor());
	pZoomStatic->SetText (zoomtext);
	pZoomSlider->SetPosition (pBitmapControl->GetZoomFactor());

	char gtext[5];
	sprintf (gtext, "%u", pBitmapControl->GetGammaLevel());
	pGammaStatic->SetText (gtext);
	pGammaSlider->SetPosition (pBitmapControl->GetGammaLevel());

	// Realize palette in window
	if ( UseSystemPalette )
		TScreenDC dc;
		dc.SetSystemPaletteUse (SYSPAL_NOSTATIC);
		dc.SelectObject (*pDoomPalette);
		dc.RealizePalette ();