void CEnmityContainer::UpdateEnmityFromCure(CBattleEntity* PEntity, uint16 level, uint16 CureAmount, bool isCureV)
		UpdateEnmity(PEntity, 400, 700);
		CureAmount = (CureAmount < 1 ? 1 : CureAmount);

		uint16 mod = battleutils::GetEnmityMod(level, 0);

		uint16 CE =  40 / mod * CureAmount;
		uint16 VE = 240 / mod * CureAmount;

		UpdateEnmity(PEntity, CE, VE);
Exemple #2
void CEnmityContainer::UpdateEnmityFromCure(CBattleEntity* PEntity, uint16 level, uint16 CureAmount, bool isCureV)
    if (isCureV) {
        UpdateEnmity(PEntity, 400, 700);
    else {
        CureAmount = (CureAmount < 1 ? 1 : CureAmount);

        uint16 mod = battleutils::GetEnmityModCure(level);

        uint16 CE = 40. / mod * CureAmount;
        uint16 VE = 240. / mod * CureAmount;

        // you're too far away so i'm ignoring you
        if (!IsWithinEnmityRange(PEntity))
            CE = 0;
            VE = 0;

        // Crash fix, PEntity was in ACTION_FALL
        if (PEntity->PBattleAI->GetCurrentAction() == ACTION_FALL)

        EnmityList_t::iterator PEnmity = m_EnmityList.lower_bound(PEntity->id);

        // current highest enmity before this update
        CBattleEntity* OldEntity = GetHighestEnmity();

        if (PEnmity != m_EnmityList.end() &&
                !m_EnmityList.key_comp()(PEntity->id, PEnmity->first))
            float bonus = CalculateEnmityBonus(PEntity);
            float tranquilHeartReduction = 1.f - battleutils::HandleTranquilHeart(PEntity);

            int newCE = PEnmity->second->CE + (CE * bonus * tranquilHeartReduction);
            int newVE = PEnmity->second->VE + (VE * bonus * tranquilHeartReduction);

            //Check for cap limit
            PEnmity->second->CE = dsp_cap(newCE, 1, 10000);
            PEnmity->second->VE = dsp_cap(newVE, 0, 10000);
        else if (CE >= 0 && VE >= 0)
            EnmityObject_t* PEnmityObject = new EnmityObject_t;

            float bonus = CalculateEnmityBonus(PEntity);
            float tranquilHeartReduction = 1.f - battleutils::HandleTranquilHeart(PEntity);

            PEnmityObject->CE = dsp_cap(CE * bonus * tranquilHeartReduction, 1, 10000);
            PEnmityObject->VE = dsp_cap(VE * bonus * tranquilHeartReduction, 0, 10000);
            PEnmityObject->PEnmityOwner = PEntity;
            PEnmityObject->maxTH = 0;

            m_EnmityList.insert(PEnmity, EnmityList_t::value_type(PEntity->id, PEnmityObject));
void CEnmityContainer::UpdateEnmityFromAttack(CBattleEntity* PEntity, uint16 Damage)
	if (m_EnmityList.lower_bound(PEntity->id) == m_EnmityList.end())
    float reduction = (100.f - dsp_min(PEntity->getMod(MOD_ENMITY_LOSS_REDUCTION), 100)) / 100.0f;
    UpdateEnmity(PEntity, -(1800 * Damage / PEntity->GetMaxHP()) * reduction, 0);
void CEnmityContainer::UpdateEnmityFromDamage(CBattleEntity* PEntity, uint16 Damage)
    Damage = (Damage < 1 ? 1 : Damage);

    uint16 mod = battleutils::GetEnmityModDamage(PEntity->GetMLevel()); //default fallback

    if (m_EnmityHolder != nullptr) {//use the correct mod value
        mod = battleutils::GetEnmityModDamage(m_EnmityHolder->GetMLevel());

    uint16 CE = (80.0f / mod) * Damage;
    uint16 VE = (240.0f / mod) * Damage;

    UpdateEnmity(PEntity, CE, VE);
void CEnmityContainer::LowerEnmityByPercent(CBattleEntity* PEntity, uint8 percent, CBattleEntity* HateReceiver)

    EnmityList_t::iterator PEnmity = m_EnmityList.lower_bound(PEntity->id);

    // current highest enmity before this update
    CBattleEntity* OldEntity = GetHighestEnmity();

    if (PEnmity != m_EnmityList.end() &&
        !m_EnmityList.key_comp()(PEntity->id, PEnmity->first))
        float mod = ((float)(percent) / 100.0f);

        int32 CEValue = (float)(PEnmity->second->CE * mod);
        PEnmity->second->CE -= (CEValue < 0 ? 0 : CEValue);

        int32 VEValue = (float)(PEnmity->second->VE * mod);
        PEnmity->second->VE -= (VEValue < 0 ? 0 : VEValue);

        // transfer hate if HateReceiver not nullptr
        if (HateReceiver != nullptr)
            UpdateEnmity(HateReceiver, 0, 0);
            EnmityList_t::iterator PEnmityReceiver = m_EnmityList.lower_bound(HateReceiver->id);
            PEnmityReceiver->second->CE = dsp_cap(PEnmityReceiver->second->CE + CEValue,1,10000);
            PEnmityReceiver->second->VE = dsp_cap(PEnmityReceiver->second->VE + VEValue,0,10000);

    // highest enmity holder after this update
    CBattleEntity* NewEntity = GetHighestEnmity();

    // PEntity is now the target, face the target
    if (OldEntity != NewEntity && !m_EnmityHolder->isAsleep())
        if ((m_EnmityHolder->objtype == TYPE_MOB && !(((CMobEntity*)m_EnmityHolder)->m_Behaviour & BEHAVIOUR_NO_TURN)) || m_EnmityHolder->objtype != TYPE_MOB)
            uint8 angle = getangle(m_EnmityHolder->loc.p, NewEntity->loc.p);
            m_EnmityHolder->loc.p.rotation = angle;
            m_EnmityHolder->loc.zone->PushPacket(m_EnmityHolder, CHAR_INRANGE, new CEntityUpdatePacket(m_EnmityHolder, ENTITY_UPDATE, UPDATE_POS));
void CEnmityContainer::UpdateEnmityFromDamage(CBattleEntity* PEntity, uint16 Damage)
	// Crash fix, PEntity was in ACTION_FALL
	if (PEntity->PBattleAI->GetCurrentAction() == ACTION_FALL)

	Damage = (Damage < 1 ? 1 : Damage);

	uint16 mod = battleutils::GetEnmityMod(PEntity->GetMLevel(), 1); //default fallback

	if(m_EnmityHolder != NULL) {//use the correct mod value
		mod = battleutils::GetEnmityMod(m_EnmityHolder->GetMLevel(), 1);

	uint16 CE =  (80.0f / mod) * Damage;
	uint16 VE = (240.0f / mod) * Damage;

	UpdateEnmity(PEntity, CE, VE);
void CEnmityContainer::LowerEnmityByPercent(CBattleEntity* PEntity, uint8 percent, CBattleEntity* HateReceiver)

	EnmityList_t::iterator PEnmity = m_EnmityList.lower_bound(PEntity->id);

	// current highest enmity before this update
	CBattleEntity* OldEntity = GetHighestEnmity();

    if( PEnmity != m_EnmityList.end() &&
       !m_EnmityList.key_comp()(PEntity->id, PEnmity->first))
		float mod = ((float)(percent)/100.0f);

		int32 CEValue = (float)(PEnmity->second->CE * mod);
        PEnmity->second->CE -= (CEValue < 0 ? 0 : CEValue);

		int32 VEValue = (float)(PEnmity->second->VE * mod);
		PEnmity->second->VE -= (VEValue < 0 ? 0 : VEValue);

		// transfer hate if HateReceiver not null
		if (HateReceiver != NULL)
			EnmityList_t::iterator PEnmityReceiver = m_EnmityList.lower_bound(HateReceiver->id);
			PEnmityReceiver->second->CE += CEValue;
			PEnmityReceiver->second->VE += VEValue;

	// highest enmity holder after this update
	CBattleEntity* NewEntity = GetHighestEnmity();

	// PEntity is now the target, face the target
	if (OldEntity != NewEntity && !m_EnmityHolder->isAsleep())
		uint8 angle = getangle(m_EnmityHolder->loc.p, NewEntity->loc.p);
		m_EnmityHolder->loc.p.rotation = angle;
		m_EnmityHolder->loc.zone->PushPacket(m_EnmityHolder,CHAR_INRANGE, new CEntityUpdatePacket(m_EnmityHolder, ENTITY_UPDATE));
void CEnmityContainer::LowerEnmityByPercent(CBattleEntity* PEntity, uint8 percent, CBattleEntity* HateReceiver)

    auto enmity_obj = m_EnmityList.find(PEntity->id);

    if (enmity_obj != m_EnmityList.end())
        float mod = ((float)(percent) / 100.0f);

        int32 CEValue = (float)(enmity_obj->second.CE * mod);
        enmity_obj->second.CE -= (CEValue < 0 ? 0 : CEValue);

        int32 VEValue = (float)(enmity_obj->second.VE * mod);
        enmity_obj->second.VE -= (VEValue < 0 ? 0 : VEValue);

        // transfer hate if HateReceiver not nullptr
        if (HateReceiver != nullptr)
            UpdateEnmity(HateReceiver, CEValue, VEValue);
void CEnmityContainer::UpdateEnmity(CBattleEntity* PEntity, int16 CE, int16 VE, bool withMaster)
	// you're too far away so i'm ignoring you
		CE = 0;
		VE = 0;

	// Crash fix, PEntity was in ACTION_FALL
	if (PEntity->PBattleAI->GetCurrentAction() == ACTION_FALL)

    EnmityList_t::iterator PEnmity = m_EnmityList.lower_bound(PEntity->id);

    // current highest enmity before this update
    CBattleEntity* OldEntity = GetHighestEnmity();

    if( PEnmity != m_EnmityList.end() &&
       !m_EnmityList.key_comp()(PEntity->id, PEnmity->first))
        int8 enmityBonus = 0;
        if (PEntity->objtype & TYPE_PC)
            enmityBonus = ((CCharEntity*)PEntity)->PMeritPoints->GetMeritValue(MERIT_ENMITY_INCREASE, (CCharEntity*)PEntity) -
                ((CCharEntity*)PEntity)->PMeritPoints->GetMeritValue(MERIT_ENMITY_DECREASE, (CCharEntity*)PEntity);
        float bonus = (100.0f + dsp_cap(PEntity->getMod(MOD_ENMITY)+enmityBonus, -50, 100)) / 100.0f;

        PEnmity->second->CE += CE * bonus;
        PEnmity->second->VE += VE * bonus;

        //Check for cap limit
        PEnmity->second->CE = dsp_cap(PEnmity->second->CE, 1, 10000);
        PEnmity->second->VE = dsp_cap(PEnmity->second->VE, 1, 10000);
        EnmityObject_t* PEnmityObject = new EnmityObject_t;

		int8 enmityBonus = 0;
		if (PEntity->objtype & TYPE_PC)
            enmityBonus = ((CCharEntity*)PEntity)->PMeritPoints->GetMeritValue(MERIT_ENMITY_INCREASE, (CCharEntity*)PEntity) -
                ((CCharEntity*)PEntity)->PMeritPoints->GetMeritValue(MERIT_ENMITY_DECREASE, (CCharEntity*)PEntity);
		float bonus = (100.0f + dsp_cap(PEntity->getMod(MOD_ENMITY)+enmityBonus, -50, 100)) / 100.0f;

        PEnmityObject->CE = CE * bonus;
        PEnmityObject->VE = VE * bonus;
        PEnmityObject->PEnmityOwner = PEntity;

        m_EnmityList.insert(PEnmity, EnmityList_t::value_type(PEntity->id, PEnmityObject));

        if(withMaster && PEntity->PMaster != NULL)
			//add master to the enmity list
			//add master to the enmity list (charmed mob)
        	if(PEntity->objtype == TYPE_PET || PEntity->objtype == TYPE_MOB && PEntity->PMaster!=NULL && PEntity->PMaster->objtype == TYPE_PC)
        		UpdateEnmity(PEntity->PMaster, 0, 0);

void CEnmityContainer::AddBaseEnmity(CBattleEntity* PChar)
    UpdateEnmity(PChar, 1, 1);
void CEnmityContainer::UpdateEnmityFromAttack(CBattleEntity* PEntity, uint16 Damage)
    UpdateEnmity(PEntity, -(1800 * Damage / PEntity->GetMaxHP()), 0);
void CEnmityContainer::AddLinkEnmity(CBattleEntity* PEntity)
    UpdateEnmity(PEntity, 1, 1, false);
void CEnmityContainer::AddAggroEnmity(CBattleEntity* PEntity)
    UpdateEnmity(PEntity, 0, 0, true, true);
void CEnmityContainer::UpdateEnmity(CBattleEntity* PEntity, int16 CE, int16 VE, bool withMaster, bool aggroEnmity)
    // you're too far away so i'm ignoring you
    if (!IsWithinEnmityRange(PEntity))
        CE = 0;
        VE = 0;

    auto PMob = dynamic_cast<CMobEntity*>(m_EnmityHolder);
    if (PMob && PMob->m_HiPCLvl < PEntity->GetMLevel())
        PMob->m_HiPCLvl = PEntity->GetMLevel();

    EnmityList_t::iterator PEnmity = m_EnmityList.lower_bound(PEntity->id);

    // current highest enmity before this update
    CBattleEntity* OldEntity = GetHighestEnmity();

    if (PEnmity != m_EnmityList.end() &&
        !m_EnmityList.key_comp()(PEntity->id, PEnmity->first))
        float bonus = CalculateEnmityBonus(PEntity);

        if (PEnmity->second->CE == 0 && CE + VE <= 0)

        int newCE = PEnmity->second->CE + ((CE > 0) ? CE * bonus : CE);
        int newVE = PEnmity->second->VE + ((VE > 0) ? VE * bonus : VE);

        //Check for cap limit
        PEnmity->second->CE = dsp_cap(newCE, 1, 10000);
        PEnmity->second->VE = dsp_cap(newVE, 0, 10000);
        PEnmity->second->isAggroEnmity = aggroEnmity;

        if (CE + VE > 0 && PEntity->getMod(MOD_TREASURE_HUNTER) > PEnmity->second->maxTH)
            PEnmity->second->maxTH = (uint8)(PEntity->getMod(MOD_TREASURE_HUNTER));
    else if (CE >= 0 && VE >= 0)
        EnmityObject_t* PEnmityObject = new EnmityObject_t;

        bool initial = true;
        for (auto&& enmityObject : m_EnmityList)
            if (enmityObject.second->CE > 0 || enmityObject.second->VE > 0)
                initial = false;
        if (initial) CE += 200;
        float bonus = CalculateEnmityBonus(PEntity);

        PEnmityObject->CE = dsp_cap(CE * bonus, 0, 10000);
        PEnmityObject->VE = dsp_cap(VE * bonus, 0, 10000);
        PEnmityObject->PEnmityOwner = PEntity;
        PEnmityObject->isAggroEnmity = aggroEnmity;

        if (CE + VE > 0)
            PEnmityObject->maxTH = (uint8)(PEntity->getMod(MOD_TREASURE_HUNTER));
            PEnmityObject->maxTH = 0;

        m_EnmityList.insert(PEnmity, EnmityList_t::value_type(PEntity->id, PEnmityObject));

        if (withMaster && PEntity->PMaster != nullptr)
            //add master to the enmity list
            //add master to the enmity list (charmed mob)
            if (PEntity->objtype == TYPE_PET || PEntity->objtype == TYPE_MOB && PEntity->PMaster != nullptr && PEntity->PMaster->objtype == TYPE_PC)
                UpdateEnmity(PEntity->PMaster, 0, 0);
Exemple #15
void CEnmityContainer::UpdateEnmity(CBattleEntity* PEntity, int16 CE, int16 VE, bool withMaster)
	// you're too far away so i'm ignoring you
		CE = 0;
		VE = 0;

	// Crash fix, PEntity was in ACTION_FALL
	if (PEntity->PBattleAI->GetCurrentAction() == ACTION_FALL)

    EnmityList_t::iterator PEnmity = m_EnmityList.lower_bound(PEntity->id);

    // current highest enmity before this update
    CBattleEntity* OldEntity = GetHighestEnmity();

    if( PEnmity != m_EnmityList.end() &&
       !m_EnmityList.key_comp()(PEntity->id, PEnmity->first))
        float bonus = CalculateEnmityBonus(PEntity);

        if (PEnmity->second->CE == 0 && CE + VE <= 0)

        PEnmity->second->CE += CE > 0 ? CE * bonus : CE;
        PEnmity->second->VE += VE > 0 ? VE * bonus : VE;

        //Check for cap limit
        PEnmity->second->CE = dsp_cap(PEnmity->second->CE, 1, 10000);
        PEnmity->second->VE = dsp_cap(PEnmity->second->VE, 0, 10000);
        if (CE + VE > 0 && PEntity->getMod(MOD_TREASURE_HUNTER) > PEnmity->second->maxTH)
            PEnmity->second->maxTH = (uint8)(PEntity->getMod(MOD_TREASURE_HUNTER));
    else if (CE >= 0 && VE >= 0)
        EnmityObject_t* PEnmityObject = new EnmityObject_t;

		float bonus = CalculateEnmityBonus(PEntity);

        PEnmityObject->CE = CE * bonus;
        PEnmityObject->VE = VE * bonus;
        PEnmityObject->PEnmityOwner = PEntity;
        if (CE + VE > 0)
            PEnmityObject->maxTH = (uint8)(PEntity->getMod(MOD_TREASURE_HUNTER));
            PEnmityObject->maxTH = 0;

        m_EnmityList.insert(PEnmity, EnmityList_t::value_type(PEntity->id, PEnmityObject));

        if(withMaster && PEntity->PMaster != NULL)
			//add master to the enmity list
			//add master to the enmity list (charmed mob)
        	if(PEntity->objtype == TYPE_PET || PEntity->objtype == TYPE_MOB && PEntity->PMaster!=NULL && PEntity->PMaster->objtype == TYPE_PC)
        		UpdateEnmity(PEntity->PMaster, 0, 0);