Exemple #1
void Amesos_Mumps::SetICNTLandCNTL()
  std::map<int,int>::iterator i_iter;
  for (i_iter = ICNTL.begin() ; i_iter != ICNTL.end() ; ++i_iter)
    int pos = i_iter->first;
    int val = i_iter->second;
    if (pos < 1 || pos > 40) continue;
    MDS.ICNTL(pos) = val;

  std::map<int,double>::iterator d_iter;
  for (d_iter = CNTL.begin() ; d_iter != CNTL.end() ; ++d_iter)
    int pos = d_iter->first;
    double val = d_iter->second;
    if (pos < 1 || pos > 5) continue;
    MDS.CNTL(pos) = val;

  // fix some options
  if (Comm().NumProc() != 1) MDS.ICNTL(18)= 3;
  else                       MDS.ICNTL(18)= 0;
  if (UseTranspose())  MDS.ICNTL(9) = 0; 
  else                 MDS.ICNTL(9) = 1;
  MDS.ICNTL(5) = 0;

#if 0
  if (IsComputeSchurComplementOK_) MDS.ICNTL(19) = 1;
  else                             MDS.ICNTL(19) = 0;

  // something to do if the Schur complement is required.
  if (IsComputeSchurComplementOK_ && Comm().MyPID() == 0) 
    MDS.size_schur = NumSchurComplementRows_;
    MDS.listvar_schur = SchurComplementRows_;
    MDS.schur = new double[NumSchurComplementRows_*NumSchurComplementRows_];
int Ifpack_Chebyshev::
Apply(const Epetra_MultiVector& X, Epetra_MultiVector& Y) const
  if (IsComputed() == false)

  if (X.NumVectors() != Y.NumVectors())

  if (IsRowMatrix_)

Exemple #3
int Amesos_Umfpack::Solve() 
  // if necessary, perform numeric factorization. 
  // This may call SymbolicFactorization() as well.
  if (!IsNumericFactorizationOK_)


  Epetra_MultiVector* vecX = Problem_->GetLHS(); 
  Epetra_MultiVector* vecB = Problem_->GetRHS(); 

  if ((vecX == 0) || (vecB == 0))

  int NumVectors = vecX->NumVectors(); 
  if (NumVectors != vecB->NumVectors())

  Epetra_MultiVector *SerialB, *SerialX; 

  //  Extract Serial versions of X and B 
  double *SerialXvalues ;
  double *SerialBvalues ;

  Epetra_MultiVector* SerialXextract = 0;
  Epetra_MultiVector* SerialBextract = 0;
  //  Copy B to the serial version of B
  if (IsLocal_ == 1) { 
    SerialB = vecB ; 
    SerialX = vecX ; 
  } else { 
    assert (IsLocal_ == 0);
    SerialXextract = new Epetra_MultiVector(SerialMap(),NumVectors); 
    SerialBextract = new Epetra_MultiVector(SerialMap(),NumVectors); 

    SerialB = SerialBextract; 
    SerialX = SerialXextract; 

  VecRedistTime_ = AddTime("Total vector redistribution time", VecRedistTime_, 0);
  //  Call UMFPACK to perform the solve
  //  Note:  UMFPACK uses a Compressed Column Storage instead of compressed row storage, 
  //  Hence to compute A X = B, we ask UMFPACK to perform A^T X = B and vice versa

  OverheadTime_ = AddTime("Total Amesos overhead time", OverheadTime_, 1);


  int SerialBlda, SerialXlda ; 
  int UmfpackRequest = UseTranspose()?UMFPACK_A:UMFPACK_At ;
  int status = 0;

  if ( MyPID_ == 0 ) {
    int ierr;
    ierr = SerialB->ExtractView(&SerialBvalues, &SerialBlda);
    assert (ierr == 0);
    ierr = SerialX->ExtractView(&SerialXvalues, &SerialXlda);
    assert (ierr == 0);
    assert( SerialBlda == NumGlobalElements_ ) ; 
    assert( SerialXlda == NumGlobalElements_ ) ; 
    for ( int j =0 ; j < NumVectors; j++ ) { 
      double *Control = (double *) NULL, *Info = (double *) NULL ;

      status = umfpack_di_solve (UmfpackRequest, &Ap[0], 
				     &Ai[0], &Aval[0], 
				     Numeric, Control, Info) ;
  if (status) AMESOS_CHK_ERR(status);

  SolveTime_ = AddTime("Total solve time", SolveTime_, 0);
  //  Copy X back to the original vector

  if ( IsLocal_ == 0 ) {
    vecX->Export(*SerialX, Importer(), Insert ) ;
    if (SerialBextract) delete SerialBextract ;
    if (SerialXextract) delete SerialXextract ;

  VecRedistTime_ = AddTime("Total vector redistribution time", VecRedistTime_, 0);

  if (ComputeTrueResidual_)
    Epetra_RowMatrix* Matrix = 
    ComputeTrueResidual(*Matrix, *vecX, *vecB, UseTranspose(), "Amesos_Umfpack");

  if (ComputeVectorNorms_) {
    ComputeVectorNorms(*vecX, *vecB, "Amesos_Umfpack");


  OverheadTime_ = AddTime("Total Amesos overhead time", OverheadTime_, 1); // Amesos overhead

int Amesos_Scalapack::Solve() { 
  if( debug_ == 1 ) std::cout << "Entering `Solve()'" << std::endl;
  Epetra_MultiVector   *vecX = Problem_->GetLHS() ; 
  Epetra_MultiVector   *vecB = Problem_->GetRHS() ; 
  //  Compute the number of right hands sides 
  //  (and check that X and B have the same shape) 
  int nrhs; 
  if ( vecX == 0 ) { 
    nrhs = 0 ;
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( vecB != 0 ) ; 
  } else { 
    nrhs = vecX->NumVectors() ; 
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( vecB->NumVectors() != nrhs ) ; 
  Epetra_MultiVector *ScalapackB =0;
  Epetra_MultiVector *ScalapackX =0;
  //  Extract Scalapack versions of X and B 
  double *ScalapackXvalues ;
  Epetra_RowMatrix *RowMatrixA = dynamic_cast<Epetra_RowMatrix *>(Problem_->GetOperator());
  Time_->ResetStartTime(); // track time to broadcast vectors
  //  Copy B to the scalapack version of B
  const Epetra_Map &OriginalMap = RowMatrixA->RowMatrixRowMap();
  Epetra_MultiVector *ScalapackXextract = new Epetra_MultiVector( *VectorMap_, nrhs ) ; 
  Epetra_MultiVector *ScalapackBextract = new Epetra_MultiVector( *VectorMap_, nrhs ) ; 
  Epetra_Import ImportToScalapack( *VectorMap_, OriginalMap );
  ScalapackBextract->Import( *vecB, ImportToScalapack, Insert ) ;
  ScalapackB = ScalapackBextract ; 
  ScalapackX = ScalapackXextract ; 
  VecTime_ += Time_->ElapsedTime();
  //  Call SCALAPACKs PDGETRS to perform the solve
  int DescX[10];  
  ScalapackX->Scale(1.0, *ScalapackB) ;  
  int ScalapackXlda ; 
  Time_->ResetStartTime(); // tract time to solve
  //  Setup DescX 
  if( nrhs > nb_ ) {
    EPETRA_CHK_ERR( -2 );  
  int Ierr[1] ; 
  Ierr[0] = 0 ; 
  const int zero = 0 ; 
  const int one = 1 ; 
  if ( iam_ < nprow_ * npcol_ ) {
    assert( ScalapackX->ExtractView( &ScalapackXvalues, &ScalapackXlda ) == 0 ) ; 
    if ( false ) std::cout << "Amesos_Scalapack.cpp: " << __LINE__ << " ScalapackXlda = "  <<  ScalapackXlda 
		      << " lda_ = "  << lda_ 
		      << " nprow_ = "  << nprow_ 
		      << " npcol_ = "  << npcol_ 
		      << " myprow_ = "  << myprow_ 
		      << " mypcol_ = "  << mypcol_ 
		      << " iam_ = "  << iam_ << std::endl ;
    if (  TwoD_distribution_ )    assert( mypcol_ >0 || EPETRA_MAX(ScalapackXlda,1) == lda_ ) ; 
		 Ierr ) ;
    assert( Ierr[0] == 0 ) ; 
    //  For the 1D data distribution, we factor the transposed 
    //  matrix, hence we must invert the sense of the transposition
    char trans = 'N';
    if ( TwoD_distribution_ ) {
      if ( UseTranspose() ) trans = 'T' ;
    } else {
      if ( ! UseTranspose() ) trans = 'T' ;
    if ( nprow_ * npcol_ == 1 ) { 
		 Ierr ) ;
    } else { 
		  Ierr ) ;
  SolTime_ += Time_->ElapsedTime();
  Time_->ResetStartTime();  // track time to broadcast vectors
  //  Copy X back to the original vector
  Epetra_Import ImportFromScalapack( OriginalMap, *VectorMap_ );
  vecX->Import( *ScalapackX, ImportFromScalapack, Insert ) ;
  delete ScalapackBextract ;
  delete ScalapackXextract ;
  VecTime_ += Time_->ElapsedTime();
  //  All processes should return the same error code
  if ( nprow_ * npcol_ < Comm().NumProc() ) 
    Comm().Broadcast( Ierr, 1, 0 ) ; 
  // MS // compute vector norms
  if( ComputeVectorNorms_ == true || verbose_ == 2 ) {
    double NormLHS, NormRHS;
    for( int i=0 ; i<nrhs ; ++i ) {
      if( verbose_ && Comm().MyPID() == 0 ) {
	std::cout << "Amesos_Scalapack : vector " << i << ", ||x|| = " << NormLHS
	     << ", ||b|| = " << NormRHS << std::endl;
  // MS // compute true residual
  if( ComputeTrueResidual_ == true || verbose_ == 2  ) {
    double Norm;
    Epetra_MultiVector Ax(vecB->Map(),nrhs);
    for( int i=0 ; i<nrhs ; ++i ) {
      (Problem_->GetMatrix()->Multiply(UseTranspose(), *((*vecX)(i)), Ax));
      (Ax.Update(1.0, *((*vecB)(i)), -1.0));
      if( verbose_ && Comm().MyPID() == 0 ) {
	std::cout << "Amesos_Scalapack : vector " << i << ", ||Ax - b|| = " << Norm << std::endl;
  return Ierr[0];
Exemple #5
int Amesos_Klu::Solve() 
  Epetra_MultiVector* vecX = 0 ;
  Epetra_MultiVector* vecB = 0 ;

  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_MultiVector> vecX_rcp;
  Teuchos::RCP<Epetra_MultiVector> vecB_rcp;
#ifdef Bug_8212
  //  This demonstrates Bug #2812 - Valgrind does not catch this
  //  memory leak
  lose_this_ = (int *) malloc( 300 ) ;
#ifdef Bug_8212_B
  //  This demonstrates Bug #2812 - Valgrind does catch this
  //  use of unitialized data - but only in TestOptions/TestOptions.exe 
  //  not in Test_Basic/amesos_test.exe 	
    if ( lose_this_[0] == 12834 ) { 
	     std::cout << __FILE__ << "::"  << __LINE__ << " very unlikely to happen " << std::endl ; 

  if ( !TrustMe_  ) { 

    SerialB_ = Teuchos::rcp(Problem_->GetRHS(),false);
    SerialX_ = Teuchos::rcp(Problem_->GetLHS(),false);
    Epetra_MultiVector* OrigVecX ;
    Epetra_MultiVector* OrigVecB ;

    if (IsNumericFactorizationOK_ == false)
    //  Reindex the LHS and RHS 
    OrigVecX = Problem_->GetLHS() ;
    OrigVecB = Problem_->GetRHS() ;
    if ( Reindex_ ) { 
      vecX_rcp = StdIndexDomain_->StandardizeIndex( *OrigVecX ) ;
      vecB_rcp = StdIndexRange_->StandardizeIndex( *OrigVecB ) ;

      vecX = &*vecX_rcp;
      vecB = &*vecB_rcp;
      AMESOS_CHK_ERR( -13 ) ; // Amesos_Klu can't handle non-standard indexing without EpetraExt 
    } else {
      vecX = OrigVecX ;
      vecB = OrigVecB ;
    if ((vecX == 0) || (vecB == 0))
      AMESOS_CHK_ERR(-1); // something wrong in input
    //  Extract Serial versions of X and B

    //  Copy B to the serial version of B
    if (UseDataInPlace_ == 1) {
         SerialX_ = Teuchos::rcp(vecX,false);
         SerialX_ = vecX_rcp;

         SerialB_ = Teuchos::rcp(vecB,false);
         SerialB_ = vecB_rcp;
      SerialB_ = Teuchos::rcp(vecB,false);
      SerialX_ = Teuchos::rcp(vecX,false);
      NumVectors_ = Problem_->GetRHS()->NumVectors() ; 
    } else {
      assert (UseDataInPlace_ == 0);
      if( NumVectors_ != Problem_->GetRHS()->NumVectors() ) {
	NumVectors_ = Problem_->GetRHS()->NumVectors() ; 
	SerialXextract_ = rcp( new Epetra_MultiVector(*SerialMap_,NumVectors_));
	SerialBextract_ = rcp (new Epetra_MultiVector(*SerialMap_,NumVectors_));
      if (NumVectors_ != vecB->NumVectors())
	AMESOS_CHK_ERR(-1); // internal error 
      //ImportRangeToSerial_ = rcp(new Epetra_Import ( *SerialMap_, vecB->Map() ) );
      //if ( SerialBextract_->Import(*vecB,*ImportRangeToSerial_,Insert) )
      Epetra_Import *UseImport;
      if(!UseTranspose_) UseImport=&*ImportRangeToSerial_;
      else UseImport=&*ImportDomainToSerial_;      
      if ( SerialBextract_->Import(*vecB,*UseImport,Insert) )
	AMESOS_CHK_ERR( -1 ) ; // internal error
      SerialB_ = Teuchos::rcp(&*SerialBextract_,false) ;
      SerialX_ = Teuchos::rcp(&*SerialXextract_,false) ;
    VecRedistTime_ = AddTime("Total vector redistribution time", VecRedistTime_, 0);

    //  Call KLU to perform the solve
    if (MyPID_ == 0) {
      AMESOS_CHK_ERR(SerialB_->ExtractView(&SerialBvalues_,&SerialXlda_ ));
      AMESOS_CHK_ERR(SerialX_->ExtractView(&SerialXBvalues_,&SerialXlda_ ));
      if (SerialXlda_ != NumGlobalElements_)

    OverheadTime_ = AddTime("Total Amesos overhead time", OverheadTime_, 1);
     SerialB_ = Teuchos::rcp(Problem_->GetRHS(),false) ;
     SerialX_ = Teuchos::rcp(Problem_->GetLHS(),false) ;
     NumVectors_ = SerialX_->NumVectors();
    if (MyPID_ == 0) {
      AMESOS_CHK_ERR(SerialB_->ExtractView(&SerialBvalues_,&SerialXlda_ ));
      AMESOS_CHK_ERR(SerialX_->ExtractView(&SerialXBvalues_,&SerialXlda_ ));

  if ( MyPID_ == 0) {
    if ( NumVectors_ == 1 ) {
      for ( int i = 0 ; i < NumGlobalElements_ ; i++ ) 
	SerialXBvalues_[i] = SerialBvalues_[i] ;
    } else {
      SerialX_->Scale(1.0, *SerialB_ ) ;    // X = B (Klu overwrites B with X)
    if (UseTranspose()) {
      amesos_klu_solve( &*PrivateKluData_->Symbolic_, &*PrivateKluData_->Numeric_,
			SerialXlda_, NumVectors_, &SerialXBvalues_[0], &*PrivateKluData_->common_ );
    } else {
      amesos_klu_tsolve( &*PrivateKluData_->Symbolic_, &*PrivateKluData_->Numeric_,
			 SerialXlda_, NumVectors_, &SerialXBvalues_[0], &*PrivateKluData_->common_ );

  if ( !TrustMe_ ) {
    SolveTime_ = AddTime("Total solve time", SolveTime_, 0);
    //  Copy X back to the original vector
    if (UseDataInPlace_ == 0) {
      Epetra_Import *UseImport;
      if(!UseTranspose_) UseImport=&*ImportDomainToSerial_;
      else UseImport=&*ImportRangeToSerial_;      
      //        ImportDomainToSerial_ = rcp(new Epetra_Import ( *SerialMap_, vecX->Map() ) );
      vecX->Export( *SerialX_, *UseImport, Insert ) ;
    } // otherwise we are already in place.
    VecRedistTime_ = AddTime("Total vector redistribution time", VecRedistTime_, 0);
#if 0
    //  ComputeTrueResidual causes TestOptions to fail on my linux box 
    //  Bug #1417
    if (ComputeTrueResidual_)
      ComputeTrueResidual(*SerialMatrix_, *vecX, *vecB, UseTranspose(), "Amesos_Klu");
    if (ComputeVectorNorms_)
      ComputeVectorNorms(*vecX, *vecB, "Amesos_Klu");
    OverheadTime_ = AddTime("Total Amesos overhead time", OverheadTime_, 1);
  return(0) ;
Exemple #6
int Amesos_Klu::CreateLocalMatrixAndExporters() 

  RowMatrixA_ = Problem_->GetMatrix(); // MS, 18-Apr-06 //
  if (RowMatrixA_ == 0) AMESOS_CHK_ERR(-1);

  const Epetra_Map &OriginalMatrixMap = RowMatrixA_->RowMatrixRowMap() ;
  const Epetra_Map &OriginalDomainMap = 
  const Epetra_Map &OriginalRangeMap = 

  NumGlobalElements_ = RowMatrixA_->NumGlobalRows();
  numentries_ = RowMatrixA_->NumGlobalNonzeros();
  int indexBase = OriginalMatrixMap.IndexBase();
  assert( NumGlobalElements_ == RowMatrixA_->NumGlobalCols() );

  //  Create a serial matrix
  assert( NumGlobalElements_ == OriginalMatrixMap.NumGlobalElements() ) ;
  int NumMyElements_ = 0 ;
  if (MyPID_==0) NumMyElements_ = NumGlobalElements_;
  //  UseDataInPlace_ is set to 1 (true) only if everything is perfectly
  //  normal.  Anything out of the ordinary reverts to the more expensive
  //  path. 
  UseDataInPlace_ = ( OriginalMatrixMap.NumMyElements() ==
	       OriginalMatrixMap.NumGlobalElements() )?1:0;
  if ( ! OriginalRangeMap.SameAs( OriginalMatrixMap ) ) UseDataInPlace_ = 0 ; 
  if ( ! OriginalDomainMap.SameAs( OriginalMatrixMap ) ) UseDataInPlace_ = 0 ; 
  if ( AddZeroToDiag_ ) UseDataInPlace_ = 0 ; 
  Comm().Broadcast( &UseDataInPlace_, 1, 0 ) ;

  //  Reindex matrix if necessary (and possible - i.e. CrsMatrix)
  //  For now, since I don't know how to determine if we need to reindex the matrix, 
  //  we allow the user to control re-indexing through the "Reindex" parameter.
  CrsMatrixA_ = dynamic_cast<Epetra_CrsMatrix *>(Problem_->GetOperator());

  if  ( Reindex_ ) {
    if ( CrsMatrixA_ == 0 ) AMESOS_CHK_ERR(-7);
    const Epetra_Map& OriginalMap = CrsMatrixA_->RowMap();
    StdIndex_ = rcp( new Amesos_StandardIndex( OriginalMap  ) );
    //const Epetra_Map& OriginalColMap = CrsMatrixA_->RowMap();
    StdIndexDomain_ = rcp( new Amesos_StandardIndex( OriginalDomainMap  ) );
    StdIndexRange_ = rcp( new Amesos_StandardIndex( OriginalRangeMap  ) );

    StdIndexMatrix_ = StdIndex_->StandardizeIndex( CrsMatrixA_ );
    std::cerr << "Amesos_Klu requires EpetraExt to reindex matrices." << std::endl 
	 <<  " Please rebuild with the EpetraExt library by adding --enable-epetraext to your configure invocation" << std::endl ;
  } else { 
    StdIndexMatrix_ = RowMatrixA_ ;

  //  At this point, StdIndexMatrix_ points to a matrix with 
  //  standard indexing.  

  //  Convert Original Matrix to Serial (if it is not already)
  if (UseDataInPlace_ == 1) {
    SerialMatrix_ = StdIndexMatrix_;
  } else {
    SerialMap_ = rcp(new Epetra_Map(NumGlobalElements_, NumMyElements_, indexBase, Comm()));
    if ( Problem_->GetRHS() ) 
      NumVectors_ = Problem_->GetRHS()->NumVectors() ; 
      NumVectors_ = 1 ; 
    SerialXextract_ = rcp( new Epetra_MultiVector(*SerialMap_,NumVectors_));
    SerialBextract_ = rcp (new Epetra_MultiVector(*SerialMap_,NumVectors_));

    ImportToSerial_ = rcp(new Epetra_Import ( *SerialMap_, StdIndexMatrix_->RowMatrixRowMap() ) );

    if (ImportToSerial_.get() == 0) AMESOS_CHK_ERR(-9);

    // Build the vector data import/export once and only once
#define CHRIS
#ifdef CHRIS
      ImportRangeToSerial_ = rcp(new Epetra_Import ( *SerialMap_, StdIndexMatrix_->OperatorRangeMap() ) );

      ImportDomainToSerial_ = rcp(new Epetra_Import ( *SerialMap_, StdIndexMatrix_->OperatorDomainMap() ) );
    SerialCrsMatrixA_ = rcp( new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, *SerialMap_, 0) ) ;
    SerialMatrix_ = &*SerialCrsMatrixA_ ;

  MtxRedistTime_ = AddTime("Total matrix redistribution time", MtxRedistTime_, 0);

int Ifpack_ReorderFilter::
Apply(const Epetra_MultiVector& X, Epetra_MultiVector& Y) const
  int ierr = Multiply(UseTranspose(),X,Y);
int Ifpack_DropFilter::
Apply(const Epetra_MultiVector& X, Epetra_MultiVector& Y) const
Exemple #9
int Amesos_Mumps::Solve()
  if (IsNumericFactorizationOK_ == false)

  Epetra_MultiVector* vecX = Problem_->GetLHS(); 
  Epetra_MultiVector* vecB = Problem_->GetRHS();
  int NumVectors = vecX->NumVectors();

  if ((vecX == 0) || (vecB == 0))

  if (NumVectors != vecB->NumVectors())

  if (Comm().NumProc() == 1) 
    // do not import any data
    for (int j = 0 ; j < NumVectors; j++) 

      MDS.job = 3;     // Request solve

      for (int i = 0 ; i < Matrix().NumMyRows() ; ++i) 
	(*vecX)[j][i] = (*vecB)[j][i];
      MDS.rhs = (*vecX)[j];

      dmumps_c(&(MDS)) ;  // Perform solve
      static_cast<void>( CheckError( ) );   // Can hang 
      SolveTime_ = AddTime("Total solve time", SolveTime_);
    Epetra_MultiVector SerialVector(SerialMap(),NumVectors);

    VecRedistTime_ = AddTime("Total vector redistribution time", VecRedistTime_);
    for (int j = 0 ; j < NumVectors; j++) 
      if (Comm().MyPID() == 0)
	MDS.rhs = SerialVector[j];

      // solve the linear system and take time
      MDS.job = 3;     
      if (Comm().MyPID() < MaxProcs_) 
	dmumps_c(&(MDS)) ;  // Perform solve
      static_cast<void>( CheckError( ) );   // Can hang 

      SolveTime_ = AddTime("Total solve time", SolveTime_);

    // ship solution back and take timing
    VecRedistTime_ = AddTime("Total vector redistribution time", VecRedistTime_);

  if (ComputeTrueResidual_)
    ComputeTrueResidual(Matrix(), *vecX, *vecB, UseTranspose(), "Amesos_Mumps");

  if (ComputeVectorNorms_)
    ComputeVectorNorms(*vecX, *vecB, "Amesos_Mumps");

  return(0) ; 
int Amesos_Paraklete::Solve() 
  Epetra_MultiVector* vecX=0;
  Epetra_MultiVector* vecB=0;

  if ( !TrustMe_ ) { 

    SerialB_ = Problem_->GetRHS() ;
    SerialX_ = Problem_->GetLHS() ;

    Epetra_MultiVector* OrigVecX ;
    Epetra_MultiVector* OrigVecB ;

    if (IsNumericFactorizationOK_ == false)

    //  Reindex the LHS and RHS 
    OrigVecX = Problem_->GetLHS() ;
    OrigVecB = Problem_->GetRHS() ;
    if ( Reindex_ ) { 
      vecX = StdIndexDomain_->StandardizeIndex( OrigVecX ) ;
      vecB = StdIndexRange_->StandardizeIndex( OrigVecB ) ;
      AMESOS_CHK_ERR( -13 ) ; // Amesos_Paraklete can't handle non-standard indexing without EpetraExt 
    } else {
      vecX = OrigVecX ;
      vecB = OrigVecB ;
    if ((vecX == 0) || (vecB == 0))
      AMESOS_CHK_ERR(-1); // something wrong in input
    //  Extract Serial versions of X and B

    //  Copy B to the serial version of B
    if (false && UseDataInPlace_ == 1) {
      SerialB_ = vecB;
      SerialX_ = vecX;
      NumVectors_ = Problem_->GetRHS()->NumVectors() ; 
    } else {
      assert (UseDataInPlace_ == 0);
      if( NumVectors_ != Problem_->GetRHS()->NumVectors() ) {
	NumVectors_ = Problem_->GetRHS()->NumVectors() ; 
	SerialXextract_ = rcp( new Epetra_MultiVector(*SerialMap_,NumVectors_));
	SerialBextract_ = rcp (new Epetra_MultiVector(*SerialMap_,NumVectors_));
      if (NumVectors_ != vecB->NumVectors())
	AMESOS_CHK_ERR(-1); // internal error 
      ImportRangeToSerial_ = rcp(new Epetra_Import ( *SerialMap_, vecB->Map() ) );
      if ( SerialBextract_->Import(*vecB,*ImportRangeToSerial_,Insert) )
	AMESOS_CHK_ERR( -1 ) ; // internal error
      SerialB_ = &*SerialBextract_ ;
      SerialX_ = &*SerialXextract_ ;
    VecRedistTime_ = AddTime("Total vector redistribution time", VecRedistTime_, 0);

    //  Call PARAKLETE to perform the solve
    if (MyPID_ == 0) {
      AMESOS_CHK_ERR(SerialB_->ExtractView(&SerialBvalues_,&SerialXlda_ ));
      AMESOS_CHK_ERR(SerialX_->ExtractView(&SerialXBvalues_,&SerialXlda_ ));
      if (SerialXlda_ != NumGlobalElements_)

    OverheadTime_ = AddTime("Total Amesos overhead time", OverheadTime_, 1);
  if ( MyPID_ == 0) {
    if ( NumVectors_ == 1 ) {
      for ( int i = 0 ; i < NumGlobalElements_ ; i++ ) 
	SerialXBvalues_[i] = SerialBvalues_[i] ;
    } else {
      SerialX_->Scale(1.0, *SerialB_ ) ;    // X = B (Klu overwrites B with X)
  if ( IamInGroup_ ) 
    for (int i = 0; i < NumVectors_ ; i++ ) { 
      amesos_paraklete_solve(  &*PrivateParakleteData_->LUnumeric_, &*PrivateParakleteData_->LUsymbolic_,
			&SerialXBvalues_[i*SerialXlda_],  &*PrivateParakleteData_->common_ );
  SolveTime_ = AddTime("Total solve time", SolveTime_, 0);

  //  Copy X back to the original vector


  if (UseDataInPlace_ == 0) {
    ImportDomainToSerial_ = rcp(new Epetra_Import ( *SerialMap_, vecX->Map() ) );
    vecX->Export( *SerialX_, *ImportDomainToSerial_, Insert ) ;

  } // otherwise we are already in place.

  VecRedistTime_ = AddTime("Total vector redistribution time", VecRedistTime_, 0);

#if 0
  //  ComputeTrueResidual causes TestOptions to fail on my linux box //  Bug #1417
  if (ComputeTrueResidual_)
    ComputeTrueResidual(*SerialMatrix_, *vecX, *vecB, UseTranspose(), "Amesos_Paraklete");

  if (ComputeVectorNorms_)
    ComputeVectorNorms(*vecX, *vecB, "Amesos_Paraklete");

  OverheadTime_ = AddTime("Total Amesos overhead time", OverheadTime_, 1);


  return(0) ;
int Amesos_Paraklete::CreateLocalMatrixAndExporters() 

  RowMatrixA_ = dynamic_cast<Epetra_RowMatrix *>(Problem_->GetOperator());
  if (RowMatrixA_ == 0) AMESOS_CHK_ERR(-1);
  const Epetra_Map &OriginalMatrixMap = RowMatrixA_->RowMatrixRowMap() ;
  const Epetra_Map &OriginalDomainMap = 
  const Epetra_Map &OriginalRangeMap = 
  NumGlobalElements_ = RowMatrixA_->NumGlobalRows();
  numentries_ = RowMatrixA_->NumGlobalNonzeros();
  assert( NumGlobalElements_ == RowMatrixA_->NumGlobalCols() );
  //  Create a serial matrix
  assert( NumGlobalElements_ == OriginalMatrixMap.NumGlobalElements() ) ;
  int NumMyElements_ = 0 ;
  if (MyPID_==0) NumMyElements_ = NumGlobalElements_;
  //  UseDataInPlace_ is set to 1 (true) only if everything is perfectly
  //  normal.  Anything out of the ordinary reverts to the more expensive
  //  path. 
  UseDataInPlace_ = ( OriginalMatrixMap.NumMyElements() ==
		      OriginalMatrixMap.NumGlobalElements() )?1:0;
  if ( ! OriginalRangeMap.SameAs( OriginalMatrixMap ) ) UseDataInPlace_ = 0 ; 
  if ( ! OriginalDomainMap.SameAs( OriginalMatrixMap ) ) UseDataInPlace_ = 0 ; 
  if ( AddZeroToDiag_ ) UseDataInPlace_ = 0 ; 
  Comm().Broadcast( &UseDataInPlace_, 1, 0 ) ;
  UseDataInPlace_ = 0 ; // bug - remove this someday.
  //  Reindex matrix if necessary (and possible - i.e. CrsMatrix)
  //  For now, since I don't know how to determine if we need to reindex the matrix, 
  //  we allow the user to control re-indexing through the "Reindex" parameter.
  CrsMatrixA_ = dynamic_cast<Epetra_CrsMatrix *>(Problem_->GetOperator());
  Epetra_CrsMatrix* CcsMatrixA = 0 ; 
  //  CcsMatrixA points to a matrix in Compressed Column Format 
  //  i.e. the format needed by Paraklete.  If we are solving  
  //  A^T x = b, CcsMatrixA = CrsMatrixA_, otherwise we must 
  //  transpose the matrix.
  if (UseTranspose()) {
    CcsMatrixA = CrsMatrixA_ ;
  } else {
    if ( CrsMatrixA_ == 0 ) AMESOS_CHK_ERR( -7 );   //  Amesos_Paraklete only supports CrsMatrix objects in the non-transpose case
    bool MakeDataContiguous = true;
    transposer_ = rcp ( new EpetraExt::RowMatrix_Transpose( MakeDataContiguous ));
    int OriginalTracebackMode = CrsMatrixA_->GetTracebackMode();
    CrsMatrixA_->SetTracebackMode( EPETRA_MIN( OriginalTracebackMode, 0) );
    CcsMatrixA = &(dynamic_cast<Epetra_CrsMatrix&>(((*transposer_)(*CrsMatrixA_))));
    CrsMatrixA_->SetTracebackMode( OriginalTracebackMode );
    std::cerr << "Amesos_Paraklete requires the EpetraExt library to solve non-transposed problems. " << std::endl ; 
    std::cerr << " To rebuild Amesos with EpetraExt, add --enable-epetraext to your configure invocation" << std::endl ;
    AMESOS_CHK_ERR( -3 );
  if  ( Reindex_ ) {
    if ( CcsMatrixA == 0 ) AMESOS_CHK_ERR(-4);
    const Epetra_Map& OriginalMap = CcsMatrixA->RowMap();
    StdIndex_ = rcp( new Amesos_StandardIndex( OriginalMap  ) );
    //const Epetra_Map& OriginalColMap = CcsMatrixA->RowMap();
    StdIndexDomain_ = rcp( new Amesos_StandardIndex( OriginalDomainMap  ) );
    StdIndexRange_ = rcp( new Amesos_StandardIndex( OriginalRangeMap  ) );
    StdIndexMatrix_ = StdIndex_->StandardizeIndex( CcsMatrixA );
    std::cerr << "Amesos_Paraklete requires EpetraExt to reindex matrices." << std::endl 
	 <<  " Please rebuild with the EpetraExt library by adding --enable-epetraext to your configure invocation" << std::endl ;
  } else { 
    if ( UseTranspose() ){ 
      StdIndexMatrix_ = RowMatrixA_ ;
    } else {
      StdIndexMatrix_ = CcsMatrixA ;
  //  At this point, StdIndexMatrix_ points to a matrix with 
  //  standard indexing.  

  //  Convert Original Matrix to Serial (if it is not already)
  if (UseDataInPlace_ == 1) {
    SerialMatrix_ = StdIndexMatrix_;
  } else {
    SerialMap_ = rcp(new Epetra_Map(NumGlobalElements_, NumMyElements_, 0, Comm()));
    if ( Problem_->GetRHS() ) 
      NumVectors_ = Problem_->GetRHS()->NumVectors() ; 
      NumVectors_ = 1 ; 
    SerialXextract_ = rcp( new Epetra_MultiVector(*SerialMap_,NumVectors_));
    SerialBextract_ = rcp (new Epetra_MultiVector(*SerialMap_,NumVectors_));

    ImportToSerial_ = rcp(new Epetra_Import ( *SerialMap_, StdIndexMatrix_->RowMatrixRowMap() ) );
    if (ImportToSerial_.get() == 0) AMESOS_CHK_ERR(-5);

    SerialCrsMatrixA_ = rcp( new Epetra_CrsMatrix(Copy, *SerialMap_, 0) ) ;
    SerialMatrix_ = &*SerialCrsMatrixA_ ;
  MtxRedistTime_ = AddTime("Total matrix redistribution time", MtxRedistTime_, 0);
  virtual int Apply(const Tpetra_MultiVector<Scalar,LocalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal,Node>& X,
		    Tpetra_MultiVector<Scalar,LocalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal,Node>& Y) const
int Ifpack2_ReorderFilter::
Apply(const Tpetra_MultiVector<Scalar,LocalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal,Node>& X, Tpetra_MultiVector<Scalar,LocalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal,Node>& Y) const