Exemple #1
gpointer core_new(gchar *elem, gchar *label, struct model_pak *model)
struct core_pak *core;

g_assert(elem != NULL);
g_assert(model != NULL);

core = g_malloc(sizeof(struct core_pak));

/* element related initialization */
core_init(elem, core, model);

/* general initialization */
if (label)
  core->atom_label = g_strdup(label);
  core->atom_label = g_strdup(elem);

VEC4SET(core->x, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
VEC4SET(core->rx, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
VEC3SET(core->v, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
VEC3SET(core->offset, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
core->status = NORMAL;
core->primary = TRUE;
core->orig = TRUE;
core->ghost = FALSE;
core->breathe = FALSE;
core->growth = FALSE;
core->translate = FALSE;
core->render_mode = BALL_STICK;
core->render_wire = FALSE;
core->region = REGION1A;
core->radius = 0.0;
core->has_sof = FALSE;
core->sof = 1.0;
core->charge = 0.0;
core->lookup_charge = TRUE;
core->flags = NULL;
core->bonds = NULL;
core->mol = NULL;
core->shell = NULL;
core->primary_core = NULL;
core->vibx_list = NULL;
core->viby_list = NULL;
core->vibz_list = NULL;

/* NEW: hydrogen bond capabilities */
if (g_strrstr(elem, "H") != NULL)
  core->hydrogen_bond = TRUE;
  core->hydrogen_bond = FALSE;

Exemple #2
gpointer shell_new(gchar *elem, gchar *label, struct model_pak *model)
gint code;
struct elem_pak elem_data;
struct shel_pak *shell;

g_assert(elem != NULL);
g_assert(model != NULL);

shell = g_malloc(sizeof(struct shel_pak));

/* attempt to match atom type with database */
code = elem_test(elem);
if (!code)
  printf("Warning: element [%s] not found.\n", elem);

/* init modifiable element data */
get_elem_data(code, &elem_data, model);
ARR3SET(shell->colour, elem_data.colour);

shell->atom_code = code;
if (label)
  shell->shell_label = g_strdup(label);
  shell->shell_label = g_strdup(elem);
VEC4SET(shell->x, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
VEC4SET(shell->rx, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
VEC3SET(shell->v, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
VEC3SET(shell->offset, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
shell->status = NORMAL;
shell->primary = TRUE;
shell->orig = TRUE;
shell->breathe = FALSE;
shell->translate = FALSE;
shell->region = REGION1A;
shell->core = NULL;
shell->primary_shell = NULL;
shell->radius = 0.0;
shell->charge = 0.0;
shell->has_sof = FALSE;
shell->sof = 1.0;
shell->lookup_charge = TRUE;
shell->flags = NULL;

Exemple #3
void quat_concat(gdouble *q, gdouble *v, gdouble a)
gdouble ha, sa, qr[4];

/* create and apply the desired quaternion rotation */
ha = 0.5*a;
sa = sin(ha);
VEC4SET(qr, cos(ha), v[0]*sa, v[1]*sa, v[2]*sa);
quat_mult(q, qr);
Exemple #4
void camera_default(gdouble r, gpointer data)
struct camera_pak *camera = data;

camera->mode = LOCKED;
camera->perspective = FALSE;
camera->fov = 70.0;

/* FIXME - not sure why the < 1.0 case is needed ... */
if (r < 1.0)
  camera->zoom = r;
  camera->zoom = 1.0;

VEC4SET(camera->q, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
VEC3SET(camera->x, 0.0, -2.0*r, 0.0);
VEC3SET(camera->o, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
VEC3SET(camera->v, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
VEC3SET(camera->e, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Exemple #5
void docking_project_create(GtkWidget *w, struct model_pak *model)
gint a, b, i, m, n, rx, ry, rz, size, rigid_save;
gint a_max, b_max, rx_max, ry_max, rz_max;
gchar *file, *dump, *dump_save, *rigid_move_save;
gdouble dx, dy, dz, x[3], scale[3], mat[9], dock_centroid[3], q[4];
GString *name, *rigid;
GSList *list, *core_list, *shell_list;
struct dock_pak *dock;
struct core_pak *core, *core2;
struct shel_pak *shell, *shell2;
FILE *fp;

/* checks */
g_assert(model != NULL);
size = g_slist_length(model->selection);
if (!size)
  gui_text_show(WARNING, "Please select the subset you wish to dock.\n");

/* create new docking project */
dock = g_malloc(sizeof(struct dock_pak));

/* NEW - setup project path */

/* seek a file name that doesn't exist (avoid background overwriting) */
name = g_string_new(NULL);
  g_string_sprintf(name, "project_%06d", i);
while (g_file_test(name->str, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS));

dock->path = g_build_path(sysenv.cwd, name->str, NULL);

printf("creating new project: [%s]\n", dock->path);

#if WIN32
if (mkdir(dock->path))
if (mkdir(dock->path, 0700))
  gui_text_show(ERROR, "Failed to create project directory.\n");

/* project control file */
g_string_sprintf(name, "%s%sproject.pcf", dock->path, DIR_SEP);
fp = fopen(name->str, "wt");

/* save original variables */
dump_save = model->gulp.dump_file;
model->gulp.dump_file = NULL;
rigid_save = model->gulp.rigid;
model->gulp.rigid = dock_rigid_on;
rigid_move_save = model->gulp.rigid_move;
model->gulp.rigid_move = NULL;
if (model->gulp.rigid)
  rigid = g_string_new(NULL);
  if (dock_rigid_x)
    g_string_sprintf(rigid, "x");
  if (dock_rigid_y)
    g_string_sprintfa(rigid, "y");
  if (dock_rigid_z)
    g_string_sprintfa(rigid, "z");
  model->gulp.rigid_move = g_string_free(rigid, FALSE);

/* duplicate selection for docking */
core_list = NULL;
shell_list = NULL;
VEC3SET(dock_centroid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for (list=model->selection ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list))
  core2 = dup_core(list->data);
  core_list = g_slist_prepend(core_list, core2);
  if (core2->shell)
    shell_list = g_slist_prepend(shell_list, core2->shell);
/* compute centroid */
  ARR3ADD(dock_centroid, core2->x);

/* NB: lists must have the same order as original selection */
core_list = g_slist_reverse(core_list);
shell_list = g_slist_reverse(shell_list);
VEC3MUL(dock_centroid, 1.0/(gdouble) size);

/* fractional translation grid units */
scale[0] = dock_cell[0] / dock_grid[0];
scale[1] = dock_cell[1] / dock_grid[1];

/* rotational increments */
dx = PI/dock_rotate[0];
dy = PI/dock_rotate[1];
dz = PI/dock_rotate[2];

/* translational sampling */
if (dock_grid_on)
  a_max = dock_grid[0];
  b_max = dock_grid[1];
  a_max = 1;
  b_max = 1;

/* rotational sampling */
if (dock_rotate_on)
  rx_max = dock_rotate[0];
  ry_max = dock_rotate[1];
  rz_max = dock_rotate[2];
  rx_max = 1;
  ry_max = 1;
  rz_max = 1;

/* project header */
fprintf(fp, "%%title solvent mapping project\n");
fprintf(fp, "%%set %d %d %f %f\n", a_max, b_max, dock_cell[0], dock_cell[1]);

/* loop over all grid translations */
m = n = 0;
for (a=0 ; a<a_max ; a++)
  for (b=0 ; b<b_max ; b++)
    VEC3SET(x, a, b, 0.0);
    x[0] *= scale[0];
    x[1] *= scale[1];

/* loop over rotations */
    VEC4SET(q, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    for (rx=0 ; rx<rx_max ; rx++)
      if (rx)
        quat_concat_euler(q, PITCH, dx);

    for (ry=0 ; ry<ry_max ; ry++)
      if (ry)
        quat_concat_euler(q, ROLL, dy);

    for (rz=0 ; rz<rz_max ; rz++)
      if (rz)
        quat_concat_euler(q, YAW, dz);

/* build total rotation matrix */
      quat_matrix(mat, q);

/* transform the cores and shells */
      i = 0;
      for (list=model->selection ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list))
        core = list->data;

/* FIXME - should we restore this after? how? */
core->region = 2;

/* get original selection core coordinates */
        core2 = g_slist_nth_data(core_list, i);
        ARR3SET(core->x, core2->x);
/* perform the rotation (NB: must be done about origin in cartesian space) */
        ARR3SUB(core->x, dock_centroid);
        vecmat(model->latmat, core->x);
        vecmat(mat, core->x);
        vecmat(model->ilatmat, core->x);
        ARR3ADD(core->x, dock_centroid);
/* add the current translation offset */
        ARR3ADD(core->x, x);

/* as above, for the associated shell */
        if (core->shell)
          shell = core->shell;
shell->region = 2;
          shell2 = core2->shell;
g_assert(shell2 != NULL);
          ARR3SET(shell->x, shell2->x);
          ARR3SUB(shell->x, dock_centroid);
          vecmat(model->latmat, shell->x);
          vecmat(mat, shell->x);
          vecmat(model->ilatmat, shell->x);
          ARR3ADD(shell->x, dock_centroid);
          ARR3ADD(shell->x, x);
/* write docking configuration */
      file = g_strdup_printf("%s_%06d.gin", model->basename, n);

/* m identifies grid points (for later minimum check) */
fprintf(fp, "%s_%06d.gin %f %f %d\n", model->basename, n, x[0], x[1], m);

      file = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s_%06d.gin", dock->path, DIR_SEP, model->basename, n);
      dump = g_strdup_printf("%s_%06d.res", model->basename, n);

      model->gulp.dump_file = dump;

      write_gulp(file, model);



/* restore original variables */
model->gulp.dump_file = dump_save;
model->gulp.rigid = rigid_save;
model->gulp.rigid_move = rigid_move_save;

/* restore original selection (delete, then concat saved list) */
i = 0;
for (list=model->selection ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list))
  core = list->data;
  core2 = g_slist_nth_data(core_list, i);
  ARR3SET(core->x, core2->x);
  if (core->shell)
    shell = core->shell;
    shell2 = core2->shell;
g_assert(shell2 != NULL);
    ARR3SET(shell->x, shell2->x);

/* free docking core/shell lists */

g_string_free(name, TRUE);
/* run docking in background unless told to stop after setup */
if (!dock_no_execute)
  submit_task("Docking", &docking_execute, dock, &docking_cleanup, dock, model);