Exemple #1
  The scaled jacobian of a tri

  minimum of the jacobian divided by the lengths of 2 edge vectors
C_FUNC_DEF double v_tri_scaled_jacobian( int /*num_nodes*/, double coordinates[][3])
  static const double detw = 2./sqrt(3.0);
  VerdictVector first, second;
  double jacobian; 
  VerdictVector edge[3];
  edge[0].set(coordinates[1][0] - coordinates[0][0],
              coordinates[1][1] - coordinates[0][1],
              coordinates[1][2] - coordinates[0][2]);

  edge[1].set(coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[0][0],
              coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[0][1],
              coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[0][2]);

  edge[2].set(coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[1][0],
              coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[1][1],
              coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[1][2]);
  first = edge[1]-edge[0];
  second = edge[2]-edge[0];

  VerdictVector cross = first * second;
  jacobian = cross.length();

  double max_edge_length_product;
  max_edge_length_product = VERDICT_MAX( edge[0].length()*edge[1].length(),
                            VERDICT_MAX( edge[1].length()*edge[2].length(), 
                                         edge[0].length()*edge[2].length() ) ); 

  if( max_edge_length_product < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
    return (double)0.0;

  jacobian *= detw;
  jacobian /= max_edge_length_product; 

  if( compute_normal )
    //center of tri
    double point[3], surf_normal[3];
    point[0] =  (coordinates[0][0] + coordinates[1][0] + coordinates[2][0]) / 3;
    point[1] =  (coordinates[0][1] + coordinates[1][1] + coordinates[2][1]) / 3;
    point[2] =  (coordinates[0][2] + coordinates[1][2] + coordinates[2][2]) / 3;

    //dot product
    compute_normal( point, surf_normal ); 
    if( (cross.x()*surf_normal[0] + 
         cross.y()*surf_normal[1] +
         cross.z()*surf_normal[2] ) < 0 )
      jacobian *= -1; 

  if( jacobian > 0 )
    return (double) VERDICT_MIN( jacobian, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
  return (double) VERDICT_MAX( jacobian, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

Exemple #2
  the shape of a tet

  3/ condition number of weighted jacobian matrix
C_FUNC_DEF VERDICT_REAL v_tet_shape( int /*num_nodes*/, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3] )

   static const double two_thirds = 2.0/3.0;
   static const double root_of_2 = sqrt(2.0);

   VerdictVector edge0, edge2, edge3;

  edge0.set(coordinates[1][0] - coordinates[0][0],
            coordinates[1][1] - coordinates[0][1],
            coordinates[1][2] - coordinates[0][2]);

  edge2.set(coordinates[0][0] - coordinates[2][0],
            coordinates[0][1] - coordinates[2][1],
            coordinates[0][2] - coordinates[2][2]);

  edge3.set(coordinates[3][0] - coordinates[0][0],
            coordinates[3][1] - coordinates[0][1],
            coordinates[3][2] - coordinates[0][2]);

  double jacobian = edge3 % (edge2 * edge0);

  double num = 3 * pow( root_of_2 * jacobian, two_thirds );
  double den = 1.5*(edge0%edge0  + edge2%edge2  + edge3%edge3)-
                   (edge0%-edge2 + -edge2%edge3 + edge3%edge0);

  if ( den < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) 
    return (VERDICT_REAL)0.0;
  return (VERDICT_REAL)VERDICT_MAX( num/den, 0 );
Exemple #3
   the radius ratio of a triangle

   NB (P. Pebay 01/13/07): 
     CR / (2.0*IR) where CR is the circumradius and IR is the inradius

     The radius ratio is also known to VERDICT, for tetrahedral elements only,
     as the "aspect beta".
C_FUNC_DEF double v_tri_radius_ratio( int /*num_nodes*/, double coordinates[][3] )

  // three vectors for each side 
  VerdictVector a( coordinates[1][0] - coordinates[0][0],
                   coordinates[1][1] - coordinates[0][1],
                   coordinates[1][2] - coordinates[0][2] );
  VerdictVector b( coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[1][0],
                   coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[1][1],
                   coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[1][2] );
  VerdictVector c( coordinates[0][0] - coordinates[2][0],
                   coordinates[0][1] - coordinates[2][1],
                   coordinates[0][2] - coordinates[2][2] );

  double a1 = a.length();
  double b1 = b.length();
  double c1 = c.length();
  VerdictVector ab = a * b;
  double denominator = ab.length_squared();

  if( denominator < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) 
    return (double)VERDICT_DBL_MAX;

  double radius_ratio;
  radius_ratio = .25 * a1 * b1 * c1 * ( a1 + b1 + c1 ) / denominator;
  if( radius_ratio > 0 )
    return (double) VERDICT_MIN( radius_ratio, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
  return (double) VERDICT_MAX( radius_ratio, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
Exemple #4
C_FUNC_DEF double v_tri_aspect_frobenius( int /*num_nodes*/, double coordinates[][3] )
  static const double two_times_root_of_3 = 2*sqrt(3.0);

  // three vectors for each side 
  VerdictVector side1( coordinates[1][0] - coordinates[0][0],
                       coordinates[1][1] - coordinates[0][1],
                       coordinates[1][2] - coordinates[0][2] );
  VerdictVector side2( coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[1][0],
                       coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[1][1],
                       coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[1][2] );
  VerdictVector side3( coordinates[0][0] - coordinates[2][0],
                       coordinates[0][1] - coordinates[2][1],
                       coordinates[0][2] - coordinates[2][2] );
  //sum the lengths squared of each side
  double srms = (side1.length_squared() + side2.length_squared() 
      + side3.length_squared());
  // find two times the area of the triangle by cross product
  double areaX2 = ((side1 * (-side3)).length());

  if(areaX2 == 0.0)
    return (double)VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
  double aspect = (double)(srms / (two_times_root_of_3 * (areaX2)));
  if( aspect > 0 )
    return (double) VERDICT_MIN( aspect, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
  return (double) VERDICT_MAX( aspect, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
  warpage of a quad

  deviation of element from planarity
C_FUNC_DEF VERDICT_REAL v_quad_warpage( int /*num_nodes*/, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3] )

  VerdictVector edges[4];
  make_quad_edges( edges, coordinates );

  VerdictVector corner_normals[4];
  corner_normals[0] = edges[3] * edges[0];
  corner_normals[1] = edges[0] * edges[1];
  corner_normals[2] = edges[1] * edges[2];
  corner_normals[3] = edges[2] * edges[3];

  if( corner_normals[0].normalize() < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
      corner_normals[1].normalize() < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
      corner_normals[2].normalize() < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
      corner_normals[3].normalize() < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )

  double warpage = pow( 
    VERDICT_MIN( corner_normals[0]%corner_normals[2],
                 corner_normals[1]%corner_normals[3]), 3 );

  if( warpage > 0 )

  the relative size of a quad

  Min( J, 1/J ), where J is determinant of weighted Jacobian matrix
C_FUNC_DEF VERDICT_REAL v_quad_relative_size_squared( int /*num_nodes*/, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3] )
  double quad_area = v_quad_area (4, coordinates); 
  double rel_size = 0;
  v_set_quad_size( quad_area );
  double w11,w21,w12,w22;
  double avg_area = determinant(w11,w21,w12,w22);
  if ( avg_area > VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) 
    w11 = quad_area / avg_area;
    if ( w11 > VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
      rel_size = VERDICT_MIN( w11, 1/w11 );
      rel_size *= rel_size;
  if( rel_size  > 0 )

Exemple #7
  The minimum angle of a tri

  The minimum angle of a tri is the minimum angle between 
  two adjacents sides out of all three corners of the triangle.
C_FUNC_DEF VERDICT_REAL v_tri_minimum_angle( int /*num_nodes*/, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3] )

  // vectors for all the sides
  VerdictVector sides[4];
      coordinates[1][0] - coordinates[0][0],
      coordinates[1][1] - coordinates[0][1],
      coordinates[1][2] - coordinates[0][2]
      coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[1][0],
      coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[1][1],
      coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[1][2]
      coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[0][0],
      coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[0][1],
      coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[0][2]

  // in case we need to find the interior angle
  // between sides 0 and 1
  sides[3] = -sides[1];

  // calculate the lengths squared of the sides
  double sides_lengths[3];
  sides_lengths[0] = sides[0].length_squared();
  sides_lengths[1] = sides[1].length_squared();
  sides_lengths[2] = sides[2].length_squared();

  if(sides_lengths[0] == 0.0 || sides_lengths[1] == 0.0 ||
     sides_lengths[2] == 0.0)
     return 0.0;
  // using the law of sines, we know that the minimum
  // angle is opposite of the shortest side

  // find the shortest side
  int short_side=0;
  if(sides_lengths[1] < sides_lengths[0])
    short_side = 1;
  if(sides_lengths[2] < sides_lengths[short_side])
    short_side = 2;

  // from the shortest side, calculate the angle of the 
  // opposite angle
  double min_angle = 0.;
  if(short_side == 0)
    min_angle = sides[2].interior_angle(sides[1]);
  else if(short_side == 1)
    min_angle = sides[0].interior_angle(sides[2]);
    min_angle = sides[0].interior_angle(sides[3]);

  if( min_angle > 0 )
    return (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( min_angle, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
Exemple #8
  the aspect of a tet

  CR / (3.0*IR) where CR is the circumsphere radius and IR is the inscribed sphere radius
C_FUNC_DEF VERDICT_REAL v_tet_aspect_beta( int /*num_nodes*/, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3] )

  //Determine side vectors
  VerdictVector side[6];

  side[0].set( coordinates[1][0] - coordinates[0][0],
               coordinates[1][1] - coordinates[0][1],
               coordinates[1][2] - coordinates[0][2] );
  side[1].set( coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[1][0],
               coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[1][1],
               coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[1][2] );
  side[2].set( coordinates[0][0] - coordinates[2][0],
               coordinates[0][1] - coordinates[2][1],
               coordinates[0][2] - coordinates[2][2] );

  side[3].set( coordinates[3][0] - coordinates[0][0],
               coordinates[3][1] - coordinates[0][1],
               coordinates[3][2] - coordinates[0][2] );
  side[4].set( coordinates[3][0] - coordinates[1][0],
               coordinates[3][1] - coordinates[1][1],
               coordinates[3][2] - coordinates[1][2] );
  side[5].set( coordinates[3][0] - coordinates[2][0],
               coordinates[3][1] - coordinates[2][1],
               coordinates[3][2] - coordinates[2][2] );

  VerdictVector numerator = side[3].length_squared() * ( side[2] * side[0]) +
                            side[2].length_squared() * ( side[3] * side[0]) +
                            side[0].length_squared() * ( side[3] * side[2]);

  double area_sum = 0.0;
  area_sum = ((side[2] * side[0]).length() + 
              (side[3] * side[0]).length() +
              (side[4] * side[1]).length() + 
              (side[3] * side[2]).length() ) * 0.5;
  double volume = v_tet_volume(4, coordinates);
  if( volume < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) 
    double aspect_ratio;
    aspect_ratio = numerator.length() * area_sum / (108*volume*volume); 
    if( aspect_ratio > 0 )
      return (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( aspect_ratio, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    return (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( aspect_ratio, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  the condition of a quad

  maximum condition number of the Jacobian matrix at 4 corners
C_FUNC_DEF VERDICT_REAL v_quad_condition( int /*num_nodes*/, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3] )

  if ( is_collapsed_quad( coordinates ) == VERDICT_TRUE ) 
    return v_tri_condition(3,coordinates);
  double areas[4]; 
  signed_corner_areas( areas, coordinates );

  double max_condition = 0.;
  VerdictVector xxi, xet;
  double condition;
  for ( int i=0; i<4; i++ ) 
    xxi.set( coordinates[i][0] - coordinates[(i+1)%4][0],
        coordinates[i][1] - coordinates[(i+1)%4][1],
        coordinates[i][2] - coordinates[(i+1)%4][2] );
    xet.set( coordinates[i][0] - coordinates[(i+3)%4][0],
        coordinates[i][1] - coordinates[(i+3)%4][1],
        coordinates[i][2] - coordinates[(i+3)%4][2] );
    if ( areas[i] <  VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
      condition = VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
      condition = ( xxi % xxi + xet % xet ) / areas[i];
    max_condition = VERDICT_MAX(max_condition, condition);
  max_condition /= 2;

  if( max_condition > 0 )
    return (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( max_condition, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
  return (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( max_condition, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
Exemple #10
  the shear and size of a quad

  product of shear and relative size
C_FUNC_DEF VERDICT_REAL v_quad_shear_and_size( int num_nodes, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3] )
  double shear, size;
  shear = v_quad_shear( num_nodes, coordinates );
  size = v_quad_relative_size_squared( num_nodes, coordinates );

  double shear_and_size = shear * size;

  if( shear_and_size > 0 )
    return (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( shear_and_size, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
  return (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( shear_and_size, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

Exemple #11
  the area of a quad

  jacobian at quad center
C_FUNC_DEF VERDICT_REAL v_quad_area( int /*num_nodes*/, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3] )

  double corner_areas[4];
  signed_corner_areas( corner_areas, coordinates );

  double area = 0.25 * (corner_areas[0] + corner_areas[1] + corner_areas[2] + corner_areas[3]);

  if( area  > 0 )

Exemple #12
  The shape of a tri

  2 / condition number of weighted jacobian matrix
C_FUNC_DEF double v_tri_shape( int num_nodes, double coordinates[][3] )
  double condition = v_tri_condition( num_nodes, coordinates );

  double shape;
  if( condition <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
    shape = VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
    shape = (1 / condition);

  if( shape > 0 )
    return (double) VERDICT_MIN( shape, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
  return (double) VERDICT_MAX( shape, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
Exemple #13
  The shape and size of a tri
  Product of the Shape and Relative Size
C_FUNC_DEF double v_tri_shape_and_size( int num_nodes, double coordinates[][3] )
  double size, shape;  

  size = v_tri_relative_size_squared( num_nodes, coordinates );
  shape = v_tri_shape( num_nodes, coordinates );
  double shape_and_size = size * shape;

  if( shape_and_size > 0 )
    return (double) VERDICT_MIN( shape_and_size, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
  return (double) VERDICT_MAX( shape_and_size, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

Exemple #14
  aspect ratio of a quad

  maximum edge length ratios at quad center
C_FUNC_DEF VERDICT_REAL v_quad_aspect( int /*num_nodes*/, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3] )
  VerdictVector quad_nodes[4];
  quad_nodes[0].set( coordinates[0][0], coordinates[0][1], coordinates[0][2] );
  quad_nodes[1].set( coordinates[1][0], coordinates[1][1], coordinates[1][2] );
  quad_nodes[2].set( coordinates[2][0], coordinates[2][1], coordinates[2][2] );
  quad_nodes[3].set( coordinates[3][0], coordinates[3][1], coordinates[3][2] );

  VerdictVector principal_axes[2];
  principal_axes[0] = quad_nodes[1] + quad_nodes[2] - quad_nodes[0] - quad_nodes[3];
  principal_axes[1] = quad_nodes[2] + quad_nodes[3] - quad_nodes[0] - quad_nodes[1];

  double len1 = principal_axes[0].length();
  double len2 = principal_axes[1].length();

  if( len1 < VERDICT_DBL_MIN || len2 < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )

  double aspect = VERDICT_MAX( len1 / len2, len2 / len1 );

  if( aspect > 0 )
Exemple #15
  the oddy of a quad

  general distortion measure based on left Cauchy-Green Tensor
C_FUNC_DEF VERDICT_REAL v_quad_oddy( int /*num_nodes*/, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3] )
  double max_oddy = 0.;
  VerdictVector first, second, node_pos[4];
  double g, g11, g12, g22, cur_oddy;
  int i;
  for(i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
    node_pos[i].set(coordinates[i][0], coordinates[i][1], coordinates[i][2]);

  for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
    first  = node_pos[i] - node_pos[(i+1)%4];
    second = node_pos[i] - node_pos[(i+3)%4];
    g11 = first % first;
    g12 = first % second;
    g22 = second % second;
    g = g11*g22 - g12*g12;
    if ( g < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) 
      cur_oddy = VERDICT_DBL_MAX; 
      cur_oddy = ( (g11-g22)*(g11-g22) + 4.*g12*g12 ) / 2. / g;
    max_oddy = VERDICT_MAX(max_oddy, cur_oddy);
  if( max_oddy  > 0 )
Exemple #16
  the jacobian of a quad

  minimum pointwise volume of local map at 4 corners and center of quad
C_FUNC_DEF VERDICT_REAL v_quad_jacobian( int /*num_nodes*/, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3] )
  if ( is_collapsed_quad( coordinates ) == VERDICT_TRUE )
    return (VERDICT_REAL)(v_tri_area(3, coordinates) * 2.0);
  double areas[4]; 
  signed_corner_areas( areas, coordinates );

  double jacobian = VERDICT_MIN( VERDICT_MIN( areas[0], areas[1] ), 
                                 VERDICT_MIN( areas[2], areas[3] ) );
  if( jacobian > 0 )

Exemple #17
  the shape of a quad

   2/Condition number of weighted Jacobian matrix
C_FUNC_DEF VERDICT_REAL v_quad_shape( int /*num_nodes*/, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3] )

  double corner_areas[4], min_shape = VERDICT_DBL_MAX, shape; 
  signed_corner_areas( corner_areas, coordinates );

  VerdictVector edges[4];
  make_quad_edges( edges, coordinates );

  double length_squared[4];
  length_squared[0] = edges[0].length_squared();
  length_squared[1] = edges[1].length_squared();
  length_squared[2] = edges[2].length_squared();
  length_squared[3] = edges[3].length_squared();

  if( length_squared[0] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
      length_squared[1] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
      length_squared[2] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
      length_squared[3] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
    return 0.0;  

  shape = corner_areas[0] / (length_squared[0] + length_squared[3]);
  min_shape = VERDICT_MIN( shape, min_shape );

  shape = corner_areas[1] / (length_squared[1] + length_squared[0]);
  min_shape = VERDICT_MIN( shape, min_shape );

  shape = corner_areas[2] / (length_squared[2] + length_squared[1]);
  min_shape = VERDICT_MIN( shape, min_shape );

  shape = corner_areas[3] / (length_squared[3] + length_squared[2]);
  min_shape = VERDICT_MIN( shape, min_shape );

  min_shape *= 2;

  if( min_shape < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
    min_shape = 0;

  if( min_shape > 0 )
    return (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( min_shape, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

Exemple #18
  scaled jacobian of a quad

  Minimum Jacobian divided by the lengths of the 2 edge vector
C_FUNC_DEF VERDICT_REAL v_quad_scaled_jacobian( int /*num_nodes*/, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3] )
  if ( is_collapsed_quad( coordinates ) == VERDICT_TRUE ) 
    return v_tri_scaled_jacobian(3, coordinates);
  double corner_areas[4], min_scaled_jac = VERDICT_DBL_MAX, scaled_jac;
  signed_corner_areas( corner_areas, coordinates );

  VerdictVector edges[4];
  make_quad_edges( edges, coordinates );

  double length[4];
  length[0] = edges[0].length();
  length[1] = edges[1].length();
  length[2] = edges[2].length();
  length[3] = edges[3].length();

  if( length[0] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
      length[1] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
      length[2] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
      length[3] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
    return 0.0;  

  scaled_jac = corner_areas[0] / (length[0] * length[3]);
  min_scaled_jac = VERDICT_MIN( scaled_jac, min_scaled_jac );

  scaled_jac = corner_areas[1] / (length[1] * length[0]);
  min_scaled_jac = VERDICT_MIN( scaled_jac, min_scaled_jac );

  scaled_jac = corner_areas[2] / (length[2] * length[1]);
  min_scaled_jac = VERDICT_MIN( scaled_jac, min_scaled_jac );

  scaled_jac = corner_areas[3] / (length[3] * length[2]);
  min_scaled_jac = VERDICT_MIN( scaled_jac, min_scaled_jac );

  if( min_scaled_jac > 0 )
    return (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( min_scaled_jac, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
  return (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( min_scaled_jac, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

Exemple #19
   the aspect ratio of a triangle

   NB (P. Pebay 01/14/07): 
     Hmax / ( 2.0 * sqrt(3.0) * IR) where Hmax is the maximum edge length 
     and IR is the inradius

     note that previous incarnations of verdict used "v_tri_aspect_ratio" to denote
     what is now called "v_tri_aspect_frobenius"
C_FUNC_DEF double v_tri_aspect_ratio( int /*num_nodes*/, double coordinates[][3] )
  static const double normal_coeff = sqrt( 3. ) / 6.;

  // three vectors for each side 
  VerdictVector a( coordinates[1][0] - coordinates[0][0],
                   coordinates[1][1] - coordinates[0][1],
                   coordinates[1][2] - coordinates[0][2] );
  VerdictVector b( coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[1][0],
                   coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[1][1],
                   coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[1][2] );
  VerdictVector c( coordinates[0][0] - coordinates[2][0],
                   coordinates[0][1] - coordinates[2][1],
                   coordinates[0][2] - coordinates[2][2] );

  double a1 = a.length();
  double b1 = b.length();
  double c1 = c.length();
  double hm = a1 > b1 ? a1 : b1;
  hm = hm > c1 ? hm : c1;

  VerdictVector ab = a * b;
  double denominator = ab.length();

  if( denominator < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) 
    return (double)VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
    double aspect_ratio;
    aspect_ratio = normal_coeff * hm * (a1 + b1 + c1) / denominator;
    if( aspect_ratio > 0 )
      return (double) VERDICT_MIN( aspect_ratio, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    return (double) VERDICT_MAX( aspect_ratio, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

Exemple #20
  The area of a tri

  0.5 * jacobian at a node
C_FUNC_DEF double v_tri_area( int /*num_nodes*/, double coordinates[][3] )
  // two vectors for two sides
  VerdictVector side1( coordinates[1][0] - coordinates[0][0],
                       coordinates[1][1] - coordinates[0][1],
                       coordinates[1][2] - coordinates[0][2] );
  VerdictVector side3( coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[0][0],
                       coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[0][1],
                       coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[0][2] );
  // the cross product of the two vectors representing two sides of the
  // triangle 
  VerdictVector tmp = side1 * side3;
  // return the magnitude of the vector divided by two
  double area = 0.5 * tmp.length();
  if( area > 0 )
    return (double) VERDICT_MIN( area, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
  return (double) VERDICT_MAX( area, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
Exemple #21
  the stretch of a quad

  sqrt(2) * minimum edge length / maximum diagonal length
C_FUNC_DEF VERDICT_REAL v_quad_stretch( int /*num_nodes*/, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3] )
  VerdictVector edges[4], temp;
  make_quad_edges( edges, coordinates );

  double lengths_squared[4];
  lengths_squared[0] = edges[0].length();
  lengths_squared[1] = edges[1].length();
  lengths_squared[2] = edges[2].length();
  lengths_squared[3] = edges[3].length();

  temp.set( coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[0][0],
            coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[0][1],
            coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[0][2]);
  double diag02 = temp.length_squared();

  temp.set( coordinates[3][0] - coordinates[1][0],
            coordinates[3][1] - coordinates[1][1],
            coordinates[3][2] - coordinates[1][2]);
  double diag13 = temp.length_squared();
  static const double QUAD_STRETCH_FACTOR = sqrt(2.0);

  // 'diag02' is now the max diagonal of the quad
  diag02 = VERDICT_MAX( diag02, diag13 );

  if( diag02 < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
    double stretch = (VERDICT_REAL) ( QUAD_STRETCH_FACTOR *
                           sqrt( VERDICT_MIN(
                                  VERDICT_MIN( lengths_squared[0], lengths_squared[1] ),
                                  VERDICT_MIN( lengths_squared[2], lengths_squared[3] ) ) /
                                diag02 ));

Exemple #22
  The relative size of a tri

  Min(J,1/J) where J is the determinant of the weighted jacobian matrix.
C_FUNC_DEF double v_tri_relative_size_squared( int /*num_nodes*/, double coordinates[][3] )
  double w11, w21, w12, w22;

  VerdictVector xxi, xet, tri_normal;

  double detw = v_determinant(w11,w21,w12,w22);

  if(detw == 0.0)
    return 0.0;

  xxi.set(coordinates[0][0] - coordinates[1][0],
    coordinates[0][1] - coordinates[1][1],
    coordinates[0][2] - coordinates[1][2]);

  xet.set(coordinates[0][0] - coordinates[2][0],
    coordinates[0][1] - coordinates[2][1],
    coordinates[0][2] - coordinates[2][2]);

  tri_normal = xxi * xet;

  double deta = tri_normal.length();
  if( deta == 0.0  || detw == 0.0 )
    return 0.0;
  double size = pow( deta/detw, 2 );
  double rel_size = VERDICT_MIN(size, 1.0/size );  

  if( rel_size > 0 )
    return (double) VERDICT_MIN( rel_size, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
  return (double) VERDICT_MAX( rel_size, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
Exemple #23
  tri_quality for calculating multiple tri metrics at once

  using this method is generally faster than using the individual 
  method multiple times.

C_FUNC_DEF void v_tri_quality( int num_nodes, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3], 
    unsigned int metrics_request_flag, TriMetricVals *metric_vals ) 

  memset( metric_vals, 0, sizeof(TriMetricVals) );

  // for starts, lets set up some basic and common information

  /*  node numbers and side numbers used below

            /  \ 
         2 /    \ 1
          /      \
         /        \
       0 ---------+ 1
  // vectors for each side
  VerdictVector sides[3];
      coordinates[1][0] - coordinates[0][0],
      coordinates[1][1] - coordinates[0][1],
      coordinates[1][2] - coordinates[0][2]
      coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[1][0],
      coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[1][1],
      coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[1][2]
      coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[0][0],
      coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[0][1],
      coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[0][2]
  // lengths squared of each side
  double sides_lengths_squared[3];
  sides_lengths_squared[0] = sides[0].length_squared();
  sides_lengths_squared[1] = sides[1].length_squared();
  sides_lengths_squared[2] = sides[2].length_squared();

  // if we are doing angle calcuations
  if( metrics_request_flag & (V_TRI_MINIMUM_ANGLE | V_TRI_MAXIMUM_ANGLE) )
    // which is short and long side
    int short_side=0, long_side=0;

    if(sides_lengths_squared[1] < sides_lengths_squared[0])
      short_side = 1;
    if(sides_lengths_squared[2] < sides_lengths_squared[short_side])
      short_side = 2;
    if(sides_lengths_squared[1] > sides_lengths_squared[0])
      long_side = 1;
    if(sides_lengths_squared[2] > sides_lengths_squared[long_side])
      long_side = 2;

    // calculate the minimum angle of the tri
    if( metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_MINIMUM_ANGLE )
      if(sides_lengths_squared[0] == 0.0 || 
        sides_lengths_squared[1] == 0.0 ||
        sides_lengths_squared[2] == 0.0)
        metric_vals->minimum_angle = 0.0;
      else if(short_side == 0)
        metric_vals->minimum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL)sides[2].interior_angle(sides[1]);
      else if(short_side == 1)
        metric_vals->minimum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL)sides[0].interior_angle(sides[2]);
        metric_vals->minimum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL)sides[0].interior_angle(-sides[1]);
    // calculate the maximum angle of the tri
    if( metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_MAXIMUM_ANGLE )
      if(sides_lengths_squared[0] == 0.0 || 
        sides_lengths_squared[1] == 0.0 ||
        sides_lengths_squared[2] == 0.0)
        metric_vals->maximum_angle = 0.0;
      else if(long_side == 0)
        metric_vals->maximum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL)sides[2].interior_angle(sides[1]);
      else if(long_side == 1)
        metric_vals->maximum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL)sides[0].interior_angle(sides[2]);
        metric_vals->maximum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL)sides[0].interior_angle(-sides[1]);

  // calculate the area of the tri
  // the following metrics depend on area
  if( metrics_request_flag & (V_TRI_AREA | V_TRI_SCALED_JACOBIAN | 
    metric_vals->area = (VERDICT_REAL)((sides[0] * sides[2]).length() * 0.5);

  // calculate the aspect ratio
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_ASPECT)
    // sum the lengths squared
    double srms = 
      sides_lengths_squared[0] +
      sides_lengths_squared[1] +
      sides_lengths_squared[2] ;

    // calculate once and reuse
    static const double twoTimesRootOf3 = 2*sqrt(3.0);

    double div = (twoTimesRootOf3 * 
      ( (sides[0] * sides[2]).length() ));

    if(div == 0.0)
      metric_vals->aspect = (VERDICT_REAL)VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
      metric_vals->aspect = (VERDICT_REAL)(srms / div);

  // calculate the scaled jacobian
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_SCALED_JACOBIAN)
    // calculate once and reuse
    static const double twoOverRootOf3 = 2/sqrt(3.0);
    // use the area from above
    VerdictVector tri_normal = sides[0] * sides[2]; 

    double tmp = tri_normal.length() * twoOverRootOf3;
    // now scale it by the lengths of the sides
    double min_scaled_jac = VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
    double temp_scaled_jac;
    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
      if(sides_lengths_squared[i%3] == 0.0 || sides_lengths_squared[(i+2)%3] == 0.0)
        temp_scaled_jac = 0.0;
        temp_scaled_jac = tmp / sqrt(sides_lengths_squared[i%3]) / sqrt(sides_lengths_squared[(i+2)%3]);
      if( temp_scaled_jac < min_scaled_jac )
        min_scaled_jac = temp_scaled_jac;

    if( compute_normal )
      //center of tri
      double point[3], surf_normal[3];
      point[0] =  (coordinates[0][0] + coordinates[1][0] + coordinates[2][0]) / 3;
      point[1] =  (coordinates[0][1] + coordinates[1][1] + coordinates[2][1]) / 3;
      point[2] =  (coordinates[0][2] + coordinates[1][2] + coordinates[2][2]) / 3;

      //dot product
      compute_normal( point, surf_normal ); 
      if( (tri_normal.x()*surf_normal[0] + 
           tri_normal.y()*surf_normal[1] +
           tri_normal.z()*surf_normal[2] ) < 0 )
      min_scaled_jac *= -1; 
    metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL)min_scaled_jac;


  // calculate the condition number
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_CONDITION)
    // calculate once and reuse
    static const double rootOf3 = sqrt(3.0);
    double area2x = (sides[0] * sides[2]).length();
    if(area2x == 0.0 ) 
      metric_vals->condition = (VERDICT_REAL)(VERDICT_DBL_MAX);
      metric_vals->condition = (VERDICT_REAL) ( (sides[0]%sides[0] +
        sides[2]%sides[2] - sides[0]%sides[2])  / (area2x*rootOf3) );   

  // calculate the shape
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_SHAPE || metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_SHAPE_AND_SIZE)
    // calculate once and reuse
    static const double rootOf3 = sqrt(3.0);
    // reuse area from before
    double area2x = metric_vals->area * 2;
    // dot products
    double dots[3] = { 
      sides[0] % sides[0],
      sides[2] % sides[2],
      sides[0] % sides[2]

    // add the dots
    double sum_dots = dots[0] + dots[1] - dots[2];

    // then the finale
    if( sum_dots == 0.0 ) 
      metric_vals->shape = 0.0;
      metric_vals->shape = (VERDICT_REAL)(rootOf3 * area2x / sum_dots);

  // calculate relative size squared
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_RELATIVE_SIZE_SQUARED || metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_SHAPE_AND_SIZE)
    // get weights
    double w11, w21, w12, w22;
    // get the determinant
    double detw = determinant(w11,w21,w12,w22);
    // use the area from above and divide with the determinant
    if( metric_vals->area == 0.0  || detw == 0.0 )
      metric_vals->relative_size_squared = 0.0;
      double size = metric_vals->area * 2.0 / detw;
      // square the size
      size *= size;
      // value ranges between 0 to 1
      metric_vals->relative_size_squared = (VERDICT_REAL)VERDICT_MIN(size, 1.0/size );

  // calculate shape and size
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_SHAPE_AND_SIZE)
    metric_vals->shape_and_size = 
      metric_vals->relative_size_squared * metric_vals->shape;

  // calculate distortion
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_DISTORTION)
    metric_vals->distortion = v_tri_distortion(num_nodes, coordinates);

  //take care of any over-flow problems
  if( metric_vals->aspect > 0 )
    metric_vals->aspect = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->aspect, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );\
    metric_vals->aspect = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->aspect, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->area > 0 )
    metric_vals->area = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->area, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->area = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->area, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->minimum_angle > 0 )
    metric_vals->minimum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->minimum_angle, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->minimum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->minimum_angle, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->maximum_angle > 0 )
    metric_vals->maximum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->maximum_angle, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->maximum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->maximum_angle , -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->condition > 0 )
    metric_vals->condition = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->condition, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->condition = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->condition, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->shape > 0 )
    metric_vals->shape = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->shape, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->shape = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->shape, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->scaled_jacobian > 0 )
    metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->scaled_jacobian, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->scaled_jacobian, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->relative_size_squared > 0 )
    metric_vals->relative_size_squared = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->relative_size_squared, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->relative_size_squared = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->relative_size_squared, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->shape_and_size > 0 )
    metric_vals->shape_and_size = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->shape_and_size, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->shape_and_size = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->shape_and_size, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->distortion > 0 )
    metric_vals->distortion = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->distortion, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->distortion = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->distortion, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
Exemple #24
  tri_quality for calculating multiple tri functions at once

  using this method is generally faster than using the individual 
  method multiple times.

C_FUNC_DEF void v_tri_quality( int num_nodes, double coordinates[][3], 
    unsigned int metrics_request_flag, TriMetricVals *metric_vals ) 

  memset( metric_vals, 0, sizeof(TriMetricVals) );

  // for starts, lets set up some basic and common information

  /*  node numbers and side numbers used below

            /  \ 
         2 /    \ 1
          /      \
         /        \
       0 ---------+ 1
  // vectors for each side
  VerdictVector sides[3];
      coordinates[1][0] - coordinates[0][0],
      coordinates[1][1] - coordinates[0][1],
      coordinates[1][2] - coordinates[0][2]
      coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[1][0],
      coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[1][1],
      coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[1][2]
      coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[0][0],
      coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[0][1],
      coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[0][2]
  VerdictVector tri_normal = sides[0] * sides[2];
    //if we have access to normal information, check to see if the
    //element is inverted.  If we don't have the normal information
    //that we need for this, assume the element is not inverted.
    //This flag will be used for condition number, jacobian, shape,
    //and size and shape.
  bool is_inverted = false;
  if( compute_normal )
      //center of tri
    double point[3], surf_normal[3];
    point[0] =  (coordinates[0][0] + coordinates[1][0] + coordinates[2][0]) / 3;
    point[1] =  (coordinates[0][1] + coordinates[1][1] + coordinates[2][1]) / 3;
    point[2] =  (coordinates[0][2] + coordinates[1][2] + coordinates[2][2]) / 3;
      //dot product
    compute_normal( point, surf_normal ); 
    if( (tri_normal.x()*surf_normal[0] + 
         tri_normal.y()*surf_normal[1] +
         tri_normal.z()*surf_normal[2] ) < 0 )
  // lengths squared of each side
  double sides_lengths_squared[3];
  sides_lengths_squared[0] = sides[0].length_squared();
  sides_lengths_squared[1] = sides[1].length_squared();
  sides_lengths_squared[2] = sides[2].length_squared();

  // if we are doing angle calcuations
  if( metrics_request_flag & (V_TRI_MINIMUM_ANGLE | V_TRI_MAXIMUM_ANGLE) )
    // which is short and long side
    int short_side=0, long_side=0;

    if(sides_lengths_squared[1] < sides_lengths_squared[0])
      short_side = 1;
    if(sides_lengths_squared[2] < sides_lengths_squared[short_side])
      short_side = 2;
    if(sides_lengths_squared[1] > sides_lengths_squared[0])
      long_side = 1;
    if(sides_lengths_squared[2] > sides_lengths_squared[long_side])
      long_side = 2;

    // calculate the minimum angle of the tri
    if( metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_MINIMUM_ANGLE )
      if(sides_lengths_squared[0] == 0.0 || 
        sides_lengths_squared[1] == 0.0 ||
        sides_lengths_squared[2] == 0.0)
        metric_vals->minimum_angle = 0.0;
      else if(short_side == 0)
        metric_vals->minimum_angle = (double)sides[2].interior_angle(sides[1]);
      else if(short_side == 1)
        metric_vals->minimum_angle = (double)sides[0].interior_angle(sides[2]);
        metric_vals->minimum_angle = (double)sides[0].interior_angle(-sides[1]);
    // calculate the maximum angle of the tri
    if( metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_MAXIMUM_ANGLE )
      if(sides_lengths_squared[0] == 0.0 || 
        sides_lengths_squared[1] == 0.0 ||
        sides_lengths_squared[2] == 0.0)
        metric_vals->maximum_angle = 0.0;
      else if(long_side == 0)
        metric_vals->maximum_angle = (double)sides[2].interior_angle(sides[1]);
      else if(long_side == 1)
        metric_vals->maximum_angle = (double)sides[0].interior_angle(sides[2]);
        metric_vals->maximum_angle = (double)sides[0].interior_angle(-sides[1]);

  // calculate the area of the tri
  // the following functions depend on area
  if( metrics_request_flag & (V_TRI_AREA | V_TRI_SCALED_JACOBIAN | 
    metric_vals->area = (double)((sides[0] * sides[2]).length() * 0.5);

  // calculate the aspect ratio
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_ASPECT_FROBENIUS)
    // sum the lengths squared
    double srms = 
      sides_lengths_squared[0] +
      sides_lengths_squared[1] +
      sides_lengths_squared[2] ;

    // calculate once and reuse
    static const double twoTimesRootOf3 = 2*sqrt(3.0);

    double div = (twoTimesRootOf3 * 
      ( (sides[0] * sides[2]).length() ));

    if(div == 0.0)
      metric_vals->aspect_frobenius = (double)VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
      metric_vals->aspect_frobenius = (double)(srms / div);

  // calculate the radius ratio of the triangle
  if( metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_RADIUS_RATIO )
  double a1 = sqrt( sides_lengths_squared[0] );
  double b1 = sqrt( sides_lengths_squared[1] );
  double c1 = sqrt( sides_lengths_squared[2] );

  VerdictVector ab = sides[0] * sides[1];

  metric_vals->radius_ratio = (double) .25 * a1 * b1 * c1 * ( a1 + b1 + c1 ) / ab.length_squared();

  // calculate the scaled jacobian
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_SCALED_JACOBIAN)
    // calculate once and reuse
    static const double twoOverRootOf3 = 2/sqrt(3.0);
    // use the area from above
    double tmp = tri_normal.length() * twoOverRootOf3;
    // now scale it by the lengths of the sides
    double min_scaled_jac = VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
    double temp_scaled_jac;
    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
      if(sides_lengths_squared[i%3] == 0.0 || sides_lengths_squared[(i+2)%3] == 0.0)
        temp_scaled_jac = 0.0;
        temp_scaled_jac = tmp / sqrt(sides_lengths_squared[i%3]) / sqrt(sides_lengths_squared[(i+2)%3]);
      if( temp_scaled_jac < min_scaled_jac )
        min_scaled_jac = temp_scaled_jac;
      //multiply by -1 if the normals are in opposite directions
    if( is_inverted )
      min_scaled_jac *= -1; 
    metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = (double)min_scaled_jac;


  // calculate the condition number
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_CONDITION)
    // calculate once and reuse
    static const double rootOf3 = sqrt(3.0);
      //if it is inverted, the condition number is considered to be infinity.
      metric_vals->condition = VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
      double area2x = (sides[0] * sides[2]).length();
      if(area2x == 0.0 ) 
        metric_vals->condition = (double)(VERDICT_DBL_MAX);
        metric_vals->condition = (double) ( (sides[0]%sides[0] +
                                                   sides[2]%sides[2] -
                                                   sides[0]%sides[2])  /
                                                  (area2x*rootOf3) );

  // calculate the shape
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_SHAPE || metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_SHAPE_AND_SIZE)
      //if element is inverted, shape is zero.  We don't need to
      //calculate anything.
    if(is_inverted ){
      metric_vals->shape = 0.0;
    else{//otherwise, we calculate the shape
        // calculate once and reuse
      static const double rootOf3 = sqrt(3.0);
        // reuse area from before
      double area2x = metric_vals->area * 2;
        // dot products
      double dots[3] = { 
        sides[0] % sides[0],
          sides[2] % sides[2],
          sides[0] % sides[2]

        // add the dots
      double sum_dots = dots[0] + dots[1] - dots[2];

        // then the finale
      if( sum_dots == 0.0 ) 
        metric_vals->shape = 0.0;
        metric_vals->shape = (double)(rootOf3 * area2x / sum_dots);

  // calculate relative size squared
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_RELATIVE_SIZE_SQUARED || metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_SHAPE_AND_SIZE)
    // get weights
    double w11, w21, w12, w22;
    // get the determinant
    double detw = v_determinant(w11,w21,w12,w22);
    // use the area from above and divide with the determinant
    if( metric_vals->area == 0.0  || detw == 0.0 )
      metric_vals->relative_size_squared = 0.0;
      double size = metric_vals->area * 2.0 / detw;
      // square the size
      size *= size;
      // value ranges between 0 to 1
      metric_vals->relative_size_squared = (double)VERDICT_MIN(size, 1.0/size );

  // calculate shape and size
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_SHAPE_AND_SIZE)
    metric_vals->shape_and_size = 
      metric_vals->relative_size_squared * metric_vals->shape;

  // calculate distortion
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TRI_DISTORTION)
    metric_vals->distortion = v_tri_distortion(num_nodes, coordinates);

  //take care of any over-flow problems
  if( metric_vals->aspect_frobenius > 0 )
    metric_vals->aspect_frobenius = (double) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->aspect_frobenius, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );\
    metric_vals->aspect_frobenius = (double) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->aspect_frobenius, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->area > 0 )
    metric_vals->area = (double) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->area, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->area = (double) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->area, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->minimum_angle > 0 )
    metric_vals->minimum_angle = (double) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->minimum_angle, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->minimum_angle = (double) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->minimum_angle, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->maximum_angle > 0 )
    metric_vals->maximum_angle = (double) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->maximum_angle, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->maximum_angle = (double) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->maximum_angle , -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->condition > 0 )
    metric_vals->condition = (double) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->condition, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->condition = (double) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->condition, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->shape > 0 )
    metric_vals->shape = (double) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->shape, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->shape = (double) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->shape, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->radius_ratio > 0 )
    metric_vals->radius_ratio = (double) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->radius_ratio, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );\
    metric_vals->radius_ratio = (double) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->radius_ratio, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->scaled_jacobian > 0 )
    metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = (double) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->scaled_jacobian, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = (double) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->scaled_jacobian, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->relative_size_squared > 0 )
    metric_vals->relative_size_squared = (double) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->relative_size_squared, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->relative_size_squared = (double) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->relative_size_squared, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->shape_and_size > 0 )
    metric_vals->shape_and_size = (double) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->shape_and_size, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->shape_and_size = (double) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->shape_and_size, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if( metric_vals->distortion > 0 )
    metric_vals->distortion = (double) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->distortion, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->distortion = (double) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->distortion, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
Exemple #25
   the edge ratio of a triangle

   NB (P. Pebay 01/14/07): 
     Hmax / Hmin where Hmax and Hmin are respectively the maximum and the
     minimum edge lengths

C_FUNC_DEF double v_tri_edge_ratio( int /*num_nodes*/, double coordinates[][3] )

  // three vectors for each side 
  VerdictVector a( coordinates[1][0] - coordinates[0][0],
                   coordinates[1][1] - coordinates[0][1],
                   coordinates[1][2] - coordinates[0][2] );
  VerdictVector b( coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[1][0],
                   coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[1][1],
                   coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[1][2] );
  VerdictVector c( coordinates[0][0] - coordinates[2][0],
                   coordinates[0][1] - coordinates[2][1],
                   coordinates[0][2] - coordinates[2][2] );

  double a2 = a.length_squared();
  double b2 = b.length_squared();
  double c2 = c.length_squared();
  double m2, M2;
  if ( a2 < b2 )
      if ( b2 < c2 )
          m2 = a2;
          M2 = c2;
      else // b2 <= a2
          if ( a2 < c2 )
              m2 = a2;
              M2 = b2;
          else // c2 <= a2
              m2 = c2;
              M2 = b2;
  else // b2 <= a2
      if ( a2 < c2 )
          m2 = b2;
          M2 = c2;
      else // c2 <= a2
          if ( b2 < c2 )
              m2 = b2;
              M2 = a2;
          else // c2 <= b2
              m2 = c2;
              M2 = a2;

  if( m2 < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) 
    return (double)VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
    double edge_ratio;
    edge_ratio = sqrt(M2 / m2);
    if( edge_ratio > 0 )
      return (double) VERDICT_MIN( edge_ratio, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    return (double) VERDICT_MAX( edge_ratio, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

Exemple #26
  The distortion of a tri

TODO:  make a short definition of the distortion and comment below
C_FUNC_DEF double v_tri_distortion( int num_nodes, double coordinates[][3] )

   double distortion;
   int total_number_of_gauss_points=0;
   VerdictVector  aa, bb, cc,normal_at_point, xin;
   double element_area = 0.;

   aa.set(coordinates[1][0] - coordinates[0][0], 
    coordinates[1][1] - coordinates[0][1],
    coordinates[1][2] - coordinates[0][2] );
   bb.set(coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[0][0], 
    coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[0][1],
    coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[0][2] );

   VerdictVector tri_normal = aa * bb;
   int number_of_gauss_points=0;
   if (num_nodes ==3)
      distortion = 1.0;
      return (double)distortion;
   else if (num_nodes ==6)
      total_number_of_gauss_points = 6;
      number_of_gauss_points = 6;

   distortion = VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
   double shape_function[maxTotalNumberGaussPoints][maxNumberNodes];
   double dndy1[maxTotalNumberGaussPoints][maxNumberNodes];
   double dndy2[maxTotalNumberGaussPoints][maxNumberNodes];
   double weight[maxTotalNumberGaussPoints];

   //create an object of GaussIntegration
   int number_dims = 2;
   int is_tri = 1;
   GaussIntegration::initialize(number_of_gauss_points,num_nodes, number_dims, is_tri);
   GaussIntegration::get_shape_func(shape_function[0], dndy1[0], dndy2[0], weight);

         // calculate element area
   int ife, ja;
   for (ife=0;ife<total_number_of_gauss_points; ife++)

      for (ja=0;ja<num_nodes;ja++)
         xin.set(coordinates[ja][0], coordinates[ja][1], coordinates[ja][2]);
         aa += dndy1[ife][ja]*xin;
         bb += dndy2[ife][ja]*xin;
         normal_at_point = aa*bb;
         double jacobian = normal_at_point.length();
         element_area += weight[ife]*jacobian;

   element_area *= 0.8660254;
   double dndy1_at_node[maxNumberNodes][maxNumberNodes];
   double dndy2_at_node[maxNumberNodes][maxNumberNodes];

   GaussIntegration::calculate_derivative_at_nodes_2d_tri( dndy1_at_node,  dndy2_at_node);

   VerdictVector normal_at_nodes[7];

   //evaluate normal at nodes and distortion values at nodes
   int  jai=0;
   for (ja =0; ja<num_nodes; ja++)
      for (jai =0; jai<num_nodes; jai++)
         xin.set(coordinates[jai][0], coordinates[jai][1], coordinates[jai][2]);
         aa += dndy1_at_node[ja][jai]*xin;
         bb += dndy2_at_node[ja][jai]*xin;
      normal_at_nodes[ja] = aa*bb;

   //determine if element is flat
   bool flat_element =true;
   double dot_product;

   for ( ja=0; ja<num_nodes;ja++)
      dot_product = normal_at_nodes[0]%normal_at_nodes[ja];
      if (fabs(dot_product) <0.99)
         flat_element = false;

   // take into consideration of the thickness of the element
   double thickness, thickness_gauss;
   double distrt;
   //get_tri_thickness(tri, element_area, thickness );
     thickness = 0.001*sqrt(element_area);

   //set thickness gauss point location
   double zl = 0.5773502691896;
   if (flat_element) zl =0.0;

   int no_gauss_pts_z = (flat_element)? 1 : 2;
   double thickness_z;

   //loop on integration points
   int igz;
   for (ife=0;ife<total_number_of_gauss_points;ife++)
      //loop on the thickness direction gauss points
      for (igz=0;igz<no_gauss_pts_z;igz++)
  zl = -zl;
         thickness_z = zl*thickness/2.0;


         for (ja=0;ja<num_nodes;ja++)
            xin.set(coordinates[jai][0], coordinates[jai][1], coordinates[jai][2]);
            xin += thickness_z*normal_at_nodes[ja];
            aa  += dndy1[ife][ja]*xin;
            bb  += dndy2[ife][ja]*xin;
            thickness_gauss = shape_function[ife][ja]*thickness/2.0;
            cc  += thickness_gauss*normal_at_nodes[ja];

         normal_at_point = aa*bb;
         distrt = cc%normal_at_point;
         if (distrt < distortion) distortion = distrt;

   //loop through nodal points
   for ( ja =0; ja<num_nodes; ja++)
      for ( igz=0;igz<no_gauss_pts_z;igz++)
         zl = -zl;
         thickness_z = zl*thickness/2.0;


         for ( jai =0; jai<num_nodes; jai++)
            xin.set(coordinates[jai][0], coordinates[jai][1], coordinates[jai][2]);
            xin += thickness_z*normal_at_nodes[ja];
            aa += dndy1_at_node[ja][jai]*xin;
            bb += dndy2_at_node[ja][jai]*xin;
            if (jai == ja)
               thickness_gauss = thickness/2.0;
               thickness_gauss = 0.;
            cc  += thickness_gauss*normal_at_nodes[jai];

      normal_at_point = aa*bb;
      double sign_jacobian = (tri_normal % normal_at_point) > 0? 1.:-1.;
      distrt = sign_jacobian  * (cc%normal_at_point);

      if (distrt < distortion) distortion = distrt;
   if (element_area*thickness !=0)
      distortion *=1./( element_area*thickness);
      distortion *=1.;
  if( distortion > 0 )
    return (double) VERDICT_MIN( distortion, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
  return (double) VERDICT_MAX( distortion, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
Exemple #27
  the smallest angle of a quad

  smallest included quad angle (degrees)
C_FUNC_DEF VERDICT_REAL v_quad_minimum_angle( int /*num_nodes*/, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3] )
  // if this quad is a collapsed quad, then just
  // send it to the tri_smallest_angle routine 
  if ( is_collapsed_quad(coordinates) == VERDICT_TRUE )
    return v_tri_minimum_angle(3, coordinates);

  double angle;
  double min_angle = 360.0;
  VerdictVector edges[4];
      coordinates[1][0] - coordinates[0][0],
      coordinates[1][1] - coordinates[0][1],
      coordinates[1][2] - coordinates[0][2]
      coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[1][0],
      coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[1][1],
      coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[1][2]
      coordinates[3][0] - coordinates[2][0],
      coordinates[3][1] - coordinates[2][1],
      coordinates[3][2] - coordinates[2][2]
      coordinates[0][0] - coordinates[3][0],
      coordinates[0][1] - coordinates[3][1],
      coordinates[0][2] - coordinates[3][2]

  // go around each node and calculate the angle
  // at each node
  double length[4];
  length[0] = edges[0].length();
  length[1] = edges[1].length();
  length[2] = edges[2].length();
  length[3] = edges[3].length();

  if( length[0] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
      length[1] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
      length[2] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
      length[3] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
    return 360.0;  

  angle = acos( -(edges[0] % edges[1])/(length[0]*length[1]) );
  min_angle = VERDICT_MIN(angle, min_angle);

  angle = acos( -(edges[1] % edges[2])/(length[1]*length[2]) );
  min_angle = VERDICT_MIN(angle, min_angle);

  angle = acos( -(edges[2] % edges[3])/(length[2]*length[3]) );
  min_angle = VERDICT_MIN(angle, min_angle);

  angle = acos( -(edges[3] % edges[0])/(length[3]*length[0]) );
  min_angle = VERDICT_MIN(angle, min_angle);

  min_angle = min_angle *180.0/VERDICT_PI;

  if( min_angle  > 0 )
    return (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( min_angle, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
Exemple #28
  the largest angle of a quad

  largest included quad area (degrees)
C_FUNC_DEF VERDICT_REAL v_quad_maximum_angle( int /*num_nodes*/, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3] )

  // if this is a collapsed quad, just pass it on to 
  // the tri_largest_angle routine
  if( is_collapsed_quad(coordinates) == VERDICT_TRUE )
    return v_tri_maximum_angle(3, coordinates);

  double angle;
  double max_angle = 0.0;
  VerdictVector edges[4];
      coordinates[1][0] - coordinates[0][0],
      coordinates[1][1] - coordinates[0][1],
      coordinates[1][2] - coordinates[0][2]
      coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[1][0],
      coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[1][1],
      coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[1][2]
      coordinates[3][0] - coordinates[2][0],
      coordinates[3][1] - coordinates[2][1],
      coordinates[3][2] - coordinates[2][2]
      coordinates[0][0] - coordinates[3][0],
      coordinates[0][1] - coordinates[3][1],
      coordinates[0][2] - coordinates[3][2]

  // go around each node and calculate the angle
  // at each node
  double length[4];
  length[0] = edges[0].length();
  length[1] = edges[1].length();
  length[2] = edges[2].length();
  length[3] = edges[3].length();

  if( length[0] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
      length[1] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
      length[2] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
      length[3] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
    return 0.0;  

  angle = acos( -(edges[0] % edges[1])/(length[0]*length[1]) );
  max_angle = VERDICT_MAX(angle, max_angle);

  angle = acos( -(edges[1] % edges[2])/(length[1]*length[2]) );
  max_angle = VERDICT_MAX(angle, max_angle);

  angle = acos( -(edges[2] % edges[3])/(length[2]*length[3]) );
  max_angle = VERDICT_MAX(angle, max_angle);

  angle = acos( -(edges[3] % edges[0])/(length[3]*length[0]) );
  max_angle = VERDICT_MAX(angle, max_angle);

  max_angle = max_angle *180.0/VERDICT_PI;

  //if any signed areas are < 0, then you are getting the wrong angle
  double areas[4]; 
  signed_corner_areas( areas, coordinates );

  if( areas[0] < 0 || areas[1] < 0 || 
      areas[2] < 0 || areas[3] < 0 )
    max_angle = 360 - max_angle;

  if( max_angle  > 0 )
    return (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( max_angle, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
Exemple #29
  the quality metrics of a tet
C_FUNC_DEF void v_tet_quality( int num_nodes, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3], 
    unsigned int metrics_request_flag, TetMetricVals *metric_vals )

  memset( metric_vals, 0, sizeof(TetMetricVals) );

    node numbers and edge numbers below

             +            edge 0 is node 0 to 1
            +|+           edge 1 is node 1 to 2
          3/ | \5         edge 2 is node 0 to 2
          / 4|  \         edge 3 is node 0 to 3
        0 - -|- + 2       edge 4 is node 1 to 3
          \  |  +         edge 5 is node 2 to 3
          0\ | /1
            +|/           edge 2 is behind edge 4


  // lets start with making the vectors
  VerdictVector edges[6];
  edges[0].set( coordinates[1][0] - coordinates[0][0],
                coordinates[1][1] - coordinates[0][1],
                coordinates[1][2] - coordinates[0][2] );

  edges[1].set( coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[1][0],
                coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[1][1],
                coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[1][2] );

  edges[2].set( coordinates[0][0] - coordinates[2][0],
                coordinates[0][1] - coordinates[2][1],
                coordinates[0][2] - coordinates[2][2] );

  edges[3].set( coordinates[3][0] - coordinates[0][0],
                coordinates[3][1] - coordinates[0][1],
                coordinates[3][2] - coordinates[0][2] );

  edges[4].set( coordinates[3][0] - coordinates[1][0],
                coordinates[3][1] - coordinates[1][1],
                coordinates[3][2] - coordinates[1][2] );

  edges[5].set( coordinates[3][0] - coordinates[2][0],
                coordinates[3][1] - coordinates[2][1],
                coordinates[3][2] - coordinates[2][2] );

  // common numbers
  static const double root_of_2 = sqrt(2.0);
  // calculate the jacobian 
  static const int do_jacobian = V_TET_JACOBIAN | V_TET_VOLUME | 
  if(metrics_request_flag & do_jacobian )
    metric_vals->jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL)(edges[3] % (edges[2] * edges[0]));
  // calculate the volume 
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TET_VOLUME)
    metric_vals->volume = (VERDICT_REAL)(metric_vals->jacobian / 6.0);
  // calculate aspect ratio
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TET_ASPECT_BETA)
    double surface_area = ((edges[2] * edges[0]).length() + 
                           (edges[3] * edges[0]).length() +
                           (edges[4] * edges[1]).length() + 
                           (edges[3] * edges[2]).length() ) * 0.5;

    VerdictVector numerator = edges[3].length_squared() * ( edges[2] * edges[0] ) +
                              edges[2].length_squared() * ( edges[3] * edges[0] ) +
                              edges[0].length_squared() * ( edges[3] * edges[2] );

    double volume = metric_vals->jacobian / 6.0;

    if(volume < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
      metric_vals->aspect_beta = (VERDICT_REAL)(VERDICT_DBL_MAX);
      metric_vals->aspect_beta = 
        (VERDICT_REAL)( numerator.length() * surface_area/ (108*volume*volume) );

  // calculate the aspect gamma 
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TET_ASPECT_GAMMA)
    double volume = fabs( metric_vals->jacobian / 6.0 );
    if( fabs( volume ) < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ) 
      metric_vals->aspect_gamma = VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
      double srms = sqrt((
            edges[0].length_squared() + edges[1].length_squared() +
            edges[2].length_squared() + edges[3].length_squared() +
            edges[4].length_squared() + edges[5].length_squared()
            ) / 6.0 );

      // cube the srms
      srms *= (srms * srms);
      metric_vals->aspect_gamma = (VERDICT_REAL)( srms / (8.47967 * volume ));

  // calculate the shape of the tet
  if(metrics_request_flag & ( V_TET_SHAPE | V_TET_SHAPE_AND_SIZE ) )
    static const double two_thirds = 2.0/3.0;
    double num = 3.0 * pow(root_of_2 * metric_vals->jacobian, two_thirds);
    double den = 1.5 *
      (edges[0] % edges[0]  + edges[2] % edges[2]  + edges[3] % edges[3]) -
      (edges[0] % -edges[2] + -edges[2] % edges[3] + edges[3] % edges[0]);

    if( den < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
      metric_vals->shape = (VERDICT_REAL)0.0;
      metric_vals->shape = (VERDICT_REAL)VERDICT_MAX( num/den, 0 );
  // calculate the relative size of the tet
  if(metrics_request_flag & (V_TET_RELATIVE_SIZE_SQUARED | V_TET_SHAPE_AND_SIZE ))
    VerdictVector w1, w2, w3;
    double avg_vol = (w1 % (w2 *w3))/6;
    if( avg_vol < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
      metric_vals->relative_size_squared = 0.0; 
      double tmp = metric_vals->jacobian / (6*avg_vol);
      if( tmp < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
        metric_vals->relative_size_squared = 0.0; 
        tmp *= tmp;
        metric_vals->relative_size_squared = (VERDICT_REAL)VERDICT_MIN(tmp, 1/tmp);
  // calculate the shape and size
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TET_SHAPE_AND_SIZE)
    metric_vals->shape_and_size = (VERDICT_REAL)(metric_vals->shape * metric_vals->relative_size_squared);
  // calculate the scaled jacobian
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TET_SCALED_JACOBIAN)
    //find out which node the normalized jacobian can be calculated at
    //and it will be the smaller than at other nodes
    double length_squared[4] = {
      edges[0].length_squared() * edges[2].length_squared() * edges[3].length_squared(),
      edges[0].length_squared() * edges[1].length_squared() * edges[4].length_squared(),
      edges[1].length_squared() * edges[2].length_squared() * edges[5].length_squared(),
      edges[3].length_squared() * edges[4].length_squared() * edges[5].length_squared()
    int which_node = 0;
    if(length_squared[1] > length_squared[which_node])
      which_node = 1;
    if(length_squared[2] > length_squared[which_node])
      which_node = 2;
    if(length_squared[3] > length_squared[which_node])
      which_node = 3;

    // find the scaled jacobian at this node
    double length_product = sqrt( length_squared[which_node] );
    if(length_product < fabs(metric_vals->jacobian))
      length_product = fabs(metric_vals->jacobian);

    if( length_product < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
      metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_DBL_MAX; 
      metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = 
        (VERDICT_REAL)(root_of_2 * metric_vals->jacobian / length_product);
  // calculate the condition number
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TET_CONDITION)
    static const double root_of_3 = sqrt(3.0);
    static const double root_of_6 = sqrt(6.0);

    VerdictVector c_1, c_2, c_3; 
    c_1 = edges[0];
    c_2 = (-2*edges[2] - edges[0])/root_of_3;
    c_3 = (3*edges[3] + edges[2] - edges[0])/root_of_6;

    double term1 =  c_1 % c_1 + c_2 % c_2 + c_3 % c_3;
    double term2 = ( c_1 * c_2 ) % ( c_1 * c_2 ) + 
                   ( c_2 * c_3 ) % ( c_2 * c_3 ) + 
                   ( c_3 * c_1 ) % ( c_3 * c_1 );

    double det = c_1 % ( c_2 * c_3 );

    if(det <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN)
      metric_vals->condition = (VERDICT_REAL)VERDICT_DBL_MAX; 
      metric_vals->condition = (VERDICT_REAL)(sqrt(term1 * term2) / (3.0*det)); 
  // calculate the distortion
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TET_DISTORTION)
    metric_vals->distortion = v_tet_distortion(num_nodes, coordinates);	

  //check for overflow
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TET_ASPECT_BETA )
    if( metric_vals->aspect_beta > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->aspect_beta = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->aspect_beta, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->aspect_beta = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->aspect_beta, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TET_ASPECT_GAMMA)
    if( metric_vals->aspect_gamma > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->aspect_gamma = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->aspect_gamma, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->aspect_gamma = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->aspect_gamma, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TET_VOLUME)
    if( metric_vals->volume > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->volume = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->volume, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->volume = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->volume, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TET_CONDITION)
    if( metric_vals->condition > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->condition = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->condition, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->condition = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->condition, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TET_JACOBIAN)
    if( metric_vals->jacobian > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->jacobian, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->jacobian, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TET_SCALED_JACOBIAN)
    if( metric_vals->scaled_jacobian > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->scaled_jacobian, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->scaled_jacobian, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TET_SHAPE)
    if( metric_vals->shape > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->shape = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->shape, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->shape = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->shape, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TET_RELATIVE_SIZE_SQUARED)
    if( metric_vals->relative_size_squared > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->relative_size_squared = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->relative_size_squared, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->relative_size_squared = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->relative_size_squared, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TET_SHAPE_AND_SIZE)
    if( metric_vals->shape_and_size > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->shape_and_size = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->shape_and_size, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->shape_and_size = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->shape_and_size, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_TET_DISTORTION)
    if( metric_vals->distortion > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->distortion = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->distortion, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->distortion = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->distortion, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

Exemple #30
  multiple quality measures of a quad
C_FUNC_DEF void v_quad_quality( int num_nodes, VERDICT_REAL coordinates[][3], 
    unsigned int metrics_request_flag, QuadMetricVals *metric_vals )

  memset( metric_vals, 0, sizeof(QuadMetricVals) );

  // for starts, lets set up some basic and common information

  /*  node numbers and side numbers used below

            3 +--------- 2
             /         +
            /          |
         3 /           | 1
          /            |
         +             |
       0 -------------+ 1
  // vectors for each side
  VerdictVector edges[4];
  make_quad_edges( edges, coordinates );

  double areas[4]; 
  signed_corner_areas( areas, coordinates );

  double lengths[4];
  lengths[0] = edges[0].length();
  lengths[1] = edges[1].length();
  lengths[2] = edges[2].length();
  lengths[3] = edges[3].length();

  VerdictBoolean is_collapsed = is_collapsed_quad(coordinates);

  // handle collapsed quads metrics here
  if(is_collapsed == VERDICT_TRUE && metrics_request_flag & 
    if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_MINIMUM_ANGLE)
      metric_vals->minimum_angle = v_tri_minimum_angle(3, coordinates);
    if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_MAXIMUM_ANGLE)
      metric_vals->maximum_angle = v_tri_maximum_angle(3, coordinates);
    if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_JACOBIAN)
      metric_vals->jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL)(v_tri_area(3, coordinates) * 2.0);
    if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_SCALED_JACOBIAN)
      metric_vals->jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL)(v_tri_scaled_jacobian(3, coordinates) * 2.0);
  // calculate both largest and smallest angles
  if(metrics_request_flag & (V_QUAD_MINIMUM_ANGLE | V_QUAD_MAXIMUM_ANGLE) 
      && is_collapsed == VERDICT_FALSE )
    // gather the angles
    double angles[4];
    angles[0] = acos( -(edges[0] % edges[1])/(lengths[0]*lengths[1]) );
    angles[1] = acos( -(edges[1] % edges[2])/(lengths[1]*lengths[2]) );
    angles[2] = acos( -(edges[2] % edges[3])/(lengths[2]*lengths[3]) );
    angles[3] = acos( -(edges[3] % edges[0])/(lengths[3]*lengths[0]) );

    if( lengths[0] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
        lengths[1] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
        lengths[2] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
        lengths[3] <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
      metric_vals->minimum_angle = 360.0;
      metric_vals->maximum_angle = 0.0;
      // if smallest angle, find the smallest angle
      if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_MINIMUM_ANGLE)
        metric_vals->minimum_angle = VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
        for(int i = 0; i<4; i++)
          metric_vals->minimum_angle = VERDICT_MIN(angles[i], metric_vals->minimum_angle);
        metric_vals->minimum_angle *= 180.0 / VERDICT_PI;
      // if largest angle, find the largest angle
      if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_MAXIMUM_ANGLE)
        metric_vals->maximum_angle = 0.0;
        for(int i = 0; i<4; i++)
          metric_vals->maximum_angle = VERDICT_MAX(angles[i], metric_vals->maximum_angle);
        metric_vals->maximum_angle *= 180.0 / VERDICT_PI;

        if( areas[0] < 0 || areas[1] < 0 || 
            areas[2] < 0 || areas[3] < 0 )
          metric_vals->maximum_angle = 360 - metric_vals->maximum_angle;

  // handle aspect, skew, taper, and area together
  if( metrics_request_flag & ( V_QUAD_ASPECT | V_QUAD_SKEW | V_QUAD_TAPER ) )
    //get principle axes
    VerdictVector principal_axes[2];
    principal_axes[0] = edges[0] - edges[2];
    principal_axes[1] = edges[1] - edges[3];

    if(metrics_request_flag & (V_QUAD_ASPECT | V_QUAD_SKEW | V_QUAD_TAPER))
      double len1 = principal_axes[0].length();
      double len2 = principal_axes[1].length();

      // calculate the aspect ratio 
      if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_ASPECT)
        if( len1 < VERDICT_DBL_MIN || len2 < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
          metric_vals->aspect = VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
          metric_vals->aspect = VERDICT_MAX( len1 / len2, len2 / len1 );
      // calculate the taper
      if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_TAPER)
        double min_length = VERDICT_MIN( len1, len2 );

        VerdictVector cross_derivative = edges[1] + edges[3]; 

        if( min_length < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
          metric_vals->taper = VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
          metric_vals->taper = cross_derivative.length()/ min_length;
      // calculate the skew 
      if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_SKEW)
        if( principal_axes[0].normalize() < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
            principal_axes[1].normalize() < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
          metric_vals->skew = 0.0; 
          metric_vals->skew = fabs( principal_axes[0] % principal_axes[1] );

  // calculate the area
  if(metrics_request_flag & (V_QUAD_AREA | V_QUAD_RELATIVE_SIZE_SQUARED) )
    metric_vals->area = 0.25 * (areas[0] + areas[1] + areas[2] + areas[3]);

  // calculate the relative size 
  if(metrics_request_flag & (V_QUAD_RELATIVE_SIZE_SQUARED | V_QUAD_SHAPE_AND_SIZE |
                             V_QUAD_SHEAR_AND_SIZE ) )
    double quad_area = v_quad_area (4, coordinates); 
    v_set_quad_size( quad_area );
    double w11,w21,w12,w22;
    double avg_area = determinant(w11,w21,w12,w22);

    if( avg_area < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
      metric_vals->relative_size_squared = 0.0;
      metric_vals->relative_size_squared =  pow( VERDICT_MIN( 
                                              avg_area/metric_vals->area ), 2 );

  // calculate the jacobian
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_JACOBIAN)
    metric_vals->jacobian = VERDICT_MIN(
                              VERDICT_MIN( areas[0], areas[1] ),
                              VERDICT_MIN( areas[2], areas[3] ) );

  if( metrics_request_flag & ( V_QUAD_SCALED_JACOBIAN | V_QUAD_SHEAR | V_QUAD_SHEAR_AND_SIZE ) )
    double scaled_jac, min_scaled_jac = VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
    if( lengths[0] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
        lengths[1] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
        lengths[2] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
        lengths[3] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
      metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = 0.0;  
      metric_vals->shear = 0.0;  
      scaled_jac = areas[0] / (lengths[0] * lengths[3]);
      min_scaled_jac = VERDICT_MIN( scaled_jac, min_scaled_jac );

      scaled_jac = areas[1] / (lengths[1] * lengths[0]);
      min_scaled_jac = VERDICT_MIN( scaled_jac, min_scaled_jac );

      scaled_jac = areas[2] / (lengths[2] * lengths[1]);
      min_scaled_jac = VERDICT_MIN( scaled_jac, min_scaled_jac );

      scaled_jac = areas[3] / (lengths[3] * lengths[2]);
      min_scaled_jac = VERDICT_MIN( scaled_jac, min_scaled_jac );

      metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = min_scaled_jac;
      //what the heck...set shear as well 
      if( min_scaled_jac <= VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
        metric_vals->shear = 0.0;
        metric_vals->shear = min_scaled_jac;

  if( metrics_request_flag & (V_QUAD_WARPAGE | V_QUAD_ODDY) )
    VerdictVector corner_normals[4];
    corner_normals[0] = edges[3] * edges[0];
    corner_normals[1] = edges[0] * edges[1];
    corner_normals[2] = edges[1] * edges[2];
    corner_normals[3] = edges[2] * edges[3];

    if( metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_ODDY )
      double oddy, max_oddy = 0.0;

      double diff, dot_prod;

      double length_squared[4];
      length_squared[0] = corner_normals[0].length_squared();
      length_squared[1] = corner_normals[1].length_squared();
      length_squared[2] = corner_normals[2].length_squared();
      length_squared[3] = corner_normals[3].length_squared();

      if( length_squared[0] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
          length_squared[1] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
          length_squared[2] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
          length_squared[3] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
       metric_vals->oddy = VERDICT_DBL_MAX; 
        diff = (lengths[0]*lengths[0]) - (lengths[1]*lengths[1]);
        dot_prod = edges[0]%edges[1];
        oddy = ((diff*diff) + 4*dot_prod*dot_prod ) / (2*length_squared[1]);
        max_oddy = VERDICT_MAX( oddy, max_oddy );

        diff = (lengths[1]*lengths[1]) - (lengths[2]*lengths[2]);
        dot_prod = edges[1]%edges[2];
        oddy = ((diff*diff) + 4*dot_prod*dot_prod ) / (2*length_squared[2]);
        max_oddy = VERDICT_MAX( oddy, max_oddy );

        diff = (lengths[2]*lengths[2]) - (lengths[3]*lengths[3]);
        dot_prod = edges[2]%edges[3];
        oddy = ((diff*diff) + 4*dot_prod*dot_prod ) / (2*length_squared[3]);
        max_oddy = VERDICT_MAX( oddy, max_oddy );

        diff = (lengths[3]*lengths[3]) - (lengths[0]*lengths[0]);
        dot_prod = edges[3]%edges[0];
        oddy = ((diff*diff) + 4*dot_prod*dot_prod ) / (2*length_squared[0]);
        max_oddy = VERDICT_MAX( oddy, max_oddy );

        metric_vals->oddy = max_oddy;

    if( metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_WARPAGE )
      if( corner_normals[0].normalize() < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
          corner_normals[1].normalize() < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
          corner_normals[2].normalize() < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
          corner_normals[3].normalize() < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
        metric_vals->warpage = VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
        metric_vals->warpage = pow( 
                             VERDICT_MIN( corner_normals[0]%corner_normals[2],
                                          corner_normals[1]%corner_normals[3]), 3 ); 

  if( metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_STRETCH )
    VerdictVector temp;

    temp.set( coordinates[2][0] - coordinates[0][0],
              coordinates[2][1] - coordinates[0][1],
              coordinates[2][2] - coordinates[0][2]);
    double diag02 = temp.length_squared();

    temp.set( coordinates[3][0] - coordinates[1][0],
              coordinates[3][1] - coordinates[1][1],
              coordinates[3][2] - coordinates[1][2]);
    double diag13 = temp.length_squared();
    static const double QUAD_STRETCH_FACTOR = sqrt(2.0);

    // 'diag02' is now the max diagonal of the quad
    diag02 = VERDICT_MAX( diag02, diag13 );

    if( diag02 < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
      metric_vals->stretch = VERDICT_DBL_MAX; 
      metric_vals->stretch =  QUAD_STRETCH_FACTOR *
                                VERDICT_MIN( lengths[0], lengths[1] ),
                                VERDICT_MIN( lengths[2], lengths[3] ) ) /

  if(metrics_request_flag & (V_QUAD_CONDITION | V_QUAD_SHAPE | V_QUAD_SHAPE_AND_SIZE ) )
    double lengths_squared[4];
    lengths_squared[0] = edges[0].length_squared();
    lengths_squared[1] = edges[1].length_squared();
    lengths_squared[2] = edges[2].length_squared();
    lengths_squared[3] = edges[3].length_squared();

    if( areas[0] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
        areas[1] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
        areas[2] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN ||
        areas[3] < VERDICT_DBL_MIN )
      metric_vals->condition = VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
      metric_vals->shape= VERDICT_DBL_MAX;
      double max_condition = 0.0, condition;

      condition = (lengths_squared[0] + lengths_squared[3])/areas[0];
      max_condition = VERDICT_MAX( max_condition, condition ); 

      condition = (lengths_squared[1] + lengths_squared[0])/areas[1];
      max_condition = VERDICT_MAX( max_condition, condition ); 
      condition = (lengths_squared[2] + lengths_squared[1])/areas[2];
      max_condition = VERDICT_MAX( max_condition, condition ); 

      condition = (lengths_squared[3] + lengths_squared[2])/areas[3];
      max_condition = VERDICT_MAX( max_condition, condition ); 

      metric_vals->condition = 0.5*max_condition;
      metric_vals->shape =  2/max_condition;

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_AREA )
    if( metric_vals->area > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->area = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->area, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->area = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->area, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_ASPECT )
    if( metric_vals->aspect > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->aspect = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->aspect, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->aspect = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->aspect, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_CONDITION )
    if( metric_vals->condition > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->condition = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->condition, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->condition = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->condition, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  // calculate distortion
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_DISTORTION)
    metric_vals->distortion = v_quad_distortion(num_nodes, coordinates);

    if( metric_vals->distortion > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->distortion = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->distortion, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->distortion = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->distortion, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_JACOBIAN )
    if( metric_vals->jacobian > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->jacobian, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->jacobian, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_MAXIMUM_ANGLE )
    if( metric_vals->maximum_angle > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->maximum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->maximum_angle, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->maximum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->maximum_angle, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_MINIMUM_ANGLE )
    if( metric_vals->minimum_angle > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->minimum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->minimum_angle, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->minimum_angle = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->minimum_angle, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_ODDY )
    if( metric_vals->oddy > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->oddy = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->oddy, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->oddy = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->oddy, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_RELATIVE_SIZE_SQUARED )
    if( metric_vals->relative_size_squared> 0 ) 
      metric_vals->relative_size_squared = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->relative_size_squared, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->relative_size_squared = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->relative_size_squared, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_SCALED_JACOBIAN )
    if( metric_vals->scaled_jacobian> 0 ) 
      metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->scaled_jacobian, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->scaled_jacobian = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->scaled_jacobian, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_SHEAR )
    if( metric_vals->shear > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->shear = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->shear, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->shear = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->shear, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  // calculate shear and size
  // reuse values from above
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_SHEAR_AND_SIZE)
    metric_vals->shear_and_size = metric_vals->shear * metric_vals->relative_size_squared;

    if( metric_vals->shear_and_size > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->shear_and_size = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->shear_and_size, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->shear_and_size = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->shear_and_size, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_SHAPE )
    if( metric_vals->shape > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->shape = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->shape, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->shape = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->shape, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  // calculate shape and size
  // reuse values from above
  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_SHAPE_AND_SIZE)
    metric_vals->shape_and_size = metric_vals->shape * metric_vals->relative_size_squared;

    if( metric_vals->shape_and_size > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->shape_and_size = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->shape_and_size, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->shape_and_size = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->shape_and_size, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_SKEW )
    if( metric_vals->skew > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->skew = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->skew, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->skew = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->skew, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_STRETCH )
    if( metric_vals->stretch > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->stretch = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->stretch, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->stretch = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->stretch, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_TAPER )
    if( metric_vals->taper > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->taper = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->taper, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->taper = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->taper, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );

  if(metrics_request_flag & V_QUAD_WARPAGE )
    if( metric_vals->warpage > 0 ) 
      metric_vals->warpage = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MIN( metric_vals->warpage, VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
    metric_vals->warpage = (VERDICT_REAL) VERDICT_MAX( metric_vals->warpage, -VERDICT_DBL_MAX );
