Exemple #1
 * A vif has gone down -- expire all routes that have that vif as parent,
 * and update the children bitmaps in all other route entries to take into
 * account the failed vif.
delete_vif_from_routes(vifi_t vifi)
    register struct rtentry *r;

    for (r = routing_table; r != NULL; r = r->rt_next) {
        if (r->rt_metric != UNREACHABLE) {
            if (vifi == r->rt_parent) {
                del_table_entry(r, 0, DEL_ALL_ROUTES);
                r->rt_timer    = ROUTE_EXPIRE_TIME;
                r->rt_metric   = UNREACHABLE;
                r->rt_flags   |= RTF_CHANGED;
                routes_changed = TRUE;
            else if (VIFM_ISSET(vifi, r->rt_children)) {
                VIFM_CLR(vifi, r->rt_children);
                VIFM_CLR(vifi, r->rt_leaves);
                r->rt_subordinates[vifi] = 0;
                r->rt_leaf_timers [vifi] = 0;
            else {
                r->rt_dominants[vifi] = 0;
Exemple #2
 * TODO: XXX: currently `source` is not used. To be used with IGMPv3 where
 * we have source-specific joins/prunes.
void delete_leaf(vifi_t vifi, u_int32 source __attribute__((unused)), u_int32 group)
    mrtentry_t *mrtentry_ptr;
    mrtentry_t *mrtentry_srcs;
    vifbitmap_t new_oifs;
    vifbitmap_t old_oifs;
    vifbitmap_t new_leaves;

    mrtentry_ptr = find_route(INADDR_ANY_N, group, MRTF_WC, DONT_CREATE);
    if (mrtentry_ptr == (mrtentry_t *)NULL)

    if (!VIFM_ISSET(vifi, mrtentry_ptr->leaves))
        return;      /* This interface wasn't leaf */

    calc_oifs(mrtentry_ptr, &old_oifs);
    VIFM_COPY(mrtentry_ptr->leaves, new_leaves);
    VIFM_CLR(vifi, new_leaves);
                      mrtentry_ptr->asserted_oifs, 0);
    calc_oifs(mrtentry_ptr, &new_oifs);
    if ((!VIFM_ISEMPTY(old_oifs)) && VIFM_ISEMPTY(new_oifs)) {
        /* The result oifs have changed from non-NULL to NULL */
        FIRE_TIMER(mrtentry_ptr->jp_timer);  /* Timeout the Join/Prune timer */
        /* TODO: explicitly call the function?
           mrtentry_ptr->upstream, PIM_JOIN_PRUNE_HOLDTIME);
    /* Check all (S,G) entries and clear the inherited "leaf" flag.
     * TODO: XXX: This won't work for IGMPv3, because there we don't know
     * whether the (S,G) leaf oif was inherited from the (*,G) entry or
     * was created by source specific IGMP join.
    for (mrtentry_srcs = mrtentry_ptr->group->mrtlink;
         mrtentry_srcs != (mrtentry_t *)NULL;
         mrtentry_srcs = mrtentry_srcs->grpnext) {
        VIFM_COPY(mrtentry_srcs->leaves, new_leaves);
        VIFM_CLR(vifi, new_leaves);
                          mrtentry_srcs->asserted_oifs, 0);

Exemple #3
 * A new vif has come up -- update the children and leaf bitmaps in all route
 * entries to take that into account.
add_vif_to_routes(vifi_t vifi)
    register struct rtentry *r;
    register struct uvif *v;

    v = &uvifs[vifi];
    for (r = routing_table; r != NULL; r = r->rt_next) {
        if (r->rt_metric != UNREACHABLE &&
                !VIFM_ISSET(vifi, r->rt_children)) {
            VIFM_SET(vifi, r->rt_children);
            r->rt_dominants   [vifi] = 0;
            r->rt_subordinates[vifi] = 0;
            if (v->uv_neighbors == NULL) {
                VIFM_SET(vifi, r->rt_leaves);
                r->rt_leaf_timers[vifi] = 0;
            else {
                VIFM_CLR(vifi, r->rt_leaves);
                r->rt_leaf_timers[vifi] = LEAF_CONFIRMATION_TIME;
                r->rt_flags |= RTF_LEAF_TIMING;
Exemple #4
 * A neighbor has failed or become unreachable.  If that neighbor was
 * considered a dominant or subordinate router in any route entries,
 * take appropriate action.
delete_neighbor_from_routes(u_int32_t addr, vifi_t vifi)
    register struct rtentry *r;
    register struct uvif *v;

    v = &uvifs[vifi];
    for (r = routing_table; r != NULL; r = r->rt_next) {
        if (r->rt_metric != UNREACHABLE) {
            if (r->rt_dominants[vifi] == addr) {
                VIFM_SET(vifi, r->rt_children);
                r->rt_dominants   [vifi] = 0;
                r->rt_subordinates[vifi] = 0;
                if (v->uv_neighbors == NULL) {
                    VIFM_SET(vifi, r->rt_leaves);
                    r->rt_leaf_timers[vifi] = 0;
                else {
                    VIFM_CLR(vifi, r->rt_leaves);
                    r->rt_leaf_timers[vifi] = LEAF_CONFIRMATION_TIME;
                    r->rt_flags |= RTF_LEAF_TIMING;
            else if (r->rt_subordinates[vifi] == addr) {
                r->rt_subordinates[vifi] = 0;
                if (v->uv_neighbors == NULL) {
                    VIFM_SET(vifi, r->rt_leaves);
                else {
                    r->rt_leaf_timers[vifi] = LEAF_CONFIRMATION_TIME;
                    r->rt_flags |= RTF_LEAF_TIMING;
            else if (v->uv_neighbors == NULL &&
                     r->rt_leaf_timers[vifi] != 0) {
                VIFM_SET(vifi, r->rt_leaves);
                r->rt_leaf_timers[vifi] = 0;
Exemple #5
 * Process a route report for a single origin, creating or updating the
 * corresponding routing table entry if necessary.  'src' is either the
 * address of a neighboring router from which the report arrived, or zero
 * to indicate a change of status of one of our own interfaces.
update_route(u_int32_t origin, u_int32_t mask, u_int metric, u_int32_t src,
             vifi_t vifi)
    register struct rtentry *r;
    u_int adj_metric;

     * Compute an adjusted metric, taking into account the cost of the
     * subnet or tunnel over which the report arrived, and normalizing
     * all unreachable/poisoned metrics into a single value.
    if (src != 0 && (metric < 1 || metric >= 2*UNREACHABLE)) {
        logit(LOG_WARNING, 0,
              "%s reports out-of-range metric %u for origin %s",
              inet_fmt(src, s1), metric, inet_fmts(origin, mask, s2));
    adj_metric = metric + uvifs[vifi].uv_metric;
    if (adj_metric > UNREACHABLE) adj_metric = UNREACHABLE;

     * Look up the reported origin in the routing table.
    if (!find_route(origin, mask)) {
         * Not found.
         * Don't create a new entry if the report says it's unreachable,
         * or if the reported origin and mask are invalid.
        if (adj_metric == UNREACHABLE) {
        if (src != 0 && !inet_valid_subnet(origin, mask)) {
            logit(LOG_WARNING, 0,
                  "%s reports an invalid origin (%s) and/or mask (%08x)",
                  inet_fmt(src, s1), inet_fmt(origin, s2), ntohl(mask));

         * OK, create the new routing entry.  'rtp' will be left pointing
         * to the new entry.
        create_route(origin, mask);

         * Now "steal away" any sources that belong under this route
         * by deleting any cache entries they might have created
         * and allowing the kernel to re-request them.

        rtp->rt_metric = UNREACHABLE;	/* temporary; updated below */

     * We now have a routing entry for the reported origin.  Update it?
    r = rtp;
    if (r->rt_metric == UNREACHABLE) {
         * The routing entry is for a formerly-unreachable or new origin.
         * If the report claims reachability, update the entry to use
         * the reported route.
        if (adj_metric == UNREACHABLE)

        r->rt_parent   = vifi;
        init_children_and_leaves(r, vifi);

        r->rt_gateway  = src;
        r->rt_timer    = 0;
        r->rt_metric   = adj_metric;
        r->rt_flags   |= RTF_CHANGED;
        routes_changed = TRUE;
    else if (src == r->rt_gateway) {
         * The report has come either from the interface directly-connected
         * to the origin subnet (src and r->rt_gateway both equal zero) or
         * from the gateway we have chosen as the best first-hop gateway back
         * towards the origin (src and r->rt_gateway not equal zero).  Reset
         * the route timer and, if the reported metric has changed, update
         * our entry accordingly.
        r->rt_timer = 0;
        if (adj_metric == r->rt_metric)

        if (adj_metric == UNREACHABLE) {
            del_table_entry(r, 0, DEL_ALL_ROUTES);
            r->rt_timer = ROUTE_EXPIRE_TIME;
        else if (adj_metric < r->rt_metric) {
            if (init_children_and_leaves(r, vifi)) {
        r->rt_metric   = adj_metric;
        r->rt_flags   |= RTF_CHANGED;
        routes_changed = TRUE;
    else if (src == 0 ||
             (r->rt_gateway != 0 &&
              (adj_metric < r->rt_metric ||
               (adj_metric == r->rt_metric &&
                (ntohl(src) < ntohl(r->rt_gateway) ||
                 r->rt_timer >= ROUTE_SWITCH_TIME))))) {
         * The report is for an origin we consider reachable; the report
         * comes either from one of our own interfaces or from a gateway
         * other than the one we have chosen as the best first-hop gateway
         * back towards the origin.  If the source of the update is one of
         * our own interfaces, or if the origin is not a directly-connected
         * subnet and the reported metric for that origin is better than
         * what our routing entry says, update the entry to use the new
         * gateway and metric.  We also switch gateways if the reported
         * metric is the same as the one in the route entry and the gateway
         * associated with the route entry has not been heard from recently,
         * or if the metric is the same but the reporting gateway has a lower
         * IP address than the gateway associated with the route entry.
         * Did you get all that?
        if (r->rt_parent != vifi || adj_metric < r->rt_metric) {
             * XXX Why do we do this if we are just changing the metric?
            r->rt_parent = vifi;
            if (init_children_and_leaves(r, vifi)) {
        r->rt_gateway  = src;
        r->rt_timer    = 0;
        r->rt_metric   = adj_metric;
        r->rt_flags   |= RTF_CHANGED;
        routes_changed = TRUE;
    else if (vifi != r->rt_parent) {
         * The report came from a vif other than the route's parent vif.
         * Update the children and leaf info, if necessary.
        if (VIFM_ISSET(vifi, r->rt_children)) {
             * Vif is a child vif for this route.
            if (metric  < r->rt_metric ||
                    (metric == r->rt_metric &&
                     ntohl(src) < ntohl(uvifs[vifi].uv_lcl_addr))) {
                 * Neighbor has lower metric to origin (or has same metric
                 * and lower IP address) -- it becomes the dominant router,
                 * and vif is no longer a child for me.
                VIFM_CLR(vifi, r->rt_children);
                VIFM_CLR(vifi, r->rt_leaves);
                r->rt_dominants   [vifi] = src;
                r->rt_subordinates[vifi] = 0;
                r->rt_leaf_timers [vifi] = 0;
            else if (metric > UNREACHABLE) {	/* "poisoned reverse" */
                 * Neighbor considers this vif to be on path to route's
                 * origin; if no subordinate recorded, record this neighbor
                 * as subordinate and clear the leaf flag.
                if (r->rt_subordinates[vifi] == 0) {
                    VIFM_CLR(vifi, r->rt_leaves);
                    r->rt_subordinates[vifi] = src;
                    r->rt_leaf_timers [vifi] = 0;
            else if (src == r->rt_subordinates[vifi]) {
                 * Current subordinate no longer considers this vif to be on
                 * path to route's origin; it is no longer a subordinate
                 * router, and we set the leaf confirmation timer to give
                 * us time to hear from other subordinates.
                r->rt_subordinates[vifi] = 0;
                if (uvifs[vifi].uv_neighbors == NULL ||
                        uvifs[vifi].uv_neighbors->al_next == NULL) {
                    VIFM_SET(vifi, r->rt_leaves);
                else {
                    r->rt_leaf_timers [vifi] = LEAF_CONFIRMATION_TIME;
                    r->rt_flags |= RTF_LEAF_TIMING;

        else if (src == r->rt_dominants[vifi] &&
                 (metric  > r->rt_metric ||
                  (metric == r->rt_metric &&
                   ntohl(src) > ntohl(uvifs[vifi].uv_lcl_addr)))) {
             * Current dominant no longer has a lower metric to origin
             * (or same metric and lower IP address); we adopt the vif
             * as our own child.
            VIFM_SET(vifi, r->rt_children);
            r->rt_dominants  [vifi] = 0;
            if (metric > UNREACHABLE) {
                r->rt_subordinates[vifi] = src;
            else if (uvifs[vifi].uv_neighbors == NULL ||
                     uvifs[vifi].uv_neighbors->al_next == NULL) {
                VIFM_SET(vifi, r->rt_leaves);
            else {
                r->rt_leaf_timers[vifi] = LEAF_CONFIRMATION_TIME;
                r->rt_flags |= RTF_LEAF_TIMING;