Exemple #1
static int
vips_histogram_build( VipsObject *object )
	VipsHistogram *histogram = VIPS_HISTOGRAM( object );

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf( "vips_histogram_build: " );
	vips_object_print_name( object );
	printf( "\n" );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

	g_object_set( histogram, "out", vips_image_new(), NULL ); 

	if( VIPS_OBJECT_CLASS( vips_histogram_parent_class )->build( object ) )
		return( -1 );

	return( 0 );
Exemple #2
 * manipulate histograms in some way (im_histcum(), im_histnorm()), operations
 * to apply histograms (im_maplut()), and a variety of utility 
 * operations.
 * A final group of operations build tone curves. These are useful in
 * pre-press work for adjusting the appearance of images. They are designed
 * for CIELAB images, but might be useful elsewhere.

G_DEFINE_ABSTRACT_TYPE( VipsHistogram, vips_histogram, VIPS_TYPE_OPERATION );

static int
vips_histogram_build( VipsObject *object )
	VipsObjectClass *class = VIPS_OBJECT_GET_CLASS( object );
	VipsHistogram *histogram = VIPS_HISTOGRAM( object );

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf( "vips_histogram_build: " );
	vips_object_print_name( object );
	printf( "\n" );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

	g_object_set( histogram, "out", vips_image_new(), NULL ); 

	if( VIPS_OBJECT_CLASS( vips_histogram_parent_class )->build( object ) )
		return( -1 );

	if( vips_check_hist( class->nickname, histogram->in ) )
		return( -1 ); 
Exemple #3
static int
vips_histogram_build( VipsObject *object )
	VipsHistogram *histogram = VIPS_HISTOGRAM( object );
	VipsObjectClass *class = VIPS_OBJECT_GET_CLASS( object );
	VipsHistogramClass *hclass = VIPS_HISTOGRAM_GET_CLASS( histogram );

	VipsImage **decode;
	VipsImage **format;
	VipsImage **band;
	VipsImage **size;
	VipsImage **memory;

	VipsPel *outbuf;		
	VipsPel **inbuf;		
	int i;

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf( "vips_histogram_build: " );
	vips_object_print_name( object );
	printf( "\n" );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

	if( VIPS_OBJECT_CLASS( vips_histogram_parent_class )->build( object ) )
		return( -1 );

	g_assert( histogram->n > 0 ); 

	/* Must be NULL-terminated.
	g_assert( !histogram->in[histogram->n] ); 

	decode = (VipsImage **) vips_object_local_array( object, histogram->n );
	format = (VipsImage **) vips_object_local_array( object, histogram->n );
	band = (VipsImage **) vips_object_local_array( object, histogram->n );
	size = (VipsImage **) vips_object_local_array( object, histogram->n );
	memory = (VipsImage **) vips_object_local_array( object, histogram->n );

	g_object_set( histogram, "out", vips_image_new(), NULL ); 

	for( i = 0; i < histogram->n; i++ ) 
		if( vips_image_decode( histogram->in[i], &decode[i] ) ||
			vips_check_hist( class->nickname, decode[i] ) )
			return( -1 ); 

	/* Cast our input images up to a common format, bands and size. If
	 * input_format is set, cast to a fixed input type.
	if( hclass->input_format != VIPS_FORMAT_NOTSET ) {
		for( i = 0; i < histogram->n; i++ ) 
			if( vips_cast( decode[i], &format[i],
				hclass->input_format, NULL ) )
				return( -1 ); 
	else {
		if( vips__formatalike_vec( decode, format, histogram->n ) )
			return( -1 );
	if( vips__bandalike_vec( class->nickname, 
		format, band, histogram->n, 1 ) ||
		vips__hist_sizealike_vec( band, size, histogram->n ) ) 
		return( -1 );

	if( vips_image_pipeline_array( histogram->out, 
		return( -1 );

	/* Need a copy of the inputs in memory.
	if( !(inbuf = VIPS_ARRAY( object, histogram->n + 1, VipsPel * )) )
                return( -1 );
	for( i = 0; i < histogram->n; i++ ) {
		if( !(memory[i] = vips_image_copy_memory( size[i] )) )
			return( -1 ); 
		inbuf[i] = VIPS_IMAGE_ADDR( memory[i], 0, 0 );
	inbuf[i] = NULL; 

	/* Keep a copy of the memory images here for subclasses.
	histogram->ready = memory;

	histogram->out->Xsize = VIPS_IMAGE_N_PELS( histogram->ready[0] );
	histogram->out->Ysize = 1;
	if( hclass->format_table ) 
		histogram->out->BandFmt = 

	if( !(outbuf = vips_malloc( object, 
		VIPS_IMAGE_SIZEOF_LINE( histogram->out ))) )
                return( -1 );

	hclass->process( histogram, outbuf, inbuf, histogram->ready[0]->Xsize );

	if( vips_image_write_line( histogram->out, 0, outbuf ) )
		return( -1 ); 

	return( 0 );