Exemple #1
void IPDWRITELATEX(Word r, Word A, Word V)
       Word Ap,E,Ep,Vp,a,e,l,s,t,v;

Step1: /* r=0 or A=0. */
       Ap = DIPFP(r,A);
       if (r == 0 || Ap == 0) { 
          goto Return; }
       l = 1;

Step2: /* General case. */
        do {
	   s = ISIGNF(a); 
	   a = IABSF(a);
	   if (s > 0 && l == 0) 
	   if (s < 0) 
	   if (a != 1) {
	      if (l == 0) 
		 CWRITE(' '); 
	      t = 1; }
	      t = 0;
	   Ep = CINV(E); 
	   Vp = V;
	   do {
	      if (e > 0) {
		 if (l == 0 || t == 1)
		    CWRITE(' ');
		 t = 1; }
	      if (e > 1) { 
		 AWRITE(e); } 
		 CWRITE('}'); }
	   while (Ep != NIL);
	   if (t == 0) { 
	      if (l == 0) 
		 CWRITE(' '); 
	      CWRITE('1'); }
	   if (Ap == NIL)
	      goto Return;
	   CWRITE(' ');
	   l = 0; } 
       while (1);

Return: /* Prepare for return. */
Exemple #2
void	GeometryBuilder::BuildSphere( int _PhiSubdivisions, int _ThetaSubdivisions, IGeometryWriter& _Writer, const MapperBase* _pMapper, TweakVertexDelegate _TweakVertex, void* _pUserData )
	int	BandLength = _PhiSubdivisions;
	int	VerticesCount = (BandLength+1) * (1 + _ThetaSubdivisions + 1);	// 1 band at the top and bottom of the sphere + as many subdivisions as required

	int	BandsCount = 1 + _ThetaSubdivisions;
	int	IndicesCount = (2*(BandLength+1+1)) * BandsCount - 2;

	// Create the buffers
	void*	pVerticesArray = NULL;
	void*	pIndicesArray = NULL;
	_Writer.CreateBuffers( VerticesCount, IndicesCount, D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLESTRIP, pVerticesArray, pIndicesArray );
	ASSERT( pVerticesArray != NULL, "Invalid vertex buffer !" );
	ASSERT( pIndicesArray != NULL, "Invalid index buffer !" );

	void*		pVertex = pVerticesArray;
	void*		pIndex = pIndicesArray;

	// Build vertices
	float3	Position, Normal, Tangent, BiTangent;
	float2	UV;

	// Top band
		for ( int i=0; i <= BandLength; i++ )
			float	Phi = TWOPI * i / BandLength;
			Tangent.x = cosf( Phi );
			Tangent.y = 0.0f;
			Tangent.z = -sinf( Phi );

			// Create a dummy position that is slightly offseted from the top of the sphere so UVs are not all identical
			Position.y = 1.0f;
			Position.x = -0.001f * Tangent.z;
			Position.z = 0.001f * Tangent.x;
//			Position.Normalize();
			Normal = Position;	Normal.Normalize();

			BiTangent = Normal.Cross( Tangent );

			// Ask for UVs
			if ( _pMapper )
				_pMapper->Map( Position, Normal, Tangent, UV, i == BandLength );
				UV.Set( 2.0f * float(i) / BandLength, 0.0f );

			Position.x = Position.z = 0.0f;

			// Write vertex
			VWRITE( pVertex, float3::UnitY, float3::UnitY, Tangent, BiTangent, UV );

	// Generic bands
	for ( int j=0; j < _ThetaSubdivisions; j++ )
		float	Theta = PI * (1+j) / (1 + _ThetaSubdivisions);
		for ( int i=0; i <= BandLength; i++ )
			float	Phi = TWOPI * i / BandLength;

			Position.x = sinf( Phi ) * sinf( Theta );
			Position.y = cosf( Theta );
			Position.z = cosf( Phi ) * sinf( Theta );

			Normal = Position;

			Tangent.x = cosf( Phi );
			Tangent.y = 0.0f;
			Tangent.z = -sinf( Phi );

			BiTangent = Normal.Cross( Tangent );

			// Ask for UVs
			if (_pMapper )
				_pMapper->Map( Position, Normal, Tangent, UV, i == BandLength );
				UV.Set( 2.0f * float(i) / BandLength, float(j) / _ThetaSubdivisions );

			// Write vertex
			VWRITE( pVertex, Position, Normal, Tangent, BiTangent, UV );

	// Bottom band
		for ( int i=0; i <= BandLength; i++ )
			float	Phi = TWOPI * i / BandLength;
			Tangent.x = cosf( Phi );
			Tangent.y = 0.0f;
			Tangent.z = -sinf( Phi );

			// Create a dummy position that is slightly offseted from the bottom of the sphere so UVs are not all identical
			Position.y = -1.0f;
			Position.x = -0.001f * Tangent.z;
			Position.z = 0.001f * Tangent.x;
//			Position.Normalize();
			Normal = Position;	Normal.Normalize();

			BiTangent = Normal.Cross( Tangent );

			// Ask for UVs
			if ( _pMapper )
				_pMapper->Map( Position, Normal, Tangent, UV, i == BandLength );
				UV.Set( 2.0f * float(i) / BandLength, 1.0f );

			Position.x = Position.z = 0.0f;

			// Write vertex
			VWRITE( pVertex, -float3::UnitY, -float3::UnitY, Tangent, BiTangent, UV );
	ASSERT( VerticesCount == 0, "Wrong contruction!" );

	// Build indices
	for ( int j=0; j < BandsCount; j++ )
		int	CurrentBandOffset = j * (BandLength+1);
		int	NextBandOffset = (j+1) * (BandLength+1);

		for ( int i=0; i <= BandLength; i++ )
			IWRITE( pIndex, CurrentBandOffset + i );
			IWRITE( pIndex, NextBandOffset + i );

		if ( j == BandsCount-1 )
			continue;	// Not for the last band...

		// Write 2 last degenerate indices so we smoothly transition to next band
		IWRITE( pIndex, NextBandOffset + BandLength );
		IWRITE( pIndex, NextBandOffset + BandLength+1 );
	ASSERT( IndicesCount == 0, "Wrong contruction!" );

	// Finalize
	_Writer.Finalize( pVerticesArray, pIndicesArray );
Exemple #3
void	GeometryBuilder::BuildCube( int _SubdivisionsX, int _SubdivisionsY, int _SubdivisionsZ, IGeometryWriter& _Writer, const MapperBase* _pMapper, TweakVertexDelegate _TweakVertex, void* _pUserData )
	ASSERT( _SubdivisionsX > 0 && _SubdivisionsY > 0 && _SubdivisionsZ > 0, "Can't create a cube with 0 subdivision!" );

	int	SizeX = _SubdivisionsX+1;
	int	SizeY = _SubdivisionsY+1;
	int	SizeZ = _SubdivisionsZ+1;

	int	VerticesCount = 2*(SizeX*SizeY + SizeX*SizeZ + SizeY*SizeZ);
	int	IndicesCount = 2*( (2*(SizeZ+1) * _SubdivisionsY - 2) + (2*(SizeX+1) * _SubdivisionsZ - 2) + (2*(SizeX+1) * _SubdivisionsZ - 2) ) + 2*5;

	// Create the buffers
	void*	pVerticesArray = NULL;
	void*	pIndicesArray = NULL;
	_Writer.CreateBuffers( VerticesCount, IndicesCount, D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLESTRIP, pVerticesArray, pIndicesArray );
	ASSERT( pVerticesArray != NULL, "Invalid vertex buffer !" );
	ASSERT( pIndicesArray != NULL, "Invalid index buffer !" );

	void*	pVertex = pVerticesArray;
	void*	pIndex = pIndicesArray;

	// Build vertices
	float3	pNormals[6] = {
	float3	pTangents[6] = {

	int			pSizesX[6] = { SizeZ, SizeZ, SizeX, SizeX, SizeX, SizeX };
	int			pSizesY[6] = { SizeY, SizeY, SizeZ, SizeZ, SizeZ, SizeZ };

	float3	Position, Normal, X, Y;
	float2	UV;

	for ( int FaceIndex=0; FaceIndex < 6; FaceIndex++ )
		int		Sx = pSizesX[FaceIndex];
		int		Sy = pSizesY[FaceIndex];
		Normal = pNormals[FaceIndex];
		X = pTangents[FaceIndex];
		Y = Normal.Cross( X );

		for ( int j=0; j < Sy; j++ )
			float	y = 1.0f - 2.0f * float(j) / (Sy-1);
			for ( int i=0; i < Sx; i++ )
				float	x = 2.0f * float(i) / (Sx-1) - 1.0f;

				Position = Normal + x * X + y * Y;

				if ( _pMapper )
					_pMapper->Map( Position, Normal, X, UV, false );
					UV.Set( 0.5f * (1.0f + x), 0.5f * (1.0f + y) );

				VWRITE( pVertex, Position, Normal, X, Y, UV );
	ASSERT( VerticesCount == 0, "Wrong contruction!" );

	// Build indices
	int		FaceOffset = 0;
	for ( int FaceIndex=0; FaceIndex < 6; FaceIndex++ )
		int		Sx = pSizesX[FaceIndex];
		int		Sy = pSizesY[FaceIndex];

		if ( FaceIndex > 0 )
		{	// Write a first degenerate vertex for that face to make a clean junction with previous face...
 			IWRITE( pIndex, FaceOffset+0 );

		for ( int j=0; j < Sy-1; j++ )
			int	CurrentBandOffset = FaceOffset + j * Sx;
			int	NextBandOffset = FaceOffset + (j+1) * Sx;

			for ( int i=0; i < Sx; i++ )
				IWRITE( pIndex, CurrentBandOffset + i );
				IWRITE( pIndex, NextBandOffset + i );

			if ( j == _SubdivisionsY-1 )
				continue;	// Not for the last band...

			// Write 2 last degenerate indices so we smoothly transition to next band
			IWRITE( pIndex, NextBandOffset+Sx-1 );
			IWRITE( pIndex, NextBandOffset );

		FaceOffset += Sx*Sy;

 		if ( FaceIndex < 5 )
 		{	// Write one last degenerate vertex for that face to make a clean junction with next face...
			IWRITE( pIndex, FaceOffset-1 );
	ASSERT( IndicesCount == 0, "Wrong contruction!" );

	// Finalize
	_Writer.Finalize( pVerticesArray, pIndicesArray );
Exemple #4
void	GeometryBuilder::BuildPlane( int _SubdivisionsX, int _SubdivisionsY, const float3& _X, const float3& _Y, IGeometryWriter& _Writer, const MapperBase* _pMapper, TweakVertexDelegate _TweakVertex, void* _pUserData )
	ASSERT( _SubdivisionsX > 0 && _SubdivisionsY > 0, "Can't create a plane with 0 subdivision!" );

	int	VerticesCount = (_SubdivisionsX+1) * (_SubdivisionsY+1);
	int	IndicesCount = 2*(_SubdivisionsX+1+1) * _SubdivisionsY - 2;

	// Create the buffers
	void*	pVerticesArray = NULL;
	void*	pIndicesArray = NULL;
	_Writer.CreateBuffers( VerticesCount, IndicesCount, D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLESTRIP, pVerticesArray, pIndicesArray );
	ASSERT( pVerticesArray != NULL, "Invalid vertex buffer !" );
	ASSERT( pIndicesArray != NULL, "Invalid index buffer !" );

	void*		pVertex = pVerticesArray;
	void*		pIndex = pIndicesArray;

	// Build vertices
	float3	Tangent = _X;							Tangent.Normalize();
	float3	BiTangent = _Y;							BiTangent.Normalize();
	float3	Normal = Tangent.Cross( BiTangent );	Normal.Normalize();

	float3	Position;
	float2	UV;

	for ( int j=0; j <= _SubdivisionsY; j++ )
		float	Y = 1.0f - 2.0f * j / _SubdivisionsY;
		for ( int i=0; i <= _SubdivisionsX; i++ )
			float	X = 2.0f * i / _SubdivisionsX - 1.0f;

			Position = X * _X + Y * _Y;
			if ( _pMapper )
				_pMapper->Map( Position, Normal, Tangent, UV, false );
				UV.Set( float(i) / _SubdivisionsX, float(j) / _SubdivisionsY );

			VWRITE( pVertex, Position, Normal, Tangent, BiTangent, UV );
	ASSERT( VerticesCount == 0, "Wrong contruction!" );

	// Build indices
	for ( int j=0; j < _SubdivisionsY; j++ )
		int	CurrentBandOffset = j * (_SubdivisionsX+1);
		int	NextBandOffset = (j+1) * (_SubdivisionsX+1);

		for ( int i=0; i <= _SubdivisionsX; i++ )
			IWRITE( pIndex, CurrentBandOffset + i );
			IWRITE( pIndex, NextBandOffset + i );

		if ( j == _SubdivisionsY-1 )
			continue;	// Not for the last band...

		// Write 2 last degenerate indices so we smoothly transition to next band
		IWRITE( pIndex, NextBandOffset+_SubdivisionsX );
		IWRITE( pIndex, NextBandOffset );
	ASSERT( IndicesCount == 0, "Wrong contruction!" );

	// Finalize
	_Writer.Finalize( pVerticesArray, pIndicesArray );
Exemple #5
void	GeometryBuilder::BuildTorus( int _PhiSubdivisions, int _ThetaSubdivisions, float _LargeRadius, float _SmallRadius, IGeometryWriter& _Writer, const MapperBase* _pMapper, TweakVertexDelegate _TweakVertex, void* _pUserData )
	int	BandLength = _ThetaSubdivisions;
	int	BandsCount = _PhiSubdivisions;

	int	VerticesCount = BandsCount * (BandLength+1);
	int	IndicesCount = 2*(BandLength+1+1) * BandsCount - 2;

	// Create the buffers
	void*	pVerticesArray = NULL;
	void*	pIndicesArray = NULL;
	_Writer.CreateBuffers( VerticesCount, IndicesCount, D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLESTRIP, pVerticesArray, pIndicesArray );
	ASSERT( pVerticesArray != NULL, "Invalid vertex buffer !" );
	ASSERT( pIndicesArray != NULL, "Invalid index buffer !" );

	void*		pVertex = pVerticesArray;
	void*		pIndex = pIndicesArray;

	// Build vertices
	float3	Position, Normal, Tangent, BiTangent;
	float2	UV;

	for ( int j=0; j < BandsCount; j++ )
		float		Phi = TWOPI * j / BandsCount;

		float3	X( cosf(Phi), sinf(Phi), 0.0f );	// Radial branch in X^Y plane at this angle
		float3	Center = _LargeRadius * X;			// Center of the small ring

		Tangent.x = -sinf(Phi);
		Tangent.y = cosf(Phi);
		Tangent.z = 0.0f;

		for ( int i=0; i <= BandLength; i++ )
			float	Theta = TWOPI * i / BandLength;

			Normal = cosf(Theta) * X + sinf(Theta) * float3::UnitZ;
			Position = Center + _SmallRadius * Normal;

			BiTangent = Normal.Cross( Tangent );

			if ( _pMapper )
				_pMapper->Map( Position, Normal, Tangent, UV, i == BandLength );
				UV.Set( 4.0f * float(j) / BandsCount, float(j) / BandLength );

			VWRITE( pVertex, Position, Normal, Tangent, BiTangent, UV );
	ASSERT( VerticesCount == 0, "Wrong contruction!" );

	// Build indices
	for ( int j=0; j < BandsCount; j++ )
		int	CurrentBandOffset = j * (BandLength+1);
		int	NextBandOffset = ((j+1) % _PhiSubdivisions) * (BandLength+1);
		int	NextNextBandOffset = ((j+2) % _PhiSubdivisions) * (BandLength+1);

		for ( int i=0; i <= BandLength; i++ )
			IWRITE( pIndex, CurrentBandOffset + i );
			IWRITE( pIndex, NextBandOffset + i );

		if ( j == BandsCount-1 )
			continue;	// Not for the last band...

		// Write 2 last degenerate indices so we smoothly transition to next band
		IWRITE( pIndex, NextBandOffset + BandLength );
		IWRITE( pIndex, NextNextBandOffset );
	ASSERT( IndicesCount == 0, "Wrong contruction!" );

	// Finalize
	_Writer.Finalize( pVerticesArray, pIndicesArray );
Exemple #6
void	GeometryBuilder::BuildCylinder( int _RadialSubdivisions, int _VerticalSubdivisions, bool _bIncludeCaps, IGeometryWriter& _Writer, const MapperBase* _pMapper, TweakVertexDelegate _TweakVertex, void* _pUserData )
	ASSERT( _RadialSubdivisions > 1, "Can't create a cylinder with less than 2 radial subdivisions!" );
	ASSERT( _VerticalSubdivisions > 0, "Can't create a cylinder with 0 vertical subdivisions!" );

	int	BandLength = 1+_RadialSubdivisions;
	int	BandsCount = _bIncludeCaps ? 1 + (1+_VerticalSubdivisions) + 1 : 1+_VerticalSubdivisions;	// 1 band at the top and bottom for the optional caps + as many subdivisions as required
	int	VerticesCount = BandLength * BandsCount;

	int	IndicesCount = 2 * (BandLength+1) * (BandsCount-1) - 2;

	// Create the buffers
	void*	pVerticesArray = NULL;
	void*	pIndicesArray = NULL;
	_Writer.CreateBuffers( VerticesCount, IndicesCount, D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLESTRIP, pVerticesArray, pIndicesArray );
	ASSERT( pVerticesArray != NULL, "Invalid vertex buffer !" );
	ASSERT( pIndicesArray != NULL, "Invalid index buffer !" );

	void*		pVertex = pVerticesArray;
	void*		pIndex = pIndicesArray;

	// Build vertices
	float3	Position, Normal, Tangent, BiTangent;
	float2	UV;

	// Top vertices
	if ( _bIncludeCaps )
		for ( int i=0; i <= _RadialSubdivisions; i++ )
			float	Phi = TWOPI * i / _RadialSubdivisions;
			Tangent.x = cosf( Phi );
			Tangent.y = 0.0f;
			Tangent.z = -sinf( Phi );

			// Create a dummy position that is slightly offseted from the top of the sphere so UVs are not all identical
			Position.y = 1.0f;
			Position.x = -0.001f * Tangent.z;
			Position.z = 0.001f * Tangent.x;
			Normal = float3::UnitY;

			BiTangent = Normal.Cross( Tangent );

			// Ask for UVs
			if ( _pMapper )
				_pMapper->Map( Position, Normal, Tangent, UV, i == _RadialSubdivisions );
				UV.Set( 2.0f * float(i) / _RadialSubdivisions, 0.0f );

			Position.x = Position.z = 0.0f;

			// Write vertex
			VWRITE( pVertex, float3::UnitY, float3::UnitY, Tangent, BiTangent, UV );

	// Generic bands
	for ( int j=0; j <= _VerticalSubdivisions; j++ )
		float	Y = 1.0f - 2.0f * j / _VerticalSubdivisions;
		for ( int i=0; i <= _RadialSubdivisions; i++ )
			float	Phi = TWOPI * i / _RadialSubdivisions;

			Position.x = sinf( Phi );
			Position.y = Y;
			Position.z = cosf( Phi );

			Normal.x = sinf( Phi );
			Normal.y = 0;
			Normal.z = cosf( Phi );

			Tangent.x = cosf( Phi );
			Tangent.y = 0.0f;
			Tangent.z = -sinf( Phi );

			BiTangent = Normal.Cross( Tangent );

			// Ask for UVs
			if ( _pMapper )
				_pMapper->Map( Position, Normal, Tangent, UV, i == _RadialSubdivisions );
				UV.Set( 2.0f * float(i) / _RadialSubdivisions, float(j) / _VerticalSubdivisions );

			// Write vertex
			VWRITE( pVertex, Position, Normal, Tangent, BiTangent, UV );

	// Bottom band
	if ( _bIncludeCaps )
		for ( int i=0; i <= _RadialSubdivisions; i++ )
			float	Phi = TWOPI * i / _RadialSubdivisions;
			Tangent.x = cosf( Phi );
			Tangent.y = 0.0f;
			Tangent.z = -sinf( Phi );

			// Create a dummy position that is slightly offseted from the bottom of the sphere so UVs are not all identical
			Position.y = -1.0f;
			Position.x = -0.001f * Tangent.z;
			Position.z = 0.001f * Tangent.x;
			Normal = -float3::UnitY;

			BiTangent = Normal.Cross( Tangent );

			// Ask for UVs
			if ( _pMapper )
				_pMapper->Map( Position, Normal, Tangent, UV, i == _RadialSubdivisions );
				UV.Set( 2.0f * float(i) / _RadialSubdivisions, 1.0f );

			Position.x = Position.z = 0.0f;

			// Write vertex
			VWRITE( pVertex, -float3::UnitY, -float3::UnitY, Tangent, BiTangent, UV );
	ASSERT( VerticesCount == 0, "Wrong contruction!" );

	// Build indices
	for ( int j=0; j < BandsCount-1; j++ )
		int	CurrentBandOffset = j * BandLength;
		int	NextBandOffset = (j+1) * BandLength;

		for ( int i=0; i < BandLength; i++ )
			IWRITE( pIndex, CurrentBandOffset + i );
			IWRITE( pIndex, NextBandOffset + i );

		if ( j == BandsCount-2 )
			continue;	// Not for the last band...

		// Write 2 last degenerate indices so we smoothly transition to next band
		IWRITE( pIndex, NextBandOffset + BandLength-1 );
		IWRITE( pIndex, NextBandOffset + BandLength );
	ASSERT( IndicesCount == 0, "Wrong contruction!" );

	// Finalize
	_Writer.Finalize( pVerticesArray, pIndicesArray );