bool ValidateReadPixelsParameters(gl::Context *context, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
                                  GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei *bufSize, GLvoid *pixels)
    gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer = context->getReadFramebuffer();

    if (framebuffer->completeness() != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE)
        return gl::error(GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION, false);

    if (context->getReadFramebufferHandle() != 0 && framebuffer->getSamples() != 0)
        return gl::error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, false);

    GLenum currentInternalFormat, currentFormat, currentType;
    int clientVersion = context->getClientVersion();

    // Failure in getCurrentReadFormatType indicates that no color attachment is currently bound,
    // and attempting to read back if that's the case is an error. The error will be registered
    // by getCurrentReadFormat.
    // Note: we need to explicitly check for framebuffer completeness here, before we call
    // getCurrentReadFormatType, because it generates a different (wrong) error for incomplete FBOs
    if (!context->getCurrentReadFormatType(&currentInternalFormat, &currentFormat, &currentType))
        return false;

    bool validReadFormat = (clientVersion < 3) ? ValidES2ReadFormatType(context, format, type) :
                                                 ValidES3ReadFormatType(context, currentInternalFormat, format, type);

    if (!(currentFormat == format && currentType == type) && !validReadFormat)
        return gl::error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, false);

    GLenum sizedInternalFormat = IsSizedInternalFormat(format, clientVersion) ? format :
                                 GetSizedInternalFormat(format, type, clientVersion);

    GLsizei outputPitch = GetRowPitch(sizedInternalFormat, type, clientVersion, width, context->getPackAlignment());
    // sized query sanity check
    if (bufSize)
        int requiredSize = outputPitch * height;
        if (requiredSize > *bufSize)
            return gl::error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, false);

    return true;
bool ValidateReadPixelsParameters(gl::Context *context, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
                                  GLenum format, GLenum type, GLsizei *bufSize, GLvoid *pixels)
    gl::Framebuffer *framebuffer = context->getReadFramebuffer();

    if (framebuffer->completeness() != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE)
        return gl::error(GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION, false);

    if (context->getReadFramebufferHandle() != 0 && framebuffer->getSamples() != 0)
        return gl::error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, false);

    if (!framebuffer->getReadColorbuffer())
        return gl::error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, false);

    GLenum currentInternalFormat, currentFormat, currentType;
    int clientVersion = context->getClientVersion();

    context->getCurrentReadFormatType(&currentInternalFormat, &currentFormat, &currentType);

    bool validReadFormat = (clientVersion < 3) ? ValidES2ReadFormatType(context, format, type) :
                                                 ValidES3ReadFormatType(context, currentInternalFormat, format, type);

    if (!(currentFormat == format && currentType == type) && !validReadFormat)
        return gl::error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, false);

    GLenum sizedInternalFormat = IsSizedInternalFormat(format, clientVersion) ? format :
                                 GetSizedInternalFormat(format, type, clientVersion);

    GLsizei outputPitch = GetRowPitch(sizedInternalFormat, type, clientVersion, width, context->getPackAlignment());
    // sized query sanity check
    if (bufSize)
        int requiredSize = outputPitch * height;
        if (requiredSize > *bufSize)
            return gl::error(GL_INVALID_OPERATION, false);

    return true;