Exemple #1
qboolean NPC_FindEnemy( qboolean checkAlerts = qfalse )
	//We're ignoring all enemies for now
	if( NPC->svFlags & SVF_IGNORE_ENEMIES )
		G_ClearEnemy( NPC );
		return qfalse;

	//we can't pick up any enemies for now
	if( NPCInfo->confusionTime > level.time )
		return qfalse;

	//Don't want a new enemy
	if ( ( ValidEnemy( NPC->enemy ) ) && ( NPC->svFlags & SVF_LOCKEDENEMY ) )
		return qtrue;

	//See if the player is closer than our current enemy
	if ( NPC_CheckPlayerDistance() )
		return qtrue;

	//Otherwise, turn off the flag

	//If we've gotten here alright, then our target it still valid
	if ( NPC_ValidEnemy( NPC->enemy ) )
		return qtrue;

	gentity_t *newenemy = NPC_PickEnemyExt( checkAlerts );

	//if we found one, take it as the enemy
	if( NPC_ValidEnemy( newenemy ) )
		G_SetEnemy( NPC, newenemy );
		return qtrue;

	return qfalse;
Exemple #2
qboolean NPC_CheckInvestigate( int alertEventNum )
	gentity_t	*owner = level.alertEvents[alertEventNum].owner;
	int		invAdd = level.alertEvents[alertEventNum].level;
	vec3_t	soundPos;
	float	soundRad = level.alertEvents[alertEventNum].radius;
	float	earshot = NPCInfo->stats.earshot;

	VectorCopy( level.alertEvents[alertEventNum].position, soundPos );

	//NOTE: Trying to preserve previous investigation behavior
	if ( !owner )
		return qfalse;

	if ( owner->s.eType != ET_PLAYER && owner == NPCInfo->goalEntity ) 
		return qfalse;

	if ( owner->s.eFlags & EF_NODRAW ) 
		return qfalse;

	if ( owner->flags & FL_NOTARGET ) 
		return qfalse;

	if ( soundRad < earshot )
		return qfalse;

	//if(!gi.inPVSIgnorePortals(ent->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin))//should we be able to hear through areaportals?
	if ( !gi.inPVS( soundPos, NPC->currentOrigin ) )
	{//can hear through doors?
		return qfalse;

	if ( owner->client && owner->client->playerTeam && NPC->client->playerTeam && owner->client->playerTeam != NPC->client->playerTeam )
		if( (float)NPCInfo->investigateCount >= (NPCInfo->stats.vigilance*200) && owner )
		{//If investigateCount == 10, just take it as enemy and go
			if ( ValidEnemy( owner ) )
			{//FIXME: run angerscript
				G_SetEnemy( NPC, owner );
				NPCInfo->goalEntity = NPC->enemy;
				NPCInfo->goalRadius = 12;
				NPCInfo->behaviorState = BS_HUNT_AND_KILL;
				return qtrue;
			NPCInfo->investigateCount += invAdd;
		//run awakescript
		G_ActivateBehavior(NPC, BSET_AWAKE);

		if ( Q_irand(0, 10) > 7 )

		//NPCInfo->hlookCount = NPCInfo->vlookCount = 0;
		NPCInfo->eventOwner = owner;
		VectorCopy( soundPos, NPCInfo->investigateGoal );
		if ( NPCInfo->investigateCount > 20 )
			NPCInfo->investigateDebounceTime = level.time + 10000;
			NPCInfo->investigateDebounceTime = level.time + (NPCInfo->investigateCount*500);
		NPCInfo->tempBehavior = BS_INVESTIGATE;
		return qtrue;

	return qfalse;
Exemple #3
void NPC_BSRancor_Default( void )
	AddSightEvent( NPCS.NPC, NPCS.NPC->r.currentOrigin, 1024, AEL_DANGER_GREAT, 50 );


	NPCS.NPC->client->ps.eFlags2 &= ~(EF2_USE_ALT_ANIM|EF2_GENERIC_NPC_FLAG);
	if ( NPCS.NPC->count )
	{//holding someone
		NPCS.NPC->client->ps.eFlags2 |= EF2_USE_ALT_ANIM;
		if ( NPCS.NPC->count == 2 )
		{//in my mouth
			NPCS.NPC->client->ps.eFlags2 |= EF2_GENERIC_NPC_FLAG;
		NPCS.NPC->client->ps.eFlags2 &= ~(EF2_USE_ALT_ANIM|EF2_GENERIC_NPC_FLAG);

	if ( TIMER_Done2( NPCS.NPC, "clearGrabbed", qtrue ) )
		Rancor_DropVictim( NPCS.NPC );
	else if ( NPCS.NPC->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_PAIN2 
		&& NPCS.NPC->count == 1 
		&& NPCS.NPC->activator )
		if ( !Q_irand( 0, 3 ) )
	if ( !TIMER_Done( NPCS.NPC, "rageTime" ) )
	{//do nothing but roar first time we see an enemy
		AddSoundEvent( NPCS.NPC, NPCS.NPC->r.currentOrigin, 1024, AEL_DANGER_GREAT, qfalse );//, qfalse );
		NPC_FaceEnemy( qtrue );
	if ( NPCS.NPC->enemy )
		if ( NPC->enemy->client //enemy is a client
			&& (NPC->enemy->client->NPC_class == CLASS_UGNAUGHT || NPC->enemy->client->NPC_class == CLASS_JAWA )//enemy is a lowly jawa or ugnaught
			&& NPC->enemy->enemy != NPC//enemy's enemy is not me
			&& (!NPC->enemy->enemy || !NPC->enemy->enemy->client || NPC->enemy->enemy->client->NPC_class!=CLASS_RANCOR) )//enemy's enemy is not a client or is not a rancor (which is as scary as me anyway)
		{//they should be scared of ME and no-one else
			G_SetEnemy( NPC->enemy, NPC );
		if ( TIMER_Done(NPCS.NPC,"angrynoise") )
			G_Sound( NPCS.NPC, CHAN_AUTO, G_SoundIndex( va("sound/chars/rancor/misc/anger%d.wav", Q_irand(1, 3))) );

			TIMER_Set( NPCS.NPC, "angrynoise", Q_irand( 5000, 10000 ) );
			AddSoundEvent( NPCS.NPC, NPCS.NPC->r.currentOrigin, 512, AEL_DANGER_GREAT, qfalse );//, qfalse );
		if ( NPCS.NPC->count == 2 && NPCS.NPC->client->ps.legsAnim == BOTH_ATTACK3 )
		{//we're still chewing our enemy up
			NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
		//else, if he's in our hand, we eat, else if he's on the ground, we keep attacking his dead body for a while
		if( NPCS.NPC->enemy->client && NPCS.NPC->enemy->client->NPC_class == CLASS_RANCOR )
		{//got mad at another Rancor, look for a valid enemy
			if ( TIMER_Done( NPCS.NPC, "rancorInfight" ) )
				NPC_CheckEnemyExt( qtrue );
		else if ( !NPCS.NPC->count )
			if ( ValidEnemy( NPCS.NPC->enemy ) == qfalse )
				TIMER_Remove( NPCS.NPC, "lookForNewEnemy" );//make them look again right now
				if ( !NPCS.NPC->enemy->inuse || level.time - NPCS.NPC->enemy->s.time > Q_irand( 10000, 15000 ) )
				{//it's been a while since the enemy died, or enemy is completely gone, get bored with him
					NPCS.NPC->enemy = NULL;
					NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
			if ( TIMER_Done( NPCS.NPC, "lookForNewEnemy" ) )
				gentity_t *newEnemy, *sav_enemy = NPCS.NPC->enemy;//FIXME: what about NPC->lastEnemy?
				NPCS.NPC->enemy = NULL;
				newEnemy = NPC_CheckEnemy( NPCS.NPCInfo->confusionTime < level.time, qfalse, qfalse );
				NPCS.NPC->enemy = sav_enemy;
				if ( newEnemy && newEnemy != sav_enemy )
				{//picked up a new enemy!
					NPCS.NPC->lastEnemy = NPCS.NPC->enemy;
					G_SetEnemy( NPCS.NPC, newEnemy );
					//hold this one for at least 5-15 seconds
					TIMER_Set( NPCS.NPC, "lookForNewEnemy", Q_irand( 5000, 15000 ) );
				{//look again in 2-5 secs
					TIMER_Set( NPCS.NPC, "lookForNewEnemy", Q_irand( 2000, 5000 ) );
		if ( TIMER_Done(NPCS.NPC,"idlenoise") )
			G_Sound( NPCS.NPC, CHAN_AUTO, G_SoundIndex( va("sound/chars/rancor/snort_%d.wav", Q_irand(1, 2))) );

			TIMER_Set( NPCS.NPC, "idlenoise", Q_irand( 2000, 4000 ) );
			AddSoundEvent( NPCS.NPC, NPCS.NPC->r.currentOrigin, 384, AEL_DANGER, qfalse );//, qfalse );
		if ( NPCS.NPCInfo->scriptFlags & SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES )

	NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
Exemple #4
qboolean NPC_FindEnemy( qboolean checkAlerts )
{//RACC - checks to see if our enemy is still valid.  Updates if it is not.
	gentity_t *newenemy;

	//[CoOp] SP Code
	//reenabling the IGNORE_ENEMIES flag
	if( NPC->NPC->scriptFlags & SCF_IGNORE_ENEMIES )
	//We're ignoring all enemies for now
	//if( NPC->svFlags & SVF_IGNORE_ENEMIES )
	//if (0) //rwwFIXMEFIXME: support for flag
		G_ClearEnemy( NPC );
		return qfalse;

	//we can't pick up any enemies for now
	if( NPCInfo->confusionTime > level.time )
		//[CoOp] SP Code
		G_ClearEnemy( NPC );
		return qfalse;

	//[CoOp] SP Code
	//Don't want a new enemy
	if ( ( ValidEnemy( NPC->enemy ) ) && ( NPC->NPC->aiFlags & NPCAI_LOCKEDENEMY ) )
		return qtrue;
	//See if the player is closer than our current enemy
	if ( NPC->client->NPC_class != CLASS_RANCOR 
		&& NPC->client->NPC_class != CLASS_WAMPA
		&& NPC->client->NPC_class != CLASS_SAND_CREATURE
		&& NPC_CheckPlayerDistance() )
	{//rancors, wampas & sand creatures don't care if player is closer, they always go with closest
		return qtrue;
	/* This shouldn't be here. SP Code
	//See if the player is closer than our current enemy
	if ( NPC_CheckPlayerDistance() )
		return qtrue;

	//Otherwise, turn off the flag since if we have a locked enemy at this point,
	//the enemy is invalid.
//	NPC->svFlags &= ~SVF_LOCKEDENEMY;
	/* Moved up.  SP Code
	//See if the player is closer than our current enemy
	if ( NPC->client->NPC_class != CLASS_RANCOR 
		&& NPC->client->NPC_class != CLASS_WAMPA
		//&& NPC->client->NPC_class != CLASS_SAND_CREATURE
		&& NPC_CheckPlayerDistance() )
	{//rancors, wampas & sand creatures don't care if player is closer, they always go with closest
		return qtrue;

	//If we've gotten here alright, then our target it still valid
	if ( NPC_ValidEnemy( NPC->enemy ) )
		return qtrue;

	newenemy = NPC_PickEnemyExt( checkAlerts );

	//if we found one, take it as the enemy
	if( NPC_ValidEnemy( newenemy ) )
		G_SetEnemy( NPC, newenemy );
		return qtrue;

	//[CoOp] SP Code.  Remove enemy since they're not valid at this point.
	G_ClearEnemy( NPC );
	return qfalse;
void NPC_BSWampa_Default( void )
	NPC->client->ps.eFlags2 &= ~EF2_USE_ALT_ANIM;
	//	stand1 = normal stand
	//	walk1 = normal, non-angry walk
	//	walk2 = injured
	//	run1 = far away run
	//	run2 = close run
	//	grabswipe = melee1 - sweep out and grab
	//	stand2 attack = attack4 - while holding victim, swipe at him
	//	walk3_drag = walk5 - walk with drag
	//	stand2 = hold victim
	//	stand2to1 = drop victim
	if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "rageTime" ) )
	{//do nothing but roar first time we see an enemy
		NPC_FaceEnemy( qtrue );
	if ( NPC->enemy )
		if ( !TIMER_Done(NPC,"attacking") )
		{//in middle of attack
			//face enemy
			NPC_FaceEnemy( qtrue );
			//continue attack logic
			enemyDist = Distance( NPC->r.currentOrigin, NPC->enemy->r.currentOrigin );
			Wampa_Attack( enemyDist, qfalse );
			if ( TIMER_Done(NPC,"angrynoise") )
				G_Sound( NPC, CHAN_VOICE, G_SoundIndex( va("sound/chars/wampa/misc/anger%d.wav", Q_irand(1, 2)) ) );

				TIMER_Set( NPC, "angrynoise", Q_irand( 5000, 10000 ) );
			//else, if he's in our hand, we eat, else if he's on the ground, we keep attacking his dead body for a while
			if( NPC->enemy->client && NPC->enemy->client->NPC_class == CLASS_WAMPA )
			{//got mad at another Wampa, look for a valid enemy
				if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "wampaInfight" ) )
					NPC_CheckEnemyExt( qtrue );
				if ( ValidEnemy( NPC->enemy ) == qfalse )
					TIMER_Remove( NPC, "lookForNewEnemy" );//make them look again right now
					if ( !NPC->enemy->inuse || level.time - NPC->enemy->s.time > Q_irand( 10000, 15000 ) )
					{//it's been a while since the enemy died, or enemy is completely gone, get bored with him
						NPC->enemy = NULL;
						NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
						//just lost my enemy
						if ( (NPC->spawnflags&2) )
						{//search around me if I don't have an enemy
							NPC_BSSearchStart( NPC->waypoint, BS_SEARCH );
							NPCInfo->tempBehavior = BS_DEFAULT;
						else if ( (NPC->spawnflags&1) )
						{//wander if I don't have an enemy
							NPC_BSSearchStart( NPC->waypoint, BS_WANDER );
							NPCInfo->tempBehavior = BS_DEFAULT;
				if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "lookForNewEnemy" ) )
					gentity_t *newEnemy, *sav_enemy = NPC->enemy;//FIXME: what about NPC->lastEnemy?
					NPC->enemy = NULL;
					newEnemy = NPC_CheckEnemy( NPCInfo->confusionTime < level.time, qfalse, qfalse );
					NPC->enemy = sav_enemy;
					if ( newEnemy && newEnemy != sav_enemy )
					{//picked up a new enemy!
						NPC->lastEnemy = NPC->enemy;
						G_SetEnemy( NPC, newEnemy );
						//hold this one for at least 5-15 seconds
						TIMER_Set( NPC, "lookForNewEnemy", Q_irand( 5000, 15000 ) );
					{//look again in 2-5 secs
						TIMER_Set( NPC, "lookForNewEnemy", Q_irand( 2000, 5000 ) );
		if ( TIMER_Done(NPC,"idlenoise") )
			G_Sound( NPC, CHAN_AUTO, G_SoundIndex( "sound/chars/wampa/misc/anger3.wav" ) );

			TIMER_Set( NPC, "idlenoise", Q_irand( 2000, 4000 ) );
		if ( (NPC->spawnflags&2) )
		{//search around me if I don't have an enemy
			if ( NPCInfo->homeWp == WAYPOINT_NONE )
			{//no homewap, initialize the search behavior
				NPCInfo->tempBehavior = BS_DEFAULT;
			ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_WALKING;
			NPC_BSSearch();//this automatically looks for enemies
		else if ( (NPC->spawnflags&1) )
		{//wander if I don't have an enemy
			if ( NPCInfo->homeWp == WAYPOINT_NONE )
			{//no homewap, initialize the wander behavior
				NPCInfo->tempBehavior = BS_DEFAULT;
			ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_WALKING;
			if ( NPCInfo->scriptFlags & SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES )
				if ( NPC_CheckEnemyExt( qtrue ) == qfalse )
					Wampa_CheckRoar( NPC );
					TIMER_Set( NPC, "lookForNewEnemy", Q_irand( 5000, 15000 ) );
			if ( NPCInfo->scriptFlags & SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES )

	NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );