/** Validate that the wiring for a single pin is schema compatible */ void FGraphCompilerContext::ValidatePin(const UEdGraphPin* Pin) const { if (!Pin || !Pin->GetOwningNodeUnchecked()) { MessageLog.Error( *FString::Printf( *NSLOCTEXT("EdGraphCompiler", "PinWrongOuterError", "Blueprint is corrupted! Pin '%s' has wrong outer '%s'.").ToString(), Pin ? *Pin->GetName() : TEXT("UNKNOWN"), (Pin && Pin->GetOuter()) ? *Pin->GetOuter()->GetName() : TEXT("NULL")), Pin); return; } const int32 ErrorNum = MessageLog.NumErrors; // Validate the links to each connected pin for (int32 LinkIndex = 0; (LinkIndex < Pin->LinkedTo.Num()) && (ErrorNum == MessageLog.NumErrors); ++LinkIndex) { if (const UEdGraphPin* OtherPin = Pin->LinkedTo[LinkIndex]) { ValidateLink(Pin, OtherPin); } else { MessageLog.Error(*NSLOCTEXT("EdGraphCompiler", "PinLinkIsNull Error", "Null or missing pin linked to @@").ToString(), Pin); } } }
/** Validate that the wiring for a single pin is schema compatible */ void FGraphCompilerContext::ValidatePin(const UEdGraphPin* Pin) const { // Validate the links to each connected pin for (int32 LinkIndex = 0; LinkIndex < Pin->LinkedTo.Num(); ++LinkIndex) { if (const UEdGraphPin* OtherPin = Pin->LinkedTo[LinkIndex]) { ValidateLink(Pin, OtherPin); } else { MessageLog.Error(*NSLOCTEXT("EdGraphCompiler", "PinLinkIsNull Error", "Null or missing pin linked to @@").ToString(), Pin); } } }