void ValidateTuple(std::string context, PyObject* tuple, std::string types){
			if (PyTuple_Size(tuple) != types.length()){
					" Tuple Size Mismatch "+
				for (int i=0;i<types.length();i++){
					ValidateType(context+" (var "+ts(i)+")", PyTuple_GetItem(tuple, i), types.substr(i, 1));


Exemple #2
void DbgInfoSym (void)
/* Parse and handle SYM subcommand of the .dbg pseudo instruction */
    static const char* const StorageKeys[] = {

    unsigned    Name;
    int         Type;
    unsigned    AsmName = EMPTY_STRING_ID;
    unsigned    Flags;
    int         Offs = 0;
    HLLDbgSym*  S;

    /* Parameters are separated by a comma */
    ConsumeComma ();

    /* Name */
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_STRCON) {
        ErrorSkip ("String constant expected");
    Name = GetStrBufId (&CurTok.SVal);
    NextTok ();

    /* Comma expected */
    ConsumeComma ();

    /* Type */
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_STRCON) {
        ErrorSkip ("String constant expected");
    Type = ValidateType (&CurTok.SVal);
    if (Type < 0) {
    NextTok ();

    /* Comma expected */
    ConsumeComma ();

    /* The storage class follows */
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_IDENT) {
        ErrorSkip ("Storage class specifier expected");
    switch (GetSubKey (StorageKeys, sizeof (StorageKeys)/sizeof (StorageKeys[0]))) {
        case 0:   Flags = HLL_SC_AUTO;                              break;
        case 1:   Flags = HLL_SC_EXTERN;                            break;
        case 2:   Flags = HLL_SC_REG;                               break;
        case 3:   Flags = HLL_SC_STATIC;                            break;
        default:  ErrorSkip ("Storage class specifier expected");   return;

    /* Skip the storage class token and the following comma */
    NextTok ();
    ConsumeComma ();

    /* The next tokens depend on the storage class */
    if (Flags == HLL_SC_AUTO) {
        /* Auto: Stack offset follows */
        Offs = ConstExpression ();
    } else {
        /* Register, extern or static: Assembler name follows */
        if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_STRCON) {
            ErrorSkip ("String constant expected");
        AsmName = GetStrBufId (&CurTok.SVal);
        NextTok ();

        /* For register, an offset follows */
        if (Flags == HLL_SC_REG) {
            ConsumeComma ();
            Offs = ConstExpression ();

    /* Add the function */
    S = NewHLLDbgSym (Flags | HLL_TYPE_SYM, Name, Type);
    S->AsmName = AsmName;
    S->Offs    = Offs;
    CollAppend (&HLLDbgSyms, S);
Exemple #3
void DbgInfoFunc (void)
/* Parse and handle func subcommand of the .dbg pseudo instruction */
    static const char* const StorageKeys[] = {

    unsigned    Name;
    int         Type;
    unsigned    AsmName;
    unsigned    Flags;
    HLLDbgSym*  S;

    /* Parameters are separated by a comma */
    ConsumeComma ();

    /* Name */
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_STRCON) {
        ErrorSkip ("String constant expected");
    Name = GetStrBufId (&CurTok.SVal);
    NextTok ();

    /* Comma expected */
    ConsumeComma ();

    /* Type */
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_STRCON) {
        ErrorSkip ("String constant expected");
    Type = ValidateType (&CurTok.SVal);
    if (Type < 0) {
    NextTok ();

    /* Comma expected */
    ConsumeComma ();

    /* The storage class follows */
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_IDENT) {
        ErrorSkip ("Storage class specifier expected");
    switch (GetSubKey (StorageKeys, sizeof (StorageKeys)/sizeof (StorageKeys[0]))) {
        case 0:   Flags = HLL_TYPE_FUNC | HLL_SC_EXTERN;            break;
        case 1:   Flags = HLL_TYPE_FUNC | HLL_SC_STATIC;            break;
        default:  ErrorSkip ("Storage class specifier expected");   return;
    NextTok ();

    /* Comma expected */
    ConsumeComma ();

    /* Assembler name follows */
    if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_STRCON) {
        ErrorSkip ("String constant expected");
    AsmName = GetStrBufId (&CurTok.SVal);
    NextTok ();

    /* There may only be one function per scope */
    if (CurrentScope == RootScope) {
        ErrorSkip ("Functions may not be used in the root scope");
    } else if (CurrentScope->Type != SCOPE_SCOPE || CurrentScope->Label == 0) {
        ErrorSkip ("Functions can only be tagged to .PROC scopes");
    } else if (CurrentScope->Label->HLLSym != 0) {
        ErrorSkip ("Only one HLL symbol per asm symbol is allowed");
    } else if (CurrentScope->Label->Name != AsmName) {
        ErrorSkip ("Scope label and asm name for function must match");

    /* Add the function */
    S = NewHLLDbgSym (Flags, Name, Type);
    S->Sym = CurrentScope->Label;
    CurrentScope->Label->HLLSym = S;
    CollAppend (&HLLDbgSyms, S);